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Movie Review - Hell Ride
More Random Thoughts for March
Floating along on a cloud of uncertainty, a writer passes high in the sky observing all that is going on beneath him. Or perhaps, I should not refer to myself as a writer but simply an observer. Either way, it is up to that person to decide what is reality and what is fantasy. Sometimes it is difficult to correctly identify between the two because things that aren’t real often come cloaked in an endless pile of substantiating facts and evidence that most people could not refute. Every situation requires careful examination, not just on the surface but all the way down to the core. As humans, we only see what we want to see anyway. So it often becomes a situation where we learn later that something is not authentic. This is not a fault just a fact. I am not addressing the specific issues; I am simply trying to suggest that people look deeply into situations and try to determine on their own whether the content or item is truly legitimate. Using care when checking reality is paramount to preventing dissatisfaction in the future. No, this isn’t all about fake news and some of the other drama that we hear about every day. This is just about checking out the real facts. Last month was really a hoot! We had Valentine’s Day, the return of NASCAR and the Olympic games to deal with and enjoy, plus the US won a bunch of medals so it’s a good thing. Everything considered, there are a lot of great things coming up on the horizon, including Bike Week in Daytona and locally, the strawberry festival in Plant City. Usually, this month is the beginning of the serious riding season, but the weather has been so warm a lot of folks are already out on the road enjoying the ride. As I said last month, there is no better place for a biker to live than right here. Seriously, a year-long riding season and no snow rocks! However, this year it seems that in Florida spring as we know it was totally skipped and we went directly from winter into summer. Believe me, I am not complaining! Just enjoying the ride like all the rest of you. When you live here and venture out of your trailer park, or wherever you live, you will always experience new and exciting things. Once, I left here on a beautiful sunny Sunday and got on the bike for a ride. With no particular destination in mind, I just started out heading east from where I live and began enjoying the ride. Somehow, I ended up on RT60 in the middle of nowhere, and after a few hours I drank all of my bottled water and was getting a little dehydrated—not unusual when the temps are in the 80s or 90s. In a town without a name and a tavern (I can’t remember the name), I decided to stop and have a beer or whatever just to cool off for a few minutes. Maybe this would be as far as I go for the day or maybe not. I saw this place over on the left and there were several motorcycles parked. I felt like this would be a good place to go hang out because it was apparent that bikers were welcome there. Well, it turned out pretty good since there were other road-dogs who actually knew who me in the establishment, and one or two even offered to buy me a cold brew. This is the kind of camaraderie that you will find when you venture out every now and then to places unknown and destinations undecided. Our world as bikers may be a small one but all our hearts are very massive. As it turned out, I drank a couple of beers, met a few new awesome friends, and had a great time enjoying the air-conditioning and the hospitality. I realized that every day may not be as good as this one, and when all was said and done I ventured back home to savor the memory of the ride and the new people I encountered. Sadly, the next time I went out that way for whatever reason, I discovered that the place was closed, and it was another 30 miles to the next watering hole. I went there without the expectation of anything in particular but the point still remains. As bikers, we all seem to have an unspoken bond that people who don’t ride motorcycles rarely understand. It’s okay though. It seems only the best of the best are in our circle. I know that Bike Week is coming up, and I expect to see a lot of old friends there and possibly make some new ones once again. This is what our lifestyle is about.