Academic Commentary to The Bournemouth Protocol on Mass Grave Protection and Investigation

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for the return of human remains.34 Also noteworthy is the role families (or victim and survivors) play in calling for accountability processes. Finally, for the purpose of the Protocol, the term ‘forensic’ true to its literal meaning ‘in open court’ or ‘public’, implies the scientific, legal and societal realm by bringing matters to and before courts of law and/or other judicial mechanisms (such as a coroner). ‘Forensic Evidence’ or ‘Forensic Science’, at its most basic level, suggests an application of science to law35 and as denoting the application of scientific methods and techniques to the investigation of crime. Forensic science is designated to retrieve and analyse evidence for the purpose of official, judicial scrutiny by employing scientific methods. The use of such evidence in a court system will mean that it is tested as to its validity and probative value, and it usually has to meet certain admissibility criteria. Therefore, the use of forensic science implies an officially-recognised standard of evidence collection36 but also an awareness that this is for the purpose of public and authoritative scrutiny. This in no way negates the importance of the socio-political, religious and cultural context in which a forensic operation, including due process guarantees, may be situated.37

The legal basis Fundamentally, the project argues for mass grave protection and investigation to reflect human rights standards in an inclusive way to ensure the families’ needs (of those that might be in mass graves) are met. The Protocol is anchored in international law to help meet those needs because it proffers a unifying legal approach to mass grave protection and investigation by bringing together the branches of international human rights law, international humanitarian law as well as international criminal law. Reference is also made to disaster victim identification efforts and disaster management efforts, alluding to what has been called ‘emerging international disaster relief/response law’38. The rights of individuals and corresponding duties of a State may be numerous in relation to mass graves: at a fundamental level the right to life and the right to be free from torture and inhumane treatment have to be guaranteed. The guarantor or duty bearer is the State with its obligation to protect, and in case of breaches, investigate, search and identify.

Rights commonly associated with mass graves may be more expansive, as the crime of enforced disappearance illustrates, attracting a catalogue of rights, including, as outlined above, the right not to be subjected to torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and the right to life, when the disappeared person is killed. But further rights attaching to the primary victim and/or the family are at issue: • The right to recognition as a person before the law; • The right to liberty and security of the person; • The right to an identity; • The right to a fair trial and to judicial guarantees; • The right to an effective remedy, including reparation and compensation39; and • The right to know the truth regarding the circumstances of a disappearance. In addition, since mass graves can be sites of mourning, rights associated with burial rites and commemoration, may be at issue, including: • freedom of religion and belief; • freedom of association and expression; as well as • the right to private life. This also leads to speculation on the generational impact that mass grave have on survivors, affected societies and public understanding of the past40. Under international law, there is clear prohibition of enforced disappearance and arbitrary killings of unlawful death. Crucially under international human rights law and international humanitarian law, the duty to search and investigate is placed on States. With it comes the requirement for domestic legislation and the establishment of dedicated institutions. Such legislation and institutions are seen as preconditions for an effective response to all missing persons cases. This has found expression by the International Committee of the Red Cross and the United National Security Council Resolution 274741 of 2019, urging the enactment of relevant legislation. Such legislation should be non-discriminatory, ensuring protection, investigation and identification of all individuals to the fullest extent possible. A designated Missing Persons Authority with responsibility for mass graves protection, investigation and recovery of human remains, comprising relevant expertise, is suggested by the ICRC42. Such mechanisms should provide safe ways to receive tracing requests and create a registry of missing persons and associated information.

The Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice (The Wiley Series of Encyclopedias in Criminology & Criminal Justice) 2013, online, Entry on Forensic Science and Forensic Evidence. Similarly, Clare Moon defines forensic as ‘the application of scientific knowledge and methodology to the resolution of legal problems’ (Moon, C., ‘Human rights, human remains: forensic humanitarianism and the human rights of the dead’, UNESCO (2016) at 2. 36 This point is exemplified in Sri Lanka where it is expressed in the Office of Missing Persons Act ‘excavations and exhumations of mass graves must be carried out under the purview of a Magistrates’ Court to ensure the necessary standards are safeguarded (Lasseé, I., ‘The Sri Lankan Office on Missing Persons: Truth and justice in tandem?’ Puerto (2017) 99(2) International Review of the Red Cross 619 at 636). 37 For a discussion see Tuller and Salado (2016) supra note 9 at 221 and 225. 38 UNGA (2020) supra note 6 a footnote 61. 39 This may include assistance to the family to facilitate an adequate standard of living and education. 40 E.g. UNGA (2020) supra note 6 at para 51 and UNCHR, Report of the independent expert to update the Set of Principles to combat impunity (18 February 2005) UN Doc E/CN.4/2005/102/Add.1 (abbreviated Orentlicher Principles). 41 UNSC Resolution 2474 (2019), supra note 18 and International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) (2009), Guiding Principles/Model Law on the Missing especially provisions contained in Article 12, 13, 14 but also Article 2 on proposed definitions. 42 Ibid (ICRC). 35


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