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Existing Class v. New Type The traditional classifications by themselves, however, are not sufficient when designing a Complete Street. The design of intersections, sidewalks, and transit chart are provided in footnotes below. Note that a
design exception may be required for some values on stops must also take into consideration the local neighborfederal or state-funded projects. Engineering judgment isadjacent necessary to make hood context, such as the type and final intensity of the determinations regarding lane widths. Narrower lane widths may result in a reduction of travel speeds land use, since these factors influence the street islane used. by 1-3how mph. Studies show that narrower widths have no measurable impact on capacity. In response on a given street,and lane widths A more nuanced system that reflectsto specific the conditions diverse uses that are different from those below may be required. functions of Boston’s streets is necessary. For this purpose, Complete Street types have been created.
Street Types
Traditional highway classification systems use a hierarchy based on the relative emphasis of vehicle movement versus property access. The system is used to design roads that support different speeds, volumes, and types of traffic. On one end of the spectrum is the arterial roadway, which facilitates higher vehicle speeds and longer trips. Arterial streets are the main roads that accommodate the greatest number of trips for all modes of travel. At the other end of the spectrum is the local street, which provides easy access to individual residences at slow speeds. In between the arterial and local street is the collector, a street characterized by a balance between access and mobility.
chart are provided in footnotes below. Note that a design exception may be required for some values on
federalsystem or state-funded The highway-based street classification isprojects. the basis Engineering judgment is necessary to make final determinations regarding lane widths. Narrower for most local, state and national roadway design guides and lane widths may result in a reduction of travel speeds by 1-3 mph. Studies show that narrower lane widths manuals. The classes are used to structure recommended have no measurable impact on capacity. In response to specific conditions on a given street, lane widths values for elements such as lane width, speed, geometric that are different from those below may be required. design, and intersection design.
Traditional road classifications emphasize vehicle movement. Complete Street Types emphasize the character of the entire street.
Traditional Highway Class
Complete Street Types
>> Arterials >> Collectors >> Locals
New Street Types >> Downtown Commercial >> Downtown Mixed-use >> Neighborhood Main >> Neighborhood Connector >> Neighborhood Residential >> Industrial Special Street Types >> Shared Street >> Parkway >> Boulevard
Boston Transportation Department
UPDATED AS OF December 2010
Boston Complete Streets Guidelines