Bottisham Village College Newsletter Spring 2012

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BVCnews Spring Term 2012

The magazine of Bottisham Village College

Issue 7

Partners join forces to support students Sessions give insight into world of work Two of our Bottisham Education Partners joined forces to support Year 10 students in preparation for their two weeks’ work experience in July. Six people from John Lewis and the Cambridge Building Society paired up, with each duo holding sessions on job applications, interviews and skill testing and workplace culture. It was a great opportunity for students to receive first hand advice on what employers are looking for when recruiting. Two weeks before the event, students had been given the opportunity to complete online applications for both companies which had been created especially for our students to make the experience as realistic as possible. From this, the organisations were able to give the students feedback and advice on completing an application, writing a CV and a business letter. The companies demonstrated the interview process and students were then able to take part in the group interview John Lewis carry out with all their successful applicants.

Representatives from John Lewis and the Cambridge Building Society joined Year 10’s for PHSE They gave the students an insight into what it is like to work at each company and the expectations of an employer. This was a unique experience. We feel that the students have gained so much useful information that can be transferred to their applications and interviews for their up and coming work placements and, ultimately, when they have to apply for work, be it

part-time or full-time employment. Our thanks go to Cambridge Building Society and John Lewis for all the preparation work and for the delivery on the day. Mrs Matthewson Vocational co-ordinator

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