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Gifts to the BSA Endowment Support Student Research Nurturing Botanists: Developing a Self- and Community-Care Practice:
Gifts to the BSA Endowment Support Student Research
In 2021, the Botanical Society of America (BSA) revised its strategic plan, updating the mission, goals, and areas of impact for the Society. A gi or planned nancial commitment to the BSA will enable the Society to achieve its goals as outlined in the updated strategic plan and to achieve longterm sustainability for BSA. Support for diverse student inclusion and participation emerged as a priority for the continued work of the Society. Among other areas of focus outlined in the strategic plan, making student participation and success a key priority will ensure the overall long-term sustainability and global impact of the BSA.
In 2021, the Society received a large and generous gi from an anonymous donor to endow a new Graduate Student Research Award in Comparative Plant Biology. e rst research award for $10,000 from this fund will be o ered in 2023. is award signi cantly increases the support that the Society can provide to graduate students in plant biology. e Society also o ers the prestigious Kaplan Dissertation Award in Comparative Morphology, in its third year of funding, which provides a $10,000 research award annually.
You, too, can help by making a donation of any amount to BSA or consider giving a legacy gi to BSA. e intent of the Botanical Society of America’s Legacy Society is to ensure a vibrant BSA for tomorrow’s botanists, and to assist all members in providing wisely planned giving options. All that is asked is that you remember the BSA as a component in your legacy gi s— no minimum amount. We hope this allows all BSA members to play a meaningful part in the Society’s future.
Giving a legacy gi to the BSA is simple: https://crm.botany.org/civicrm/profile/ create?gid=46&reset=1. To contact us with your questions, e-mail bsa-manager@botany. org.
By Jennifer Cruse-Sanders
BSA Director at Large for Development