Boston Compass #91

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# 91

c om p a s s navigating you to underground above ground and all around awesome happen ings in the Greater Boston ar ea

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sept 2017


gra photo Warhol ART Andy ery @MASS l l a ent's G - 10/21 Presid 8/14

raised the bar when it comes to STACKED gigs. From the Lilypad in Cambridge, to ONCE in Somerville, to the basement of Deep Thoughts in JP, Illegally Blind has been the puppet master pulling strings and enticing our ears with eclectic, eyebrow raising, engaging i ip P h in f t. m thing Everybody, Everything focuses on Andy 0 ir 3 b / , 9 e , a @ Somerville Theatre 9/20-10/1 ore episodes of musical mayhem. It all culminates in IB’s 9/28 a lun m v a d , n Warhol's obsessive fascination with capm a a e re annual Fuzzstival - a 3 day menagerie of multifacetud boston c half sour, rick r Before the Somerville turing the people and things that he used Th , ed talent from all ends of the indie underground. This eatre’s upcoming 70 s MM & Wi- to create the world around him. The exhibidescreen Festival, it’s kal mark time for a refresher on year’s tinnitus inducing test of wills takes place at Camthe format. tion draws from 19 out of the thousands of Boston still has a few people bonkers enough bridge Elks (Night 1), the aforementioned ONCE (Night photographs that he took throughout his I definitely need one to book shows floating around the venues, 2) and finally Somerville ARTfarm (Day 3) to squeeze every so often. lifetime, including photographs of shoes galleries, basements, and assorted “under out the last couple drops of summer this city has left. A 70MM print of film from the early years of his career, everyday is twice the size of the rock” alleyways where it’s still possible to ALSO - I wanna give a s/o to all the amazing bands, the stan- scenes captured on the streets, and moddard 35MM and is hig her resolution. 70MM find good, honest, awe-inspiring music these artists, comedians, performers, and more taking part in itself is els, sports stars, and celebrities who visited actually 65MM wid e, with 5MM worth days. But one has stood out in recent times. Waking Windows Portland! If you’re not going to be at of perforat- him at his famous NYC studio The Factory. ed edges for sound. Due to its size, it str His name is Jason Trefts, but more people Fuzzstival, take a trip to the Maine coast on the 29th etches the size of the aspect A man who famously said, “I think evratio to something know him as the man behind Illegally Blind; and 30th to absorb all the anomalous amalgamations. much wider. eryone should like everyone,” and “It’s not --MICHAEL ACHILLE who for the last several years has consistently In plain English: 70MM what you are that counts, it’s what they provides for a large r, bet- think you are,” Warhol mixed a sly pessiter-quality image wit NOTES FROM THE CREW h sharper detail and greater mism with a sense of naive innocence, and with Sinai Sampson-Hill sound. both attitudes are on display here. “The I’m full of contradictions. For example, I’m very introverted, but I love meetSomerville Theatre is world fascinates me. It’s so nice, whatever one of the few natio ing new people and socializing. So when I was presented with the opportuninal theatres it is,” reads the first quote given in the with somewhat reg ula r 70MM showings ty to join the volunteer coordination team (a.k.a. THE MASS), I was simultaoutside of exhibition. Similarly, Warhol creates a type an auteur’s latest pre stige release. During neously super excited and apprehensive. Somerville of distance in his work to at once alienate Theatre’s 70MM an d Widescreen Festi You want me as the first point of contact for new val, they’ll THURS 7/13- the viewer. screen a variety of mo and fascinate dern films—Wonder Wo folks who want to join the Hassle? An org I don’t man, Top SUNWarhol’s Gun, and The Dark 7/30 @photographs are strategicalCrystal—as well as even know much about? Alright, let’s see how it goes. sics— 70MM clasLawrence of Arabia MFA ly ‘cropped,’ or purposefully directed to and 2001: A Space Od Since accepting that role, I’ve met some amazing folks withyssey. a point of focus that shows the artist’s inin and outside of the org. The core is a group of hard-work- In a s newly-elected French Prestime when we can wa tention. The composition of Warhol’s photch movies at any mo ing, passionate human beans and I love seeing new folks on the Emmanuel Macron proment ident tiniest of screens, the tographs are kept simple and clean, and re is something so spec light up when they realize how cool the org really is. Talking abou his country internationalial motes t Some props are included only when appropriate. Theatre. It harkens hisrville summer, about the Hassle is one of my favorite things to do now!when ly as a haven of innovation and back to a time movie ing and mo Intense eye-contact in each photograph vie watching were gra Of course, coordinating people has its challeng-remarkthe goNational creativity, the Boston French nd, ab le expe gives the impression that you are looking riences. Whether yo Park Service’s es. That’s why I’ve been helping create an organizational structure for the Hassle so it ne Film Festival offers Americans u’re a movie rd or a casual watch into the ‘true’ self of the subject that the Salem Maritimeer, you’ll find it breath can be the best org it can be. All the work I do within BH is challenging but so rewarding be- to an artistic state of the union. taking sit in the main theatr camera captured. National Histor- e, in front of this cause I’m surrounded by people who care about the arts as much as I do…at least un-scr Long considered one of the best immense een, and lose yourself Located in the President's Gallery on ic Site is home to in shadow, light, an til I get tired and have to take some time alone to “recharge” (introverts, am I right?). French film festivals here in the d sound. the 11th floor of MassArt's Tower Building, eight AugmentSo if you’re interested in volunteering with us, catch us at the next hang on the Esplanade on Septhis exhibit brings a light, precise, and reed Reality (AR) tember 5th from 6 to 9! I’ll be there of course to answer your questions and get you in the loop. I cannot freshing touch to a quiet space good for sculptures for If you can’t make it, no worries! Shoot us an email at volunteer@brain-arts.orgThe and we can chat. recommend Augmented Landscape, an outdoor exhibicontemplation. Gallery hours are: Mon Peace! the experience tion presented by the Boston Cyberarts Gallery. Sat 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. enough. -- MARYAM YOON

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w i t h o u r n ew f r i e n d s . . . . Release Your Rights The Power of Public Records when dealing with Law Enforcement



RODNEYS BOOKSTORE In our culture of expanding surveillance, we are constantly encouraged to report suspicious activity to authorities. What can be done when the people you want to hold account- As the convenience of the interable are the police themselves? In partnership with Boston Hassle, MuckRock presents Release Your net has made me less inclined Rights, a project meant to subvert that attention from our fellow citizens towards law enforcement. to seek out music and movies on physical media and fashion YOU Knowing your rights can empower you to challenge police misconduct toward you and those around you. What was never really my thang, used can you do if your friend is arrested at a protest, a cop confiscates your camera, or an officer asks for your im- bookstores have become the migration papers? Using policies collected from Boston, Somerville and Cambridge police departments, we primary means of satisfying will create a pocket-sized guide to inform people not only of their rights during a police encounter, but the cor- my inner cultural fetishist, and responding public records that are created. These cards are meant to be accessible in stressful situations Rodney’s in Central Square has - they will fit in your pocket or wallet, and, as opposed to a digital platform, will not require you to pull up a screen. become my go-to whenever I need to scratch that itch. Under the Massachusetts Public Records law, anyone can access public documents from feder- In the increasingly gentrified al agencies - this includes the police. We encourage you to file for records presented on the cards, as neighborhood, Rodney’s stands well as develop your own requests when you witness questionable police actions! Take charge and use as a bastion of haphazard, idiosyncratic character. Upon walking in, one these cards to educate yourself and ensure your public servants are held responsible for their actions. can see bookshelves for sale, vintage posters, and assorted curiosities and knick-knacks from who knows where, not to mention the piles of books. If you want greater autonomy when dealing with law enforcement know that crucial information is at your fingertips. Your While there are the standard sections — fiction, poetry, assorted special engagement can help better balance the power structure between you and law enforcement. Learn more at interests — half the fun of shopping here is digging through the ever changing, unsorted piles of second-hand tomes, picking out a few familiar or eye de catching titles. g n s Lo @s ign by And it’s a good selection too. While the store eagerly accepts donations of books in exchange sey o a l e C iar by dralon t t for store credit, much of the stock is hand-picked from book fairs by owner Shaw Taylor. And ya r s a san know, the place just has a cool atmosphere. The employees all seem to have great taste in mucas sic, playing anything from cool jazz to classical to indie rock, and the patrons form an eclectic mix of post-collegiate intellectuals alongside some of the neighborhood’s funkier denizens. Like many small businesses, Rodney’s almost closed a few years ago due to increasing rent, but so far since then it’s managed to stay afloat. Let’s hope it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. -JOHNATHAN WAUHKONEN Unless otherwise indicated, THIS PROGRAM IS SUPPORTED IN PART BY A GRANT FROM THE BOSTON CULTURAL the Compass is licensed under a Creative Commons AttribuCOUNCIL, A LOCAL AGENCY WHICH IS FUNDED BY THE MASSACHUSETTS CULTURAL tion 4.0 License (CC BY) COUNCIL, AS ADMINSTRATED BY THE MAYOR'S OFFICE OF ARTS + CULTURE THIS PAPER IS AN ONGOING PROJECT OF BRAIN ARTS ORGANIZATION, INC., A 501(C)(3) NONPROFIT. PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING TO, VOLUNTEERING OR OTHERWISE SUPPORTING US: BRAIN-ARTS.ORG OR BOSTONHASSLE@GMAIL.COM


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Sat 9/9 The Gala, Stars Like Ours, Future Carnivores, Courters @O’Brien’s 8pm 21+ $8

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Sat 9/9 Infinity Girl, Kindling, Elizabeth Colour Wheel, Leaner @Mid Sat 9/16 Tremont Takeover! - A Night Celebrating Boston’s East Up 1pm All Ages $10 Diverse & Talented Music Scene w/ TRIM (Boston Hassle), Dutch Rebelle (The Record Co.), Gozu (Grayskull BookSat 9/9 Visceral #004 Dance Party @Central Sq (TBD) 10pm $10 ing), Everything and Everyone (Lysten Boston), Oompa (Allston Pudding), Marcela Cruz (Xperience Creative) and Sat 9/9 Cindy Wilson (of the B-52’s) @Mid East Up 6:30pm 18+ $20 DJ Coracola (Mmmmaven) @Wang Theatre Grand Lobby 6-11pm All Ages $10adv/$12doors children under 12 FREE Sat 9/9 Trim, NE Patriots, Miami Dolphins @Teacher’s Lounge 8pm w/adult All Ages $5-$7 Sat 9/16 Garden Party! Hosted by Girls Rock Camp Boston Sat 9/9 Bong Wish, MV & EE and Ash & Herb at The Apohadion @19 Moraine St. JP 2:30-5:30 $40 All Ages Theater (Portland, ME) 8pm All Ages $8 Sat 9/16 Boston Hassle presents…Storytime at the Ape’s Sun 9/10 NE-HI, Honduras, The Owens @Middle East Upstairs 7pm Nest with Chris Braiotta, Angela Sawyer, Rob Crean, Ben 18+ $12 Selman, Erik P. Kraft, Talbot Talbot Talbot, Kate Peruzzi, Jesse Collins, Death Shepherd, Tyler Derryberry, Gabriel Boyer, Sun 9/10 Somerville Rock n Roll Yard Sale with live music by The and more TBA @Aviary JP 8pm-10pm All Ages Suggested Low Cards, The Silk Music, and Willa Mamet & Paul Miller @Union Donation Square Plaza 11am All Ages Sun 9/17 Citrusphere, Shark Jackson, Spectramotiv @Zuzu Sun 9/10 Illegally Blind Presents: Nots, Peach Ring, Cult Fiction @ 10pm 21+ $5 Lilypad 7pm All Ages $10 Sun 9/17 Ted Leo & The Pharmacists @Brighton Music Hall Sun 9/10 Standing Waves #9 featuring Geoff Mullen @EMW Book- 7pm 18+ $20 store 7pm All Ages $ome Cost Sun 9/17 Big Thief, Palehound, Twain @Sinclair 7pm 18+ Sun 9/10 GBH, PanzerBastard @Brighton Music Hall 7pm 18+ $20 $16-18

Sun 9/10 Miami Dolphins, Jessie Jinx w. Colby Nathan, Ossalot @ Wed 9/6 Dent May, Bong Wish, Luxardo Apohadion Theatre (Portland, ME) 8pm All Ages $5 @ONCE 8pm 18+ $11 Sun 9/10 Diet Cig, Ratboys, REGI RKT @Space Gallery (Portland, Wed 9/6 Allston Pudding Presents: Anna ME) 8pm All Ages $10-12 Fri 9/1 Big Mess, Great News, Altman, All Talk, The Craters, Horse Girl GNäRDS, Blood Built Empire @Great Scott 9pm 18+ $8 Sun 9/10 A Giant Dog, The Dazies, Boston Cream @O'Brien's 8pm @O’Briens 8pm 21+ $8 21+ $8-10 Thu 9/7 Illegally Blind Presents: Dear Fri 9/1 Witchtrap (Colombia), Nora, Bong Wish, Puppy Problems @ Mon 9/11 Roky Erickson, Death Valley Girls, Salem Wolves @BrighPanzerBastard, Black Mass, Industry Lab 7pm All Ages $10-15 ton Music Hall 7pm 18+ $25 Malleus @Great Scott 10pm 21+ $15-18 Thu 9/7 Thrust Club, Psychic Dog, Burnt Mon 9/11 Headband, 28 Degrees Taurus, The Modern Voice @Zuzu 10pm 21+ $5 Village, COOK BAG @O'Brien's 7pm Sat 9/2 Choke Up, Rebuilder, 21+ $8 Timeshares, Lady Pills @ Tue 9/12 Illegally Blind Presents: Naomi Punk, Kal Marks, Halfsour Great Scott 9pm 21+ $10 @Lilypad 7pm All Ages $10 Thu 9/7 JESUS DRINKS FREE! 1950s-70s country, gospel, soul and RnB Sat 9/2 Macho Boys(PDX), Tue 9/12 Vagabon, Nnamdi Ogbonnaya, Nova One @Columbus spun by 2 atheists @Jeanie Johnston St.Ripper, Similar Items, Theatre (Providence) 7pm All Ages $10 9pm-Close FREE Phlegm @Democracy Center 7pm All Ages $8 Thu 9/7 Bill T Miller (Orgy Of Noise) & Tue 9/12 Non Event Presents: Sharif Sehnaoui, Mike Bullock, Tom Gull Boy & Governor @Club Bohemia Plsek @Washington Street Arts Center 8pm All Ages $10 Sugg. Sat 9/2 HAAG, NONZOO, Donation 8pm 21+ $ome Cost Bleeders @First Parish Church (Cambridge) 8pm All Fri 9/8 Widowspeak, Clearance @Great Tue 9/12 Wax & Gold, S the Supplicant (Sally fr Secret Lover), Water Ages $5-10…*A Boston Hassle Scott 10pm 21+ $15 Cycle Harvard Grant Show @Herter Park 7pm-10pm All Ages Joint Effort w/ Nate of MiserFREE…*A Boston Hassle Joint Effort* able Events* Fri 9/8 Pines (solo), Earth of Foxes, Dump Him (duo), Bedbug @Blockbuster Video Tue 9/12 Grace Givertz, Rose Hotel, Little Musket, Charlie Diva @ Sun 9/3 Venom Inc, GoatPotato Emporium 8pm All Ages $5 6pm All Ages $6-9 whore, Toxic Holocaust, The Convalescence @Brighton Fri 9/8 Illegally Blind Presents: Chui Wan Tue 9/12 Eurorack Synthesizer Performances. Live Electronic Music! Music Hall 6pm 18+ $22 featuring Bill T Miller (Orgy Of Noise), Erich Hochstrasser, Three with Lane Shi Otayonii (of DENT and Elizabeth Colour Wheel) @Lilypad 7pm Initiates ( Ari Cauchon), Ryan Campos, Prone (Tim Davison/Moon Sun 9/3 Ellen And The DeVillian), Bastian Void (Joseph Bastardo), A. Campbell Payne, VeheAll Ages $10 generates, Moist Boy, Giant ment Caress (Lex Russo) @Electric Haze (Worcester) 9pm 21+ $ome Peach, Aneurysm @O'Brien's Fri 9/8 Consider Yourself (album reCost 8pm 18+ $8 lease), Bat House, OroborO, Los Waves Wed 9/13 Illegally Blind Presents: Thee Oh Sees, CreaturoS @ @Aurora (PVD) 9:30pm All Ages $8 Sun 9/3 Coagula, Leather Sinclair 8pm 18+ $23 Lung, Intheshit, Ugly @Great 9/8 Caddywhompus & John Cushing Scott 9:30pm 18+ $7 Band @Deep Thoughts 8:30pm All Ages Wed 9/13 Mount Eerie @Arts At The Armory 6:30pm All Ages $18 $5-10 sliding scale donation Mon 9/4 Eye Design Presents: Wed 9/13 Bugs and Rats with Escape-Ism (Ian Svenonius) @Deep Future Teens, Something// Sat 9/9 Swervedriver @Brighton Music Thoughts 9pm All Ages $5-$10 Something, Sidney Gish @ Hall 8pm 18+ $25 ZuZu 10pm 21+ $5 Wed 9/13 Coach and Sons Present: Walter Etc., Lost Dog, Colbis Sat 9/9 Buffalo Tom @Royale 6pm 18+ the Creature @Mid East Up 7pm 18+ $10-14 Tue 9/5 Laetitia Sadier $29.50 Source Ensemble, Nicholas Wed 9/13 Fully Celebrated Orchestra w/ special guests The ParKrgovich @Great Scott 9pm Sat 9/9 Christians & Lions w/ Gun Moth- tially Anticipated Sextet (Dana Colley of Vapors of Morphine/Larry 18+ $13 Dersch of Trinary System) @Midway Cafe 8pm 21+ $5 er, Littlefoot, Brown Lights @Midway Cafe 8pm 21+ $8 Wed 9/6 Park Slug Presents: Thu 9/14 Protomartyr, John Maus, Blau Blau @Middle East DownBedtime Magic, Easter Blood- Sat 9/9 Starlab Fest w/ Paul Collins & stairs 8pm 18+ $20 hounds, Sunshine, Service The Dazies, Lyres, Black Beach, Laika’s @O’Briens 8pm 21+ $8 Orbit, Me In Capris, Jojo & The Angry Thu 9/14 Weyes Blood @ICA 7pm All Ages $20 Girls, Bundles, Boston Cream, Jeff Rowe, Fri 9/15 Mount Eerie @Columbus Theatre (Providence) 7pm All Baby @Somerville ARTFarm 1pm All Ages $17 Ages $15-$25 sliding scale Fri 9/1 Asha Tamirisa and Ernst Karel @Blue Bag Records 8pm All Ages $5-10





9/9 Freestone or Ooze Festival Day 1 featuring Allysen Callery, Viewer Project, Dusty Miller, Tarp, Mickey O'Hara/Arkm Foam duo, Omeed Goodarzi, Chris Carmody @Brick House (Amherst) All Ages Free 9/10 Freestone or Ooze Festival Day 2 featuring Noise Nomads, Sunburned Hand of the Man, Dredd Foole, Frozen Corn, Mozzaleum, Frank Hurricane, Pigeons, Scratch Ticket (lane/ moloney/thomas), Liz Durette, Bridge of Flowers, Gracious Calamity, Jai & Tite @Amherst Commons 12pm All Ages Free

Fri 9/15 Citrusphere, Gary War, Violet Nox, Mei Ohara @ Jeanie Johnston 9pm 21+

Mon 9/18 Electric Street Queens, Dyke Mite, Brookside Manor @Zuzu 10pm 21+ $5 Mon 9/18 The Dead Boys, Duck & Cover, Quiggs, MK & The Morning Afters @ONCE 8pm 18+ $15 Tue 9/19 Tory Silver, Ed Balloon, Above Ground Basement @Herter Park 7pm-10pm All Ages FREE...*A Boston Hassle Joint Effort* Tue 9/19 Wovenhand @ONCE 8pm 18+ $15 Tue 9/19 Non Event Presents: FRKSE @Cafe Fixe 7pm All Ages $5 Tue 9/19 Eye Design Presents: Milk, Brett Netson, Clarke and the Himselfs, Love Strangers @O’Briens 8pm 21+ $10 Wed 9/20 X - 40th Anniversary Tour with Skating Polly @ Brighton Music Hall 7:30pm 18+ $33 Wed 9/20 The Cribs, The Paws, Dirty Bangs @Middle East Downstairs 8pm 18+ $18 Wed 9/20 Hez (Panama), Remnats (SF), High Command, Dogs Blood, Isolations @Hardcore Stadium 6pm All Ages $10 Wed 9/20 E, Crown Larks (Chicago), Gold Dime (Brooklyn) and Chris Brokaw Rock Band @Midway 8pm 21+ $8 Thu 9/21 Xiu Xiu, Re-TROS, Mr. NEET @Space Gallery (Portland, ME) 8pm All Ages $10-12 Thu 9/21 SHEA'S LOUNGE September Theme: New York & Boston punk since 2010. Guest DJ: John Campoli Band @ Jeanie Johnston 9pm FREE Thu 9/21 Flesh World, Longings, Strange Fate, Similar Items @Flywheel Arts Collective (Easthampton) 7:30pm All Ages $10 9/22 Climax Landers (Old Table with members of Palberta, etc...), Jazz Massagers & more TBD @Deep Thoughts 8:30pm All Ages $5-10 sliding scale donation Fri 9/22 Futurebirds, Parker Gispert @ONCE 8pm 18+ $11 Fri 9/22 Beautiful Woman, Boxed Water, Nick Owen, Iris @ Nick’s House (Concord) 7:30pm All Ages $ome Cost Sat 9/23 Wire, Minibeast @Sinclair 8 18+ $25 Sat 9/23 Quicksand, No Joy @Paradise 8pm 18+ $28 Sat 9/23 Soft Fangs, Puppy Problems, BANANA, Night Nurses @O’Brien’s 8pm 21+ $8 Sat 9/23 The Sugarhill Gang with Grandmaster Melle Mel @The Big E (Springfield, MA) 8pm All Ages Free Sat 9/23 Anda Volley, RUUNE, LEX, Aaron Emmanuel (Glass Mannequins) @Midway Cafe 9pm 21+ $8


9/1 Baby; baby, NONZOO, Creative Healing, Goon Planet, Trigger @AS220 (PVD) 6pm All Ages $7 9/9 Diet Cig, Ratboys @Columbus Theatre (Providence) 8pm All Ages $14 9/29 Mdou Moctar, Black Pus, JFCK, S. the Supplicant, DJs TP&MB @Machines with Magnets (PVD) 9pm All Ages $15


9/2 Shokazoba Jazz, Funk Experience @ Pitman’s Freight Room (Laconia, NH) 7pm All Ages $20


9/29-30 Waking Windows Portland! 100+ bands, authors, artists, performers, comedians, thinkers, and so much more across 15 venues Wed 9/13 Vagabon and Nnamdi Ogbonnaya with Lisa/Liza @Space Gallery (Portland, ME) 8pm All Ages $8-10


9/9 Widowspeak, Clearance, Paper Castles @ArtsRiot (Burlington, VT) 8pm All Ages $12-14

9/5 Black Mask, Joy, Balor, Kidnapped, Ore Miner @ Crunch House (New Haven, CT) 7pm All Ages $10 9/16 Battalion of Saints (CA), Nobodys (CO), The Cryptics (NH), M-13 (CT/NY), The Minutes (NY), Ugly (MA), Cry Havoc! @Cherry Street Station (Wallingford, CT) 7pm 21+


9/13 Protomartyr, Pill, Bodega @St. Vitus 8pm 21+ $15 9/23 Have A Nice Life, Planning For Burial, Low Estate, Elizabeth Colour Wheel @Brooklyn Bazaar 8pm 18+ $16-18 9/27 Lina Tullgren (Release Show), Dougie Poole, Luxardo @Trans Pecos (Queens) 8pm All Ages $10 9/30 Limp Wrist, Mommy, Haram, Nandas, Exotica @ Brooklyn Bazaar 8pm 18+ $15

Sat 9/23 The Spits, FNU Clone Inc. + TBA @ Aurora (PVD) 9:30pm All Ages $ome Cost Sun 9/24 Saint Etienne @ONCE 8pm 18+ $25 Mon 9/25 Glorious? (Sweden), Isotope (Cali), Aspects of War, Innocent, Tortured Skull @ Midway Cafe 8pm 21+ $10

Sat 9/9 Opening 4-6pm, Stillness: Anne Lilley & Phyllis Berman@Room83Spring Manipulated space; observed weight, felt Sat 9/10 Carnivorous Plant Show @Tower Hill Botanic Garden 10am - 4pm Free with Admission

Managing Editor: Oscar Goff Contributing Writers: Kyle Brunet, Anders Croft, Oscar Goff, Matthew Martens, Nick Perry

Sat 9/16 FOXY BROWN (1974) dir. Jack Hill @ COOLIDGE It's as American as apple pie.

Thurs 9/14 Reading 7pm, A Twenty Minute Fri 9/1 TWO THOUSAND MANIACS! (1964) dir. Tue 9/26 Lina Tullgren, Tredici Bacci, Mega Bog, Silence Followed by Applause by Shawn Wen @ Herschell Gordon Lewis @COOLIDGE Sitcom @Middle East Upstairs 8pm 18+ $10 PapercutsJP - Radical mime written for radio Bunch of redneck racists try and get revenge for the civil war. Sound familiar? Thu 9/28 People Live Here (First show in a Sat/Sun 9/16 & 17 Performance 12-3pm, Comyear!), Ours + Yours, Matthew Connor + 1 more . mon Exchange@Cambridge Common; Carmen Fri 9/1 IN TRANSIT (2015) dir. Albert Maysles @ @ PA's Lounge, 8pm, 21+, $10-5 dollars Papalia: Blind Field Shuttle, Aki Sasamoto: Food BRATTLE Rental, Allison Smith: Common Goods, Andy With Amtrak and Albert across America. Thu 9/28 Stiff Little Fingers, Death By Unga Graydon: Gathering Note (a facsimile) Area premiere - screens through 9/7 Bunga @Brighton Music Hall 8pm 18+ $25 Sun 9/17 SomerStreets: Strike Up the Bands, Thu 9/28 Crystal Castles @Royale 8pm 18+ $25 Highland Ave in Somerville 2-6pm Thu 9/28 Illegally Blind Presents: Boston Fuzzstival w/ Dent, Birthing Hips, Kal Marks, Halfsour, Gravel, La Neve, Rick Rude - Ensemble, Blau Blau, Dazey And The Scouts @Elks Lodge 6pm All Ages $15

Mon 9/18 BAND OF OUTSIDERS (1964) dir. Jean-Luc Godard @COOLIDGE This film is cooler than you’ll ever be. Thu 9/21 LETTERS FROM BAGHDAD (2017) dir. Zeva Oelbaum and Sabine Krayenbühl @ MFA Experimental doc about Gertrude Bell Area premiere – screens through 9/29 Mon 9/25 ELECTRO-PYTHAGORAS (2017) dir. Luke Fowler @HFA Late electronic music composer Martin Bartlett documented and performed. With live performance by Ernst Karel

Sun 9/17 BLACK MARKET underground flea market extraordinaire @Massasoit Elks Lodge 55 Bishop Allen Dr, Cambridge 11-5pm $1 entry

Sun 9/17 More Than This @The Democracy Center 8-10pm $5 donation: A communal healing Fri 9/29 Illegally Blind Presents: Boston Fuzzsti- event for survivors of sexual assault and rape. Fri 9/1 THEY LIVE (1988) dir. John Carpenter @ val w/ Ava Luna, Ovlov, Horse Jumper of Love, MFA Bat House, A Band Called E, Lisa/Liza, Laika's Fri 9/22 Play 7:30pm, FPTC: The Three Births of Come for Carpenter, stay for Piper. Orbit, Way Out Earthquake Party!, Mint Green Wadih Alwani by Mahmoud Nowara @Midway @ONCE 6pm All Ages $15 Studios Sat 9/2 MANIAC (1980) dir. William Lustig @ Palestinian journalist turns to drama COOLIDGE Fri 9/29 Aurora Halal (NYC) Live set + Isabella The Slasher Gem No One Talks About! (BOS) live set and resident djs! @Lodge CSC All Sat 9/23 2017 FluffCentennial Festival @ Union Ages $ome Cost Square Somerville 3-7pm Eat fluff til you puke. Sat 9/2 NIGHT OF THE VAMPIRE MARATHON @ Fri 9/29 Heterotopia Book Release & Concert Also there’s a cooking contest HFA @OBERON (Cambridge) 8:30pm All Ages Creatures of the night, ALL NIGHT LONG! $15-25 Sun 9/25 - Sun 10/1 American Therapy @ Blackstone Square 1535 Washington St, Boston Public Wed 9/6 DIARY OF A LOST GIRL (1929) dir G.W. Fri 9/29 Non Event and Balagan Present: Tem- interactive art installation where you share Pabst @BRATTLE poral Currents II: Experimental Sound and Film your experience living in America while an artist Babies, melodrama, and Thymian. featuring performances by Victoria Shen and cohort creates an evolving mural reflecting your New restoration – screens through 9/7 Asha Tamirisa and original films by members of American experience. Yup. the AgX Collective @Waterworks Musuem 8pm Wed 9/6 IMITATION GIRL (2017) dir. Natasha All Ages $10-15 Tues 9/26 Artist Talk 5:30pm Greenway Artist Kermani @MICROCINEMA Lecture: Meredith James & Mark Reigelman @ Cover girl as alien cover 9/29 Property Materials Zine release w/ Solei, North Bennet St. School Presented by Boston Underground Film Festival! Moondrawn & Human Host @Deep Thoughts Fun house public art 8:30pm All Ages $5-10 sliding scale donation Wed 9/6 MY JOURNEY THROUGH FRENCH CINThurs 9/28 RECEPTION 5-7:30pm, Richard EMA (2016) dir. Bertrand Tavernier @MFA Sat 9/30 Tops @Great Scott 9pm 21+ $12 Yard: Portraits @UMASS University Hall Gallery A singular insider celebrates his country’s film (runs 9/5-10/27) culture. Sat 9/30 Sickness, Crank Sturgeon, +DOG+, vibrating watercolors Area premiere – screens through 9/27 ANGELSBREATH, This is Not Okay, Lean @Hotel Vernon (Worcester) 7pm All Ages $ome Cost Fri 9/29 $10 Sug. Performance 7pm, Mobius: Fri 9/8 THE WARRIORS (1979) dir. Walter Hill @ Mobilize: Performance Art from Ireland @ COOLIDGE Sat 9/30 Illegally Blind Presents: Boston Cyberarts Some dudes come out and play. Fuzzstival w/ Dirty Dishes, MV & EE, Loone, The Body territory, empathic transfer Kominas, Sammus, Mini Dresses, Gymshorts, Fri 9/8 JEANNE DIELMAN, 23 QUAI DE COMHonduras, Steep Leans, Olden Yolk, Peach Ring, ONGOING Exhibit: Everybody, Everything; Andy MERCE, 1080 BRUXELLES (1975) dir. Chantal Boston Cream @ Somerville ARTFarm for Social Warhol Photos@MassArt President's Gallery Akerman @HFA Innovation 1PM All Ages $15 Old fashioned Instagram A day in the life. Sat 9/30 18 Minus Collectivepresents... Wild Painting, Nick Shea and more @First Parish Church (Harvard Sq) 8pm All Ages $5

ONGOING (closes 9/17) Exhibit: Real/Ideal @ Mills Gallery Meta-curate this utopia

Sat 9/9 Carnivorous Plant Show @Tower Hill Botanic Garden 10am - 5pm Free with Admission Sat 9/9 Walking Tour 1pm, Mapping Out Utopia: Cambridge 70s Counterculture@Practice Space 1307 Cambridge st. Radical nostalgia. Know yr roots

you can find ss the compa the every month in ations: following loc

Sat 9/30 KOYAANISQATSI (1982) dir. Godfrey Reggio @HFA Life out of balance; soundtrack in sync. LISTINGS NOTE: Below is the venue abbreviation key: BRATTLE - Brattle Theatre COOLIDGE - Coolidge Corner Theatre HFA - Harvard Film Archive MFA - Museum of Fine Arts Boston MICROCINEMA - Somerville Theatre Microcinema (downstairs) SOMERVILLE - Somerville Theatre Please see our sister website BostonHassle. com/Film-Flam for our full listings w/ showtimes and other info. FILM FLAM SEEKS VOLUNTEERS!!! If you would like to get involved with our film section or submit listings, shoot our film editor an email at Oscar@Brain-Arts. org

Sat 9/9 REPO MAN (1984) dir. Alex Cox @ COOLIDGE Plate of shrimp.

ONGOING (closes 9/17) Exhibit: Trisha Baga @ Sun 9/10 BITTER MONEY (2017) dir. Wang Bing @ CCVA HFA Mad clay protest art Migrant laborers face longueurs laced with grace notes. ONGOING Exhibit: Holography: Dimensions of All events are free unless otherwise noted. Weds 9/6 TRACE - Solei Closing Party @Industry Light@MITMuseum $10, free last sunday of the Sun 9/10 SHERLOCK HOLMES (1916) dir. Arthur month Lab 7-10pm Berthelet @SOMERVILLE Old school 3d optics Long-lost, now-found silent version. Mystery solved. Weds 9/6 Figure/Ground - Opening Reception @ Live musical accompaniment! ONGOING Installation: Annie Silverman; The Montserrat Galleries 5-8pm. Runs 8/15-10/14 Birds, The Bees, Curiosities...and Books!@RSM Mon 9/11 BARTON FINK (1991) dir. Joel & Ethan Fri 9/8 Reconfigure: An Evening of Art ft. Ariel Art Gallery Woodcut prints proliferate Coen @COOLIDGE Basson Freiberg & Lavaughan Jenkins @ Abigail It’s theater for the common man. ONGOING (opens 9/15) Exhibit: Claire Ashley Ogilvy Gallery 5-8pm (((CRZ.F.4NRS.AAK))) @808 Gallery Wed 9/13 AFTER LOVE (2016) dir. Joachim Lafosse Fri 9/8 Nasty Women Boston Art Opening (And fleeting & excessive painted inflated sculpture @MFA Sale) @ Laconia Gallery 6-9pm Who gets the money? CLOSING 9/30 Exhibit: The New Inflatable Area premiere – screens through 9/29 Fri 9/8 Opening 6-9pm, Paola Savarino: Bejew- Moment@BSA Space 10am-5/6pm Inflatable structures post-hot air balloon eled @249 A Street (or by appt. until 9/30 by Thu 9/14 DROP DEAD GORGEOUS (1999) dir. 617-416-0718) Tight chaotic abstractions & faces Michael Patrick Jann @COOLIDGE hey YO of Buddha Drop dead perfect mockumentary U! w h We wa o likes art! nt to e a xpa r t team Fri 9/8 Opening 6pm, Mobius: Marilyn Arsem . Help nd our us cre r a d listin Documentation of 100 Ways to Consider Time @ ate cool a gs of all the Cyberarts 100 day performance? See it in one rt stuff . Write about it. you do Tell us whe n c o ol art Sat 9/9 Opening Reception: Handled @Gallery We re stuff a and w lly want to k . 263 7-9pm A juried exhibition by Pat Falco e wan na me now, et you y e a ! Sat 9/9 JP Flea (market) @Spontaneous Cele- email emma you! @brain -arts. brations 12-6pm org

Fri 9/29 WHEN A STRANGER CALLS (1979) dir. Fred Walton @COOLIDGE A Babysitters Worst Nightmare: The Movie

Thu 9/14 GET OUT (2017) dir. Jordan Peele @MFA Color-blind love as lie and lure. Free outdoor screening!

vol un teer with us

Please support the , Out of the Blue, Garmen businesses t District J that support A M A I C A PLAIN Tres Gatos, Midway Ca the Compass! fe, City Feed SOMERVILLE We thank Boca Studios them!


1369 Coffee House, Lilyp ad


send yer chillustrations to micron08@ creepy pickup lines inspired by game of thrones

James wells

sally schofield @ ham_sanguish

the Horoscopes by Alaina Stamatis

The ziggy zags of goldenstash

Capricorn:If your neighbors leave their lint in the drier tray all the time, leave a note in the laundry room that reads "throw out your lint, God is watching." If they don't appear to fear God, write, "Danzig is watching." Lucky Show: GNäRDS @ O'Briens

The sketchbook pages of James Weinberg

Aries:You will take acid with someone you don't like, or someone whom you assume does not like you; you will first wonder, why did I dose with this person? And, what's so wrong with them, anyway? Then inevitably, when will we take a milk bath together? Lucky Show: Ian Svenonius @ Deep Thoughts

Pisces:How dare you allow your significant other to order a dish called 'broccoli lovers' only to become frustrated by their unrelenting flatulence??? Lucky Show: Haag @ First Parish Church

@ otherwise.anchored

Leo: Congratulations on your band, Amon Düül III, and the success of your new record, Slaughter House 6. Lucky Show: Jazz Massagers @ Deep Thoughts Virgo:Every girl with an aggressively minuscule nose job has a friend who kept to her naturally-sized nostril roots; nose job girl will regard this person as the ugly friend, and the ugly friend will think, "Bitch, at least I can breathe!" Lucky Show: Lane Shi @ Lilypad

Taurus:If someone claims to be a master in the art of orgasmic meditation, feel free to smirk at their zen humble brag: they literally spent money on a retreat to learn how to jerk off hands-free. Scorpio:Watch out! If you take too much MDMA at a house Lucky Show: Dent May @ ONCE show and light your own pants on fire and run around Gemini:Why did you start saying Hump Day screaming and thirty minutes later the police show up, again? "Wednesday" was working perfectly you may be liable to tell the cops you love them. fine, and now you're triggering all Lucky Show: Bedbug @ Blockbuster Video the perma-horny nerds at your place of employment. Sagittarius: Well maybe your face only Lucky Show: Naomi Punk @ Lilypad hurts you but it's killing other people.

Libra:If you don't believe in a restorative ability of the prison system, you should answer the call of jury duty and encourage your fellow citizens to do the same: it's like being allowed to go to the zoo and open all the cages! Lucky Show: Caddywhompus @ Deep Thoughts

Lucky Show: Gold Dime @ Midway

Aquarius: You've gotten really good at breaking mouse necks in a science research setting, and since it's a sought-after skillset, you wonder if you'll be snapping small bones forever. Do not dismay, you shall also be instructed to kill the previouslytortured mice in a poison gas chamber. Lucky Show: Sidney Gish @ ZuZu

Cancer:The solar eclipse robbed you of sleep, dislodged crystals in your ear to cause you an intense vertigo, and then your diva cup runneth over. Rather than mail your solar eclipse glasses to Buenos Aires for the 2019 totality, send 'em something they can actually use, like a ticket the Hell out of there. Lucky Show: Tredici Bacci @ Middle East

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