Allah the father

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Allah The Father Black Messiah was physically born Mathew Johnson on 7/12/1948 to James and Ernestine Johnson. During the 1960’s as a young teen child of Harlem, he encountered various people from all occupations; there were the Hustlers, the Black Clergy, the Muslims and others. Like most youth, he admired the Muslims, as they were well dressed, disciplined, and fearless toward European-Americans. He first met the man we know as Father Allah on 116th street and Lennox Ave in 1963. According to reports, Black Messiah first observed Allah trying to get into Temple Number Seven, while he was dressed in shorts. This was a no-no in the Muslim world. Muslims held fast to a strict dress code, and men were not permitted to wear short pants. At the time of their first encounter Allah was a registered Muslim with the name Clarence 13X, under the teachings of The Honorable Elijah Mohammed, when Malcolm X was serving as the National Spokesman and Minister of Temple Number 7 in Harlem NY. It is said that when young Mathew First saw the Father in the above situation he thought to him-self, "This is a Strange Muslim". Little did he know that this would be the man that would forever change his way of life. On 10/10/1964 ace, the knowledge was added on to the cipher. Allah bestowed Mathew with the name of Karriem and gave him knowledge of self. Over time, young Karriem became known as BLACK MESSIAH, or FIRST BORN BLACK MESSIAH he became known as a very dynamic force and a profound teacher. He traveled throughout the streets of Mecca, Medina, and Pelon with our Father healing the spiritually sick and the mentally dead. The First educational show and Prove was held Sunday June 13 1971 ace at Harlem Prep Located on 135th street and 8th Ave from the hours of 2:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Tickets were $1.00 in advance and $1.50 at the door. The Annual Show and Prove is the result of Allah's Five Percent Nation of Gods and Earths desire to prove to the world that Allah did not die and that we could show and prove he lives on through us every time we come together as one Nation. The Show prove was founded by Allah B, Prince Allah, God Supreme, Gymea, Dumar, Takesha, LuAsia, and various others Gods and Earths. The Father's immediate family was invited guest of honor. Allah's younger brother A-Allah and his sister Bernice came to the first Show and Prove. Allah's Old Earth still distraught by the assassination of her son declined the invitation, although she did accept the First Printed Edition, of the Father's portrait made by I-God. The First Show and Prove was a long festive show and occasion and it is still going strong even unto today. Old Man Justice was born James Howard on 6/3/1924 ace he was the only brother in the Nation who was older than Father Allah was. He and the Father met in Mount Morris Park. It did not take long for Jimmy to except the reality of the Fathers teaching and he an Allah became close friends. James became known then as Free Cipher Akbar later to be named Justice. He never wanted to be a leader of the 1

Nation however; after the father passed, he helped guide the Nation for nine years until his physical passing in 7/19/1978 ace. In the Dessert, on Strong Island the FOI was out Soldiering the Muhammad Speaks Newspapers. Among them was a young Muslim named John 37X, it was during the spring of 1960 ace. This was the day that he would meet a man that would forever change his view of self and Life in general. While Brother John 37X was out soldiering he came across a debate between two members of the FOI, one brother had challenged a young brother (Clarence 13X) for identifying himself as Allah according to the initiator only Master Fard Muhammad could be recognized as Allah. The young man (Clarence 13X) told the man "I am Master Fard Muhammad's Uncle that means that I am his Father, Alphonso Shabazz's brother and Alphonso was Allah before Fard". Then the young man known as Brother Clarence 13X took the brother to Student Enrollment. Who is the original man? The Original Man is the Asiatic Black-man, the Maker, the Owner, the Cream of the planet earth, father of civilization and God of the Universe. Then the Father said, "I am an Original Man and the Original Man is God and that makes me Allah." After listening for sometime Bro. John 37X jumped in on behalf of Brother Clarence 13X, the situation was quickly resolved and the to road back on the train together. Hence, from that day the two became good friends. With-in the Nation Brother Clarence 13X, and Brother John 37X became known as a strong force to be reckoned with by way of the lessons. During the year of 1963, ace the two-left Temple number 7. Brother Clarence 13X declared his name from then forward as Father Allah, and John 37X became known as Abu Shaheed. Abu Shaheed was the first to bear witness to the Science of our Supreme Mathematics. He debated against the Father (Allah) for three days as to what should come first Knowledge or Wisdom on the third day he came to understand the truth of the Science that the Father was teaching that the "Knowledge is before the Wisdom. Allah was born Clarence Edward Smith on February 22, 1928 ace in Danville Virginia. He was raised with a strong southern background. He went to Harlem (New York) during the mid 1940's. Allah physically fathered seven children. He had two sons with Wileen Jowers, Their names are A-Allah and B-Allah. He then met and married Dora who born him four children Christine, Debra, Clarence, and Perry. The last child he had He named Allah; by an Earth named Gevasia. Around 1950 Allah went to the Armed Services and served in the Korean War. He returned home with a prestigious Award for his outstanding Service. After returning, from the war he decided to join the Nation of Islam under the leadership of The Honorable Elijah Muhummed, the Temple he joined was Temple number 7 and it was headed by Minister Malcolm X. While studying under the Nation of Islam; He found conflict in the fact of believing in a Mystery God; when the lesson's that he was studying were telling him that he was The maker, The owner, The cream of the planet earth, Father of civilization and God of the universe. In any case, Allah left the Temple in


1963 ace. He then started a campaign to teach the masses of youth in the streets of Harlem, that there is no Mystery God. When Allah left the temple, he brought with him Brother John 37X known today as Abu Shaheed. He also met a young man, by the name of Brother Jimmy, in Mount Morris Park. Brother Jimmy by learning the teachings of Allah changed his name to Four-Cipher Akbar. Today we know him as Old Man Justice. Old man Justice became the father's closets associate. Today when we think of Allah, we think of Justice. Soon Ebeka left the temple to join Allah. Allah also chooses nine young brothers to help him in his task of civilizing the lost found Nation of God and Earth. These young men became known as the First nine born. He chooses nine because in the mathematics 1 to 9 is the numbers that represent a complete cipher. The first nine consisted of Karriem who later became known as Black Messiah, Al-Salam, Al-Jabbar who is now first Born Prince Allah, Niheem who is now Bismii-Allah, Akbar, Kihiem, and Bilal who is now ABG 7, Al Jamel, and Uhuru. Allah and his Fruit taught by using the Supreme Mathematics and Alphabets. He showed us the meaning of our names, ages, and why life was so hard for Black People, and other significant facts. The "powers that be" tried to stop Allah from teaching the truth. There were numerous attempts to try to stop him and each time they failed because he was able to spread the word further. In 1965 ace, Allah was arrested and taken to Bellevue Hospital. From there he was taken to Mattawan for the criminally insane. They claimed that he was crazy because he said the Black man is God. This in any case made him build harder. He taught us that we must be leaders in our lives, our Families, and the communities. This way the Devil could not touch us because you cannot kill anything that does not have a head, all the cells would reproduce. In 1967 ace, Mayor John V. Lindsay presented Father Allah with the Street Academy ( Allah School in Mecca ) at 2122 Seventh Avenue ; and today we the Fruit of Allah are the results of what Allah came to teach us. Allah was assassinated on June 13, 1969. Physically he is gone but as long as we continue to build, he will never die. Peace this degree came from the God Lord Asiatic Allah in the name of Allah.


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