Origin of Supreme Mathematics and Alphabet by Abu Shahid When last we were building together, I spoke of how I was in an Elite group of brothers known as the A.F.O.I., the advanced Fruit of Islam. It was then that the “Problem Book” came into my hands. It was while I was studying this precious Book that I came across the 13th problem…well, I had been studying the “Problem Book”, and was all caught up in it’s science. I had offered it to the Father, but He said that He didn’t have any problems. I had been fasting for 3 days when I came across the 13th problem. I science it up for the whole day and twisted and turned with it until it began to come into focus. So this then is how I developed my concept of the “Living Mathematics”. First I had to identify the actual facts to build on. Mathematics is Islam and Islam is Mathematics, a right and exact science that can be proven in no limit of time. What was the specific relationship between the Alphabets and the Mathematics. I had to find the Alphabets computation of the Mathematical evaluation in order to be successful and work my mathematic theology right and exact. You must remember that I was fresh out of the Mosque and that…information was foremost in my mind. The first thought that came to my mind as I recollect, was “Belief in the Seen and Unseen”…So the Knowledge supersedes belief. Therefore, knowledge assumes a Mathematical Evaluation Equal to the number One… What could I relate to knowledge to from what we were taught in the Mosque? We were always taught knowledge, wisdom and understanding, which I then preceded to break down. We are a people, the very people whose very nature is rooted in our culture, which is Islam. Islam is I Self Lord And Master. I S (I+S=IS) is what’s happening now. In Self Lay All Mathematics. Mathematics is Islam and Islam is Mathematics, a right and exact science that can be proven in no limit of time. “If it ain’t right, it don’t add up. If it don’t add up, it ain’t right”. There are ten numbers in the Language of Mathematics. The Supreme Mathematics are a result of the 13th problem in “The Problem Book”, given to the Hon. Elijah Muhammad by Master W.D. Fard.