Knowledge of the blackwoman

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KNOWLEDGE OF THE BLACKWOMAN By Earth Equality The Six Sex Powers of the Woman: CULTIVATION






Why does the Blackman appear to be so weak toward his Blackwoman? The Blackman and woman have been separated by the devils so they cannot be one unit. Being separated, the moon cannot reflect the sun’s magnetic light, causing the blackwoman to remain in mental darkness. In darkness (or ignorance) the woman only knows how to attract men with her negative sex powers. This negativity keeps the Black man weak if he has not mastered them, therefore he falls victim to those devilish taught practices. The sex powers are as follows: 1)


This is when the Blackwoman gets a Blackman and immediately tries to “improve” him and “reform” him to the devils way of life to benefit her and her material needs. Relationships under this sex power never work, because God cannot be “improved” or “reformed” through his wisdom. Only wisdom can be reformed through knowledge. 2)


The Blackwoman is taught how to verbally dominate her Blackman by putting negative words into his mental therefore breaking him down to a submissive position in the relationship that she then controls. The Blackman must not allow his Queen to use any form of verbal negativity to him, if he plans on coming out of that mental slavery state. 3)


The Blackwoman keeps herself separated from her Blackman through many ways. If she has income coming into her home then her money is hers and his money is hers (this subconsciously tells the Blackman he does not own his Blackwoman). Many Blackwomen are more educated than their 1

Blackmen, so they feel they are more intelligent and won’t take his orders seriously (this subconsciously tells the Black man that he has no control over his woman). The Blackwoman can have every degree existing, but only when she gains true knowledge of self and God can she mentally be elevated and this can only be done through the Asiatic Blackman. 4)


The Blackwoman attracts the Blackman by her physical composition (all praise is due to Allah for blessing us Queens with the best physical form on the Earth). She uses the devil’s teachings and exploits herself in tight clothes and material objects making herself flashy and sexual. This arouses the lust in the Blackman, which he confuses for love and is therefore leading with his genital area instead of his mental area. The Blackman must learn to control himself and all his physical desires so he can teach the Blackwoman how to be a Queen and not a sexual being. 5)


The Blackwoman attracts a man by studying him and learning how to play upon the things he enjoys doing, therefore he thinks they have the same interests, but in actuality she plans on changing him once she catches him to fit her needs (refer to sex power #1). The Blackman should never submit to a woman’s flirtatious actions. He should always be the aggressor of the relationship, therefore giving him the opportunity to study her and knowledge her interests and way of life. 6)


This is the most powerful sex power. It is a combination of all of the above sex powers plus. The Blackwoman, being influenced by the devils’ teachings uses the same methods as the slave masters to keep the Blackman from elevating and finding his true self. She plays games with his mental, keeping him confused and in mental submission, so she can use the Blackman as a servant to her. It is crucial that the Blackman masters the Blackwoman and all of her sex powers before bringing her into his cipher.


Though your Queens are beautiful, they can be your physical and mental downfall if not controlled and taught how to be a righteous woman and submit to God. Once the Blackwoman knowledges the Blackman’s wisdom, positive elevation occurs. ___________________________________________________________ I know some reading this may take offense, and this is how you’ll know if you’re a Queen or not. We must treat our man like a King if we expect to be treated like a Queen. This is the science of a supreme cipher. The total weight of the Earth is six sextillion tons, a unit followed by twenty-one ciphers. The six, which is the blackwoman’s positive quality of equality precedes the sex, which is her negative powers. We have to show forth our good qualities and not let the negative surface. Peace Queen Heavenly Born Wisdom Earth


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