EMSA Portfolio 2012

Page 1

European Medical Students‘ Association


4 Credits



Presidents‘ message


Mission and Vision


Our Board






Medical Education

Public Health 15

Medical Science 18

European Integration 22

Medical Ethics & Culture


The Network 29

Trainings 31

Publications 33


EMSA ©2012 European Medical Students’ Association c/o CPME Standing Committee of European Doctors Rue Guimard 15, 1040 Brussels Belgium concept and layout Paul-Henry Mackeprang Ingmar Rinas editors Borislav Manev Süleyman Yıldız Iza Ene Sofia Ribeiro Domagoj N. Gajski Georgios Tsaknias İlayda Uyat Olga Rostkowska Ozan Ünlü Giga Sordia Ivana Gjorgjevska Ingmar Rinas



Dear EMSA friends,

I am honored to invite you personally to explore the portfolio of our association and familiarize

yourself with our mission, vision and projects. The European Medical Students’ Association is the largest medical students’ association in Europe. Throughout various activities our main goal is to strive for enhanced social cohesion, by an improved quality of education and healthcare. The primary EMSA mission is to improve the health and life quality of the citizens of Europe, by acting as a conduit for increased interaction and sharing of knowledge between European medical students in the fields of medical education, medical ethics, culture, medical science and public health. Medical students from all Europe are committed to our projects and activities. Further, EMSA is active in supporting research concerning project development in the field of public health. This multidisciplinary approach is necessitated by our principle “One Europe - One voice”.

This European family was established in Brussels in 1991 and is advocating and representing

the voice of medical students of geographical Europe for 21 years now. Nevertheless, every year brings its own challenge to us, individually and collectively as an organization. EMSA warmly welcomes newcomers that bring new ideas to the chorus of energy and help us to become a center of knowledge and an educational, scientifical and cultural cradle. Whether you join one of our working groups, take part in one of our projects, or enjoy the social events and leisure activities, you will see that EMSA has it all. On the next pages you will discover a rich set of themes that you cannot allow yourself to miss. Join your fellow in the process of promoting medical education, medical ethics, culture, medical science and public health and become a member of EMSA the - largest medical student organization in Europe. On behalf of the European Medical Students‘ Association, Borislav Manev President 2011 / 2012


THE MISSION Standing united in the Spirit of EMSA we aim to: >

Form a network between European medical students to facilitate European integration and develop a sense of European identity


To represent and voice the opinions of the medical students of Europe


To act as a forum for all medical students in Europe, to discuss topics related to the fields of medical education, medical ethics, and medical research


To promote the highest standards in European medical education and ensure the quality of healthcare in Europe


To promote training, activities and projects related to health in Europe to the benefit of medical students and society


To facilitate intercultural understanding by organizing social and cultural events


To cooperate with other student organizations and with organizations representing the medical profession

Mission and Vision THE AIM We aim to create a flexible and organic system capable of sustaining our international structure as well as nurturing innovative ideas and autonomous development.It is our goal to implement solutions that highly value personal input, local autonomy and regional characteristics, but also facilitate international cooperation, multidisciplinary dialogue and cultural understanding.



To form a network between European medical students to facilitate European

integration and develop a sense of European identity;


To represent and voice the opinion of the medical students of Europe;


To act as a forum for medical student in Europe, to discuss topics related to the fields of

medical ethics, medical science, medical education and European integration;


To promote the highest standards in European medical education and ensure the

quality of healthcare in Europe;


To promote training, activities and projects related to health in Europe to the benefit of

medical students and society;


To facilitate intercultural understanding by organizing social and cultural events;


To cooperate with other student organizations and with European Medical Organizations

representing the medical profession.

THE CHALLENGE Being an international students’ organization is an ever-growing challenge. On one the hand, as Europe unites, new projects and cooperation potentials are created on a daily basis. Such a rapid development combined with the challenge of international communication is an exciting adventure. But on the other hand, in such an environment one must ensure the long-term stability of any organization. Torn between the need to maintain sustainability and the wish to allow creativity, we have decided to embrace modern-day creative thinking. Our strategy, much like those of professional organizations, is based on the development of high values and human potentials. After all, this is the essence and foundations of our profession.

THE INSPIRATION Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., once said “A man‘s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions”. In the 20 years of its existence EMSA has inspired, nurtured and stretched eager young minds in Europe. Our predecessors have created a unique organization and we are inspired by their work! We hope that we will have the courage and the integrity to fill their shoes and one day inspire new generations to achieve more than we now can dream of ... 7






A Borislav Manev


B Iza Ene Vice-President of Internal Affairs C Sofia Ribeiro Vice-President of External Affairs




Georgios Tsaknias Ozan Ünlü Olga Rostkowska Sven Pal Göknur Topçu

D Süleyman Yildiz

Secretary General

E Domagoj Gajski


European Integration Director Medical Science Director Medical Ethics and Culture Director Fundraising Officer Human Resources Officer








N G Giga Sordia I İlayda Uyat K Borislav Manev M Ingmar Rinas O Ivana Gjorgjevska



Public Health Director Medical Education Director Permanent Officer at the CPME Public Relations Officer European Institutes Liaison Officer


History 1990 Leuven, Belgium A group of enthusiasts gets together at a symposium for medical students sparking the idea of creating a regional association of medical students. 1991 Brussels, Belgium Under the auspice of the Belgium Crown, the first General Assembly of the European Medical Students Association is held and a new era begins‌ 1991 – 2009 All over Europe With ups and downs, twists and turns, EMSA evolves, expands and works hand in hand with NGOs in different fields. 2009 GA Heidelberg, Germany EMSA turns 18! On the threshold of its adulthood, EMSA is now a strong regional organization working with student and professional organizations! 2010 Athens, Greece EMSA General Assembly 2011 Warsaw, Poland National Coordinators And Enthusiasts Meeting 2011 Leiden, The Netherlands EMSA celebrates its 20th anniversary! 2012 Targu-Mures, Romania National Coordinators And Enthusiasts Meeting 2012 Istanbul, Turkey EMSA General Assembly

to be continued... 10

Structure GA

Is headed by the VP External and consists of

General Assembly. The highest decision making

the Liaison Officer for European Institutions,

body of EMSA, meets once a year to vote on the

Permanent Officer working at the CPME (Standing

most important decisions, to elect the Board and to

Committee of European Doctors), Policy Making

give guidance for the upcoming period.

Officer and Public Relations Officer.



The international board of EMSA and the executive

EMSA´s true core. Faculty Member Organizations

body of the organization.

are local committees that all medicinal students

Manages all internal EMSA affairs, serves as a

can join at their university. This is the source of

bridge between EMSA and our partners, supports

the main part of EMSA activities.


The ESD is a non-executive international body of

The Department of Internal Affairs. Focuses on

EMSA. It consists of EMSA enthusiasts that work

project development and project management.

as board assistants, advisors or international project

Is headed by the VP Internal and consists of the

managers. Any EMSA member can become a ESD

five pillars of EMSA and their Directors; that of

member uppon a sucessfull application to the

European Integration, Medical Education, Medical

EMSA European Board and his or her acceptance.

Science, Medical Ethics & Culture and Public

The EMSA European Board furthermore retains


the right to appoint non-EMSA members as ESD members as well.

DEPARTMENT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS- DEA The Department of External Affairs. Focuses on policy making, advocacy and external relations. 11

Medical Education >>

Expand with Medical Education Pillar! Inform yourself about the current medical education status in Europe, attend scientific, social, multicultural Summer Schools, help children overcome their fears while practising your communication skills, learn what policy papers are and how to write them, provide and promote or utilize needed knowledge for students that engage an exchange program for a healthier exchange experience. The list is long, come and see it yourself! <<

ILAYDA UYAT, EMSA Medical Education Director 2011 - 2012 12

In 1979 the rock band Pink Floyd claimed: “We don’t need no education.”, criticizing the educational system in Great Britain. We as EMSA Medical Education enthusiasts are inspired by Pink Floyd’s effort to review on the education of medical students in Europe and encourage everyone to brainstorm with us on medical education in order to improve quality. By joining both students and organizations with shared interests and responsibilities according to the topics, we work on progressing the medical education in Europe. Medical education has several subtitles. We believe that one of them will suit you perfectly.

BOLOGNA PROCESS The Bologna Process Workshop is an annual workshop where medical students from all over Europe discuss the implementation of the Bologna Process in medical education. Together they create a statement and voice the position of European medical students advising the European authorities and medical faculties. Since the start of the implementation of the Bologna Declaration, educational systems throughout Europe have been changing. As the medical studies are designed in a different way than most other studies, medical students feel the need to be involved in the process of harmonizing the medical studies. In order to do so, the European Medical Students’ Association (EMSA) and the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) jointly organize an annual Bologna Process Workshop for medical students throughout Europe.

HEALTHY ERASMUS PROJECT For many Erasmus students, going abroad for exchange is their first time away from home. As a consequence, temptation for experimental behaviour is strong and the importance of a healthy life style is often underestimated. The Project aims to give students guidance in unfamiliar situations and to empower them to make their own (responsible) decisions.

EMSA SUMMERSCHOOL The EMSA Summer Schools offer medical students from all over geographical Europe to study a specific field of medicine during the summer in an international group. Teaching language is English, and the topics are a broad variety, covering the whole spectrum of medical science, always taking into consideration the ethical approach as well. 13

EMSA WEEK OF MEDICAL EDUCATION A week long umbrella event that encompases several projects on medical education: lectures, conferences, seminars, activities, workshops…etc. Do you and your local committee want to learn about “How is it like to be a neurosurgeon?” then arrange a place to meet and ask a neurosurgeon for a presentation! Gather the students… voila! Do you want to feel more competent in communicating with people with a hearing deficit and want to gain some basic sign language skills? Just an activity ahead! If you feel the need: Go for the Surgical Suturing Skills Workshop! Do you know how to perform “Basic Life Support” ? If your answer is no, then it is one thing that needs to be fixed for a medical student! If your answer is yes, then the question is: how competent you are? Maybe an “Advanced Life support is needed”.

TEDDY BEAR HOSPITAL (TBH) We’ve all been children. In our little innocent worlds we had fears. Some of us were afraid of the “white coated people”. In Teddy Bear Hospital Project our goal is to help children overcome their white coat anxiety. This is a community-based project run by medical students and has benefited thousands of primary school children, in the past few years. The highlight is a consultation between special Teddy Bear Doctors (clinical medical students) and the child, where the “sick” teddy can be treated. The ultimate aim is to help young children overcome their “White Coat Anxiety” in going and talking to the doctor. This year, by the valuable cooperation of European Pharmaceutical Students’ Association (EPSA), Teddy Bear Hospital will also be in great importance bringing medical and pharmaceutical students together.

WORLD AIDS DAY ACTIVITIES On December 1st, World AIDS Day, medical students all over Europe act to raise awareness through numerous activities, such as interactive lectures, peer education, exhibitions, distribution of condoms and pamphlets, flash mobs, charity concerts, candle-lighting in squares etc. Through all this work, EMSA aims to raise awareness amongst the target group. Talk openly about prevention, safe sex, puberty and growing up, protecting unwanted pregnancy and anything related. We gave you some information about Medical Education projects now... Are you excited? Get involved, join and be a part of our shiny “European Support Division and act on European Level!


Public Health >> ”Health is human physical, social and mental well-being. Health protection and prevention are fundamental human rights. EMSA public health aims to unite European medical students for a healthy society.” << GIGA SORDIA, EMSA Public Health Director 2011 - 2012


There are some diseases you have to face as a doctor again and again. You treat obese patients having diabetes, tobacco addicts that got a lung cancer or people with a chronic pancreatitis that used to drink a lot of alcohol. Public health focuses on preventing those widespread diseases by education, empowerment and health promotion on every possible level. We create a framework of specific projects for you to get active and to work on those issues that interest you the most while having the chance to collaborate with link-minded people across Europe.

As a decision of EMSA General Assembly a new public health pillar was created in September of 2011, in Leiden, Holland. Promotion of health education, information about communicable and non communicable diseases, popularization of healthy lifestyle, disease prevention, information campaigns in youth are the main objectives of EMSAs public health pillar. We will also focus on health systems, primary health care, health promotion, environmental influences on health, health determinants and all the issues that are essential for physical and social health.

EMSA public health priorities: - Health systems - Diseases prevention - Health determinants - Environment and health

Public health covers of many aspects. But because of European Medical Students Associations’ activity mainly intended for students, we focused attention on the issues that are actual and urgent for young people. These themes are: communicable and non communicable diseases, tobacco use, food safety, vaccines and immunization, physical activity, alcohol used, air quality, climate changes, urban health, patient safety, Primary health care, obesity, mental health, urban health, water and sanitation, gender, millennium development goals, social determinants.


EUROPEAN WEEK OF HEALTH A European Public Health event will be organized in the first week of April in anticipation of the World Health Day, 7 April 2012. This event will reunite the medical students in Europe that wish to organize projects and conferences on topics relating to public health such as: - Primary healthcare - Disease prevention - Health determinants - Active and healthy ageing - Healthy lifestyle - Physical activity and sport competitions

WORLD CANCER DAY Conferences, workshops and awareness campaigns will be organized throughout Europe on the occasion of the World Cancer day of February 4th.

MENTAL HEALTH DAY Mental health is a basic human right and as such the medical students of Europe will engage in projects that target social exclusion, mental health disability and mental health promotion and prevention of disorders such as depression or professional burnout particularly in the medical profession, especially surrounding the 10 October Mental Health Day.

CLIMATE CHANGES INFLUENCE ON HEALTH Conferences that reunite expert speakers in the field of medicine, public health and climate change in events organized European-wide on the occasion of the World Climate Change Day on 5 June.

PATIENT SAFETY A European opportunity to collaborate on patient law and to conduct a situational analysis on the topic of patient safety on the national and regional level so as to create projects that will be shaped based on the particularities of national legislation and the needs on the national and regional level. 17

Medical Science >> Science is the ability to turn the wildest ideas into globally accepted facts. Feel the excitement of revealing the secrets of medicine. <<

OZAN UNLU, EMSA Medical Science Director 2011 - 2012


Medical Science Pillar encompasses many fundamental principles which are at the core of every medical students‘ training. It aims to provide a platform where all the students who are interested in medical science can communicate with each other and with senior scientists. As a result encouraging the integration of many student bodies raises the quality regarding the scientific issues and helps to spread knowledge and to motivate the students to succeed in respective fields of Medical Science.

JOURNAL OF EMSA ON MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC AFFAIRS (JEMSA) The Journal of EMSA on Medical and Scientific Affairs (JEMSA) is an opportunity for young students and researchers to publish their first scientific work. A unique scientific publication and the official EMSA Journal, which enables young medical students and health professionals to publish their work and research, within the guidelines set by the EMSA Medical Science Director and JEMSA Editor-in-Chief. JEMSA is an open Access journal that is published online. All articles in JEMSA are reviewed by a board of professionals and students, and serious feedback is provided to the authors of the articles. This way the high quality of JEMSA is maintained. The main goal of the journal, JEMSA, is to help students spread knowledge of their own original research through publication and recruit new students to medical research and scientific inquiry. JEMSA holds a unique place in publishing European medical students‘ scientific articles and other papers, since the journal is edited and produced by medical students for medical students.

EUROPEAN STUDENTS’ STEM CELL SOCIETY (ES-STEM) European Students’ Stem Cell Society aims to enlighten all the students of Europe about ‘Stem Cell Research’ on both theorotical and practical base. The applications of stem cells are widespread both as a laboratory discipline and in clinical means and its being studied with an increasing rate in almost every branch of science. With their ability of high proliferation and differentiation these cells s are just pushing the limits of the once called impossible. Stem cell studies are very promising for many patients with its solid data and it’s a huge multidisciplinary work field for us who are the candidates of becoming the scientists of the future.We want students to find a pathway through the stem cell world which they might get solid results.


THE PATHWAY OF SILENCE This Project aims to make every and each faculty member office of EMSA to gain a local science group that will organize scientific events. The local science group should organize journal clubs, seminars, symposiums, scientific discussion hours and scientific courses to allow medical students develop their knowledge and skills about medical science.

E-BIOS The purpose of the projects is to provide a basis that the students from engineering,medical and medical engineering faculties can work together. Bringing together students and youth from Europe, Asia, Africa, America, this project aimsto create an interactive environment for training students and young specialists in medical and engineering fields with interests in interdisciplinary education and medical engineering. Based on the fact that a complete and eficient study in the human health field is fully realized when training occurs in interdisciplinary aspect, medical engineering is continuously developing, being at the border of medicine and engineering. Current partners of EMSA in this project are EESTEC(Electrical Engineering Students’ European Association) and MEA (Medical Engineering Association). Each year a local committee organizes a summerschool the program of which is defined by a supervising council which represents equal number of students from each partner organisation.

RIGHT TO RESEARCH As well as EMSA itself, science pillar Works with Right to Research Coalition to promote an open scholarly publishing system based on the belief that no student should be denied access to the articles they need because their institution cannot afford the often high cost of access. Our work is centered around two major program areas: To advocate for policies at the campus and national level that promote Open Access by requiring that research results be made freely available in a timely manner; To educate the next generation of scholars and researchers about Open Access so open publishing becomes the new norm. For these purposes EMSA Science Pillar makes researches with medical students throughout Europe about this topic and publishes studies to increase the awareness of European Medical Students about the severity of the problem and enhance them to take action. 20

NETWORK OF EUROPEAN MEDICAL STUDENTS’ CONFERENCES (NEMSC) The Network of European Medical Students‘ Conferences is a collaboration between EMSA, ISCOMS and ESC-Berlin. The main aim of this network is to strengthen the knowledge and power of the European (bio)medical scientific student conferences. A consortium was formed of two leading scientific student conferences in Europe (ESC-Berlin and ISCOMS-Groningen) and the European Medical Students‘ Association.

MEDICAL STUDENTS’ CONFERENCES (NEMSC) and has the following aims: 1. To facilitate interfaculty exchange of high-potential medical and biomedical students 2. To enhance Medical Science Student Congresses in Europe by:

- increasing the number of participants of individual congresses

- improving the quality of the congresses by means of

- setting standards for member congresses of the NEMSC

- establishing joint evaluating of the congresses

- organising workshops and/or seminars for congress-organisations

3. To promote Science in Europe by informing students about research events and to establish a joint website 4. To enhance integration of medical science researchers

SECRET SCIENCE CLUB The idea of the projects is to bring popular medical science to a relaxed environment and to make it accessible for the general public. A group of students is organizing lectures with a modern/popular medical science related topic and invites interesting speakers to entertain and interest the public. The location is for example a (not too crowded) bar, coffee house or castle. After the lecture there is enough time for questions and a debate with the public. By organizing these lectures medical science will be available and accessible for all European citizens. This project has its origin in Germany, where a first edition of the project has been successful. In 2009 the EMSA Secret Science Club will be organized in many other European countries


Picture Credit: Sheffield No Borders

European Integration >> Join our exciting trip of crossing borders across Europe and explore with us other medical student’s lives, habits, cultures and aspects of life. Join us and help us to make an integrated, healthier and united Europe. <<

GEORGE TSAKNIAS, EMSA European Integration Director 2011 - 2012


European Integration is about breaking barriers and gives us the opportunity… … to promote interaction and mobility among European medical students and their universities … to give insights of a student’s life a few hundred miles away from us … to experience different cultures, traditions and habits … to improve general health not only in your own city or country but all over Europe … to share experiences and practices … to create strong bonds among European countries

ERASMUS MEDICUS Each year hundreds of medical students take part in the European exchange program Erasmus. Erasmus Medicus is a project that aims in helping medical students not only to take part in the “Erasmus” programbut also to cope with the most common difficulties they might face such as different teaching and working methods, language and cultural problems or social isolation. Problems of medical exchange students are eased by various activities such as events for incoming and outgoing students, non-formal medical language trainings, distribution of informative handbooks etc. Last but not least events are being organized in cooperation with other youth NGOs which are active in this field.

EUROPEAN WORDS Have you ever imagined what it would be like to be a medical student in an other European country? European Words is an online magazine written by and for European students, about what life is like in their home city.In this magazine, students share everything that’s important in their daily lives mainly focusingnot only on their studies but also on their interests and daily activities. In this way intercultural dialogue, understanding and european integration is being promoted.

DIFFERENT CHRISTMAS A project which mainly consists in the distribution of presents to patients who spend their Christmas in hospitals. In addition to this, more activities (e.g. concert/ bazaar) can be organized at the hospital for the patients during this period. Through this project not only medical students strengthen their abilities on establishing a relationship with patients but also awareness is 23

raised about the need of humanity in the hospitals across Europe, especially in occasions when most people get together with relatives and significant others. Spending Christmas Eve at the hospital might not be pleasant, but EMSAi intend to make it more supportable, offering not only a present but also human contact!

BEST BUDDY Best Buddy is a project aiming to have medical students involved with the community by bringing them closer to young people with disabilities,including children with physical disabilities, learning difficulties and children with fewer opportunities. In order to support the community and to increase medical students’ knowledge, awareness and tolerance towards these people medical students are paired with children or young adults with a chronic disease or disabilities and together they participate in several activities. Aiming at offering young people with disabilities or chronic diseases the best possible support participantsattend related training sessions delivered by professionals such as doctors and child psychologists prior to meeting their “Best Buddy”.

TWINNING PROJECT Twinning Project is a bilateral exchange of 15-20 medical students between two European universities for around one week in each university. which involves both educational and social program for the participants. Incoming students stay at their “Twins” and experience a huge bunch of social and educational programme that offer them a full overview of student life in the hosting city.Hence, strong bonds are being created among students or taking it a step further between two European universities and thus increasing mutual understanding and promoting European integration.

EUROTALK Eurotalk is an intensive language course available to all medical students of Europe. Language classes are usually combined with anamnestic exercises, team building activities and trainings in the hospital in cooperation with local students and doctors. As a result medical students manage to raze or at least lower the language barrier that is still considered as one of the greatest obstacles for mobility and integration within Europe.


Medical Ethics and Culture >> A re-designed pillar is a challenge as well as a great opportunity to try out new things. Especially those which until now have been stored in a dusty drawer. Here we will learn together how to disarm medical taboos and why is it so important never to turn away from our passions. <<

OLGA ROSTKOWSKA, Medical Ethics and Culture Director 2011-2012


Starting from this year, Medical Ethics has been detached from Public Health and stands as a Pillar on its own, happily married to Culture. What might seem as a divorce simply indicates that in EMSA a new direction of development has been adopted – allowing the awareness and knowledge of medical ethics to disseminate, grow and blossom among students. TOGETHER we will explore the mysterious yet inviting corridors of medical law, discuss some movies related to the most hot medical topics and encourage young, healthy adults to become bone marrow donors. Furthermore, in the eye of the hurricane of daily issues, we will figure out a way to retain our humanity – so vulnerable when torn between strict hospital duties, numerous university obligations and speeding means of public transport. Moreover, when having a closer look at this Pillar you’ll discover that Ethics can actually be quite entertaining whereas Culture intriguing and addictive.

More ethics…

EUROPEAN WEEK OF ETHICS The aim of this project is to raise awareness of ethical problems, potential solutions and opinions of the specialists in that field. We will strive to organize an international event of that kind. An alternative solution will be getting local organizing committees involved in arranging some activities for their EMSA teams at particular universities. By forming an international group working on that topic we will bring together materials to facilitate the process of making those events actually happen this year in many places around Europe.

MEDICAL ETHICS NEWSLETTER Initially the Director in charge of the Newsletter (preparing the content as well as adding recipients). As a follow-up of the call for workgroups, the Director forms a team of students who will gradually be taking over the task of editing the newsletter. The goal is to have a varied, well-edited and interestingly served packet of news from many fields of medical ethics, fully designed by the members of the European Support Division. To receive following issues of the Newsletter, write ‚I adore EMSA <3‘ to ethics@emsa-europe. eu The Director will contact you very soon!


INTERNATIONAL WOMAN’S DAY – THE 8TH OF MARCH One of the projects which actually has strongest impact around a certain point in time: March. In that month most of the efforts will be dedicated to the promotion of woman health’s issues. What is more, once that period is over, local teams could still be working on topics related strictly to the 50% of our population. An interesting aspect would be to get many male EMSAi interested.

EMSA TRANS PLANTATION With this project our goal is to expand potential bone marrow donors database with EMSAi’s help and dedication by organizing local initiatives focusing on organ substitution awareness. Our ‘square one’ will be to gather people interested in that topic and discuss ways of popularization of blood donation and post-mortem organ transplantation.

More culture…

MOVIES & MEDICINE Beautiful and extremely visual way to learn medicine. After a movie session (no boring stuff – blockbusters only) we have a heated discussion with the doctor who comments on what medical aspects were covered in the film. The project is a friendly fusion of entertainment and studying real clinical cases. Popcorn included.

EMSA CHOIR & ORCHESTRA This whole conglomerate of cultural enterprises and activities is about taking a medical student a little bit off the beaten track of sole studies and pure hospital work. The strategy involves setting new Cultural Injection Projects and spreading the idea of choirs and orchestras consisting of students. Based on existing or newly formed groups, at some point we will be able to discuss an international team of musicians being brought together and then helping them perform under the auspices of EMSOC (European Medical Student’s Choir and Orchestra). The overall goal – to help students take energy, inspiration and motivation for work from many different sources, including cultural ones.


For those who find themselves humming, tapping or openly singing famous melodies numerous times a day. Do not suppress your passion! Develop it with EMSA. The same applies to those who can’t keep their hands off the piano, saxophone, violin… Why not bring you guys together and let you simply ROCK?

CULTURAL INJECTION (CI) Theatre, opera, good literature were all designed for medical students. Just like TBH fights the apprehension towards ‘white gown’, the intention of Cultural Injection is to fight the fear of high-brow culture among students. The project focuses on getting free tickets to shows, plays and concerts from the sponsors and distributing them among future doctors.

THE FESTIVAL OF CULTURE A younger brother of Cultural Injection and an alternative for those not ready to launch a fulltime CI project. How? First contact all groups of amateur musicians, photographers and actors at your medical faculty. Next? Prepare a whole day event to create an environment to present their skills. A lecture on how music influences brain or on how colours help a patient to relax - this wouldn’t be bad either.


The Network >> In EMSA, we believe that cooperation is the key to success. Therefore, we have established several partnerships with both students‘ organisations and professional organisations, in order to offer the best opportunities to European Medical students. <<

SOFIA RIBEIRO, EMSA Vice-President of External Affairs 2011 - 2012


„What are the pharmacological mechanims of the medicine I will be about to subscribe? Will one preparation interact with another? How does modern Medical Informatics work? How is our psyche influenced by diseases and

how does the psyche

influence our health? How well is health care covered in rural areas? What happen if I am charged with malpractice? Which laws apply?“.

Those and many similar questions cross the mind of a medical student today. Unfortunately, he is probably not able to answer them conveniently. Would it not be great to see if we could have friends studying for instance Pharmacy or Laws, who may help us facing these handicaps? For the same reason EMSA as an organisation has allied with a multitude of other established student organisations from various specialties. They widen EMSA‘s horizon and offer a platform for discussion, the creation of new ideas and finally for improvement.


Trainings >> Improving the qualifications of the leading medical students by the most empowering ways of learning: EMSA Trainings. <<

GÖKNUR TOPÇU, EMSA Human Resources Officer 2011-2012


EMSA TRAINING SYSTEM Trainings have a big part in EMSA since the day it has been found, which is in year 2010. We believe that improving the qualifications of the leading medical students can be best done by trainings which are delivered by various methods. therefor we are continuously improving our training system by standing on some basic grounds. Are trainers can deliver in a wide range of topics, from basic to advanced. In GA& NCM & TCE, there are surely trainings delivered every year. Other then these, our trainers deliver on local level, national level and international level within EMSA or other organisations. Cooperation with other organisations in trainings is one of the best ways we create and improve our partnerships throughout europe.

TRAINING CENTER OF EXCELLENCE (TCE) TCE is an event which also consists Training New Trainers (TNT). Any EMSAi who wants to be a trainer can apply to the TNT and join into the trainers pool of EMSA afterwards. Basically after becoming a trainer with TNT, our new trainers also have the opportunity to deliver their first trainings in their reserved time during the TCE. We believe the importance of trainings is greater than many other activities we could do together with our members. While improving the qualifications of our members by making the knowledge more interesting and receivable.

THE NATIONAL COORDINATORS’ AND ENTHUSIASTS’ MEETING (NCM) NCM usually takes place in early spring. During the meeting workshops are held to update the participants on European issues, the pillar projects and latest actions. In addition, the participants are also offered qualified trainings to improve their skills and, when back at the home faculty, transfer their knowledge and skills to the students at their home faculty or initiate a new project.


Publications >> With a large network of medical students, EMSA relies on professional publications to reach its members. EMSA produces many publications which are distributed in online and printed- copy. These publications form a key conduit by which the Association informs and connects European medical students together. <<

SĂœLEYMAN YILDIZ, EMSA Secretary General 2011-2012


During the year EMSA publishes several magazines: These magazines contain interesting articles, made by European medical students for European medical students.

Examples of the magazines EMSA publishes: EUROMEDS is the official newsletter of EMSA. It is EMSA’s connection with the students on local level, with associate organizations and other externals. It supplies members with information about important updates on international level, but at the same time gives EMSA members the chance to promote local events, write about current projects or ideas of new projects. Euromeds helps to maintain strong relationships between members and creates a platform where everyone can share their experiences and ideas.

EUROPEAN WORDS is an easily accessible magazine where students all over Europe can write about their daily live as a medical student. By doing this they introduce readers to what life is like in their European city. European words aims to promote intercultural dialogue, understanding and European integration.

BLUEMIST BlueMist is official EMSA blog page. BlueMist gives all members the ability to add content on the fly. Instead of having a static website, it brings EMSA’s communication to life and makes it current.


All these EMSA magazines are spread and read all over Europe by medical students, and thus a great opportunity for sponsors to promote themselves.


European Medical Students’ Association

Questions, Comments or Suggestions? Write an E-Mail to the EEB to eeb@emsa-europe.eu!

Or follow us via facebook or twitter!


European Medical Students‘ Association

European Medical Students’ Association c/o CPME Standing Committee of European Doctors Rue Guimard 15, 1040 Brussels Belgium www.emsa-europe.eu eeb@emsa-europe.eu

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