1 minute read
by borov665
3: To be with your friends and to stay with them in a place doing nothing in particular. To ____________ out with them 4: If you this happens, liquid falls out of a container: to sp___________ 8: To wash your hands with water. To ___________ your hands 10: If a ball does this, it hits the ground and then goes up in the air 12: A person who travels to work on public transport 13: If something does this, it enters a place comfortably. To f ________ 15: To discover the answer to something. To fig_________ out 17: To go home very quickly. To _____ home 19: To discover the answer to something. To find o ________ 20: Asked many, many questions: b____________ with questions 21: To shout
1: A story 2: If an insect does this to you, it bites you and puts poison in you 5: With many, many people: jam-_____________ 6: The final part of a joke that is the funny part. The punch- __________ 7: To go to a place. To __________ to. 9: To increase very quickly. To __________ up 11: ASAP: as soon as _____________ 13: To really want something. To ________ for that thing 14: To speak in a low voice that is difficult to understand. To m ______________ 16: To telephone many people, or to call all your friends. To ring ______________ 18: Frightening
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