Holiday Gift Guide 2022

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oli l olidday ay HooH makers makers

gifts art food & cheer

the Bowen Island guide to the holidays

The December sky holds the same stars we've looked up at for our entire lives. Our island has sat in the same spot for many lifetimes. Like that sky, like our island, our traditions reassure us that some things will always be the same.

Pulling out a family recipe (and buying those ingredients in Snug Cove) can take us back to a time when we were with the same people we are with now, but at a time when we barely reached the kitchen counter. That recipe becomes a thing that reassures us.

On a different island doing the same work selling advertising, I once stepped into a kitchen shop and found myself telling the owner my mom once bought a pink garbage pail at her shop and gave it as a Christmas gift to my grandmother. My grandmother loved pink so much she painted her kitchen walls pink and even painted her broom handle pink. The shop owner said, 'Oh god. I remember your mother and I remember how excited she was when I told her we had a pink pail!' My mom had passed years before but there she was alive with me again in that shop.

This is all to say that when we hear that familiar refrain about shopping locally it's so much more than that. My mom once called me when she was about my age now and told me it's the simple things in life that mean something. I thought it was kinda funny at the time. Now I know it's true and it's those simple things that seem to be the things that will always be the same.

Happy holidays and shop local! from all of us at the Undercurrent

Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022 3
4 Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022 966 Dorman Road | 604-947-2729 | HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM US TO YOU We have you covered from Amaro to Zinfandel and roast turkey to plum pudding pairings. Christmas Gift Boxes | Premium Wines | Expanded Craft Beers Gins & Fever Tree Tonics | Scotch | Digestives & Aperitives
Let us help you make it a December to Reconnect. Eggnog Bubbly Drinks Hot Chocolate Spiced Cider Mock-tails Juices And more! Local & Import Cheese Seasonal Spreads Cranberry Sauce Brussels Sprouts Local Potatoes Root Veggies Fresh pies and more in store! Pre-orderyourJDFarms turkeysoon!Alsointhis year:lambandturkey roasts,localchicken&Chef Jeff’sfamousRuddymade turkeydinners! Christmas trees arriving early December! VisittheNEWRUDDYEMPORIUMfor allyourhealth&beautyneeds,plusalarge selectionoflocallysourcedgoods!Come visitCarmeninournewlocationright besideTheColdBeer&WineCellar Let’s get Ruddy for the holidays! Our festive offerings always include locally made chocolates, traditional baked goods and all the trimmings for your favourite Holiday Meals! Fresh organic & conventional produce delivered twice weekly! Now Open 9am-4pm Weekdays! Let us help you make it a December to reconnect with loved ones Serving Bowen’s Westside at 511Sunset Dr! Offering delicious lunches made bytalented Ruddy Kitchen staff, PLUS espresso, pizza, refreshments and baked goods to take away Bowen Island Pizza Pop Up Coming Soon!

Holiday Events on Bowen


Art Market @the Hearth Daily from 11 to 5 pm (closed Tuesdays) and Fridays till 8 pm


Little Red Church Christmas Craft Fair local crafters and treats. 10am 2pm.Collins Hall


Christmas Craft Fair at the Legion Local crafts, gift basket raffle, Pet Photos with Santa fundraiser for CAWES 12 4 pm


Ladies Madrigal Singers present 'Sounds of Christmas' Cates Hill Chapel 7 pm Tickets at door


Camp Bow Isle Craft Fair 871 Green Rd More info at 604 947 2500


LIGHT UP BOWEN 6 pm Lantern parade, lCove light up, and visits with Santa at the Hearth! See page 33 for details.


CSA Christmas Craft Fair An Island Tradition since 1984! 10 3 pm The Youth Craft is back this year upstairs 10 Noon BICS GYM

DECEMBER 9 10 and 11

The Magic of Christmas at Endswell Farm Lights, Santa and Mrs Clause marshmellow roasting and more. See page 11 for details.


Bowen Island Community Choir annual 'Christmas Concert' Cates Hill Chapel 2 pm and 7 pm Tickets at door and Cates Pharmacy


Martinis with Santa at Doc Morgan's live music 7 pm til late.


Family Style Christmas Dinner Danish roast pork dinner with all the trimmings 6 10 pm at Bowen Cider House Details & tickets online at www bowenciderhouse ca


Breakfast and photos with Santa at Bowen Island Community School 10 12 pm A fundraiser for BICS PAC Watch for poster on ticket details


The Knick Knack Nook Children’s Shopping Day 12 to 2pm An event for children ages 3 12 to choose gifts for their families More info at knicknackknook org


A Christmas Carol.. The 24th annual dramatic reading of Charles Dickens' classic Christmas tale, 7:30pm at Collins Hall, with Scrooge, Tiny Tim, lots of ghosts, Tina Nielsen, Martin Clarke, Kat Stephens, Graham Ritchie and Marc Gawthrop. Music, hot drinks and munchies. Tickets $25 at Cates Pharmacy

6 Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022

Holiday Events on Bowen



Crafts, Music, Christmas Market and Traditional Holiday Fare including Æbleskiver at Meadbrook Market and Bowen Cider House www bowenciderhouse ca


Rivendell Retreat Centre Open House Enjoy silence during the hectic holiday season


SKÅL COCKTAIL PARTY Friday December 16th 6 8 pm Bowen Cider House festive cocktails with tasty treats from Meadowbrook Market Details & tickets online at www bowenciderhouse ca

DECEMBER 17 and 18

Theatre on the Isle presents BRIEFS II This selection of short scenes, comedy, poetry, music, t more will cap off your holiday season in true local Bowen style! At the Legion 19yrs+ Tickets at the Hearth and


A Child's Christmas in Wales read by Martin Clarke with music by Bob Ducet at the Snug 6:3O pm Please bring a donation for the food bank

the holidays at Bowen Rec

Dec 2 Midwinter Murder Mystery Ages 19+ 6:30 10pm Dec 4 Midwinter Murder Mystery Ages 15-18 4:30 7pm Dec 8 Holiday Wine Tasting 6:30 9pm Dec 15 Holiday Cookie Exchange 4:30-6:30pm Dec 20 Holiday Camp: King Tut Exhibition 9-4pm Dec 21 Holiday Camp: Makers & Baker 9 4p Dec 22 Holiday Camp: West Van Swimming Pool 9 3pm

Christmas Church Services


Saturday December 24th 6:00 pm Cates Hill Chapel Candle Light Christmas Eve Service everyone welcome!


Saturday December 24 1122 Miller Road Christmas Eve, no regular morning Service at 10:30am Two services Christmas Eve; 5pm children and families, and 9pm


Christmas Mass 9:30 December 25

Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022 7
8 Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022 home for the holidays CABOOSE GUEST HOUSE "This place is a perfect getaway for two. Huge tub, wood burning fireplace and amazing views! We’ll be back! " b o w e n i s l a n d c o n c i e r g e @ g m a i l . c o m 6 0 4 8 4 1 8 5 4 1
Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022 9 BOTANICAL 5 6 3 A R T I S A N L A N E , A R T I S A N S Q U A R E , 2 3 6 3 5 7 2 0 0 0 W W W . S A N G R E D E A F R U T A . C O M GIVE THE GIFT OF BOTANICAL PERFUMERY, SKIN & HAIR CARE MADE HERE ON BOWEN ISLAND STOCKING STUFFER FAVOURITES Essential Oil Perfume Roll Ons $38 (pictured) Botanical Body Lotion, 50 ML $16 Garden of Earthly Delights Pure Essential Oil Blend $24 3 Bath Salts for $54 A S S E E N I N V O G U E , H A R P E R S B A Z A A R , G O O P
10 Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022
2022 11 COMECELEBRATETHEMAGICLIGHTS OF CHRISTMASATENDSWELLFARM 1461MountGardnerRd|December9,10,11| 6 8pm VisitwithSanta,seeover40,000lights,havesome hotchocolateorwarmapplecider, lightupasparkler, roastmarshmallowsonastickandtakehome aboxofChristmastreats madespecialforyoubyMrs.Clausherself. Minimumdonationof$20perpersonor$70forafamilyoffive withallproceedsgoing tosupportthe BOWENISLANDFOODBANK FORTICKETSORTOGETONTHELIST 604-341-7244 TheMagicofChristmas Please bring your own utensil or stick for marshmellow roasting
Bowen Island Holiday Makers
12 Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022 Holiday Sale three 60 minute private sessions $265 (regular $330) 20% off all retail items December 2-4 582 Artisan Lane Bowen Island, BC A specialized movement & mobility studio Open House Friday 1:30-4:30pm Saturday & Sunday 12 4pm bookings now open for 2023 An Island Tradition since 1984 CSA Christmas Craft Fair Sunday, Dec. 4, 2022 10 am - 3 pm BICS gym Entrance by donation Unique local crafts, art, artisans, decor and more! Don’t miss the raffle draw for a fabulous gift basket! Please bring cash as most vendors can’t take plastic. Thank you for supporting this community event
Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022 13 OPEN TUESDAY-SUNDAY 11:30AM-6:30PM BRANCHONBOWEN.COM
14 Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022
Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022 15 BOWEN BUILDING CENTRE BOWEN BUILDING CENTRE Open Monday to Friday 8am - 5 pm Closed Saturday & Sunday Helping islanders since 1972 1013 GRAFTON ROAD 604 - 947- 9622 We have every Merry We have every Merry We have every Merry thing you need thing you need thing you need We have Christmas Lights & decor too to help you deck those halls. HO HO HO We've stocked up on presto logs and pellets to keep you cozy and warm. And we have loads of salt for those wintery days
16 Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022 Please remember to give to the annual Bowen Island Christmas Hamper Drive Donations can be made to PO BOX 19 Bowen Island BC V0N1G0 TAX RECEIPTS will be issued. Merry Christmas l l l l Basia & Paul Lieske 778 957 0947 shed home is coming to BOWEN ISLAND This Christmas we will have Bowen Art Blocks, Bowen Branded Candles, Soaps, Charcuterie Boards, Wood Boxes, Camp Mugs . . . and Bowen Island Tea Trays
Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022 17 575 Artisan Lane December: EVERY DAY 10-4:30 closed 25th - 27th Fun Bowen Centric Handmade Custom Orders Unique Quirky Love AND Joy! pumpkin lattes spiked eggnog lattes AND all of your favourite made in house holiday treats ARTISAN EATS & THE SNUG place your order for Artisan Eat's pastry chef Michael's Bûche de Noël by Dec 15th 604-947-0190 or drop by!
Making Making Making yourdays yourdays yourdays merry&bright merry&bright merry&bright allseasonlong! allseasonlong! allseasonlong! 604-947-BPUB (2782)
20 Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022 ADORN YOURSELF Available at . . . Catching Stars Gallery Social @kathyclarkejewelry
Makers 2022 21 ARTS PACIFIC G A L L E R Y Painting, Jewellery, Fibre and Wood Arts Holiday Hours Wed - Sun 11-4 Daily from December 15 through Christmas
Bowen Island Holiday
22 Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022
Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022 23
24 Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022 GIFT CERTIFICATES Artisan Suites Boutique Hotel When you want visitors...but not really. A V A I L A B L E A T A R T I S A N S U I T E S . C O M
Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022 25 let yourlight shine Eco fashion made heere vegetable cashmere for the holidays Shop online 24/7 at movementglobal com Shop in store at ARTISAN SQUARE by appt call Amrita at 778 863 7770 Curb side pickup and Gift Certificates vegetable cashmere for the holidays shop for men & women
26 Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022 Bring a little old world Ceremony & Ritual to your Holiday Season with a visit to Alderwood Farm Specialty Food & Gift Shop "Celebrate LIfe with Good Friends & Good Food" THE 3 RD ANNUAL @ THE HEARTH GALLERY DECEMBER ART MARKET November 25th to December 31st Open daily from 11 to 5 pm (closed Tuesdays) and open Friday nights till 8 pm Featuring gift items from our local artists and artisans C’mon by to find all the items on your holiday list... SHOPLOCAL Snug Cove on Bowen Island | ARTISAN SQUARE 604•947•2872 KARMYN & ALEX Gift Certificates
Makers 2022 27 Happy Holidays from all of us at Phoenix! This year we’ve selected a wonderful assortment of books, games, toys, festive and funny cards, stocking stuffers, and great gifts for everyone on your nice list! Browse online, and pop by the store to pick up your order Come & visit us on Bowen Island or check out our new store upstairs at The Londsdale Quay! Holiday Hours: Sunday Dec. 18th 10am 5pm Monday to Friday Dec 19th-23rd, 9am - 6pm Saturday 24th 8am - 2pm ClosedChristmas&BoxingDay
Bowen Island Holiday

Pet photos with Santa

A fundraiser for CAWES

Bowen Island Legion craft fair


17 tables of locally produced crafts, gift basket raffle, pet photos with Santa and lunch offered by BIFC as a fundraiser

28 Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022
Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022 29 106-996 Dorman Road | Happy Holidays! Powell River Courtenay Cumberland Union Bay Bowser Bowen Island Texada Island Hornby Island ISLAND PACIFIC SCHOOL INSULATED BOTTLE 220Z Stainless steel Spill-resistant lid Durable metal hand loop Wide opening for easy pouring Fits most standard cup holders $45 ISLAND PACIFIC SCHOOL SIGNATURE TOQUE Everyday Rib Knit Cuff Toque with Embroidery 100% Acrylic Grey with White Embroidery $25 all Proceeds go toward the Island Pacific School StudentBursaryProgram
30 Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022 H a v e p e a c e o f m i n d t h i s C h r i s t m a s ! I N T H E C O V E S t e p s f r o m t h e f e r r y 6 0 4 8 1 6 . 0 8 3 0 W E D t o S U N 1 1 - 5 D E C 1 4 2 4 1 1 5 e v e r y d a y T h o u g h t f u l g i f t s f o r t h e w h o l e f a m i l y w i t h a n e m p h a s i s o n t h e p l a n e t . C h a r i t a b l e g i v e b a c k s . F r e e l a u g h s . G O N U T S @ S q u i r r e l o n b o w e n

Holiday Bakers

Natasha's Chewy Chocolate macaroons (dairy & gluten free)

2 cups un sweetened shredded coconut

1/4 cup Coconut milk

1/4 cup Maple syrup

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 cup (6 ounces) dark chocolate

1/4 tsp Sea salt

Preheat oven to 350F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. In a bowl, whisk together coconut and salt. In a small bowl, mix together coconut milk, maple syrup and extract. In the microwave or a double broiler, melt the chocolate mixing frequently, until chocolate is melted. Stir the chocolate and coconut milk mixtures into the shredded coconut. Scoop the batter in tablespoonfuls onto the baking sheet. Make sure each tablespoonful is tightly packed. They will not spread on the baking sheet so they may be placed close together. Bake for 18-20 minutes or until the tops of macaroons are dry. Enjoy!

Natasha Currah, of Sweat Technique Bowen Island

We love these Norwegian cookies because they are so yummy and you can fill them with whatever you want "

Piper Ema and Harper

IPS Students

Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022 31

Holiday Bakers

Marie's Holiday Cherry Cheesecake Cupcakes

24- paper muffin cups

1 package round vanilla wafers

1 C Sugar

3 x 8 oz pks cream cheese

4 eggs

2t lemon juice

1 can cherry pie filling

Preheat oven to 350Degrees. Mix sugar, cheese, eggs & lemon juice until smooth.

Line muffin tins with muffin cups. Add a vanilla wafer to each.

Spoon cream cheese mix over wafers and fill ¾ full. Bake for 20 minutes

When cool top with cherry pie filling. Refrigerate for 1 hour. Note: for a more festive touch add some cooked cranberries to the cherry. Cheers ….Marie

This is my favourite cookie recipe, I make these every holiday and they are unbelievably popular I am always asked for the recipe! My mother used to make large cookies but I make small hearts and bears so you can eat a few (or more). The secret is to roll the the dough to the right thickness too thin and they burn and too thick and they are gooey. The egg wash and sugar/cinnamon make them crispy and the almond keeps them from puffing. They are SO good and we will have them at Meadowbrook this season!

32 Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022
Makers 2022 33 6:00 pm LANTERN PARADE With all your favourite winter characters Rudolph, Frosty, Snow King & Queen, Sugar Plum Fairy, the Toy Soldiers and more A canon will signal the lights in the cove to TURN ON … this will start the parade down the cove boardwalk, from Crippen Park, passing by the USSC Marina to Santas Workshop at the Hearth Stage … Bring your lantern & join us!
Bowen Island Holiday

Fabulous Finds on Bowen

Bowen Beer and Wine Store Ruddy Potato

Doc Morgan's Pub & Restaurant Caboose Guest House

Sangre De Fruta Botanical

Out of the Blue

The Magic of Christmas at Endswell

Community Choir

CSA Craft Fair at BICS Sweat Technique Branch

Bowen Island Fishing Charters

Bowen Building Centre

Morning Star Woollen Bowen Christmas Hamper

Shed at Home

The Real Rapunzel

Riley's Cidery Snug and Artisan Eats

Bowen Island Neighbourhood Pub Bowen Island Neighbourhood Pub

Lenny Gagnon, artist & seamstress

Bowen Sushi Kathy Clarke, jewelry

Arts Pacific Gallery

Christie Grace, jeweler musician

Die Goldschmiede, jeweler

Shana Richmond, Realtor

Marie Neys Fine Arts

Cocoa West Chocolatier

Artisan Suites Hotel

Bowen Island Tattoo Shop Movement Global Design Shed at Bowen Golf

Hearth Gallery

Alderwood Specialty Shop

Hearth Gallery

Phoenix Books Toys Gifts Catching Stars Gallery Neat Knick Knack Nook Legion Craft Fair Island Pacific School First Credit Union Island Pacific School

on Bowen Light Up Bowen Mary Lynn Machado, Realtor Bowen Cider House & Meadow Brook Market

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34 Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022
HOME. Sleigh bells in the air. Beauty everywhere. Yuletide by the fireside.And joyful memories there. Supporting the arts on Bowen Island & beyond • Commissioned paintings by
Juan 604 220 7085
Jose De
36 Bowen Island Holiday Makers 2022

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