It's Erica! : Erica Gets a Foster Home

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Erica! -Today’s Adventure-

Erica Gets a New Foster Home!

D ed ic at i on I dedicate this book to my Foster Parents Mamae and Papae! Thank you for never giving up on me!

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E r ica! -Today’s Adventure-

Erica Gets a New Foster Home! By: Erica Thomas Illustrated by: Amanda Callison Dynasty Nunn

It's a beautiful day outside. The sun is shining bright, the birds are chirping, and the wind is blowing softly. Erica loves days like this because they are the best days to play with Sam and Tia from across the street.

Instead of getting to play outside today, Erica is moving to a new foster home and she is feeling a little nervous. Holding on to her favorite teddy bear, Mr. Ruffles, Erica whispers, “I hope they like me.�

While Erica is waiting on the porch with her suitcase nearby, a red car stops in front of the house. Erica’s case worker, Ms. Sheila, gets out of the car and walks up to her with a huge smile on her face. “Hello, Ms. Sheila,” Erica says quietly. Ms. Sheila reaches down and gives Erica a big hug.

“You will love your new home,” Ms. Sheila says as she grabs Erica’s hand and walks her to the car. Erica whispers to Mr. Ruffles, “I hope so.”

As Erica and Ms. Sheila drive to the new house, Erica looks out the window at the trees passing by. She starts thinking about what her new home would be like. Will it be big? Will there be other kids next door? Will the family like her? Erica hugs Mr. Ruffles tighter. Ms. Sheila asks, “Are you excited?�

Erica answers, “a little, but I’m nervous.” Ms. Sheila smiles. “I think you will like this family. After a short drive, they finally pull up to a house with lots of flowers and trees. Erica loves flowers.

Erica gets out of the car and slowly walks to the door with Ms. Sheila. Erica rings the doorbell and a tall woman opens the door.

“Hello, I am Ms. Nealy. What’s your name?”

“And who’s this?” Ms. Nealy asks pointing to Mr. Ruffles. “This is Mr. Ruffles. I’ve had him for a long time.” “Well, hello Mr. Ruffles. Would you like to come in?” Ms. Nealy asks. Erica smiles and nods as she follows Ms. Nealy inside the house.

“I’m Erica,” she says gripping Mr. Ruffles closer to her.

She notices it is very quiet. “Are there any other kids here?” Erica asks.

“No. It’s just you and me. I was so excited to meet you today, Erica,” Ms. Nealy says. “Let me show you to your room.”

Erica, Mr. Ruffles, and Ms. Nealy walk to the other side of the quiet house towards her new room. They pass the living room, a dining room, and the kitchen before they reach her door. “Welcome to your new room,� Ms. Nealy says as she opens the door. "Wow!" Erica shouts excited. "Is this all MY room? I never had my own room before," Erica says as she runs inside.

"Yes! This is all yours. I hope this feels like home for you. Have fun," Ms. Nealy says as she walks out and closes the door behind her.

Erica looks around the room and there are so many toys everywhere! Erica walks to the huge bed that looks like a boat and picks up a stuffed cat.

“I will call you... ummmmm Mr. Jordan!� she introduces Mr. Ruffles to Mr. Jordan and she sees a toy ship.

Erica closes her eyes and begins to imagine a grand adventure!

Erica opens her eyes to find herself as the Captain of a HUGE Pirate ship on the sea. Immediately...

...Erica knew the adventure had begun!

The waves came crashing down on the sides of the ship. There was a storm coming and Erica knew she had to get her ship to safety. “We must find land soon,� Erica shouts to her crew of toys. She then grabs the binoculars to search the stormy sea.

She looks to the left; no luck there. "What are we going to do, Mr. Ruffles? Mr. Ruffles just shakes his head not knowing what to do. One huge wave hits the side of the ship and almost everyone falls over.

“It’s okay, Mr. Ruffles. We’ll be home safe in no time. Don’t worry!”

Erica says as she gives Mr. Ruffles a big hug.

Mr. Ruffles pulls out his looking glass.

He looks straight out into the waves and shouts, "Ahoy, Ahoy! Land ahead!"

The rest of the crew gets up and starts to row faster towards the land. They all begin singing, "Row, row Land ahead! Row, row land ahead!" "Row, row Land ahead! Row, row land ahead!" "Row, row Land ahead! Row, row land ahead!" "We are almost there! Keep rowing!" Erica shouts as she jumps to the front of the ship and helps the others row.

Exhausted, Mr. Ruffles sits down. "Whew, we finally made it!"

Erica thanks her crew of toys for making it to shore safely. "Thank you everyone! You did an amazing job!" Erica's crew cheers and celebrates finding... HOME!

"Erica," Ms. Nealy calls from the hallway. "It's time for bed." Ms. Nealy walks into the room to tuck Erica in bed.

"So, do you like your new room?" Ms. Nealy asks.

"I love it. Thank you for making Mr. Ruffles and I feel at home," Erica tells Ms. Nealy.

"This is your new home!” Ms. Nealy says as she leans in and hugs Erica.

"Good night, Ms. Nealy," Erica says as she closes her eyes and holds Mr. Ruffles close. " I can’t wait for my next adventure Mr. Ruffles," she whispers as she falls asleep.

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