Is the nation of gods and earths religious

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Is The Nation of Gods and Earths Religious? Yall better go ahead and get under the umbrella of that first amendment. Anytime you use the word 'God' you are stepping from the secular realm into the religious realm. When the Nation of Gods and Earths attempts to claim pure secular status-we're climbing the slippery slope of a sliding board with grease on it the size of Mt. Everest. 'God' is religious terminology, 'Devil' is religious terminology, dealing with 'Muslim' Girl training, "His ownself is a righteous Muslim". "Why does Muhammad and any Muslim murder the devil?" and to top it off the Name of Allah is the cornerstone of the faith of over a billion Muslims in the world, a name that they are prepared to fight and die for. Your name is Such and Such Allah-but your not religious-your a scientist who digit sums whole numbers, and somehow finds a universal truth in your sum. Needless to say digit summers are safe and Iranian Scientist won't be looking to kidnap a digit summer to help them with their Nuclear program. Regardless of what an individual chooses to do with the integers of a number scale, he or she never the less deals with religion. My enlightener once told me that every person has their own religion-he had a point. If you choose your higher power to be your ownself, or a mysterious being separate from yourself-it doesn't change the conclusion that both individuals have a relationship with 'God'-a mystery or otherwise. The individual who sees God as his ownself has ratonalized the mysterious abstraction to be his own being after which the question of this individuals omnipotence is brought into question. Omnipotence at a dead end job? Woooowwwwww!(Flavor Flav's voice). The individual who worships an unseen God has rationalized the abstraction as a being separate from their own being. Whether the idea of God is held as an 'ahstraction' or 'concrete'-the reality is the same in terms of the idea of 'God'. Whether your 'devil' is under the ground with a pitch fork fueling the fires of a firey pit or if your 'devil' is the white Manager at Mcdonald's that puts Allah on 'fries' when God has the skills to work the drive thru window-The devil is all the same no matter how you slice it. Jesus(RA) had twelve disciples, Muhammad(Saw) kicked it with his companions known as the Sahaba, The Father(PBUH) rolled with the First Born. The Father split with the N.O.I much like John Calvin the French theologian rejected the views of the Catholic Church in the 15th century. Schisms manifest from differing religious ideas. But many 1

amongst us shun the term 'religion': Who the hell are we kidding? We are kidding ourselves. Many Gods amongst us who claim not to be religious are the same ones calling themselves mathematicians but simultaneously break the Laws of Allah which governs every mathematical branche that has been discovered and that has yet to be discovered. Wow!!!!!! "Emblem you ain't have to go there." Go through 120, and pull out every word that is used by religious people across the Planet Earth. Mecca and Jerusalem are two of the most, sacred and Holy places on the planet Earth in terms of religion, Patmos is where John(Elijah said it was Yacob) wrote the book of Revelations. 'Free Transpo' to Mecca mentioned in the knowledge cipher degree-why the hell do I want to go to Mecca if I'm not religious? Of course Emblem says the 'Holy City of Mecca is Within', and I rationalize it as such, draw up the degree and produce my understanding to that knowledge cipher degree. Still there is no difference from me making a spiritual hadj within, and a Muslim Pilgrim taking a plane and making Salat in front of the Kabba. No difference. The expressions are different but the ideas are inextricably bound as one and the same. Is the Nation of Gods and Earths pseudo Islamic? As much as I hate being 'Pseudo' anything the word 'pseudo' fits particularly when we call ourselves 'Mathematicians'. Yesterday a cop was following my truck-I thought he was gonna pull me over and I was as nervous as a member of the Nation of Gods and Earths before a Calculus test. How the hell you gonna call yourself a Mathematician and digit root summing is as high as your mathematics goes? 'Pseudo' Mathematicians is the word that best describe us at this particular stage in our 'religious' development. Do the knowledge on how Gods break down their family lines as to who taught who and what individual did what: Christians, Jews and Muslims have a similar practice. You can open up any bible and peep the lineage of Israel-he begot him, he begot him-he begot him-he begot him, and he begot him. Sunni's classify the validity of a given Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad(SAW) by tracing said story back through a 1400 year sacred line. "Who is that Mystery God?" is a question that is just as religious as "Do you believe in God?" Why? Because the word 'God' bonds you to a religious worldview. I study everything, recently I have been studying with a Jehovah's Witness. Now when I study with this cat I am not combative, I'm very quiet and agreeable, meaning I don't raise points or attempt to disprove this man's belief system. I am learning how the Jehovah Witness 'believe',I can only do this with my ears open and mouth shut. Nevertheless I peruse the content of the information as thoroughly as I possibly can looking for comparisons and contrast with Sunni Islam. I have found quite a few comparisons and contrast between Sunni Islam and the Jehovah Witness. God is an invisible being for both religions, so are the Angels, and Satan is also invisible. Each religion uses their brand of 'faith' like cement to box the believer out of scientific objectivity and rationality in order that the believer will take the teaching on face 2

value. Religion keeps the patron out of higher order thinking (*Interestingly enough 'Algebra' was discovered by the Muslim world). Hey that's O.K. with me, religion does what it does and I accept that. Religion makes for a very interesting study if it is put into context, meaning lets wrestle with the abstractions that come with religion. An 'Angel' is an abstraction, meaning no one can concretely give you an accurate picture of what an Angel is or looks like, neither does either religion fathom the vastness of its Mystery God's intelligence. The mystery God is the greatest unknown within religion, and its considered a sin to attempt contemplate the omnipotence of Jehovah or Allah. Similarly in the Nation of Gods and Earths none of us will ever eclipse the Father even if we levitated above Allah School. We all have old people in are families that have angels on the mantle with wings and whatnot. Angels in that case are only figurines and the human beings artistic projection into reality. None amongst us have seen the likes of winged creature. Sunnis teach about the Malaika(The Angels), and the Jehovah Witness teach on the Angels and neither have ever seen them, but they are bound by their respective faiths to 'believe'. We can scientifically rationalize the abstraction of Angels, and draw it all up to ourselves making the idea useful to the individual God and Earth building. What is your 'cee' on Angels? My Enlightener told me that an Angel is an Angle of Allah. Either way the creative aspect of Angels is how you choose to draw it up I suppose. Angels, Hell, Heaven, God, Devil, are all part of a nonsecular, psychological, religious vocabulary that leaves the confused individual attempting to rationalize with something that is abstract. Jesus was reported to have resurrected from a physical death. The belief of resurection is itself an abstraction and Gods and Earths rationalize 'death' in terms of the 'death' being physical or mental. If the Nation of Gods and Earths had an archeological dig on the Island of Patmos would we find evidence pointing to those that followed Yacob and were instrumental in making devil? Show me a baby bone-some old pins that the nurse's used or something. Maybe a big headed statue of the their Island Leader Yacob. Chances are Fard may have put one over on Elijah on that one. What negro in 1930 was interested in taking a trip to Patmos to show and prove those degrees? None probably-so we have to look at the allegory of the story and draw from it, look how the story relates to the internal psyche of man to make the story valuable, relevant and psychologically valid. For those that are not relating the story of Yacob to their own psyche via the investigation into the Patmos situation-they maybe be 'airballin' and 'brickin' that 3

Patmos jumpshot. This blog won't succeed in solving anything within Religion,or in the so-called Secular world or amongst the Nation of Gods and Earths but I build that all my writings sparks the reader to expand their mathematical, and scientific outlook. I love Islam, I am Islamic, but am I religious? No I am not. I think the Quran is a beautiful book and would love to fully draw it up. Has it ever been drawn up by any amongst us(NGE)? I don't think so, but in my draw ups within the Hafiz Project ( I have sought to look at the Quran in context, finding how the Quran applies to the 'now' and how the verses in the Quran apply to 'Self' and I am doing this for my own personal growth. Even with that being said, there is no way out of the fact that we in the Nation of Gods and Earths are quite religious even though we shun the word 'religion'. Don't believe that we are religious? Examine Show and Prove with a Scientific eye and cross reference it with another religious gathering. Peace Em


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