3 minute read
Letter From The Editor Dave Nichols
Born Free 100% 2021 King of Flames Dave Perewitz & Flash Cherokee Blue Ridge Run Choppertown Live at Cherokee Blue Ridge Run 6
Rise Again Sabrina 34
Nefarious James Spyke & Mike 39 54
Christian Motorcycle Association 55
Contents Page 2 Letter From The Editor Dave Nichols 4 Movie Review - Electra Guide in Blue 52 BTR KIDS 55


Jim Dohms Art at Choppertown 30
Born Free 100% 2021 Oak Canyon Ranch Silverado, California www.bornfreeshow.com

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All About Leather
Allstate - Jeff Ard
All World Lift Truck 49
Angel City Rally 53
Boss Hogg Radio 16
BTR Choppertown Ride In Show 27 BTR Facebook Group 48 BTR Heat Up 51 BTR Multimedia 46
BTR Radio Live
BTR Youtube 45
BTR TV 26th Year
Charlotte’s Web 12
Cherokee Blue Ridge Run 19 Cherokee Choppertown 28 Cherokee Rocks 20
Choppertown Live 28
Craig Paints Bikes Cycle-Rama Denver’s Choppers 49
Elite Transmission & Auto 49
Estrella TV 51
FTW Kustoms
G.I. Joe Wanted 18
Gotta Haveit Insurance 42
H-D Crystal 56, IBC H-D Crystal Ghost Biker 41 Heat Up 51 High Seas Rally 17 Hogg Wild 37 John & Heather Show 48
Lakeland Antique Mall 43 Leasure Automotive 42
Leather Lid Inserts 39
Media Design Shop 43
Metalsport Wheels 5
Mid-USA Motorsports 31 Paughco 10 Perewitz Custom Paint Show 23
Progressive Insurance 3 Rise Up Against Addiction 33 Rubenstein Law IFC,1,BC Salty RV 32
Seattle Engraving Center 36 Sonny’s Real Pit Bar-B-Q 47 Subscribe 53
Thunder Beach 44
Tropic Trailer 50
Vintage Vinyl 49