December 2009
Principal’s News Dear Parents/Carers Another successful term As the end of the autumn term approaches, it is entirely appropriate that we take the opportunity to celebrate the many and wide-ranging successes of the academic year so far. Once again, it has been a privilege to witness these successes being recognised both inside and outside the school. A selection of the highlights include: • An anti-bullying conference that some of our year 11 students helped to organise in partnership with students from Soham Village College; as a result of this day materials were prepared for a series of assemblies in each school, designed to highlight the impact of bullying on young people and to empower our students to take positive action to prevent it. • Six Bottisham students spoke at a Cambridgeshire County Council Community
Cohesion Conference to over 100 Headteachers, Governors and Local Authority Officers. They spoke confidently about their responses to a play that they had seen as part of their PSHE programme. • A group of dedicated students from all year groups competed in the Cambridge and
Disrtrict Cross-Country Championships, and despite strong opposition from much larger schools ended up as District Champions. • 198 students from Year 7 spent a valuable and enlightening day at Warwick Castle to
complement their studies in History • On November 30th students and parents from last year’s Year 11 came back to join
us to celebrate their record breaking results during our Certificate Evening. We have just received further national analysis of these results which underline just how impressive these achievements were; the degree of progress made by these students during their 5 years with us was exceptionally good, placing us in the top 12% of school nationally.