In elementary we have unstoppable energy! The weather has kept us guessing each day but we have been enjoying the nice days outside while also sledding whenever the snow made an appearance. The Super Bowl did not pass us by, each class celebrated the coming game and the eventual win! With spring around the corner we’ve begun building nests and learning about what to expect when the warmer weather arrives. Everyday for us is a chance to transform challenges into opportunities and as you know, at Higashi we call that “Being Brave!”
During this past month YHS has been studying about penguins. Students have enjoyed learning about their characteristics and environments. Everyone enjoyed learning about penguins and were able to take the classroom knowledge out into the community! All classes went to the New England Aquarium to observe the penguins and expand their learning. They also enjoyed other exhibits during their visit.
As our second semester carries on in full force, the Middle School Division has been buckling down in our academic lessons, busily preparing our MCAS-alt portfolios! In science we are learning about the phases of the moon, recreating full moons, new moons, and all variants in between (current favorites, the waxing and waning gibbous!) using styrofoam and a flashlight! We are also charting the phases on a calendar to observe the many changes. Onward and upward in Middle School!
The OHS division students have started out 2019 successfully by fulfilling their New Year’s resolutions to live a healthy life. PE teacher, Matthew Harkins, has been taking each class on weekly field trips to a new gym, to help the students generalize their PE skills to a community based setting and challenge them to experience new and exciting age appropriate activities. So far, the students are really enjoying the experience! We are very grateful for Matthew’s eagerness to try something new.
The Emergence Students in between their job sites have been working hard in academics. We have been learning about different forms of communication and various ways to communicate. We have been working on our phone numbers, card writing, as well as positive ways to communicate such as with handshakes. Some students have been learning how to send emails to their parents. We’re looking forward to our spring semester getting ready for our big event, Formal Dance and graduation!