Shs2015 3web izrez

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letnik 15 (2015), {t. 3

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JANJA ŽMAVC: "Post autem auditis oratoribus Graecis...": Some Notes on Intercultural Perspective of Classical Rhetoric MATJAŽ RAVBAR: Maistrova eskadrilja : letalci v Mariboru v letih 1918 in 1919 GREGOR PIVEC: Sanitetna služba Maistrove vojske ALENKA KORON: Tematizacije vélike vojne pri Jušu Kozaku JOŽICA ČEH STEGER: Stanko Majcen in vélika vojna KATJA MIHURKO PONIŽ: Prva svetovna vojna v delih slovenskih književnic BRANISLAVA VIČAR: Vloga vojaka v spomenikih prve svetovne vojne: ideološka reprezentacija vojne v tridimenzionalnih objektih

URŠKA LAMPE: Od prve svetovne vojne do Konvencije o ravnanju z vojnimi ujetniki (1929) VINKO SKITEK: Nemška poštna služba v Mežiški dolini med drugo svetovno vojno TOMAŽ IVEŠIĆ: "Compared to Him the Prisoners are Innocent People'': The Fall of Milovan Djilas (1948–1954) ANDREJ STOPAR: New Relations in the Crumbling Times: Emerging Slovenia's Independence in Russian Diplomatic Sources (1990–1992)

Studia Historica Slovenica

MATEJA MATJAŠIČ FRIŠ: Izvrševanje "poslednje volje" dr. Pavla Turnerja

Fotografija na naslovnici / Photography on the cover: Prof. dr. Andrej Vovko (1947-2015) Professor Andrej Vovko, Ph. D. (1947-2015)

^asopis za humanisti~ne in dru`boslovne {tudije Humanities and Social Studies Review



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S lovenica Studia Historica Slovenica Časopis za humanistične in družboslovne študije Humanities and Social Studies Review

letnik 15 (2015), št. 3



Studia Historica Slovenica

ISNN 1580-8122

Časopis za humanistične in družboslovne študije / Humanities and Social Studies Review Izdajatelj / Published by ZGODOVINSKO DRUŠTVO DR. FRANCA KOVAČIČA V MARIBORU/ HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DR. FRANC KOVAČIČ IN MARIBOR ZRI DR. FRANCA KOVAČIČA V MARIBORU/ ZRI DR. FRANC KOVAČIČ IN MARIBOR Uredniški odbor / Editorial Board dr. Ivo Banac (ZDA / USA), dr. Rajko Bratuž, dr. Neven Budak (Hrvaška / Croatia), dr. Jožica Čeh Steger, dr. Darko Darovec, dr. Darko Friš, dr. Stane Granda, dr. Andrej Hozjan, dr. Tomaž Kladnik, dr. Mateja Matjašič Friš, dr. Aleš Maver, dr. Jože Mlinarič, dr. Jurij Perovšek, dr. Jože Pirjevec (Italija / Italy), dr. Dragan Potočnik, dr. Tone Ravnikar, dr. Imre Szilágyi (Madžarska / Hungary), dr. Peter Štih, dr. Andrej Vovko †, dr. Marija Wakounig (Avstrija / Austria), dr. Zinka Zorko Odgovorni urednik / Responsible Editor dr. Darko Friš Zgodovinsko društvo dr. Franca Kovačiča Koroška cesta 160, SI – 2000 Maribor, Slovenija telefon / Phone: 00386 2 229 36 58 fax / Fax: 00386 2 229 36 25 e-pošta / e-mail: Glavni urednik / Chief Editor dr. Mateja Matjašič Friš

Članki so recenzirani. Za znanstveno vsebino prispevkov so odgovorni avtorji. Ponatis člankov je mogoč samo z dovoljenjem uredništva in navedbo vira. The articles have been reviewed. The authors are solely responsible for the content of their articles. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the publisher's prior consent and a full mention of the source. Žiro račun / Bank Account: Prevajanje / Translation: Lektoriranje / Language-editing Oblikovanje naslovnice / Cover Design: Oblikovanje in računalniški prelom / Design and Computer Typesetting: Tisk / Printed by:

Nova KBM d.d. SI 56041730001421147 David Hazemali, Uroš Turnšek, Rok Gorjup dr. Ines Voršič Knjižni studio d.o.o. Knjižni studio d.o.o. Itagraf d.o.o.

http: // Izvlečke prispevkov v tem časopisu objavljata 'Historical – Abstracts' in 'America: History and Life'. Časopis je uvrščen v 'Ulrich's Periodicals Directory', evropsko humanistično bazo ERIH in mednarodno bibliografsko bazo Scopus (H). Abstracts of this review are included in 'Historical – Abstracts' and 'America: History and Life'. This review is included in 'Ulrich's Periodicals Directory', european humanistic database ERIH and international database Scopus (H). Studia historica Slovenica, Časopis za humanistične in družboslovne študije, je vpisan v razvid medijev, ki ga vodi Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, pod zaporedno številko 487. Izdajo časopisa sta omogočila Agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost RS in Mestna občina Maribor. Co-financed by the Slovenian Research Agency and City of Maribor.

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S lovenica Ka­za­lo / Con­tents V spomin/ In Memoriam MATEJA MATJAŠIČ FRIŠ, DARKO FRIŠ, MARTIN GRUM: V spomin – prof. dr. Andrej Vovko (1947–2015).......................................................479 STANE GRANDA: In Memoriam – prof. dr. Andrej Vovko (1947–2015)........485

Član­ki in raz­pra­ve / Pa­pers and Es­says JANJA ŽMAVC: "Post autem auditis oratoribus Graecis...": Some Notes on Intercultural Perspective of Classical Rhetoric......................................491 "Post autem auditis oratoribus graecis...": nekaj opomb k medkulturnem vidiku klasične retorike MATJAŽ RAVBAR: Maistrova eskadrilja : letalci v Mariboru v letih 1918 in 1919 ........................................................................................511 Maister Squadron : Pilots in Maribor between 1918 and 1919 GREGOR PIVEC: Sanitetna služba Maistrove vojske..........................................533 Sanitary Services of the General Maister's Army ALENKA KORON: Tematizacije vélike vojne pri Jušu Kozaku .......................549 Representations of the Great War in Juš Kozak JOŽICA ČEH STEGER: Stanko Majcen in vélika vojna ......................................565 Stanko Majcen and the Great War KATJA MIHURKO PONIŽ: "Prva svetovna vojna v delih slovenskih književnic ...................................................................................577 The Great War in the Works of Slovenian Female Writers BRANISLAVA VIČAR: "Vloga vojaka v spomenikih prve svetovne vojne: ideološka reprezentacija vojne v tridimenzionalnih objektih ................595 The Role of a Soldier in First World War Monuments: Ideological Representation of the War in Three-Dimensional Objects

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S lovenica MATEJA MATJAŠIČ FRIŠ: Izvrševanje "poslednje volje" dr. Pavla Turnerja...........................................................................................621 Enforcing the "Last Will" of Dr. Pavel Turner URŠKA LAMPE: Od prve svetovne vojne do Konvencije o ravnanju z vojnimi ujetniki (1929)...........................................................649 From the First World War to the Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War (1929) VINKO SKITEK: Nemška poštna služba v Mežiški dolini med drugo svetovno vojno ................................................................................ 661 German Postal Service in the Meža Valley during the Second World War TOMAŽ IVEŠIĆ: ''Compared to Him the Prisoners are Innocent People'': The Fall of Milovan Djilas (1948–1954) ................................................... 677 ''V primerjavi z njim so zaporniki nedolžni ljudje'': padec Milovana Đilasa (1948–1954) ANDREJ STOPAR: New Relations in the Crumbling Times: Emerging Slovenia's Independence in Russian Diplomatic Sources (1990–1992) ............................................................................................... 709 Novi odnosi v razpadajočem času: vzpostavljanje slovenske osamosvojitve v ruskih diplomatskih virih (1990–1992)

Avtorski izvlečki / Authors' Abstracts .................... 751 Uredniška navodila avtorjem / Editor's Instructions to Authors ................................. 759 Studia Historica Slovenica / letnik / year 15 (2015) .................................................


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S lovenica Avtorski izvleÄ?ki / Author's Abstracts

S tudia H istorica S lovenica UDK 808.5(37/38):316.722

Avtor: ŽMAVC Janja Dr., izredna profesorica, višja znanstvena sodelavka Pedagoški inštitut Ljubljana Gerbičeva 62, SI – 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija

Naslov: " POST AUTEM AUDITIS ORATORIBUS GRAECIS...": NEKAJ OPOMB K MEDKULTURNEM VIDIKU KLASIČNE RETORIKE Studia Historica Slovenica Časopis za humanistične in družboslovne študije / Humanities and Social Studies Review Maribor, letnik 15 (2015), št. 3, str. 491–510, 35 cit., 3 slike Kategorija: 1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek Jezik: angleški (izvleček angleški in slovenski, povzetek slovenski) Ključne besede: klasična retorika, stari Grki, Rimljani, medkulturna komunikacija Izvleček: V prispevku obravnavamo grško-rimsko (tj. klasično) retoriko z vidika medkulturne komunikacije. Izhajajoč iz pojmovanja retorike kot sredstva interakcije med starogrško in rimsko kulturo, osvetljujemo nekatere njene teoretske in družbeno-kulturne značilnosti in jo opredeljujemo kot: a) že v antiki uveljavljeno teoretsko disciplino javnega prepričevanja in b) kot povezujoč družbeno-kulturni element, ki je kot razvijajoča se disciplina spodbujal in do določene mere celo ustvarjal pogoje za medkulturne stike med starimi Grki in Rimljani. Za prikaz povezave med retoriko kot disciplino in retoriko kot med- oziroma čez-kulturnim pojavom, orisujemo tako značilnosti javnega nastopanja v stari Grčiji in Rimu kakor tudi nekatere “retorične" stike med obema kulturama.

Author: RAVBAR Matjaž M.D., curator Military Museum of Slovenian Armed Forces Engelsova ulica 15, SI – 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

UDC 355.354(497.4Maribor)"1918/1919" 94(497.4Maribor)"1918/1919"

Title: MAISTER SQUADRON : PILOTS IN MARIBOR BETWEEN 1918 AND 1919 Studia Historica Slovenica Časopis za družboslovne in humanistične študije / Humanities and Social Studies Review Maribor, 15 (2015), No. 3, pp. 511–532, 59 notes, 4 pictures Category: 1.01 Original scientific paper Language: Original in Slovene (Abstract in Slovene and English, Summary in English) Key words: fights for the northern border, aviation, Maribor, Maister squadron, pilots, national aviation, 1918– 1919 Abstract: The term “Maister squadron" stands for the aviation unit that, in the key moments of the years 1918 and 1919, offered air support to general Maister in Maribor and above Carinthia, Styria and Prekmurje. The unit’s establishment started in November 1918 and was operative throughout the period of fighting for the northern border. The unit never carried this title and never operated as an independent unit. The men of the Maister squadron were part of the collapsed Austro-Hungarian monarchy aviation. The number of men was constantly changing; about 60 men were a part of the unit: 1 spotter, 7 pilots, 2 machine gunners, and 52 soldiers. After the fight for the northern border had ended, and the agreement of a peaceful solution for the northern border had been reached, the reason for its existence was gone. The squadron had disbanded on October 6, 1919, and the men, along with aviation material, were sent to Zagreb. Although it never had a unified name, the aviation unit in Maribor partook in the fighting for the northern border, as its pilots carried out 74 combat flights without casualties and with the loss of only one plane.


UDC 356.3:61-051(497.4Maribor)"1918" Author: PIVEC Gregor Ph.D., assistant professor, prim., director University Medical Centre Maribor Ljubljanska ulica 5, SI – 2000 Maribor, Slovenia Title: SANITARY SERVICES OF THE GENERAL MAISTER'S ARMY Časopis za družboslovne in humanistične študije / Humanities and Social Studies Review Maribor, 15 (2015), No. 3, pp. 533–548, 29 notes, 7 pictures Category: 1.01 Original scientific paper Language: Original in Slovene (Abstract in Slovene and English, Summary in English) Key words: end of First World War, military and political situation, General Rudolf Maister, sanitary service of Maister's fighters, sanitary supply of military transports, military hospitals, organization of sanitary services, battles in Carinthia Abstract: Based on accessible resources, the author discusses the formation of the Austrian army within the 3rd Army corps (Graz), i.e. units with soldiers of Slovene nationality. He also describes the broader political and military situation at the end of the First World War. The so-called Maister's Army, which initially included volunteers from the former units of the Austrian army, established its own structure-specific sanitary services. The services functioned on similar principles as all sanitary services of the then armies, partially relying on military and partially on civil healthcare institutions. Special emphasis was placed on the problem of military transport at the end of the war. Due to non-discipline of soldiers leading to numerous injuries, including the severe railway accident near Hajdina, the military transports were particularly challenging. In the end the author describes in brief the sanitary supply of Maister's fighters in battles across Carinthia.

Author: KORON Alenka Ph.D., independent humanities specialist ZRC SAZU, Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies Novi trg 2, SI – 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

UDC 821.163.6.09Kozak J.

Title: REPRESENTATIONS OF THE GREAT WAR IN JUŠ KOZAK Studia Historica Slovenica Časopis za družboslovne in humanistične študije / Humanities and Social Studies Review Maribor, 15 (2015), No. 3, pp. 549–564, 35 notes, 1 picture Category: 1.01 Original scientific paper Language: Original in Slovene (Abstract in Slovene and English, Summary in English) Keywords: the Great War, Austria-Hungary, autobiographical, Pavliha Chronicle Abstract: The place and role of Juš Kozak (1892–1964) – writer, critic and editor – in Slovenian literature and culture are relatively well known. His opus also received a rounded text-critical presentation with the publication of thirteen volumes of his collected works. While the autobiographical Celica, the tale of imprisonment, and the narrative-essayist collection Maske from the writer’s mature period are considered his best works, the texts, which depict the experience of the Great War, however, have not received such flattering judgments. The article deals with precisely these texts, written over the course of all three periods of Kozak’s literary creation. The author is interested in the reasons for their more rigorous assessment. The author tries to shed light on their meaning and find out how they are becoming a part of Slovenian cultural memory.


S tudia H istorica S lovenica UDC 821.163.6.09Majcen S.:94(4) “1914/1918" Author: ČEH STEGER Jožica Ph.D., full professor University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Department for Slavic Languages and Literatures Koroška 160, SI – 2000 Maribor, Slovenia Title: STANKO MAJCEN AND THE GREAT WAR Studia Historica Slovenica Časopis za družboslovne in humanistične študije / Humanities and Social Studies Review Maribor, 15 (2015), No. 3, pp. 565–576, 22 notes, 2 pictures Category: 1.01 Original scientific paper Language: Original in Slovene (Abstract in Slovene and English, Summary in English) Key words: the Great War, Stanko Majcen, short stories, drama, war theme Abstract: This paper presents Majcen’s reflection on the Great War and how it is echoed in his narrative and dramatic opus. Compared with the letter Književnik v vojski permeated with the author’s initial enthusiasm for war, which was supposed to bring moral purification of man and society, such feelings no longer exist in his literary short stories, as well as in his dramatic, war themed, texts. From these works, we discern the author’s condemnation of the war slaughter, compassion for suffering people, especially war refugees, but also for animals.

Author: MIHURKO PONIŽ Katja Ph.D., Associated Professor and researcher University of Nova Gorica, School of Humanities Vipavska 13, SI – 5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia

UDC 821.163.6.09:94(4)"1914/1918"

Title: THE GREAT WAR IN THE WORKS OF SLOVENIAN FEMALE WRITERS Studia Historica Slovenica Časopis za družboslovne in humanistične študije / Humanities and Social Studies Review Maribor, 15 (2015), No. 3, pp. 577–594, 38 notes, 5 pictures Category: 1.01 Original scientific paper Language: Original in Slovene (Abstract in Slovene and English, Summary in English) Keywords: the Great War, Manica Koman, Vida Jeraj, Ilka Vašte, Marija Kmet, Zofka Kveder Abstract: In Slovenian literature, many literary works were thematically linked to the Great War. Only a few of these works were created by female writers, despite the fact that women also experienced the horrors of the Great War. The majority wrote their works in time of war; it presented a turning point in women’s lives, as they became more active than ever. However, after the war, many women withdrew from public life into privacy; even the writers rarely included the memory of the Great War in their texts. This can be explained by the fact that their experience of war was different. As a result, the genre of war literature, as developed by male writers, was not as appealing to them. Therefore, they had to find their own perspective, which only a few had managed to achieve. The ones who did are presented in this article, namely: Manica Koman (1880–1961), Vida Jeraj (1875–1932), Zofka Kveder (1878–1926), Marija Kmet (1891–1974), and Ilka Vašte (1891–1967).


UDC [930.2:81’22]:725.945 Author: VIČAR Branislava Ph.D., assistant professor University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Department for Slavic Languages and Literatures Koroška 160, SI – 2000 Maribor, Slovenia Title: THE ROLE OF A SOLDIER IN FIRST WORLD WAR MONUMENTS: IDEOLOGICAL REPRESENTATION OF THE WAR IN THREE-DIMENSIONAL OBJECTS Studia Historica Slovenica Časopis za družboslovne in humanistične študije / Humanities and Social Studies Review Maribor, 15 (2015), No. 3, pp. 595–620, 71 notes, 8 pictures Category: 1.01 Original scientific paper Language: Original in Slovene (Abstract in Slovene and English, Summary in English) Key words: three-dimensional social semiotics, multimodal analysis, art and memory, representation of war, war monuments, First World War, imperialism Abstract: The paper brings a semiotic and multimodal analysis of the seven figural monuments of the First World War, which were placed on Slovenian soil in 1920s and 1930s. The analysis shows that visual and material semiotic choices contribute to the re-contextualization of the war: the reasons for the colonial war are being substituted by the idea of ​​national homogenization; collective national identification is based on the construct of the victim. Victim discourse is a characteristic of the soldiers’ form as well as commemorative narrative. Explicit pacifist undertone is the expression of a specific response to the social and political realities associated with the consequences of war for the majority of the Slovenian population. Unquestionable status of a soldier in the service of the Austro-Hungarian imperialism, which has constituted the foundation of the struggle between the capitalist great powers for global domination, integrates the memory of the First World War in the horizon of capitalist imperialism.

Author: MATJAŠIČ FRIŠ Mateja Ph. D., research assistant UKC Maribor, Medical research department Ljubljanska 5, SI – 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

UDC 929Turner P.:347.67

Title: ENFORCING THE "LAST WILL" OF DR. PAVEL TURNER Studia Historica Slovenica Časopis za družboslovne in humanistične študije / Humanities and Social Studies Review Maribor, 15 (2015), No. 3, pp. 621–648, 83 notes, 1 picture Category: 1.01 Original scientific paper Language: Original in Slovene (Abstract in Slovene and English, Summary in English) Keywords: Pavel Turner (1842–1924), last testament, legacy, Franc Firbas, Turner Institution, University of Ljubljana Abstract: On September 25, 1924, Pavel Turner died in his home in Krčevina near Maribor. Turner was not only a Doctor of Laws and an expert on global economies, but also a great educator, writer, passionate encourager of Slovenian national development, great cosmopolitan and a well-known philanthropist and patron. In his last testament, which he wrote only a month before his death, he left the majority of his assets to an institution (foundation) dedicated to scholarships, or as he himself had written: "to the improvement of professional and worldly education of accomplished Slovenian jurists and philosophers". Basing on archival sources, the author presents the course and the complications of the enforcement of his "last will".


S tudia H istorica S lovenica UDC 94(4)"1914/1918":341.341 341.33"1929":341.328 Author: LAMPE Urška B.D. in history, young researcher Institute of Nova revija for Humanities Gospodinjska ulica 8, SI − 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Title: F ROM THE FIRST WORLD WAR TO THE CONVENTION RELATIVE TO THE TREATMENT OF PRISONERS OF WAR (1929) Studia Historica Slovenica Časopis za družboslovne in humanistične študije / Humanities and Social Studies Review Maribor, 15 (2015), No. 3, pp. 649–660, 37 notes, 1 picture Category: 1.01 Original scientific paper Language: Original in Slovene (Abstract in Slovene and English, Summary in English) Keywords: First World War, prisoners of war, international humanitarian law and the Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War (1929), the International Committee of the Red Cross Abstract: There are few legal and historical debates on the impact of the First World War on the development of international humanitarian law regarding the protection of prisoners of war. This paper offers a brief analysis of the problems of war captivity during the First World War, with emphasis on how the war influenced the development of the legal protection of prisoners of war. It also provides an emphasis on how the experience of war is reflected in individual articles of the Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War from 1929. The author argues that the Convention can be seen as a direct legacy of the First World War.

Author: SKITEK Vinko B.A. in history Vrhe 28a, SI – 2380 Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia

UDC 94(497.413)"1941/1945":656.254.5

Title: GERMAN POSTAL SERVICE IN THE MEŽA VALLEY DURING THE SECOND WORLD WAR Studia Historica Slovenica Časopis za družboslovne in humanistične študije / Humanities and Social Studies Review Maribor, 15 (2015), No. 3, pp. 661–676, 37 notes, 4 pictures Category: 1.01 Original scientific paper Language: Original in Slovene (Abstract in Slovene and English, Summary in English) Keywords: German occupation, postal service, Slovenia 1941–1945, the Meža valley, telegraph service Abstract: In the paper, the author discusses the problem of the German postal service on the territory occupied by the Germans during the Second World War with a special emphasis on the Meža valley. He uses the preexisting work in the field as well as archival documents form the German state archives as his primary source. The postal service was, second only to transportation, a system of primary importance for the Nazi Germany and had a joint ministry with the transportation sector. In his discussion, the author also touches the subject of the seizing the postal and telegraph offices by the Germans in the occupied Yugoslav territory. He explains the organization of the German postal and telegraph service in the occupied territory and their services. A part of the paper is also dedicated to the problem of postal employees during the Second World War.


Avtor: IVEŠIĆ Tomaž Magistrski študent primerjalne zgodovine Central European University Nádor ut. 9, H – 1051 Budimpešta, Madžarska

UDK 94(497.1)"1948/1954":929Djilas M.

Naslov: " V PRIMERJAVI Z NJIM SO ZAPORNIKI NEDOLŽNI LJUDJE’!: PADEC MILOVANA ĐILASA (1948–1954) Studia Historica Slovenica Časopis za humanistične in družboslovne študije / Humanities and Social Studies Review Maribor, letnik 15 (2015), št. 3, str. 677–708, 140 cit., 3 slike Kategorija: 1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek Jezik: angleški (izvleček angleški in slovenski, povzetek slovenski) Ključne besede: Milovan Đjilas, Edvard Kardelj, Josip Broz Tito, Aleksandar Ranković, Zveza komunistov Jugoslavije, demokratizacija Izvleček: Avtor v članku razpravlja o vzrokih, ki so pripeljali k preoblikovanja Milovana Đilasa od enega ključnih partijskih ideologov do prvega in najpomembnejšega jugoslovanskega disidenta. Đilasove dejavnosti od 1948 do 1953 kažejo, da je do temeljnega razkoraka prišlo zaradi njegovega resničnega in nepopravljivega preloma s Sovjetsko zvezo. Tega preloma ni ublažila, pač pa ga je samo še okrepila Stalinova smrt. Prikazani so tudi odnosi med najpomembnejšimi člani Zveze komunistov Jugoslavije (ZKJ), njihovi osebni razlogi za Đilasov padec, ideološka razhajanja in odstopanja od pisanih in nepisanih pravil. Đilasova zgodba, ki je analizirana v prispevku, kaže da je ZKJ v svojem bistvu in modusu operandi še vedno ostala stalinistična stranka, kljub številnim dobro zvenečim frazam.

UDK 94(497.4)"1990/1992" 327(470+571:497.1)"1990/1992" Avtor: STOPAR Andrej Dipl. zgodovinar in prof. primerjalne književnosti, vodja uredništva RTV Slovenija Tavčarjeva 17, SI – 1550 Ljubljana, Slovenija Naslov: N OVI ODNOSI V RAZPADAJOČEM ČASU: VZPOSTAVLJANJE SLOVENSKE OSAMOSVOJITVE V RUSKIH DIPLOMATSKIH VIRIH (1990–1992) Studia Historica Slovenica Časopis za humanistične in družboslovne študije / Humanities and Social Studies Review Maribor, letnik 15 (2015), št. 3, str. 709–750, 104 cit., 5 slik Kategorija: 1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek Jezik: angleški (izvleček angleški in slovenski, povzetek slovenski) Ključne besede: Sovjetska zveza, Jugoslavija, Slovenija, diplomatski odnosi, razpad socialističnih federacij Izvleček: Članek tematizira pogled Sovjetske zveze oz. njene naslednice Ruske federacije na razpad SFR Jugoslavije in v tem kontekstu osamosvajanje Slovenije. Z analizo diplomatskega gradiva sovjetskega veleposlaništva v Beogradu in generalnega konzulata v Zagrebu oriše, kako so diplomati spremljali dezintegracijske procese v SFRJ, in ga dopolnjuje z uradnimi izjavami in komentarji akademskih krogov. Poglavitna spoznanja so: sovjetska zunanja politika je dosledno podpirala celovitost SFRJ in je nasprotovala osamosvajanju republik. Priznanje novih držav leta 1992 je bilo posledica kratkega obdobja prozahodnega koncepta ruske zunanje politike in notranjepolitičnega merjenja moči med predsednikom Borisom Jelcinom in opozicijo, sestavljeno iz komunističnih in nacionalističnih sil.

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S lovenica Uredniška navodila avtorjem / Editor's Instructions to Authors

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S lovenica Uredniška navodila avtorjem 1.

Stu­dia hi­sto­ri­ca Slo­ve­ni­ca (SHS) je znans­tve­na pe­rio­dič­na pub­li­ ka­ci­ja, ki jo iz­da­ja Zgo­do­vin­sko društvo dr. Fran­ca Ko­va­či­ča, Ko­roš­ka ce­sta 160, Ma­ri­bor. Re­vi­ja ob­jav­lja član­ke s po­droč­ja zgo­do­vi­ne in os­ta­ lih hu­ma­ni­stič­nih in druž­bo­slov­nih ved, ki me­ji­jo na zgo­do­vin­sko zna­ nost.


Re­vi­ja Stu­dia hi­sto­ri­ca Slo­ve­ni­ca iz­ha­ja v treh šte­vil­kah let­no. V dveh šte­vil­kah ob­jav­lja pris­pev­ke v slo­ven­skem je­zi­ku – s pov­zet­kom (sum­ mary) v an­gleš­kem, nemš­kem, ita­li­jan­skem, fran­co­skem ali ru­skem je­zi­ku in iz­vleč­kom (ab­stract) v an­gleš­kem je­zi­ku. Ena šte­vil­ka je tu­je­ je­zič­na in je na­me­nje­na ob­ja­vam pris­pev­kov do­ma­čih in tu­jih av­tor­jev v enem od sve­tov­nih je­zi­kov – s pov­zet­kom (sum­mary) v slo­ven­skem je­zi­ku in iz­vleč­kom (ab­stract) v slo­ven­skem je­zi­ku.


Pris­pe­vek, od­dan ali po­slan ured­niš­tvu, lah­ko ob­se­ga do 30 eno­ stran­sko tip­ka­nih stra­ni s po 30 vr­sti­ca­mi na stran (52.750 zna­ kov). Pris­pe­vek mora biti od­dan na di­ske­ti (pra­vi­lo­ma z ure­je­val­ni­kom Word for Win­dows) in v iz­ti­ska­ni ob­li­ki. Sli­kov­ni ma­te­rial v ob­li­ki la­ser­ske ko­pi­je ali v elek­tron­ski ob­li­ki (PDF ali TIF for­mat) mora biti oprem­ljen s pod­na­pi­som in na­ved­bo vira.


Av­tor mora na­ve­sti na­sled­nje po­dat­ke: ime in prii­mek, aka­dem­ski na­slov, de­lov­no me­sto, us­ta­no­vo za­po­sli­tve, njen na­slov in mo­re­bit­ni na­slov elek­tron­ske po­šte (e-mail).


Od­da­ni pris­pe­vek mora biti oprem­ljen: s pov­zet­kom (30-45 vr­stic), iz­vleč­kom (6-10 vr­stic) in ključ­ni­mi be­se­da­mi. Iz­vle­ček mora biti ra­zum­ljiv sam po sebi brez bra­nja ce­lot­ne­ga be­se­di­ la član­ka. Pri pi­sa­nju se upo­rab­lja­jo celi stav­ki, izo­gi­ba­ti se je tre­ba slab­ še zna­nim kra­ti­cam in okraj­ša­vam. Iz­vle­ček mora vse­bo­va­ti av­tor­jev pri­mar­ni na­men ozi­ro­ma do­seg član­ka, raz­log, za­kaj je bil na­pi­san, ter opis teh­ni­ke ra­zi­sko­val­ne­ga pri­sto­pa (os­nov­na me­to­do­loš­ka na­če­la). Ključ­ne be­se­de mo­ra­jo odra­ža­ti vse­bi­no pris­pev­ka in biti pri­mer­ne za kla­si­fi­ka­ci­jo (UDK). Pov­ze­tek mora pred­sta­vi­ti na­men pris­pev­ka, glav­ne zna­čil­no­sti in me­to­do­lo­gi­jo ra­zi­sko­val­ne­ga dela ter naj­po­mem­bnej­še re­zul­ta­te in skle­pe.


Be­se­di­lo pris­pev­ka mora biti pre­gled­no in ra­zum­lji­vo struk­tu­ri­ra­ no (na­slo­vi po­gla­vij, pod­po­gla­vij), tako da je mo­go­če raz­bra­ti na­men, me­to­do dela, re­zul­ta­te in skle­pe.

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S lovenica 7.

Opom­be mo­ra­jo biti pi­sa­ne enot­no kot sprot­ne opom­be pod čr­to. So vse­bin­ske (av­tor­jev ko­men­tar) in bib­lio­graf­ske (na­ved­ba vira, upo­ rab­lje­ne – ci­ti­ra­ne li­te­ra­tu­re). Bib­lio­graf­ska opom­ba mora ob prvi na­ved­bi vse­bo­va­ti ce­lo­ten na­slov oz. na­ha­ja­liš­če: ime in prii­mek av­tor­ja, na­slov dela (ko gre za ob­ja­vo v re­vi­ji ali zbor­ni­ku na­slov le-tega), kraj in leto izi­da, stra­ni (pri­mer – mo­no­gra­fi­ja: Jo­že Mli­na­rič, Stu­de­niš­ki do­mi­ni­kan­ski sa­mo­ stan : ok. 1245–1782 (Ce­lje, 2005), str. …; pri­mer – re­vi­ja: Dar­ko Friš, "Ba­no­vin­ska kon­fe­ren­ca Ju­go­slo­van­ske na­cio­nal­ne stran­ke leta 1937 v Ljub­lja­ni", Zgo­do­vin­ski ča­so­pis 59, št. 1–2 (2005): str. …; pri­mer – ča­snik: (av­tor), "Vo­li­tve v ma­ri­bor­ski mest­ni za­stop", Slo­ven­ski gos­po­dar, 27. no­vem­ber 1873, št. 48, str. …; pri­mer – zbornik: Va­si­lij Me­lik, "Vpra­ša­nje re­gij v na­ši pre­te­klo­sti", v: Re­gio­nal­ni vi­di­ki slo­ven­ske zgo­do­vi­ne : zbor­ nik re­fe­ra­tov XXXI. zbo­ro­va­nja slo­ven­skih zgo­do­vi­nar­jev, ur. Peter [tih in Bojan Bal­ko­vec (Ljub­lja­na, 2004), str. …), nato pa se upo­rab­lja smi­sel­ na okraj­ša­va (da­lje: Mli­na­rič, Stu­de­niš­ki do­mi­ni­kan­ski sa­mo­stan, str. …). Pri na­va­ja­nju ar­hiv­skih vi­rov je tre­ba na­ve­sti: ar­hiv (ob prvi na­ved­bi ce­lot­no ime, v pri­me­ru, da ga upo­rab­lja­mo več­krat, je tre­ba na­ve­sti okraj­ša­vo v ok­le­pa­ju), ime fon­da ali zbir­ke (sig­na­tu­ro, če jo ima), šte­vil­ ko fas­ci­kla (škat­le) in ar­hiv­ske eno­te ter na­slov na­va­ja­ne­ga do­ku­men­ta (pri­mer: Po­kra­jin­ski ar­hiv Ma­ri­bor (PAM), fond Pa­vel Tur­ner, škat­la 7, pi­smo Da­vo­ri­na Tr­ste­nja­ka Pa­vlu Tur­ner­ju iz Sta­re­ga Trga, 7. ju­ni­ja 1889.)


Pris­pev­ki so re­cen­zi­ra­ni; re­cen­zi­je so ano­nim­ne. Na os­no­vi po­zi­tiv­ne­ ga mne­nja re­cen­zen­tov je čla­nek uvrš­čen v ob­ja­vo.


Za znans­tve­no vse­bi­no pris­pev­ka in toč­nost po­dat­kov od­go­var­ja av­tor.

10. Ured­niš­tvo pre­je­te pris­pev­ke lek­to­ri­ra, av­tor lek­tu­ro pre­gle­da in jo av­to­ri­zi­ra. Ured­niš­tvo po­sre­du­je av­tor­ju prvo ko­rek­tu­ro pris­pev­ka, ki jo mora vr­ni­ti ured­niš­tvo v roku treh dni; šir­je­nje ob­se­ga be­se­di­la ob ko­rek­tu­rah ni do­vo­lje­no. Pri ko­rek­tu­rah je tre­ba upo­rab­lja­ti ko­rek­tur­na zna­me­nja, na­ve­de­na v Slo­ven­ski pra­vo­pis (1962), Slo­ven­ski pra­vo­pis 1. Pra­vi­la (1990). Dru­go ko­rek­tu­ro opra­vi ured­niš­tvo. 11. Do­dat­na po­ja­sni­la lah­ko av­tor­ji do­bi­jo na ured­niš­tvu. Ured­niš­tvo SHS

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S lovenica Editor's Instructions to Authors 1.

Stu­dia hi­sto­ri­ca Slo­ve­ni­ca (SHS) is a pe­rio­di­cal scien­ti­fic pub­li­ca­tion pub­lis­hed by the Hi­sto­ri­cal as­so­cia­tion of Franc Ko­va­čič Ph­D, Ko­roš­ ka ce­sta 160, Ma­ri­bor. The pub­li­ca­tion pub­lis­hes hi­sto­ri­cal ar­tic­les and ot­her hu­ma­ni­stic and so­cio­lo­gi­cal ar­tic­les that ad­join hi­sto­ri­cal scien­ce.


Stu­dia hi­sto­ri­ca Slo­ve­ni­ca is is­sued in three vo­lu­mes a year. The first two vo­lu­mes pub­lish ar­tic­les in Slo­ve­ne lan­gua­ge – with sum­ma­ries in En­ glish, Ger­ man, Ita­ lian, French or Rus­ sian lan­ gua­ ge and ab­ stracts in En­glish. The third vo­lu­me is a fo­reign lan­gua­ge vo­lu­me, which is in­ten­ded for pub­lis­hing ar­tic­les writ­ten by lo­cal and fo­reign aut­hors in one of the world lan­gua­ges – with sum­ma­ries and ab­stracts in Slo­ve­ne lan­gua­ge.


An ar­tic­le, de­li­ve­red or sent to the edi­to­rial board, can com­pri­se of at most 30 one-si­ded typed pa­ges with 30 li­nes per page (52,750 print signs). It has to be de­li­ve­red on a com­pu­ter di­sket­te (edi­ted in Word for Win­dows) and in a prin­ted form. Ima­ge ma­te­rial in the form of a la­ser print or in elec­tron form (PDF or TIF for­mat) must be equip­ ped with sub­tit­les and the sour­ce quo­ta­tion.


The aut­hor must sub­mit fol­lo­wing data: name and sur­na­me, aca­de­mic tit­le, oc­cu­pa­tion, in­sti­tu­tion of oc­cu­pa­tion, its ad­dress and e-mail.


De­li­ve­red ar­tic­le must be equip­ped with: a sum­mary (30-45 li­nes), an ab­stract (6-10 li­nes) and key words. Sum­mary must be un­der­stan­dab­le by it­self, wit­hout rea­ding the ar­tic­ le as a who­le. In wri­ting who­le sen­ten­ces must be used, less known ab­bre­via­tions and shor­te­nings should be avoi­ded. Sum­mary must con­ tain the aut­hor's pri­mary goal and the pur­po­se of the ar­tic­le, the rea­son why it was writ­ten and the des­crip­tion of re­search tech­ni­ques (pri­mary met­ho­do­lo­gi­cal prin­ci­ples). Key words must ref­lect the con­tent of the ar­tic­le and must be ade­qua­ te to clas­si­fi­ca­tion (UDK). The ab­stract must pre­sent the pur­po­se of the ar­tic­le, its main cha­ rac­te­ri­stics and the met­ho­do­logy of re­search work as well as the most sig­ni­fi­cant re­sults and conc­lu­sions.

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S lovenica 6.

The text of the ar­tic­le must be clear and in­tel­li­gibly struc­tu­red (chap­ ter tit­les, sub-chap­ters) for the pur­po­se of clear re­cog­ni­tion of ar­tic­le's aim, work met­hods, re­sults and conc­lu­sions.


No­tes must be uni­quely for­med as foot­no­tes, which can be con­tex­tual (aut­hor's com­ment) and bib­lio­grap­hi­cal (sour­ce quo­ta­tion, quo­ted li­te­ ra­tu­re). On first quo­ta­tion, a bib­lio­grap­hi­cal foot­no­te must con­tain an en­ti­ re tit­le or lo­ca­tion: aut­hor's name and sur­na­me, tit­le (re­view or mis­cel­ lany tit­le when pub­lis­hed in it), pla­ce and date of is­sue, pa­ges (exam­ple – mo­no­graph: Jo­že Mli­na­rič, Stu­de­niš­ki do­mi­ni­kan­ski sa­mo­stan: ok. 1245–1782 (Ce­lje, 2005), p…; exam­ple – re­view: Dar­ko Friš, "Ba­no­ vin­ska kon­fe­ren­ca Ju­go­slo­van­ske na­cio­nal­ne stran­ke leta 1937 v Ljub­ lja­ni", Zgo­do­vin­ski ča­so­pis 59, No. 1–2 (2005): p. …; exam­ple – pa­per: (aut­hor), "Vo­li­tve v ma­ri­bor­ski mest­ni za­stop", Slo­ven­ski gos­po­dar, 27. no­vem­ber 1873, No. 48, p. …; pri­mer – mis­cel­lany: Va­si­lij Me­lik, "Vpra­ ša­nje re­gij v na­ši pre­te­klo­sti", in: Re­gio­nal­ni vi­di­ki slo­ven­ske zgo­do­vi­ne: zbor­nik re­fe­ra­tov XXXI. zbo­ro­va­nja slo­ven­skih zgo­do­vi­nar­jev, ed. Peter [tih and Bojan Bal­ko­vec (Ljub­lja­na, 2004), p. …). On fol­lo­wing quo­ta­ tions lo­gi­cal shor­te­nings are used (Mli­na­rič, Stu­de­niš­ki do­mi­ni­kan­ski sa­mo­stan, p. …). Whi­le quo­ting arc­hi­val sour­ces, the arc­hi­ve must be sta­ted: arc­hi­ve (who­le name on first quo­ta­tion, on fol­lo­wing quo­ta­tions use a shor­te­ ning in brac­kets), name of fond or col­lec­tion (sig­na­tu­re, if gi­ven), num­ ber of fas­cic­le (box) and arc­hi­val unit, ad­dress of quo­ted do­cu­ment (exam­ple: Po­kra­jin­ski ar­hiv Ma­ri­bor (PAM), fond Pa­vel Tur­ner, box 7, let­ter Da­vo­ri­na Tr­ste­nja­ka to Pa­vel Tur­ner from Sta­ri Trg, 7. June 1889.)


Ar­tic­les are re­vie­wed; re­views are anony­mous. An ar­tic­le is pla­ced for pub­lis­hing on the ba­sis of re­vie­wer's po­si­ti­ve view.


Aut­hor is res­pon­sib­le for ar­tic­le's scien­ti­fic con­tent and ac­cu­racy of data.

10. The edi­to­rial board ar­ran­ges the lec­tu­res­hip, which is re­vie­wed and aut­ho­ri­zed by the aut­hor. Edi­to­rial board sends the first cor­rec­tion to the aut­hor, who has to re­turn it in three days; en­lar­ge­ment of text whi­le cor­rec­ting is not per­mit­ted. Whi­le cor­rec­ting cor­rec­ti­ve signs, as sta­ted in the ort­ho­graphy, must be used. The edi­to­rial board per­forms the se­cond cor­rec­tion. 11. Ad­di­tio­nal ex­pla­na­tions are avai­lab­le at the edi­to­rial board. Ed­to­rial board of SHS

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S lovenica Studia Historica Slovenica, letnik 15 (2015)

Ka­za­lo / Con­tents V spomin/ In Memoriam MATEJA MATJAŠIČ FRIŠ, DARKO FRIŠ, MARTIN GRUM: V spomin – prof. dr. Andrej Vovko (1947–2015).......................................................479 STANE GRANDA: In Memoriam – prof. dr. Andrej Vovko (1947–2015)........479

Član­ki in raz­pra­ve / Pa­pers and Es­says MATJAŽ KLEMENČIČ: Slovene National Homes in the U.S.A. ............................ 29 Slovenski narodni domovi v ZDA MARUŠA VERBIČ KOPRIVŠEK: History of Slovenian Home in Denver, Colorado – Political Diversity as an Exception ........................................... 55 Zgodovina Slovenskega doma v Denverju, Kolorado – politična raznolikost kot izjema ADAM WALASZEK: Polish National Alliance in America in the Years 1895–1896 and the Foundation of the PNA Home in Chicago ...............71 Poljska narodna zveza v Ameriki v letih 1895–1896 in izgradnja doma PNA v Chicagu JERNEJ ZUPANČIČ: Spatial Structure of Slovene Ethnic Settlements in the USA. The Role and Sense of Spatiality among Diaspora Members ......87 Prostorska struktura slovenskih etničnih naselbin v ZDA. Vloga in pomen prostorskosti med člani slovenske diaspore

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S lovenica BOGDAN KOLAR: Slovenian Members of Religious Orders and Communities in the United States as a Link between the Catholic Community in Slovenia and in the United States ......................105 Slovenski člani redovnih skupnosti v Združenih državah kot vez med katoliško skupnostjo v Sloveniji in v Združenih državah IRENA MARKOVIĆ: Baraga's and Pirc's Missionary Letters as a Source for Knowledge of the United States of America and Indians in Slovenia .....127 Baragova in Pirčeva misijonska pisma kot vir za poznavanje Združenih držav Amerike in Indijancev na slovenskem etničnem ozemlju MARTIN ŠÁMAL: Correspondence of Vojta Náprstek from Milwaukee (1848–1858).................................................................................................149 Korespondenca Vojte Náprsteka iz Milwaukeeja (1848–1858) MIHA ZOBEC: Familial Networks of Exchange, Support and Solidarity as Expressed through Personal Correspondence ..................................... 169 Družinska mreža izmenjave, podpore in solidarnosti, kot se je izražala v osebni korespondenci MIRJAM MILHARČIČ HLADNIK: Children as Correspondents in the Epistolary Practices of Migrant Families ........................................ 185 Otroci kot korespondenti v epistolarnih praksah migrantskih družin ALEKSEJ KALC: "In This Way We Can Feel Closer": Audio Letters between Australia and Trieste/Trst ........................................................... 201 "Na ta način se počutimo bliže": zvočna pisma med Avstralijo in Trstom REBEKA MESARIĆ ŽABČIĆ: Image of Croatia through the Eyes of Croatian Immigrants in USA .................................................................. 221 Podoba Hrvaške skozi videnje hrvaških priseljencev v ZDA GREGOR ANTOLIČIČ: Bog Ohrani, Bog obvari Nam Cesarja, Avstrijo! Izbruh prve svetovne vojne v habsburški monarhiji ................................. 259 Gott erhalte, Gott beschütze unsern Kaiser, unser Land! Der Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriges in der Habsburger Monarchie JURIJ PEROVŠEK: Slovenci in habsburški vladar v vojnih letih 1914–1918 ....................................................................................................281 Slovenes and the Habsburg Ruler in the War Years 1914–1918

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S lovenica GREGOR JENUŠ: Slovenci in velika vojna (1914–1918). Slovenska razdvojenost med zvestobo cesarju in željo po narodni avtonomiji ......301 Slovenes and the Great War (1914–1918). Slovenian Division between Loyalty to the Emperor and a Wish for National Autonomy TAMARA GRIESSER-PEČAR: Mirovna pobuda cesarja Karla I: Misija Sixtus ....321 Die Friedensinitiative Kaiser Karls I.: Die Mission Sixtus BOŽO REPE: "Osvobajate nas, hkrati pa nas režete na koščke". Odnos velikih sil do Slovencev med prvo svetovno vojno in ob njenem koncu .....................................................................................337 "You are freeing us, but at the same time cutting us into pieces." The Attitude of Major Powers towards Slovenes during the Great War and at its End MARKO ŠTEPEC: "Kot teleta smo bili": izkušnja in spomin na Galicijo .........357 "We were like Calves": the Experience and Memory of Galicia BLAŽ TORKAR: Odmevi dardanelske krize v slovenskem časopisju................377 The Response of Slovenian Newspapers to the Dardanelles Crisis SANDI VOLK: Prva svetovna vojna v Trstu v poročanju dnevnika Edinost skozi prizmo tržaškega narodnega doma .................................. 393 Reports on the Great War in the Trieste Daily Newspaper Edinost from the Trieste National Hall Perspective PIERO PURINI: Demografske in etnične spremembe Trsta in Primorske v prvi svetovni vojni .................................................................. 421 Demographic and Ethnic Changes of Trieste and the Coastal Region (Primoska) in the First World War DARJA KEREC: Odzivi na vstop Italije v vojno v prekmurskem katoliškem tisku (s posebnim ozirom na Kleklov Marijin list in Koledar) ............... 441 Reactions to the Entry of Italy into the War in the Catholic Press of Prekmurje (especially Klekl’s Marijin list and Koledar) JANJA ŽMAVC: "Post autem auditis oratoribus Graecis...": Some Notes on Intercultural Perspective of Classical Rhetoric...........................................491 "Post autem auditis oratoribus graecis...": nekaj opomb k medkulturnem vidiku klasične retorike

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S lovenica MATJAŽ RAVBAR: Maistrova eskadrilja : letalci v Mariboru v letih 1918 in 1919 ........................................................................................511 Maister Squadron : Pilots in Maribor between 1918 and 1919 GREGOR PIVEC: Sanitetna služba Maistrove vojske..........................................533 Sanitary Services of the General Maister's Army ALENKA KORON: Tematizacije vélike vojne pri Jušu Kozaku .......................549 Representations of the Great War in Juš Kozak JOŽICA ČEH STEGER: Stanko Majcen in vélika vojna ......................................565 Stanko Majcen and the Great War KATJA MIHURKO PONIŽ: "Prva svetovna vojna v delih slovenskih književnic ...................................................................................577 The Great War in the Works of Slovenian Female Writers BRANISLAVA VIČAR: "Vloga vojaka v spomenikih prve svetovne vojne: ideološka reprezentacija vojne v tridimenzionalnih objektih ................595 The Role of a Soldier in First World War Monuments: Ideological Representation of the War in Three-Dimensional Objects MATEJA MATJAŠIČ FRIŠ: Izvrševanje "poslednje volje" dr. Pavla Turnerja...........................................................................................621 Enforcing the "Last Will" of Dr. Pavel Turner URŠKA LAMPE: Od prve svetovne vojne do Konvencije o ravnanju z vojnimi ujetniki (1929)...........................................................649 From the First World War to the Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War (1929) VINKO SKITEK: Nemška poštna služba v Mežiški dolini med drugo svetovno vojno ................................................................................ 661 German Postal Service in the Meža Valley during the Second World War TOMAŽ IVEŠIĆ: ''Compared to Him the Prisoners are Innocent People'': The Fall of Milovan Djilas (1948–1954) ................................................... 677 ''V primerjavi z njim so zaporniki nedolžni ljudje'': padec Milovana Đilasa (1948–1954)

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S lovenica ANDREJ STOPAR: New Relations in the Crumbling Times: Emerging Slovenia's Independence in Russian Diplomatic Sources (1990–1992) ............................................................................................... 709 Novi odnosi v razpadajočem času: vzpostavljanje slovenske osamosvojitve v ruskih diplomatskih virih (1990–1992)

Avtorski izvlečki / Authors' Abstracts Uredniška navodila avtorjem / Editor's Instructions to Authors

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