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Impact on society

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The Sustainabilty Team continue to work in partnership with internal and external stakeholders to deliver positive outcomes for society:

• Hosting two work experience students who spent the week with various members of the Sustainability and wider Estates teams to learn more about sustainability, our work at BU and careers in the field. The students contributed to our communication efforts during the week and gained in confidence and knowledge • In July 2020, members of BU Sustainability Team and

BU Schools Liaison team delivered a workshop session to a group of young people, hosted by Brighter Futures for Children (BF4C). BF4C is a not-for-profit company, owned by, but independent of, Reading Borough Council responsible for all Children, Education and Early Help services in the area. The group were secondary school pupils who were passionate about environmental action and the session introduced them to careers in sustainability before a question and answer session to support their environmental action • The Team supported the creation of the Explore Your

Options online toolkit for schools by introducing what it’s like to work in sustainability • Contributed as a panel member to the Suez higher education webinar on 5th August 2020 to talk about the risks and opportunities for waste management at BU • In conversation with Edie (an on-line sustainability news forum) on 6th May 2020 about behaviour change during lockdown (www.edie.net/news/7/-SustyTalk--


behaviour-change-during-lockdown) • The team delivered a presentation on carbon reduction at a BCP Senior Management Climate Change and

Emergency event in Nov 2019 • The team collaborated with colleagues from AUDE and the EAUC to share best practice and talk about planning and delivering a sustainable campus at Wonkfest 2019.

Sustainability Team training and development

Sustainability is ever-changing and our team aims to keep up to date and engaged with the movement beyond the BU campuses. To do so, members of our team in 2019/20 took part in:

• Climate Reality Leadership Corps Global Training – provided further knowledge and expertise of the climate and ecological crisis • Sustainable Futures course, offered by the University of Bristol – helps understanding of different ways of

ESD and engagement • LiveWell Dorset’s 5 Ways to Wellbeing training – which supported delivery of Green Rewards

• Talk for Health peer counselling qualification

– to improve support, particularly when addressing eco-anxiety

• Attended NUS Sustainability Conference • Attended the annual EAUC conference.

Leadership and governance

The Sustainability Committee is responsible for overseeing the delivery of the sustainability actions identified in BU2025. The committee is chaired by Stuart Laird, Director of Estates, and reports to the University Leadship Team and the Board. The membership represents academics, students and professional services.

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