Bottisham Village College Magazine - Spring 2010

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BVCnews Spring Term 2010

The magazine of Bo sham Village College

Welcome to your new magazine Welcome to the first edition of BVCnews, which we hope you will enjoy reading.

Our aim is to provide an attractive and informative selection of news, as well as taking the opportunity to celebrate our students’ many successes. The topics covered are wide-ranging, reflecting all aspects of college life. We hope the new-style newsletter will also help to keep you up to date with key developments, making it easier for you to feed back your views and ideas. In this edition, you will read of the exciting progress of our newbuild programme, which is currently receiving the ‘finishing touches’ in anticipation of us moving in during the Easter holidays. We are very excited at this prospect and confident that students will benefit from these wonderful facilities. I hope you agree that one thing that comes across very clearly is the breadth of opportunities open to our

students outside of the classroom, whether this be taking part in Extended Schools activities in sport or the arts, visiting partner schools on our exchange visit to Kempen, Germany, or touring the House of Commons. In addition, you can read of recent fundraising activities which have produced spectacular results in support of the Anusaran charity in India and relief efforts in Haiti. Over time, our aim is to encourage more students to contribute to the magazine

directly, so that you can hear their perspective at firsthand; the article on Student Leadership is one such example in this edition. This new newsletter is the latest stage in our commitment to improve engagement with parents, following previous successes such as: Drop-in surgeries with members of the College Leadership Team and Chair of Governors, Philip Hodgson Schoolcomms, to facilitate more rapid and costeffective communication Development of the website, which will include remote access for parents and carers from September Regular parental information evenings to update you on developments. May I take this opportunity to wish you a happy Easter and we look forward to welcoming back students on Tuesday, April 20.

Kate Evans

Issue 1

Inside this issue Harvey has the recipe for success – Page 5

Stub it out BVC leads the way with new mentoring scheme – Page 6

Injera ready to rock at band contest – Page 10




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