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NIMROD Nimrod married his mother Ester when Moses (Musa) the devils 4,000 years ago. This meant the end of power to keep them in their boundaries of Europe. them out of the caves putting them on the road to of Asia, (Black, Brown, Red and Yellow man).

was sent to the Blackman’s This brought the conquest

Nimrod killed his father and began sleeping with his mother, Ester, known today as the holiday called Easter. She had children by her son Nimrod, making Nimrod his own father and son, which was the beginning of the lie that God and son are one and the same. It’s true that this made Nimrod, his own father but the father and the son could never be identical. This is also where the lie originated of the “Immaculate Conception” woman giving birth without the agency of man. Nimrod and his mother were worshipped by the people, and knowing that if they found out that she was bearing her son’s children they would not respect her, she lied telling the people that the spirit was visiting her, giving her babies. The people, being paganish, believed those lies thus establishing a holiday called Easter commemorating her birthday. They used the sign of the rabbit, which is an over-sexed animal; and eggs representing the first stage of the “embryo” chicken, which is capable of laying eggs without a male, was also used. Nimrod would go into Asia robbing the brothers of their wealth. Using his unalike attracting power, he was able to steal and divide the brothers. The cross originated as a symbol meaning death and dividing the four brothers, so that Nimrod could rule. The cross is used in most European nations today in their flag in the same form. Christmas being Nimrod’s birthday has all the signs; the evergreen meaning everlasting life for the Caucasian; the ornaments signifies all the riches and pretty things that the Blackman has. The star on the top of the tree, meaning the devils brain as being powerful enough to keep the Blackman divided, or in the cross. Santa Claus is the symbol of Nimrod bringing gifts back to Europe from Asia. A pagan religion was adopted by the Jews in Judaism. They didn’t want the Blackman’s religion, Islam, nor

would they accept the Yellowman’s religion, Buddhism, the whiteman had to invent himself a religion that would fit his nature, for his being evil, his religion had to be flexible enough to allow him to practice his evil and worship statues, drink blood (wine), eat (body flesh), etc. They applied the teachings of Moses (Islam) to paganism, thus Judaism began. Judaism kept the Jews a united people. The other devils used parts of Judaism, paganism and combined all those teachings together, thus began Catholicism, out of Catholicism they invented Christianity 551 years ago. We wouldn’t expect a whiteman to accept a Black, Brown, Red and Yellowman’s religion. They hate everything Black… That stands for Black. Christmas was set up as a memorial to Nimrod. The Christmas tree is an “Evergree tree”, this means that it is green or has life, all year round and does not die out like other trees. 1. Evergreen tree is used at Christmas as a symbol to represent everlasting life for the white race. 2. It sits in a box held in place by a cross which represents the division of the four brothers; Black, Brown, Red and Yellow, which support the white race. 3. The trinkets and ornaments represents the riches, wealth and knowledge of the Blackman which was stolen by Nimrod and brought back to the white race in Europe. 4. The star on top of the tree represents the superior brain power of the white race to remain on top. 5. Santa Claus represents Nimrod bringing the riches of the Blackman back to Europe. (They do not explain where Santa Claus gets the presents from do they). Note: Santa Claus robbing Black people at Christmas is similar to Nimrod’s work Note: This also is included at the end of Nimrod’s history: Judaism is a mixture of Moses’ teachings, Islam, and paganism to make it more flexible.

December 25th is the birthday of Nimrod. Nimrod is mentioned in the Bible (Old Testament) as a mighty, mighty hunter in opposition to God. This is because he turned against the teachings of Moses. Nimrod was a white man who was born 300 years before Christ. He took the teachings of Moses and used them as a game to set up the early pagan Empires such as Greece and Rome. According to the Bible, he is the son of Cush. He went among the pagan white people of Europe who rejected the teachings of Moses and used the knowledge to become ruler of the people. Nimrod killed his father and married his mother whose name was Ester. Today called Easter…When Nimrod’s wife (mother) had her first child he feared that the people would lose respect for him if they knew he was making babies through his own mother (it was a secret that they were married) therefore, to fool the people, Nimrod told the people that the Holy Ghost had impregnated his mother. This was the beginning of the great lie told about the birth of Jesus. The lie that a woman can have a baby without the agency of the male sperm. This lie began 300 years before Jesus was born. Easter is Ester’s birthday. The rabbit is used because he is an oversexed animal (but a rabbit does not lay eggs). There is more to this but I will not include it now. Just like Alexander the Great, Nimrod went among the original people to divide and rob them of their wealth. To rob the original has always been the work of the white race. Nimrod would bring the wealth back to his own people in Europe. For this they loved him as a ruler. This is what all the white explorers and conquerors have done; from John Hawkins to the Peace Corps. ELIJAH MUHAMMAD

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