==== ==== Facebook Dating Secrets http://tinyurl.com/89d5doq ==== ====
There are over 100 million women spending their time on Facebook. Many of them are there to find the right guy, and they don't even know it. Facebook is the ultimate place to meet a basically uncountable number of hot women. If you learn what they are looking for, and how to attract them, picking up girls on Facebook will become a piece of cake. Dating via Facebook is becoming more and more common and socially acceptable even for women to say that they met a guy through Facebook. The problem is that most guys have no idea what to say, how to say, why to say it and when to say it. They are completely lost and clueless. They keep on poking women, sending them boring messages, asking them out on dates, begging for attention, phone numbers and replies - which they never get. All they get is ignored. Then they become frustrated and say "Facebook dating doesn't work", or "this isn't for me". No, that's not true. Facebook dating works! You just need to arm yourself with the right information and apply it. Here are a few essential tips for picking up these hotties just to get you started: Facebook Seduction tip #1: Say less to say more. Most guys mess things up by trying to be cool and trying to look smart - instead of just BEING, not TRYING. When you try something, instead of BE something, then you are faking it. And most girls can easily see through this. You have to be REAL. REAL works. What most guys do is that they talk too much, and NEED too much, they ask girls stupid questions, beg for attention etc. brag about their achievements. Stop doing that. Try being more concise and say less when you chat/message a girl on Facebook. Let her come to you and let her want to find out more about you. To do that, you have to learn how to create an attractive Facebook profile. Facebook Seduction tip #2: Become more popular. Popular guys are the guys that get girls easier. Popular=attractive. The more friends you have that are praising you, liking your pictures, commenting on your statuses and the more social proof you get from other girls, the more attractive you will appear to the girls you want to seduce. Focus on maintaining contact with friends, and having the right activity online. Facebook Seduction tip #3: Brand yourself. Make yourself unique so you can create your own "brand" of yourself. The more you can differentiate yourself from all the other boring losers out there on Facebook, the more attractive you will be. How do you do that? Find out what all those losers guys are doing, and do the opposite. If they are running after women, sending them boring messages, poking them and begging for their number - you do the opposite. What will happen? She will notice you. Seducing a girl through Facebook is kind of a science, a science you can learn and master with a