There are eight
Bear species
Found in North America,
South America,
Asia and Europe.
r bears Weighing over half a tonne, pola They have s. ivore carn st large are the world’s them warm, a thick layer of fat and fur to keep help them to s paw front bed web ally and parti swim through icy waters
Estimated population: 26,000 ka, Found: Arctic – in Canada, Alas Greenland, Russia and Norway
AR Spectacled BE DESCRIPTION: white or yellow rings of e Named after th ake them eyes, which m eir th nd ou ar r fu es ss gla ing e wear look like they ar
lation: Estimated popu 2,500 – 10,000 America. They Found: South ent’s only bear are the contin
With shaggy brown fur, this species is found in more places than any other bear with many subspecies including European brown bear, grizzly and the Kodiak
Estimated population : 110,000
Found: North America , Europe and Asia (including Ru ssia)
This nocturnal long-haired bear has a yellowish snout and v-shaped chest marking on otherwise dark fur. They mostly eat insects, including honeybees and termites, but also fruit
Estimated population: UP TO 20,000
Found: Indian subcontinent
Bears are threatened by Habitat
Conflict with people, the effects of
Climate change and hunting. 10