Supreme mathematics by rasheed allah

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KNOWLEDGE Knowledge is to look, listen and observe; it is the root of all civilized nations. The foundation in which I build my life as well as the foundation in which I build my nation of God's and Earth's who are all wise and does everything right and exact. Through knowledge the universe and all that exist within the universe has been established. Knowledge is the key to the infinite; it has no beginning and no ending. With a complete and thorough knowledge of the universe you come into a greater knowledge of self and kind. Verily the knowledge is with Allah alone. It is He Who sends the rain and He who knows what’s in the womb. – HQ 31:34 Knowledge is the foundation that governs causes, rain and womb. The original man who is Allah with a supreme knowledge contemplates how and when the rain is distilled back to the surface of the planet earth. The moisture is pulled into the clouds by the gravitational pull, the sun and the moon has upon the earth. The winds move hither and thither across a thousand miles or it may be only a short distance. The winds bear witness to the physical laws established by the knowledge of Allah. The original man who is Allah completely masters all of these and yet this relates to only one of the infinite facts in physical which are governed by Allah's knowledge and laws. Allah's knowledge is the guide that is sure to those who seek his light. Those who reject his knowledge are slave to a mental death and power.


WISDOM Wisdom is the wise word spoken by the correct knowledge so a supreme understanding can be brought about. A correct knowledge of Islam brings about supreme wisdom which is the second source of all power, light and life. Wisdom shows and proves the power of the knowledge which is the light and shines it’s light that brings about life. Wisdom is like a

plant that has uprooted from its seed which is its foundation (knowledge). When this plant is in full bloom (man) it's pollen (wisdom) flows from itself to another plant (man) that has not fully bloomed (baby). This is the same way the wise words (wisdom) flows from one to another, thus this brings about a greater understanding. The wisdom guides and nourishes all the human families of the planet earth. Yet the 85% are ungrateful and run to false god's (devil). It is we alone who gave birth to all the human families of the planet earth and we alone who hold the knowledge, the wisdom and the understanding to the great and good universal plan. 3)

UNDERSTANDING Understanding is born within the mind which is the third all Seeing Eye that holds the understanding to the universal orders of the universe. A complete understanding makes all understanding understood. It is the attainment of the supreme goal. A state of consciousness were the universe and all that, that is within serve you, reflect you and compliment you. This is the jewel given to him who constantly cee's knowledge that bring about wisdom and then understanding. This is the one mind of Allah. The three foundational developments of life move from knowledge to wisdom and from wisdom to understanding. Understanding is the home of the mind. Only the original man who is Allah has a complete understanding of the universe and all its heavenly bodies can bring about this understanding to the civilized as well as the uncivilized. This shows and proves that Allah is all wise and civilized Supreme Being, Blackman of Asia.


CULTURE OR FREEDOM Culture is a way of life and the right and exact way of life is Islam. Islam is most surely the correct way of life; it uses the sun, moon and stars. These planets born the sciences to those who have understanding. They represent a physical work of freedom, justice and equality. Islam makes heaven and hell not two place born-u-truth two conditions of life which is easily understood for those with understanding. There could never be either unless we

bring it about. The plane earth is our home and owned by the original man and it is we who has the power to make it heaven or hell. Islam is the answer to all cause, it brings about great achievements and peace with one's self who know and understand it. Culture brings about freedom. Freedom is the ability to take control of one's self. This independency shows and proves to all the human families of the planet earth that Allah is independent and self sustained. The Supreme Being Blackman of Asia who is Allah, who is all powerful, all wise and with true and correct knowledge of Islam has perfected self through his original culture that brings about freedom. 5)

POWER OR REFINEMENT Power or Refinement is with Allah and Allah alone is the power of refinement. This is to bring one out of darkness into the light and give him life and to know I-Self-Lord-And-Master and to understand his true nature I-God. This is to elevate, cultivate and motivate my A-Alike to B-Alike thus must C-Alike. The original who is Allah exceeds a plane of 100% refinement. The planet earth (Queen) bears witness to 3/4 refinement just as the earth (planet) is 3/4 covered under water (refinement). This is just one of the sciences decreed by the knowledge of Allah for those who have understanding. The power of refinement is the power to elevate self to establish oneness with the one mind which is the mind of Allah. This is the supreme Power of refinement.


EQUALITY Equality is to deal equal with everything in life so one can add on to life. To want for my brother what I want for self. The manifestation of my understanding manifest the equality of the wisdom brought about by the knowledge. This is the manifestation of equality which all things within the universe itself is established by equal portion. This is wisdom for those who have understanding. Equality is to be equal in all with my A-Alike to have my AAlike be one with Allah. To be equal in everything.

To be Allah. 7)

GOD God is Allah Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, Head (Supreme Mathematical Dome) Supreme Being Blackman of Asia who is all wise and civilized. The sustainer of all the worlds. The one who gave birth to all the families of the planet earth. The one true and living God of the universe. The creator of all, The originator, The powerful, The supreme, The father of all civilizations. It is we who have created all things on earth. Moreover we designed and comprehended the heavens. For we gave order and perfection to the seven firmaments and all things have we perfected in knowledge. We are who created the constellations in the skies and placed therein the sun, the moon and the stars giving its light. And we made the night and the day to follow each other. Yes WE the God's Allah who walks the earth and greet with peace. Allah is the true and living God and with our supreme knowledge all things are knowledge is not for the devil who fails to cee the Majesty, The Beauty, The order.


BUILD & DESTROY Build is to add on to ones knowledge and wisdom to bring about a greater understanding. I build to elevate self and kind to be one with the universe. To add on to my brother and my sister to build and add on to my nation of God's and Earth's. This is the way I continue to strengthen my foundation. Without a strong foundation one will be like a house made from straw after a heavy storm. This is why the God's come together to add on to build self and kind. Destroy is to destroy the seed of the devil that has Been planted and blossomed for the past 6000 years. It is my obligation as Allah to uproot the devil's seed that has been planted in the minds of my brother's and sister's. What is the duty of a civilized person? The duty of a civilized person is to teach he who is savage civilization, righteousness and the knowledge of himself and all the sciences of life, which is love, peace and happiness.


BORN Born is to be born out of darkness into the light and to be the light. To be born into the knowledge of self, to establish a foundation with elf who is Allah. Once you come into the knowledge of self to know and understand self you be born. Thus you born another to be.


CIPHER Cipher is a complete degree that deals with 120 degrees knowledge and 120 degrees wisdom and 120 degrees understanding.

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