2011 Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Keynote Botgirl Questi & David Elfanbaum © 2011
Botgirl: Greeting Humans and welcome to the Virtual World Blogger and Pundit Extravaganza. David: Um. Botgirl. Botgirl: Yes, David? David: We went over this. Remember? VWBPE stands for Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education. Botgirl: That’s your story. The slogan for Second Life is Your World, Your Imagination, right? Well in my world and my imagination, that’s the name of this conference. David: (sighs) Please, just keep to the script we agreed on, okay? Botgirl: Sure thing!. But, before we get started . . . David Yes? Botgirl: I want to check in with the audience on one thing, okay?