Bosch BCC100
EasyAir App
Migration instructions for BCC100 to the Bosch EasyAir App
Ready to bring your BCC100 devices into the Bosch EasyAir App? In this down-to-earth guide, we'll take you step by step through the process of migrating your eligible BCC100 devices. It's all about making things simple and smooth for you!
Devices that will be migrated
BCC100 devices that have a MACID that doesn’t start with number 8.(1)
Please follow the steps below
1. The user must first download the Easy Air App and register as a Homeowner.
2. The user should then choose to add the BCC100.
3. Upon entering the MAC ID & temporary verification code, the App will notify the user that a firmware update is necessary to proceed.
4. Once the user hits "Update", the server will update the thermostat’s HD (Wi-Fi version) firmware and then the device firmware. The update takes 5 – 10 min.
5. The user should continue with the on-boarding steps while the update is in progress.
6. After the user finishes the on-boarding process, the device will appear as offline on the App until the device completes the firmware update and connects to Wi-Fi.
7. Once the update is successful, the user will receive a notification telling them that the device is now available to be used with the App.
(1) BCC100 users with a MAC ID that starts with an 8 are not compatible with the EasyAir App will not be updated to V1.9.0. These users should continue using the Bosch Connected Control App.![](
Scan QR Download App
Step 4
Verify phone number by receiving a verification code through text message.
Step 1
If a SingleKey ID with a homeowner account already exists then login and jump to step 6, If not, then Sign Up with SingleKey ID.
Step 2
After signing up. Select the “Homeowner” role and select “Next”.
Step 3
Enter your First Name and Last Name.
Step 5
Success Message indicating completion of profile creation process.
Step 6
Select the “Thermostat” as an appliance.
Step 7
Click on “Select Your Device” to choose thermostat model.
Step 8
Select BCC100 thermostat model.
Step 11B
If you choose manual entry instead of scanning the QR code then enter the MAC ID and temporary verification code found in “Registration” within thermostat Wi-Fi settings.
Step 9
After Selecting “BCC100” Model, click “Next” to continue with onboarding process.
Step 12
Click on “Update” to update the BCC100’s firmware version to the latest firmware compatible with the EasyAir App. You must update the device to proceed.
Step 10
Choose method for onboarding (Scan QR code or Manual Entry).
Step 11A (QR Code Method)
Scan QR Code that is found in “Registration” within thermostat Wi-Fi settings.
Step 13
Once you hit the “Update” button, the device will perform two consecutive updates. After the first update the device will re-establish connection with the Wi-Fi. The second update will start after the device reconnects to Wi-Fi. Throughout the update process, you should continue setting up your device on the App.
Step 14
Enter device name and installation address and click on “Submit”.
Setting Up and Alexa and Google Home
After successfully onboarding the device to the App:
1. Users will have to go to their Alexa or Google Home App
2. Add “EasyAir App” as a skill
3. After successfully adding the skill, the device will be available for control via Alexa and Google Home
Q1. The firmware update did not start or failed after I hit the “Update” button
Step 15
Select a Schedule.
A1. Note: If the update fails or does not start within 2 hours of clicking on the “Update” button, you will receive a notification telling you that the update has failed.
Step 16
Once you get to this screen, the thermostat is successfully onboarded.
u Once you receive this notification, check if the you can update the device to v1.9.0 again manually. Tap the menu bar on your thermostat and go to System Settings. Click on System Update and from this screen check if v1.9.0 is available for download.
u If v1.9.0 is not available for download manually, then click on the “Update” button available to you via the notification on the Mobile EasyAir App.
Q2. Will all my settings stay the same after I do the firmware update?
A2. Yes, all the settings will remain the same, however you will need set up new schedules as part of the onboarding process to the EasyAir App.
Step 17
You will receive a notification after the firmware update on the device is complete telling you that your device is now available to be used with the App.
Q3. The EasyAir App says that my BCC100 device is not compatible with the EasyAir App. What should I do?
A3. You should continue using the Bosch Connected Control App. The EasyAir App is not available for older hardware versions of the BCC100.