5 minute read
Ghost Biker Explorations
Did you know that three out of every four Americans believe in ghosts and the paranormal? It’s true. Miranda Young, also known as the Ghost Biker, knows this better than most. Miranda has always been interested in the paranormal for as long as she can remember. As a child, you could find her in the library reading books about ghosts and folklore. Miranda began investigating with a ghost research team in 2013 and continued with them until 2018. Her role on the team consisted of being the photo analyst, video/ audio evidence producer and marketing specialist, as well as investigator. While fully involved with the team, she BTR 24 | BORNTORIDE.COM found that in her spare time, she was traveling and exploring a great deal on her own. She would often take photos of these locations and share them on her Facebook page. These photos started to get a lot of attention and people began messaging her and asking what the stories were behind these images. This is how Ghost Biker Explorations and her Youtube channel was born. Because Miranda is out on her bike taking photos every chance she gets and doing little investigations, she thought why not chronicle these adventures through video? Miranda loves investigating the big locations, but through this project, she discovered that every little town


has a ghost story or two that the citizens have heard all their lives, or an abandoned location that they drive by every day. Her goal is to visit these towns, spotlight the areas, tell the stories and either investigate the location or explore it. Born To Ride magazine sat down with avid motorcyclist and artist Miranda Young recently to find out more on her exploits in the ghostly realm. “I started riding over 11 years ago and it had always been a dream of mine. My first bike was a 1997 Kawasaki Vulcan that I rode for 8 months. From the Vulcan, I bought the 883 Harley-Davidson Sportster that I currently ride. Miranda has been all over America, finding
the perfect ride linked with superb history in the towns that she visits, “I’ve ridden all over the country,” Miranda says. “I ride the Sportster in my web series - Ghost Biker Explorations.” Miranda does something that I have been a follower of for years – paranormal investigations! “I’ve always had an interest in the paranormal. I grew up in the Appalachian Mountains of Tennessee and spent a lot of time with my grandmother. She and my dad instilled the importance of storytelling. My grandmother would tell me stories about ghosts that lived in the Appalachian Mountains. That intrigued me. I enjoyed spending time in the library researching the paranormal and the locations where some of these fascinating stories took place.” Miranda has taken this passion and turned it into a well-followed and successful web series. “Ten years ago, I was approached by a guy I used to work with. My background is in photography and he had some photos that they had taken on one of their ghost-thunting adventures. He wanted me to look at the photos and try to debunk items within it. Afterwards, I was invited to attend an investigation with them. We got some great evidence! Eventually, I was invited to join the team. I was with them for eight years, photoanalyzing, creating their videos, building their brands and social media presence, etc. I would often ride my bike to the closer locations and found that when not investigating with the team, I would take off on my bike and visit locations by myself.” Miranda got the bug to practice her paranormal research on her own. “I was taking pictures and documenting these travels on my social media pages. Several people approached me about my pictures and the posts I was putting on my social media platforms.” Miranda was encouraged to document these visits on video by a colleague that she worked with. She put together a marketing & production plan to produce these episodes and began visiting locations and telling the history of them. Her hard work paid off. Miranda explained, “The first season of Ghost Biker Explorations was a huge success! People wanted to see more of the travel and more of the motorcycle. That grew into motor vlogs and historical & paranormal travel logs. For me, combining the two passions together created something unique and fun to do. People were able to find out about locations in their own hometown. As a biker I really enjoyed finding locations that were fun to travel to and that had some rich history to share as well. Miranda has found some really interesting places to ride as well as highlight her paranormal investigations. “We advertised this fun bike night/ride to a historic general store. The general store is located in an historic as well as beautifully scenic

area. We were hoping to get 25 bikes on the ride. When we got to the meeting location, there were over 100.” The bike night was a huge success and she got a lot of positive feedback from the event. People even asked her to come to their communities and host a haunted/historic bike ride because everyone had such a great time. “History and preservation are so important to me. We wanted to create a bike ride, coupled with a bike event to draw attention to this general store. I actually went in and mapped out a cool route with great history and dubbed it, “A Haunting Ride with Ghost Biker Explorations.” Along with her talents as a paranormal investigator, Miranda is an outstanding artist. “I have had the opportunity to visit a lot of historic locations and I like to draw them because I feel it’s a unique way to preserve their history through art. That’s also how I fund my travels and web series. The interest in these historic drawings has led to an increase in requests for me to draw portraits as well as custom motorcycles.” Anyone interested in reaching Miranda for a custom motorcycle drawing or portrait, can contact her through her website at ghostbikerexplorations.com or by email at ghostbikerexplorations@gmail.com. To check out more of Miranda’s paranormal videos, check out her Facebook page at https://www. facebook.com/GhostBikerExplorations/ and her YouTube channel Ghost Biker Explorations. The videos are exceptional and very professionally done. Watch for more of Miranda’s adventure on Born To Ride TV.
— Susan Hurst