The Graia and Medusa Mel Martinez They call us grey and haggard; unworthy of their society. But, did we ask to be born this way? No. It seems our rejected fate was chosen for us. They call us monsters - ostracise us and our sisters. Our mother tells us that we are like this for a reason, but I cannot find the good that Keto speaks of! Our sister Medusa… once a loyal Priestess of Athena, punished for laying with Poseidon. Deformed so that no living thing can ever look upon her face without turning to stone. Were it not for us bringing her to our island of Cisthene, the people that once adored her beauty would have stopped at nothing to kill her! The infamous Graiai sisters live on the
edge of the Cisthene coast, in a regal home perched on a cliff overlooking the sea. Enyo ‘the warlike’ was the most protective of the three who would stop at nothing to protect their family. Deino was named ‘the terrible’ by the local people, which was in itself a misunderstanding. Deino was named as such by her mother as ‘the clever’; she was the most cunning of the Graiai. Then, there was Pemphredo; ‘she who shows the way’. Pemphredo was the one who kept the Graiai and all children of Keto united. The sisters might be blind except for their shared eye, but no one could deny their cunning, sharp minds. They arrived at Athena’s temple just as a heavy rain began to pour upon the roof. The Graiai banded together and cautiously followed Pemphredo to the alter. “We’re here sisters. If you place your
hand out in front of you, you will find the surface of the alter. Lets place our offerings. I will light the incense.” Upon these instructions Pemphredo began to open a bag of offerings. They all wanted to believe that the wise war-goddess would pity them. But if the Graiai understood anything, it was that members of their family were never treated fairly or favourably. Beauty went far with the mortals and gods alike, and though the children of Keto and Phorkys were strong and formidable, they lacked that prized beauty. The sisters hastily stacked their items upon the alter. Meats, gold, and other precious items were placed down until the structure was nearly overflowing. Pemphredo took her sisters’ hands. All were trembling with a distinct mix of grief and fear.