Triple darkness by emblem & saladdin

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Triple Darkness The Born degree of the Student Enrollment states “Nation of Islam has no said birth record. It is older than the Sun, Moon and Stars”. The Qur’an says “Lam u lid, wa lam u lad”, “he begetteth not, nor is he begotten”; this is the essential nature. This essence that composes us, it has no beginning nor ending and is in direct correlation with the first law of conservation or thermo dynamics that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Before there was Sun, Moon & Star (the 3 Great Lights of the Universe) meaning before there was a universal dimension, before the universe was established as the physical aspect of where we live, this 4 dimensional material realm, before that was present, the Black Mind or Intelligence was within the universe; intelligence itself was present as a singularity, without distinction. It was Knowledge but Knowledge had yet to express itself and so in order to express itself, it had to bring forth wisdom. Dealing with the science of EXIT – E is representative of an energy principle, and that energy principle was POTENTIAL and not yet ACTUALIZED. So the eternal Knowledge of Allah had to EXPRESS itself, and in order to express itself, it had to break through three layers of darkness and it had to born the first atom. Steven Hawkings came up with a concept called “vacuum genesis” (one of the theories of the so-called “Big Bang”). It is the first spark of the thought which made Black matter collapse within itself which then began to formulate the internal workings of the nucleus. The electrons began spinning at an extremely high rate, so fast that it ran into itself and began breaking down the layers of the darkness. This was the Intelligence of Allah, but it was manifested in what is known as an atom or ATUM. And even in the Egyptian cosmology, the atom or ATUM was in darkness, he couldn’t see himself, he had not a place to stand, so as the myth goes, he spit out his son. The “spitting out of his son” would be defined by Western scientists as “the big bang”. That’s all the INTELLIGENCE of Allah, it’s not the birth of Allah because Allah has no birth record, but it is Allah coming within this realm or this dimension. The Creator has come to live within His creation or a painter coming to dwell within his painting. Why is Knowledge the Foundation and the NATURE of it is “He” in the origins? The nature of God as being “He” in the origin is because that Intelligence caused an explosion (as men when in the act of coitus with a woman he ejaculates [explodes] into her [womb of darkness]). If you look at the physical expression of masculinity, you see a missile, you see a bullet, you see an arrow. All of these are straight lines and that straight line is Knowledge! So that explosion was the “spark in triple darkness” as taught by the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. So that God had to go IN the darkness and that’s what Understanding is, it is FELT Wisdom. See, Knowledge itself has no experience, so it has to go THRU Wisdom to gain experience, and Wisdom is where you get the science of the Second; that’s the first Second. When you break down time in its fundamental elements, you get into Second. So when it says “no beginning nor ending” that is a TIMELESS state. So in order for it to become timeless, you have to break time down into its essential unit and that is a Second. If you look at Second, it comes AFTER Knowledge; if it’s not First it’s Second. So Allah exploded INTO the darkness which generated Time. And when it generated Time, it went 1

through the Wisdom and it was femi-NINE (feminine); the darkness was feminine (in nature) that’s why in our Supreme Alphabets it (X) represents the Unknown. So when you go into the Unknown, it’s femiNINE, so it borns Y which equals Self and now Self flips into darkness as Cee which is the Understanding. So now Allah’s Consciousness dwells within Creation. That first explosion or spark in the darkness yielded the first atom which was the Hydrogen atom, which is the first element on the Periodic Table. And after that, this yielded Helium because Helium basically has the same properties as Hydrogen, it’s just a heavier isotope, which means it has an additional electron on it. When you combine Hydrogen & Helium that’s when you get that Hydrogen bomb explosion otherwise known as “Let there be light”. So in this process, you have the elements being forged from atomic numbers; you have the elements of the periodic table starting to come into existence at the same time. When the first Second was “created” (or Time) that also established the operating system of the universe called Mathematics, because you have atomic numbers along with time; so that became the operating system at that point. The Second starts to produce numeric values, and the 2 nd numerical value is Wisdom. In this process you have Mathematics taking shape because you have a sequence being established, and that’s what Mathematics in nature is; a sequence of thought processes that yield properties or the physical properties of the universe. It’s the operating system. What is meant by there being Intelligence PRIOR to these processes? You can’t get intelligence from non-intelligence. Intelligence has no beginning. Allah is “lam u lid, wa lam u lad” or “he neither begets nor is he begotten”. The Qur’an says “qul who Allah’hu Ahad” or “say He Allah is One”. Allah hu samad, lam u lid wa lam u lad. That’s why we shouldn’t think of a genderless aspect to creation because that X & Y was exploded INTO the darkness. HE is the determining factor of the sex of the human being; whether it is a masculine or feminine quality. Before there was Yin & Yang, that Yang had to born Yin.


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