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Choppertown Live at Cherokee Blue Ridge Run

In 2011, Flash was approached by a local Montana school to assist them in raising money for their anti-bully campaign, and over 1,500 shirts were needed. He was also asked if he could bring some biker friends to share a message of empowerment and it was then that Bikers Against Bullies was born. Flash and Wink recruited two close friends, Jefe’ and Magnum and between them an assembly was created that more Montana schools wanted to be a part of. Word got around, and BAB grew to over 27,000 patched riders in five countries. They have visited over 1,000 schools to-date with a “Buddy Bench” program now getting underway nationally as well.
“I was very nervous at the time, not knowing how the kids would receive our message,” recalls Jefe’, “When we were done, I felt like a rock star and all warm and fuzzy, the kids hear and feel that we are genuinely interested in them, and the effect has been profound.”
The more Flash and Jefe’ learned about the effects of bullying, from destroying self-confidence to suicide, their passions grew like wildfire. “According to statistics, 14.75 kids die every day as a direct result of bullying in the USA. If we can make that 13.75 in just one day, everything we ever do will be worth it,” says Flash.
The BAB presentation varies between 60-90 minutes and is fitted to the age groups and demographics of the area. “It is like flipping a switch,” now 16-year-old Wink says. “We change the vibe from fearing the bully to understanding why a person like that can feel so badly about themselves.”
“We don’t tell kids what not to do, that “DON’T BE A BULLY” stuff is bulls---t,” Flash adds. “We share that it’s okay to both be cool, be the badass you are, and still make good decisions. Young people seem to respond to it. Despite our looks, dress and loud bikes, we are the parents and grandparents and the people that live down the street. We care.” All bikers have a warm spot for kids. Why not show up to ride with your friends from Born To Ride as well as “the King of Flames” Dave Perewitz and “Flash” from Bikers Against Bullies this coming September 10th at the Cherokee Indian Fairgrounds. You can pre-register at www.babusa.org.

—Dave Nichols

at the

his stable. Most importantly, he’s bringing ‘Boujee,’ the bike that took First Runner Up at our inaugural show. Also returning is Jared Weems of Weems Motor Co. bringing those beautiful David Mann-inspired choppers that will eventually be on permanent display at Barber Motorsports Museum.

Next up is George Girod out of South Florida bringing his fresh new Triumph build called ‘Endless Summer.’ Last, but certainly not least on this impressive list of Florida builders, is Nick Pensabene of Mad

What do you call it when you bring a bunch of bikers and fun-filled folks together to celebrate choppers, the chopper lifestyle and all the fun that goes along with it? Sprinkle in a few custom vans, hot rods, and really cool vendors? We call that Choppertown Live and baby, it’s back!
Choppertown Live, sponsored by Born To Ride, is headed to the beautiful countryside of Cherokee, North Carolina, and will be held concurrently with the Cherokee Blue Ridge Run on September 10th, 11th and 12th. Staying true to form with the first Choppertown Live event a few months back, Born To Ride will be highlighting some of the very best bike builders found in the entire Southeast.
First off, we have four very talented builders coming up from Florida, bringing along a total of 15 beautiful bikes. You’ll meet George Casale of Goodlooking Customs coming to the event with a bunch of beauties from

Pen Cycles out of the Daytona area. Every one of Nick’s amazing builds are the perfect blend of artistic creativity and style. We can’t wait to see what he brings.
We also have a great contingent of builders representing the entire Southeast. We have John and Kristin Shipwash of ‘The Rebel Spirit’ in North Carolina returning to Choppertown with their groovy Honda chopper build, as well as a couple others nice scooters.
Brandon Shipwash of Midnight Oil Cycles, also out of North Carolina, is bringing a bunch of great builds. Our friends at The Low Road Motor Co. will be there to show us how they do things in the Atlanta area, and Stay Humble Performance will be there from North Carolina with a couple of great rides. We also have Caleb Dula from the same area, bringing his sweet chopper. The Southeast will certainly be greatly represented, and the list continues to grow by the day.
As if all this wasn’t enough, we have our good friends the Chillbunnys and Chillbillys returning to Choppertown Live to turn the good time factor up to eleven! The Chillbillys will be there with chops, vans and anything else cool that contains a motor and wheels, while the Chillbunnys will be there to add just the right amount of stylistically good flavor to the pot to make things perfect.
If you can only make it out for one day, Saturday, September 11 would be the perfect day as we are also hosting the huge Cherokee Blue Ridge Run Born To Ride Choppertown Ride-in Show with our friends from FTW Kustoms. This event is open to all makes and models of

motorcycles. Registration starts at 10AM and will continue until 2PM. If antique motorcycles are your thing, there will also be a separate Vintage Motorcycle Show on Saturday. So custom or classic, we’ve got you covered! Where, you scream with drooling lips? Why, at the Cherokee Blue Ridge Run Born to Ride Choppertown Ride in Show! Damn, that’s a long name.
Born To Ride will be giving away five sets of VeeRubber tires from Metalsport Wheels to our Choppertown Live builders plus $1,000 CASH and prizes to our bike show winners. If that’s not enough, Classic Easyriders magazine will be bringing out photographer Brad Patton to document the entire thrill-packed threeday event and the custom motorcycle that is picked as Best of Show will get a full bike feature in Classic Easyriders magazine! Where, you whisper aghast and agog with tongue all aquiver? Why, at the Cherokee Blue Ridge Run Born to Ride Choppertown Ride in Show, that’s where! But wait, there’s more! Oh, so much more. Ace photographer Jim Dolms will have his amazing art on display in our Choppertown Live Pavilion and sensational moto painter Makoto Endo will be painting a live performance of his unbelievable, “must see” art. All this plus legendary custom bike builder and painter Dave Perewitz will be on hand with his astounding Perewitz Paint Show. Come on out and meet this biker legend!
We’re excited to bring Choppertown Live to this world-class event at the Cherokee Blue Ridge Run. Located in Cherokee, North Carolina, the Blue Ridge Run is located deep in the heart of some of the best motorcycle riding in the United States. Add an impressive lineup of bands, entertainment, vendors, great people and Choppertown Live will definitely be a weekend you will never forget.
You don’t want to miss this one and there is still time to get involved. For more information on Born To Ride’s Choppertown Live and the Cherokee Blue Ridge Run, call 888-795-5779 or visit www.cherokeeblueridgerun.com See you there!
—Erick Runyon