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Papers to Read for Future Leaders
As we continue in our careers, we hope to see the academic culture shi to be healthier and more inclusive. Below are a few papers the BSA community recommends reading if you hope to lead. We hope to continue to recommend “Papers to Read for Future Leaders” to BSA Student members. If you have papers you would like us to include, please share it with us via this Google form: https://tinyurl.com/y5dp8r4m.
•Allen, K., J. Reardon, Y. Lu, D. V. Smith, E. Rainsford, and L. Walsh. 2022. Towards improving peer review: Crowd-sourced insights from Twitter. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice 19(3). https://ro.uow.edu.au/jutlp/vol19/iss3/02
•Gin, L. E., N. J. Wiesenthal, I. Ferreira, and K. M. Cooper. 2021. PhDepression: Examining how graduate research and teaching a ect depression in life sciences PhD students.
CBE—Life Sciences Education 20(3).
•Herz, N., O. Dan, N. Censor, and Y. Bar-Haim. 2020. Opinion: Authors overestimate their contribution to scienti c work, demonstrating a strong bias. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences 117: 6282–6285.
•Ramírez-Castañeda, V., E. P. Westeen, J. Frederick, S. Amini, D. R. Wait, A. S. Achmadi,
N. Andayana, et al. 2022. A set of principles and practical suggestions for equitable eldwork in biology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(34). https:// doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2122667119
•Tilghman, S., B. Alberts, D. Colón-Ramos, K. Dzirasa, J. Kimble, and H. Varmus. 2021.
Concrete steps to diversify the scienti c workforce. Science 372: 133–135.