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tendency to reflect back on our lives a bit. Maybe a lot of coulda, woulda, shoulda siturations. I’m figuring that’s normal with age. Something to think about. The majority of us work our asses off to build a comfortable future for ourselves. We slave away at jobs where we feel unappreciated, underpaid or plain old used as slave labor. Welcome to life, I’m told.
or leave there, that same job will have an ad out finding your replacement in the blink of an eye. You are disposable.
You can’t replace your life. You can’t make up time or catch up on something. Once time is gone, it’s gone for good. Making up time just takes away more time from you that you’ve already lost. Let that sink in. Time is not replaceable. Take for instance the way I look at the value of things.
Welcome to February, 2023. I want to start right off by reminding you to mark your calendars for two special events this month. Of course, there is February 14th which is Valentine’s Day. Time to remind that special someone you care or maybe find someone new. But if you spend it alone, no worries. You have a better chance at a drama-free day and having a little peace and quiet by yourself. Plus, it’s a money saver. Do what you want. See the positive in a potentially negative situation.
The second is the return of Choppertown Live at Thunder by the Bay in Sarasota. That’s on February 17th through the 19th. It’s always a great gathering if you’re looking to get a day out and see some really cool stuff. Ride your bike in or bring the van. Ya can’t lose with either one. Cooler weather has been upon us, so as you know, you might want to dust off them leathers when heading out for that ride.
On to a thought I’ve been thinking about lately. It’s about time management. As we all progress in years, we may have a
Just remember to take time in your life to find enjoyment, peace, and happiness. Time for you. Yes, I know, we all have bills to pay and working helps achieve that goal. But remember this. You know that job you kill yourself for and put in overtime at, sacrificing most of your time? When you die
If I find something I may be interested in purchasing, there is usually a dollar amount attached to that. Let’s say it costs $200. That may not sound bad for what it is your looking at. It might even be a bargain. I don’t look at the dollar amount. I look at the $200 and consider how long it takes me to earn that amount. How much of my time does it take? If I make $20 an hour, I ask if that item is worth ten hours of my time. Is it worth the labor I perform to make that $200? If you look at things in that perspective, you may gauge the value of things differently. It is said that time is money, but the saying should be that money is time. Things are only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.
Well, with that said, get out there and live that life of yours. Hope your journeys are safe and enjoyable. Remember to check out Choppertown Live. There will be a lot of cool stuff there.
Until next time.
— Nefarious James Grateful American