ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
2. 1. Porridge, milk, juice. 2. Tea, toast. 3. Vegetable, bread, soup, fish, coffee. 4. Potato, tea, bread, sweet. 3. I like to eat ice cream every day at any time of the year. My sister likes to eat sweets and fruit every day at any time of the year. 8. I usually have porridge or potatoes and tea with toasts for breakfast. 10. 1. Some. 2. Any. 3. Some. 4. Some. 5. Any. 6. Some. 7. Any. 11. In summer I like to have fruit and salad for dinner. In winter I like to have mutton steaks, salted mushrooms and potatoes. 12. Is there any salt? Is there any cheese? Is there any fruit? Is there any milk? Is there any bread? Are there any potatoes? Are there any bananas? Are there any apples? Are there any tomatoes? Are there any sweets?
Lesson 5 1. 1. Cow, hen, duck, chicken, horse, goat, dog, cat, sheep. 2. Dog, cat, horse, elephant. 3. Giraffe, lion, tiger, crocodile. 4. Giraffe, cow, monkey, goat, sheep. 5. Horse, tiger, cat, lion, dog, horse. 6. Giraffe, lion, horse, goat, tiger, crocodile. 7. Hare, bear, fox, rabbit. 8. Horse. 2. 1. The dog is cleverer than the hare. 2. The fish is shorter than the crocodile. 3. The horse is more beautiful than the pig. 4. The elephant is bigger than the bear. 5. The monkey is funnier than the fox. 6. The tiger is angrier than the kitten. 7. The horse is the most beautiful animal. 8. Meat is the best food for lions. 9. Grass is the worst food for dogs. 3. The wolf can’t eat leaves. It eats meat. It lives in the forest. It doesn’t live on the ice. The white bear doesn’t live in hot countries. It lives in the cold countries. The white bear doesn’t eat frogs. It eats fish. 5. What colour is it? Is it green (brown, red…) ? Does it like to run (jump, swim, climb…) What does it like to do? What does it like to eat (drink) ? Does it like fish(meat, leaves, fruit) ? What is its body like? Is it big (small) ? Where does it live? Does it live in the hot countries (on a farm, in the forest) ?
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7. Some animals move because it becomes colder and some because there is no food. 8. 1. C, 2. B, 3. A 9. It lives in Africa. It eats leaves from the trees. It is big. It has a very long neck. It can run. It is brown and yellow. (Giraffe) 12. Wolves are bigger than cats, aren’t they? What animal is bigger than a bear? What is the biggest animal? What animal has the longest neck? Cats can’t swim, can they?
Lesson 6 2. Christmas Day is on the 25th of December. Easter Sunday is in late March or early April. New Year’s Day is on the 31st of December /on the 1sf of January. Mothering Sunday is in May. Halloween is on the 31st of October. April Fool’s Day is on the 1st of April. Remembrance Day is on the 11th of November. St. Valentine’s Day is on the 14th of February. 3. I wasn’t at school last Christmas. My mother was in the country last month. My friend was on the sports ground last December. My parents weren’t at the stadium last month. My granny was in the country last December. 6. 1. The United States is a young country with old and new traditions. 2. Americans like new ideas. 3. The Germans brought the Christmas tree and the Scots brought Halloween. 4. Only Americans celebrate Thanksgiving and Memorial Day. 5. People celebrate Memorial Day on the last Monday of May. Ñîåäèíåííûå Øòàòû — ýòî ìîëîäàÿ ñòðàíà. Äåéñòâèòåëüíî ëþäè èíîãäà íàçûâàþò åå «Íîâûì Ñâåòîì». Àìåðèêàíöû ëþáÿò íîâûå èäåè. Îíè ïîñòðîèëè ïåðâûå íåáîñêðåáû, âûñàäèëè ïåðâîãî ÷åëîâåêà íà Ëóíó. Íî àìåðèêàíöû ëþáÿò è ñòàðîå. Îíè ëþáÿò íàâåùàòü èñòîðè÷åñêèå çäàíèÿ è ìóçåè, îíè ëþáÿò ñòàðûå òðàäèöèè, ïîìíÿò äíè «Äèêîãî Çàïàäà». Íà ñàìîì äåëå, íàðîä ÑØÀ ñîñòîèò èç ëþäåé èç ðàçíûõ ñòðàí.  îäíîì ãîðîäå âû ìîæåòå âñòðåòèòü ëþäåé, ÷üè ðîäèòåëè, áàáóøêè è äåäóøêè, ïðàáàáóøêè è ïðàäåäóøêè ïðèåõàëè èç Àôðèêè, Þæíîé Àìåðèêè è Åâðîïû. Ýòè ëþäè ïðèâåçëè ñ ñîáîé â ñâîé íîâûé äîì ñâîè òðàäèöèè. Íåìöû ïðèâåçëè ðîæäåñòâåíñêóþ åëêó, à øîòëàíäöû ïðèâåçëè Õåëîóèí. Ñóùåñòâóþò òàêæå íîâûå ïðàçäíèêè è òðàäèöèè. Òîëüêî àìåðèêàíöû ïðàçäíóþò Äåíü áëàãîäàðåíèÿ è Äåíü ïàìÿòè. Ëþäè ïðàçäíóþò Äåíü ïàìÿòè â ïîñëåäíèé ïîíåäåëüíèê ìàÿ. Ýòî äåíü, êîãäà íóæíî âñïîìíèòü òåõ, êòî ïîãèáëè â âîéíàõ, óìåðøèõ äðóçåé è ðîäñòâåííèêîâ.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
7. — Hello! How are you? — Fine. And how are you? — Fine. Thank you. Where were you at the end of December? What did you do? — I went to England. I celebrated Christmas there. I visited museums in London. And what about you? Did you celebrate Christmas or did you celebrate the New Year too? Did you decorate the Christmas tree? — I celebrated New Year too. We decorated Christmas tree. — Did you enjoy it? — Yes, I did. I had a lot of fun. And you? — Me too. I had a nice holiday. 8. We played jokes and other tricks on other people: classmates, parents and friends on the 1st of April. It was the day for fun. I liked it very much. 10. 1. were, 2. was, were, 3. was, 4. were 11. Nobody knows very much about St. Valentine. He was Christian. He gave a poor girl some money before he died. So people called him the saint of love and began to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day on the 14th of February. Last year I got a lot of Valentine’s cards. There were hearts on them. My friends sent them to me. Some of them put their names down.
Lesson 7 1. badminton, tennis, volleyball, football, hockey, baseball, basketball, hide-and-seek, hopscotch, swimming, running, skiing, skating 3. With whom did you live in the country? When did you skate and ski? How did you visit your friends? How many games did you play? With whom did you like to play tennis? Where did you skip? What game did you play with your friends? Why did you go to the country? 4. I played hide-and-seek or hopscotch last summer. I went to the sports ground last week. We went to the seaside in July. I saw mountains in July. I went skiing last winter. I looked at the stars at night in summer. I saw the moon early in the morning in August. I swam in the river in August. 7. Êóçíå÷èê è ìóðàâåé Íà ïîëå âîçëå áîëüøîãî ëåñà æèë Êóçíå÷èê. Îí î÷åíü ëþáèë ïåòü è òàíöåâàòü. Îí ïåë è òàíöåâàë öåëûé äåíü. Îí ìíîãî âåñåëèëñÿ, èãðàÿ â çåëåíîé òðàâå äíåì, à íî÷üþ îí ëþáèë ñìîòðåòü íà çâåçäû è ëóíó. Èíîãäà îí õîäèë â ãîðû. Îí ñìîòðåë íà äàëüíèé îêåàí è äàëåêèå ïðåêðàñíûå õîëìû.
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Îäíàæäû îí óâèäåë Ìóðàâüÿ. Îí î÷åíü óñòàë, åìó áûëî æàðêî, è îí áûë î÷åíü çàíÿò ðàáîòîé. — Ïî÷åìó òû ðàáîòàåøü â òàêîé ÷óäåñíûé äåíü? — ñïðîñèë Êóçíå÷èê. — ß ñîáèðàþ åäó íà çèìó, — ñêàçàë Ìóðàâåé è ïðîäîëæèë ðàáîòó. À Êóçíå÷èê ïðîïåë åùå îäíó ïåñíþ è ñòàíöåâàë åùå îäèí òàíåö. Êîãäà ïðèøëà çèìà, âûïàëî ìíîãî ñíåãà, Êóçíå÷èêó áûëî íå÷åãî åñòü. Îí áûë òàêîé ãîëîäíûé, ÷òî ïîøåë ê Ìóðàâüþ ïîïðîñèòü äàòü åìó ÷òî-íèáóäü ïîåñòü. — ß öåëîå ëåòî ðàáîòàë, ÷òîáû ñäåëàòü çàïàñû åäû, — ñêàçàë Ìóðàâåé. — À ÷òî äåëàë òû? — À ÿ ïåë è òàíöåâàë, — îòâåòèë Êóçíå÷èê. — Òàê åñëè òû ïåë è òàíöåâàë âñå ëåòî è íå ðàáîòàë, òîãäà òû äîëæåí ãîëîäàòü çèìîé, — îòâåòèë Ìóðàâåé. 8. 4. Always prepare for hard times in the future. — Âñåãäà ãîòîâüñÿ ê òðóäíûì âðåìåíàì â áóäóùåì. 12. 1. I went to the mountains last winter. What did you do there? Who did you go with? Did you skate (ski)? Was there a lot of snow? Why did you go there? Was there a forest there? 2. It was my birthday yesterday. Did you have a birthday party? How old are you? What presents did you get? Did you like your presents? Did you invite your friends to your party? Did you eat a birthday cake? 3. My brother was on holiday in autumn last year. Where did he go? Why was he on holiday in autumn? Who did he go on holiday with? Was the weather fine? Did it rain? 13. You went to school yesterday. You helped your mother yesterday. You did your homework yesterday. You didn’t play chess. You didn’t go to Kiev. You didn’t skate.
Lesson 8 1. I get up at seven o’clock in the morning. He has lunch in the morning. They go to bed at ten o’clock at night. She gets up in the morning. We watch TV in the evening. I speak English to my teacher in the afternoon. 2. What will you do at 10 o’clock? With whom will you go to the Zoo? Where will you go next Saturday? Why will you go to the Zoo? When will you go out of the house? What will you do at the Zoo?
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
4. We’ll go to the mountains for our holidays. The mountains will be very far from my city. The weather will be warm. 7. Íåêîòîðûå ëþäè äóìàþò, ÷òî ìèð ñèëüíî èçìåíèòñÿ. Ãîðîäà ñòàíóò áîëüøå. Îíè ñòàíóò áîëåå êðàñèâûìè.  íèõ áóäåò ìíîãî ïàðêîâ è äåðåâüåâ. Íåêîòîðûå ëþäè ñ÷èòàþò, ÷òî â ãîðîäàõ íå áóäåò òàê ìíîãî ëþäåé, ãîðîäà áóäóò ìåíüøå, è áóäåò áîëüøå ôåðì. Çà ãîðîäîì áóäåò æèòü áîëüøå ëþäåé, îíè áóäóò âûðàùèâàòü ïðîäóêòû äëÿ âñåãî ìèðà. Ëþäè ñòàíóò âûøå è óìíåå. Íåêîòîðûå äóìàþò, ÷òî ìóæ÷èíû áóäóò 2 ìåòðà ðîñòà, à æåíùèíû áóäóò òàêîãî æå ðîñòà, êàê è ìóæ÷èíû. Îíè ãîâîðÿò, ÷òî ìóæ÷èíû è æåíùèíû áóäóò íîñèòü îäíó è òó æå îäåæäó, íî ðàçíîãî öâåòà. Ó÷åíèêè íå áóäóò õîäèòü â øêîëó. Ó íèõ áóäóò êîìïüþòåðû. È êîìïüþòåðû ñòàíóò èõ ó÷èòåëÿìè. Íà âûõîäíûå ëþäè áóäóò ëåòàòü íà Ëóíó è ïðåêðàñíî ïðîâîäèòü òàì âðåìÿ. Âåðíóâøèñü íà çåìëþ, îíè âñå áîëüøå è áîëüøå áóäóò ñìîòðåòü òåëåâèçîð. Îíè íå áóäóò ÷èòàòü ìíîãî êíèã. Îíè áóäóò óçíàâàòü ìíîãî ÷åãî ó ïðèðîäû. Âñå áóäóò ïîëó÷àòü óäîâîëüñòâèå îò æèçíè. 1. The cities will become bigger. They will be more beautiful. There will be more parks and trees in them. 2. People will be taller and cleverer. They will be 2 metres tall. 3. Pupils won’t go to school. Computers will be their teachers. 4. At the weekends people will go to the moon and have a good time there. 9. a) I always get up at 7 o’clock. My mother always cleans the house. We always clean our teeth and have breakfast in the morning. We sometimes have porridge for breakfast. I never have milk for breakfast. My parents sometimes have eggs and sandwiches for breakfast. I always go to school. My sister never goes to school. She is 4. I sometimes go to the shops. I always go to bed at 10 o’clock. My grandmother always watches TV in the evening. We sometimes play football with my friends. My father always reads books in the evening. b) My father will get up early. We will clean the house and we’ll go to buy Mother a present. My father will cook tasty dinner and we’ll have a party. My mother won’t work on that day. She will put on her nice dress. She will get a lot of presents. She will be very happy. 10. 1. What will you do on your day off? 2. Why will you go to visit your relatives? 3. Why do you often go to the country? 4. Where will your cousin go on holidays? 5. What will your mother have for lunch? 11. 1. I shan’t meet Max at 5. 2. She won’t help me about the house next week. 3. I shan’t go shopping on Saturday.
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4. We shan’t do homework at night. 5. He won’t take a shower after dinner. 6. You won’t go to bed late.
Lesson 9 4. Saturday comes after Friday. Monday comes after Sunday. Thursday comes after Wednesday. Friday comes before Saturday. Wednesday comes before Thursday. Sunday comes before Monday. 5. a) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. b) Mon — Monday, Tues — Tuesday, Wed — Wednesday, Thur — Thursday, Fri — Friday, Sat — Saturday, Sun — Sunday 6. Yesterday Today Tomorrow 1. Saturday Sunday Monday 2. Sunday Monday Tuesday 3. Wednesday Thursday Friday 4. Friday Saturday Sunday 5. Thursday Friday Saturday 6. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 7. 1. It was cold and rainy in the afternoon, so we couldn’t go to the swimming pool. — (b). 2. I had lunch at twelve o’clock yesterday. — (a). 3. It often snows in winter. — (c ) 4. Billy usually gets up at 7 but on Sunday he gets up at 9. — (h). 5. My little brother was born in 2001. — (f) 6. Where were you on the 25th of July? — Oh, we had a party. — (d) 7. He always watches TV in the morning. — (g). 8. April Fool’s Day is on the 1st of April. — (e). 10. Tuesday is Mary’s washing day. She washes her things on Tuesday. Wednesday id her cooking day. She cooks on Wednesday. Thursday is Mary’s swimming day. She swims on Thursday. Friday is her tennis day. Mary plays tennis on Friday. Saturday is her shopping day. She goes shopping on Saturday. But Sunday is her visiting day. She visits her friends on Sunday. Monday is Susan’s longest school day. She has a lot of lessons on Monday. Tuesday is her reading day. She reads books on Tuesday. Wednesday is Susan’s swimming day. She goes swimming on Tuesday. Thursday is her helping day. She helps her mother about the house. Friday is Susan’s TV day. She watches TV on Friday. Saturday is her play day. Susan plays games with her friends on Sunday. 11. a) It is Susan’s diary. She says: “I often help my mother about the house on Thursday which is my helping about the house day”. 12. On Wednesday Susan went swimming. 13. (15) On Monday I usually have my reading day. I read on Monday. On Tuesday I have my cooking day. I cook on Tuesday. On Wednesday and Friday I have my dancing days. I dance on Wednesday and Friday.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
On Thursday I have my play day. I play games with my friends. On Saturday I have my cleaning day. I clean my room on Saturday. On Sunday I have my visiting day. I visit my friends and relatives on that day. 16. In summer I lived in the country. But in September I came back to Moscow. I went to school on the 1st of September. It was Saturday. I didn’t go to school on Sunday, but on Monday I was in the classroom at 8. 30 in the morning.
Lesson 10 1. At 8 o’clock on Monday Nick usually gets up. At 9 o’clock on Tuesday Nick usually goes to school. At 12 o’clock on Wednesday Nick usually has lunch. At 1 o’clock on Saturday Nick usually plays football. At 5 o’clock on Friday Nick usually watches TV. At 3 o’clock on Thursday Nick usually goes shopping. At 6 o’clock on Sunday Nick usually reads books. 3. When I go to school I meet my friends and teachers. When I go shopping I meet my friends. When I go to the swimming pool I meet swimmers. When I go to the sports ground I meet sportsmen. When I go to the Zoo I meet boys and girls. 4. Alice and Andrew laughed o lot because they saw funny monkeys. Alice and Andrew laughed o lot because they listened to a comedy. Alice and Andrew laughed o lot because they saw a funny film. Alice and Andrew laughed o lot because they heard a joke. Alice and Andrew laughed o lot because they were happy. 8. I sometimes go shopping after classes. I usually listen to the teacher in class. I never run in class. I always write and read in class. I usually do exercises before classes. I usually go for a walk after classes. I sometimes go to the museum after classes. I always do homework after classes. 10. 1. Shall I take your bag? 2. Shall I help you with your homework ? 3. Shall we go to the Zoo? 4. Shall I cook? 5. Shall I wash the dishes? 13. Øêîëà Ãðèí Õèë 24 ìàðòà Äîðîãèå ðîäèòåëè! Øêîëüíàÿ ïîåçäêà â Ëîíäîí äëÿ ó÷àùèõñÿ 3-À è 3- êëàññîâ. Ó÷èòåëü èñòîðèè ìèñòåð Ãðåé âåçåò ñâîèõ ó÷åíèêîâ íà øêîëüíóþ ýêñêóðñèþ â ìóçåé åñòåñòâåííîé èñòîðèè â Ëîíäîíå 10 àïðåëÿ. Ïîæàëóéñòà, âñå äîëæíû:
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— áûòü â øêîëå â 8; — áûòü îäåòûìè â øêîëüíóþ ôîðìó è áûòü â óäîáíîé îáóâè; — âçÿòü ïëàù, çàâòðàê, òåòðàäü è êàðàíäàø. Ìû âåðíåìñÿ â 5 ÷àñîâ âå÷åðà. Ýòà ïîåçäêà î÷åíü âàæíàÿ, è ìû íàäååìñÿ, ÷òî âñå äåòè ïîåäóò. Èñêðåííå Âàøà Ìàðèîí Õåéëè, äèðåêòîð 14. 1. False. He takes them to the Natural History Museum on the 10 April. 2. True. 3. False. They must wear school uniform. 4. False. They must take a packed lunch. 5. True. 6. True. 15. I always do homework after classes. I sometimes go shopping after classes. I usually listen to the teacher in class. I never run in class. I sometimes go to the museum after classes. I always write and read in class. I usually do exercises before classes. I usually go for a walk after classes. 18. I like to wear comfortable shoes. We sometimes go to the museum after classes with our teacher. Children always write and read in class. We always wear uniforms in our Handicraft classes.
Lesson 11 1. 1. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 2. A pencil. 3. A uniform. 4. A blackboard, an exercise book. 5. Saturday, Sunday. 6. Physical Education. 7. A museum. 8. Wednesday. 9. Handicraft. 2. 1. — at, 2. — in, 3. — after, 4. — on, 5. — in, 6. — before 3. 1. Shall I close the window? 2. Shall I go shopping? 4. Shall I wash the dishes? 3. Shall I open the door? 5. Shall I colour the picture? 6. 6:30 — It’s half past six. 11:30 — It’s half past eleven. 2:30 — It’s half past two. 3:30 — It’s half past three. 8: 30 — It’s half past eight. 10:30 — It’s half past ten.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
8. a) 1. He usually gets up at 7 o’clock. 2. They usually go to school at half past 8. 3. They usually have lessons at ten o’clock. 4. They usually have lunch at half past twelve. 5. They usually play football at half past two. 6. He usually goes to bed at half past nine. b) 1. He is getting up now. 2. They are going to school now. 3. They are having a lesson now. 4. They are having lunch now. 5. They are playing football now. 6. He is going to bed now. 10. 1. They met on Sunday. They talked on Monday. They laughed on Wednesday. They danced on Thursday. They cried on Friday. They parted and said “Goodbye” on Saturday. 11. Íèêîãäà íå ïîçäíî ó÷èòüñÿ. 13. 1. False. He is from Central Africa. 2. False. School starts at 7. 3. True. 4. I don’t know. 5. False. The school uniform is a white blouse or a shirt and a blue skirt or trousers. 6. True. 14. 3, 5, 2, 4, 1. 15. 1. I go to school at 8 o’clock in the morning. 2. We usually play games in the playground and talk with my friends. 3. I like to sit near the teacher’s table. I can hear the teacher better here. 4. My favourite lesson is PE because I like to run, jump, play games and swim. 5. When I come home I do homework, help my mother, play with my pet, go for a walk and read or watch TV. 17. 1. — classes. 2. — class. 3. — the pupils play in the playground. 4. — after classes. 5. — he comes home. 6. — he does his homework. 18. When the lesson begins we sit down at the desk. We read, write, answer the questions at the lesson. We have five lessons on the timetable today. I get up at half past seven. I go to the swimming pool after classes.
Lesson 12 1. 1. False. The armchair is not very comfortable. 2. False. We are having a PE lesson. 3. True. 4. False. The children are drinking juice. 5. False. They have got 4 lessons on Monday. 6. True. 3. 1. — PE lessons. 2. — exercise books. 3. a very funny picture. 4. went to school. 5. — the timetable. 6. — at the museum. 7. — classes.
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5. There are a lot of desks, a blackboard, a map, a bookcase, a lot of books, two bags, a window, a flower, pens and pencils, an apple, a teacher, a boy and a girl in the classroom. 6. — What is there in the classroom? — There are a lot of desks, a blackboard, a map, a bookcase, a lot of books, two bags, a window, a flower, pens and pencils, an apple. — Where are the books? — They are in the bookcase and on the table. — Where is the teacher? — She is at the blackboard. — Where are the desks and the teacher’s table? — They are on the floor. Where is the map? — It is on the blackboard. 8. 1. — hasn’t he. 2. — are there. 3. — can they. 4. — does he. 5. — is it. 6. — mustn’t he. 9. Ëó÷øå ïîçæå, ÷åì íèêîãäà. (Íî ëó÷øå íèêîãäà íå îïàçäûâàòü.) 12. 1. False. It was interesting to know about your school. 2. False. English schools have names not numbers. 3. True. 4. True. 5. I don’t know. 6. I don’t know. 7. False. The windows are white. 8. False. The blackboard is green. 9. True. 17. Childen like to walk in the field in spring. We saw a little bird in the tree. There were a lot of people in the street. In the picture we can see a classroom. There are a lot of stars in the sky at night.
Lesson 13 1. 1. — classroom. 2. — bookcase. 3. — blackboard. 4. — Maths. 5. — desk. 2. There are books, pencils, a chair, a ball, a timetable, a jacket, a blackboard in the classroom. 3. 1. She wants to go to the museum. 4. They want to buy pencils and exercise books. 5. They want to meet Cinderella. 3. He wants to study Maths. 2. She wants to wear a uniform. 7. 1. They are singing. 2. He is walking. 3. He is counting. 4. They are laughing. 5. They are saying:” Hello!” 10. 1. don’t you. 2. — can’t she. 3. — did he. 4. — aren’t you. 5. — is he. 13. I must study and learn a poem by heart. I’m having Music tomorrow too and I’m not ready with my song. I must do twenty extra Maths exercises.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
14. Sarah can’t count well and her answer on Tuesday morning was very poor. They are having a Maths test on Friday. 17. On Wednesday morning Peter got up at half past seven. He left the house at eight. Then he met his friend Andrew, joined him and they went to their Music class. By the way, they laughed a lot on the way to school. The boys sang their favourite songs too. They went home at half past twelve, had lunch and did their homework.
Lesson 14 1. 1. — didn’t we. 2. — aren’t they. 3. — can’t we. 4. — do they. 5. — is there. 6. — wasn’t there. 7. — do they. 8. — shan’t we. 2. Why don’t you leave for Kiev? Why don’t you sing that song? Why don’t you work hard? Why don’t you study Maths? Why don’t you meet him at 4? Why don’t you learn it by heart? 3. leave, count, poor, join, work, song, yet, laugh 6. I can see a table, a desk, a chair, a bookcase with books, a blackboard, a timetable, a duster, a flower, a bag, a pen, pencils. 9. 1. School begins on the 1st of September. 2. Children usually begin school at the age of six. 3. There are usually no carpets in Russian schools. 4. Schoolchilren usually have classes indoors. 5. Yes, we do. We play outdoors before classes. 6. We learn poems, songs. 11. Õîðîøåå íà÷àëî — õîðîøèé êîíåö. ×òî ïîñååøü, òî ïîæíåøü. 14. 1. False. They leave school at the age of 16. 2. False. It begins on the first Tuesday of September. 3. True. 4. I don’t know. 5. True. 6. True. 7. I don’t know. 16. In Russia school begins when children are six. In Russia school year begins on the first of September. The weather is usually warm and fine. Little children go to school with their parents and look nice and clean. Classes usually begin at 9. They have a break for lunch. They usually have 3 or 4 lessons a day. They sit at the desks and listen to their teacher. They learn to read, write, count, draw and sing. They play games too. Sometimes there are birds or fish in their classroom. Children like to look at them. They like to play outdoors. 18. 1. I love English. 2. My Mother works at school. 3. I’m thirsty. I’d like some water. 4. My favourite colours are red and blue. 5. Our classroom is clean. 19. There were 3 books, exercise books, a pencil — box with pens and pencils, a rubber, a ruler and a day-book.
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Lesson 15 1. Subjects: Maths, Art, Handicraft, Music, PE, Reading, Russian, English Days of week: Sunday, Tuesday, Friday, Thursday, Monday, Wednesday, Saturday. Classroom: book, bag, door, window, desk, flower, pen. 2. 1. — laughed. 2. — will leave. 3. — count. 4. — join. 5. — sang. 6. — work. 6. 1. — lessons. 2. — subject. 3. — get on. 4. — over. 5. — spend. 6. — over. 7. — famous. 8. — important. 9. — learn. 9. 1. They do five or six subjects every day. 2. The lessons begin at 9 o’clock. 3. They have got 11 subjects. 4. They have got History twice a week. 5. The subjects are different. 12. Íà÷àëüíûå øêîëû â Àíãëèè Àíãëèéñêèå äåòè õîäÿò â øêîëó 5 äíåé â íåäåëþ. Ó íèõ óðîêè â ïîíåäåëüíèê, âòîðíèê, ñðåäó, ÷åòâåðã è ïÿòíèöó. Çàíÿòèÿ îáû÷íî çàêàí÷èâàþòñÿ îêîëî 4 (3.30), è çàòåì ó÷åíèêè èäóò äîìîé. Ó íèõ ðåäêî áûâàþò óðîêè â ñóááîòó è íèêîãäà — â âîñêðåñåíüå. Ñóááîòà è âîñêðåñåíüå — âûõîäíûå. Øêîëû â Àíãëèè èìåþò íàçâàíèÿ, à íå íîìåðà. Îíè ÷àñòî íàçûâàþòñÿ òàê æå, êàê è ìåñòî, ãäå íàõîäÿòñÿ, è ÷àñòî íàçûâàþòñÿ â ÷åñòü âàæíûõ è èçâåñòíûõ ëþäåé.  âîçðàñòå 4–5 ëåò äåòè èäóò â øêîëó äëÿ ìàëûøåé, ãäå îíè ïðîâîäÿò 3 ãîäà, ïîêà èì íå èñïîëíèòñÿ 7.  øêîëå äëÿ ìàëûøåé îíè ïðîâîäÿò ìíîãî âðåìåíè íà ñâåæåì âîçäóõå. Îíè èãðàþò â ðàçíûå èãðû, áåãàþò, ïðûãàþò. Îíè ïîþò ïåñíè, ó÷àñòâóþò â ïüåñàõ è ìíîãî èãðàþò. Ó÷åíèêè øêîëû äëÿ ìàëûøåé ó÷àòñÿ, êàê ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ äåíüãàìè â ñâîåì ìàãàçèíå â êëàññíîé êîìíàòå. Îíè ðàññìàòðèâàþò êàðòèíêè â èíòåðåñíûõ êíèæêàõ, ðèñóþò êàðòèíêè êàðàíäàøîì è ðàñêðàøèâàþò èõ. Îíè ó÷àòñÿ ëàäèòü ñ äðóãèìè äåòüìè. Ó íèõ óðîêè äîâîëüíî íåïðèíóæäåííûå, íî îíè íà÷èíàþò íåìíîãî ó÷èòüñÿ ÷èòàòü, ñ÷èòàòü è ïèñàòü. Êîãäà äåòÿì èñïîëíÿåòñÿ 7, îíè èäóò â ñîáñòâåííî íà÷àëüíóþ øêîëó, ãäå îíè ïðîâîäÿò 4 ãîäà, ïîêà èì íå èñïîëíèòñÿ 11. Òàêèì îáðàçîì àíãëèéñêèå äåòè ïðîâîäÿò â íà÷àëüíîé øêîëå 7 ëåò. Êîãäà èì èñïîëíÿåòñÿ 11 èëè íåìíîãî áîëüøå, îáó÷åíèå â íà÷àëüíîé øêîëå çàêàí÷èâàåòñÿ. Øêîëà äëÿ äåòåé 7–11 ëåò — íàñòîÿùàÿ øêîëà. Àòìîñôåðà çäåñü áîëåå îôèöèàëüíàÿ, ÷åì â øêîëå äëÿ ìàëûøåé. Ó÷åíèêè ñèäÿò â êëàññå ðÿäàìè, èìåþò ïîñòîÿííîå ðàñïèñàíèå. Èõ ïðåäìåòû: àíãëèéñêèé, ìàòåìàòèêà, èñòîðèÿ, ïðèðîäîâåäåííèå, ãåîãðàôèÿ, ðèñîâàíèå, ìóçûêà. Ó íèõ â ðàñïèñàíèè òàêæå åñòü ïëàâàíüå, ôèçêóëüòóðà è ðåëèãèÿ. Íî äåòè ïðîâîäÿò ìíîãî âðåìåíè íà ñâåæåì âîçäóõå. Îíè ïîñåùàþò ðàçíûå ìóçåè è äðóãèå äîñòîïðèìå÷àòåëüíîñòè. Èíîãäà ó÷èòåëÿ âîçÿò
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
èõ â Ëîíäîí è äðóãèå áîëüøèå ãîðîäà. Îíè ìíîãî ãóëÿþò è èãðàþò. Âî ìíîãèõ íà÷àëüíûõ øêîëàõ äåòè íîñÿò ôîðìó, à â íåêîòîðûõ — íåò. 1. infant school. 2. junior school. 3. when they are 11. 13. 1. False, they are usually over at about 4 o’clock. 2. True. 3. False. At the age of 4 or 5. 4. True. 5. False. They are informal. 6. True. 7. False. When they are 7 they go junior schools. 16. 1. — once a year. 2. — once a day. 3. — once. 4. — twice a week. 5. — four times a week. 15. Our school begins at the age of six. We have 4 or 5 subjects a day. We have English, Russian, Music, Maths, Sport, Handicraft, Art and Nature Study. Classes usually begin at 9. We go to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We don’t have classes on Saturday and Sunday. We wear a school uniform. We have a break for lunch. We usually have milk or juice, porridge or potatoes and fish or meat.
Lesson 16 2. English children don’t begin school at the age of seven. They begin school at the age of 4 or 5. English schools don’t have numbers. They have names. English children don’t spend 4 years in primary school. They spend 7 years. And they finish it at 11. English children spend a lot of time outdoors. They don’t begin school year on the 1st of September. They begin it on the 1st Tuesday in September. In some schools children wear school uniforms, in some school they don’t. 3. 1. The English school year begins on the 1st Tuesday in September. 2. There is no need for these things on their first day. Pupils will get them later. 3. They learn how to use money in their school classroom, how to get on with other children. They learn how to read, count and write. 4. No, they don’t sit in rows in infant school. 5. When they are five they usually play games, run, jump, sing songs, draw and colour the picture, act and play a lot. When they are 7 they sit in rows, follow a regular timetable, visit different museums and interesting places. 6. In junior schools they have English, Geography, Maths, History, Nature Study, Art and Music.
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10. 1. False. Monday was the hardest day. 2. False. They met at the History Museum. 3. True. 4. False. They bought some pencils. 5. True. 6. False. They didn’t come to the party. 7. True. 11. I went to school at the age of six. We have 4 or 5 subjects a day this year. We have English, Russian, Music, Maths, Sport, Handicraft, Art and Nature Study. We go to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We don’t have classes on Saturday and Sunday. Classes usually begin at 9. We wear a school uniform. We learn to read, write, count, how to get on with other children. We sing songs, play games, read interesting stories, dance and act. Our teacher takes us to the museums. We like it very much. We have a break for lunch. We usually have milk or juice, porridge or potatoes and fish or meat. We like to play outdoors before or after the classes. I like my school.
Lesson 17 1. Peter met a friend outdoors. Sally laughed a lot outdoors. They worked hard outdoors. 2. The teacher is at the desk. The map is on the door. There is a blackboard on the window. There is a desk on the bookcase. The children are on the table. Books, a ruler, a pen, a pencil and a rubber are on the floor. 4. A. Pushkin is famous for his books. S. Mikhalkov is famous for his films. Baryshnikov is famous for his dances. D. Bilan is famous for his songs. 6. The girls are in front of the house. The dog is near the girls. The boy is behind the tree. The kittens are under the tree. 7. 1. — a house. 2. — a kitchen. 3. — a bathroom. 4. — a kitchen. 5. — a bathroom. 6. — flowers 8. In the picture we can see a nice house and a garden in front of the house. There are beautiful pink and yellow flowers in front of the house. Two girls are playing with the dog There is a boy behind a big green tree. There are three little grey and white kittens under the tree. It is hot. The weather is fine. It is summer. The children are having a lot of fun. 14. The family left for London in May. 15. 1. False. They lived in a small house in the country. 2. False. They lived in a small house in the country. 3. False. They had a small kitchen, a toilet and a bathroom. 4. False. His room is large. 5. False. The walls in his room are not blue. They are yellow. 6. False. There are beautiful pictures on the walls. 7. False. He has got a nice brown carpet on the floor.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
19. 1. — did we. 2. — isn’t there. 3. — isn’t it. 4. — have they. 5. — can you. 6. — is there.
Lesson 18 2. I can see nice flowers, bushes, children, playing with a ball, their granny, a toy car in front of the house. I can see a big apple tree, fruit trees, a toilet behind the house. 4. 1. The kitchen is rather large. 2. The carpet is rather beautiful. 3. The curtains are rather bright. 4. The toilet is rather small. 5. The exercises are rather easy. 6. Many school subjects are rather difficult. 10. Have you got a house or a flat? Do you live in the country or in the town? Is there a kitchen in your house? Is there a living room in your house? Is there a hall in your house? Is there a toilet in your house? Is there a garden near your house? Are there many bedrooms in your house? 11. We always lock the door when we leave our house. Your keys are in your bag. We mustn’t shout in class. You go to school by car, don’t you? We never come back late. 14. Judy shouted because John gave the car keys, not the keys from the house. 15. Last winter they came to visit their aunt. — Last summer they went to visit their granny. She’s got a nice big house in the country. — She’s got a nice little house. We often visit our granny. — We don’t often visit our granny. Judy and John went to the country by bus. — Judy and John went to the country by car. Judy opened the door. — She didn’t. She didn’t have any keys. 16. 4, 2, 6, 9, 1, 3, 10, 7, 5, 11, 8. 18. 1. — kitchen. 2. — bedroom. 3. — bathroom. 4. — living room. 5. — kitchen. 6. — living room. 7. — hall.
Lesson 19 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
You don’t have one hundred houses. You don’t go to school by car. There aren’t 25 rooms in your house. There aren’t 7 bathrooms and 4 toilets in your house. Not all members of your family have different cars.
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6. You don’t have 10 windows in your bedroom. 7. Your living room isn’t so large that you can keep your car in it. 2. I have a small bedroom. My mother has a comfortable kitchen. We have a beautiful living room. My relatives have a warm bathroom. We have a large living room. My relatives have a cold hall. 3. 1. Living rooms. Living rooms are never at the back of the house. 2. A kitchen. A kitchen is usually at the back of the house. 3. A bedroom. A bedroom is never at the back of the house. 4. Toilets. Toilets are usually at the back of the house. 9. 1. — small. 2. — downstairs. 3. — a living room. 4. — in the kitchen. 5. — brown. 6. — don’t 10. Is there a kitchen in your flat? Is there a living room in your flat? Is there a hall in your flat? Is there a toilet in your flat? Is your flat large or small? 13. Àíãëèéñêèå äîìà Ìíîãèå àíãëèéñêèå ñåìüè æèâóò â êâàðòèðàõ, íî ó ìíîãèõ ëþäåé åñòü ñîáñòâåííûå äîìà.  òðaäèöèîííîì àíãëèéñêîì äîìå îáû÷íî äâà ýòàæà: ïåðâûé ýòàæ è âòîðîé. Ñïàëüíè è âàííàÿ êîìíàòà (èëè âàííûå êîìíàòû) — íà âòîðîì ýòàæå. Ãîñòèíàÿ, ñòîëîâàÿ, êóõíÿ è ïðèõîæàÿ — âíèçó íà ïåðâîì ýòàæå. Ãîñòèíàÿ — ýòî îáû÷íî ñàìàÿ áîëüøàÿ êîìíàòà â äîìå.  íåé îáû÷íî ñòîèò äèâàí, íåñêîëüêî ñòóëüåâ è êðåñåë. Íà ïîëó ÷àñòî ëåæèò êîâåð. Ýòî äåëàåò êîìíàòó óäîáíîé.  ãîñòèíîé ó àíãëè÷àí îáû÷íî åñòü êàìèí. Oíè ÷àñòî ïðîâîäÿò âå÷åðà â êðåñëå ïåðåä êàìèíîì. Îíè ÷èòàþò êíèãè, ñìîòðÿò òåëåâèçîð, ñëóøàþò ìóçûêó èëè ïðîñòî ñèäÿò è ðàçãîâàðèâàþò. Ëþäè â Àíãëèè ëþáÿò ñâîè äîìà è ÷àñòî ãîâîðÿò: «Íåò ìåñòà ëó÷øå, ÷åì äîì» èëè «Â ãîñòÿõ õîðîøî, à äîìà — ëó÷øå». 14. 1. No, a lot of people have their own houses. 2. There are two floors in the traditional English house. 3. The bedrooms and bathrooms are on the first floor. 4. The sitting room is usually the largest. 5. They usually read books, watch television, listen to music or sit around and talk. 6. They like their homes and say, “There is no place like home” and “East or West, home is best”. 17. 1. — house. 2. — table. 3. — shout. 4. — bus. 5. — sun. 6. — yet. 18. Is your flat large or small? Is there a kitchen in your flat? Is there a living room in your flat? Is there a hall in your flat? Is there a toilet in your flat? What is there in your bedroom? What do you do in the sitting room?
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
Lesson 20 1. 1. — key. 2. — house. flat. 3. — armchair. 4. — car. 5. — dining — room. 6. — fireplace. 2. There are two bedrooms, a toilet and a bathroom upstairs. There is a sitting room downstairs. There is a dining room downstairs. There is a kitchen downstairs. There is a hall downstairs. There is a toilet upstairs. There is a bathroom upstairs. 3. 1. — do you. 2. — isn’t there. 3. — do you. 4. — can’t you. 5. — won’t you 6. — are you. 5. The second room is not large. It is small but comfortable. It’s light. It’s quiet. The third room is not quiet. It’s large. It’s not comfortable. 6. There is a table on the left. There is an armchair on the right. There is a TV in front of the window. There is a sofa behind the table. 7. There are curtains on the window. There is a mirror on the wall on the left of the window. There is a chair in front of the window. There are flowers at the window. There is a vase on the left of the window. There are two pictures and a mirror on the wall. There are curtains on the window. 10. I think it is a sitting room. There is a fireplace in the corner of the room. There is an armchair in front of the fireplace. There is one more armchair on the left near the wall. There is a table in the middle of the room. There are three chairs near the table. There is a sofa on the right near the wall. There is a carpet in front of the sofa. There is a TV in the corner of the room near the sofa. There is table between the window and the TV. 11. 1. I’m going to have breakfast in the kitchen. 2. I’m going to have lunch at school. 3. I’m going to take a shower in the bathroom. 4. I’m going to watch television in the sitting room. 5. I’m going to sleep in the bedroom. 12. 1. She is going to go for a walk. 2. They are going to have lunch. 3. They are going to run. 4. She is going to watch television. 5. They are going to dance. 6. They are going to swim. 13. — Äàâàé ïîîáåäàåì, Ïèò. Òû ãîëîäåí? — Äà. Íàêðîåì ñòîë íà êóõíå èëè â ñòîëîâîé? — Äàâàé ïîåäèì â ñòîëîâîé. ß ñïåøó. ×òî òû áóäåøü åñòü? — Õîëîäíîå ìÿñî è ñàëàò, áóòåðáðîä è ñòàêàí àïåëüñèíîâîãî ñîêà. À ÷òî áóäåøü òû?
2006–2011 гг.
— Õîëîäíîå ìÿñî, ñàëàò, ñîê… Çâó÷èò íåïëîõî. ß äóìàþ, ÿ áóäó òî æå ñàìîå. 15. Êàíèêóëû â Áðàéòîíå  ïðîøëîì ãîäó ìîé ïàïà è ÿ îòïðàâèëèñü â Áðàéòîí. Áðàéòîí — ýòî ÷óäåñíîå ìåñòî íà þãå Àíãëèè.  Áðàéòîíå åñòü ìíîãî îòåëåé. Ìû îñòàíîâèëèñü â ìàëåíüêîì îòåëå ïî àäðåñó óë. Õàéñòðèò, 41, íà 5 ýòàæå â äâóõìåñòíîì íîìåðå. Äâóõìåñòíûé íîìåð — ýòî íîìåð ñ äâóìÿ êðîâàòÿìè. Íàøà êîìíàòà â ãîñòèíèöå áûëà î÷åíü óäîáíàÿ è äîâîëüíî áîëüøàÿ.  íàøåé êîìíàòå íå áûëî ìíîãî ìåáåëè. Ó íàñ áûë ñòîë, äâå êðîâàòè, äâà ñòóëà è êðåñëî, äèâàí è òåëåâèçîð â óãëó êîìíàòû. Ñòîë ñòîÿë â öåíòðå êîìíàòû. Êðîâàòü ïàïû áûëà ñëåâà, à ìîÿ ñïðàâà îò îêíà. Íà ñòåíå âèñåëî çåðêàëî è äâå êðàñèâûå êàðòèíû ñ èçîáðàæåíèåì Áðàéòîíà. Øòîðû íà îêíàõ áûëè æåëòûå è îíè äåëàëè êîìíàòó ïî-íàñòîÿùåìó ÿðêîé è ìèëîé.  êîìíàòå áûëî äîâîëüíî òèõî, òàê êàê îíà íàõîäèëàñü â çàäíåé ÷àñòè ãîñòèíèöû. Âàííàÿ áûëà î÷åíü ìàëåíüêàÿ.  íåé áûëè âàííà, òóàëåò è ðàêîâèíà.  âàííîé ìû ìîãëè ïðèíèìàòü äóø, ÷òî ÿ îáû÷íî è äåëàë äíåì ïîñëå òîãî, êàê ïîïëàâàë â ìîðå. Ãîñòèíèöà ðàñïîëàãàëàñü íà õîëìå, è âèä áûë ïðîñòî ÷óäåñíûé. Çà îòåëåì ðîñëî ìíîãî çåëåíûõ äåðåâüåâ è êðàñèâûõ öâåòîâ, à ïåðåä îòåëåì áûëî ìîðå. Ìû ïðèåõàëè â Áðàéòîí íà àâòîìîáèëå è ïðîâåëè òàì äâå ÷óäåñíûõ íåäåëè. Ìû ñîáèðàåìñÿ ïðîâåñòè íàøå ñëåäóþùåå ëåòî òàì ñíîâà. 16. They are going to Bright next summer. They are going to live in the same hotel. They are going to live in a double room. The boy is going to swim in the sea. 17. I’m going to put the curtains on the window. I’m going to put a television in the corner of the room. I’m going to put two armchairs in front of the television. I’m going to put a table in the middle of the room. I’m going to put chairs near the table. I’m going to put the carpet on the floor. I’m going to put a mirror on the wall. 19. Are you going to put the television in the corner or in the middle of the room? Are you going to put the sofa near the window or near the wall? Are you going to put the chairs near the table or near the wall? Are you going to put the mirror on the right or on the left of the window? Are you going to put the flowers on the table or on the wall? 21. 1. — in the sitting room. 2. — 6 chairs. 3. — in your aunt’s house. 4. — 2 windows. 5. — in the bedroom.
Lesson 21 1. This is my room. There is a big window in the room. There are nice blue curtains on the window. The walls in my room are blue, too. There is a brown armchair by the wall. There is a table in the middle on the room.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
There are three chairs near the table. There is a sofa on the right near the wall. The sofa is brown. There is a beautiful brown carpet on the floor. There is a TV in the corner of the room near the bed. There are nice pictures and flowers on the wall. 3. There are lovely pictures on the wall. The room is quiet. The view from the window is wonderful. 4. Nick lives in a small house. It is near London. Nick and his father often go by car. The house is small but lovely. The house is very quiet. There is not much furniture in it. 6. 1. He is going to take a shower. 2. She is going to have lunch. 3. He is going to read. 4. She is going to buy it. 5. They are going to play tennis. 6. He is going to put the book into the bookcase. 7. She is going to wash the dishes. 8. They are going to play football. 9. 1. The school is opposite the museum. The stadium is opposite Pete’s house. The sports ground is opposite the Zoo. 2. The park is behind the museum. The garden is behind the school. 3. The school is next to the sports ground. The school is next to the shop. The museum is next to the stadium. 4. The shop is opposite the stadium, next to the school, in front of the garden. The museum is next to the Zoo, in front of the park. The park is behind the museum, next to the Zoo. 10. How do you like it? — Êàê òåáå îíà íðàâèòñÿ? I like it a lot. — Ìíå îíà î÷åíü íðàâèòñÿ. What’s the best time to come? —  êàêîå âðåìÿ ëó÷øå ïðèéòè? Are you sure it’s OK — Òû óâåðåí, ÷òî ýòî ïîäõîäèò? 16. 1. Where is the picture? 2. Where is the book? 3. Where is the lamp? 4. Where is the bookcase? 5. Where is the the box? 6. The chair is near the window. 7. The clothes are on the bed. 8. The boots are under the chair. 9. The books are in the bookcase. 10. The carpet is on the floor. 17. There is a carpet on the floor. There is a bed near the wall on the left. There is a table near the bed. There are clothes on the bed. There is a lamp and a book on the table. There is a picture and a flower on the wall. There is a bookcase on the right. There is a chair near the window. There are books in the bookcase. There are boots under the chair.
2006–2011 гг.
Lesson 22 1. 1. — wardrobe. 2. — lamp. 3. — curtains. 4. — cooker. 5. — sink. 6. — garden. 7. — mirror. 2. 1. I am sure he does. He lives in the country. 2. I am sure there is. There is usually a fireplace in the traditional English house. 3. I am afraid not. They’ve got an old red car. 4. I am afraid not. There is a garden near the house. 5. I am afraid not. It is next to the table. 6. I am sure there is. I like to read in the evening there. 5. There is a fridge next to the window. There is a table in front of the window. There are two chairs by the table. There is a sink next to the cooker. There is a table on the right of the cooker. 9. It happened at home yesterday. It happened in the forest last week. It happened in the street last night. It happened in the kitchen on Monday morning. It happened in the museum in September. It happened in the garden behind the house. It happened at the sports ground on Wednesday. It happened at school in 1991. 10. I don’t believe you. He believes that man. She doesn’t believe the story. You understand the text. They don’t understand that man. My sister believes you. His father doesn’t understand the story. 12. Ãðàáèòåëü â äîìå Ýòî ñëó÷èëîñü â ïðîøëûé ÷åòâåðã. Àííà Êðóê, êîòîðàÿ æèâåò ïî óëèöå Ïàðê àâåíþ, 37 êàê ðàç íàïðîòèâ íàøåãî äîìà, áûëà äîìà. Îíà æèâåò íà 3 ýòàæå áîëüøîãî ìíîãîêâàðòèðíîãî äîìà è ìîæåò âèäåòü, ÷òî ïðîèñõîäèò â íàøèõ êîìíàòàõ, êîãäà îêíà îòêðûòû.  òîò äåíü îíà áûëà çàíÿòà â ñâîåì êàáèíåòå, ÷òî-òî ïèñàëà, êîãäà âäðóã îíà âçãëÿíóëà íà îêíî íàøåé êóõíè è íå ïîâåðèëà ñâîèì ãëàçàì. Ó íàñ íà êóõíå áûë ìóæ÷èíà. Îí îòêðûë õîëîäèëüíèê, ïîòîì — øêàô÷èê. Îí äîñòàë åäó èç õîëîäèëüíèêà, èç øêàô÷èêà è ïîëîæèë â ñóìêó. Íî ìóæ÷èíà íå áûë íè ìîèì ïàïîé, íè ìîèì ñòàðøèì áðàòîì Äæèìîì. Ìèññèñ Êðóã ïîäóìàëà, ÷òî ýòî ãðàáèòåëü. Îíà ïîçâîíèëà â ïîëèöèþ è ïîçâîíèëà ìîåìó ïàïå òîæå. Âîò ÷òî ñêàçàëà Àííà Êðóã îôèöåðó ïîëèöèè. — Äîáðûé äåíü, ýòî ïîëèöèÿ? — Äà. ×òî ñëó÷èëîñü? —  äîìå — ãðàáèòåëü. —  ÷üåì äîìå?  âàøåì? Êàêîé ó âàñ àäðåñ, ìàäàì? È êàê âàñ çîâóò? — Ïîñëóøàéòå, îôèöåð! Ìåíÿ çîâóò Àííà Êðóê, è ÿ íå æèâó â äîìå, ÿ æèâó â ìíîãîêâàðòèðíîì äîìå ïî óëèöå Ïàðê àâåíþ, íîìåð 37.  äîìå íàïðîòèâ ìîåé êâàðòèðû — ãðàáèòåëü. Ýòî äîì Äæîíà Êîïëè. È ãðàáèòåëü íà êóõíå. — ×òî îí äåëàåò?
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
— Îí äîñòàåò åäó èç õîëîäèëüíèêà è øêàôà è ñêëàäûâàåò â ñóìêó. — Âû óâåðåíû, ÷òî ìóæ÷èíà — íå ìèñòåð Êîïëè? — Êîíå÷íî. ß çíàþ ìèñòåðà Êîïëè è ÷ëåíîâ åãî ñåìüè î÷åíü õîðîøî, íî ÿ íå çíàþ ýòîãî ìóæ÷èíó. 13. 3, 5, 8, 2, 6, 1, 4, 7. 16. 1. — at, 2. — in, in, 3. — on, 4. — on 5. — at, 6. — in, at. 17. Nick lives in the block of flats. He lives on the third floor. Open the front door and you are in the hall. On the right there is a kitchen. On the left there is a living room. Next to the living room there is a bedroom. There is a bathroom next to the kitchen. His toilet is next to the bathroom.
Lesson 23 2. This is a living room. There is a carpet on the floor. There is a sofa near the wall on the left. There are two armchairs in front of the sofa. There is a table in the middle of the room. There in a magazine on the table. There is a lamp on the table, too. There is a picture on the wall behind the sofa. There is a cupboard on the right. There are 6 chairs at the table. There is a wardrobe on the left. There are nice curtains on the window. There is a television in the corner of the room, opposite the sofa. 3. The Smiths sleep in the bedrooms. They take a bath and a shower in the bathroom. Mr Smith works in the study. Mrs Smith cooks meals and washes the dishes in the kitchen. They have breakfast, lunch and dinner in the dining room. They sit in the armchairs, read books, listen to the music or talk near the fireplace in the living room. 4. Some school subjects are easy and some of them are difficult. Russia is famous for many wonderful places of interest. All school subjects are important. Our city is a quiet place. What a lovely day it is today! Your shoes are expensive. 5. I’m going to join the History Club because I like history. I’m going to join the Book Club because I like to read stories and poems. I’m going to join the Football Club because I like to play football. I’m going to join the Tennis Club because I like to play tennis. I’m going to join the Music Club because I like to listen to music and sing songs. I’m going to join the Dancing Club because I like to learn to dance. 7. Where did you see the burglar? What did he do? What did he have in his hands? 8. The place we live: house, bedroom, living room, bathroom, kitchen, toilet, hall, sitting room, upstairs, downstairs, garden, a study, door, window, flat. The furniture: bookcase, sofa, curtains, mirror, fridge, cooker, wardrobe, cupboard, sink, standard lamp. 12. We live in a nice new flat. It has three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen a bathroom and a toilet, of course. One bedroom is for my parents, one is for my sister and one is for me.
2006–2011 гг.
My bedroom is the smallest, but it is very lovely. The curtains on the window are bright and they make my room look comfortable. There is a desk in front of the window. There is a chair at the desk. On the desk you can see a computer. There is a bookcase on the right. My bed is on the left. There is a beautiful picture on the wall. The carpet is on the floor. I do my homework, listen to music, talk to my friends here. There is a sofa in my sister’s room. Opposite the sofa there is a bookshelf. There are many toys in her room. They are in the cupboard and in a big toy box. The curtains in her room are yellow and the walls are yellow, too, There are a lot of flowers there. My sister likes to play with her toys there. The largest room is the living room. There are two armchairs on the left near the wall. There is a table in the middle on the room. There are four chairs near the table. There is a sofa on the right near the wall. There is a carpet in front of the sofa. There is a TV in the corner of the room opposite the sofa. The curtains are orange. The wardrobe is next to the sofa. There is a bookcase opposite the window. There are a lot of books there. We often sit here in the evenings, watch television and talk with my parents and sister. When our friends and relatives come we have dinner here, too. We all like our new flat.
Lesson 24 7. — Excuse me. Could you help me? — Sure. What do you want? — Where is 39 Main Street? — Oh, it’s easy. Walk to the corner and turn to the right. — To the corner and turn to the right. — That’s right. And then walk 4 blocks to the traffic lights. And you are in Main Street. — Thank you. 9. 1. — b, 2. — a, 3. — e, 4. — c, 5. — d. 12. 1. — Boris Belov is calling. 2. — He is calling because they’re lost. 3. They are opposite the cinema. 4. The “Odeon “ is rather far from Lena’s house. 5. They left the theatre in Green Street, came to the traffic lights and went up the street. 6. No, it isn’t. Her house is opposite the museum. 7. She lives in the house opposite the museum. 8. I think she lives in London. The “Odeon” is one of the most famous London cinemas. 13. 1. The quickest way is to walk one block, turn to the left and you are in Main Street, turn to the left and you’re in High Street. Lena’s house in on the right, opposite the City Museum. 2. They left the theatre in Green Street, came to the traffic lights and went up the street. 3. They went wrong at the supermarket.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
Lesson 25 1. 1. When did you go to the Pushkin Museum? 2. When did you go to the Mir cinema? 3. When did you go to the Bolshoi Theatre? 4. When did you go to the main square of Moscow? 5. When did you go to the church not far from your house? 6. When did you go to the Children’s Theatre? 7. When did you go out of town? 2. 2. — Why did you go to Moscow? — I went there to see Red Square. — When did you go there? — I went there a year ago. 3. — Why did you go to the Black Sea? — I went there to swim in warm water. — When did you go there? — I went there last summer. — 4. — Why did you go to the cinema? — I went there to see a new film? — When did you go there? — I went there last week. 5. — Why did you go to the country? — I went there to live out of town. — When did you go there? — I went there a month ago. 6. — Why did you go to the shop? — I went there to a buy ruler and a rubber. — When did you go there? — I went there yesterday. 3. Kate has watered the flowers. Kate and Boris have washed their hands. They have decorated the New Year tree. Boris has cleaned the floor. Kate has cleaned the carpet. Boris has washed the dishes. 4. Wash up! — I have washed up. Clean your teeth! — I have cleaned my teeth. Water the flowers! — I have watered the flowers. Visit your granny! — I have visited my granny. Lock the door! — I have locked the door. Clean the carpet! — I have cleaned the carpet. Wash the floor! — I have washed the floor. Count the numbers! — I have counted the numbers. 5. 1. They haven’t washed the dishes. She hasn’t closed the window. 3. He hasn’t taken his bus. 4. They haven’t watered the flowers. 6. Has Kate watered the flowers? Have Kate and Boris washed their hands? Have they decorated the New Year tree?
2006–2011 гг.
Has Boris cleaned the floor? Has Kate cleaned the carpet? Has Boris washed the dishes? 7. — Ïðèâåò, Ïîëè! Íå âèäåëà òåáÿ öåëóþ âå÷íîñòü. Êàê òû? — Ïðèâåò, Ýëèñ! Õîðîøî. À òû? — Ïðîñòî õîðîøî. Êóäà òû èäåøü? —  êèíî. Ïîåäåøü ñî ìíîé? Ôèëüì íà÷èíàåòñÿ â 5. — Î, ÿ áû ñ óäîâîëüñòâèåì, íî áîþñü, ÷òî íå ìîãó. ß î÷åíü äàâíî íå âèäåëà ñâîþ áàáóøêó. ß äîëæíà ñåãîäíÿ åå íàâåñòèòü. — Î, æàëü. Íó òîãäà äî ñâèäàíèÿ. Óâèäèìñÿ çàâòðà! — Ïîêà, Ïîëè! Õîðîøî ïðîâåäè âðåìÿ! 9. Ýòî — Ëîíäîí Áåòñè î÷åíü ëþáèò ÷èòàòü. Åå ëþáèìûå ïðåäìåòû â øêîëå — èñòîðèÿ è ãåîãðàôèÿ. Ïîñìîòðèòå! Áåòñè êàê ðàç îòêðûëà êíèãó è ñîáèðàåòñÿ ÷èòàòü î Ëîíäîíå. Âû áû õîòåëè óçíàòü ÷òî-íèáóäü î Ëîíäîíå? Ìû äóìàåì, âàì ýòî áóäåò èíòåðåñíî. Âû óçíàåòå èíôîðìàöèþ î Ëîíäîíå èç êíèãè Áåòñè. Ïðî÷èòàéòå è ñêàæèòå, ïî÷åìó Ëîíäîí — îäíî èç ñàìûõ èíòåðåñíûõ ìåñò â ìèðå. Ëîíäîí — ñàìûé áîëüøîé ãîðîä Áðèòàíèè. Òàì æèâåò è ðàáîòàåò áîëåå 7 ìèëëèîíîâ ëþäåé. Ëîíäîí — îäèí èç ñàìûõ âàæíûõ ãîðîäîâ ìèðà. Ýòî öåíòð áèçíåñà è òóðèçìà.  Ëîíäîíå âû ìîæåòå íàéòè ëó÷øèå òåàòðû, êèíîòåàòðû è ìóçåè.  Ëîíäîíå åñòü òàêæå ìíîãî êðàñèâûõ ñòàðûõ öåðêâåé.  Ëîíäîíå îêîëî 10 òûñÿ÷ óëèö. Áîëüøèíñòâî óëèö íå î÷åíü øèðîêèå. Âû ìîæåòå óâèäåòü â Ëîíäîíå ìíîãî ìàãàçèíîâ. Îêñôîðä Ñòðèò — îäíà èç ãëàâíûõ òîðãîâûõ óëèö Ëîíäîíà. Âû òàì ìîæåòå êóïèòü îäåæäó, îáóâü è èãðóøêè. Ëþäè ñî âñåãî ìèðà äåëàþò ïîêóïêè íà Îêñôîðä Ñòðèò. Âû ìîæåòå íàéòè ìíîãî ñòàðûõ è íîâûõ êðàñèâûõ ïàðêîâ â ãîðîäå. Ñàìûé áîëüøîé ïàðê — Ãàéä Ïàðê. Ýòî îäíî èç ñàìûõ ïîïóëÿðíûõ ìåñò ëîíäîíöåâ â æàðêèå ëåòíèå äíè. Çäåñü òàêæå ìíîãî äðóãèõ ïðèÿòíûõ ïàðêîâ è çåëåíûõ ïëîùàäåé. 10. Oxford Street is London’s main shopping centre. The largest park in London is Hyde Park. It is one of the most popular places for Londoners on hot summer says. 11. Íà óëèöå î÷åíü ìíîãî àâòîìîáèëåé, òðîëëåéáóñîâ è òðàìâàåâ. Ìóæ÷èíà ñòîèò êàê ðàç ïîñðåäèíå óëèöû. Îí ñïðàøèâàåò ìèëèöèîíåðà: — Êàê êîðî÷å è áûñòðåå âñåãî äîáðàòüñÿ äî áîëüíèöû? Ìèëèöèîíåð îòâå÷àåò: — Åñëè âû áóäåòå ñòîÿòü òàì, ãäå âû ñòîèòå ñåé÷àñ, âû ïîïàäåòå òóäà î÷åíü áûñòðî. Ýòî ñàìûé êîðîòêèé è ñàìûé áûñòðûé ïóòü â áîëüíèöó. 15. 1. You haven’t watered the trees in your garden. 2. My little brother hasn’t washed up. 3. She hasn’t cleaned the carpet. 4. He hasn’t locked the car. 5. My friends haven’t stopped in Oxford Street. 16. 1. — has he. 2. — haven’t they. 3. — has she. 4. — haven’t we. 5. — haven’t they. 6. — has she. 7. — have they.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
17. 1. — finished. 2. — helped. 3. — washed. 4. — locked. 5. — cleaned. 18. 1. Mother hasn’t cooked supper. 2. We haven’t shopped a lot. 3. The children haven’t started to sing. 4. Freddy hasn’t danced a lot. 5. They haven’t decorated the New Year tree.
Lesson 26 1. The theatre is far from the main road. The sports ground is far from the main road. The school is far from the main road. The hospital is far from the main road. The library is not far from the traffic lights. The supermarket is not far from the traffic lights. The swimming pool is not far from the traffic lights. The stadium is not far from the traffic lights. 3. Decorate the New Year tree! – I have decorated it. Start the game! — I have started the game. Cook the vegetables! — I have cooked the vegetables. Lock the door. I have locked the door. Clean the blackboard! — I have cleaned the blackboard. Dance! — I have danced. 5. 1. They have played football. 2. They have played basketball. 3. They have played volleyball. 4. He has played hockey. 5. They have played chess. 6. They have played tennis. 7. 1. I have already met this man. 2. Pete has never been to America. 3. Polly hasn’t bought a picture yet. 4. We have just seen our uncle. 5. You have already read this book. 6. They haven’t built a new bridge yet. 8. 1. We haven’t built bridges over the river yet. 2. She hasn’t read the text yet. 3. She hasn’t bought any food yet. 4. We have never been to South America. 5. She has just met her boss. 6. We haven’t seen a very interesting film yet. 9. — Have you ever been to the Tower of London ?-No, I haven’t. — Have you ever been to the Houses of Parliament? — No, I haven’t. — Have you ever been to the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow?Yes, I have. — Have you ever been to the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow? — Yes, I have. — Have you ever been to Piccadilly Circus of London? — No, I haven’t. 11. Áåòñè òîëüêî ÷òî çàêîí÷èëà ÷èòàòü ïåðâóþ ÷àñòü êíèãè î Ëîíäîíå.
2006–2011 гг.
Îíà — îá èñòîðèè. Áåòñè ïðî÷èòàëà íåñêîëüêî èíòåðåñíûõ ñâåäåíèé î Ëîíäîíñêîì ìîñòå. Îíà íèêîãäà íå áûëà â Ëîíäîíå, íî óæå ìíîãî çíàåò î íåì. Âîò íåñêîëüêî ôàêòîâ èç èñòîðèè Ëîíäîíà. Ðèìëÿíå. Ðèìëÿíå ïðèøëè â Àíãëèþ ìíîãî-ìíîãî ëåò íàçàä. Îíè ïîñòðîèëè ãîðîä íà ðåêå Òåìçå. Ãîðîä íàçâàëè Ëîíäèíèóì. Ðèìëÿíå ïîñòðîèëè Ëîíäèíèóì âîçëå ðåêè. Ìåñòî äëÿ ãîðîäà áûëî î÷åíü õîðîøèì. Âñêîðåå ðèìëÿíå ïîñòðîèëè ìîñò ÷åðåç ðåêó Òåìçà. Ëîíäèíèóì ñòàíîâèëñÿ áîëüøå è áîëüøå. Ðèìëÿíå ïîñòðîèëè ìíîãî äîðîã èç Ëîíäèíèóìà â äðóãèå ÷àñòè Áðèòàíèè. Ê 400 ãîäó â Ëîíäèíèóìå æèëè 50 òûñÿ÷ ÷åëîâåê. Âñêîðå ïîñëå 400 ãîäà ðèìëÿíå ïîêèíóëè Áðèòàíèþ. Ìû íå î÷åíü ìíîãî çíàåì î Ëîíäèíèóìå ìåæäó 400 è 1000 ãîäàìè. Ðåêà Òåìçà âñåãäà áûëà ÷àñòüþ èñòîðèè Ëîíäîíà.  ðèìñêèå âðåìåíà Ëîíäèíèóì áûë ìàëåíüêèì ãîðîäîì ñ ðåêîé Òåìçîé ïîñðåäèíå. Ñåé÷àñ Ëîíäîí — î÷åíü áîëüøîé ãîðîä, íî ðåêà Òåìçà âñå åùå íàõîäèòñÿ ïîñðåäèíå Ëîíäîíà. Äî 1749 ãîäà ÷åðåç ðåêó áûë òîëüêî îäèí ìîñò: Ëîíäîíñêèé ìîñò. Ñòàðûé Ëîíäîíñêèé ìîñò áûë äîâîëüíî ñòðàííûé. Íà íåì ðàñïîëàãàëèñü äîìà è ìàãàçèíû.  XIX âåêå â Ëîíäîíå óæå áûëî ìíîãî íîâûõ ìîñòîâ. Ñåé÷àñ íà ðåêå Òåìçà íàõîäèòñÿ áîëüøå 20 ìîñòîâ. 12. 1. True. 2. False. There was a bridge over the Thames in Roman times. 3. False. They came to England many, many years ago. 4. I don’t know. 5. False. They built a lot of roads to other parts of Britain. 6. True. 7. False. There were a lot of houses and shops. 14. 1. — e. 2. — a. 3. — b. 4. — c. 5. — d. 6. — g. 7. — f. 17. I have been to the Kremlin. I have been to the Pushkin Museum. I have been to Red Square. I have been to the Zoo. I have been to the largest church in Moscow. I have never been to the Malyi Theatre. I have never been to the Bolshoi Theatre. I have never been to the “Pushkinskii” Cinema. I have never been to the Children’s Theatre. 19. 1. — been. 2. — read. 3. — seen. 4. — built. 5. — bought. 6. — met.
Lesson 27 1. Òhe Browns have bought some pens and pencils, some cups, a flower, an exercise book and some books. 2. Nick has just been to London, he has seen the Tower of London. Nick has just been to Moscow, he has seen the Kremlin. Nick has just been to Kiev, he has seen the Petcherskaya Lavra. Nick has just been to India, he has seen Taj Mahal. Nick has just been to Africa, he has seen the Pyramids of Egypt.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
3. Our pupils haven’t read Oliver Twist in English yet. The children haven’t bought food yet. Their cousin hasn’t seen the Kremlin yet. His nephew hasn’t met famous people yet. You haven’t built a house yet. 4. Have you ever been to Minsk? Have you ever been to the USA ? Have you ever been to Great Britain? Have you ever read about London? Have you ever read about animals? Have you ever read about famous people? Have you ever seen the London Tower? Have you ever seen the Pyramids? Have you ever seen tigers? 5. 1. We have just finished reading the book about London. 2. They have already been to India. 3. He has just bought a beautiful carpet. 4. She has never lived in New York. 5. They have never met the President. 6. They have already built the bridge over the river. 7. You have already seen many interesting places. 7. You have already seen the new film, haven’t you? Have you seen the new film yet? You have already played the new game, haven’t you? Have you played the new game yet? You have already met your friends, haven’t you? Have you met your friends yet? You have already seen your cousins, haven’t you? Have you seen your cousins yet? 10. ß âèäåë ìîþ òåòþ 3 äíÿ íàçàä. — ß óæå âèäåë ìîþ òåòþ. Ó íåå âñå â ïîðÿäêå. Îíè ïðîñíóëèñü ïîçäíî â ïðîøëîå âîñêðåñåíüå. — Îíè òîëüêî ÷òî ïðîñíóëèñü. Ìû íå âèäåëè ãðÿçíûõ óëèö â íàøåì ãîðîäå (êîãäà òàì áûëè). — Ìû íèêîãäà íå âèäåëè â íàøåì ãîðîäå ãðÿçíûõ óëèö. Áîÿëñÿ ëè îí ñîáàê, êîãäà áûë ðåáåíêîì? — Îí êîãäà-íèáóäü áîÿëñÿ ñîáàê? Ìîé äâîþðîäíûé áðàò ñòàë âîäèòåëåì â ïðîøëîì ìåñÿöå. — Ìîé äâîþðîäíûé áðàò ñòàë âîäèòåëåì. Ñãîðåë ëè èçâåñòíûé äîì â ïðîøëîì âåêå? — Ñãîðåë ëè óæå èçâåñòíûé äîì? 12.  íà÷àëå XI âåêà Àíãëèÿ óæå áûëà áîëüøîé ñòðàíîé è Ëîíäîí áûë î÷åíü âàæíûì ãîðîäîì.  1066 ã. Âèëüãåëüì Çàâîåâàòåëü è åãî ëþäè ïðèøëè â Àíãëèþ èç Íîðìàíäèè, Ôðàíöèè. Âèëüãåëüì Çàâîåâàòåëü ñòàë êîðîëåì Àíãëèè. Êîðîëü æèë â Ëîíäîíå. Ìíîãèå èç åãî ëþäåé òîæå æèëè â Ëîíäîíå. Íî Âèëüãåëüì áîÿëñÿ àíãëè÷àí, æèòåëåé Ëîíäîíà, è ïîñòðîèë Áåëóþ Áàøíþ, ÷òîáû â íåé æèòü. Ñåé÷àñ ýòî îäíî èç ñàìûõ âàæíûõ è êðàñèâûõ çäàíèé Ëîíäîíñêîãî Òàóýðà. Òàê êàê îíà èçâåñòíà, ìíîãî ëþäåé ïîñåùàþò åå êàæäûé ãîä.
2006–2011 гг.
Âñå êîðîëè è êîðîëåâû Àíãëèè æèëè â Ëîíäîíå. Îí ñòàë ñàìûì áîëüøèì ãîðîäîì Àíãëèè. Ê 1600 ãîäó â Ëîíäîíå áûëî áîëüøå 200 òûñÿ÷ ëþäåé.  òå äíè ëþäè îáû÷íî ñòðîèëè äîìà èç äåðåâà, è îíè ÷àñòî áûëè îäèí âîçëå äðóãîãî. Èíîãäà â ãîðîäå ñëó÷àëèñü ïîæàðû, íî îáû÷íî îíè áûëè íåáîëüøèå. Ïîòîì íàñòóïèë 1666 ãîä, ãîä Âåëèêîãî Ïîæàðà.  ñóááîòó, 2 ñåíòÿáðÿ 1666 ã. ñ ðåêè äóë ñèëüíûé âå÷åð è íà÷àëñÿ áîëüøîé ïîæàð. Îí íà÷àëñÿ â äîìå êîðîëåâñêîãî áóëî÷íèêà âîçëå Ëîíäîíñêîãî ìîñòà. Æåíà ïåêàðÿ ïðîñíóëàñü ñðåäè íî÷è ïîòîìó, ÷òî äîì áûë â îãíå. Ñêîðî íà÷àë ãîðåòü äðóãîé äîì, åùå îäèí, è åùå îäèí… Ïîæàð ãîðåë äî ÷åòâåðãà.  Ëîíäîíå ñãîðåëî ìíîãî äîìîâ. Îãîíü áóøåâàë 4 äíÿ è óíè÷òîæèë 80% ãîðîäà. Áîëüøå 250 òûñÿ÷ ëþäåé ïîòåðÿëè ñâîè äîìà. Ïîñëå Áîëüøîãî Ïîæàðà ëþäè ïîñòðîèëè íîâûé ãîðîä. Ãîðîä ñòàíîâèëñÿ áîëüøå è áîëüøå. Ê 1830 ã. â Ëîíäîíå áûëî áîëüøå ïîëóòîðà ìèëëèîíà æèòåëåé. Ïîÿâèëàñü æåëåçíàÿ äîðîãà è Ëîíäîí ñòàíîâèëñÿ áîãà÷å è áîãà÷å, íî îí íå ñòàíîâèëñÿ êðàñèâåå. Ãîðîä ñòàë òåìíûì è ãðÿçíûì, ëþäè æèëè â ïëîõèõ äîìàõ. È ñåãîäíÿ â Ëîíäîíå âñå åùå åñòü áåäíûå ëþäè, íî æèçíü ñåãîäíÿ ëó÷øå, òàê êàê â íåì ìíîãî íîâûõ äîìîâ è êâàðòèð. Ãîðîä ñåé÷àñ òàêæå ãîðàçäî ÷èùå. 13. 1. England was a great country at the beginning of the 11 century. 2. William the Conqueror came from Normandy in France. 3. He lived in the White Tower in London. 4. The White Tower is one of the most important and beautiful buildings of the Tower of London. 5. By 1600 there were more than 200 000 people in London. 6. The Great Fire of London started on the 2nd September 1666. 7. Life is better now as there are many new houses and flats. The city is also much cleaner. 14. Picture 1. In those days people usually built houses of wood, and they often were near one another. Picture 2. The city became richer and richer. 18. The Fire of London On September 2nd, 1666 there was a fire in the old city of London. The fire started in the house near London Bridge. There was a strong wind, there were a lot of houses on London Bridge, and that’s why many houses were burned. The fire started on Monday and was over on Thursday. The people of London built a new city after the Fire. 19. 1. He was afraid of it. 2. In which century did William the Conqueror go to London? 3. Nick has already become a pilot. 4. The baker’s wife woke up in the middle of the night and saw the fire. 5. Have they built a new country yet?
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
Lesson 28 1. A. Have you ever woken up your mother? Have you ever been to the Black Sea? Have you ever met the Queen? Have you ever seen a new film? Have you ever bought your breakfast? Have you ever burnt a fire? B. Have you been to America yet? Has she become an engineer yet? Has he read this book? Have they built a new house yet? Has he met a teacher yet? Has he brought the flowers yet? 2. a) 1. Have you been to Africa yet? 2. Have you seen the king yet? 3. Have you met the Snowman? 4. Have you seen all the new films? 5. Have you read the Bible? b) You have never been to Africa. You have never seen the king. You have never met the Snowman. You haven’t seen all the new films. You have never read the Bible. 3. Rich people, rich countries, dark trousers, dark rooms, dirty streets, dirty rooms, dirty cups. My brother likes to wear dark trousers. Great Britain is a rich country. In the USA there are a lot of rich people. The streets in this city are dirty. 5. Have you been to Rostov yet? Have you been to Belgorod yet? Have you been to Kursk yet? Have you been to Tula yet? Have you been to Smolensk yet? 10. 1. I have kept a cat and a dog at home. 2. I have taken some food and a ball on a picnic. 3. I have said “Good morning!” this morning. 4. I have learnt a lot of new words. 5. I have seen a very interesting film this week. 6. I have been to the Black Sea. 12. Äîì àíãëè÷àíèíà — åãî êðåïîñòü. 13. Ëîíäîí — ñòîëèöà Àíãëèè. Ýòî ïîëèòè÷åñêèé è äåëîâîé öåíòð. Ñåðäöå Ëîíäîíà — Ñèòè. Ýòî ñàìàÿ ñòàðàÿ ÷àñòü Ëîíäîíà. Î÷åíü ìíîãî ëþäåé ðàáîòàþò â Ñèòè, íî î÷åíü ìàëî òàì æèâóò. Òàì òàêæå ìíîãî áàíêîâ è äðóãèõ ó÷ðåæäåíèé. Âû ìîæåòå ïîñåòèòü äîñòîïðèìå÷àòåëüíîñòè Ñèòè è ñîñåäíèõ ðàéîíîâ. Îäíà èç íèõ — Òàóýð Ëîíäîíà. Ëîíäîíñêèé Òàóýð áûë êðåïîñòüþ, äâîðöîì, òþðüìîé è êîðîëåâñêèì çîîïàðêîì.
2006–2011 гг.
Ñåé÷àñ — ýòî ìóçåé. Âû ìîæåòå óâèäåòü ìíîãî èíòåðåñíîãî â Áåëîé Áàøíå. Åå êâàäðàòíûå ñòåíû — áåëûå è î÷åíü âûñîêèå. Âèëüãåëüì Çàâîåâàòåëü ïîñòðîèë åå â XI âåêå.  Ëîíäîíñêîì Òàóýðå âñåãäà åñòü âîðîíû. Ëþäè äåðæàò èõ òàì è õîðîøî çàáîòÿòñÿ î íèõ, òàê êàê ñ÷èòàåòñÿ, ÷òî Ëîíäîí áóäåò áîãàòûì, ïîêà âîðîíû òàì æèâóò. Îäíà èç âåëè÷àéøèõ àíãëèéñêèõ öåðêâåé — Ñîáîð ñâÿòîãî Ïàâëà. Íàõîäèòñÿ íåäàëåêî îò Òàóýðà. Åãî ïîñòðîèë èçâåñòíûé àíãëèéñêèé àðõèòåêòîð Ñýð Êðèñòîôåð Ðýí â XVII âåêå ïîñëå Âåëèêîãî Ïîæàðà. Ñýðó Êðèñòîôåðó Ðýíó ïîòðåáîâàëîñü íà ýòî 35 ëåò. Ýòî êðàñèâîå çäàíèå ñ ìíîæåñòâîì êîëîíí è áàøåí.  îäíîé èç áàøåí íàõîäèòñÿ îäèí èç ñàìûõ áîëüøèõ êîëîêîëîâ â ìèðå. Òðàôàëüãàðñêàÿ ïëîùàäü íàõîäèòñÿ â öåíòðå Ëîíäîíà. Íåêîòîðûå ëþäè ãîâîðÿò, ÷òî ýòî ñàìîå êðàñèâîå ìåñòî â Ëîíäîíå.  öåíòðå ïëîùàäè ñòîèò âûñîêàÿ êîëîííà. Ýòî ïàìÿòíèê Àäìèðàëó Íåëüñîíó. ×åòûðå áðîíçîâûõ ëüâà ñìîòðÿò íà ïëîùàäü ñ ïàìÿòíèêà. Íà ïëîùàäè 2 ïðåêðàñíûõ ôîíòàíà. Îíè ðàñïîëàãàþòñÿ ïåðåä Íàöèîíàëüíîé Ãàëåðååé, îäíîé èç ëó÷øèõ êàðòèííûõ ãàëåðåé ìèðà. Êàæäûé äåíü ìíîãî òóðèñòîâ ïîñåùàåò ýòî êðàñèâîå çäàíèå ñ âûñîêèìè êîëîííàìè. 14. The Tower of London is a museum. One of the greatest English churches, St Paul’s Cathedral, is not far from the Tower of London. Trafalgar Square is in the centre of London. In the middle of the square stands a tall column. It is a monument to Admiral Nelson. There are 2 beautiful fountains in the square. 15. 1. False. London is the capital of England. 2. True. 3. False. Very few people live in the City. 4. False. William the Conqueror built the Tower of London in the 11 century. 5. False. It is not far from the Tower. 6. True. 7. False. It is in the centre of London. 8. True. 19. 1. We have already been to London. 2. We were in London 5 years ago. 3. They didn’t see the Tsar Bell when they were in London. 4. They haven’t seen the Tsar Bell yet. 20. Kiev is the capital of Ukraine. There are a lot of monuments in our city. There is a tall tower in this old fortress. Our church has got a very nice bell.
Lesson 29 1. What’s the capital of England? London is. What’s the capital of the USA?
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
Washington is. What’s the capital of India ? Delhi is. What’s the capital of Russia ? Moscow is. What’s the capital of Ukraine ? Kiev is. 3. 1. — a, 2. — e, 3. — d, 4. — c, 5. — b. 4. There is a square table in the centre of the room. You can see a tall tower in our town. 6. Nick has gone to see the National Gallery. Nick has gone to see St Paul’s Cathedral. Nick has gone to see Buckingham Palace. Nick has gone to see Hyde Park. Nick has gone to see Trafalgar Square. 7. Ann has got a doll. Ann has got pens and pencils. Ann has got a ticket to the cinema. Ann has got a picture. Ann has got a rubber. Ann has got a ruler. 13. Âåñòìèíñòåð Âåñòìèíñòåð — ïîëèòè÷åñêèé öåíòð Ëîíäîíà. Ýòî òà ÷àñòü Ëîíäîíà, ãäå ðàñïîëàãàåòñÿ ìíîãî ó÷ðåæäåíèé. Åñëè âû áóäåòå èäòè ïî óëèöå Óàéòõîë îò Òðàôàëüãàðñêîé ïëîùàäè, ñïðàâà âû óâèäèòå ìàëåíüêóþ óëèöó, ãäå æèâåò áðèòàíñêèé ïðåìüåð-ìèíèñòð. Îí æèâåò ïî óëèöå Äàóíèíã Ñòðèò, 10. Óàéòõîë — ýòî øèðîêàÿ óëèöà, êîòîðàÿ âåäåò íà ïëîùàäü Ïàðëàìåíò Ñêâåð. Ýòà ïëîùàäü — î÷åíü áîëüøàÿ. Ñëåâà âû ìîæåòå óâèäåòü äëèííîå ñåðîå çäàíèå ñ áàøíÿìè — çäàíèå ïàðëàìåíòà. Áîëüøèå ÷àñû â îäíîé èç áàøåí — Áèã Áåí. Áèã Áåí — ýòî íàçâàíèå ÷àñîâ è êîëîêîëà â ÷àñîâîé áàøíå çäàíèÿ ïàðëàìåíòà. Ìîæíî ñëûøàòü çâóê Áèã Áåíà â Ëîíäîíå êàæäûé ÷àñ. ×àñû è áàøíÿ ïîëó÷èëè ñâîå íàçâàíèå â ÷åñòü Ñýðà Áåíäæàìèíà Õîëëà. Ýòî áûë âûñîêèé ÷åëîâåê ïî ïðîçâèùó Áèã Áåí. Âîò òàê ÷àñû ñèàëè èçâåñòíû êàê Áèã Áåí. Çà çäàíèåì ïàðëàìåíòà ïðîòåêàåò Òåìçà, à ìîñò ÷åðåç ðåêó íàçûâàåòñÿ Âåñòìèíñòåðñêèé ìîñò. Íà äðóãîé ñòîðîíå Ïàðëàìåíòñêîé ïëîùàäè ðàñïîëàãàåòñÿ Âåñòìèíñòåðñêîå àááàòñòâî. Ýòî îäíà èç ñàìûõ èçâåñòíûõ è êðàñèâûõ öåðêâåé â Ëîíäîíå. Îíà òàêæå î÷åíü ñòàðàÿ, åé áîëåå 900 ëåò. Òàì òàê ìíîãî ïàìÿòíèêîâ è ñòàòóé. Òàì ïîõîðîíåíû ìíîãèå àíãëèéñêèå êîðîëè è êîðîëåâû. Âåñòìèíñòåðñêîå àááàòñòâî èçâåñòíî òàêæå ñâîèì Óãîëêîì ïîýòîâ. Ìíîãèå èçâåñòíûå ïèñàòåëè òàì ïîõîðîíåíû: íàïðèìåð, ×àðëüç Äèêêåíñ è Ðåäüÿðä Êèïëèíã. Àááàòñâî, ñ åãî äâóìÿ âûñîêèìè áàøíÿìè, — äåéñòâèòåëüíî ÷óäåñíîå. Êîðîëåâà Àíãëèè æèâåò â Áóêèíãåìñêîì äâîðöå. Ýòî ÷óäåñíîå çäàíèå, ïåðåä êîòîðûì íàõîäèòñÿ ïàìÿòíèê — Ìåìîðèàë êîðîëåâû Âèêòîðèè. ×òîáû äîáðàòüñÿ îò Áóêèíãåìñêîãî äâîðöà äî Òðàôàëüãàðñêîé ïëîùàäè â öåíòðå Ëîíäîíà, íóæíî 10–20 ìèíóò.  Ëîíäîíå òàê ìíîãî äðóãèõ ìåñò, êîòîðûå ìîæíî óâèäåòü è ïîñåòèòü, íî âû íå ñìîæåòå ñäåëàòü âñå âî âðåìÿ îäíîé êîðîòêîé ïîåçäêè.
2006–2011 гг.
15. 1. The political centre of London is Westminster. 2. Whitehall is a wide street leading from Trafalgar Square to Parliament Square. You can walk down there. 3. The British Prime Minister lives at number 10 Downing Street. 4. Whitehall is a wide street leading from Trafalgar Square to Parliament Square. 5. Big Ben is the name of the clock and the bell in the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament. 6. Westminster Bridge is near the Houses of Parliament. 7. On the other side of Parliament Square is Westminster Abbey. It is 900 years old, there are so many monuments and statues there. Many English kings and queens are buried there. It is famous for its Poets’ Corner, too. 8. The Queen of England lives in Buckingham Palace. 9. The Queen Victoria Memorial is in front of Buckingham Palace. 19. 1) It takes me 10 minutes to get to school from my house. 2) It takes me 40 minutes to get to the nearest cinema from my house. 3) It takes me an hour to get to the nearest theatre from my house. 4) It takes me 50 minutes to get to the main square from my house. 5) It takes me 35 minutes to get to the nearest church from my house. 6) It takes me an hour and a half to get to the nearest bridge from my house. 20. I have visited my grandmother this week. I have been to the Zoo this week. I have cooked tasty salad this week. I have played football this week. I have seen a very interesting film this week.
Lesson 30 3. People from Rome came to England to build the town of Londinium. In Roman times Londinium wasn’t a big city. It was a small town. There were not many bridges in London in the 11th century. There were a lot of houses and shops on London Bridge in the 18th century. The Fire of London began in 1666. The Fire of London burnt for 4 days. 4. 1. William the Conqueror came to London in 1066. 2. He came from Normandy in France. 3. He was afraid of the English, so he built the White Tower to live in it. 4. The Tower was London was a fortress, a palace, a prison and the King’s Zoo. 5. The greatest English churches are: St Paul’s Cathedral and Westminster Abbey. 6. How did the Great Fire start? How many people lived in London by 1600? Where does London stand? How many people live in London? How big is London?
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
8. My town is very quiet and clean. My city is very young and busy. It is famous for its people (monuments). 11. 1. They lived in a wonderful palace in the main square of the city. 2. With red-gold hair and sea-green eyes Rosie was the most beautiful girl in the country. 3. The Tower was next to the Tower Bridge. 4. She liked to spend evenings by the fire in the Tower because the fire always burnt and above it was a large bell. She liked to listen to the sound of the bell. 5. She saw the young’s man face in the mirror in her room in the tower. 6. The Queen sent the young man out of the palace because he wasn’t a magician. She didn’t want her daughter to marry him.
Lesson 31 1. ß óæå ïðî÷èòàë êíèãó. — ß ïðî÷èòàë êíèãó ïðîøëûì ëåòîì. ß òîëüêî ÷òî ïîçàâòðàêàë. — ß ïîçàâòðàêàë ÷àñ íàçàä. Ìàëü÷èê åùå íå íàðèñîâàë êàðòèíó Ìîñêâû. — Ìàëü÷èê íå íàðèñîâàë êàðòèíó Ìîñêâû â÷åðà. Àííà íèêîãäà íå áûëà â Ëîíäîíå. — Àííà íå áûëà â Ëîíäîíå â ïðîøëîì ãîäó. Äåòè óæå ïîïèëè ìîëîêî? — Äåòè ïîïèëè ìîëîêî â÷åðà? Îíè âèäåëè êîãäà-íèáóäü Òðàôàëüãàðñêóþ ïëîùàäü? — Îíè âèäåëè Òðàôàëüãàðñêóþ ïëîùàäü, êîãäà áûëè â Ëîíäîíå? 2. — Have you drawn a picture of your town? — Yes, I have. — When did you draw it? — I drew it last Sunday. 3. 2) — I have had lunch. — When did you have it? — I had it an hour ago. 3) — I have drawn a picture. — When did you draw it? — I drew it yesterday. 4) — I have burnt my hand. — When did you burn it? — I burnt it yesterday morning. 5) I have read an interesting book. — When did you read it? — I read it last night. 6) I have finished my homework. — When did you finish it? — I finished it at six o’clock.
2006–2011 гг.
5. They got to Odessa by train. They got to Kiev by plane. They got to Minsk by car. They got to Moscow by bus. 6. At half past 5 yesterday Peter was at the bus stop. At half past 6 yesterday Peter was at the railway station. At midnight (12 o’clock) he was at the seaside. 9. — How did they get from Lvov? — They got from Lvov to Minsk by train. — How did they get from Moscow? — They got from Moscow to Yalta by plane. — How did they get from the theatre? — They got from the theatre to their house by taxi. — How did they get from the Zoo? — They got from the Zoo to their house by metro. — How did they get from the country? — They got from the country to the town by car. 12. Âûõîäíûå Ìíîãèå ëþäè â Áðèòàíèè ðàáîòàþò 5 äíåé â íåäåëþ ñ ïîíåäåëüíèêà ïî ïÿòíèöó. Òàêèì îáðàçîì, ñ âå÷åðà ïÿòíèöû äî óòðà ïîíåäåëüíèêà îíè îáû÷íî ñâîáîäíû. Êîãäà ïðèõîäèò ïÿòíèöà, àíãëè÷àíå îáû÷íî çíàþò, ãäå è êàê îíè áóäóò ïðîâîäèòü âûõîäíûå. Ïåðåä òåì, êàê óéòè ñ ðàáîòû, îíè îáû÷íî æåëàþò äðóã äðóãó õîðîøî ïðîâåñòè âûõîäíûå, ïîâåñåëèòüñÿ. Î÷åíü ìíîãèå ëþäè ïëàíèðóþò óåçæàòü íà âûõîäíûå. Åñëè ìîëîäûå óåçæàþò èç äîìà, îíè ìîãóò ïîãîñòèòü ó ñâîèõ ðîäèòåëåé, ðîäñòâåííèêîâ â ðàçíûõ ÷àñòÿõ ñòðàíû. Íåêîòîðûå åäóò íà ìîðå è îñòàíàâëèâàþòñÿ òàì â ãîñòèíèöå. Íåêîòîðûå ëþáÿò ïóòåøåñòâîâàòü ñàìîëåòîì èëè ïîåçäîì, íî ìíîãèå ñåìüè îòïðàâëÿþòñÿ ê ìîðþ íà àâòîìîáèëå, òàê êàê ýòî î÷åíü óäîáíî è íåäîðîãî.  ïðîøëóþ ïÿòíèöó Òîíè è åãî ñåìüÿ ïîåõàëè â Áðàéòîí. Áðàéòîí — ýòî õîðîøåå ìåñòî íåäàëåêî îò Ëîíäîíà. Òóäà ëåãêî äîáðàòüñÿ íà àâòîìîáèëå èëè ïîåçäå.  ñåìüå Òîíè íåò àâòîìîáèëÿ. Òàê ÷òî îíè ïîåõàëè íà æåëåçíîäîðîæíûé âîêçàë íà àâòîáóñå è îòïðàâèëèñü â Áðàéòîí íà ïîåçäå. Èì ïîòðåáîâàëîñü îêîëî ÷àñà, ÷òîáû òóäà äîáðàòüñÿ. Ñåìüÿ ïðåêðàñíî ïðîâåëà âðåìÿ â Áðàéòîíå. Óòðîì â ïîíåäåëüíèê äðóçüÿ Òîíè ñïðîñèëè åãî: — Ãäå âû ïðîâåëè âûõîäíûå? Êàêîé áûëà âàøà ïîåçäêà? Âû îñòàíàâëèâàëèñü â ãîñòèíèöå èëè ó äðóçåé? ×åì âû çàíèìàëèñü íà ìîðå? Òîíè çàñìåÿëñÿ: — Íå òàê ìíîãî âîïðîñîâ ñðàçó, ïîæàëóéñòà. Âñå â ïîðÿäêå. À ÷òî ñêàçàëè áû âû? Êàê áû âû îòâåòèëè íà âîïðîñû, ïîñòàâëåííûå Òîíè? 13. 1. False. They work 5 days. 2. True. 3. True. 4. True. 5. False. They got to the railway station by bus and travelled to Brighton by train.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
14. Last Friday Tony’s family took a trip to Brighton, a nice place not far from London. They went there by train. They had a wonderful time in Brighton. 15. Where did you go last weekend? How did you get there? Who did you go with? Where did you stay? What did you do there? How was your trip? 17. Âegin — began — begun. Draw — drew — drawn. Be — was, were –been. Become — became — become. Drink — drank — drunk. See — saw — seen. Burn — burnt — burnt. Eat-ate — eaten. Read — read — read. Choose — chose — chosen. Spend — spent — spent. Meet — met — met. Have — had — had. Swim — swam — swum. Wake — woke — woken. 18. 1. a) go. 2. — b) went. 3. — c) have been. 4. — b) leave. 5. — c) to stay. 19. I have already drunk milk. — I drank it an hour ago. I have just met my cousin. — I met him a minute ago. I have swum in the sea this year. — I swam in the sea last month. I have eaten pizza today. — I ate it two hours ago. I have had lunch. — I had lunch an hour ago.
Lesson 32 1. a) Was the food cheap? Was the fruit cheap? Was the orange juice cheap? Were the vegetables cheap? b) I don’t think the food was cheap. It was expensive. I don’t think the fruit was cheap. It was expensive. I don’t think the orange juice was cheap. It was expensive. I don’t think the vegetables were cheap. They were expensive. 3. The elephant travelled by car. The cats and the dog travelled by taxi. The hares, the mice, the squirrel and the tiger travelled by bus. The bears, the foxes and the wolf travelled by train. The giraffe, the rabbit and the lion travelled by plane. 4. Ann is going to the seaside by plane. Kate is going to the seaside by train. Nick is going to the seaside by car. Alice is going to the seaside by bus. Mike is going to the seaside by taxi.
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5. Last summer the friends travelled to London by plane. Last summer Nick and Kevin travelled to Brighton by train. Last summer Mr Brown travelled to the seaside by taxi. Last summer I travelled to the seaside by train. Last summer the boys travelled to Africa by plane. Last summer the girls travelled to Paris by bus. 6. Sam has never travelled by plane. Charles has never been at the railway station. Sam has never bought cheap bananas. Charles has never stayed at a hotel. Sam has never lived at the seaside. 8. 1. Bill is at the airport. 2. He is going to travel by plane. 3. He is going to take his luggage with him. 4. He is buying a ticket. 11. The girl is crying now. I have never flown by plane. Who has stolen my book? I have just found my book. 12. 1. He has fallen down. 2. She has made tea. 3. He has found his toy plane. 4. He has done his homework. 5. They have flown to London. 6. He has stolen the money. 13. 1. I have flown by plane. It was two years ago. 2. I have given my favourite book to my friends. I gave it last week. 3. I have made tea. I made it yesterday. 4. I have found something in the street. It was a ruler. I have understood the present perfect tense. I understood it yesterday. I have fallen down. It was in summer. Âîëøåáíàÿ ãîð÷èöà 15. Æèëà-áûëà ñòðàíà, êîòîðàÿ íàçûâàëàñü Ñòðàíîé Ñïåöèé.  ñòîëèöå ñòðàíû íà ìàëåíüêîé ïëîùàäè ñòîÿë äâîðåö Ïåðå÷íîãî Ãîðîøêà, ãäå æèëà êîðîëåâà Ñîëü è åå ëþáèìûé ñûí — ïðèíö Ïåðåö. Ïðèíö Ïåðåö áûë î÷åíü áîãàò. Ó íåãî áûëî î÷åíü ìíîãî åäû. Íî îí î÷åíü ëþáèë ãîð÷èöó. Îí íå ìîã æèòü áåç ãîð÷èöû.  áåäíîì ìàëåíüêîì äîìèêå, êîòîðûé ñòîÿë íà áåðåãó ðåêè âîçëå ìîñòà, æèëà ìàëåíüêàÿ äåâî÷êà, êîòîðóþ çâàëè Ñàðà Êîíôåòêà. Îíà áûëà ïîäðóæêîé ïðèíöà. Îäíàæäû îíà ïîøëà â ãîñòè ê ïðèíöó Ïåðöó. Îíà íàøëà åãî â ïîñòåëè, òàê êàê îí áûë áîëåí. «Îí î÷åíü áîëåí, — ñêàçàë âðà÷. — Îí íå ìîæåò åñòü ïèùó áåç ãîð÷èöû. À ìû íå ìîæåì íàéòè ãîð÷èöó â ìàãàçèíå». «Íåò ãîð÷èöû? — ñêàçàëà Ñàðà. — ß íå âåðþ ýòîìó.  íàøåé Ñòðàíå Ñïåöèé ìíîãî ãîð÷èöû». «Íî ýòî íå òà ãîð÷èöà, — ñêàçàëà êîðîëåâà. — Äîëæíà áûòü âîëøåáíàÿ ãîð÷èöà. À êòî-òî óêðàë âñå çåðíà âîëøåáíîé ãîð÷èöû ïðèíöà. Ìû ñîîáùèëè ïîëèöèè, íî îíè íå ìîãóò íàéòè ñåìåíà. Ìû ñ÷èòàåì, ÷òî ýòî ñäåëàëà âåäüìà Óêñóñ, íî îíà íå áóäåò íè ñ êåì ãîâîðèòü, êðîìå ìèëûõ ìîëîäûõ äåâóøåê». Âíåçàïíî âðà÷ ïîñìîòðåë íà Ñàðó. «Âîò ÷òî», — ñêàçàë îí. «Òû — ìèëàÿ, ìîëîäàÿ äåâóøêà. Ïîìîãè íàì!»
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
«Êîíå÷íî, ïîìîãó, — ñêàçàëà Ñàðà. — Íî ãäå æèâåò âåäüìà? Êàê ÿ òóäà äîáåðóñü?» «Îíà æèâåò ñî ñâîèì êîòîì Íî÷êîé â çàìêå â ãîðàõ, — îòâåòèëà êîðîëåâà. — Òû ìîæåøü ïîïàñòü òóäà ñàìîëåòîì èëè òðàìâàåì, íî òåáå ïðèäåòñÿ èäòè òóäà ïåøêîì. Ñíà÷àëà íàéäè âîëøåáíóþ äîðîãó â ãîðû». «ß óâåðåíà, ÿ åå íàéäó! Ïðîùàéòå, âñå!» — ñêàçàëà Ñàðà è óøëà èç äâîðöà. Ñàðà áûëà óâåðåíà, ÷òî îíà ñìîæåò äîëåòåòü ê âåäüìå íà ñàìîëåòå. Ãëàâíîå áûëî íàéòè âîëøåáíûé àýðîïîðò. Âäðóã îíà óâèäåëà òàêñè. «Òàêñè! Òàêñè! — çàêðè÷àëà Ñàðà. — Äàâàéòå ïîåäåì áûñòðåå! ß ñïåøó!» «Êóäà?» — ñïðîñèë âîäèòåëü, êîãäà îòêðûë äâåðü, è ïðèãëàñèë Ñàðó ñàäèòüñÿ. «Â àýðîïîðò», — áûë îòâåò. Èì ïîòðåáîâàëîñü 10 ìèíóò, ÷òîáû òóäà äîåõàòü. Ñàðà êóïèëà áèëåò. Òàê êàê ó íåå íå áûëî áàãàæà, îíà î÷åíü ñêîðî áûëà â ñàìîëåòå â ãîëóáîì íåáå. 16. 1. In the capital of the country, in its main square there was the Pepperpot Palace where Queen Salt and her favourite son Prince Pepper lived. 2. One day Sarah Sweet went to visit Prince Pepper. She found him in bed as he was ill. 3. Suddenly she saw a taxi. “Taxi! Taxi!” cried Sarah. 17. 1. Queen Salt and her favourite son Prince Pepper lived. 2. I think he liked pepper because his name was Pepper. 3. I think her favourite food was salt because her name was Salt. 4. I think the palace got such a name because Prince Pepper lived there. 5. I think her favourite food was Vinegar. 21. 1. — find. 2. — fast. 3. — airport. 4. — luggage. 5. — crying, find. 6. — a ticket. 22. 1. He has never flown by plane. 2. We never take much luggage when we travel. 3. Mary hasn’t bought a ticket yet. 4. I think the Vinegar Witch has stolen all the mustard in Spice Country. 5. Why is your little sister crying? 6. She hasn’t found all the books in the shop. 7. Did you understand everything? 8. Who has made the coffee? 9. Look! Little Nick has fallen down.
Lesson 33 1. Travelling by bus is fast. Travelling by car is faster. Travelling by plane is the fastest. 2. It takes me an hour to get to the museum if I go there by bus and 15 minutes if I go there by taxi.
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It takes me 12 hours to get to Moscow if I go there by train and 2 hours if I go there by plane. It takes me two hours to get to the country if I go there by train and an hour if I go there by car. 3. I have been to the USA. I was in Washington with my father. We got there by plane. It wasn’t very difficult to get tickets. It took us 8 hours to get there. We didn’t take a lot of luggage with us. We found a cheap hotel. 5. Was the hotel comfortable? Where did you go in Washington? What did you see there? Where did you eat? How long did you stay in Washington? 6. You have never flown by plane, have you? How did you get to the airport? Who has stolen the ticket? Why are you crying? 10. 1. He has put a warm coat, a hat, warm boots and mittens on. 2. He has run away from the dog. 3. They have sent a letter. 4. They have shaken the tree. 5. She hasn’t bought bread. 11. 1. Yes, I have. I have made fruit salad. I made it last week. 2. Yes, I have. I have run fast. I ran fast last summer when I played with my friends. 3. Yes, I have. I have sung sad songs. I sang them two weeks ago. 4. Yes, I have. I have sent letters to other countries. I sent them to my pen friend last month. 5. Yes, I have. I have put my parents’ clothes. I put my mother’s hat for my New Year’s party. 6. Yes, I have. I have shaken people by the shoulders. I did it when we played a game. 7. Yes, I have. I have forgotten songs and poems I’ve learnt by heart. 8. No, it hasn’t. 12. Êòî Ëþäè, êîòîðûå ìíîãî ÷èòàþò, ìíîãî çíàþò. Ìàëü÷èê, êîòîðûé ñòîèò ó äîñêè, íàø ëó÷øèé ó÷åíèê. Äåâî÷êè, êîòîðûå âõîäÿò â êîìíàòó, æèâóò â äåðåâíå. Êîòîðûé Àíãëèéñêàÿ êíèãà, êîòîðóþ ÿ ïðî÷èòàë â÷åðà, áûëà î÷åíü èíòåðåñíîé. Âåäüìà Óêñóñ æèëà â çàìêå, êîòîðûé íàõîäèëñÿ â Äèêîì ëåñó. Àëèñà îòïðàâèëàñü â ïîåçäêó, êîòîðàÿ áûëà î÷åíü èíòåðåñíîé. 13. — When is the train to Bristol? — 11. 20, madam. — Which platform?
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
— Platform 2. — How much is the ticket? — Single or return? — Single, please. That will be 7 pounds. — Here you are. — Thank you, madam. — Thank you 15. Ñêîëüêî ñòðàí, ñòîëüêî è îáû÷àåâ. 16. Ïóòåøåñòâèå íå áûëî äîëãèì. Ñïóñòÿ íåñêîëüêî ìèíóò âîëøåáíûé ñàìîëåò ïðèçåìëèëñÿ ïîä áîëüøèì äóáîì. Ñàðà íàõîäèëàñü â ñðåäèíå Äèêîãî ëåñà. Îíà íå çíàëà, êóäà èäòè. «Êàê ìíå îòñþäà âûáðàòüñÿ?» — ñïðîñèëà îíà. «Íåóæåëè òû íå ìîæåøü íàéòè äîðîãó?» — óñëûøàëà îíà âäðóã ãîëîñ. Îíà ïîñìîòðåëà ââåðõ è âíèç, íî íèêîãî íå óâèäåëà. Íåäàëåêî îò òîãî ìåñòà, ãäå îíà ñòîÿëà, ïðîñòî ðîñëî ñòàðîå óðîäëèâîå äåðåâî. Çàòåì îíà ñíîâà óñëûøàëà ãîëîñ. «Ãîâîðèòå ãðîì÷å! ß íå ñëûøó âàñ! Íåóæåëè âàñ íå ó÷àò ãîâîðèòü ïî-àíãëèéñêè â øêîëå?» Ñàðà ïîíÿëà, ÷òî ýòî äåðåâî ñ íåé ãîâîðèëî. «Ïîæàëóéñòà, ñýð, — ñêàçàëà Ñàðà. — ß èùó çåðíà âîëøåáíîé ãîð÷èöû». «Ó âåäüìû Óêñóñ ìîæåò áûòü íåìíîãî, íî ÿ íå óâåðåíî», — ñêàçàëî äåðåâî. Êàê åå ìîæíî íàéòè?» — ñïðîñèëà Ñàðà. «Ðàçâå òû íå óìååøü ÷èòàòü êàðòû? — ñïðîñèëî äåðåâî. — È ÷åìó âàñ ñåé÷àñ òîëüêî ó÷àò â øêîëå?» «Áîþñü, ÷òî ó ìåíÿ íåò êàðòû, — îòâåòèëà Ñàðà. — Íåò íèêàêîãî Äèêîãî ëåñà». «Î, ïðîñòè, ÿ çàáûë», — ñêàçàëî äåðåâî áîëåå äîáðûì ãîëîñîì. «Äàâàé îáúÿñíþ. Äîðîãà ê äîìèêó âåäüìû íàõîäèòñÿ ñëåâà îò äîðîãè, âåäóùåé ê ãëàâíîé âîëøåáíîé ïëîùàäè, è ýòà äîðîãà ñïðàâà îò äîðîãè, âåäóùåé ê âîëøåáíîìó àýðîïîðòó». «Íå ìîãëè áû Âû ïîâòîðèòü, ïîæàëóéñòà?» — ñêàçàëà Ñàðà. — Ýòî áûëî î÷åíü òðóäíî çàïîìíèòü». «Êîíå÷íî, íåò — ñêàçàëî äåðåâî. — Âû, ìîëîäûå, äîëæíû ó÷èòüñÿ ðàáîòàòü áåç ïîìîùè. Òàê ïîòîðîïèñü! Òû íå ìîæåøü ïðîñòîÿòü çäåñü âåñü äåíü. Ðàáîòàé ãîëîâîé è íîãàìè!» È äåðåâî ïå÷àëüíî ïîòðÿñëî ëèñòüÿìè. Ñàðà ïîïûòàëàñü íàðèñîâàòü êàðòó, íî îáíàðóæèëà, ÷òî íå ìîæåò, òàê ÷òî ðåøèëà îòïðàâèòüñÿ ïðÿìî âïåðåä. Èäòè áûëî òðóäíî, ïîòîìó ÷òî áûëî òåìíî. Îíà õîòåëà ïîåõàòü àâòîáóñîì, íî íå ñìîãëà, òàê êàê â Äèêîì ëåñó íå áûëî àâòîáóñîâ. È òàê, åé ïðèøëîñü èäòè ïåøêîì. Äîðîãà áûëà äëèííîé. Îíà øëà áûñòðî, è âñå æå åé ïîòðåáîâàëîñü áîëüøå øåñòè ÷àñîâ, ÷òîáû òóäà äîáðàòüñÿ. Ê òîìó âðåìåíè, êàê îíà íàøëà äîì âåäüìû, óæå íàñòóïèëî óòðî. Îíà ïîäîøëà ê çàìêó è óâèäåëà, ÷òî êëþ÷ áûë â äâåðè. Îíà îòêðûëà è çàøëà. «Ïîäíèìàéñÿ ñþäà!» Óñëûøàëà îíà ãîëîñ ñî âòîðîãî ýòàæà. Îíà ïîäíÿëàñü íàâåðõ è óâèäåëà áîëüøóþ êîìíàòó.  öåíòðå êîìíàòû ãîðåë îãîíü. Ïåðåä îãíåì ñòîÿëî 2 êðåñëà, è â îäíîì èç íèõ ñèäåëà óðîäëèâàÿ ñòàðàÿ âåäüìà. Åå äðóæåëþáíûé ÷åðíûé êîò Íî÷êà ñèäåë â äðóãîì. 17. 1. There was just an ugly old tree near to where she stood. 2. It was a long way … By the time she saw the Witch’s home it was already morning.
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3. In front of the fire there was a fire burning. In front of the fire there were two armchairs, and in one of them was an ugly old witch. Her friendly black cat, Midnight, was in the other. 18. 1. False. She heard a voice. 2. False. An old ugly tree helped her. 3. False. She just went straight ahead. 4. False. She lived in the Wild Wood. 5. False. She had a black cat. 22. 1. — by. 2. — at — at. 3. — in, over, over. 4. — to. 5. — for. 6. — by, on. 23. Sadly, sweetly, kindly, quietly, beautifully, easily. My granny spoke sadly. The girl smiled kindly. We did homework easily. The teacher explained the rule quietly. 24. Was the trip long? Did Sarah understand who was talking to her? Why didn’t Sarah draw a map? How did she get to the Witch’s home? What did she see in the room?
Lesson 34 1. I have never sat on the table. I have never slept in the wood. I haven’t understood the present perfect. I have never spoken to a famous person. I have taught my sister to swim. I have worn red jeans. I have always thought about my parents. 2. 1. Yes, she does. She always speaks in a kind voice. 2. No, I haven’t. I have done my homework. 3. No, I don’t. I say” Good morning!” 4. I walk straight ahead and then I turn to the left. 4. 1. Âû äîëæíû íîñèòü â øêîëó ôîðìó. — Çàíÿòèÿ íà÷èíàþòñÿ â 8.30. Ìíå íóæíî âñòàòü â 7. 2. Ó÷åíèêè äîëæíû âåñòè ñåáÿ òèõî â øêîëå. — Àâòîáóñ îïîçäàë, òàê ÷òî äðóçüÿì ïðèøëîñü âçÿòü òàêñè. 3. Ó÷åíèêè äîëæíû âñòàâàòü, êîãäà â êîìíàòó âõîäèò ó÷èòåëü. — ß íå ìîãó êóïèòü áèëåòû íà ïîåçä, òàê ÷òî ìíå ïðèäåòñÿ ëåòåòü. 1.  ïàðêå çàïðåùåíî ãóëÿòü ïî òðàâå. — Çàâòðà — âîñêðåñåíüå. Ìíå íå íóæíî âñòàâàòü ðàíî. 2.  êèíîòåàòðå íåëüçÿ ãîâîðèòü ãðîìêî. — Íàì íå íóæíî ìûòü ïîñóäó. Ìàìà óæå ïîìûëà. Åìó íåëüçÿ ïîçäíî ëîæèòüñÿ ñïàòü. Îí î÷åíü ìàëåíüêèé. — Ó Íèêà ñåé÷àñ êàíèêóëû. Åìó íå íóæíî õîäèòü â øêîëó. 5. 2. You have to go straight ahead. 3. You have to turn to the right. 4. You have to turn to the left. 5. You have to stop. 6. You can go. 7. You have to move slowly.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
6. 1. The teacher does. 2. Friends do. 3. My grandmother does. 4. Nick does. 5. Lena does. 10. 1. The train arrived in London on time. The plane didn’t arrive at the airport on time. The bus arrived at the bus stop late. The car arrived in Brighton late. The train didn’t arrive at the railway station on time. 11. Tim was the strongest in class and felt happy. Liz was the weakest in class and she felt sad. Ann was thirsty and hungry. She didn’t feel comfortable. Alice was poor. She didn’t feel happy. 13. My grandfather is nearly seventy. My friend comes nearly on time. My little sister forgets nearly everything. Alice feels nearly happy. My uncle has flown nearly all the countries of the world. My aunt has been to nearly all the cities in Russia. The train arrived nearly on time. Our teacher can explain nearly everything. 16. «Ïðèâåò, äîðîãàÿ, — çàêðè÷àëà âåäüìà Óêñóñ. — Äîáðî ïîæàëîâàòü â ìîé çàìîê». Âäðóã îíà íà÷àëà ëåòàòü. «Â ïîñëåäíåå âðåìÿ ó ìåíÿ áûâàåò íå î÷åíü ìíîãî ãîñòåé. Çà÷åì òû ñþäà ïðèøëà?» «ß èùó çåðíà âîëøåáíîé ãîð÷èöû, — ñêàçàëà Ñàðà. — Ãîâîðÿò, ÷òî èõ êòî-òî óêðàë. Íî íåêîòîðûå ëþäè ñ÷èòàþò, ÷òî ó âàñ îíè åñòü. Ýòî ïðàâäà?» «Âîçìîæíî, òå, êòî ýòî ãîâîðèò, ïðàâû», — ñêàçàëà âåäüìà è ïîêàçàëà Ñàðå 3 êîðîáêè, êîòîðûå ñòîÿëè â öåíòðå êîìíàòû. «Âîëøåáíûå çåðíà — â îäíîé èç ýòèõ êîðîáîê», ñêàçàëà âåäüìà. «Â êàêîé?» — ñïðîñèëà Ñàðà. «Ìû åé ýòî íå ñêàæåì, ïðàâäà, Íî÷êà? — ñêàçàëà âåäüìà. — Òû äîëæíà óãàäàòü». Ñàðà îòêðûëà ñàìóþ ìàëåíüêóþ êîðîáêó è îáíàðóæèëà òàì ìåøî÷åê ñ çåðíûøêàìè ãîð÷èöû. «Îòëè÷íî!» — ñêàçàëà âåäüìà ñ îòâðàòèòåëüíîé óëûáêîé. Ñàðà î÷åíü áûñòðî âûáåæàëà èç çàìêà âåäüìû. Åé ïîíàäîáèëîñü ìíîãî âðåìåíè, ÷òîáû íàéòè äîðîãó èç Äèêîãî ëåñà. Íàêîíåö îíà óâèäåëà âûñîêóþ áàøíþ äâîðöà Ïåðå÷íîãî Ãîðîøêà íàä âåðõóøêàìè äåðåâüåâ. «Âîò âîçüìèòå, — ñêàçàëà îíà âðà÷ó. — ß íàøëà èõ è òåïåðü ïðèíö áóäåò ÷óâñòâîâàòü ñåáÿ ëó÷øå». «Ìîëîäåö!» — çàêðè÷àëè âìåñòå âðà÷ è êîðîëåâà. Êîðîëåâà ïîøëà íà êóõíþ. ×åðåç íåñêîëüêî ìèíóò îíà âåðíóëàñü ñ áóòåðáðîäîì íà ñåðåáðÿíîé òàðåëî÷êå. Ýòî áûë áóòåðáðîä ñ âåò÷èíîé è ñ âîëøåáíîé ãîð÷èöåé. «Êàê çàìå÷àòåëüíî!» — ñêàçàë ïðèíö ñëàáûì ãîëîñîì. Îí ñòàë åñòü. Âäðóã åãî ëèöî ïîêðàñíåëî è îí çàïëàêàë. «×òî ñëó÷èëîñü?» — çàêðè÷àëà ìàìà. «Íè÷åãî», — îòâåòèë ïðèíö. «Íî ãîð÷èöà òàêàÿ îñòðàÿ.
2006–2011 гг.
ß íèêîãäà ðàíüøå íå åë òàêîé îñòðîé ãîð÷èöû. Î, ÷òî ìíå äåëàòü? Ó ìåíÿ ïå÷åò âíóòðè». «Äîðîãîé, ìíå î÷åíü æàëü!» — ñêàçàëà Ñàðà. «Âîò ïî÷åìó âåäüìà óñìåõàëàñü òàê ìåðçêî», ïîäóìàëà Ñàðà. «Íî îíà íå çíàëà, ÷òî ó ìåíÿ åñòü âîëøåáíàÿ âîäà». Îíà äàëà ïðèíöó ñåðåáðÿíóþ ÷àøå÷êó ñ âîëøåáíîé âîäîé, è ïðèíöó ñòàëî ëó÷øå. «Ïî÷åìó áû íàì íå óñòðîèòü ïðàçäíèê, ïðèãîòîâèâ ëþáèìóþ åäó êàæäîãî?» — ñêàçàë îí è ïðèãëàñèë ìíîãî äðóçåé âî äâîðåö Ïåðå÷íîãî Ãîðîøêà. 17. 1. Sarah Sweet went to see the Vinegar Witch to get the magic mustard seeds. 2. The Witch said that she had some magic mustard seeds. They were in one of the boxes in her room. 3. Saraha brought the seeds to the palace and the Queen made a ham sandwich with magic mustard in it and gave it to the Prince. 4. After the Prince ate the sandwich his face went red and he started to cry. 5. When the Prince became strong again he wanted to have a party with everybody’s favourite food. 19. 1. — Sarah wants to help find the magic seeds. 2. — The way to the Witch’s castle. 3. — How the Prince felt fine again. 20. Sarah went by taxi to the airport. Sarah went by plane to the Wild Wood. 21. Once somebody stole the magic mustard seeds and Prince Pepper felt very sick. His friend Sarah wanted to help him and went to the Witch of Vinegar who had some seeds. The way to her castle wasn’t easy but Sarah got the seeds and the Prince felt fine again. 22. Ðoor-rich, easy — difficult, weak — strong, ugly — beautiful, dirty — clean, cheap — expensive, long — short, old — young, fast — slow, cold — hot. 23. Sadly, weakly, easily, coldly, warmly, quickly, slowly, quietly. 24. Last summer our family went to the seaside. It wasn’t easy to get tickets but we travelled there by plane. It took us three hours to get to Sochi. The weather was fine. It was very hot. We stayed in a hotel. It wasn’t very cheap but it was comfortable. We swam in the sea every day. And we climbed mountains twice. We had a lot of fun. Next year we are going to the seaside again.
Lesson 35 1. Number 2 is a sports car. Number 3 is a taxi. Number 4 is a bus. Number 5 is a horse. Number 6 is a train. 2. The boys arrived at Sheremetyevo Airport in the evening. Caroline arrived at the railway station at 5. 20. The friends arrived at the bus stop at 7. 40. The Browns arrived in France on Thursday. I arrived in Moscow in the evening.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
My granny arrived in England on Tuesday. My brother arrived at the port at 12. 30. Sarah arrived at the Witch’s castle in the morning. 3. Perhaps I can go to the country. I’ll go there by car. Perhaps I can go to the mountains. I’ll go there by train. 4. My father felt well last week. My sister didn’t feel happy last week. My mother felt weak last week. My brother didn’t feel fine last week. 5. 1. Îäèí áèëåò äî Ëîíäîíà, ïîæàëóéñòà. 2. Ìíå íóæíî äåëàòü ïåðåñàäêó? 3. Íóæíî ïëàòèòü çà áàãàæ? 4. Ãäå íàõîäèòñÿ áèëåòíàÿ êàññà? 5. Ñêîëüêî ñòîèò áèëåò äî Ãëàçãî è îáðàòíî? 6. Êàêàÿ ïëàòôîðìà? 6. 1. Ìîãó ëè ÿ êóïèòü áèëåò â îáðàòíóþ ñòîðîíó? 2. Ñàäèòåñü â ìàøèíó. 3. ß ïðèåõàë â Ëîíäîí â 5. 4. ß çàáëóäèëñÿ. 10. 1. A through train is comfortable because you don’t have to change. 2. A journey is a long trip. 3. A voyage is a journey by sea. 4. I think it is more interesting to travel by train. 5. Yes, I have to change if I travel to Red Square by Metro. 6. No, I have never misses a train. 7. My father goes to work by car. He doesn’t catch a bus. 11. 1. I missed the bus this morning, so I had to take a taxi. 2. got off. 3. take a taxi, 4. caught a plane. 5. get off, 6. take a taxi, 7. missed 15. a) We left Moscow for Odessa by train. The journey was very nice. I had a comfortable seat near the window. It was a through train so we didn’t have to change. b) We arrived in Odessa at midnight. We were tired, and we missed the last bus. So we took a taxi and went straight to a hotel. We spent only a night there. c) Our ship left at ten. I think there is nothing like travelling by sea. I liked the sea and the wind, I liked friendly faces of the people, and the food, and the music on the ship radio. There was a swimming pool on board the ship, so I could swim a lot. The weather was warm, but never too hot. Once it rained, but it was sweet warm rain. I took many pictures of different places. 17. Last summer we went to the seaside. We left Moscow for Simferopol by train. The journey was very nice. I had a comfortable seat near the window. It was a through train so we didn’t have to change. We arrived in the morning, we took a trolleybus and went straight to Yalta. It took us two hours to get there. We stayed in a hotel. It was very comfortable. We spent ten days there. I liked the sea and the wind, I liked friendly faces of the people, and the food. I could swim a lot. The weather was warm, but sometimes too hot. I took many pictures of different places.
2006–2011 гг.
Lesson 36 1. Travelling by bus: through bus, trip, bus stop, journey, luggage, ticket, return Travelling by sea: ship, port, boat, voyage, ticket, return, single, luggage Travelling by plane: trip, tourist class, flight, airport, luggage, ticket, business class Travelling by train: return, trip, railway station, through train, single, luggage, ticket, platform, journey 3. You don’t have to change when you take a through train. Train tickets are cheaper than tickets for a plane. If you want to be on time you mustn’t miss the bus. A voyage is a journey by sea. We don’t take much luggage with us when we travel by plane, do we? 4. a) I leave their house, turn to the left, go straight ahead. I go past the school and the bank, turn to the right and Town Bridge is on the left, opposite the bank. b) St. Mary’s Church is on the corner of Queen’s Street and Church Road. So I just cross the road. ñ) I leave their house, turn to the left, go straight ahead, turn to the right, go along King’s Street, Station Bridge is on the left. d) I leave the house and go straight ahead then I turn to the left, go down Station Road. The railway station is on the right. e) I go straight ahead, past St. Mary’s Church. The airport is next to it. f) I go down Queen’s Street. The museum is on the corner of Silver Street and River Street. i) I go straight ahead, the supermarket is on the left, opposite the supermarket. j) I go down Queen’s Street, turn right and go along King’s Street. The police station is opposite the hotel. It is on the left. 5. I have to get up early every day. I have to wash the dishes. I have to help my sister do her homework. I have to wear a school uniform. I have to go to bed at 10 o’clock. 6. I don’t have to explain new rules, but the teacher has to. I don’t have to drive a lot of kilometres every day, but the driver has to. I don’t have to work in a shop, but the shop assistant has to. I don’t have to help sick people every day, but the doctor has to. I don’t have to catch burglars but the policeman has to. 7. a) I leave my house and go straight ahead then I turn to the left, go down Station Road. The railway station is on the right. b) — When is the train to Leeds? — 3. 10, madam. — Which platform? — Platform 6. — How much is the ticket? — Single or return?
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
— Single, please. That will be 10 pounds. — Here you are. — Thank you, madam. — Thank you. 8. a) I go straight ahead, past St. Mary’s Church. The airport is next to it, opposite the supermarket. 9. I’d like to travel to Madrid. I can get there by plane. 12. 1. Once upon a time, in a hot country, lived a very bright and beautiful parrot. He was red and green and silver and blue and he had a lot of yellow and brown on his head. There were hundreds of flowers which grew under the trees in the place where he lived. One day a sailor went to the forest. He took many photographs of him. 2. An old lady who lived in a small cottage at the seaside bought Lorie. She called him Polly and gave him bread and biscuits. 3. When the lady and her friend went to the kitchen the parrot sat down on the table and ate his favourite food. When they returned and saw no honey on the plate they knew who liked honey. Since that time the parrot got his favourite honey when he cried, “What have you got, what have you got, what have you got for me?” 14. Last summer we went to the seaside. We left Moscow for Simferopol by plane. The journey was very nice. I had a comfortable seat near the window. It took us two hours to get to the airport. We arrived in the morning, we took a trolleybus and went straight to Yalta. It didn’t take us much time to get there. We stayed in a hotel. It was very comfortable but rather expensive. We spent 7 days there. I liked the sea and I could swim a lot. The weather was warm, but sometimes it was too hot. I took many pictures of different places. We had a lot of fun at the seaside.
Lesson 37 3. I can see cars. They are black, brown and silver. I can see fish. They are red, green, yellow, silver, blue and white. They are bright. 4. Is your hobby to collect stamps? Is your hobby to collect coins? Is your hobby to collect postcards? Is your hobby to collect badges? 5. 1. My sister has got a collection. 2. She has got a collection of calendars. 3. I like to collect stamps. 4. The theme of my collection is flowers. 8. a). 1. Does everybody know your collection of stamps? 2. Is it famous and popular all over the world? 3. Have you got silver coins from all the countries? 4. Have you got two million stamps in your collection? 5. Have you got a very expensive collection of old pictures? b) 1. Everybody doesn’t know your collection. 2. Your collection of coins isn’t famous and popular all over the world. 3. You haven’t got silver coins from all the countries.
2006–2011 гг.
4. You haven’t got two million stamps in your collection. 5. You haven’t got a very expensive collection of old pictures. 9. My mother is fond of growing flowers. My father is fond of reading books. My uncle is fond of collecting stamps. My grandparents are fond of travelling. My friends are fond of listening to music. My cousin is fond of making cakes. 11. Õîááè Ðàçíûå ëþäè ëþáÿò çàíèìàòüñÿ ðàçíûìè âåùàìè, ó ðàçíûõ ëþäåé — ðàçíûå óâëå÷åíèÿ. Ìîé áðàò ëþáèò êîëëåêöèîíèðîâàòü ìàðêè. Ó íåãî î÷åíü õîðîøàÿ êîëëåêöèÿ, îí ãîðäèòñÿ ñâîåé êîëëåêöèåé. Åãî ìàðêè ðàññêàçûâàþò î ðàçíûõ íàðîäàõ è ðàçíûõ ñòðàíàõ. Ìîé áðàò ÷àñòî ãîâîðèò, ÷òî åãî óâëå÷åíèå ïîïóëÿðíî ó ëþäåé ðàçíîãî âîçðàñòà. Ñîáèðàòü ìàðêè — ëåãêî è èíòåðåñíî. Ýòî äåéñòâèòåëüíî âåñåëî. Íà÷èíàåøü óçíàâàòü ìíîãî èíòåðåñíûõ ôàêòîâ îá èñòîðèè è èçâåñòíûõ ëþäÿõ, êîãäà íà÷èíàåøü êîëëåêöèîíèðîâàòü ìàðêè. Ñíà÷àëà ëþäè ñîáèðàþò âñå ìàðêè. Íî âñêîðå îíè íà÷èíàþò ñîáèðàòü ñïåöèàëüíûå êîëëåêöèè. Èíîãäà îíè ñïåöèàëèçèðóþòñÿ íà ìàðêàõ ïî îäíîìó òîëüêî ïðåäìåòó: íàïðèìåð, ïòèöû, æèâîòíûå, öâåòû èëè ñïîðò. Ïòèöû èëè ñïîðò — ýòî òâîÿ òåìà. Òàêîå êîëëåêöèîíèðîâàíèå íàçûâàåòñÿ òåìàòè÷åñêèì. Êîëëåêöèÿ ìîåãî áðàòà — òåìàòè÷åñêàÿ. Åãî òåìà — ðûáû. Ìîÿ ëó÷øàÿ ïîäðóãà Àëèñà òîæå êîëëåêöèîíåð. Îíà ëþáèò ñîáèðàòü çíà÷êè. Åå êîëëåêöèÿ — òåìàòè÷åñêàÿ. Åå òåìà — ñïîðò. Îíà õðàíèò çíà÷êè íà ñòåíå. Êîãäà çàõîäèøü â åå êîìíàòó, ìîæåøü óâèäåòü èõ âñå òàì. Ìîé äåäóøêà ñîáèðàë ìîíåòû, êîãäà áûë ìàëü÷èêîì. Íåêîòîðûå ëþäè ñîáèðàþò êóêîë. Ìîé äÿäÿ ñîáèðàåò. Êîãäà îí ïóòåøåñòâóåò, îí âñåãäà ïðèâîçèò äîìîé êóêîë èç ðàçíûõ ñòðàí. Íåêîòîðûå ñîáèðàþò êàðòèíû, ÷àøêè, èãðóøêè, èãðóøå÷íûõ ñîëäàòèêîâ, êíèãè, êàðàíäàøè è ìíîãî äðóãèõ âåùåé. Íî êîëëåêöèîíèðîâàíèå — ýòî íå åäèíñòâåííîå óâëå÷åíèå, êîòîðîå åñòü ó ëþäåé. Íåêîòîðûå ëþáÿò ïóòåøåñòâîâàòü èëè çàíèìàòüñÿ ñàäîì. Î÷åíü ìíîãî ìàëü÷èêîâ è äåâî÷åê ëþáÿò ñïîðò, è ýòî èõ õîááè. Óâëå÷åíèå ìîåé òåòè — ôîòîãðàôèÿ, à ìîÿ ìàìà ëþáèò ìóçûêó. Åñëè ó òåáÿ åñòü õîááè, ÷òî ýòî? 12. 1. A hobby is something you very much like to do in your free time. 2. Collecting stamps is popular with people of all ages. 3. Collecting stamps can teach you a lot about history and famous people. 4. At first people collect every kind of stamps but they soon begin to make special collections. 5. Sometimes they specialize in one subject. 6. Thematic collections are popular. 13. 1. A hobby is something you very much like to do in your free time. 2. There are different hobbies: collecting, gardening, music, dancing, sport, travelling, photography and others. 3. People usually collect stamps, badges, dolls, toy soldiers, coins, calendars and many other things.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
4. When people specialize in collecting things of one subject, such collecting is called thematic. 5. My favourite hobby is dancing. 14. 1. I can see collections of stamps, coins and badges. 2. The collections of stamps and badges are thematic. The themes are fish, cars, cities. 15. Different people have different hobbies: collecting, travelling, gardening, music, sport and others. People can collect different things: stamps, badges, dolls, coins, and many other things. When people specialize in collecting things of one subject, such collecting is called thematic. 16. 1. I can see 7 stamps, they are brown, yellow, red, grey, green, pink and purple. 2. The theme of the square stamps is fish. 3. There are three Russian stamps. 4. The collection of badges is thematic. The theme is cities. 5. There are two silver coins. 6. The coins are from Russia, Great Britain and the USA. 17. collector, collection Translator, translation Decorator, decoration, traveller, speaker, teacher 18. I like collecting badges. It is easy and fun! I learn many interesting facts about different countries and people. My collection is thematic. My theme is cities. I keep my badges in an album. I have got 64 badges.
Lesson 38 1. The children have collected coins, toy cars, pictures of dogs, dolls, toy soldiers and stamps. 3. My hobby is collecting stamps. I began to collect stamps when I was 6. Yes, I have got a big collection of stamps. Yes, it is. It is a thematic collection. My theme is cars. 5. How many stamps have you got? Where do you keep your collection? What is your favourite stamp? What can you learn when you collect stamps? Why did you start collecting stamps? 6. I am proud of my grandfather’s collection of stamps. It is very big and interesting. I am proud of my aunt’s collection of dolls. They are very beautiful. 7. 1. Bob is fond of watching birds. 2. He is fond of reading books. 3. Bob is fond of collecting stamps. 4 They are fond of singing. 5. They are fond of gardening. 6. They are fond of making planes.
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7. They are fond of dancing. 8. They are fond of playing football. 9. They are fond of swimming. 10. They are fond of collecting coins. 11. They are fond of watching TV. 12. They are fond of going to museums. 13. They are fond of collecting dry leaves. 14. They are fond of animals. 10. 1. Yes, I am. I am a theatre — goer. 2. I go to the theatre twice a month. 3. Yes, I have. 4. I went to the theatre last month. 5. I went there to see a ballet. 7. There were many famous dancers. 8. There was a storm of applause at the end. 9. Going to the theatre is my hobby. 11. 1. It’s a quarter past six. 2. It’s a quarter past nine. 3. It’s a quarter to nine. 4. It’s a quarter to three. 14. 1. I usually do exercises at a quarter past seven. I usually do homework at a quarter to five. I usually have dinner at a quarter past five. I usually take my dog for a walk at a quarter to six. 2. Yesterday at a quarter past seven I did exercises. Yesterday at a quarter to five I did my homework. Yesterday at a quarter past one I had dinner. Yesterday at a quarter to six I took my dog for a walk. 18. 1. When the performance was over there was a storm of applause. 2. We could see a beautiful palace on the stage. The scenery was fantastic. The leading dancer was so good. 19. The girl will never forget her first visit to the Bolshoi Theatre because she liked the ballet very much. I think she’ll become a theatre-goer and theatre will become her hobby. 20. I have been to Bolshoi Theatre. I went to the Bolshoi Theatre last year. We saw a ballet. The scenery was fantastic. The leading dancers were very good. I liked the ballet very much. 22. 1. to, at, at, to, for, by. 2. to, by, on. 3. in, with. 4. with, in, of, in. 23. 1. It’s a quarter past two. 2. It’s a quarter to two. 3. It’s half past eight. 4. It’s ten past eleven. 5. It’s five to eleven. 24. a) performance, play, actor b) traveller, cry, shout
Lesson 39 3. a) My father goes to work at a quarter to seven. My Granny goes shopping at half past three.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
My sister comes home at ten to four. My brother goes to bed at a quarter past nine. My mother watches her favourite film at twenty to ten. b) My father went to work at a quarter to seven yesterday. My Granny went shopping at half past three yesterday. My sister came home at ten to four yesterday. My brother went to bed at a quarter past nine yesterday. My mother watched her favourite film at twenty to ten yesterday. c) My father decided to work at a quarter to seven on Sunday. My Granny decided to go shopping at half past three on Sunday. My sister decided to come home at ten to four on Sunday. My brother decided to go to bed at a quarter past nine on Sunday. My mother decided to watch her favourite film at twenty to ten on Sunday. 4. 3.30 — It’s half past three. 11.45 — It’s a quarter to twelve. 3.15 — It’s a quarter past three. 13.30 — It’s half past one. 5.45 — It’s a quarter to six. 8.45 — It’s a quarter to nine. 5.15 — It’s a quarter past five. 9.30 — It’s half past nine. 5.30 — It’s half past five. 10.15 — It’s a quarter past ten. 7.15 — It’s a quarter past seven. 5. Have you bought tickets for a play yet? What play is it? Is it a ballet or an opera? When are you going to be at the theatre? Are the seats expensive or cheap? Are the seats in the stalls? 6. The actor came onto the stage. The sun rises in the East. The performance begins at 8. You don’t like to perform on the stage. You are going to take part in our performance. That performance has a large audience. 9. 1. Yes, I am a cinema-goer. 2. I go to the cinema twice a month. 3. I like to see detective films and comedies. 5. Yes, I do. I watch videos at home. 12. Yesterday my parents went to the cinema and saw a musical. Yesterday my friend went to the cinema and saw a cartoon. Yesterday my cousins went to the cinema and saw a feature film. Yesterday my granny went to the cinema and saw a historical film. 13. 1. — a, 2. — b, 3. — c, 4. — g, 5. — f, 6. — e, 7. — d. 15. The bowl is full of apples. The glass is full of juice. The glass is full of milk. The cup is full of coffee. The class is full of pupils. The wardrobe is full of clothes. 17. Ïîñåùåíèå êèíîòåàòðîâ â Àíãëèè Êîãäà âû õîäèòå â êèíî â Àíãëèè, âû îáû÷íî ñìîòðèòå õóäîæåñòâåííûé è äîêóìåíòàëüíûé ôèëüìû.  íåêîòîðûõ êèíîòåàòðàõ íåò
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ïåðåðûâà ìåæäó ïðîãðàììàìè, è èíîãäà ëþäè ìîãóò îñòàâàòüñÿ òàì ñòîëüêî, ñêîëüêî õîòÿò. Êèíî î÷åíü ïîïóëÿðíî, íî ìåíåå ïîïóëÿðíî, ÷åì áûëî â íà÷àëå XX âåêà. Íåñêîëüêî ëåò íàçàä ëþäè â Àíãëèè ÷àñòî õîäèëè â êèíî, íî ñåé÷àñ ìíîãèå èç íèõ îñòàþòñÿ äîìà è ïðîâîäÿò òèõèé âå÷åð, ÷èòàþò êíèãè è ñìîòðÿò òåëåâèçîð èëè âèäåî. Êðîìå ýòîãî, áèëåòû î÷åíü äîðîãèå. Íî ìíîãèå âñå åùå ëþáÿò õîäèòü â êèíî. Îíè ÷àñòî õîäÿò â êèíîòåàòð «Îäåîí», îäèí èç ñàìûõ èçâåñòíûõ êèíîòåàòðîâ â Ëîíäîíå.  «Îäåîíå» âû ìîæåòå ïîñìîòðåòü ðàçíûå ôèëüìû: êîìåäèè, ìþçèêëû, äåòåêòèâû, èñòîðè÷åñêèå ôèëüìû, ìóëüòôèëüìû è ôèëüìû î ëþáâè. Ìîæíî ïîñìîòðåòü òàêæå ÷åðíî-áåëûå ôèëüìû. 18. 1. The programmes are long because you usually see a feature film and a documentary in England. 2. No, it’s not true, because you usually see a feature film and a documentary. 3. True. Sometimes people can stay there as long as they like. 4. False. Many people in England stay at home and spend a quiet evening reading books and watching TV or videos. 5. You can see different films there: comedies, musicals, detective films, historical films, cartoons and love stories. 21. 1. — a lot of. 2. — much. 3. — many. 4. — a lot of. 5. — many. 6. — many. 7. — much 22. 1. — a little. 2. — few. 3. — few. 4. — a little. 5. — little
Lesson 40 1. We can see comedies, musicals, detective films, historical films, cartoons and love stories. I like comedies best because they are funny. 3. My sister is a cinema-goer. She goes there every week. She likes to see cartoons. My mother is a theatre-goer. She goes there every month. She likes to see ballets. 4. Old people care about flowers because they are beautiful. Old people care about historical films because they are interesting. They are often about their life. Old people care about animals because they are funny and friendly. Old people care about trips because they want to see the world. 6. Nick is very good at English, and besides, he is fond of reading books. Nick is very good at History, and besides, he is fond of playing tennis. Nick is very good at Russian, and besides, he is fond of dancing. Nick is very good at PE, and besides, he is fond of theatre. 7. Lena can skate very well though she is only eight. Ann and Polly can swim very well though they are only nine. Andy can draw very well though he is only seven. Boris can sing very well though he is only six. Liz and Tom can skate very well though they are only ten. Oleg and Sasha can skate very well though they are only thirteen.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
17. 1. — Disney’s childhood. 2. — The beginning of W. Disney’s career. 3. — Disney’s main characters. 4. — Disneyland. 19. 1. His name is famous all over the world. He was born in Chicago on December5, 1901. Then his family went to the South. In 1928 the audience saw Mickey Mouse on the screen for the first time. His characters are very popular. He created Disneyland in California, a place for children of all ages. 2. One day Walt had an idea to make a mouse the main character of the cartoon. His wife liked the idea and she asked him to call the mouse Mickey. 3. His cartoons are so popular because all of his characters are usually kind, friendly and clever. His stories end happily. They are easy and nice to watch. The audience feels comfortable and enjoys his cartoons very much. 4. Disneyland is a place for children of all ages. It is a place for their parents to return to the world of childhood. 21. 1. — said (says). 2. — tells. 3. — tell. 4. — said. 5. — told. 22. My favourite cartoon is about Cinderella. She is a nice and kind girl. She worked very much about the house. But once a Fairy helped her to go to the palace. She gave her a beautiful dress and shoes. The girl met the Prince there, they loved each other and became happy at the end of the cartoon.
Lesson 41 1. Mrs. Boss was born on March 23, 1924. Mr. Black was born on September 5, 1924. Kate was born on August 6, 1948. Ann was born on February 18, 1973. John was born on January 1, 1993. 2. 1. I am also proud of my uncle. 2. Nick also has a very good collection of badges. 3. The audience was also fond of the scenery. 4. My friend is also fond of cartoons. 5. She also cares for the soap operas. 6. The feature film was also a success. 3. The play was a great success. The cartoon was a great success. The feature film was a great success. The picture is a great success. The documentary film is a great success. 4. 1. — tells. 2. — says. 3. — tells. 4. — tell. 5. — tell. 5. 1. You haven’t created 20 new models. 2. You haven’t created a hundred works of art. 3. They didn’t show you twenty times on the screen. 4. Yesterday we couldn’t see you on the screen. You didn’t take part in a soap opera.
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7. Oh, no. It isn’t. The book is uneasy to read. There are a lot of new words. Oh, no. It isn’t. The news is unimportant. I have already heard it. Oh, no. It isn’t. The armchair is uncomfortable. Nobody likes to sit there. Oh, no. They aren’t. The boys are unfriendly. They often fight. Oh, no. It isn’t. The story is unfinished. I am going to finish it tonight. Oh, no. She isn’t. She is unhappy. Her mother is not well. 9. The children went to the library. They read books there. 10. 1. The book was uninteresting to read. 2. The feature was uninteresting to watch. 3. The TV programme was uninteresting at all. 4. The cartoon was not funny and uninteresting. 5. The documentary film was difficult to understand and uninteresting. 11. Ó Íèêà â ÷àøêå ìàëî êîôå. Ó Íèêà íà òàðåëêå ìàëî ÿáëîê. Ó Àííû ìåíüøå êîôå. Ó Àííû ìåíüøå ÿáëîê. 13. Whatever he says is always true. Whatever she says is never true. Whatever they say is usually true. Whatever my mother says is always true. Wherever he is tell him about the meeting. Wherever she is tell her the news. Wherever my cousin is tell him to come to school at 5. Wherever they are tell them about the new film. 14. Whoever (êòî áû íè) phones me tell him I am at the cinema. Whenever (êîãäà áû íè ) you come back let me know. 17. Helen’s hobby is reading. 18. 1. I don’t know. 2. False. She is learning French. 3. True. 4. False. She has got fiction in her library at home. 5. False. We learn when we read books. 6. True. 7. True. 8. True. 23. Êind — unkind. comfortable — uncomfortable. happy — unhappy. friendly — unfriendly. important — unimportant. 24. 7. The book is uneasy to read. The news is unimportant. The armchair is uncomfortable. The boys are unfriendly. They often fight. The story is unfinished. I am going to finish it tonight. She is unhappy. Her mother is not well. 25. I have fewer chairs. I have fewer tables. I have fewer bookshelves. I have fewer lamps. I have fewer armchairs. 26. Ann has less tea than Kate. Ann has less coffee than Kate. Ann has less milk than Kate. Ann has less salt than Kate. Ann has less bread than Kate. Ann has less meat than Kate.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
Lesson 42 1. Different people have different hobbies: collecting, travelling, gardening, music, sport and others. People can collect different things: stamps, badges, dolls, coins, and many other things. 2. Travelling is a hobby, too. Other hobbies are: cooking, visiting theatres and cinemas, knitting, playing computer games. 3. I like collecting stamps. It is easy and fun! I learn many interesting facts about different countries and people. My collection is thematic. My theme is animals because it’s interesting to learn about animals which live in different parts of the world. I keep my stamps in a special album. I have got 75 stamps. I am proud of my collection. My friends come to see it too. 5. My mother is a theatre — goer. She goes there every month. She likes to see ballets. Her favourite theatre is the Bolshoi Theatre. 11. Paul eats a lot of bread. Danny eats less bread than Danny. Paul eats a lot of eggs. Danny eats fewer eggs than Danny. Paul eats a lot of cheese. Danny eats less cheese than Danny. Paul drinks a lot of milk. Danny drinks less milk than Danny. Paul eats a lot of cakes. Danny eats fewer cakes than Danny. 13. What’s on tonight? We went to the “Classic” yesterday. I liked the Disney’s cartoon very much. Oh, I am so sorry. I have to visit my granny. Today is her birthday. Yes, I am free. When shall we meet? 17. Ïîåçäêà â Ëîíäîí Äîðîãîé Áåðíè, ß îòëè÷íî ïðîâîæó âðåìÿ â Ëîíäîíå. Íî ñíà÷àëà íåñêîëüêî ñëîâ î ìîåì ïóòåøåñòâèè. ß âûåõàë â àýðîïîðò áåç ÷åòâåðòè ñåìü. ß õîòåë òåáå ïîçâîíèòü, íî ó ìåíÿ íå áûëî ìîíåòêè, òàê ÷òî ÿ ðåøèë íàïèñàòü èç Ëîíäîíà. ß ñåë â ñàìîëåò â àýðîïîðòó Êåííåäè. Ïîëåò áûë î÷åíü õîðîøèì è óäîáíûì è, êðîìå òîãî, áûñòðûì. ß ïðèáûë â Ëîíäîí â ïîëíî÷ü. Ïîîáåäàë è âûïèë íåñêîëüêî íàïèòêîâ â ñàìîëåòå. Òàêæå ñìîòðåë õóäîæåñòâåííûé ôèëüì. Òû çíàåøü, ìåíÿ íå èíòåðåñóþò òàêèå ôèëüìû. Îáû÷íî, îíè ñêó÷íûå. Ýòîò áûë òàêîé æå. Êðîìå òîãî, ýêðàí áûë î÷åíü ìàëåíüêèé, è çâóê áûë ïëîõîé. ß íå ìîã ïîíÿòü, êòî áû íè ãîâîðèë, è ÷òî áû íè ãîâîðèë. ß íå äîñìîòðåë äî êîíöà, à ÷èòàë âìåñòî ýòîãî êíèãó. Ýòî áûë èíòåðåñíûé ðîìàí î íåèçâåñòíîé ñòðàíå. Êóäà áû ÿ íè åõàë, êàê òû çíàåøü, ÿ âñåãäà áåðó ñ ñîáîé êíèãè. ß ëþáëþ ÷èòàòü, íî, êîãäà òû ïóòåøåñòâóåøü, â ñàìîëåòå èëè ïîåçäå íåò áèáëèîòåê. ß õî÷ó ñêàçàòü, òû äîëæåí ñàì ñîçäàòü ñåáå áèáëèîòåêó. ß áû õîòåë ðàññêàçàòü òåáå î ÷åëîâåêå, êîòîðûé â ñàìîëåòå ñèäåë ðÿäîì ñî ìíîé. Îí — èçâåñòíûé êîëëåêöèîíåð ìàðîê. Ó íåãî íåñêîëüêî áîëüøèõ òåìàòè÷åñêèõ êîëëåêöèé, è îí èìè î÷åíü ãîðäèòñÿ. Îí ñïåöèàëèçèðóåòñÿ íà ïòèöàõ è æèâîòíûõ, è ÿ äóìàþ, îí âñå î íèõ çíàåò. À ñåé÷àñ ÿ ïîñåùàþ òåàòðû è êîíöåðòíûå çàëû Ëîíäîíà. Îáû÷íî ÿ ïîêóïàþ áèëåòû ñ ìåñòàìè â ïàðòåðå, ïîòîìó ÷òî ÿ ëþáëþ õîðîøî
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âèäåòü ñöåíó. ß ëþáëþ ñëûøàòü ãîëîñà. Â÷åðà ÿ õîäèë ñìîòðåòü ìóëüòôèëüìû Äèñíåÿ. Îíè çàáàâíûå, óìíûå, ãðóñòíûå, è â íèõ ìíîãî äðóæåëþáíûõ ãåðîåâ. Çðèòåëè ñ÷èòàþò, ÷òî îíè ïîëüçóþòñÿ îãðîìíûì óñïåõîì. ß ñîâåðøàþ íåáîëüøèå ïîåçäêè ïî Ëîíäîíó íî÷üþ. Óæå ñäåëàë ìíîãî ôîòîãðàôèé ýòîãî êðàñèâîãî ãîðîäà. Âîçâðàùàþñü â Íüþ-Éîðê âî âòîðíèê, 13 àâãóñòà. Âñòðåòèìñÿ â àýðîïîðòó. Òâîé Áîá. 1. The journey to London. 2. A famous collector. 3. In London. 18. I left for the airport at a quarter to 7. I caught a plane from Kennedy airport. I would like to tell you about the man who sat next to me on the plane. He is a famous collector of stamps. I’m taking short trips around London at night. I have already taken a lot of pictures of this beautiful city. 19. Bob has visited the Tower of London, Trafalgar Square, the Houses of Parliament, Hyde Park. 20. Travelling and reading are Bob’s hobbies. 21.I have got a lot of hobbies. At school I enjoy playing football and volleyball after classes with my friends. We are good at sports. I also like reading books, especially books about animals. I want to know a lot about animals and birds. We have got a big library at home. And I go to the library, too. My parents and I are fond of travelling. We have been to many cities of Russia. I’d like to go to Great Britain. I like to listen to music, too. Dima Bilan is my favourite singer. He sings well. I like collecting tamps. It is easy and fun! I learn many interesting facts about different countries and people. My collection is thematic. My theme is animals because it’s interesting to learn about animals which live in different parts of the world. I am proud of my collection.
Lesson 43 1. The boy is fond of collecting badges. The girl is fond of collecting stamps. They are fond of visiting theatres. They are fond of visiting museums. They are fond of collecting dry leaves. He is fond of travelling. She is fond of gardening. 2. 1. — A, 2. — D, 3. — B, 4. — C. 1. A. — He took the coin with him and showed it to his grandfather. His grandfather is a famous collector and he knows very much about different coins. He said that the coin was very old and expensive. Tim and his grandfather took the coin to the museum.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
3. Jenny can’t make a pie because she has too little butter. Jenny can’t make a pie because she has too little flour. Jenny can’t make a pie because she has too little sugar. Jenny can’t make a pie because she has too few apples. Jenny can’t make a pie because she has too few eggs. 4. whenever, downstairs, black-and-white, homework, upstairs, classwork, blackboard, armchair, cupboard, seaside 8. He is fond of reading books about great discoveries. She is fond of reading stories about great discoveries. He was fond of reading books about great discoveries. They are fond of reading stories about great discoveries. They were fond of listening to stories about great discoveries. They are fond of listening to facts about great discoveries. 9. 1. Columbus discovered America. 2. Yes, I have. It was fun! I liked it a lot. 3. No, there are usually no sails on modern ships. 4. It takes me an hour to get to the nearest theatre. 12. Îòêðûòèå Àìåðèêè  íàøè äíè âñå çíàþò, ÷òî îáîçíà÷àåò ñëîâî «Àìåðèêà». Ïðåæäå âñåãî, ýòî íàçâàíèå ñòðàíû — Ñîåäèíåííûå Øòàòû Àìåðèêè — èëè ïðîñòî Àìåðèêà. Çàòåì, Àìåðèêà — ýòî íàçâàíèå äâóõ êîíòèíåíòîâ — Ñåâåðíîé Àìåðèêè è Þæíîé Àìåðèêè. Ýòè äâà êîíòèíåíòà — Ñåâåðíàÿ è Þæíàÿ Àìåðèêà — îáðàçóþò ÷àñòü ñâåòà, êîòîðàÿ íàçûâàåòñÿ Àìåðèêà. Îòêðûë Àìåðèêó Õðèñòîôîð Êîëóìá â 1492 ã. «Â 1492 ã. Êîëóìá ïåðåïëûë ñèíèé îêåàí»… Ýòî ïåñíÿ, êîòîðóþ ìíîãèå äåòè ó÷àò î Õðèñòîôîðå Êîëóìáå è åãî ïóòåøåñòâèè â Àìåðèêó. Ìû íåìíîãî çíàåì îá ýòîì ÷åëîâåêå. Îí ðîäèëñÿ â Èòàëèè, íî äîëãîå âðåìÿ æèë â Èñïàíèè. Îí áûë ìîðÿêîì è ñîâåðøèë ìíîãî ìîðñêèõ ïóòåøåñòâèé.  1492 ã. êîðîëü è êîðîëåâà Èñïàíèè äàëè åìó äåíüãè, ÷òîáû îòïðàâèòüñÿ â Èíäèþ. Îí ðåøèë ïîïëûòü íà çàïàä, òàê êàê áûë óâåðåí, ÷òî çåìëÿ êðóãëàÿ. È ïðîïëûâ 4000 ìèëü (6400 êì), îí äîïëûë äî ñóøè. Êîëóìá ïîäóìàë, ÷òî ýòî äîëæíà áûòü Èíäèÿ, íî ýòî áûëî íå òàê. Ýòî áûëà íîâàÿ çåìëÿ — íîâûé êîíòèíåíò. Ýòî áûëà Àìåðèêà, Öåíòðàëüíàÿ Àìåðèêà, íà ñàìîì äåëå. Ëþäè íà÷àëè ãîâîðèòü îá ýòîé çåìëå, êàê î Íîâîì Ñâåòå. 13. 1. True. 2. True, but he didn’t know about it. He thought it was India. 3. True. 4. False. We don’t know much about this man. 5. False. He was born in Italy. 6. False. He lived in Spain for a lot of time. 7. True. 17. 1. — milkman. 2. — postmen. 3. — policeman. 4. — seaman. 5. — fishermen. 18. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. He was born in Italy but lived in Spain for a long time. He was a seaman and made many
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voyages. In 1492 the King and the Queen of Spain gave him money to get to India. And Christopher Columbus sailed west. When he reached some land he thought it was India. But it was a new continent.
Lesson 44 2. When they reached the theatre there were a lot of people there. When he reached the airport he saw his friends there. When I reached the bus stop I saw my bus there. 3. I like reading about great discoverers and their discoveries. I don’t know who discovered Australia. We sailed many kilometres before we reached that city on the Volga. His cousin wants to be a sailor. 9. She is interested in music. He is interested in travelling. The teacher is interested in books. My friend was interested in collecting stamps. He sailors were interested in the sea. My granny was interested in music. 10. 1. He was born in Italy. 2. It is a continent. 3. Klin is a small town. 4. In summer the sun appears in the sky early in the morning. 5. My table at home is square. My desk is square, too. 13. Ïóòåøåñòâèÿ Õðèñòîôîðà Êîëóìáà Êîëóìá ñîâåðøèë åùå íåñêîëüêî ïóòåøåñòâèé â Íîâûé Ñâåò. Îí îòêðûë åùå íåñêîëüêî îñòðîâîâ â Öåíòðàëüíîé Àìåðèêå. Èñïàíèÿ áûëà î÷åíü çàèíòåðåñîâàíà â ýòîé çåìëå, â ýòîé òåððèòîðèè, â èñïàíñêèõ ïîñåëåíèÿõ â Þæíîé è Öåíòðàëüíîé Àìåðèêå è íà Þãå Ñåâåðíîé Àìåðèêè òîæå. Âòîðîå âåëèêîå ïóòåøåñòâèå Õðèñòîôîðà Êîëóìáà íà÷àëîñü â ñåíòÿáðå 1493 ã. Ñ íèì áûëî 17 êîðàáëåé. Âî âðåìÿ ñâîåãî ïóòåøåñòâèÿ îí äîáðàëñÿ äî Êóáû, íî íå çíàë, ÷òî ýòî îñòðîâ. Âñåãî Êîëóìá ñîâåðøèë 4 ïóòåøåñòâèÿ â Íîâûé Ñâåò, íî îí íèêîãäà íå âûñàæèâàëñÿ íà ìàòåðèêå Ñåâåðíàÿ Àìåðèêà. Àíãëèÿ òîæå çàèíòåðåñîâàëàñü Íîâûì Ñâåòîì. Ïåðâûå àíãëèéñêèå ïîñåëåíèÿ ïîÿâèëèñü â Àìåðèêå â íà÷àëå XVII âåêà. 21 ñåíòÿáðÿ 1620 ã. ãðóïïà ëþäåé îòïðàâèëàñü èç Àíãëèè â Íîâûé Ñâåò. Îíè îòïðàâèëèñü èç àíãëèéñêîãî ãîðîäà Ïëèìóò íà êîðàáëå «Ìåéôëàóýð». Îíè õîòåëè íà÷àòü íîâóþ æèçíü è íå èìåòü ïðîáëåì ñ öåðêîâüþ. Ïîñëå ïóòåøåñòâèÿ, êîòîðîå äëèëîñü 2 ìåñÿöà, 21 íîÿáðÿ ýòè ëþäè âûñàäèëèñü íà ñåâåðî-âîñòîêå Àìåðèêè. Íà áîðòó êîðàáëÿ «Ìåéôëàóýð» íàõîäèëîñü 74 ìóæ÷èíû è 28 æåíùèí. Îíè îñíîâàëè êîëîíèþ è íàçâàëè òó ÷àñòü ñòðàíû «Íîâîé Àíãëèåé». 14. 1. I don’t know. He made 4 voyages to the New World. 2. False. He had 17 ships. 3. False. He visited islands in Central America. 4. True.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
5. False. There were 28 women. 6. True. 7. True. 8. True. 9. True. 15. 1. Columbus’s voyages to the New World. 2. His second voyage. 3. The first English settlements in the New World. 17. 1. England became interested in America in the 17 century. 2. The “Mayflower” left for America on 21 September 1620 and landed in America on 21 of November. 3. They sailed from Plymouth. 4. The “Mayflower” left for America on 21 September 1620. 5. They reached America on 21 of November. 6. There were 74 men and 28 women on board the ship. 7. They called the new country “New England”. 20. 1. — discovered. 2. — discovery. 3. — discover. 21. The first English settlements appeared in America at the beginning of the 17 century. The first Englishmen sailed to the New World on 21 of November 1620. They landed in the Northeast of America. There were 74 men and 28 women on board the ”Mayflower”. They set up a colony and called the new country “New England”.
Lesson 45 2. I am interested in watching cartoons. He is interested in collecting badges. My friends are interested in travelling. My parents are interested in reading books. 3. Some new settlements appeared on this island in the 20 century. I have got a round table in my room. 4. 1. We have already reached the settlement. 2. They have just sailed from London. 3. I have just seen a round table. 4. The plane hasn’t appeared in the airport yet. 5. Have you seen that beautiful island yet? 6. He has never been interested in collecting stamps. 5. I have discovered this land! 2. They have just sailed. 3. I have just reached this island. 4. We have built this settlement. 6. 1. They have known each other for 8 days. They have known each other for 43 years. They have known each other for 13 years. 2. He has had his teddy bear for 5 years. They have had this house for 5 days. They have had their dog for 3 years.
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3. They have been to the seaside for 4 days. 4. They have lived in this house for 10 years. He has lived in this city for 5 month. 9. 1. A turkey is the main meal at Christmas. We sometimes have it at home, too. I like it. 2. They call fruit and vegetables a harvest. 3. Pupils work hard. 13. 1) David has lived here for 5 months. 2) David has been here since Tuesday. 3) David has known them for 3 years. 4) David has had them for years. 13. Robinson’s life on the island is full of danger because there a lot of wild animals on the island, there is very little water and very little food, the nights are cold and the afternoons are hot. 15. Jane goes in her car fast. She works hard, she speaks quietly, she reads fast and she writes badly. 17. Èñòîðèÿ Äíÿ áëàãîäàðåíèÿ Êàê âû çíàåòå, ïîñëåäíèé ÷åòâåðã íîÿáðÿ â ÑØÀ — ïðàçäíèê. Ýòî, âîçìîæíî, ñàìûé âàæíûé ïðàçäíèê â àìåðèêàíñêîì ãîäó. Ëþäè õîäÿò â öåðêîâü, ñåìüè ñîáèðàþòñÿ âìåñòå â ýòîò äåíü. Îíè óêðàøàþò äîìà ôðóêòàìè è öâåòàìè îñåíè è ãîòîâÿò òðàäèöèîííóþ àìåðèêàíñêóþ åäó: æàðåíóþ èíäåéêó, êàðòîôåëü, òûêâó. Ýòîò ïðàçäíèê ïîõîæ íà Ðîæäåñòâî, íî ÷òî æå ïðàçäíóþò â ýòîò äåíü? Çà ÷òî ëþäè áëàãîäàðÿò? Âû ïîìíèòå î ïåðâûõ êîëîíèñòàõ â Íîâîé Àíãëèè?  1620 ãîäó îíè ïðèáûëè â Àìåðèêó è íà÷àëè òàì íîâóþ æèçíü. Æèçíü áûëà î÷åíü òðóäíîé. Êîëîíèñòû íà÷àëè îáðàáàòûâàòü çåìëþ. Ðàáîòà áûëà òðóäíîé è ïîëíîé îïàñíîñòåé.  Íîâîé Àíãëèè, ìåñòå, ãäå îíè æèëè, áûëî ìíîãî äèêèõ ïòèö. Îíè áûëè ïîõîæè íà êóðåé, òîëüêî ãîðàçäî áîëüøå. Ýòî áûëè èíäåéêè. Îñåíüþ 1621 ãîäà êîëîíèñòû ñîáðàëè ñâîé ïåðâûé óðîæàé. Îí áûë äîâîëüíî íåïëîõèì. Êîëîíèñòû ðåøèëè ïðèãîòîâèòü îñîáûé îáåä. Îíè ðåøèëè ïîáëàãîäàðèòü Áîãà çà ìíîãîå. Ãîä áûë òðóäíûé, íî âñå æå ó ëþäåé áûëî ÷òî åñòü. Êîëîíèñòû îðãàíèçîâàëè îáåä áëàãîäàðåíèÿ äëÿ âñåõ. Îí ïðîäîëæàëñÿ 3 äíÿ. Íà ïðîòÿæåíèè âñåõ 3 äíåé îíè áëàãîäàðèëè çà õîðîøèé óðîæàé è ñ÷àñòëèâûé ãîä â íîâîé ñòðàíå. Äèêèå èíäåéêè áûëè ïîäàíû íà ñòîëû, è ñ òåõ ïîð èíäåéêà ñòàëà ñèìâîëîì Äíÿ áëàãîäàðåíèÿ. 18. 1. False. It’s an American holiday. 2. True. 3. False. People go to church, and families come together for the day. 4. False. They eat roast turkey, potatoes and pumpkin. 5. True. 6. True. 19. 1. In autumn 1621 the colonists celebrated this holiday for the first time to thank God for their good harvest and their happy year in a new country. 2. The turkey is the traditional food for this holiday.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
22. I have been at school since 8 o’clock. 2. I have lived in my town for 8 years. 3. I have known my best friends for 4 years. 4. I have begun to learn English since I went to school. 5. I have lived in my house for 5 years. 6. I have had my schoolbag since September. 24. Last Thursday in November is one of the most important holidays in America Thanksgiving Day. People go to church, and families come together for the day. They eat traditional American food: roast turkey, potatoes and pumpkin. The first colonists celebrated this holiday for the first time in autumn 1621 to thank God for their good harvest and their happy year in a new country. The turkey has become a symbol of Thanksgiving Day since then.
Lesson 46 1. George has been on the island for 35 years. 2. 1) He has lived on the island for 35 years. He has eaten coconuts, he has drunk rainwater, he has watched the sea since his ship went under the water. 3. 1. He has lived on the island for 35 years. 2. He hasn’t seen a man for 35 years. 3. His ship has been under the water for 35 years. 4. He has drunk only rainwater since his ship went under the water. 5. He has eaten coconuts for 35 years. 4. It has been sunny and hot in Rome since morning. It has been rainy in London since morning. It has been fine in New York since morning. It has been cold and snowy in Moscow since morning. It has been wonderful in Sochi since morning. 5. He has been a policeman since 1948. She has been a doctor for a few years. She has been a dancer since she was 12. She has been a teacher since 1983. He has been a shop assistant for 5 years. He has had this job for 10 years. 6. The girls have prepared coffee together. The girls have prepared turkey together. The girls have prepared dinner together. The girls have prepared for the harvest festival together. 7. It snows hard in winter in Russia. It rains hard in autumn. It is snowing hard now. It is raining in London now. It snowed hard last winter. It rained hard last November.
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8. The Browns have been in danger for 5 years. The Greens have been out of danger since they came to London. The Smiths have been in danger since 1991. The Davidsons have been out of danger for 20 years. 9. — Hello, who’s speaking? — This is Helen Stubbs. Can I speak to Mr Jones, please? — I’m afraid he’s just gone out. — Oh dear. I haven’t heard from him for a few days. — Would you like to leave a message? — Could you tell him Helen Stubbs has been in London since Monday and wants to speak with him? — OK. Sorry. Just a minute. Mr Jones has just come back. Hold on! I’ll call him to the phone. — Thank you so much. 14. 3. — v. 4. — n. 5. — n. 6. — v. 7. — v. 8. — n. 9. — n. 10. — v. n — noun (ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîå). v — verb (ãëàãîë). 17. Êîðåííûå àìåðèêàíöû Êîðåííûå àìåðèêàíöû ïðèøëè èç Àçèè. Áîëåå 20000 ëåò íàçàä îíè ïðîøëè ñ Ñèáèðè íà Àëÿñêó. Êîãäà àíãëèéñêèå êîëîíèñòû ïðèáûëè â Íîâûé Ñâåò íà êîðàáëå «Ìåéôëàóýð», êîðåííûå àìåðèêàíöû âñòðåòèëè èõ è áûëè î÷åíü äðóæåëþáíû, ìíîãî ïîìîãàëè.  òå äíè ëþäè æèëè â ìàëåíüêèõ çåìëÿíêàõ è âûðàùèâàëè ñâîþ åäó. Íåêîòîðûå èíäåéöû åëè òîëüêî òðàâó, îðåõè è ôðóêòû, êîòîðûå ìîãëè íàéòè. Äðóãèå áûëè ðûáàêàìè è æèëè â äåðåâÿííûõ äîìàõ. Áîëüøèíñòâî àìåðèêàíöåâ áûëè î÷åíü äðóæåëþáíû. Îíè õîòåëè æèòü ñ÷àñòëèâî ñ ïðèðîäîé è äðóã ñ äðóãîì. Îíè âåðèëè áîãàì è äóìàëè, ÷òî áîãè æèâóò íà äåðåâüÿõ, â êàìíÿõ, âîäå è îãíå. Îíè âåðèëè, ÷òî áîãè ìîãóò ïðèíåñòè óäà÷ó â îõîòå, îáðàáîòêå çåìëè è ëîâëå ðûáû. Îíè ÷àñòî óñòðàèâàëè ñïåöèàëüíûå öåðåìîíèè ñ òàíöàìè è ìóçûêîé ïåðåä òåì, êàê ïîéòè íà îõîòó èëè ðûáàëêó èëè êîãäà íà÷èíàëè îáðàáàòûâàòü çåìëþ. Ïåñíè è ñòèõè êîðåííûõ àìåðèêàíöåâ — î÷åíü âàæíàÿ ÷àñòü èõ òðàäèöèé, òàê êàê îíè ïîìîãàþò ñîõðàíèòü èñòîðèþ è êóëüòóðó. Äðóãàÿ èçâåñòíàÿ òðàäèöèÿ — êóðèòü òðóáêó ìèðà. Êîãäà êóðèëè ýòó òðóáêó ñ ëþäüìè, êîòîðûõ íå çíàëè, ýòî îçíà÷àëî ìèð è äðóæáó. Ìíîãî ëåò íàçàä ïëåìåíà êîðåííûõ àìåðèêàíöåâ æèëè âî âñåõ ÷àñòÿõ ÑØÀ, îõîòèëèñü è ëîâèëè ðûáó, ãäå áû íè õîòåëè. Ñåé÷àñ áîëüøèíñòâî æèâóò íà áåäíûõ çåìëÿõ ê çàïàäó îò Ìèññèñèïè. Ìíîãèå æèâóò â ðåçåðâàöèÿõ. 18. 1. Native Americans came from Asia. 2. They travelled across the land between Siberia and Alaska. 3. They lived in small earth houses and grew their own food. Some Indians ate only grass, nuts and what fruit they could find. Other people were fishermen and lived in wooden houses. 4. They believed in many gods and thought that gods lived in trees, stones, water and fire. 5. Now most of Native Americans live in poor lands to the west of the Mississippi River. Many live in reservations.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
22. 1. — have. 2. — had. 3. — finished. 4. — came. 5. — have. 23. Native Americans came from Asia. They travelled across the land between Siberia and Alaska. They lived in small earth houses and grew their own food. Some Indians ate only grass, nuts and what fruit they could find. Other people were fishermen and lived in wooden houses. They believed in many gods and thought that gods lived in trees, stones, water and fire. Now most of Native Americans live in poor lands to the west of the Mississippi River. Many live in reservations.
Lesson 47 1. William Shakespeare was born on the 23rd April, 1564 in England. Charlie Chaplin was born on the 6th April, 1889 in the USA. Leo Tolstoy was born on the 28 August, 1828 in Russia. Alexander Pushkin was born on the 6th June, 1799 in Russia. Napoleon Bonaparte was born on the 15th August, 1769 in France. 2. The first English men lived in wooden houses in New England. They hunted and looked for nuts. They smoked the pipe of peace with Native Indians and lived in peace. 3. 2. — turkey. 3. — harvest. 4. — library. 5. — interesting. 4. Fine, thank you. It was great! We went there by plane. We were in Washington and New York. We visited a lot of museums. Yes, we have. We learned a lot about Native Americans. 6. Where did you stay? Who did you go with? What was the weather like? How long did you stay there? 7. 2. He is going to the bank to get money. 3. He is going to the airport to catch a plane. 4. They are going to the tennis court to play tennis. 5. She is going to the library to take a book. 6. She is going to the supermarket to buy nuts. 12. a) 1. Do your parents depend on you? 2. Do you fight with them for your independence? 3. Have you got a lot of gold coins in your collection? 4. Is your house situated in Red Square? 5. Is your flat empty whenever you come home? 6. Has your brother got a real gun? b) Your parents don’t depend on you. 2. You don’t fight with them for your independence. 3. You haven’t got a lot of gold coins in your collection. 4Your house is not situated in Red Square. 5. Your flat isn’t empty whenever you come home. 6. Your brother hasn’t got a real gun. 14. His life depends on his parents. My holidays depend on the weather. His holidays depend on the plan. Our meeting depends on the time.
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16. Äèêèé Çàïàä  íà÷àëå XVII âåêà â Àìåðèêå ïîÿâèëèñü ïåðâûå êîëîíèè. Ìíîãèå èç íèõ áûëè àíãëèéñêèå êîëîíèè, íàïðèìåð, Íîâàÿ Àíãëèÿ. Íî òàì òàêæå áûëè è èñïàíñêèå, è íåìåöêèå êîëîíèè. Àôðèêàíñêèå íåãðû ïðèáûëè â êà÷åñòâå ðàáîâ è íà÷àëè ðàáîòàòü íà ïëàíòàöèÿõ, ðàñïîëîæåííûõ íà Þãå. Îíè âûðàùèâàëè ðèñ è òàáàê.  1733 ã. â Àìåðèêå áûëî 13 êîëîíèé. Àíãëèéñêèé êîðîëü, êîòîðûé æèë äàëåêî â Àíãëèè, áûë êîðîëåì Íîâîé Àíãëèè è äðóãèõ êîëîíèé. Êîëîíèñòàì â Àìåðèêå ýòî íå íðàâèëîñü. Îíè íå õîòåëè çàâèñåòü îò àíãëèéñêîãî êîðîëÿ èëè îò Àíãëèè. Àìåðèêàíöû ñòàëè áîðîòüñÿ çà íåçàâèñèìîñòü è ïîëó÷èëè åå. Äæîðäæ Âàøèíãòîí ñòàë ïåðâûì ïðåçèäåíòîì ÑØÀ.  XVIII âåêå íåêîòîðûå àìåðèêàíöû îòïðàâèëèñü íà çàïàä â ïîèñêàõ íîâûõ çåìåëü è íà÷àëàñü èñòîðèÿ «Äèêîãî Çàïàäà».  XIX âåêå ëþäè îòïðàâèëèñü íà çàïàä èñêàòü çîëîòî. Îíè ïîñòðîèëè íà ýòèõ çåìëÿõ ïîñåëåíèÿ. Îäíèì ïîâåçëî, äðóãèì — íåò, òàê êàê îíè íå íàøëè çîëîòà. Êîãäà îíè óõîäèëè èç ãîðîäîâ, ãîðîäà îñòàâàëèñü ïóñòûìè. Ñåé÷àñ ýòè ãîðîäà-ïðèâèäåíèÿ î÷åíü ïîïóëÿðíû ó òóðèñòîâ. Æèçíü íà Äèêîì Çàïàäå áûëà ïîëíà îïàñíîñòåé. Êîðåííûì àìåðèêàíöàì íà çàïàäå íå íðàâèëèñü áåëûå ëþäè, êîòîðûå çàõâàòûâàëè èõ çåìëè. Èíîãäà îíè íà íèõ íàïàäàëè. Òîãäà âîäèëèñü ìåäâåäè è äðóãèå äèêèå æèâîòíûå, è ëþäÿì ïðèõîäèëîñü èìåòü îðóæèå. Ñåãîäíÿ ìíîãèå àìåðèêàíöû âñå åùå äåðæàò îðóæèå â äîìàõ, è ó âñåõ àìåðèêàíñêèõ îôèöåðîâ ïîëèöèè åñòü îðóæèå. 17. 1. The first colonies appeared at the beginning of the 17th century. 2. Not all the colonies were English. There were also French and German colonies. 3. There were 13 colonies in 1733. 4. They began to fight for their independence because they didn’t like that the King of England was the king of all the colonies. 5. In the 18th — 19th centuries the Americans went to the west to look for new lands and for gold. 6. There were wild animals so Americans had to had guns. 19. 1. The first colonies in America. 2. The Americans got independence. 3. The Americans went to the west. 4. The life in the Wild West. 21. 1. — depends. 2. — dangerous. 3. — gold. 4. — fight. 5. — independence 22. useful, beautiful, wonderful, colourful, peaceful.
Lesson 48 2. Have Have Have Have Have
you you you you you
ever ever ever ever ever
seen a Native American? been to San Francisco? lived in a wooden house? hunted wild animals? eaten nuts?
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
9. People must protect animals, birds and fish. People must protect nature. People must protect water and forests. People must protect little children. 10. a) Does a dangerous snake live under your bed? 2. Can you work as a tailor? 3. Can you protect all little children in your school? 4. Have you got five real guns? 5. Have you hunted bears with a gun? b) 1. A dangerous snake doesn’t live under your bed. 2. You can’t work as a tailor. 3. You can’t protect all little children in your school. 4. You haven’t got five real guns. 5. You haven’t hunted bears with a gun. 11. I think it is dangerous to play with guns. I think it is dangerous to swim far in the sea. I think it is dangerous to play with matches. 12. The boy is looking through the books. The girls are looking through the photos. My cousins are looking through the texts. His friend is looking through the pictures. The doctor looking through the magazines. 14. Åùå îäíà òðàäèöèÿ Äèêîãî Çàïàäà — îäåæäà êîâáîåâ. Âî âðåìåíà Äèêîãî Çàïàäà îäåæäà áûëà âàæíà, òàê êàê ïîìîãàëà ëþäÿì âåñòè òðóäíóþ è îïàñíóþ æèçíü. Êîâáîè ïðîâîäèëè ìíîãî âðåìåíè íà ñâåæåì âîçäóõå. Îíè îáû÷íî íàäåâàëè øëÿïû, áîòèíêè è äæèíñû. Øëÿïû ïîìîãàëè èì íàõîäèòüñÿ íà ñîëíöå è çàùèùàëè ëèöî è ãëàçà îò ãîðÿ÷åãî ñîëíöà. Áîòèíêè òîæå áûëè î÷åíü âàæíû. Áûëî áîëåå óäîáíî õîäèòü ïî âûñîêîé òðàâå â áîòèíêàõ. Òàì, ãäå æèëè è ðàáîòàëè êîâáîè, áûëî î÷åíü ìíîãî îïàñíûõ çìåé, è áîòèíêè çàùèùàëè ëþäåé îò íèõ.  áîòèíêàõ áûëî ëåã÷å åçäèòü íà ëîøàäè.  ñðåäèíå XIX âåêà â ãîðîäå Ñàí-Ôðàíöèñêî æèë ïîðòíîé, êîòîðîãî çâàëè Ëåâè Ñòðàóñ. Îí øèë ñïåöèàëüíóþ îäåæäó — ïðî÷íûå áðþêè, êîòîðûå íàçûâàëèñü äæèíñàìè. Î÷åíü ñêîðî ëþäè íà÷àëè íîñèòü äæèíñû â Àìåðèêå è âî âñåì ìèðå. 15. 1. …“cowboy” clothes. 2…hats, boots and jeans. 3…. it was more comfortable to walk through long grass and there were many dangerous snakes and the boots protected people from them. 4…. San Francisco in the middle of the 19 century. 5…. In America and all over the world. 16. 1. Another tradition from the “Wild West” is ”cowboy” clothes. 2. Hats protected their faces and eyes from the hot sun, it was more comfortable to walk through long grass in boots and there were many dangerous snakes and the boots protected people from them. 3. The cowboys wore jeans. 4. Levi Strauss made jeans then. 5. He lived in San Francisco.
2006–2011 гг.
6. People wear jeans all over the world because they are strong trousers and they are very comfortable to wear. 20. 1. — have you. 2. — hasn’t he. 3. — hasn’t she. 4. — have we. 5. — didn’t he.
Lesson49 10. 1. True. 2. True. 3. False. You could reach the island only by boat or by ferry. 4. False. He told stories about Ed. 5. False. Ed started to draw when he was 3. 6. True. 11. Discover — discovered, sail — sailed, appear — appeared, prepare — prepared, Smoke — smoked, depend — depended. Be interested — was, were interested — been interested Fight — fought — fought. Sell — sold — sold. 12. 1. — since, 2. — for, 3. — since, 4. — for, 5. — since 13. 1) uncomfortable, 2) uninteresting, 3) upstairs, 4) long, 5) slow, 6) catch a bus, 7) difficult, 8) rich, 9) square, 10) short, 11) unhappy, 12) false, 13) ugly, 14) in front of, 15) dirty, 16) expensive, 17) strong, 18) sell.
Lesson 50 1. 1. — snake. 2. — tailor. 3. — gun. 4. — gold. 5. — dangerous. 6. — alone. 7. — independence. 2. We depend on the weather when we go on a journey. We depend on our friends when we go on a journey. 3. Who do you depend on? Do you fight with your friends? Does your father smoke? How long do you prepare for your lessons? Have you ever sailed? Are you interested in travelling? Who discovered America? 4. 9, 4, 7, 8, 5, 6, 3, 1, 2. He said that she wasn’t a very clever woman. And he was very sorry that they didn’t have the snake any more. 5. 1. May I take your pen, please? 2. May I take your address? 3. May I go with you?
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
4. May I see your album? 5. May I see the picture? 6. May I open the window? May I go to the theatre? May I take your father’s gun? May I live on an island? May I go to the cinema? May I watch a cartoon? May I buy some nuts? 11. 1. People read books, newspapers and magazines in the library. 2. They sell shoes and boots in the shoe shop. 3. I don’t write letters very often. 4. There are 33 letters in the Russian alphabet. 5. There are 50 states in the USA. 6. I have got my own room. 15. 1. People often call the American flag “The Stars and Stripes”. 2. There are three colours on the fag of the USA — red, white and blue. 3. There are 50 states in the USA. 4. There are 50 stars on the American flag: one star for each state. 5. The flag has got 13 stripes. 6. The stripes are red and white. 7. There is one stripe for each of the 13 colonies of the USA. 8. People must know many things about the flag, for example: you should display it only during the day and you should fold it in a special way. 16. The flag of the USA. 17. Why did France give the Statue of Liberty to America? When did France give the Statue of Liberty to America? Where is the Statue of Liberty? What do people see when they arrive in New York by sea? When did the eagle become the official national symbol of the country? What symbol is an olive branch? What symbol are the arrows? Where can you see the eagle? How is the national hymn called? What does every state in the USA have? 19. 1. — blue. 2. — stripes. 3. — stars. 4. — states. 5. — colours. 20. 1. May I open the window? 2. May I lend some money? 3. May I sit here? 4. May I go for a walk? 5. May I go to the concert?
Lesson 51 1. 1. May I take your pen? 2. May I read your magazine? 3. May I take this newspaper?
2006–2011 гг.
4. May I take your letter? 5. May I sit down? 6. May I open the window? 7. May I go to the cinema tonight? 2. 1. Of course, you may. I have got two pens. 2. Of course, you may. I have already read it. 3. Of course, you may. I have already read it. 4. No, you may not. It’s my letter. 5. Of course, you may. This armchair is comfortable. 6. Of course, you may. I am hot, too. 7. No, you mustn’t. It’s too late. 3. They sell toys, magazines, juice, badges, newspapers, books, fruit and shirts in the shop. 4. It is my own collection of stamps. It is my own garden. It is my own flat. It is my own book. It is my own plate. They are my own pictures. They are my own magazines. They are my own stamps. They are my own coins. 5. Each state must have a democratic government. Each country must have a democratic government. Each state can have a good government. Each country can have a strong government. 6. 1. We could wake up very early. We’ll be able to wake up very early. 2. They could become architects. They’ll be able to become architects. 3. They could become rich. They’ll be able to become rich. 4. She could go on a trip. She’ll be able to go on a trip. 7. Tom is wearing a green suit, a yellow shirt, a brown tie and dark shoes. Nick is wearing a red T-shirt, yellow shorts and brown sandals. Andrew is wearing a brown sweater, green trousers and brown boots. Bob is wearing a cap, a brown jacket, a shirt, blue jeans and blue and white trainers. Sally is wearing a blue blouse, a pink skirt and purple shoes. Liz is wearing a yellow sweater, a white T-shirt, a blue skirt, blue socks and brown shoes. Polly is wearing a green dress and brown boots. Kate is wearing a pink top and a skirt, white socks and blue sandals. 8. Bob couldn’t travel to the country yesterday, but he will be able to travel there on Tuesday. Bob couldn’t explain the way yesterday, but he will be able to do it on Tuesday. Bob couldn’t catch a bus yesterday, but he will be able to catch it on Tuesday. Bob couldn’t go by ship yesterday, but he will be able to go by ship on Tuesday. Bob couldn’t decide it yesterday, but he will be able to decide it on Tuesday. Bob couldn’t listen to music yesterday, but he will be able to listen to it on Tuesday.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
12. Move the sofa to the wall opposite the door. Move the bookcase to the corner of the room. Move the wardrobe to the wall between the windows. Move the fridge to the wall on the left. Move the cupboard to the wall next to the fridge. Move the stand lamp next to the sofa. 13. The advice is clever. The advice is special. The advice is kind. The advice is fantastic. The advice was bad. The advice was wonderful. The advice was dangerous. The advice was excellent. 16. 1. True. 2. False. In small American towns people say “hello” in the streets. 3. False. They often ask personal questions. 4. False. When Americans meet people for the first time they usually shake hands. 5. True. 6. False. Parties are often informal. 7. True. 20. 1. I couldn’t follow your advice. I’ll be able to follow it. 2. I couldn’t ask you some personal questions. I’ll be able to ask them. 3. She couldn’t relax. She’ll be able to relax. 4. Could they move into a new flat? Will they be able to move into a new flat? 5. We couldn’t learn the rule. We’ll be able to learn it.
Lesson 52 5. 8 àâãóñòà 2002 Äîðîãîé Ýä! Ïèøó òåáå ïèñüìî, ÷òîáû ðàññêàçàòü î íàøåé ïîåçäêå â Âàøèíãòîí, îêðóã Êîëóìáèÿ. Ìû ãîñòèëè ó íàøèõ äðóçåé. Ó íèõ ñîáñòâåííûé äîì â öåíòðå Âàøèíãòîíà. ß óçíàë, ÷òî çäåñü óëèöû, êîòîðûå èäóò ñ âîñòîêà íà çàïàä, íàçûâàþòñÿ áóêâàìè àëôàâèòà. À óëèöû, êîòîðûå èäóò ñ ñåâåðà íà þã, íóìåðóþòñÿ. Ñàìûå äëèííûå è áîëüøèå óëèöû íàçâàíû â ÷åñòü øòàòîâ. Íàøè õîçÿèí è õîçÿéêà — î÷åíü õîðîøèå ëþäè. Îíè íàì äàþò ñîâåòû ïî ïîâîäó äîñòîïðèìå÷àòåëüíîñòåé ãîðîäà. Êàæäûé âå÷åð ìû ïëàíèðóåì ýêñêóðñèþ íà ñëåäóþùèé äåíü âìåñòå. Ìû óæå åçäèëè íà ýêñêóðñèþ ïî ãîðîäó. Îí î÷åíü çåëåíûé è òèõèé.  íåì î÷åíü ìíîãî êðàñèâûõ ìåñò, ãäå ìîæíî îòäîõíóòü è ïîëó÷èòü óäîâîëüñòâèå. ß äóìàþ, ÷òî Âàøèíãòîí — îñîáûé ãîðîä. Áîëüøèíñòâî æèòåëåé Âàøèíãòîíà ðàáîòàþò â ïðàâèòåëüñòâå è â íåì ìíîãî ïðàâèòåëüñòâåííûõ ó÷ðåæäåíèé. Ìû óæå áûëè â Áåëîì Äîìå. Îí äåéñòâèòåëüíî áåëûé! Âû íå ñìîæåòå óâèäåòü òó ÷àñòü, ãäå æèâåò è ðàáîòàåò ïðåçèäåíò. Îíà íå îòêðûòà äëÿ ïîñåòèòåëåé. Íî òà ÷àñòü, êîòîðóþ ìû âèäåëè, áûëà î÷åíü êðàñèâàÿ. Âîçìîæíî, ýòî îäíî èç ñàìûõ êðàñèâûõ ìåñò â Âàøèíãòîíå. Ìû âèäåëè áèáëèîòåêó, Êðàñíóþ êîìíàòó, Ñèíþþ è Çåëåíóþ êîìíàòû, â êîòîðûõ óäèâèòåëüíàÿ ìåáåëü.
2006–2011 гг.
 Âàøèíãòîíå ìíîãî ìåñò, ãäå äóìàåøü îá èñòîðèè.  ìóçåÿõ ãîðîäà è â Êàïèòîëèè âû ìîæåòå ìíîãî óçíàòü î ïåðâûõ ïîñåëåíèÿõ â Íîâîé Àíãëèè. Âû óçíàåòå ìíîãî î Õðèñòîôîðå Êîëóìáå è åãî ìàòðîñàõ è î áîðüáå Àìåðèêè çà íåçàâèñèìîñòü. Âàøèíãòîí — îæèâëåííûé ãîðîä. Óëèöû ïðàêòè÷åñêè íèêîãäà íå áûâàþò ïóñòûìè. Êóäà áû âû íè ïîåõàëè, âû óâèäèòå áîëüøèå è ìàëåíüêèå ìàãàçèíû, â êîòîðûõ âû ñìîæåòå êóïèòü âñå, ÷òî ïîæåëàåòå. Òàêæå ìîæíî êóïèòü ìíîãî âåùåé íà óëèöå: ãàçåòû, çíà÷êè, êàðòèíû, ôóòáîëêè, êîíôåòû, ôðóêòû è âñ¸ ÷òî óãîäíî. ß ìîã íàïèñàòü áîëüøå, íî äîëæåí îñòàíîâèòüñÿ ñåé÷àñ. Íàì íóæíî ìíîãî ñäåëàòü çàâòðà, òàê êàê ìû óåçæàåì ðàíî óòðîì. Áóäåì äîìà ïîñëå çàâòðà è òîãäà óâèäèìñÿ ñ òîáîé. Ìíå áóäåò ìíîãî ÷åãî òåáå ðàññêàçàòü î ìîåì ïóòåøåñòâèè. Èñêðåííå òâîé, Áèë 6. It (Washington) is very green and beautiful. There are a lot of places where you can relax and enjoy yourself. Washington is full of places where you think about history. It (the White House ) is really white. 7. He has visited the White House, museums, the Capital. 9. 1. May I prepare turkey for Xmas? Of course, you may. Let’s do it together. 2. May I take Father’s gun and go hunting? No, you mustn’t. It can be dangerous. 3. May I sell a gold coin from my granny’s collection? No, you may not. She likes her collection very much. 4. May I sail to America? No, you mustn’t. It is dangerous. 5. May I sell all the harvest from our garden? No, you may not. We have grown it for winter. 6. May I buy a snake? No, you may not. It may bite you. 10. Next week I will be able to visit a museum. Next week I will be able to go to the Zoo. Next week I will be able to cook my favourite salad. Next week I will be able to see my granny. Next week I will be able to write a letter to my friend. Next week I will be able to buy a new book.
Lesson 53 3. The The The The The The
letter letter letter letter letter letter
“D“ is between “C“ and “E“. “H“ is between “G“ and “I“. “M“ is between “L“ and “N“. “S“ is between “R“ and “T“. “W“ is between “V“ and “X“. “Y“ is between “X“ and “Z“.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
4. London is situated on the banks of the Thames. St Petersburg is situated on the banks of the Neva. Tver is situated on the banks of the Volga. Yaroslavl is situated on the banks of the Volga. Irkutsk is situated on the banks of the Angara. Omsk is situated on the banks of the the Irtysh. Novosibirsk is situated on the banks of the Ob. Moscow is situated on the banks of the Moskva River. Kazan is situated on the banks of the Volga. 5. My dog is devoted to me. I’m devoted to my family. I’m devoted to my parents. My parents are devoted to me. 7. Yuri Gagarin is famous for his bravery. Alexander Matrosov is famous for his bravery. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya is famous for her bravery. 8. My uncle is a brave man. My aunt is an honest woman. My grandfather is a noble man. My mother is a devoted woman. 9. We can see Russian birch trees in the streets, in the parks, in the woods and in the forests. I like them. 12. The flag of Russia, the birch tree are the symbols of Russia. 13. 1. Yes, it is the largest country in the world. 2. The Urals divide Russia into two parts. 3. It is rich in gold, silver and other minerals. There are a lot of forests, fields and mountains. There are a lot of different animals and birds. 4. The Volga is the longest river in Europe. 5. The Black Sea is in the south, the Baltic Sea is in the west, the Arctic Ocean washes Russia in the north and in the east is the Pacific Ocean. 6. The flag has three stripes on it. The stripes are white, blue and red. The upper stripe is white, the middle stripe is blue, the red stripe is at the bottom. The colours have always been symbolic: white-noble and sincere, blue — honest and devoted, red — love and bravery. 7. Russian people have always loved their country, they have been devoted to their Motherland, fighting for peace and independence against enemies on their land. 8. Other symbols are the flag of Russia and the birch tree. 14. 1. It is situated on two continents: Europe and Asia. It is rich in gold, silver and other minerals. There are a lot of forests, fields and mountains. There are a lot of different animals and birds. 2. Russian people have always loved their country, they have been devoted to their Motherland, fighting for peace and independence against enemies on their land. 17. Moscow is the capital of Russia. It is situated on the banks of the Moskva River. It is a very old city, which was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky in 1147. But there are a lot of new building there, too. It is a very green and beautiful city. There are a lot of places where you can relax and enjoy yourself. Moscow is full of places where you think about history. The Kremlin is the heart of Moscow. There are a lot of churches, cathedrals, libraries, art galleries, theatres and cinemas. There is the Zoo in Moscow, too. You can get to Moscow by plane, train, bus or a car.
2006–2011 гг.
Lesson 54 1. 1. — bank. 2. — enemy. 3. — honest. 4. — brave. 5. — birch. 3. a) Summer is between spring and autumn. Winter is between autumn and spring. b) March is between February and April. October is between September and November. January is between December and February. c) Wednesday is between Tuesday and Thursday. Saturday is between Friday and Sunday. 4. A school is situated between my house and the hospital. A shop is situated between my house and the post office. A bus stop is situated between my house and the library. 8. I can see the Urals on the map of Russia. I can see the Volga on the map of Russia. I can see the Baikal on the map of Russia. I can see the Black Sea on the map of Russia. I can see the Pacific Ocean on the map of Russia. I can see the Angara on the map of Russia. I can see Kazan on the map of Russia. 9. We found a town on the banks of a river. We found a town near the lake. We found a town at the top of the hill. We found a town near the lake. We found a town at the side of the sea. 10. People can be young and old. Men can be young and old. Women can be young and old. Parents can be young and old. Cars can be new and old. Pens can be new and old. Books can be new and old. Songs can be new and old. 11. Stones can be grey, black, white and blue. 13. Ñòîëèöà Ðîññèè — Ìîñêâà. Ìîñêâà — ýòî ñòàðûé ãîðîä, íî ýòî òàêæå è ìîëîäîé ãîðîä. Õîòÿ åìó áîëåå 850 ëåò, âû ìîæåòå çäåñü óâèäåòü ìíîãî íîâûõ, ñîâðåìåííûõ çäàíèé. Ãîðîä ðàñïîëîæåí íà 7 õîëìàõ. Íà îäíîì èç íèõ íàõîäèòñÿ Êðåìëü ñ åãî êðàñèâûìè êðàñíûìè ñòåíàìè è èçâåñòíûìè áàøíÿìè. Êîíå÷íî æå, Êðåìëü — ñåðäöå Ìîñêâû. Âñå çäåñü ãîâîðèò î âàæíûõ ôàêòàõ â æèçíè íàøåé ñòðàíû. Âïåðâûå Ìîñêâà óïîìèíàåòñÿ â õðîíèêàõ â 1147 ã. Ýòî áûëî ìàëåíüêîå ïîñåëåíèå íà âåðøèíå õîëìà íà áåðåãó Ìîñêâû-ðåêè, îñíîâàííîå êíÿçåì Þðèåì Äîëãîðóêèì. Êíÿçü Þðèé Äîëãîðóêèé áûë êíÿçåì âëàäèìèðñêèì è ñóçäàëüñêèì. Åñëè ïîñìîòðåòü íà êàðòó, óâèäèòå, ÷òî ýòè ðóññêèå ãîðîäà íàõîäÿòñÿ íà ñåâåðå. Êíÿçü Þðèé Äîëãîðóêèé ìíîãî âîåâàë ñ äðóãèìè ðîññèéñêèìè êíÿçüÿìè è âñêîðå ñòàë è êèåâñêèì êíÿçåì òîæå. Êèåâ, êàê èçâåñòíî, íàõîäèòñÿ íà þãå.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
Âîò òàê è ñòàëè íàçûâàòü êíÿçÿ Þðèÿ Äîëãîðóêèì, èìåÿ â âèäó, ÷òî ó íåãî äëèííûå ðóêè è îí ñìîã äîáðàòüñÿ äî Êèåâà, êîòîðûé áûë î÷åíü äàëåêî îò Ñóçäàëÿ è Âëàäèìèðà.  òî âðåìÿ Êèåâ áûë ãëàâíûì ãîðîäîì Ðóñè, åãî ñòîëèöåé. Ìîñêâà áûëà îñíîâàíà Þðèåì Äîëãîðóêèì, ðîñëà è ñêîðî, êàê ãîâîðÿò õðîíèêè, ñòàëà ãîðîäîì, ïðåâîñõîäÿùèì âñå äðóãèå ãîðîäà Ðîññèè. Èìåííî òîãäà ïîÿâèëèñü áåëûå êàìåííûå ñòåíû è áàøíè Êðåìëÿ, è äåéñòâèòåëüíî Êðåìëü ñòàë ñèëüíîé êðåïîñòüþ.  XVI âåêå Ìîñêâà áûëà îäíîé èç ñàìûõ áîëüøèõ ñòîëèö Åâðîïû. Àíãëèéñêèé ïóòåøåñòâåííèê ïèñàë, ÷òî Ìîñêâà áûëà áîëüøå, ÷åì Ëîíäîí â òî âðåìÿ.  1712 ã. öàðü Ðîññèè Ïåòð Âåëèêèé ïåðåíåñ ñòîëèöó â Ñò. Ïåòåðáóðã, íîâûé ãîðîä, îñíîâàííûé â 1703 ãîäó íà áåðåãó ðåêè Íåâà. Íîâàÿ ñòîëèöà íà ñåâåðî-çàïàäå Ðîññèè ðîñëà è ñòàíîâèëàñü î÷åíü âàæíîé. Ìîñêâà èçâåñòíà ñâîèìè öåðêâÿìè, ìóçåÿìè è êóëüòóðíûìè öåíòðàìè. 10 ìàðòà 1918 ã. èç Ïåòåðáóðãà â Ìîñêâó îòïðàâèëñÿ îñîáûé ïîåçä. Ïðàâèòåëüñòâî ñòðàíû ïåðååõàëî â ñòàðèííûé ðîññèéñêèé ãîðîä, è Ìîñêâà ñíîâà ñòàëà ñòîëèöåé Ðîññèè. 14. 1. Moscow is over 850 years old. 2. It is situated on the banks of the Moskva River. 3. Yuri Dolgoruky founded Moscow in 1147. 4. Yes, it was. It was the capital of Russia in the times of Yuri Dolgoruky. 5. An English traveller wrote about it. 6. The Russian king, Tsar Peter the Great moved the capital to a new city. 7. St Petersburg became the capital in the 18th century.
Lesson 55 1. At the top of the map I can see North America, Europe and Asia. 2. At the top of my wardrobe I keep hats. At the top of my cupboard I keep cups. At the top of my fridge I keep meat. 3. Young people usually like listening to music, playing games, going for a walk, doing exercises, watching films. 4. Some people are active, honest, devoted, brave, hardworking. Some young people are lazy, untidy. 5. Moscow was founded in 1147. St Petersburg was founded in 1703. Yaroslavl was founded in 1010. Vladimir was founded in 1108. Rostov was founded in 862. Pskov was founded in 903. Suzdal was founded in 1024. Novgorod was founded in 859. 6. When was Moscow founded? It was founded in 1147.
2006–2011 гг.
When was St Petersburg founded? It was founded in 1703. When was Yaroslavl founded ? It was founded in 1010. When was Vladimir founded? It was founded in 1108. When was Rostov founded? It was founded in 862. When was Pskov founded? It was founded in 903. When was Suzdal founded? It was founded in 1024. When was Novgorod founded ? It was founded in 859. 7. The ruler is made of wood. The cup is made of gold. The wall is made of stone. The plate is made of silver. The pencil is made of wood. The house is made of stone. The box is made of silver. The pen is made of gold. 8. What is the ruler made of? It is made of wood. What is the cup made of? It is made of gold. What is the plate made of? It is made of silver. What is the house made of? It is made of stone. What is the box made of? It is made of silver. 13. A. Pushkin was born in 1799. And he died in 1837. L Tolstoy was born in 1828. And he died in 1910. M. Kutuzov was born in 1745. And he died in 1813. A. Suvorov was born in 1729. And he died in 1800. M. Lomonosov was born in 1711. And he died in 1765. T. Tchaikovsky was born in 1840. And he died in 1893. 16. Ðîññèÿ â âîéíå 1812 ãîäà Ýòî ïðîèçîøëî â 1812 ã. Ðîññèÿ íàõîäèëàñü â áîëüøîé îïàñíîñòè. Íàïîëåîí è åãî àðìèÿ øëè íà Ðîññèþ. Íàïîëåîí õîòåë çàâîåâàòü Ðîññèþ, òàê êàê ïðàêòè÷åñêè âñÿ Åâðîïà ñåé÷àñ çàâèñåëà îò íåãî, à Ðîññèÿ — íåò. Íàïîëåîí áûë óâåðåí, ÷òî îí ëåãêî âûèãðàåò âîéíó ïðîòèâ Ðîññèè.  íà÷àëå âîéíû ðîññèéñêàÿ àðìèÿ îòñòóïàëà, îñòàâëÿÿ ðîññèéñêèå çåìëè âðàãó. Àðìèÿ Íàïîëåîíà áûëà ñèëüíåå è â íåé áûëî áîëüøå ñîëäàò. Õîòÿ ðóññêèå ñîëäàòû è îôèöåðû âîåâàëè õðàáðî, îíè íå ìîãëè âûèãðàòü áèòâû ó âðàãà. Íàïîëåîí ïðîäâèãàëñÿ ê Ñìîëåíñêó — «êëþ÷åâîìó ãîðîäó» ïîòîìó, ÷òî îí îòêðûâàë äîðîãó ê Ìîñêâå.  àâãóñòå 1812 ã. äâå àðìèè ïðîâåëè ñòðàøíóþ áèòâó ïîä Ñìîëåíñêîì. Ìíîãî ëþäåé áûëè óáèòû ñ îáåèõ ñòîðîí.  ãîðîäå íå áûëî åäû. Ðóññêàÿ àðìèÿ îñòàâèëà ãîðîä â ðóèíàõ. Ðîññèÿíå îñòàâëÿëè ãîðîä âìåñòå ñ àðìèåé. Àðìèÿ Íàïîëåîíà âîøëà â ïóñòîé ãîðîä Ñìîëåíñê, íî íè÷åãî òàì íå íàøëà. Îíè îñòàâèëè Ñìîëåíñê è ñòàëè ïðîäâèãàòüñÿ ê Ìîñêâå. Ðîññèÿ áûëà â îïàñíîñòè êàê íèêîãäà ðàíüøå. Ïîýòîìó ðîññèéñêèé öàðü Àëåêñàíäð I ïðåäëîæèë èçâåñòíîìó ðîññèéñêîìó ãåíåðàëó Ìèõàèëó Êóòóçîâó âîçãëàâèòü ðîññèéñêóþ àðìèþ. Êóòóçîâ ðåøèë ñðàçèòüñÿ ñ Íàïîëåîíîì. Îí âûáðàë äëÿ áèòâû ïîëå ïîä äåðåâíåé Áîðîäèíî. 7 ñåíòÿáðÿ íà÷àëàñü èçâåñòíàÿ áèòâà. Ýòî áûëà âåëè÷àéøàÿ áèòâà ìåæäó ðîññèéñêîé è ôðàíöóçñêîé àðìèÿìè. Ðóññêèå ñîëäàòû áûëè ãîòîâû óìåðåòü, íî íå îòñòóïèòü. Îíè ñðàæàëèñü çà íåçàâèñèìîñòü ñâîåé ðîäèíû. Îíè íå ìîãëè ïðåäñòàâèòü ñâîþ Ðîäèíó, çàâîåâàííîé Íàïîëåîíîì, âðàãîì.
ǝDzȅDzǺǵDz ȀǼǽǭdzǺDzǺǵǶ Ƿ ȀȄDzǮǺǵǷȀ Ǖ. ǚ. ǏDzǽDzȆǭǰǵǺǻǶ, Ǜ. Ǐ. ǍȁǭǺǭǾȉDzǯǻǶ
Èçâåñòíàÿ áèòâà ïîä Áîðîäèíî ñòàëà íà÷àëîì âåëèêîé ïîáåäû íàä Íàïîëåîíîì â âîéíå 1812 ãîäà. 17. 1. False. He didn’t conquer Russia. 2. True. 3. True. 4. True. 5. False. It was a very important, “key city” of Russia. 6. False. The city locked the road to Moscow. 7. False.
Lesson 56 1. The key is made of silver. The clock is made of gold. The wall is made of stones. 3. The Great Patriotic War began in 1941. The war against Napoleon began in 1812. The 1st World War began in 1914. The 2nd World War began in 1939. 6. The battle of Borodino was in 1812. It was the first Russian victory in that war. 7. The battle of Moscow was in 1941. The battle of Stalingrad was in 1942-1943. The battle of Kursk was in 1943. 11. Mr Brown is honest and devoted. He is a real man. Mr Brown is clever and truthful. He is a real man. Mr Brown is kind and proud. He is a real man. 12. My mother is very hospitable. My friend’s brother is very hospitable. 13. The last birthday party I was at was last month at my friend’s house. My friend Ann was the heart and soul of the party. 14. Cinderella had a heart of gold. She worked hard about the house. Èçâåñòíûå ðóññêèå ãåíåðàëû 16. Âñå ðîññèéñêèå ëþäè çíàþò èìåíà Àëåêñàíäðà Ñóâîðîâà è Ìèõàèëà Êóòóçîâà. Ýòî 2 èçâåñòíûõ ãåíåðàëà. Àëåêñàíäð Âàñèëüåâè÷ Ñóâîðîâ ðîäèëñÿ â 1729 ãîäó. Ýòî áûë áëàãîðîäíûé, ÷åñòíûé ÷åëîâåê, ïðåäàííûé ñâîåé ñòðàíå è ñâîåìó íàðîäó. Ñóâîðîâ ïðèíèìàë ó÷àñòèå âî ìíîãèõ âîéíàõ. Ó íåãî áûëî ìíîãî ïîáåä, ïîòîìó ÷òî îí çíàë æèçíü àðìèè î÷åíü õîðîøî. Ñóâîðîâ íå áûë äîáðûì ãåíåðàëîì, íî ó íåãî áûëî äîáðîå ñåðäöå. Îí ëþáèë ñâîèõ ñîëäàò, è îíè åãî ëþáèëè. Åãî ñîëäàòû íèêîãäà íå ãîëîäàëè è åãî îôèöåðû çàáîòèëèñü î ñîëäàòàõ, õîòÿ èõ æèçíü, êîíå÷íî, áûëà ñîâñåì íåëåãêîé. Ñóâîðîâ ó÷èë ñâîèõ ñîëäàò è îôèöåðîâ áûòü õðàáðûìè, îí ó÷èë èõ ïîáåæäàòü â áèòâàõ ïðîòèâ âðàãà. Åãî ñîëäàòû íèêîãäà íå áîÿëèñü âðàãà, äàæå êîãäà âðàã áûë î÷åíü ñèëüíûé. Ìèõàèë Êóòóçîâ áûë ó÷åíèêîì Ñóâîðîâà. Îí ðîäèëñÿ â ÑàíêòÏåòåðáóðãå â 1745 ãîäó. Åãî îòåö áûë èíæåíåðîì â ðîññèéñêîé àðìèè. Ìàëåíüêèé Ìèõàèë áûëî äîáðûì, óìíûì ìàëü÷èêîì. Èõ ñåìüÿ áûëà î÷åíü ãîñòåïðèèìíîé. Ó Ìèõàèëà áûëî ìíîãî äðóçåé. È îí áûë îòëè÷íûì ó÷åíèêîì. Îí õîðîøî ðàçáèðàëñÿ â ìàòåìàòèêå è çíàë ìíîãî
2006–2011 гг.
èíîñòðàííûõ ÿçûêîâ. Êîãäà îí ñòàë îôèöåðîì, îí ïðèíèìàë ó÷àñòèå âî ìíîãèõ áèòâàõ. Îí áûë õðàáðûì è ÷åñòíûì îôèöåðîì. Êóòóçîâ âåðèë â ðîññèéñêèõ ñîëäàò. Îí íàó÷èë èõ èñêóññòâó ïîáåæäàòü. Êîãäà Êóòóçîâó áûëî 45 ëåò, îí ñòàë ãåíåðàëîì. Âî âðåìÿ âîéíû 1812 ãîäà Êóòóçîâ ñðàæàëñÿ âî ìíîãèõ áèòâàõ. Ê òîìó âðåìåíè îí áûë óæå ïîæèëûì ÷åëîâåêîì, íî îí ïîáåäèë ïðàêòè÷åñêè âî âñåõ áèòâàõ. Èçâåñòíàÿ áèòâà ïîä Áîðîäèíî áûëà ïåðâîé ðîññèéñêîé ïîáåäîé â òîé âîéíå. Ïîñëå ýòîãî Êóòóçîâó ïîíàäîáèëîñü òîëüêî 3 ìåñÿöà, ÷òîáû ïîëíîñòüþ ïîáåäèòü â âîéíå. Íàïîëåîí áåæàë èç Ðîññèè. Ðîññèÿ ñíîâà ñòàëà ñâîáîäíîé è íåçàâèñèìîé. 21. Who are the most famous Russian generals? When was A. Suvorov born? When was M. Kutuzov born? Why did A Suvorov have a lot of victories? Did soldiers love A. Suvorov? What did A. Suvorov teach his soldiers? What did Kutuzov’s father do? What pupil was Michael? What subjects was M. Kutuzov good at? What did M. Kutuzov teach his soldiers?
Lesson 57 7. Ðîññèÿ — áîãàòàÿ ñòðàíà.  íåé ìíîãî ëåñîâ è ãîð, ðåê è îçåð. Ïðî âñåé ñòðàíå ìíîãî âàæíûõ ãîðîäîâ, ôàáðèê è çàâîäîâ.  Ðîññèè ìíîãî óäèâèòåëüíûõ âåùåé. Íî ñêàçàòü ïî ïðàâäå, Ðîññèÿ áîëüøå âñåãî èçâåñòíà ñâîèìè ëþäüìè. Êòî íè ïðèåçæàåò â Ðîññèþ, âñåãäà âñòðå÷àåò ÷óäåñíûõ ëþäåé, æèâóùèõ â ðàçíûõ ãîðîäàõ, ïîñåëêàõ è äåðåâíÿõ. Ðîññèéñêèå ëþäè òàëàíòëèâû. Ìû ìîæåì íàçâàòü ìíîãèõ èçâåñòíûõ âî âñåì ìèðå.  Àìåðèêå è â Àâñòðàëèè, â Åâðîïå è Àçèè ëþäè ÷èòàþò ðîìàíû Àíòîíà ×åõîâà, Ëüâà Òîëñòîãî, Ôåäîðà Äîñòîåâñêîãî. Ïüåñû ×åõîâà ìîæíî óâèäåòü â Íüþ-Éîðêå è Ïàðèæå, â Ëîíäîíå è Äåëè. Íà ðàçíûõ êîíòèíåíòàõ ëþäè ñëóøàþò ïðåêðàñíóþ ìóçûêó Ïåòðà ×àéêîâñêîãî è Ìèõàèëà Ãëèíêè. Ðîññèÿíå ñîâåðøèëè ìíîãî îòêðûòèé â ðàçíûõ îáëàñòÿõ íàóêè è ïðîìûøëåííîñòè, ìåäèöèíû è êóëüòóðû. Ëþäè âî âñåì ìèðå çíàþò èìÿ Þðèÿ Ãàãàðèíà (ïåðâîãî ðóññêîãî êîñìîíàâòà) è äðóãèõ ðóññêèõ êîñìîíàâòîâ, òàê æå êàê è èìÿ Ñåðãåÿ Êîðîëåâà.  Ðîññèè ìíîãî âåëèêîëåïíûõ ïèëîòîâ è ðàáî÷èõ, ó÷èòåëåé è òàíöîðîâ, èíæåíåðîâ è âðà÷åé. Íà ñàìîì äåëå îòëè÷íûå ñïåöèàëèñòû åñòü âî âñåõ îáëàñòÿõ. Êîãäà çàðóáåæíûå ãîñòè óåçæàþò èç Ðîññèè, îíè îáû÷íî ìíîãî ðàññêàçûâàþò î ñòðàíå. Îäíèì îíà íðàâèòñÿ, äðóãèì — íåò. Îíè ÷àñòî êðèòèêóþò ìíîãîå â Ðîññèè. Íî ïðàêòè÷åñêè âñå ãîâîðÿò, ÷òî ðîññèÿíå — ÷óäåñíûå ëþäè. Îíè îòêðûòû, äîáðû è î÷åíü ãîñòåïðèèìíû. Áóäåì íàäåÿòüñÿ, ÷òî íîâàÿ æèçíü íå èçìåíèò äóøè è ñåðäöà íàøåãî íàðîäà.