Teaching for the civilized lost found tribe in the wilderness of north america

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TEACHING FOR THE CIVILIZED LOST FOUND TRIBE IN THE WILDERNESS OF NORTH AMERICA IN THE MOST HOLY NAME OF ALLAH, WHO CAME IN THE PERSON OF MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD, TO WHOM ALL PRAISE IS FOREVER DUE, LORD OF ALL THE WORLDS, MASTER OF THIS DAY OF JUDGMENT IN WHICH WE NOW LIVE. THE MOST HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMMAD IS THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH : As-Salaam-Alaikum : (In Ninety and One-Hundred and Twenty Degrees) : The completion of nine 33 degree cycles and the completion of Hell with the unit of nine, is 1/2 way for the city of Los Angeles, in the providence of Kalife (California), in the Wilderness of the Northern Hemisphere, so says the Almighty God Himself. : The Wilderness of North America has completed itself with the teachings of Islam from the mouth of the Almighty God through His Messenger, so says the Almighty God. There is no more water--the substance of life--to be found. There is no life in its branches--nothing but death to be found. The water, (light, wisdom, knowledge) has been consumed, some by its ten percenters (10%ers), some by and mostly taken away by Almighty God. To have the wisdom and the knowledge to survive Hell and the Doom that is creeping into its brain and the body, is to depend on the five percenters(5%ers) of the Nation of Islam. : Within the Nation of Islam the 5% teachers of Righteousness, teache the true meaning of the Supreme Wisdom that was brought here to the shores of North America by the Supreme Being, Master W. D. Fard Muhammad. Through different phases and complex cycles the true breakdown of its teachings and meaning, mainly those who have received different degrees of light, therefore within the Nation as it stands of present, this procedure has been undertaken with great strides. The rule of the 10% in the Nation of Islam has come to a head - which like any other force that does not obey its natural laws and mathematics, has produced its own destruction. : Certain breakdowns in the Supreme teachings tell of the catastrophe which has taken place. The poisonous fluid which flows in the brains of thise who participate in this unrighteous act against the Supreme God, and its people has deteriorated itself. This cancer which produced corruption within God's bounds are paying heavy prices for the goods they have purchased; therefore, righteousness has produced dissatisfaction against unrighteousness. Any opposition and disobedience or rebellion toward and throughout this 5% cycle results in expulsion and death from the Nation of Islam within the bounds of righteousness, has been revealed. : (1) Q. WHERE ARE THE FIVE PERCENTERS (5%ers)? : A. The five percenters (5%ers) look like you and me. Some are dresed bad, some are located in the Ghettos of Hell, the Government of the devils educational system, the law enforcement of the devil's penal institutions, the high government of the devil's civilization. : (2) Q. WHAT DO THE FIVE PERCENTERS (5%ers) LOOK LIKE? : A. They look like you and me. Some are disguised as high society type individuals and some are dressed bad. : (3) Q. WHEN WILL THEY MAKE THEMSELVES KNOWN? : A. They are making themselves known every day through their people, mostly the deaf, dumb, and blind who the so-called righteous Muslims have not taught; who have failed to do their duty, which is to teach the uncivilized. There is a punishment for such forgetful action, which the

people will inflict upon same for not telling the truth-the truth that was taught to them through the Messenger of Almighty God. : (4) Q. HOW WILL THIS PUNISHMENT COME ABOUT? : A. Through mental and physical fighting. : (5) Q. WHERE WILL MOST OF THIS FIGHTING TAKE PLACE? : A. Most of the bloodshed will take place South, far North and far West. The West will be the fountain of dripping blood and insanity, murder, rape, 100% total violence. : (6) Q. HOW WILL MOST OF THE RIGHTEOUS MUSLIMS SURVIVE? : A. the only ones to survive this catastrophe will be the Muslims who have taken upon himself to learn, listen and are completely righteous. The 5% are not completely righteous. There is only one who is capable of holding such a position - your leader and teacher. The 5% are only righteous to the degree of and between 85 and 95%. They have enough wisdom and knowledge to control themselves and make up for the 10% or 5% of righteousness lacking in them. Hell is built upon imperfection, or it would not be considered Hell. Things are only right to a certain extent, due to the people who constructed it, having imperfect capabilities. : (7) Q. HOW CAN WE SURVIVE THIS HELL THAT IS DUE SOON TO BREAK LOOSE? : A. Survival is through different aspects of light that has been given out; wisdom, knowledge and light has been given to fit any and all occasions that would prevail itself at any given time; to recognize different segments of time has been given. If one fails to recognize it before it is upon you, it is one's own fault. There is no amount of pity given out, only total suffering when the time has been appointed. This happens individually and collectively due to certain circumstances prevailing. : (8) Q. WHAT SHOULD THE BROTHERS IN THE NATION OF ISLAM DO TO COUNTERACT THIS DOWNFALL THAT AWAITS? : A. As the Messenger of Allah has taught, one should study lessons, read the Holy Book (certain passages that the Messenger has prescribed), so says the Almighty God. Keep the company of the so-called righteous, or brothers who are trying to sustain themselves in Islam and most of all, brothers who will teach the brothers who are lacking in wisdom and knowledge, so says the Almighty God...for surely one will find it very difficult from here on. : (9) Q. WHERE IS THIS WISDOM AND LIGHT THAT IS SO BADLY NEEDED? : A. There is no more light to be given. It is incumbent upon each individual to find and search for what he or she does not have, for surely the time is not far off. : : *Note: Min. Shah is not the author of the above post, but is simply passing on the Wisdom. : : As-Salaam-Alaikum : FROM THE SHIP ABOVE TO THE SHORES BELOW In the Name of Almighty Allah (God), Master Fard Muhammad, The Lord of the Worlds, and in the name of His Last and Greatest Messenger -The Honorable Elijah Muammad, As-Salaam Alaikum Sir, Dear Brother Minister, I am Mikal Shabazz-Allah, a Muslim follower of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. I have

enjoyed the dialogue (defense and opposition) here on the Seventhfam Message Board for the greater part of a year now. Your posts (along with Brother Devil-slayer's and Brother Seventhfam's) have been particularly enlightening. Being relatively "young" in these divine teachings (The Supreme Wisdom), and having either been a part of, meeting, or coming in contact with various "camps", philosophies (interpretations or "schools of thought"), and also individuals (believers, hypocrites, and lost-founds), I've learned and seen a lot, good and bad, in terms of our Nation. But most importantly I have come into the understanding of the importance of using our Messenger, and him only, as our standard of reference to determine truth from falsehood, and to be able to navigate through all of the misinterpretations and mixed instructions. I am far from an expert or scientist when it comes to this Wisdom so I do the best I can by the will of Allah (Master Fard Muhammad). But one of our greatest instructions from the Messenger, if you will allow me to humbly restate it, is to: "Take nothing at face value." So in all due respect, Brother Minister, I want to ask of the origin or source of the above post, if you don't mind. The reason why I am enquiring is because of some of the "language" (terms) contained within it. And I surely note that you make no claim to be its author. But I was concerned because I came across this document some years back, and even then it was of "questionable" origin. And personally, if the Messenger's name is not on a document or lesson, from experience and wise advice, I've learned to hold it at a distance or leave it alone. Not that I do not respect some of the lectures and/or teachings of true Ministers of the Messenger, but I have to "keep my radar on" due to all of the "grafted wisdom" (devilknowledge), falsehood, spookism, astrology, and pseudo-science that has been allowed to circulate and subsequently be "legitimized", even by "Believers" who should know better. I am not accusing you of this, as I am not fully aware of the "intent" of your post. As I have previously stated, I respect your wisdom. To be more specific and to the point, I noted that this post made reference to "the five percenters (5%ers)". That is why I mentioned the "language" used. No disrespect to the 5% Nation or to the Nation of Gods and Earths, but in these LOST FOUND MUSLIM LESSONS we (the Believers) are referred to as "the 5%" (LFML#2, ques.#16), and also as "the poor righteous teachers," but not as "the 5%ers" as a proper title per se. I point all this out not to cause division amongst the righteous, but to emphatically make one ACTUAL FACT very plain. And that is: THERE IS ONLY ONE HOLY AND RIGHTEOUS NATION, THE NATION OF ISLAM, AND THIS NATION CONSISTS OF "17,000,000 (MILLION), WITH THE 2,000,000 INDIANS, (WHICH) MAKES IT 19,000,000." (THE ORIGINAL NATION). One God came and raised one Messenger; He (God) called us a Nation (His Nation); He (God) gave us one Flag- represented by the sun, moon and star - (it's only red and white)- The Holy Universe Flag of Islam; and He (God) blessed the Messenger with His Divine Wisdom- THE SUPREME WISDOM (LESSONS by MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD, and the MESSENGER'S BOOKS, AUDIO AND VIDEO TAPES, & NEWSPAPER ARTICLES), NO MORE AND NO LESS. Once again, no offense, but there have been a lot of reinterpretations of the Messenger's teachings. But he warned us "not to add anything to it or take anything from it." As stated in How To Eat To Live (Book 2, p.75):

"LEAVE MY TEACHINGS AS IT IS." The Messenger mentioned that "We will succeed together or we will fail apart." [please excuse my paraphrase] We will be one, as Allah is one, or we will be nothing. We must respect the SOURCE of this Wisdom and follow the divine instructions that ORIGINALLY came with IT. If you are not the AUTHOR of this SUPREME WISDOM, then you (to whom it may concern) are not authorized to change it. Why??? Because it is HOLY (UNDILUTED, UNMIXED AND UN-TAMPERED WITH). These Lessons are for "Registered Muslims Only," and if one is not registered on ALLAH'S (MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD'S) BOOK OF LIFE (HIS MIND), then the key to unlock the wisdom in the Lessons is not given to you. Elaborations, "Plus Degrees", additions, deletions, and reinterpretations apart from the Messenger's Divine Word are all null and void. Brother Minister Shah, is this a test for the Believers? Did the Messenger author this? I do recognize some truth in it- specifically the instruction to "study," but is it "all truth"? I ask the same in reference to the recent posts on the Mothership, being unfamiliar with the information. Is this also actual fact from the Messenger? Please accept my questions in humble sincerity. I mean no harm or disrespect. I'm just another one of the young Believers who is tired of all the "misleaders", and want nothing but the pure truth. Thank you for your patience, Sir. As-Salaam Alaikum.

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