7 minute read
The Graia and Medusa
by Bossy
They call us grey and haggard; unworthy of their society. But, did we ask to be born this way? No. It seems our rejected fate was chosen for us.
They call us monsters - ostracise us and our sisters. Our mother tells us that we are like this for a reason, but I cannot find the good that Keto speaks of!
Our sister Medusa… once a loyal Priestess of Athena, punished for laying with Poseidon. Deformed so that no living thing can ever look upon her face without turning to stone. Were it not for us bringing her to our island of Cisthene, the people that once adored her beauty would have stopped at nothing to kill her!
The infamous Graiai sisters live on the edge of the Cisthene coast, in a regal home perched on a cliff overlooking the sea. Enyo ‘the warlike’ was the most protective of the three who would stop at nothing to protect their family. Deino was named ‘the terrible’ by the local people, which was in itself a misunderstanding. Deino was named as such by her mother as ‘the clever’; she was the most cunning of the Graiai. Then, there was Pemphredo; ‘she who shows the way’. Pemphredo was the one who kept the Graiai and all children of Keto united. The sisters might be blind except for their shared eye, but no one could deny their cunning, sharp minds.
They arrived at Athena’s temple just as a heavy rain began to pour upon the roof. The Graiai banded together and cautiously followed Pemphredo to the alter. “We’re here sisters. If you place your hand out in front of you, you will find the surface of the alter. Lets place our offerings. I will light the incense.” Upon these instructions Pemphredo began to open a bag of offerings.
They all wanted to believe that the wise war-goddess would pity them. But if the Graiai understood anything, it was that members of their family were never treated fairly or favourably. Beauty went far with the mortals and gods alike, and though the children of Keto and Phorkys were strong and formidable, they lacked that prized beauty. The sisters hastily stacked their items upon the alter. Meats, gold, and other precious items were placed down until the structure was nearly overflowing. Pemphredo took her sisters’ hands. All were trembling with a distinct mix of grief and fear.

Pemphredo began the prayer to Athena. “Wise Athena, we plead for your assistance. Our beloved sister has been slaughtered in her sleep. Our family is broken. We’ll do anything to have our Medusa back again.”
Suddenly, they could hear light footsteps approaching. Deino scrambled for the eye and held it to her face. She saw a brilliant light, then a figure came into view – a woman, with hair flowing down her shoulders. Her stance displayed ultimate poise and her face was divinely regal. The sisters tensed as they felt the energy around them shift and knew that Athena was with them. Athena approached the Graiai, looking them up and down, appraising and assessing them. She walked to the alter and glanced over the offerings. Finally, she spoke.
“Daughters of Keto, I will help you retrieve your fallen sister from Hades, but on one condition. To prove your sincerity in your remorse, you must sacrifice the very eye that links you to the rest of humanity. The people of the world already refer to you as grotesque hags… but without your eye what are you? Mindless and blind. Place the eye upon my altar and step away.” The Graiai gasped in surprised, both because Athena had agreed to help and because of her substantial price. But, nonetheless, no one argued or even spoke. Pemphredo placed the eye onto the alter immediately. Athena nodded curtly once in silent approval, before the eye on the alter began to glow brightly, so brightly that even the blinded Graiai could feel its glow on their faces and covered themselves with the sleeve of their robes. Suddenly it was gone, and Athena with it.
Athena’s goddess status meant she had no troubles traveling to the underworld. She was quickly met by Hades, who fixed upon her a questioning gaze. Athena addressed Hades when their eyes met. “I have come to retrieve the slain Medusa, I have made a bargain with her sisters, the Graiai.” Hades briefly considered Athena’s words.
“I suppose I can release Medusa to you. She does nothing down here but stare blankly at a wall and has not spoken besides the occasional mumblings about her sisters. What good is that? We may as well have her back amongst the living to terrify them.” Hades replied smugly. Athena held her blank expression and nodded once.
“I shall summon Medusa for you, Athena.” Hades briefly disappeared and returned with Medusa at his side. Her shoulders were slumped, but what was most shocking was that Medusa’s appearance seemed to have been returned to its original beauty. Long ebony hair fell down her shoulders to her waist, her skin perfect and luminous again; no sign that she was ever the most feared being to mankind.
“Ah, Medusa, my once great priestess, look at you now. It looks as though death becomes you.” Athena mused out loud as Medusa neared. Upon hearing Athena’s voice, Medusa’s head immediately jerked up and she fixed her gaze intensely on the warrior goddess. Athena was expecting a look of hatred or anger from Medusa, but her gaze was almost pleading, and full of sorrow. Medusa eventually found her voice and addressed Athena.
“Great wise war goddess, I do not know what you have come to Hades for but I have suffered so much. Take pity on me, even in death.” Athena was stunned at Medusa’s words but she composed herself. She answered Medusa in a gentle tone.
“Child, I have come because your sisters. They’ve made great sacrifices for your return, and I intend to honour that. Further, you will be permitted to stay as you are now and will be free of your hair of snakes and deadly gaze that turns men to stone.” Medusa wept at Athena’s words, unable to believe her circumstances. Finally, she would be able to see her sisters again.
Medusa collected herself and slowly rose to meet Athena’s gaze. She continued to stare at Athena for several moments before she spoke again, and when Medusa did speak, she was not the weeping, mute girl that sat in Hades, but the strong high priestess that Athena once knew.
“My goddess, I thank you for answering my sisters’ prayers. I will use my time in the land of the living wisely, but I must make one simple request.” Rather than be angered that yet another request was being made of her, Athena looked amused.
“I suppose it should not come as a surprise that yet another daughter of Keto insists on a favour from me, but let me hear your request, Medusa.” Without a moment of hesitation, Medusa spoke.
“I don’t want my beauty back. I want my hair of snakes and petrifying gaze. After years of being shunned by humans, I have no desire to return to the looks they once admired, for they are no friends of mine. It is my family, my sisters who loved me, who never fled from me and kept me safe for all those years. If the masses still choose to fear me, all the better; the safer my family and I will be. Beauty is in power and love. This is true for myself, my sisters the Graiai, and the rest of the family of Keto. We are fierce, and we are strong.”
Athena stared at Medusa in silence. Never had she heard of anyone turning down beauty for what was intended to be a punishment, but Athena found herself approving of Medusa’s bravery.
“Very well, Medusa, you will be returned to your sisters just as you were before. Let us make haste, take my hand.” Athena reached for Medusa. Seconds after their hands grasped, there was a bright flash of light, so bright Medusa forced her eyes closed. When the light dissipated, Medusa found herself in a dim temple. Athena was nowhere to be seen. She could feel the familiar sway of snakes from her hair and she smiled inwardly, thanking Athena for fulfilling her wish. Suddenly, there was a series of shrieks from inside the temple. Medusa walked toward the source of the commotion to find her three grey sisters huddled together at the altar. In their blind state, they were crying out her name.
“Who goes there? Is it Medusa? Have you returned to us, sister?” yelled Pemphredo at the sound of footsteps.
“Yes sisters! I am here! Athena granted your prayer and retrieved me from Hades. I never thought I’d see any of you again!” Medusa comforted her sisters as she embraced all three. The Graiai grasped Medusa’s open arms immediately, everyone lightly sobbing with tears of joy. Finally, Deino gently touched the side of Medusa’s face and felt a snake caress her hand affectionately. Immediately Deino pulled her hand back in alarm.
Medusa spoke, “Sisters, do not be alarmed. Athena told me I was to go back to the way I was before my punishment, but I insisted on staying this way.”
“Why ever would you go back to this! You could’ve been loved by the people again, and live a normal life… We can never be amongst humans, but you have that chance again!” Enyo yelled out.
“That Medusa is gone. I have no desire to live among the people that hated me the moment I was different.” Medusa explained. “That is not love. I feel beautiful when I am strong and brave, and this is why I have chosen to be this fearsome woman. It is no longer a punishment, it’s my choice. I know, sisters, that you have made an incredible sacrifice in giving your eye so that I may live again, but you see, in making that sacrifice, you have now become the only beings that are immune to my gaze and that is a precious gift. I want to spend the rest of my existence protecting you, my sisters. Let me give you the love that the world has not given us, for united as one, we are beautiful and powerful.” Medusa and the Graiai continued to embrace in their tearful reunion until night fell. With Medusa leading the way, they began a new chapter of their lives.

Mel Martinez