3 minute read
Christian Motorcycle Association


It’s important to remember to to go should they be separated from the group. That form of take a moment before a ride to communication is of great benefit to the riders in a group, and make sure you have considered it removes a situation by which a rider can get lost from the the anticipated challenges that can others. pop up. You want to call on that Finally, when the ride is done, take time to think about planning time as a way to prepare and review how it went. What went well, and what could be for the ride itself. Just like taking improved for the next outing? Take a few moments to see a moment to get out of bed in the how the ride was received, and if the route and scenery were morning, so should a moment be pleasing. Did you hit any really bad roads, and are you going taken prior to any ride. That way to make notes in an appropriate file? Were the vendors friendly you can make sure that both you and did they make an effort to make the riders feel welcome? and the bike are ready for an adventure. That will help you ride Did the shops where you stopped for refreshments communicate with confidence and excitement. their pleasure in serving your group and make you feel welcome
Another approach, as you prepare for a ride, is to spend to visit them again? a few minutes alone with the bike and give it a thorough In the Bible, in Ephesians 6:18, it says, “Pray in the Spirit inspection. Just like reviewing the ride route, you want the bike at all times with all kinds of prayers, asking for everything to run well and keep you safe from a breakdown. It is amazing you want.” Just as we are encouraged to communicate with what potential problems can be revealed in just a few short ourselves and others, we are challenged to hear the Spirit. One minutes of focused examination. Such a checkup can also help of the great benefits in praying in that way is when we receive point out maintenance issues before they become dangerous. those wonderful answers. Best of all is the fact that praying
I like to take time to visualize the way I want the ride to brings you closer to God and His love for you. go. You can also continue that review, even after the ride is So pray at all times with all kinds of prayers and all kinds of underway. Often I have found such a review will lead to a needs and desires. God loves you and wants the very best for successful ride and happier fellow riders. If one is serving as you, so talk with Him today. the Road Captain on a particular ride, it only takes few minutes, In the Wind, Denny Dingler in advance, to print out a ride plan so the riders know where