The problem book

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The uncle of W.D. Fard lived in the wilderness of North America and he lived other than his own self, therefore, his pulse beat seventy-eight times per minute and this killed him in forty-five years of age. How many times did his pulse beat in forty-five years?


The wife of W.D. Fard's uncle, in the wilderness of North America, weighs other than herself, therefore, she has rheumatism, headaches, pain in all joints, and cannot walk up to the store. She is troubled frequently with high blood pressure and registers more than thirty-two. Her pulse is nearly eighty times per minute and she died at the age of forty-seven. How many times did her pulse beat in forty-seven years?


A Sheep contains fourteen square feet. One-tenth of a Square inch contains ten thousand hairs. How many will the fourteen square feet contain?


One one-hundredth of a cubic inch contains two hundred million Atoms. How many will fifty square miles contain?


The uncle of Mr. W.D. Fard lives in the wilderness of North America and he is living other than himself, therefore, he weighs more that his height and his blood pressure registers more than thirty-two. This killed him at the age of forty-four years. The average person breathes three cubic feet of air per hour, but the uncle of Mr. W.D. Fard breathes three and seven-tenths of a cubic foot per hour. How many cubic feet of air did Mr. W.D. Fard's uncle breathe in forty-four years? How many Atoms does he breathe in all of his forty-four years when one one-hundredth of a cubic inch contains two hundred million Atoms?


The second uncle of Mr. W.D. Fard, in the wilderness of North America, lived other than himself and, therefore, his blood pressure registered over thirty-two. He had fever, headaches, chills, grippe, hay fever, regular fever, rheumatism; also pain 1

in all joints. He was disturbed with foot ailments and toothaches. His pulse beat more that eighty-eight times per minute, therefore, he goes to the doctor every day and gets medicine for every day in the year - one after each meal and three times a day. Also, one at bed time. The average person breathes three cubic feet of air per hour, but the second uncle of Mr. W.D. Fard breathed four and one-half cubic feet of air per hour. Five hundred pills equal one pound, so that kills him at the age of forty-six. How many pounds of pills did Mr. W. D. Fard's second uncle use in forty-six years? How many cubic feet of air did he breathe in forty-six years? If the air value selling price, then the third uncle of Mr. W. D. Fard would have been robbed of the Atmosphere. How much air did he breathe more than the average man? Each cubic foot of air costs $10.50. How much does Mr. W. D. Fard's second uncle rob in forty-six years? Twenty pills cost twenty-five cents. How much does this amount to in forty-six years? Once a week, he gives the doctor $2.50 for renewing the prescription. And fifty-two weeks equal one year. So Mr. Muhammad wants to know how much money was spent for the pills and how much for the Doctor? 7.)

If one one-hundredth of a cubic inch contains two hundred million Atoms, the total Atmosphere weighs eleven and two-thirds quintillion pounds. One-third of eleven and two-thirds quintillion pounds equal Atoms. Mr. Muhammad cracked one Atom into ten million parts. Then Mr. Sharrieff wants to know how much the one-third of a cracked Atom weighs?


Four quintillion pounds equal the total amount of Atoms. One onehundredth of a square inch equals two hundred million Atoms. Extract the cube root of three-fourths of a cracked Atom. A cracked Atom equals one-tenth thousand of one. Mr. D. W. Shah wants to know what will be the weight of the cracked Atom?


The population of Detroit is one million five hundred thousand people, and there are two hundred and fifty thousand original nation. During these hard times for the lack of jobs, not having enough money to buy food, they eat two meals per day. Suppose the average person eats four ounces of bread, ten and one-fifth ounces of poison animal, three and one-third ounces or rice, four and one-eighth ounces of other meal helper. It is 2

known to the Medical Profession and other wise Muslim Sons that poison animal sounds the mental power; one-sixtieth of an ounce per every ten ounces of poison animal. If the average person contains seven and one-half ounces of brain, then Mr. Muhammad wants to know how long will it take to sound the seven and onehalf ounces at the above eating rates? The average person can be robbed successfully with one-third of unsound brain. Then how long will a devil have to wait to rob of said, the poison animal eater, at the above rates? It is also known to the civilized world that ten ounces of the poison animal destroys three one-hundredths percent of the beauty appearance of a person. Then Mr. Muhammad wants to know how long will it take to destroy the whole, one hundred percent of the beauty appearance at the above eating rates? 10.) Lake Erie is nine thousand, nine hundred, sixty square miles and the average depth is one thousand, nine hundred, sixty feet. The uncle of Mr. W. D. Fard lives near this lake in the City of Detroit, therefore, he uses the water from this Cave man's Lake for all household purposes. A certain cavy told him not to use too much water if you can help it, so he only used forty gallons per day. But the second uncle of Mr. W.D. Fard, who has civilized the cavy when he used to live on the tree-top and dug holes along the hillside for nearly two thousand years-the exact time will be four thousand B.C. So this same cavy cannot fool the second uncle of Mr. W.D. Fard. And now he is using two hundred gallons of water per day. Then how long will it take the first and second uncle to empty the the Lake using water at the above rates? One cubic foot of water weighs sixty-two and one-half pounds A certain Teacher in the University of Islam- Settlement No. 2 wants to know how many ounces of water is in Lake Erie. Sixteen ounces equal one pound. How many cubic inches is in Lake Erie? One thousand seven hundred twenty-eight cubic inches equal one cubic foot. 11.) The Suez Canal in Egypt is ninety-nine miles long, with a depth of thirty-three feet, and width of one hundred twenty-two feet. The cost to build it sixty-four years ago was one hundred fifty million dollars. Mr. A. Ali has five hundred dollars worth of 3

stock in it at the rate of six and three-fifths percent. Now he wants to know how much money he has coming to him at the above rate from 1869 to May 26, 1933. How many ounces of water is in the canal? How many cubic inches is in the canal? One thousand seven hundred twenty-eight cubic inches equal one cubic foot. One cubic foot equals sixty-two and one-half pounds of water. The Nile River, the longest river on the planet, is four thousand six hundred ninety miles long, and one and three-eights miles wide. How many square miles is in the Nile River? How many square inches is the Nile River? 12.) The area of our Planet is one hundred ninety-six million, nine hundred forty thousand square miles and she weighs six sextillion tons. Mr. Shah wants to know how much does the State of Michigan weigh? Going by the Book of Cave Out Of Darkness -saying that the State of Michigan is fifty-seven thousand, nine hundred eighty square miles and has a population of four million, eight hundred forty-two thousand, two hundred eighty people. One cubic foot of common Earth weighs eighty pounds. One common Ca. weighs one hundred pounds. The average original weighs one hundred fifty pounds and there are five hundred thousand original nations living in the State of Michigan; approximately eight million livestock of all kinds. The average one weighs six hundred fifty-nine pounds, and the construction of human all other than the level surface of the Earth is approximately one hundred fifty billion tons. So then, how much does the State of Michigan weigh? How much does the livestock weigh? How much does the common weigh? How much does the original nation weigh? How much do the total weights of all weigh? 13.) After learning Mathematics, which is Islam, and Islam is Mathematics, it stands true. You can always prove it at no limit of time. Then you must learn to use it and secure some benefit while you are living, that is- luxury, money, good homes, friendship in all walks of life. Sit yourself in Heaven at once! This is the greatest Desire of your Brother and Teachers. 4

Now you must speak the language so you can use your Mathematical Theology in the proper Term - otherwise you will not be successful unless you do speak well, for she knows all about you. The Secretary of Islam offers a reward to the best and neatest worker of this Problem. There are twenty-six letters in the Language and if a student learns one letter per day, then how long will it take him to learn the twenty-six letters? There are ten numbers in the the Mathematical Language. Then how long will it take a Student to learn the whole ten numbers (at the above rate)? The average man speaks four hundred words - considered well. 14.) The University of Al-Azhar, in Cairo, has a student population of thirty-six hundred; all but one-tenth taking other than his own Language, three-tenths taking Construction Engineering, twotenths taking Civil Engineering, three-tenths taking Mechanical Engineering, and the rest taking Teachership. One, one hundred and eighty-fifth of one had more than eight absent charges to their credit. So at the end of their Courses, they do not receive diplomas. How many were Construction Engineers? How many were Civil Engineers? How many were Mechanical Engineers? How many were Teachers? How many were in number that did not receive Diplomas? The Law of Islam prescribes that a Student shall not be given a diploma if he has eight or more absent charges to his account. 15.) The Planet Earth has a population of forty-eight hundred million people. Forty-four hundred million are the original nation and four hundred million are the Ca. civilization. They have been found absolutely disagreeable to live with in peace, so the Originator decides to remove them from the Planet. Suppose the Holy War be declared tomorrow. What would be the exact nubmer of persons of each Ca. against the original? 16.) Our Earth travels one thousand thirty-seven and one-third miles per hour, and she travels around the Sun in three sixty-five and


one-fourth days. How many miles does it travel in three hundred sixty-five and one-fourth days? 17.) Mars, the inhabited Planet, is one hundred forty-one million, five hundred thousand miles from the Sun, and she travels one thousand thirty-seven and one-third miles per hour. Her diameter is four thousand two hundred miles. The Mr. Ali wants to know how many days will it take Mars to make one complete circumference around the Sun? 18.) Mercury is also an inhabited Planet and is thirty-six million miles from the Sun. Her diameter is three thousand miles. She travels at the same rate- one thousand thirty-seven and one-third miles per hour. How many miles does Mercury cover in making one complete circle around the Sun? What will be the number of days in the Mercurian year? 19.) Venus is sixty-seven million, two hundred thousand miles from the Sun, and she makes one complete circle around the Sun in two hundred twenty-five days, which is considered the Venusian common year. All Planets travel approximately the same rate-one thousand thirty-seven and one-third miles per hour. How many miles does Venus travel in two hundred twenty-five days? What is her area in square miles since her diameter equals seven thousand miles? 20.) Jupiter is four hundred eighty-three million miles from the Sun. She takes eleven years and nine months to make one complete circle around the Sun. Its diameter is eighty-eight thousand seven hundred miles. What is the area in square miles and how far is she from the Earth? Also, tell how many miles Jupiter travels in one common Jupiterian years. 21.) Saturn is eight hundred eighty-six million miles from the Sun. It takes her twenty-nine and one-half years to make one complete circle around the Sun. Saturn also travels at the same rate- one thousand thirty-seven and-third miles per hour. How many miles does Saturn travel in Twenty-nine and one-half years, which is considered a common year of Saturners? Its 6

diameter is seventy-five thousand one hundred miles. Therefore, Mr. Muhammad wants to know what is the area in square miles of said, Saturn? 22.) Uranus is one billion seven hundred eighty-two million miles from the Sun, and it takes her eighty-four years to make one complete circle around the Sun. Her diameter is thirty thousand nine hundred miles. How far is Uranus from the Earth? How many miles does she travel in eighty-four years at the rate of one thousand thirty-seven and one-third miles per hour? What is her area in square yards? 23.) Neptune is two billion, seven hundred ninety-three million miles from the Sun. She travels around the Sun in one hundred sixtyfive years. Her diameter is thirty-three thousand miles. What is her area in square miles? How many miles does she travel in one hundred sixty-five years at the rate of one thousand thirty-seven and one-third miles per hour? How far is she from the Earth? 24.) Platoon is four billion, six hundred million miles from the Sun, and she travels the same rate around the Sun as the rest of the Planets. It takes her three hundred forty-five years to make one complete circle around the Sun. Her diameter is sixty-seven thousand miles. Find out the square mileage and the number of miles she travels in three hundred forty-five years. 25.) The Public Library of Cairo contains three million, seven hundred thousand books, of which sixty thousand treat exclusively of Mathematics, Astronomy, Language and other Sciences of Life. Mr. Moses brought one book of each kind to civilize the devil four thousand B.C. Now, Mr. Shariff, wants to know from every one of you Students- to tell us how much knowledge does the devil possess, comparing him the knowledge of the original man when he only had one book, while the original had fifty-nine thousand, nine hundred ninety-nine. What would be the weight of knowledge in ratio proportion form of the original against the devil? What is the Physical Standard of a devil against the original? How many ounces of brain does an original have? What is the exact percentage of tricknollegy does the devil use at the present civilization?


How long has the devil been on the planet using tricknollegy? Tell us how and who manufactured the devil? 26.) The total Atoms equal 10, 000, 000, 000, 000,000, 000, 000, 000,000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000. How many Atoms are there in North America? 27.) The Universe Diameter equals seventy-six quintillion miles. What is the Area in Square Miles? And in Square Yards? Give your answer in Figures only? 28.) The Nile River is the longest on the Planet. Suppose you calculate right to the one, one-hundred of an inch and let your Teacher have the answer before the first of the month so you can be put on the list of Honor right along side of your own Title, which is unlimited in the eyes of any cavy. Tell us how many States of the United States of North America could be sat right inside in the area of the Nile River? The rest can be put in the Congo River, whose area equals two million, three hundred sixty-nine and one-half miles. How much would you have left after putting all the States in? Germany equals fifty-five thousand square miles. England equals forty-five thousand square miles and the rest of the Caves Hillsides, and Mountains equal twenty-one thousand square miles. Would you have enough left over River's Area to place in all of said, none other than the above mentioned? 29.) The Light travels one hundred eighty-six thousand miles per Second. How long will take it from the Sun to strike the Earth? How long will it take to strike Planet Neptune? 30.) The uncle of Mr. W.D Fard lives in the wilderness of North America-surrounded and robbed completely by the Cave man. Therefore, he has no knowledge of his own nor anyone else's, but his mind travels twenty-four billion miles per second, which is considered the average speed of thought per second. How many round trips will he make in ten seconds to the far Planet Platoon? 31.) A lion in a cage walks back and forth, sixty feet per minute, seeking a way out of the cage. It took nearly four centuries to find the door. Now, with modern equipment, he is walking three 8

thousand miles feet per minute and has three thousand miles by two thousand miles to go yet. How long will it take him to cover this territory of said, three thousand by two thousand miles, at the above walking rate? Five thousand two hundred eighty feet equals one mile. He also has seventeen million keys, which he turns at the rate of sixteen and seventeen one-hundredths per minute. How long will take him to turn the whole seventeen million? Sixty minutes equal one hour. Twenty-four hours equal one day. Three hundred sixty-five days equal one year. 32.) Twelve Leaders of Islam from all over the Planet have conferred in the Root of Civilization concerning the Lost-Found Nation of Islam-must return to their original Land. One of the Conference Members by the name of Mr. Osman Sharrieff said to the eleven Members of the Conference: "The Lost-Found Nation of Islam will not return to their original Land unless they, first, have a thorough Knowledge of their own." So they sent a Messenger to them of their own. Now, the Messenger an his Laborers worked day and night for the last three and one-half years, and their accomplishments are approximately twenty-five thousand. The Messenger and his Laborers are worried, for the time of Laboring is mentioned and limited in said, Problem No. 31. One of the Prophets in the early days said: "The Lost-Found Nation of Islam, numbering one hundred forty-four thousand, will be the Stars, and will return to their original Land. And the Balance, "he said, "are poison and rusty, and will not take the Knowledge on their own." But the Messenger and his Laborers do not agree with the old Prophet in this modern time. He thinks that he will remove all poison and rust from every one of the seventeen million. At the same time, he desires for every on of you, Students, to help solve this Problem since you have learned the time, 9

accomplishments and old Prophet's number-(one hundred forty-four thousand). What would be the daily average of accomplishment judging from weekly Converts? What do we mean when we say, poison and rusty? What is the percentage of poison and rusty? Describe whom and with what Profession are the most poisonous and rustiest? What means and methods shall be used to remove poison and rust from of said, the worst one? B. No. 1 - The uncle of Mr. W.D. Fard lives in the wilderness of North America. He is working sixteen hours out of twenty-four hours for a very little pay. He has eight in his family to support besides other little bills to meet each month. On top of that, a Cave man came along and sold him an old touring Car, which travels downhill at the rate of forty-eight miles per hour. If it is to be shown by Actual Test that a force of two hundred fifty pounds is required to maintain this rate of downhill speed, what horse power must the Engine deliver at the Wheels? Thirty-three thousand pounds equals one Horse Power. 33.) Lake Michigan is three hundred nine and one-third miles long, sixty-nine and one-half miles wide, and she has a depth of eight hundred sixty-eight and one-fourth feet. What would be the square mileage of this Cave Man's Lake? Reduce to square Yards and inches. One thousand seven hundred twenty-eight cubic inches equal one cubic foot. One cubic foot of water contains seven and one-half gallons. One thousand seven hundred twenty-eight cubic inches of water weighs sixty-two and one-half pounds. Mr. E. Muhammad wants to know if thirteen Ducks-six drink once 10

per day and seven drink three-fourth ounces per day, how long will it take them to dry the Cave Man's Lake? Extract the cube root of the total amount of water after having all dry by the thirteen Ducks. 34.) The uncle of Mr. W. D. Fard lives in the wilderness of North America and works sixteen hours out of twenty-four every day for a very little pay. He has a large family support and, on top of that, a Satan came along and sold him Life insurance, and gave him a written Guarantee that he will receive full benefit at once on after approval of his death. Another Satan came along and sold him five hundred B. Shares at six percent, in Panama Canal, at $1.75 per Share. The Panama Canal is fifty and one-half miles long; three hundred feet wide; and has a depth of forty-five feet. What would be the amount of water in weight and gallons belonging to the uncle of Mr. W.D. Fard since there were nine thousand, nine hundred fifty-seven Share-Holders-not including the 15%? It has been learned that the 85% could only receive correctly weight and measure in figures by any Mathematician. What price was said per gallon today, including and compounding interest annually for of said, twenty years, at six percent? One thousand seven hundred twenty-eight cubic inches equals one cubic foot. Sixteen ounces equal one pound. One gallon contains two hundred thirty-one cubic inches. One cubic foot contains seven and one-half gallons. One thousand seven hundred twenty-eight cubic inches weigh sixtytwo and one half pounds.


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