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What Older High Has Been Learning
The OHS division students have started out 2019 successfully by fulfilling their New Year’s resolutions to live a healthy life. PE teacher, Matthew Harkins, has been taking each class on weekly field trips to a new gym, to help the students generalize their PE skills to a community based setting and challenge them to experience new and exciting age appropriate activities. So far, the students are really enjoying the experience! We are very grateful for Matthew’s eagerness to try something new.
The Emergence Students in between their job sites have been working hard in academics. We have been learning about different forms of communication and various ways to communicate. We have been working on our phone numbers, card writing, as well as positive ways to communicate such as with handshakes. Some students have been learning how to send emails to their parents. We’re looking forward to our spring semester getting ready for our big event, Formal Dance and graduation!