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FOH Showroom Organization

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Calendar Syncing

The Why: Creativity is a core value of Borrow and keeping a beautiful showroom allows us to flex that muscle. It also helps us with social media content and impressing our clients during the appointment process. Lastly- a clean and organized showroom allows us to operate efficiently and safely.

A. The showroom is to be flipped at least every other week.


B. There is a FOH checklist that ensures the space is kept cleaned, and stocked.

A. This checklist can be the responsibility of both the front and back of house.

C. The three things to be considered when doing any type of space flip or re-organization.

A. Upcoming delivery orders 2 weeks out. Set these items aside to help aid in the corral process.

B. Showroom Appointments within the week.

C. Showroom Reserves within the week.

Invoice/Package Retrieval

A. All packages delivered to our address at 4700 Lakeside Ave E should be brought into our warehouse and opened by BOH Staff.

B. BOH Staff should then post a photo of the item received in the “Supplies Delivered” SLACK channel with a note on where they are being placed.

C. All packages received should be placed immediately in their labeled home.

D. If a package arrives that does not have a labeled home, that package should be delivered to its specific addressee (if there is one) or placed in “Inbound for Cleaning” with a question attached to the “Supplies Delivered” posting asking where the item should be taken. As soon as this is determined, BOH Staff should place the item as directed.

Reviews / Growth Conversations

A. Each BOH Staff member will be given a 90-day review from the initial start date to assess where the employee is on their training and development plan, continued training, re-training if necessary, and growth plan

B. These conversations will then be re-addressed on a quarterly basis unless a deeper, more intensive development plan is required to help

Proper Client Interactions + Relationships

The relationships that Borrow has with its clients is largely what drives our success in everything we do. Borrow has curated deep relationships with many industryadjacent vendors and clients over the years and keeping those relationships in good standing only serves to promote us positively on a year round basis.

A. Borrow Staff is always willing to go above and beyond to meet the needs of our clients, with no ask being too big or too small.

B. We are always meeting the requests of our clients and co-vendors to the best of our ability.

A. Sometimes these requests can feel like they are too large, or too much for us to be able to handle, and if you are in a situation where you are unsure of a client request you should always make the phone call to management to discuss and create a plan forward that ensures the utmost happiness of our clients.

WAREHOUSE Warehouse/Showroom Process

“why”: lift each other up; focused on team success. Following this process is crucial because we want FOH / BOH to feed off each other. If we make the showroom spotless for appointments, this will impress clients and make our FOH staff look good + bring more business!

C. Warehouse / Showroom organization

A. Organize as you go.

B. Clean as you go.

C. Projects never to be left out over night: all tools and materials should be returned to their homes.

D. Allow time for clean up.

E. Leave every space the way you found it OR (even better) leave the space even more organized or more clean.

D. Checklists: to be completed daily, weekly and/or monthly and to be scheduled on the calendar with appropriate day/time.

A. Checklists are located in the Google Drive under “End of Shift Walkthrough” or “Important Links”

B. All Checklists are filled out as Google Forms and submitted electronically upon completion.

Damage Process

A. Damages for Orders

A. If damage is found at pickup, take a picture at immediate time and upload to the Project files in Good Shuffle immediately on site

B. BOH send Slack in “damaged items channel” with a note saying “Setting aside ____item in Good Shuffle damaged on site with Project Name”

A. Add estimate of time for repair

C. Set aside item through the Project, go through fulfilment–>Check in + setaside and leave a comment in Good Shuffle with details

D. Physically put the item in +/-20 minute fix or Long term Project

B. Damage Found In-House

A. BOH send Slack in “damaged items channel” with a note saying “Setting aside ____item in Good Shuffle”

A. Add estimate of time for repair

B. Set aside item through Inventory–> Search for the item, open it, scroll down to SET ASIDE and click CREATE. Leave a comment in Good Shuffle with details

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