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Fall 2013 THE PRINCIPAL’S PERSPECTIVE “We either make ourselves miserable or make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.” -Carlos Castaneda
The fall has brought a full compliment of New England weather to our campus. We have had some hot and humid days, temperate and sunny days, light and heavy rain, chilly and cold nights, and even some days with fleeting snow. We can thank Mother Nature for the most ideal, the most perfect weather on October 19th for Sports Day, our Higashi Homecoming! We had our biggest crowd ever, as evidenced by the volume level of the neverending cheers and applause for all our division events. It remains my honor and privilege to continue to serve as the Principal of Boston Higashi School, a place of learning, heart, hope, promise and possibility. We are a school with a unique methodology implemented with fidelity and integrity by a highly dedicated staff that consistently goes the extra mile in order to provide the best education for children and young adults with autism. Our theme for the 2013 – 2014 school year is “Resilience.” Given the year that we
experienced last year with the events that touched us all in Boston and beyond, this was a natural choice. What Is Resilience? Resilience is defined as “the ability to work with adversity in such a way that allows a person or group of people to rebound from unexpected misfortune, hardships and traumas.” Resilience is really a verb. It is more than a personality trait, and more complex than just surviving what happens to us. In truth, being resilient is a continuous work in progress, independent of where we are on our life journey, or our roles, be they student, parent or staff member. To face life’s challenges with courage and patience and refuse to give up or be done in by the diagnosis of autism truly requires a tenacity of spirit. How Do We Become Resilient? Resilience is a skill that we must model repetitiously and teach explicitly to our children so they can learn, cope and do more than survive. There is a very credible amount of research about what builds and sustains resilience. Although the words may be slightly different, it is Daily Life Therapy® — a rhythm of life with exercise, healthy diet and sleep, social relationships and
opportunities to stimulate the mind. The path toward resilience does not guarantee that life will be free of struggle or pain, or that we will know exactly what to do in every situation. On the contrary, it is weathering the storms and challenges that make the fertile ground for resilience to grow. Whether we are neurotypical or autistic, life is never perfect or always easy. We just get stronger and more resilient with time, experience, and wise attention. We, Not Just Me Much of our resilience comes from community that is from the relationships that allow us to lean on each other for support when we need it. This year we have planned more parent trainings, collaborations, and exciting guest lectures on campus. We aspire to foster a mindset that encourages us to bring joy to others, to laugh and appreciate that we truly are the architects of our lives. Let’s work together to radiate our resilience. Let resilience be the beacon of light that will shine through all our endeavors. Deborah Donovan, Principal
Accredited by The National Commission for the Accreditation of Special Education Services The Boston Higashi School is affiliated with Lesley University.
The International Program for Individuals with Autism since 1987 800 North Main Street, Randolph, MA 02368 781-961-0800 www.bostonhigashi.org
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Advisory Board Dinner
Boston Higashi School Advisory Board 2013-2014 Ma rg aret L . B a uma n, M. D. Ma ri e D ug gan Peter H. Ga rlan d Ma rk Green stein , M.D . R oy R icha rd Grin ker, P h.D . Lee G rossm a n J ero me K aga n, P h.D . J osep h Keefe, Ph. D. T homa s M . LaGras ta, Ed .D.
A nn e S. La rkin , Ph. D. Steph en H. M ott, M.D . J ohn J. R atey , M.D . Sus an Sen ator Steph en Shore, P h.D. H el en Ta ger- Flu sberg , Ph. D. Ma ri a T ro zzi , M.Ed . Lu ke T sai , M.D . Di an e D . Tw ac htm an -Cu llen , Ph .D ., CC C/ SLP
On Thursday, September 26th, our Advisory Board members convened at The Charles Hotel in Cambridge to discuss their current projects and provide updates in autism education and research. We also discussed exciting additions to both the Higashi programs and our facilities at the Randolph campus over the past two years.
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Development News Higashi Pool Construction Project Update We are currently in Phase 1 of the multi-phase Athletic and Recreation Complex Project, a major capital project that will positively impact our campus and community. The construction, which began in August, has made considerable progress. Phase 1, the Pinny Danziger Swim Center and Kyle Mattie Indoor Track, is nearing completion with a greatly
anticipated opening in Spring 2014. We sincerely thank those who have helped to raise nearly $700,000 of the $1.8 million needed for the complex to date, but we truly need your continued support. The hard-working Higashi Pool Fundraising Committee meets monthly to discuss any construction updates and the status of fundraising. We sincerely appreciate the tireless efforts of those parents who are actively involved in fundraising for this project.
Annual Fund Campaign The 2014 Annual Fund Campaign is underway. Please look for our newly designed brochure which will be mailed out to all current and alumni parents, as well as friends and supporters. Many thanks in anticipation of your support. Michael L Kelly Executive Director Yoshie Gordon Director of Development and Corporate Relations
So much progress has been made since our summer Higashi Highlights article! The locker room foundation has been poured, the two pools are being tiled, and the “bubble” enclosure (photo above center) is almost complete. We can’t wait for spring!
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Elementary Highlights We Are Changing and Growing The Elementary Division is off to a colorful start—just like the leaves! We welcomed several new students to the division, and they are already adjusting well. There are also new members of our teaching team who have experience from being in other divisions
Junior High Highlights Connoisseurs of Learning
Junior High is having a fabulous fall and enjoying all it has to offer. Students and teachers have settled into their routines of the new school year and are looking forward to what the new school year will bring. Junior High was fortunate to have an opportunity to visit the DeCordova Sculpture Park in Lincoln thanks to a generous gift from Miriam and Beverly Schwartz. The division learned about the sculptures in class and visited the park in October. Despite the cold weather, all our students enjoyed exploring the grounds and discovering many new and interesting sculptures. The sculptures were unique and interesting to view. Some of
John Kolwaite, Division Director in the school whose collective wisdom and uniqueness have added to the flavor of our division. Our first curriculum topic was “Getting to Know Me/Each Other” which helped everyone form bonds with each other and memorize basic facts about themselves. We also studied the change of seasons and the holidays in October. Our Costume Party was a super
great time. We also learned about time, place and date by making our posters to advertise the party. We are also learning to stay healthy by getting lots of exercise and eating a balanced diet. As it gets colder we start to set our sights on the Winter Music Festival, so stay tuned. There is so much for us to learn, and many ways for us to grow!
Jen Kelley, Junior High Master Teacher the division favorites were “Lincoln” by DeWitt Godfrey, “The Musical Fence” by Paul Matisse, “Crazy Spheroid: Two entrances” by Dan Graham, and “4-Wheeler Rollover” by Okay Mountain. Each class was able to take a class picture inside the “Lincoln” sculpture and the whole division paused to pose on the hill. We look forward to revisiting the Sculpture Park to explore future exhibits. The Junior High Division is reading a variety of fiction and non-fiction text and learning about each genre in their Language Arts lessons. In Science, we are learning about the human body and how its systems work together.
Through text, class activities, and DVDs, Junior High is learning about each system and the part it plays in making our bodies work. In Mathematics, we have been learning about number sense, geometry and working on individual goals. With Sports Day over, Junior High is beginning to practice and look forward to the rest of the holidays and events in November and December. Junior High students are looking forward to bringing some seasonal cheer to their friends and family during the Winter Music Festival in December! Junior High wishes everyone a happy and healthy holiday season!
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Middle School Highlights Middle School Adventures The Middle School division started off the new school year with a bang. We have been getting to know our new teachers and classmates, and for a lot of us, getting used to being in Middle School after moving up from Elementary. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed participating in Sports Day, and you could tell by the smiling faces that the
students were proud of themselves. Thanks to Daniel Macintyre for setting up an amazing trip to Fenway Park! We had a tour, saw them mowing the field for the playoffs (yes, it has been said we were the reason the Sox won the World Series) and ate a delicious picnic lunch! We are looking forward to learning our Winter Music Festival song and performing for all of our family
High School Highlights High School TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More The students of High School have been working really hard since the beginning of the school year in September. They have been making strong bonds with both their new teachers and new classmates. The students have also been very focused on their vocational job sites. We are proud of the learning
Transition News New Beginnings As one school year ends and another begins, we continue to stay busy with many students transitioning. Most of the 11 graduates from the April 2013 Formal Dance and Graduation Ceremony have now transitioned and all are reported to be doing well.
Higashi Highlights Fall 2013
Lisa Ahern, MS Asst. Master Teacher and friends in the upcoming month.
Jen Tomase, High School Master Teacher
community that High School has created. Everyone is geared up to help one another reach their respective goals. Everyone did a great job at Sports Day in October. They took pride in showing their parents and friends all that they have learned and how hard they have been trying. High School was especially proud to have Denzel as our student representative and Andrew as the leader for BHS exercises.
Finally, the month ended with the ever-popular and fun Halloween Dance Party. The students looked great in their different costumes, and enjoyed showing off their new dance moves throughout the night. They were very surprised to see their teachers dressed in costumes. Students had a lot of fun guessing who these very creative teachercreatures were!
Joe Murphy, Director of Transition Some have even returned to the UK where the families can finally have their child close to home. The transition wave will not slow over the next months as 5 students are set to move on to adult services throughout the winter. Boston Higashi School has been working very hard to collaborate and influence
services for our graduates. We are happy to report that several adult providers who now serve our graduates have adopted the essentials of Daily Life Therapy® and are using those basic principles that have served the students so well!
Higashi Highlights Fall 2013
October 19th, 2013
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Emergence Highlights Emergence Gets Into the Swing of Things
The Emergence Program students have spent the last 2 months preparing for their Annual Golf Tournament at Golf City (an 18 hole, par 3 course) in West Bridgewater. They have practiced their driving and putting skills, both indoors and outdoors during their PE lessons. They have also spent many of their community education lessons visiting a local driving range and Golf City itself, in preparation for this lively tournament. We had many students move up from the High School Division in September, and this was a big change for all of them. They all handled it like true Higashi students, by demonstrating flexibility, and a desire to do their best. The weather promised to be some of the best we’ve experienced on this Higashi Sports Day event, and it held true to its promise. While a bit nippy in the early morning, it soon warmed up into a truly beautiful day. Many parents attended, resulting in close to 100 people on the course.
Paul Brennan, Emergence Master Teacher Everyone (staff, students and parents) seemed to have a wonderful time. The EP staff worked as caddies for the students and their parents, explaining the rules, keeping score, and trying to keep the cheating to a minimum. Each group consisted of one EP staff, 1-2 students and their parents. They each played 9 holes, either the “front 9” (holes 1-9) or the “back 9” (holes 10-18). The tournament lasted approximately 2 hours, finally resulting in a glorious win for Patrick Idima’s group that consisted of Oliver, Max and their parents, with a score of 46 strokes, just edging out Paul Schell’s group, consisting of Zakaria, and Thomas, with his parents, who ended with an impressive score of 49 strokes. The valiant winners received the famous Higashi ceramics and a t-shirt. Some students then went with their parents for lunch, while others returned to school for a casual lunch with parents and staff. After lunch, we reconvened on the front field for a round robin of 5 field games. Each class started on a different game, (discus, soccer bowling, beanbag toss, heavy ball hurling and football kick), hosted by an EP staff who explained the rules and kept score. All the students took a turn, and then parents volunteered to make up the numbers so each team had 10 attempts at each game. As each group finished, they rotated on through to the next game. At the end of the field games, everyone gathered on
the hill for the award ceremony. It was a close run competition, with Steve Joy’s class (EP-C) winning though, only just defeating Patrick Idima’s and Robin Onuma’s class (EP-E) by 10 points, with a total of 830. Every year this event seems to improve, and this year was truly one of our best. The weather, parents, staff and students all worked together to make this an event to remember…until it’s bested next year! Kudos to all the Higashi staff who made this such an awesome event; to the parents for participating and supporting their children and the staff. Most importantly, we heartily congratulate all of our students who worked so hard in preparing themselves for this event. Special praise for all the former High School students who adapted so well. Deepest thanks go to Johnny DePippo and Mariko Hiruma who worked so hard in preparing the students and the games for the event.
Higashi Highlights Fall 2013
EP Golf Tournament October 19th, 2013
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Residence News
Time Flies When You’re Having Fun!
A belated “Welcome Back!” to all students, teachers, and parents. It just goes to show how quickly time keeps moving. In the blink of an eye, Halloween was here, and we had our first Open House at the Residence. We are fast approaching the busy winter holidays, and soon it will be 2014! This time of year, I always reflect on a quote from one of my favorite movies, “Life moves pretty fast… if you don’t stop once in awhile, you might miss it.” At the residence we continue to improve and grow, but
Christopher White, Residential Program Director during this season of giving thanks, we are also reminded to enjoy every second we have, teaching and learning with our students. Our school theme this year is “Resilience,” and at the Residence we have expanded this theme to “Strengthening our Foundation.” There have been many exciting additions to the Residence Program recently, including Activity Leaders, homework time, and new activities from our Recreational Coordinator in the community. But, the success of any new activity begins from a strong foundation. The tenets of Daily Life Therapy® provide that foundation, and form the basis for teaching students self-regulation of behavior and “readiness” to participate in activities. Our highly dedicated residential teachers come from many diverse cultures and backgrounds. Therefore, we too are working on our “foundations,” so that we as care givers can provide the best learning environment for our students. This month’s residential articles come from two of our fantastic directors: Pascaline
Mbinkar, IN Division Director (Younger Students Costume Party) and Peter Gaitho, EP Division Director, (Older Students Dance Party). They worked very hard to coordinate with staff, and plan our October Open House events. With their leadership, both events were a big success, and I wanted to give them the opportunity to write about them. Enjoy their articles, and again, “Welcome Back!” A note for the parents: ‘Tis the season for summer shorts to get packed away, and replaced by winter coats! I have noticed a lot of parents coming to sort through their child’s clothing, bringing seasonal items and taking home last season’s clothing. To make this process a bit smoother, so we can keep track of the all students’ belongings efficiently, please bring in a list of any items you are bringing in or taking away. Thank you for your help and understanding!
Join Us for some Holiday Cheer! Winter Music Festival Friday, December 13th, 2013 10am-Noon (in the Gym)
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Residence News – Older Divisions Dancing at the “Monster Mash” The fall season is always an exciting time at Higashi. With the beautiful backdrop of foliage colors, carving pumpkins into Jack-oLanterns, making spooky and scary decorations, and getting ready for Thanksgiving, one would wish for this season to go on and on. Autumn is made even more exciting with expectations that come with the Annual Costume Dance and Open
House. All our students and staff adorn their spookiest costumes and dance to “Ghostbusters” under the clever decorations in the school gym. Our parents, siblings, Higashi alumni, and other guests also join this wonderful party. With this year’s school theme of “Resilience” as our guide, the organizing committee made sure to make the dance a memorable event. The winners for this year’s costume contest were Hannah H. for the girls, Thomas Y. for the boys and
Residence News – Younger Divisions “Who You Gonna Call? Ghostbusters!” It was as busy as it was festive, as the students prepared for the Costume Party, practicing weeks before the Open House on Wednesday, October 30, 2013. All activities for those weeks, big or small, were geared toward having the students prepare to participate in a large group activity with their friends and families. Even though many new skills were taught, like dance moves or rules for the “Ghostbuster Game,” it was the basic tenets of Daily Life Therapy® that laid the foundation for the students’ success. Basic
Higashi Highlights Fall 2013
postures, clear beginnings and endings of activities, and setting small achievable goals provided the structure upon which new skills could be built. On the day of the party, the students were ready. They dressed up in all types of costumes, and were armed with baskets to go trick-ortreating to Brady building. The outside game was so much fun that everybody forgot about the darkness and the chill in the air. Outside all you could hear was music, see the dancing, and have just enough time to rush to the next part of the game to make sure the “ghosts” did not slime you! Parents and visiting friends alike joined in the fun with our
Peter Gaitho Robin O. for the staff. Special thanks to Hiro, Fumi, and Henry N. for all their support with the many party preparations. Thank you to Rosalind for making themed snacks, and Katie G. for the help with decorations. Carmine the MC and Mr. Oba the DJ, truly set the mood for the evening. Thanks to all day and residence staff for giving a hand in preparing the gym, and making sure that all students had fun at the dance. Happy Thanksgiving!
Passy Mbinkar students. It was a great party, but let me assure you that next year will be even better! Stay tuned, for in the blink of an eye, it will be time for Costume Party 2014. A special “thanks” to all teachers and students who helped out! Krishma, Katie and her Art classes were busy making decorations for the party, which turned out to be awesome. Jared and Ken worked hard to make sure that all songs and the “Thriller” themed dance moves were mastered before the party began. And thanks to the parents and families who joined in the fun! See you next year!
Halloween Party & Dance
Higashi Highlights Fall 2013
October 30th & 31st, 2013
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Training for New Parents The purpose of our educational approach is for children to achieve social independence and dignity. As stated in our Guidelines Book, “A close partnership and collaboration between parents and the school and residence is essential to the student’s growth and progress.” We are very pleased to welcome so many new families to our “Higashi Family.” We are honored to partner with families so each child can reach their true potential. This is the legacy of education and caring of our beloved founder, Dr. Kiyo Kitahara. This year, we instituted monthly training sessions for parents of newly enrolled students to help them understand and implement the basic tenets of Daily Life Therapy®. These are in addition to the scheduled trainings noted in our school
calendar. September brought new parents together under the theme “Getting to Know You.” Parents shared their stories with one another, and it became readily apparent that this was a group who had much in common. Our second training was held on October 23. As the rest of the world was at home watching Game 6 of the World Series, we were having fun exploring the parts of “Initial Stage Guidance and Rhythm of Life.” Parents came to learn that structure and routine are their friends. These trainings have been spearheaded by Division Director Heather Katz, assisted by other Directors, Master Teachers, and Case Managers. Just as our students benefit from the group dynamic, our parents did as well. They are now experts at assisting their child to fold their clothes “Higashi style!” So far, these sessions have
Takako Ebihara, SPED Director had a great turn out, and the parents are very eager to learn what we do for their children. We will continue to hold this training one Wednesday evening every month (except December). Stay tuned to the Monthly Activity Schedule that we send you every month. Even if you have been with us a while, you may be interested in the specific agenda that we offer. All are welcome to attend the training. In her book, Dr. Kitahara reminds us, “If something has to be taught 3 times for a typical child to remember it, it has to be taught 30 times to an autistic child; and if this is insufficient, 50 times or 100 times!” Let’s talk about your challenges at home. Our staff are ready to work with you step-by step until your goals are met! Just like our school theme states, it takes “Resilience” to succeed! Never give up!
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” -Aristotle
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Parents’ Perspective On behalf of the Boston Higashi School Parents’ Association, I send another warm welcome to our new and returning parents and students. The theme this year is “Resilience.” Ever since our children received the diagnosis of autism, we have lived the definition of this word. We find within ourselves the ability to be strong and empower our children to be the best they can be. Dr. Kitahara, founder of Boston Higashi School, believed in the resilience of children, and found a way to bring out the best in each
Janet Murphy, Parent Association President
student. Every day our children maintain a “rhythm of life” that enables them to face the challenges of the day with the assistance of the teachers and staff. As parents, we will try to continue to assist the school by supporting school events throughout the year. Halloween Party gift cards, supplying goodies for the Valentine’s Day Party, sending a parent representative on the Japan trip, limousine rides to the Spring Formal for the Emergence Program, sewing costumes for Annual Celebration, and providing food for Bon Dance are the
many ways we help on an annual basis to meet the needs of the school for our children. I appreciate all of the support parents offer, through volunteering or by financial means, to support the endeavors of the Parents’ Association. Feel free to contact me at 617-698-9623, or murphmilt5@comcast.net or for information about the Parent Association, or to assist in any way. Regards, Janet Murphy President, Parent Association Boston Higashi School
What is the Boston Higashi School Parent Association? The Parent Association is the voice of the parents and guardians of the children at the Boston Higashi School. We have three main jobs: support the students and staff of the school; enhance the activities of the school; represent the voice of parents at the school. Every parent and guardian of a student at Higashi is automatically a “member” of the Parent Association. That’s it! You already belong. Every year at the Bon Dance Festival, the parents elect several people to serve as the Executive Board of the Parent Association. This year, the elected officers are: Title President First Vice President Second Vice President Out of State Vice President Treasurer Assistant Treasurer
Name Janet Murphy Paula Haite Lisa Burgess
Phone 617-678-1962 339-236-4058 508-813-0587
Email Murphmilt5@comcast.net phaite@comcast.net lisaburgess@comcast.net
Charles Borlam
Cheryl Begnal Diane Cafarelli
781-545-7234 956-358-5451
Recording Secretary
Paula Baldassini
cbegnal@comcast.net dianecafarelli@hotmail.com paulabaldassini@gmail.com
Corresponding Secretary
Patrice Dwyer
Would you like to get directly involved in the activities of the Parent Association? One way to feel more a part of the parent community at Higashi is to volunteer for school activities. Many of the school’s activities rely on volunteers, and you should definitely not feel shy about volunteering! Remember, there is always a way that you can help here at Higashi.
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Parent Collaboration Meeting Pat Tyler’s Affirmations for Parents We opened the new school year with a wonderful presentation on our school theme “Resilience.” Pat Tyler, Co-Founder of the CARA Family Disability Center has worked in the disability field for over 25 years and is committed to strengthening resiliency in families whose children have disabilities. As
Janice Oliver, Coordinator of Student Services
the parent of an adult daughter with autism, she brought her own personal understanding and hard-won wisdom as she shared aspects of her own journey navigating the myriad twists and turns on the roads of autism. Her presentation was filled with many affirming concepts. “Parents of children with special challenges need unconditional confidence. We can learn our way through any
situation. Parenting someone with autism is not a sprint, it is a long term marathon. We must also be willing to change ourselves as much as the child with disabilities.” Pat reminded the audience to remember the importance of taking care of themselves in order to have the physical and emotional reserves needed to care for their child.
“A resilient parent is their child’s greatest resource.”
Pat Tyler speaks at the Parent
Collaboration Breakfast, September 4th.
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BHS Guest Speaker Series Welcome Robyn Steward! We were delighted to welcome featured speaker Robyn Steward to our school on November 6th & 7th. Robyn is an author, accomplished businesswoman, and tireless advocate for individuals on the autistic spectrum and their families. Diagnosed with Asperger’s at age 11, and nine other disabilities as well, Robyn is
Janice Oliver, Coordinator of Student Services
dedicated to providing a better understanding about ASD to all those who work with individuals on the spectrum. Her unique ability to draw upon her own personal experiences serves to enlighten all of us touched by ASD. Robyn’s presentations were informative and inspirational to teachers and parents alike. She engaged her audience with props to better help them understand how the sensory
world impacts those with ASD and truly enjoyed answering the many questions posed by teachers and parents. Robyn is visiting the states to promote her first book, An Independent Woman’s Handbook to Super Safe Living on the Autistic Spectrum. She has spoken about autism at the House of Commons, on radio and television, and annually at UCLA.
left: Robyn’s new book, available at Barnes and Noble and on the web.
Robin Steward spoke to parents and staff about sensory issues, and how she has learned to overcome challenges. For more information, please visit her website at www.robynsteward.com
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Health Room News Keeping Everyone Healthy The Health Room would like to thank all parents who have already submitted your child’s required health documentation yearly physicals, any updated immunization records, and consent forms – for the 20132014 school year. Just a reminder, physician’s orders for medication are valid for one year from the original date. If you are interested in transferring prescriptions to the school’s contracted pharmacy, Apothecare, please call Colleen, our Medical Administrative Assistant. She is happy to answer questions and assist in the transfer. Those who do not use Apothecare are responsible for tracking medication and supplying it monthly. We are happy to announce that we recently acquired an AED, an Automated External Defibrillator. We were the recipients of a generous grant through “Hopey’s Heart
Tracy Shepherd, Head Nurse
Foundation." Direct care staff will be trained in its use as part of CPR certification. The AED is mounted securely in the hallway outside the cafeteria, accessible to all. Having an AED on campus enhances our ability to provide life saving treatment in the event of cardiac arrest. The Wellness Committee is thrilled to introduce the newest member of the Health Room team and Higashi Family: Jodi Surrey-Smith, Registered Dietician. Jodi comes to us with several years experience counseling families on healthy eating lifestyles, as well as experience addressing food allergies and sensitivities, and picky eaters. In addition to being a Registered Dietician, Jodi is also a Licensed Nutritionist in the state of Massachusetts. Jodi will be on campus 8 hours per week to develop individualized meal plans for students with special dietary needs, review menus and make recommendations, and to provide nutritional
education to both staff and families. Jodi will be working in collaboration with the nursing team, clinical team, and food services team (Chartwells). If you would like to meet with Jodi, or speak with her via telephone, you can call Colleen at ext. 209 and she will forward your request to Jodi, who will then be in contact with you. Last but not least, FLU SEASON is upon us! We encourage everyone to get their flu shots and to wash hands thoroughly and often. If you are interested in flu vaccination for yourself or your child, consult with your family's physician; the school does not supply vaccines to students. Last month we hosted a flu clinic for staff and had a great turnout. We’d also like to thank parents who submitted documentation of flu vaccine for their children thus far. Please continue to send these in if applicable. Let’s all work together to stay healthy this year!
Remember: Good hand washing is your first line of defense against getting sick this cold/flu season! 18
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Kyogen – Traditional Japanese Theater Kyogen – Japanese Traditional Theater Our school respects our Japanese roots and always appreciates opportunities to share cultural traditions. In collaboration with Minae Yamamoto Savas, Associate Professor at Bridgewater State University, we hosted the “Yamatoza Troupe,” a very traditional Kyogen Theater troupe based in Osaka, Japan. We welcomed Director Mr. Nobumoto Ando, and his three actors. In addition to performing three traditional plays for the public on October 26th, they also held a workshop for our students and staff on October 24th. The experience began with Mr. Ando’s powerful singing. He led us in singing a traditional American song. Then, he taught us a very old Japanese song. The singing brought such a calm, almost
Zen like stillness to the air. Music has always brought people of different countries together, evoking feelings of unity. This event was no exception. Some participants both young and old were adventurous enough to don traditional Kyogen masks. They learned what it is like to look through narrow mask slits while maintaining movement and balance. It was my first time watching Kyogen Theater. The actors were very animated and athletic, yet aesthetic at the same time. Despite the fact that they spoke in old-style Japanese, they conveyed the story well. Our audience truly appreciated Mr. Ando’s mission to teach younger generations all over the world about this Japanese treasure. When the troupe returned home to Japan, I received an e-mail from Mr. Ando:
Mrs. Ebi, SPED Director
“I was most impressed and touched by the dedication and compassion of the teachers as they helped the students participate – this will be my fond memory. I also remembered when Dr. Savas revealed my age (78), and one of the audience members told us that she was also at that age. I shook hands with this lady and took a picture with her. I remember when I was of elementary school age, (a long time ago,) it was in the middle of war between USA and Japan. Performing Kyogen in the USA this time was most meaningful. So many years later after the war, we, Japanese and American, shook hands and took pictures in the US. Singing both songs really put these two countries in one, beyond language differences.”
We were very grateful to Mr. Ando and his wonderful troupe for their amazing Kyogen theater workshops!
Higashi Highlights Fall 2013
In our summer Highlights issue we wrote about the Tokyo School’s “Tasuki” sash, passed to us In honor of Musashino Higashi Gakuen’s 50th Anniversary. We have been dutifully wearing the sash at various sporting events, and will be passing the Tasuki back to the Tokyo school at their Annual Celebration event this coming February! Mr. Oba wore the sash at the Charles River Center Road Race in October, where he came in first place for his age category. Congratulations Mr. Oba! The Tasuki was also prominently featured at our recent Sports Day, and passed from Mr. Oba to the Sports Day leader, Brett. Each PE Teacher took a turn wearing the sash during the various division games. Happy 50th Anniversary Musashino Higashi! We celebrate with you! (Photos counter clockwise: Mr. Oba celebrates with his family after the race. PE Teacher Akiko explains the Tasuki sash. Mr. Oba passes the sash to PE Teacher Brett during Sports Day’s opening ceremony. PE Teacher Tomoko receives the sash from Akiko.
The Jazz Band has been busy playing many exciting off-campus gigs. The two most recent were at the Craigville Retreat Center on Cape Cod on August 12th, and at the Carleton-Willard Village in Bedford, MA on October 29th. Congratulations to Mr. Ueno and the Higashi Music Department, and to our talented Jazz Band members: Ellery, Ruby, Brendan, Dakota, Brandon, Antony, Nicolas, Thomas, Harry, Hayato and Carmine!
Higashi Highlights Fall 2013
The Boston Higashi School is honored to have been selected by the Trustees of the Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation to receive a $10,000 donation in recognition of the School’s contribution to vocational job training. The award was presented to Principal Deborah Donovan and Yoshie Gordon on October 8, 2013 at the “Celebration of Social Justice,” hosted by Eastern Bank. Photo right: Principal Donovan chatting with Mayor Menino after the awards ceremony.
We are also pleased to announce that on November 1, 2013, Boston Higashi School was presented with a $2,000 grant from the John A. Scileppi Foundation to purchase additional iPads for our students. The Scileppi Foundation was founded in 1979 in honor of Jake Scileppi, and is dedicated to aiding organizations that support disabled students. Photos: Principal Donovan expressing her gratitude on behalf of Boston Higashi School, and posing with Jack Scileppi.
Photo below: Dr. Stephen Shore and Jamie Marshall recently traveled to Budapest, Hungary, to attend the Autism Europe International Congress held in September.
Photo right (upper): Oliver, Coordinator of Services, manning the table at the recent Consortium at Harvard School.
Janice Student Higashi Autism Medical
Photo right (lower): At the Healthy Living Education Fair in Hanover, MA.
Higashi Highlights Fall 2013
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Daycare Delights New Beginnings
We have welcomed some new children to our program. In the infant room, Mark Parse’s daughter, Zoe started in August; Jackie Briggs’ daughter, Paige started in September; and Hiro Abe’s daughter, Akana started in October. We welcome these families to our daycare family. Some of our children have grown so much and have moved from their younger group to an older group. The children have been sharing stories and photos and drawing pictures about themselves and their families as a way of introducing themselves to their new friends and teachers. Every day we learn a little bit more about the children, their family, their pets and their neighborhoods. The children have shared some very entertaining stories with us! A lot of what has been shared is hanging in the classrooms for all to admire. Some of the parents even learned some new things about their child’s interest and opinions on things. As the season of autumn is upon us, we have had a lot of 22
Pam Patrone, Director of Daycare fun enjoying the fall foliage and seeing how the leaves on the trees have changed from green leaves to the more colorful colors of orange, yellow, brown and red. The children have been enjoying the changing weather, taking a lot of walks around the campus while watching nature’s transition from summer to autumn. The older preschoolers enjoyed a hayride and a walk through a pumpkin patch at Nihtila Farm in Holbrook. They got to see the farm animals there as well as a walk through the cornfield. In addition to the beautiful colors of fall, this time of year brings a lot of excitement as the holiday season fast approaches. In October, all the children enjoyed the fun of Halloween. We had our party on October 31st and the preschoolers participated in their Halloween parade. The parade route took them to Marble Hall, the cafeteria, the business and education offices and everything in between. The children came back to class with a LOT of treats and everyone had a wonderful time! But the excitement doesn’t stop there! In November we will be hosting our annual family Thanksgiving dinner for all the families of the children enrolled in the daycare. The preschoolers will sing a song for all the families to enjoy and then an evening of eating begins. All the families bring something in to share with the other families. There is SO
MUCH FOOD! Last year we had turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, peas, carrots, corn, stuffing, cranberry sauce, rolls and tons of gravy. There were endless choices of delicious desserts and the decision of which one to have just couldn’t be made. What better way to avoid THAT problem than to try some of everything! After Thanksgiving, we get ready for the Winter Festival, our pajama party and a visit from Santa Claus. It is hard to believe that even as we are still getting into the routine of the beginning of school, that we are also preparing for so many events. We can’t wait for the holiday season and the fun that we will all be having celebrating with our friends and family.
Higashi Highlights Fall 2013
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Comings, Goings and Everything In Between at Higashi
We have welcomed the following new staff to BHS since our last publication: Daniel Noza, Overnight staff, Kelly DeSormier, Academic Support, Jessica Barry, Communication Teacher, Jodi-Ann Surrey-Smith, Dietician/Nutritionist, YaSheka Taylor, Residential Instructor. Please introduce yourself to these new employees when you see them! We also extend a warm “welcome back” to Pat Downey, who will act as our interim HR Manager. So good to see you, Pat!
Congratulations to Maura McKiernan, Residential Administrative Assistant, who married Christopher O’Keefe on September 28 th.
We said goodbye to the following staff: Toni Eaton, Sofiya Padela, Jeanine LaValley, Mariclay Tambi Ndifiang, Behvin McDonnell, and Cathy Horgan. We wish them well in their future endeavors and thank them for their dedication to the students and staff here at Higashi.
We offer sincerest condolences to Uchenna Onwuka, Rachel Preti, Alana Tashjian, and Katie Vaudrain, on the loss of their family members.
Congratulations to Clesia Ramos on the birth of her daughter, Delilah, on August 9th! Congratulations to Shola Adefunmilola and his wife Omonigho on the birth of their son Oluwadamilare Joshua, on September 7th!
Congratulations to Rebecca Stratford and her husband Charles on the birth of their son, Clark Hamilton, on September 11th!
Congratulations to Chris and Yoshino Stanbrook on the birth of their daughter Kairi, on October 25th!
Congratulations to Hideyuki Nishizawa and his wife Hatchi on the birth of their son, Tomo on November 5th!
Higashi Highlights Fall 2013
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More Please
As I have said many times, the time is flying, and before we know it we will celebrate Thanksgiving 2013. We have experienced an increase number of sea gulls on campus since the work on the pool began. Maybe they are looking forward to an inland hideaway? The construction is progressing and we are already planning a happy and healthy snack bar which will showcase our students culinary and sales skills. Halloween was a tremendous success, and the pumpkin carving competition produced Rembrandt-worthy pumpkins. The divisions were able to choose a special meal in recognition of their accomplishments, and most
Bill Burke, Executive Chef chose BBQ ribs and fried chicken. Chinese food was a close second, but most importantly, a good time was had by all. The Culinary Arts Program is now making all the gluten free bread that is used by the kitchen. In addition, the cooking classes are making regular whole wheat and oldfashioned white bread which they are using at meals. The Culinary Arts Program will begin making pies for Thanksgiving. This is a re-start of something that we tried in the past. Although we will not be selling the pies this year, you can be assured that they will be for sale in 2014! Our garden vegetables and tomatoes were great again this
year (Thanks, Peter!). The students enjoyed eating what they grew, and it is a good connection for the students to learn about where their food comes from. We are beginning to prepare our “Thanksgiving Feast,” which will be held at noon on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday November 28, 2013. As always, all staff, students and families are invited to attend. This invitation is extended to all from Mr. Kelly and Mrs. Donovan. Following Thanksgiving, our holiday lights and festive decorations will begin appearing in preparation for the upcoming season.
By Carmine DeCicco 24
Higashi Highlights Fall 2013