Higashi Highlights, Summer 2015

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Higashi Higashi Highlights

Summer 2015













From renovated classrooms to expanded programming, exciting changes are coming to campus! www.bostonhigashi.org • Helping children with autism exceed expectations since 1987 • (781) 961-0800


The Principal’s Perspective

A Message from th

I would like to thank everyone for joining take this opportunity to welcome all of ou

At Boston Higashi School, the summer season is a robust time of year with multiple opportunities for students, staff and families to come together to enjoy one another and to celebrate our unique heritage and community of place and heart. Annual Celebration brought all of our students to the stage to perform with confidence and competence. The students and the staff worked so hard to bring out the best in everyone individually and collectively. We were honored to have Mr. Kinjii Terada, President and Mr. Suzuki, Executive Manager of Musashino Higashi School make the journey from Tokyo to attend the performance with us. Their wisdom and appreciation for our shared history are blessings that inspire us to be proud and continue our collaborative efforts to create better lives for students with autism and their families.

This is a special year as the Boston Higashi S have passed quickly so please allow me, on appreciation to all staff, past and present, School’s establishment, growth and succe part of this organization and it is a pleasu have faithfully served the Boston Higashi S

Our staff has worked with great diligence overcome many challenges to perform in their performance and look forward to th breaking the barriers of autism and achie tion to our supporters and benefactors, f school and our mission. Please enjoy the 25th Annual Celebration!

Family Day at the residence was a day of fun and conviviality for everyone. The residential staffSincerely, are masters in designing new and creative ways for everyone to enjoy some friendly games of competition while encouraging and supporting each other. In the spirit of the school theme of working and being, “Together” everyone does indeed have more fun!

A Message from th

We are proud of our traditions of continuing our interactions with our Alumni and their families. Prior to Annual Celebration, we held our annual Alumni Brunch at Lombardo’s. We acknowledge the generosity of the Niedermeyer It isand my joy tofamilies welcome you to the 2012 A family who has sponsored this event. There are no words to express the deep feelings the alumni their gether. It isbeyond the 25th Annual Celebration have for each other and their Higashi years. This group continues to grow and to enrich their connections for this school year is CELEBRATE. We hav campus life. This fall we will begin a new initiave to provide adult enhancement education opportunities for alumni legacy of our founder, Dr. Kitahara, and th here on campus. to the enduring and sustaining friendship

acknowledge our alumni and their familie

cherish our students, families and frie Bon Dance marks not only the culmination of the school year but also the cultural diversity we We value. Wearing yukatas and folk dancing around the yagura to traditional music and chanting “Washoi” as the mikoshi parade circles Our performance today will touch your h around campus works up an appetite for all the delicious international foods that are available.age, and talents. You will not only be en

motto in action. We challenge our stude

Let me end by expressing my deepest gratitude and appreciation to one and all for your supportpotential and encouragement and know when we all work tog Thank youthe forfullness being with us today. On wi throughout the year as we discovered new ways to Challenge, Believe and work Together to experience of life and learning. Together, we become who we are truly meant to be. Best Regards, Deborah Donovan Principal

SEPT 30 OCT 17 OCT 17



9:50am - 2:00pm Higashi Back Field

EMERGENCE PROGRAM GOLF TOURNAMENT 9:00am - 2:00pm Golf City, W. Bridgewater

SEPT 4 | Parent Collaboration Meeting 9:30 am - Noon OCT 2 | Open House / Guided Tour 10:00 am - 12:00 pm OCT 28 | Halloween Party (Res only) / Dance (Public) Party: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm, Dance: 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm OCT 30 | Halloween Costume Party 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm For the latest news and events, visit our website at www.bostonhigashi.org


Class Notes IPADS ON THE JOB Our Emergence students have been using iPads at their various job sites to improve efficiency and accuracy. “Seeing is believing!” No more frustrations when setting up a dining table at a restaurant, or cleaning a hotel room, just check the iPad for easy reference. Technology is cool!

OUTDOOR SCIENCE ADVENTURES The Elementary Division is bringing their lessons outside! From science experiments and water balloon math, to bean bag tosses and tie-die shirt art, they’ve been enjoying “cool” summer activities in the “warm” wide-open classroom!

AROUND THE WORLD IN MS! This year, Middle School celebrated, learned, and explored a great deal. To wrap up the year, they traveled around the world for an afternoon. Each class set up their classroom as a country, and shared what they learned with the other division “tourists.” Everyone had a great time, and learned so much - we can’t wait to see what next year holds!

COMMUNICATION IS KEY As the summer continues, the learning keeps heating up! In Junior High, we have been working hard in the library’s computer area, honing our technology skills. Communication teacher Michelle has been introducing new programs for the computer and iPad to enhance communication, both during and after computer classes! Did you know that in addition to our website, Higashi has a wikispaces page, designed just for our students? You can check out some of your child’s favorite technology programs at home! Visit www. higashikids.wikispaces.com, and have fun exploring with your child!

HIGASHI CAFE IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS Our High School students have a new opportunity for practicing their vocational skills - The Higashi Cafe! Located in the newly renovated Culinary Arts room, the Higashi Cafe is open to staff members who want to stop by and grab something cold to drink, or a quick bite to snack on, from 1-1:30pm, four days a week. It’s a great opportunity for our students to practice important workplace skills, such as using a cash register, communication with customers, and checking store inventory. The “menu” is posted on the big TV, and our workers take turns filling orders and interacting with customers.

Residential Reflections EQUESTRIANS IN TRAINING

READY TO ROLL! We are proud to report that our Emergence Family Day Bowling Tournament was a great success! Thanks to all the parents who came to share this special day with us. The students did an awesome job showing off their skills, both at the bowling lanes, and around the grill for lunch! As we close the year, we say farewell to Michael, and we start to prepare for the new friends in the EP Boys and Girls Divisions come fall!

The High School A students thought that aside from swimming (of course), the horse rides were the best part of Family Day. Thank you to all the parents and siblings who joined us for such a successful and fun day. As the school year comes to an end, we are glad to receive new friends in HS-A, and wish those moving up to HS-B all the best.

FUN IN THE SUN IN HS-B The students and staff of High School B would like to thank all the family and friends who attended our annual Family Day event on Saturday, July 18th. The students appreciated your company, support, and motivation as they participated in the many activities of the day! Summer fun is in top gear in HS-B. We are always looking forward to picnics and trips to the beach to go swimming. Thanks to all for a great year!


YOUNG ADULTS SHINE The splendid rays of the summer sun seem to illuminate our bountiful endeavors for the 2014-2015 school year. Together as Young Adults, we most notably enjoyed Family Day, swimming at Nantasket Beach, bowling at Westgate Lanes, and practicing our golf swings. Though we are a little hesitant to bid goodbye to this year, we will do it in style at the “99 Restaurant” for our last “out to eat” dinner. We’re looking forward with pride to an eventful transition to the next school year.

If there were one word to describe Family Day, Middle School would say “Awesome!” We had so much fun, and wished the day would never end. We only wished we had more time in the swimming pool, as it was so hot we didn’t want to get out! We look forward to changing our swimming environment, and having some summer fun in the many beaches, lakes, and pools around Massachusetts on upcoming field trips.

TOGETHER WE CAN The 2014-2015 school year may be coming to an end, but Junior High is still planning special activites, like our yearend “out to eat” night for Chinese food! We would like to thank the parents and siblings who came to Family Day on July 19th. We hope you enjoyed the cookout, activities, and time spent with us. Lastly, thanks to all students and staff who made this year very special through their hard work and positive attitude! See you in the fall!

Alumni Swim a success!

LOTS TO DO IN GIRLS DIVISION It’s been a busy summer in the Girls’ Division! We were happy so many families came out on Family Day to enjoy the nice weather, and the many activities. From the Hay Ride and Concert, to our Division Obstacle Course, we had an action-packed day! Towards the end of the school year we will head out to eat at Applebee’s, where we will get a chance to practice our communication skills. At the end of August, we’re looking forward to a peer’s birthday party to finish the busy year on a high note. Happy Summer!

Our first ever Alumni Swim event was held in our brand new Pool Complex on June 27th. It was well attended by many former students, their families, and caregivers, and the day could not have been more perfect! We are happy to announce that plans are currently underway for more alumni swim sessions as part of our continuing education program on campus. Stay tuned to the alumni page on our website for more detailed information, and a list of upcoming course offerings: www.bostonhigashi.org/alumni

Greetings from the Parent Association! ~ Summertime Fun Abounds!

Parent Perspectives

Our kids & families are all enjoying the pool in this beautiful weather! A big shout out to Paula Baldassini, the BHSPA recording secretary, for her continued hard work with regards to Staff Appreciation events. The Ice cream parties for the staff are a big hit once again! On Sunday, June 21st, we celebrated the 28th Annual Celebration in Wrentham, MA. The performances by the students were amazing. This is truly a reflection of the dedication and hours of hard work by all of our teachers and staff. The Paw Sox fundraiser was rescheduled to July at McCoy Stadium in Pawtucket, RI. Thank you all for your support. The BHSPA could not do what it does without your donations, whether volunteering for an event or financial contributions. The Bon Dance Festival was our last event for the school year and a new BHSPA board was elected for the 2015-2016 school year. It has been a true privilege to work with the 2014-2015 Parent Association Board. Many thanks for your dedication and hard work : First Vice President Kathy Sidlauskas, Second Vice President John Sidlauskas, Treasurer Cheryl Begnal, Assistant Treasurer Julie Coppenrath, Recording Secretary Paula Baldassini, Corresponding Secretary Patrice Dwyer. And, a very special thank you to Maryellen Paradise; you tirelessly support the Parent Association all year round! “Together” was our theme for this past school year. “Together,” we truly did accomplish so much! Please feel free to contact me by phone at 508-813-0587 or email me at lisa_burgess@comcast.net Lisa Burgess, Boston Higashi Parent Association President


BLUEPRINTS AN EXCITING LOOK AT RECENT CHANGES The new Culinary Arts Classroom has been completed and students are now utilizing the space during the day, evenings and on weekends. One of the most exciting components of this renovation will be the opportunity for our students to prepare and enjoy meals with their family in a newly created dining room next to the kitchen, during the evenings and on weekends. Since many of our students are with us 365 days a year, this creates a wonderful opportunity for families to interact with their son, daughter and/or siblings, in a family-style, relaxing atmosphere. A special thanks goes out to Don Lonergan of DRL Architects for designing this amazing space at no cost to Higashi. Don created a bright, cheery and welcoming space that we can enjoy for years to come.

Culinary Arts Kitchen Renovation First Floor Classroom Renovations Renovation work is well underway to the eight first floor classrooms in the DeSales Building. The classrooms are original to the building that was constructed in 1963. The classrooms have already been gutted and now new ceilings, flooring, lighting and storage are being installed. The last phase of the project will be the installation of 65� Interactive SMART Boards, similar to the one being used in the library. The entire project is expected to be completed in anticipation of the opening of the new school year on September 4th. Best of luck to the students and teachers of elementary and middle school as they begin the new year in their bright, shiny and more accommodating classrooms.




In May we held our first of many Family Fun Swim Sessions at “Pinny’s Pool,” in our new Athletic & Recreation Complex. The “Free Swim” sessions have been very well attended, and allow families some recreational leisure time within a familiar and safe space. Our Family Swims took place throughout the summer, and we have plans to continue them throughout the school year as well. Keep an eye on our website for dates and registration information!

Family Fun Swims at “Pinny’s Pool” We are proud to announce that our first session of our new Continuing Adult Education Program (CAEP) will begin this fall! This initiative will be our first structured, programmatic attempt to reach out to our alumni, many of whom still live in the Greater Boston Area. We are finding that more and more of our alumni are experiencing a major drop off in continuing educational opportunities once they graduate from the Boston Higashi School. As such, our program aims at providing opportunities for our former students to utilize our physical infrastructure and experienced staff for continuing education, socialization, and fun. Alumni will engage in a variety of activities based on a rich curriculum that is aligned with the Daily Life Therapy® educational approach. Our first session, involving swimming, art, and music, will take place for six Saturdays beginning in September. More detailed information and applications for this program are available online at www.bostonhigashi.org/alumni. Questions should be directed to BHSalumni@bostonhigashi.org and/or Residential Academic Director, John Maina at (781) 961-0800 ext. 224 or Director of Transition, Joe Murphy at ext. 169.

Continuing Adult Education Program For more information or to register, please visit: www.bostonhigashi.org



Development News

Continuing the Experience: Creating lifelong opportunities for individuals with autism

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For 28 years the Boston Higashi School has been a unique and innovative leader in the field of educating children and young adults with autism. In recent years, the school has made significant investments in the construction and rehabilitation of facilities to support its programs, such as a state of the art all- weather swimming complex, indoor track and snack zone, and a new custom-designed Culinary Arts Kitchen and Higashi Café. The school has extensive art, music and exercise space, all fully equipped to meet the increasing needs of the growing autism community.

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Aquatics Sponsor - $10,000 20 tickets (2 tables with option of gifting 1 table to BHS staff), name and logo on screen at the event, in program book, on the website, in the newsletter and membership to the Kitahara Society Culinary Sponsor - $5,000 10 tickets (1 table) name and logo on screen at the event, in program book, on the website, in the newsletter and membership to the President’s Circle

Continuing the Experience is a passionate and concerted effort by the administration and staff at Higashi to strengthen its commitment to our students and families, both past, present and future; and to ensure that our programs will always be there. As we hear from countless families that continuing education opportunities for individuals with autism are nonexistent, we remain steadfast in our attempts to make a difference.

Sponsorship Opportunities Symphony Sponsor - $2,500 6 tickets, listing on screen at the event, in program book, on the website and in the newsletter Visual Arts Sponsor - $1,000 4 tickets and listing on screen and in the program book Fitness Sponsor - $500 2 tickets and listing on screen and in the program book Individual Tickets - $150 each




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Celebrating 7 6

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The Summer


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To see more event photos, “Like� us on Facebook!

Photos 1-4: Annual Celebration; photos 5-6: Alumni Brunch; photos 7-8 Family Day; photos 9-10: August Sibling Day; photos 11-12: Bon Dance Festival.


Community Connections Mark your calendars! On Sunday, October 25th at 3pm, the Longwood Symphony Orchestra welcomes worldrenowned Japanese pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii for a concert at Jordan Hall in Boston. Proceeds from the event will by split between the Fukushima Youth Sinfonietta and Boston Higashi School. Many thanks to the Japan Society of Boston for making this possible! For more information, or to purchase tickets, please visit: www.japansocietyboston.org.

In June we welcomed Mr. Kinjii Terada, President and Mr. Suzuki, Executive Manager of Musashino Higashi Gakuen in Tokyo, Japan, for our Annual Celebration performance, and annual Members of the Corporation meeting. While here, they toured our newly renovated Culinary Arts Kitchen, visited the new Athletic and Recreation Complex, and also got a chance to do some Boston sightseeing as well!

Dr. Hui Min Low, Lecturer in School of Educational Studies, University of Sains Malaysia visited BHS from July 13th to July 21st for her research “Seikatsu Ryouhou (Daily Life Therapy®): Examining the strength of a Japanese education model for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.” She observed both day and residential programs and conducted interviews with our students, parents, and staff during her stay. Dr. Low was impressed by BHS, particularly with 1) wonderful group dynamics seen “among staff members” and “between students and staff members,” 2) consistent procedures to handle situations, 3) a good communication system, and 4) consistent responses obtained from interviewees. She called the Daily Life Therapy® “an advanced methodology” with well-developed philosophy. Dr. Low will also visit the Musashino Higashi Gakuen (Schools) in Japan this fall for this research and publish findings afterwards. We were honored to have her and hope to work with her on various projects in the near future.

(Left) Dr. Low observes a Culinary Arts lesson in the High School division. (Right) She interviewed both staff and students about the program.

Thanks to Peter Gaitho, for spreading the word about Higashi near and far! Peter attended the International Academy for Intercultural Research Conference in the beautiful port city of Bergen, Norway (June 28-July 2), where he presented a paper relating to immigrants’ integration and their relations to home countries with regards to intercultural communications. He met with researchers and practitioners from over 40 different countries (and handed out Higashi brochures and business cards to many interested participants).

From office work at Source One Financial Corp (left), to making ceramics for sale in our Higashi Store (below), referring to a schedule has never been so easy.

iPads on the job, thanks to Eastern Bank!

(Left) With our new iPads, we can communicate with our supervisors, and with each other throughout the workday, while cleaning at the DoubleTree Hotel.

The Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation selected Boston Higashi School as a $10,000 grant recipient, to help “eliminate the communication barriers faced by nonverbal students in academic, social and vocational settings.”

We welcomed Dr. Rhoda Bernard (above, left), Chair of the Music Education Department at Boston Conservatory, for a tour of our campus, and a closer look at how music education is encorporated into the curriculum at Higashi. Dr. Bernard is also the Director of the conservatory’s program for students on the Autism Spectrum. Thanks to elementary music teacher Rach Azrak (above, right) , a former student of Dr. Bernard’s, for coordinating her visit to campus.

“Just because I cannot speak does not mean I have nothing to say.” This grant will enable our high school and emergence program students to interact across all environments despite their challenges to speak in a conventional way. In order to achieve this goal, we are purchasing ten iPad minis, carrying cases, and communication applications. These iPads will provide a means to participate in academic, social and vocational training, collaborate with peers and employers, build vocabulary and increase independence and efficiency on job-sites. We want to give a heartfelt thanks to the Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation for the opportunities and success our students will be afforded as a result of their generous contribution.


BOSTON HIGASHI SCHOOL 800 North Main Street Randolph, MA 02368 (781) 961-0800 www.bostonhigashi.org




PG 6-7


PG 8


PG 9

For the latest news and events, visit our website at www.bostonhigashi.org, or subscribe to our online calendar

IN THIS ISSUE PG 2 | Principal’s Perspective


PGS 3-4 | Class Notes, Residential Reflections PG 5 | Parent Association PGS 10 - 11 | Community Connections

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