To start off, could you give us a brief history for those who may be unfamiliar? And what is the current No Fucker line-up? Johnny and I started the band in the fall of 2002. We were in a bland generic crust band that wasn’t meeting our expectations. We needed something more. We had a vision of an American noise dbeat band, something that other people told us was impossible. Impossible how? The US punk scene was desperate for it. We were desperate for it. We knew what we wanted and put our hearts and souls into it. In the beginning, our sets would clear rooms. Kids wearing Discharge and Disclose shirts would look back at us with twisted contorted faces before they left the room. A handful of punks who stayed fueled our rage, so we’d fuck shit up for them. After Kawakami (Disclose) heard our demos a bond formed. He was not just a friend, but a mentor and a brother. Other punks in the US and around the world got down with it and it gave us enough inspiration to push through the resistance and shit. After all, we were just some fucked up dudes from Nowhere NY without some big punk name behind us. The bullshit fueled our anger and rage. We got serious playing 3-4 hours a day When we weren’t playing we were emailing with Kawakami trading tapes, studying disclose and all other D-beat bands before us. We were raw. Chaotic. And remembered Confuse. We weren’t cool. We weren’t hip. But we didn’t give a fuck. We were raw and our noise was gonna bum you the fuck out. We didn’t have a punk scene in upstate NY. We just kept giving random kids bass guitars and said play Rainy (Discharge) Bass. Sorta like the same deal, Kawakami struggled with in Kochi-city. A table saw accident shredded my hand and birthed the current No Fucker line-up which is JJ guitars Johnny bass/vocals and Luke drums. Same as Conquer the Innocent record. And it will never change. Ultimately what would you say was the demise of the project? The demise - A long-brewing heroin relapse. I started drinking after the table saw accident. Then I lost a couple of important people in my life. Booze couldn’t fix that, but I thought heroin would. After I relapsed, I believed I could reunite my love for No Fucker with heroin. I started isolating from JJ, shooting dope secretly, and believing I could manage it without
asking for help. I’m a stubborn fuck, especially with the fear of dope-sickness staring me in the face. No Fucker didn’t stand a chance. The more I got strung out the less I heard from other punks. I’m not saying I would have let them in but not feeling abandoned or cast aside would’ve made a difference, I mean we were okay when I was wasted with a belly full of gin and a nose full of coke, but heroin is a big fucking no/no.
WHEN January 11 8pm WHERE Hong Kong Harvard Sq HOW MUCH $10
It angers me because I see this shit happening in every city. How many punks have OD’d? And what the fuck could we as a community done to stop it? Standing around, ignoring them, and watching them crash and burn doesn’t work. I’m tired of hearing how so-n-so did something stupid when fucked on booze and drugs. What do people expect? Not everyone can drink socially, I never could. I can’t do much socially. The stage is the only place I’m comfortable. Heroin almost killed that, too, We praise booze. Coke, too, yet we fail to recognize that alcohol lowers inhibitions. We expect punks to live by some golden rule while wasted out of their minds. When shit happens we look past another’s mental health or psychological state of mind and hold them accountable. As a community, a chain reaction begins, the shit-talking starts, the doors shut, and the bridges start burning. Luke and I are on methadone now. Maintaining a life of recovery. We have each other’s backs. Luke just celebrated two years of clean urines and has been on the program for about 4 years. I haven’t shot drugs in over 5 but
been on the program 9 years in May 2020. I work in treatment now and advocate for harm reduction needle exchange and addiction reform. What motivated you to reform? How has it been and what are your plans for the future? We had been talking about playing together again as life circumstances were better for everyone for some time. This is who were are, it's our blood. Someone offered us a show in LA and we said fuck it, let's do it. The time was right and we all felt safe. Before we played we had to be clear that our recovery comes first. So yeah, we have plans. Gonna finish a bunch of records we had planned, play some shows, make noise, and have a good time. Johnny, you came back into the public eye via an interview in Vice with talks of a book in the works. Has there been much progress on that project? Any plans for a release? The memoir is still happening. When I started writing these stories down it was a way to stay sober. I was kicking dope upstate and it was how I got through each day. Typing out old stories and emailing them to Staff in the UK. It kept me sober for a few months, but I didn’t want it. I wasn’t ready to stop shooting dope. I wanted to die on the streets with a needle in my arm. Ya know a big dead rocker ending. But the universe calls the shots and recovery snuck up on me. When I finally quit doing dope, I started looking at these stories and got serious. I sent an article to Vice and thought I could just whip up a memoir. It didn’t happen like that. These stories open up so many different layers of trauma, anger, and pain it takes me a while to digest it. It’s exhaustive, but each rewrite heals an old wound and changes me. I have to say the memoir has had a major healing quality. I’m in the final draft, so it’s going to get published, in 2020. Probably before GRRM releases Winds of Winter, ha. We’re excited to come back to Boston and play. Always good times here. Loads of support and love. Gonna gig less and write more so look out for some new records this winter or spring. Cheers, thanks Ghost.
PURE IMPACT was a once monthly Boston Compass article by Punk/Underground columnist, Ghost. To keep in the loop on their current projects and goings-on, follow the umbrella project, Ignore Rock'n'Roll Heroes on IG at: @IGNOREROCKNROLLHEROES
WE WAN T YOUR AR T & COMICS! Submit your Chillustrations to
The Harvard Film Archive will be presentWHEN ing Alfred HitchSat 1/18 - Sat 2/15 See HFA website for cock’s nine survivshowtimes. ing silent movies, WHERE meticulously reHarvard Film Archive stored after exHOW MUCH tensive research $9 and preservation by the British Film Institute. These movies — the Hitchcock 9 as they’re familiarly called — provide a fascinating glimpse into a young Hitchcock’s motivations and early obsessions. Honestly, it’s a little weird to imagine a 30-year-old Hitchcock. At one point, of course, he was just some young film director, obsessed with Russian and German silent film and with making movie s— perhaps a little too obsessed with making movies. In these early works though, there is a fascinating peek into the mind of young Hitchcock. These movies provide a starting point that leads straight to his later iconic works. The nexus between these Hitchcock eras is BLACKMAIL, which will be presented with and without sound — a unique look at the director’s innovative first foray into “talkies,” becoming the first British director to work with sound. Perhaps, by exploring these early works, we can begin to see the foundation of what is some of the most iconic, influential, and innovative filmmaking of all time.
It’s a new ding-dong-decade, and I’m gonna kick the dick off it with some Real Talk. This month’s TIT is all about context: what does ZW mean to me? Here are my top five answers. 5. It’s an economic choice. Unpackaged food is cheaper than packaged food. Most farmer’s market produce is cheaper (and fresher) than the produce at conventional grocery stores. Plus, money spent in local markets benefits my community. 4. It’s a health choice. When I reject packaged food, I reject a bunch of processed crap that my digestive system doesn’t truly understand. Eating “actual food” improves my quality of life and my chances of growing old. 3. It’s an aesthetic choice. My home is for calm shit: house plants, overdue library books, and Bob Seger records. I prefer to keep it advertisement-free. You won’t find brand labels in my fridge, pantry, bathroom, bedroom... My home reflects my values, and my love of Night Moves. 2. It’s a moral choice. Pollution is violence. It kills millions each year, and makes millions more sick. It collapses of ecosystems. It extincts things. It makes communities less habitable; disproportionately so for POC and low-income folx. I accept that I’m complicit in this shit. 1. It’s a political choice. Individuals can’t take full responsibility for solving the climate crisis, but I refuse to sit around flicking my bean while our president denies the problem. I have agency. You have agency. Claim it! Let our day-to-day actions trickle into waves of consequence. Look: I know it’s hard to quit garbage. There are many worthwhile climate actions to invest in. Whatever you do, do it now, with your full heart!
by Nick Perry
GET 2 CRIT! by Melissa Ortiz
Get 2 Crit! was started by Melissa Ortiz from Based Art Collective. It aims to give local visual media artists of all skill levels WHEN the opportunity 2nd Wednesdays to engage in criWHERE tique discussions Dorchester Art with their peers Project and gain feedback HOW MUCH on their works of FREE art without the pressure to perform for the academic eye that comes with art school. I created G2C! after experiencing positive feedback from Based Art Collective’s members critique this past year. My intention with this event is getting local artists together to learn from each other’s lived experiences, individual practices, and apply that constructive feedback to our own art making process. We can learn so much about our work through sharing, and delving into why/how we make what we make. Follow us IG: @based_artcollective for G2C! future events/info!
Franklin Park: the true people’s gem of Boston’s Emerald Necklace park system. Together, the Zoo, Golf Course, Stadium, Playstead, and Schoolmasters Hill attract Bostonians of every conceivable stripe. Then there’s the Wilderness. Its few paved pathways, frequented by dog walkers, lead to its few official features: the Overlook Shelter Ruins, the Picnic Grove, the 99 Steps. Break off into a maze of tiny trails amidst a rocky oak forest and you may encounter some unofficial features: The Cave, The Cliff, The Cages, The Moon…
What happens here? Seek and find the many Direct Actions, real honest-to-goodness Anarchism: fire pits; freshly painted remains of long-discarded cars and safes, renewed by an unknown creative caste; sacred forts of found wood and miscellanea offerings. The Wilderness’ assets owe to its seclusion. To only breathe here is to receive a primal reminder that we, like the trees, draw our energy up from the earth, stretch out to collect and channel light from the heavens, thereby nourishing ourselves and one another. An apropos Merriam-Webster definition of “wilderness”: a part of a garden devoted to wild growth. Yet it is not the forest that is free to grow wild, but your SPIRIT.
by Melanie Bernier
This column is dedicated to my grampa Florido Quaglieri, gone 16 years this month. He wrote angry letters protesting the gratuitous volume of air in potato chip bags. Now I write for my beliefs. Rest in power, Floody.
BOSTON COMPASS IS PRODUCED ENTIRELY BY VOLUNTEERS. Reach out to if you are interested in being a part of the team!
FRI 1/10 Opening Reception: Nostalgia @Boston CyberArts Gallery 6-8pm Open Mic Poetry Night with Lewis Morris @Kingston Gallery 7-9pm SAT 1/11 Opening Reception: Into the Wiild: A Hipstory Gallery Exhibition @Dorchester Art Project 7-10pm Poetry Reading: Blake Campbell and Sam Wronoski @Outpost 186 4-6pm Artist Talk: Jeff Warmouth and John Christian Anderson @Boston Sculptors Gallery 2-4pm
Intentional Underground Happenings
Workshop: Make Your Own Handbag @Mass Art 10am-5pm $300 (materials and lunch included) Reception: 2019 Boston Harbor Photo Contest @Hunt’s Photo and Video (Melrose) 3-5pm Stable Ground: Anti-Displacement Lab with NuLawLab @The Institute of Contemporary Art 2pm-3:30pm (cost of museum admission)
Every month Brain Arts volunteers identify and compile underrepresented, alternative activities of the Greater Boston underground. We select these events based on venue, neighborhood, organization, artist representation, and diversity of medium. We present this platform to subvert the status quo. The culture you consume has impact. Choose wisely.
MON 1/13 Workshop: Intro to 3D Printing @HATCH Makerspace 7-8:30pm FREE Workshop: Sound Art with Judy Dunaway @MASSArt 6:30-9:30pm
These shows and more at
FRI 1/3 Touch Heads (FinalShow), Ugly, Corrode, PCP & the Knives @Last House 8pm All Ages $5-10 Heady Hangover with Owsley's Owls @Deep Thoughts JP 9pm All Ages $5 SAT 1/4 Drag Queen Story Hour @Fields Corner Branch of the Boston Public Library 1112:30pm All Ages Free Channel 63, Food Corps, The Cost of Living, Camp Blood, H5BB @Hong Kong Harvard Shows 8pm 21+ $ome Cost Freaking, Minibeast, Service, Nice Guys @Great Scott 8:30pm 21+ $10 The Grubs, Satch, Couch Sex, The Darren Hawe Band @Worthen Attic 8pm 21+ $ome Cost SUN 1/5 Jake McKelvie, Tyler Berd, Time & Place, Puppy Problems @O'Brien's Pub 8pm 21+ $8 Skourge, Ekulu, Big Contest, Dress Code, Gutz @Greek American Social Club 7pm All Ages $10 WED 1/8 Get 2 Crit! @Dorchester Art Project 5pm All Ages $1 Toth w/ Mal Devisa @ONCE Somerville 7pm 18+ $ome Cost Fully Celebrated Orchestra with special guests the Weisstronauts @Midway Cafe 8pm 21+ $5 Biproduct, NAH, Ghosh, Evicshen, Homeworld @Great Scott 8:30pm 18+ $10 THU 1/9 Braveheart: Storytelling from a Soulful Place @Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum 7pm All Ages $ome Cost Maggy's Grateful Dead Night: Mystical Misfits @Maggy's Lounge 8pm 21+ $ome Cost Psycho, Distressor, Cadaverette, Uncle Skinny @O'Brien's Pub 8pm 21+ $10 Bummer City Open Mic feat. Levi Cain @HI Boston Hostel, Boston 7pm All Ages $ome Cost Into the Wiild: A Hipstory Gallery Exhibition @Dorchester Art Project 8pm All Ages $ome Cost SAT 1/11 No Fucker (NY), Sadist, Innocent, Bakkara @Hong Kong Harvard Shows 8pm 21+ $10 Black Beach, Nomad Stones, Labor Hex, Chrome Over Brass @Great Scott 8:30pm 21+ $12-14
DAP Open Mic
SUN 1/12 Modern Nature, Olden Yolk, Carinae @Lilypad Inman 7pm All Ages $12-15 MON 1/13 Sound Art Workshop @Massachusetts College of Art and Design 6:30pm All Ages $ome Cost MON 1/13 Notches, Special Moves, DUMP HIM, Witches With Dicks @Charlie's Kitchen 8pm 21+ $5 FRI 1/17 Maneka, Lady Pills, Rata @O'Brien's Pub 8pm 21+ $10 SAT 1/18 MOTO, Crunchtime, 1.4.5, TRiPLE THiCK, Butterscott @Midway Cafe 7pm 21+ $7 Mikey Erg, Mill Pond @O’Briens 8pm 21+ $10
SUN 1/19 FU's, Disaster Strikes, STOPLOSS, Secret Spirit @Thirsty First 2pm All Ages WED 1/22 Matt Charette, Miketon Graton, Duane Mark, Dori Cameron @Hong Kong Harvard Shows 8pm 21+ $10 American Ethos, Sick Minds, Kind!, Wire Lines, Gripe @Mid East Up 7pm $12 FRI 1/24 Jesus Vio, Hands and Knees, and friends @Trendy Shit Town 7pm All Ages $ome Cost Boston Modular Winter Showcase @Dorchester Art Project 8pm All Ages $10 Karate Steve, Mourn The Light, VAT & Gasoline Virgins @Club Bohemia 8:30pm 21+ $ome Cost Banana, The Furniture, I Wish I Could Skateboard @O’Brien’s 8pm 21+ $8 SAT 1/25 Punk Rock Aerobics is BACK! @Once Ballroom 12-2pm All Ages $ome Cost Vantage Point, Caught in a Crowd, One Step Closer, Antagonize, Rule Them All, Pummel, Jinx @Hardcore Stadium 6pm All Ages $15 Big Fuzzy, Visiting Wine, Eleanor Elektra @Arts at the Armory 7pm All Ages $ome Cost Witches With Dicks, Crimps, Battery March, PCP and the Knives @Banshee Den (ask a punk) 8pm All Ages $5 Drone Night X: Through The Wormhole @The Hearing Room 8-10pm All Ages SUN 1/26 Green Piece, Inspector 34, TV Shirt, Square Loop, Greycliff @Worthen Attic 8pm 21+ $ome Cost MON 1/27 il Mostro, Between Skies, Silver Screams @Charlie's Kitchen 8pm 21+ $5 WED 1/29 Restraining Order, Devil’s Den, Ammunation, Exertion, Early Grave @Dorchester Art Project 7pm All Ages $10 ALL AGES $ome Cost
art FRI 1/3
SoWA First Friday John Christian Anderson’s Dancing in the Bardo & Jeff Warmouth’s Urgent Blowout @Boston Sculptors Gallery Out of Place@ Fountain Street Gallery Studio Views w/ Nat Martin & Can We Bear It w/ Anne Sargent @Kingston Gallery SAT 1/4 Workshop: Winter Landscape Photography @REI (Hingham) $75
THURS 1/16 Tour: Harvard’s Glass Flower Collection with The Massachusetts Horticultural Society @The Harvard Museum of Natural History $38 Curator Tour: Eva Respini on When Home Won’t Let You Stay @ The Institute of Contemporary Art 6pm (free museum admission on Thursdays) Opening Reception: Kate Costello’s Tip of the Tongue @The School of the Museum of Fine Arts 6-8pm Reception: Griffin Museum Spring 2020 Season @The Griffin Museum 6:15-8:30pm SAT 1/19 Workshop: Printing T-Shirts on the Letterpress @Brickyard Collaborative 10am-3pm ($25-65) FRI 1/22 Opening Reception: Spacetime @Emerson Contemporary 5-7:30pm
Drag Queen Story Hour @Fields Corner Library 11-12:30pm
THURS 1/23 Benefit Party and Fashion Show: SHIMMER @Boston Center for the Arts 8pm-11pm ($75 General Admission)
FRI 1/5 Workshop: Laser Cutting 101 @HATCH Makerspace 1:30-3pm FREE
Workshop: Introduction to Digital Printing @The Brickyard Collaborative 6:30-8:30pm $20-50
TUES 1/7 Artist Talk: Beyond the Book @Faneuil Branch of the Boston Public Library 6-7:30pm
Opening Reception: Walls Turned Sideways @Tisch Family & Koppelman Galleries at Tufts Universities 6-8pm
WED 1/8 Open Rehearsal: Last Catastrophist @Boston Center for the Arts 7-8pm (Free with online RSVP), actual show runs 1/24-2/8
Reception and Book Signing: Ralph Gibson Selected Works 1966 - 2016 @Leica Gallery Boston 6pm-9pm
Drinking and Drawing @Zone 3 5:30-8:30 FREE (every Wednesday) Workshop: Observational Drawing @The Boston School of Painting $50 THURS 1/9 Lecture: A Foray into Forgery @The Boston Athenaeum 6-7pm $15 Getting if Done: Creating a Public Arts Ecosystem in Watertown @The Watertown Public Library 6 - 8:30pm
SAT 1/25 ICA Playdate (a day at the museum for kids) Everywhere and Nowhere: Stories of Migration and Belonging @The Institute of Contemporary Art 10:30-12:30pm Swan Song ft. Sophy Tuttle and Mike Langlie @Curation 250 Lowell 6-9pm Workshop: Introduction to the Letterpress @The Brickyard Collaborative 10am-3pm $65 SUN 1/26 Art Battle Boston @Aeronaut Brewery 3-6pm $20 Performance and Celebration: First in thought, then in action @The Institute of Contemporary Art Boston 2-4pm (free with museum admission)
WED 1/29 Open Studios @Artists for Humanity 5-7pm THURS 1/30 Speaker Series: Mar Pierce Hacks the System @Artisan’s Asylum 7-8pm $10 suggested donation ONGOING ART SHOWS Dancing In the Bardo & Urgent Blowout @ Boston Sculptors Gallery 12/11-1/26 Ralph Gibson - Selected Works 1966 - 2016 @Leica Gallery 1/16-3/10 Golden Spike with Isabel Beavers, Van Beckum and Allison Gray and Between a Rock and a Hard Place with Saron Whitham @Brookline Art Center 1/3-1/23 Walls Turned Sideways @Tisch Family Galleries at Tufts Universities 1/23-4/19
WED 1/1 UNCUT GEMS (2019) dir. Safdie Brothers @COOLIDGE Adam Sandler goes for broke as the good times rot. Ongoing theatrical premiere run. FRI 1/3 IN FABRIC (2019) dir. Peter Strickland @BRATTLE. A haunted dress! Theatrical premiere run. Screens through 1/9 AMERICAN DHARMA (2019) dir. Errol Morris @BRATTLE. Errol really likes dancing with devils. Director in person 1/3. Theatrical premiere run. Screens through 1/9. WIZARDS (1977) dir. Ralph Bakshi @MFA. Prescient fantasy take on the return of fascism. JOHN WICK (2014) dir. Chad Stahelski @VU. "It wasn't just a puppy." SAT 1/4 THE PIRATES! BAND OF MISFITS (2012) dir. Peter Lord & Jeff Newitt @COOLIDGE. Wacky claymation pirate adventure. Intro by local scientist. Series: Science on Screen Jr.
SAT 1/11 THE THING (1982) dir. John Carpenter @COOLIDGE [35mm]. Documentary about winter in Boston. Also screens 1/18 & 1/25.
SUN 1/12 THE COMPONENTS OF LOVE (2019) dir. Miriam Bliese @COOLIDGE. Love, marriage, baby carriage, other carnage. Presented by Goethe-Institut Boston. MON 1/13 THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN (1957) dir. Jack Arnold @COOLIDGE. Little big man. Digital restoration. Intro by BU nanotechnology expert Tyrone Porter. FRI 1/17 MARSEILLE (2004) dir. Angela Schanelec @HFA [35mm]. Key work by an underseen auteur of everyday opacities. Also screens 1/18. THE MASTER (2012) dir. Paul Thomas Anderson @VU. The "totally not about Scientology" movie. THE WAVE (2019) dir. Gille Klabin @COOLIDGE. The drug trip of a lifetime. Area premiere. Also screens 1/18 MON 1/20 EVE'S BAYOU (1997) dir. Kasi Lemmons @HFA [35mm]. Genre-crossing drama full of fantastic mystery. THU 1/23 WBCN AND THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (2019) dir. Bill Lichtenstein @SOMERVILLE. The story of Boston’s radical underground radio culture. FRI 1/24 I STAYED IN BERLIN ALL SUMMER (1994) dir. Angela Schanelec @HFA [35mm]. Shorts by a master. Preceded by additional shorts by Schanelec. SAT 1/25 TITO AND THE BIRDS (2019) dir. Gabriel Bitar, André Catoto and Gustavo Steinberg @HFA. Can research and song save the world? Special $5 matinee.
See more listings at
NG PENI Jayzar Morgan @frequentsighers
SUN 1/26 PLACES IN CITIES (1999) dir. Angela Schanelec @HFA [35mm]. An early Berlin School variation on Akermanic anomie. SUN 1/26 THE PLEASURE GARDEN (1926) dir. Alfred Hitchcock @HFA [35mm]. Hitchcock’s backstage thriller. New restoration. Live musical accompaniment. FRI 1/31 MEDIUM COOL (1970) dir. Haskell Wexler @HFA [35mm]. Vintage boomer prologue to our all too precedented politics. CAROL (2015) dir. Todd Haynes @VU. Best romance of the ‘aughts? LISTINGS NOTE: Below is the venue abbreviation key: BRATTLE - Brattle Theatre COOLIDGE - Coolidge Corner Theatre HFA - Harvard Film Archive ICA - Institute of Contemporary Art JCC - Jewish Cultural Center Riemer Goldstein Theater (Newton) MFA - Museum of Fine Arts Boston PARAMOUNT - Emerson Paramount Theater SOMERVILLE - Somerville Theatre VU - Video Underground (JP) [35mm] – Projected on ACTUAL FILM!
EVENTS AT DORCHESTER ART PROJECT Brain Arts Org HQ 1486 Dorchester Ave • Field's Corner WEDS 1/8 Get to Crit! Community Art Critique Group 5-7pm
FRI 1/10 DAP Experimental & Ambient Night w/ Morher/Tengu Yawn/Locals 7pm-12am
SAT 1/11 Opening Reception for Into the Wiild: A Gallery Show curated by Cliff Notez and Nick AR Martin 7-10pm. Opening Show ft. Cliff Notez, Forte, Seefour, Steve Chandy 8-11pm
SUN 1/12 Gallery Hours: Into the Wiild 12-6pm Boston BPM 1 year Anniversary: Shuffle Meet Up 2-5pm
FRI 1/17 Jacuzzi presents: Mvcoko(mtl), Dragon, Sam23 & Swaya b2b Tizzy
SAT 1/18 Gallery Hours: Into the Wiild 12-6pm Property Materials presents: Kar'Nam, J. Bagist, Lani Asuncion, Plastic Pyramid, Vehement Caress, 9pm $5
SUN 1/19 Gallery Hours: Into the Wiild 12-6pm
Managing Editor: Oscar Goff Contributing Writers: Kyle Brunet, Oscar Goff, Matthew Martens, Nicholas Perry If you would like to get involved with our film section or submit listings, e-mail our film editor at
THE CELL (2000) dir. Tarsem Singh @ COOLIDGE [35mm]. Bat shittery is afoot as J-Lo gets into the mind of a serial killer Vincent D'Onofrio. Drag preshow by Haus of Oni.
FRI 1/24 Boston Modular Winter Showcase ft. snowbeasts, A. Campbell Payne, Metal Tiger, Ryne Ziemba, Adam Schneider, Mike Lucas, JP Tuttle. Live Analog Glitch Visuals by 8pm $10
SAT 1/25 Gallery Hours: Into the Wiild 12-6pm Brain Arts Org presents: Heavy Meditation Session ft. low frequency soundscape by Adam Tuttle 3-5pm
WED 1/8 THE LIGHTHOUSE (2019) dir. Robert Eggers @MFA. Two men lose their minds at sea. Also screens 1/15.
SUN 1/26 Gallery Hours: Into the Wiild 12-6pm Boston Queer and Trans Figure Drawing Class 2-5pm $5-$20 Suggested Donation Heavy, Psychedelic, and Energetic: Check out this incredible bill of Boston based alt-rock, ride the leading edge of the new new wave~ RVRCT, Payton Gin, Pregnancy Mask, Motherwave. 8pm doors. 9pm music. $10 Suggested Donation
FRI 1/10 THE FACULTY (1998) dir. Robert Rodriguez @COOLIDGE [35mm]. Invasion of the hotty snatchers.
Viscous Verses
WEDS 1/29 Boston Hardcore Showcase ft. Pummel 7pm
FRI 1/31 Artists Theater of Boston 6-10pm
Poem The crinkled windblown leaves Sparkle like holiday lights Throughout the big city
Heide Solbrig @heidesolbrigtheline
Late afternoon sun Mostly Though The city is busy
How do other people
1/28 Restraining Order, Devils Den, Woundman, Corrode, Peace Test @AS220 8pm All Ages $ome Cost
See me? How do I see Them? Is there any way To tell. I don’t think Closer and farther, Happier and sadder. It doesn’t matter. — Ruth Lepson Ruth Lepson is currently preparing a new and selected poems for publication. Viscous Verses is edited by Raquel Balboni and Ben Mazer (
1/9 Deer Scout, The Duchess, Jesus Vio, Mary Jester @Asbestos Farm (Hadley) 8pm All Ages $ome Cost 1/11 Notches (LP Release), Special Moves (OLY), Laika's Orbit, Crimps, Invisible Rays @The Nook (Westfield) 8pm $10
And stores, and more, and more
So. All our lives,
JANUARY 11 Notches (LP Release), Special Moves (OLY), Laika's Orbit, Crimps, Invisible Rays @The Nook (Westfield) 8pm $10 Summery pop-punk in January! Something to warm the soul and induce a much needed grin amongst the drib and drab of the mid-winter doldrums. New Hampshire’s Notches is on tour celebrating the release of their new album “New Kinda Love” out January 10th so pop on the pike and head out to Western Mass to snag a copy! Plus they’re supported by Special Moves, all the way from Olympia, WA, Laika’s Orbit (first show in some time!), Salem’s Crimps, and Invisible Rays. Of course if you’re not down for an adventure, they play an equally stacked gig at Charlie’s Kitchen on the 13th. Get after it!
1/30 Black Beach, Joy Boys, Picniclunch, Charlie Dollard @AS220 9pm All Ages $ome Cost
1/12 Notches (LP release) w/ Rick Rude, PCP & the Knives, Special Moves @Sue’s 8pm All Ages $5-10 1/18 Bob Mould w/ Will Johnson @3S Artspace 8pm All Ages $30-35
1/7 Toth w/ Mal Devisa @Space Gallery 8pm All Ages $10-12 1/11 Cadaverette (album release) w/ Iron Gag, Willzyx, Idiot Genes @Space Gallery 8:30pm All Ages $10
Before George Clinton was serving up his cosmic slop in Parliament/Funkadelic, he was barbering in Plainfield, N.J.. All at age 19, Clinton owned and operated a shop called Silk Palace, which he acquired after the shop’s original owner died. While being a teenage barber shop owner, he and his band, The Parliaments, were regularly going to New York City for auditions. Clinton and the gang kept this up for almost 10 years before a fateful pair walked into the shop carrying $1.2 million dollars in counterfeit bills. “Somebody came to the shop,” Clinton said in an interview from 2017 broadcasted on NPR. “Two little white boys running. I don't know where they got it from, but they was scared as hell” Clinton paid them $1,800 for the bills. He and the Parliaments decided to invest the counterfeit money in themselves. During recording sessions, George would make the studio an offer. “I’d say, ‘I’ll give you a couple of hundred dollars for the session, or a thousand dollars in counterfeit money,’ and most of ’em took the counterfeit money,” he said. Eventually, an undercover cop became hip to their scheme. However, since George and the crew provided music lessons to many of the kids in the neighborhood, he made them an offer: Get rid of the money, and he’d let them go. Clinton gave away the rest of the cash he had. A month later, they had their first hit record, “I Wanna Testify,” launching the career of one of the most influential musicians of the twentieth century.
Welcome to Compass 2020! A bold, round year to introduce a bold round of changes. Viz, this fresh n’ fly layout that you are experiencing (applause to our guest designer, Jenny Bergman!) and a four-page expansion in a few months that will make an astrolabe of this Compass! My name is Adrian. I design and curate the artwork for the back page. I have been with the production team as of May 2019. Since then, I am more present in my community of artists than I have been in
years. I actively seek out new creators, I collaborate with fellow designers, and I make new friends. Attending our regular production meetings, I get to propose new ideas and helping to shape the look and read of this very paper from monthto-month. Working as part of an energized group of volunteers, we help each other to make this paper fuller, weirder, and more accessible to the people of the greater Boston area. We have big plans for the Compass this year. As a volunteer-driven publication, you can be a part of those plans. Writers, artists, designers, administrators. It takes a lot of different people to get this idea into your hands every month. If you have a skill, consider adding it to our team. We would love to have you.
There’s a lot to cover about digital tracking and privacy, but in lieu of a full essay, it’s better to show than to tell. Exodus, available on F-droid or Google’s Play Store, is an app that shines a light on all of the ingrained tracking scripts and list of permissions for any installed app. Who collects data on you and your phone when you install an app, and approximately how much data? Exodus won’t be able to tell you everything, but it will give an overview of who is tracking you and in general what types of trackers are installed on an app. One of the core tenets of Libre (free) software is the ability to at least see what you are running on your computer. Mobiles phones, which are themselves extremely locked down computers, frequently do not allow the user to view or modify the software that runs it or on it, besides developers who freely offer up their
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source code. If, like me, you are concerned that megacorporations are profiling and analyzing you, you should be able to see whether or not the apps you use track you, and what data on your phone they have access to. There is frequently no way to opt out of sharing this data, short of not installing and running the app in the first place. But exodus at least offers you the knowledge and thus, the choice of whether you want to share. You can also look up any application ahead of time at to search the comprehensive android app database.
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