Compass #48 January 2014

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THANKS FOR PICKING UP COMPASS #48! In this new year we encourage you to MAKE MORE NOISE! I think everyone can relate to the feeling that sometimes their talents and artistic voice are going unnoticed or underappreciated. It’s a feeling that discourages and even stunts ideas and is too common of an occurrence. It may be a natural part of the process but we feel a responsibility to combat this notion. We are here to remind you (literally the reason we exist as a resource) that your art does make a difference and that your productivity is vital to the health of our city’s cultural landscape. From your peers to your potential audience and fans, even to unassuming passerby’s and certainly yourself, the more noise flying around out there the better it is for us all.

When we say noise we don’t just mean “music”, we are talking about all creative output. From the audible and the physical to the practical and the mystical, all artists should create like there is no tomorrow. The more noise that’s out there the more ideas will proliferate throughout the community, making us stronger and more inspired. We address all of our readers as artists because we believe there’s a creative spirit inside us all but even if you don’t consider yourself an artist, recognize how vital the role of appreciator is to the scheme as well. Whether you’re putting it out there or just taking it in, keep your ears up and your eyes open for that important, inspirational stuff and enjoy being in a city where there is always something good going on. - Sam Potrykus

The Boston Counter Cultural Compass is produced by the Boston Hassle

ART BLAST Performance Art, Zines & Zoárd 2 FILM FLAM Robot Warriors, Illegal Dogs, & Bloody Love 3 TARDY EAGLE T.E. Staff Reviews of 2013 A.D. 6 BOSTON HASSLE BRIEF Sophie Dickinson, FUZZ, Gelatin Kids & More 7


ANCIENT FILTH NEW 7” IS JUST PLAIN DIRTY Pull those studs out of your skull and pick up the new Ancient Filth 7”! Boston’s own hallowed hardcore brutalizers have been churning out the realest shit in the area since 2010 and their latest crop “You’re Nothing You’re Everything” is no exception to their no-bullshit rule. The Filth deliver hardcore anarcho-punk that is fast, groovy and gnarly. Set to a tireless beat, their ripping leads and in your face mad front-man really shove it down your throat. Circle-pit the wagons and get behind Ancient Filth. Get it Friday 1/3 @Democracy Center—see SHOWS pages for details.

FREE PIZZA AND DYLAN EWEN 20 MINUTES OR LESS TOUR JP based BUFU Records’ very own Free Pizza and Dylan Ewen are going out on a little baby New England/NYC tour early this month. These two batches of buds embody the kool attitude and fun-loving RnR jammage that makes Boston so sweet. Tour kicks off Friday 1/3 at the holiest spot in JP featuring Vermont’s Kurt Weisman and Luke from Happy Jawbone and continues throughout New England in a weird zig zag shape including a stop at Feeding Tube Records. It’s youthful and truthful pop for kids like you and me, find it and be set free! -SP

(NEW ENGLAND) PATRIOTS AND SEDIMENT CLUB EAST COAST TOUR This month two of the best bands the Northeast has to offer are heading south for a swath of dates together. The Sediment Club (repping Providence, MA and NYC) and (New England) Patriots will be bringing their aggressive no-wave and punk noise rock down to NC and back, starting with a PVD melee on 1/14. These two are integral to the New England underground sound so if you give a shit about that be @Charlie’s Kitchen Monday 1/20 to welcome them back to town with fellow rock and roll ruffians Skimask and DOG (NY) -SP

DEBO BAND JANUARY-FEBRUARY RESIDENCY Jamaica Plain’s very own Ethiopian funk trailblazers Debo Band will be doing a residency @The Lizard Lounge starting Thursday 1/23 for four Thursdays in a row! Debo will be playing for at least 1.5 hours a night and it will be a crazy, sweaty, Ethiopian funk-rock/ trance music dance party. It’ll be $10, 21+ and start around 9 or 10pm. Plus there’ll be opening bands, dj’s and other good stuff announced later. GET BUSY WITH EACH OTHER. And keep your eyes peeled for an ALL AGES Debo Band show in late February, Boston Hassle is determined to make that happen -SP

FLICK THANKS TO COOLIDGE’S MONTHLY OPEN SCREEN Local filmmakers and enthusiasts get ready to rock out. The Coolidge is now hosting OPEN SCREEN, a monthly open-mic style short film event. If you like making movies (or even if it’s a painful process) this series is truly exciting. They accept submissions just a half hour before the screenings - sign up at 7pm, show at 7:30pm. Whether you want to share your masterpiece or something you filmed the night before, OPEN SCREEN will showcase your under 10 minute works on the big screen! This month’s event is on Tuesday 1/14. Be there! - AS

DOUG TUTTLE LP DROPS THIS MONTH VIA TROUBLE IN MIND For those of you interested in spellbinding psychedelic pop you really ought to be turned on to the music of Doug Tuttle. Doug is perhaps best known for his band MMOSS, NH/MA psych giants who recently called it quits, but if the first single off the Doug Tuttle LP is any indication, it’ll have you forgetting about his old band in no time. From his beautiful melodic voicings to the warm timbres in which they’re delivered Doug’s genius shines quite brightly on his debut solo album. Get it Wednesday 1/29 @Middlesex at Treat Yo Self night! -SP

THE COMPASS SEEKS ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Have you ever wanted to learn how to run an independent newspaper? Us too. Now’s our chance! Help the administrative team who makes this free publication with the dayto-day stuff, learn some skills and maybe teach us a thing or two as well! As with all Compass roles this is a VOLUNTEER position. The compensation is all about feeling good at the end of the day that you’re putting your tenacity and dedication toward something worthwhile and pretty life changing. Interview might involve a trip to Lanes and Games. Serious inquiries only: Sampotrykus At Gmail Dot Com

LIFE IS POSERS AND NOTHING MATTRESS JOINT RELEASE PARTY Local riotous comic artists who doodle masterfully under the names Life Is Posers and Nothing Mattress are joining illustrious illustration forces to release their respective second issues! Watch internet JPEGs come to life, pick up some comics to support the dudes, drink a few beers and enjoy a live interview/Q&A session hosted by Ancient Alien’s Chris Pittman! We here at the Compass are particularly excited about this event because these two rad artists are on us every month (see pages 2 and 8). 1/9, 8pm All Ages, FREE and going down @Lorem Ipsum in Inman Square -SP

BOSTON HASSLE JOINS EYE DESIGN TO PRESENT TREAT YO SELF NIGHT Treat Yo Self: Creative Industry Night is a monthly art/music event started by the Eye Design collective. Starting this month they welcome Boston Hassle into the mix to curate this night of kickass bands and outstanding area artists. Get down @Middlesex Sunday 1/29 for the first of this historic collaboration. Treat your senses to Doug Tuttle (of Mmoss) and Caustic Rainbow (b0oth celebrating their records’ release), Ghost Box Orchestra, Doug Warman (of King Orchard) and the fantastic comics and art of local legend Ronnie Nordac and Hassle art honcho Sylvie Mayer! -SP

GREAT VALLEY RETURNS TO BOSTON FEBRUARY 1 WITH NEW RECORD! Brattleboro Vermont’s fabled pretend-popsters Great Valley are beloved friends of Boston. They have a loyal following here due in part to their fantastic make-believeamusement-park-ride live shows and their latest record will take us even further down the rabbit hole. “Lizards Of Camelot” is a bizarro fantasy concept album done in their unique, playful and hazy electro/acoustic pop style. Join them Saturday 2/1 for Boston Hassle Night @Lilypad with their old pals The Needy Visions, reuniting to release a tape of their own! Check NNA Tapes and Bufu Records for updates on said releases! -SP

#48 CREW

MANAGING EDITORS: Sam Potrykus, Dan Shea, CEEK, Ari Shvartsman LAYOUT TEAM: James Staub, Rose Parry, Anya Kanevsky, Doug Katz CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS: Alizée De Pin, Jeffrey Johnson, Mona Maruyama, Sylvie Mayer, Kurt Egghart SHOW COMPILERS: Chris Collins, Sam Rogich FILM CALENDAR: Pablo Torroella, Sydney Kinchen, Alex Schab, Oscar Goff, James Moore, Stefan Grabowski COPY-EDITORS: Nabeela Vega

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