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BLVCK CAVIAR is a multifaceted digital brand that concentrates on motorcycle activities in Atlanta, that marry together the car and bike community through significantly targeted and enhanced events. With a core focus on giving back, BLVCK CAVIAR always incorporates a philanthropic component into its various activations, events, and productions.
In August of 2022, BLVCK CAVIAR presented its first car and bike show aptly titled Clutches x Caviar at Revel Atlanta at 1778 Ellsworth Industrial Blvd NW. With sponsorships from Born To Ride Magazine and various others, the event was widely regarded as an overwhelming success as it not only surpassed expectations, engaged the community, cultivated meaningful connections, and supported Atlanta Public classrooms, but it also positioned BLVCK CAVIAR as a forerunner for Atlanta-based experiential motorcycle-based events. We continue to engage the community through public services such as feeding the homeless. BLVCK CAVIAR bands together to support the community through and through!

BLVCK CAVIAR is determined to redefine what it means to ride within communities without having to be a part of the problem. We want to cultivate meaningful relationships while riding with our brothers and sisters. We want to be in the forefront of any and everyone’s minds when you think about motorcycles, apparel, and overall liaisons to the motorcycle community. Our goal is to stand out and engage the community while creating opportunities. We are a very diverse group of individuals who come from all different walks of life. We are marketers, first responders, master barbers, industrial engineers, business owners, cybersecurity wizards, and the list goes on. However, when we get on those two wheels, we all come together as brothers. We were on a never-ending quest to become an MC for so long, we started to realize that it wasn’t our thing, and more importantly, it didn’t align with what we were trying to accomplish as a group. We met so many people with pipe dreams and who would promise us this and that, but in the end, they wanted to use us for their own motives. So, we decided that the MC life wasn’t for us.
This is where the path we travel now was birthed from, deception and false hope, we evolved into our idea of what riding is and what it will represent. No one can dim the light we shine, and no one can take away the energy we put out to the people, the community, and the world. We are BLVCK CAVIAR.
Capturing these ecliptic moments on film and giving people of the world a real-life snapshot into this “bike life” is imperative to our mission. There are so many people who want to ride but don’t understand the culture or have a tethered view of what it means to be a biker. We can paint a vivid picture of this lifestyle and create something extraordinary simultaneously.
We are steadily gearing up for our 2nd annual Clutches X Caviar car and bike show in August 2023! If you thought last year was insane, this year will blow your mind. This only gets better and better as time goes on. We have so many surprises in store for you guys this year.
Make sure to follow us on Instagram and take the ride with us!
Our page illustrates the culture and shows firsthand what we have going on in the community. We also go live for our podcast where we discuss different topics and engage with our followers and spectators. If you have any questions or are interested in becoming a BLVCK CAVIAR member, hit us up on IG or email info@blvckcaviar.com @blvck.caviar.atl.
--Ace of BLVCK CAVIAR (Devante’ Winegan)