FRIDAY SEPT. 18, 2015 VOL. 42, NO. 34
including GST
Tina O’s life with cancer
Ed Saunders’ extraordinary story
Tonsil cancer has been an integrating influence for Tina Overbury
A childhood with Noel Coward, a youth at sea and a career writing his own script
Busy-ness past and future
Golf tournaments, gymnastics, gardening, eating and wine!
Protecting natural spaces Eligible property owners will be able to apply for tax exemptions under NAPTEP
Court date set for dock lawsuit
Property owners who want to permanently preserve naturally significant portions of their land will soon be rewarded. On Monday night, Bowen Island council agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding that will bring it into the fold of the Natural Area Protection Exemption Program. This allows eligible property owners to receive an exemption of up to 65 per cent of their property taxes in exchange for signing an Islands Trust conservation covenant. It’s not a walk in the park to be accepted into NAPTEP. First, the portion of land — it doesn’t have to be the entire property — under consideration has to be worth protecting. It must be inspected to ensure that it meets the conditions of eligibility, which can include having: • a relatively undisturbed sensitive ecosystem, including woodlands, watercourses, wetlands, herbaceous meadows or rocky outcrops, coastal bluffs and mature forest ecosystems • a habitat for rare native plant species or communities • a habitat critical to native animal species’ breeding, rearing, feeding or staging or • special geological features. Going through this process can cost a property owner between $3,000 and $5,000 and, once the covenant is in place, the landowner is restricted from doing certain things on that portion of the property. However, the land remains privately owned and you can sell it whenever you want. Continued page 7
The following are brief reports of issues raised at the hour-long joint meeting of Bowen Island council and the Islands Trust Tuesday afternoon.
Paul Rickett (Bowen Island Beer and Wine Cellar), Annabelle Pykalo (Bowen Children’s Centre) and Sujinder Juneja (organizer), standing, joined Dan Parkin and Julia McLaughlin (The Lodge at the Old Dorm) and Park Heffelfinger (Memphis Blues BBQ House) in raising a glass to the Bowen Island International Wine Festival. This year’s event is September 24. Story on page 12. Dayna Purdy photo
Fire ban, water restrictions lifted MARTHA PERKINS EDITOR
The day before a massive — and unusual— thunder and hail storm turned fall into winter and saw torrents of rain rushing down the island’s hills and streets, the municipality lifted its fire ban and water usage restrictions. It’s not as if everyone immediately
rushed out to water their lawn or huddle ‘round a campfire. Tuesday morning’s storm dumped buckets of water in places both welcome (drinking wells) and unwelcome (blocked drains.) Public works superintendent Bob Robinson says no major problems were caused by the deluge. As well as lifting the water restrictions for Bluewater and King
Special subscription rate for post-secondary students Send your son or daughter news from home every week for only $50.
Edward Bay residents, Robinson also lifted the conservation recommendations for all other municipal well users. In the meantime, people are reminded that the outdoor burning season does not begin until October 15. You can get your burning permit from the Bowen Island Volunteer Fire Department by calling 604-9479324 prior to planning your burn.
Didn’t get last week’s Undercurrent? For $45 a year (island addresses) you can have the news delivered to your mailbox every Friday morning.
Call 604-947-2442
A hearing date has been set for November 16 and 17 for a lawsuit filed by two property owners on Cape Roger Curtis against the municipality. The landowners want the courts to set aside Bylaw No. 381, 2015 which does not allow the building of any further docks at Cape Roger Curtis. They received permission from the province to build their docks 10 days prior to the adoption of the bylaw. Mayor Murray Skeels said “I was very unpleasant to my MLA” because the province allowed the docks. “The goofy thing is I [now] don’t know whether to get mad because [the province has] placed conditions on the dock that might make the engineering impossible.” Skeels says he’s certain the bylaw will be upheld but warned trustees not to expect that public interest has anything to do with provincial approval. “It’s no longer the case,.” To incorporate or not to incorporate?
Is incorporation worth it? Fifteen years later, Skeels said, it depends on who you ask. “A lot of people on islands don’t want things to change. NIMBYism is very strong. We have some people who lament, ‘I don’t care what you do, just do something.’ And other people say ‘We’ve managed to keep things the way we should.’” Continued page 10
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Thank you to all Bowen Islanders for following the recommendations of the Bowen Island Volunteer Fire Department and the Municipal Utilities Department throughout this very dry summer! Please continue to act responsibly and maintain general efforts in regard to conserving water. Reminder: The outdoor burning season does not begin until October 15, 2015. Please ensure you get a burning permit from the Bowen Island Volunteer Fire Department by calling 604-947-9324 prior to planning your burn.
Come join the clean-up efforts in Mannion Bay and protect marine life from the harmful effects of debris. Since 2011, over 100 volunteers have helped improve our aquatic habitat by removing over 1600 kg (3600 lbs) of discarded items from Mannion Bay. Meeting Place: Sandy Beach, Mannion Bay Event Date: Saturday September 26, 2015 Event Time: 12 pm (noon) until 2 pm (rain or shine) Equipment: Will be supplied (please bring gloves for smaller helpers, adult sizes will be available) Light refreshments and snacks will be provided. Please contact Bonny Brokenshire, Manager of Parks and Environment at 604 947-4255 or Amber Spitkovski at 604 454-4676 for additional details.
ESTIMATED START DATE: The week of September 21-25*, 2015
*Weather Dependent Bowen Island Trunk Road - From BC Ferries’ property to the top of the hill by BICS and including Cardena Road to the Library Parking lot. General Information ● The Snug Cove paving project will improve and maintain Bowen Island’s essential infrastructure. ● Work will take place over six weekdays. ● This project will benefit the entire community - please be patient and courteous. ● Two lanes of traffic will be open whenever possible. ● Trained traffic control persons will be on-hand during construction. ● This project will be funded by the annual roads budget.
The deadline for BIM Fall Grants-in-Aid application submissions is September 30, 2015.
Application forms and information about evaluation criteria, and the Grants-in-Aid Policy can be found on the BIM website at or can be picked up at Municipal Hall. If you have any questions, please contact the Finance Department at or call 604-947-4255.
More detailed information is available at
→ T H E N AT U R A L A R E A
Bowen Island Municipal Council and Islands Trust approve the Natural Area Protection Tax Exemption Program (NAPTEP) for Bowen Island At its meeting held September 14, 2015, Bowen Island Municipal Council and the Islands Trust Executive endorsed a Letter of Understanding to implement the NAPTEP for Bowen Island, to be administered by Islands Trust. To learn more about the Natural Area Protection Tax Exemption Program please visit for more information.
As part of Bowen Island Municipality’s efforts to clean-up the Island’s foreshore, effective September 25, 2015, all small watercraft stored at Sandy Beach must be labelled with the owner’s name and phone number. All non-compliant small boats will be removed at the owner’s expense. If you have any questions, please contact Bonny Brokenshire, Manager Parks and Environment at or call 604-947-4255.
Applicants must be
● ● ● ● ● ●
19 years of age or older Living and working on-island In possession of a valid BC driver’s license Willing to undergo a criminal background check Available and willing to be called out at any time Willing to undergo training for 1st Responder medical situations, in addition to firefighting Interested in joining our team and serving the community
Applications may be obtained at or at Municipal Hall. Completed applications may be dropped off at Municipal Hall or emailed to .
Closing date September 25, 2015 at 4 pm
Thank you to all the artists who submitted a proposal for the “Crosswalks, Bowen-Style” competition. The committee received 27 wonderful submissions and looks forward to the results of the community vote. Vote for your favourite crosswalk! The Judges have narrowed down the designs – now it is time for you to cast your vote. Voting closes on Sunday, September 20 at 11 pm. Please go to to view the designs and follow the link to vote. One vote per person only.
Terry Fox ran for us; we run for him When Tina Overbury was being treated for tonsil cancer, she got a first-hand glimpse at why we must continue on with the Marathon of Hope MARTHA PERKINS EDITOR
A year before she was diagnosed with tonsil cancer, Tina Overbury was standing in the kitchen of her house on Bowen Island, overwhelmed by the sense that something was broken. She didn’t know what it was — and didn’t feel that was physical — but the feeling was strong enough to make her slap her hands down on her kitchen island and say, “This has to stop.” An avid exerciser, she was in one sense in tune with her body. But, at 43, she had always listened to its needs and responses with a certain detachment. “All of my life I have lived outside my body,” she says. What she was about to realize is “I am a soul that lives in the body and they are connected.” With her friend Miel’s help, “I started little rituals to come into my body.” It could be as simple as slowing down to put on a pair of socks when she felt cold, slowing down to eat when she was hungry. Slowing down. Listening. Responding. At first she thought the white blotch at the back of her throat was caused by tonsillitis or strep throat. It didn’t hurt so she didn’t really worry about it until it ruptured. Her doctor took a biopsy. An Arbonne consultant, Overbury was at a conference about the non-toxic skincare products when her doctor called her with the results. “I knew it must be serious
because he was about to get on a plane.” He told her that she had Stage 3 tonsil cancer and that it had a very high — 86 per cent — cure rate because it was easy to treat. Easy, he warned, but gruelling. He was right. For seven weeks from this past April to July, Overbury underwent radiation for the one tumour on her tonsil and three tumours in her lymph nodes. “It was nasty, nasty, nasty,” she says of repercussions of radiation in such a highly sensitive part of the body. She’s lost 30 pounds —and, Holy Hannah as she keeps marvelling, she’s even lost her bum. Friends on Facebook have been following her journey, amazed by her mixture of brutal honesty, refreshing joy and unfiltered working-things-through approach to it all. “I’ve always been asking for more. I ask for depth, I ask for challenge, I ask for other-worldness,” she says. She likes to go to edge of the void and touch it. “Every time I slam up to a boundary, it freaks me out. I look for the freedom.” One of the books that’s influenced her is The Wisdom of No Escape by Pema Chodron, an ordained Buddhist nun. One piece of Chodron’s advice is “to remain wholeheartedly awake to everything that occurs and to use the abundant material of daily life as [our] primary teacher and guide.” On Facebook — and soon on her new blog, Tina OLife — Overbury has been sorting out some of the big questions we all face. “What if you can’t escape your life — an answer, an insight? What if we choose never to figure it out and to live in the fullness, or all-ness, of who we are?” In her life she has had many of those “Wow, in a second everything has changed” moments but the cancer diagnosis, and the treatment that followed, have been “the integrating catalyst of my life so far.” There can be startling discover-
as well as take care of others, so Tina and her brother were sent to live with an aunt and uncle in Port Coquitlam for a few months. It was around the time that Terry Fox was running across Canada in his Marathon of Hope. The schoolyard rumour mill had it that Terry had been bitten by a bear, and that’s how he lost his leg. And because he was from the area, Tina felt that they actually knew one another. While other adults tended to keep their cancer story to themselves, “Terry was the first one that let us in.” This Sunday (September 20), she might not be able to make it back to Bowen Island in time to participate in the island’s Terry Fox Run but run she will, with him, and all the other people with cancer, in mind. The money raised is vital. When she was undergoing radiation, she was in one of nine treatment rooms at the hospital. Each treatment room saw 30 people a day. That’s 270 people a day, just in Vancouver. As a nonsmoker who exercised regularly, her cancer diagnosis might seem totally unexpected but why should it be? Are the other people — the “one in one thousand” or “one in 10 thousand” — expecting to be told that they have cancer? So, no, you can’t escape your life if it is to include a cancer diagnosis. “It’s important to recognize that no one is exempt. Everyone lives in a body.”
“It’s important to recognize that no one is exempt. Everyone lives in a body,” says Tina Overbury, whose tonsil cancer was “the integrating catalyst of my life.” Martha Perkins photo including three esses — “I do no Stress, I eat no Sugar and I take no Shit.” When Tina was eight, her adopted mother died of cancer. Her father couldn’t cope with his own grief,
ies when mind, body and emotions are no longer kept at distance from one another and can start sharing secrets. Today there are a lot of things Overbury won’t do any more,
A message from home every week...
There is no fee to enter Bowen Island’s Terry Fox on Sunday, September 20. 11am registration at the Little Red Church; 11:30 start. There are two options: 4K and 8K. Bicycles are okay but no wheelchairs or rollerblades. Dogs on leash welcome. Donations can also be received at this time. Meanwhile, from November 6 to 8, Overbury is co-leading a workshop at Xenia with Dr. Carolyn Nesbitt called Live Your Best Story. Details at
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The Undercurrent has a special eightmonth subscription for post-secondary students. For only $50, they’ll know that Bowen Island is always here for them.
NDP Candidate for West Vancouver/ Sunshine Coast/Sea to Sky Country
Thursday, Sept 24 • 7 pm
BIAC Gallery at Artisan Square Bowen Island
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viewpoint The Write Stuff. The Undercurrent encourages reader participation in your community newspaper. You must include your full name and a daytime phone number (for verification only). The editor reserves the right to edit for clarity, legality, brevity and taste. Here’s how. To submit a letter to the editor, fax 604-947-0148 or mail it to #102, 495 Government Rd., PO Box 130, Bowen Island, BC V0N 1G0 or email editor@ B.C. Press Council. The Undercurrent is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 1-888-687-2213 or go to
All Advertising and news copy content are copyright of the Undercurrent Newspaper. All editorial content submitted to the Undercurrent becomes the property of the publication. The undercurrent is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, art work and photographs. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
Paving now does not make sense
We have transportation choices, and we must plan for them ADAM HOLBROOK B I M TA C
Our council, in its 2015 strategic plan, set the goal to “start on an Integrated Master Transportation Plan” and put in place planning resources. It is now up to us, the residents of Bowen, to provide our input. Bowen Islanders need to start thinking about both the immediate and long-term future of our transportation infrastructure. We are facing a number of challenges ranging from weekend ferry schedules to commuter parking in the Cove. We must ask ourselves precisely what sort of transportation infrastructure we want and why we want it. Bowen is a diverse mix of people: age, skills, interests and economics. We have a higher-than-average school-age population and a wide range of skills and professions, some of which are maintained through commuting to the mainland and farther afield. We share a common interest in maintaining and improving our environment. Over the next few months Bowen Island Transportation Advisory Committee will reach out and
actively solicit public input. Our tent, at Bowfest, was a start. The BIMTAC volunteers learned a lot: for example, there is not enough information, particularly for newcomers, about the costs and schedules of the various alternative transportation services on the island and to and from the mainland. Bowen Islanders need to establish a consensus on transportation facilities in the Cove. Ferry marshalling has always been an issue — we need a plan, built by consensus. We also need a consistent policy for parking — what spaces should be available for access to merchants and public facilities such as the library — and how many spaces should be available for commuters? How can we maintain some level of consistency in our parking arrangements? We need to discuss and plan possible revisions to the on-island Translink bus service. With the failure of the Translink referendum — Bowen Islanders voted in favour of it — we will not see any new initiatives from Translink for the near future. We have a cap of 7,700 operating hours for our bus service, but we have been assured by Translink
if we have a consensus on minor route and schedule changes, they would likely implement them. The Queen of Capilano’s midlife upgrade was a success; one of its extra benefits was that it forced us to think about alternative transportation options to and from the mainland. Out of this has come the Bowen Island Express bus service to downtown Vancouver, increased number of water taxi and launch options, better medical-assured loading procedures and the development of the Bowen Lift app. We need to continue this positive trend. Bowen, as a community, is evolving and we, the residents, must ensure that we are part of that evolution, not dragged along by it. What do you think we should do about transportation? How should we accommodate our increasing commuter population both on and off the island? We all need to contribute: figuratively speaking we can either get on the bus and go to our destination, or be left behind at the bus stop! Adam Holbrook is the chair of the Bowen Island Transportation Advistory Committee.
Calling all scientists and science lovers: BICS needs you Bowen Island Community School is hosting its first annual student science fair and it needs your help! BICS is looking for scientists from all disciplines for the following: • Participate in the classroom sessions to introduce the science fair #102–495 Bowen Trunk Road, PO Box 130, Bowen Island BC, V0N 1G0 Phone: 604.947.2442 Fax: 604.947.0148 Deadline for all advertising and editorial: Monday, 4:00p.m.
to students and review the scientific method (October 1 and 2, specific times TBD) • Mentoring students during one or more after-school sessions on Monday, October 5 and Thursdays October 8 to 29 from 3 to 4pm when students will
be designing their experiments. • Review final student projects during the science fair on November 12 from 5:00 to 6:30, providing constructive feedback and handing out ribbons. Please contact Wendy Celik at
Stacey Beamer (letters, Sept. 4) is totally right about the paving of the Cove. If we do it, it is only worth it if we put drainage down the hill so that we can fill in/cover the ditches to broaden the road down from the school. If we bring the electric cables over to the business side of the road at the same time, while burying the electricity underground to get rid of the utility poles, and do it in such a way that we place it all under a decent sidewalk, we won’t have to dig up the road every time repairs are needed. The sewer and water connections for the lots to be sold in the Cove also need to be installed before any paving is done. Nothing else makes any sense, and that would also make the lots easier to sell. Maybe BC Hydro would help with the expenses? They charge us too much anyway! We cannot easily broaden the ferry end of the road to the North but if we fill in the area adjacent to the wharves (to the South-East) we will gain space. We should move the old BC ferries waiting structure and the washrooms elsewhere, as well as put the cenotaph to a more dignified place (such as the memorial gardens, or perhaps incorporate it into a plaza at the new community centre). This way we could broaden the road and create a decent sidewalk, as well as allow the captain the desired unimpeded view up the hill. BC Ferries could chip in with that, because it would comply with what they want. Let’s prove to the skeptics that Bowen can do things effectively and efficiently, and bring the Cove one step further into the future, instead of wasting money by paving things that only need to be dug up again, and again, and again, without planning properly. Imke Zimmermann
LNG response RE: Letter to the editor, Woodfibre LNG’s response ‘soul destroying,’ September 10, 2015 Risk assessments for the Woodfibre LNG project have been done by worldclass independent experts at Lloyd’s Register Consulting and Abbott Risk Consulting (ARC) Ltd. And we are not stopping there. World-class marine experts here in Canada are also reviewing the Woodfibre LNG project through Transport Canada’s TERMPOL process, and their recommendations will be implemented. At Woodfibre LNG, protecting the public and our people, where they live and work, is our priority - and that’s not just an opinion. That’s a fact. Looking for information on Woodfibre LNG? Visit us at or ask a question on our Q&A web site, John French Community Relations Manager Woodfibre LNG Limited
Martha Perkins
Maureen Sawasy
Ron Woodall
Peter Kvarnstrom Bowen Island Undercurrent Subscription Rates: Mailed 1 year subscription on Bowen Island: $45, including GST. Within Canada: $65 including GST Newsstand (Single Copy)$1 per copy, including GST
2011 CCNA
The mysterious case of the unwanted elderly spaniel
On the Calendar
As reported in The Undercurrent two weeks ago, the elderly spaniel found near the entrance to Crippen Park has not been claimed, despite extensive efforts by bylaw officer Bonny Brokenshire and CAWES to locate the owner. These efforts include a notice in the Sunshine Coast newspaper, after someone spotted a photo of this same dog at Langdale Ferry Terminal posted on a travel blog. The dog, now named Joey, is deaf and has eye issues. After performing a physical exam, veterinarian Alistair Westcott reports that the dog is in good health other than mild, chronic conjunctivitis (common in spaniels) and some dental issues. His unkempt coat has been groomed. Bylaw and CAWES have together consulted about Joey’s long-term care. Happily, members of the community have generously offered financial support and a fosterer and adopter immediately stepped up. It appears that Joey’s twilight years will be comfortable and full of love. It remains a mystery why Joey was abandoned. At first, there were fears that an elderly owner had suffered a fall or other mishap. Every effort was made to investigate, to no avail. In the end, it seems we must accept that Joey was abandoned. That leads to the question —why? There are a number of animal lovers on Bowen Island who take in elderly abandoned animals. We have heard many different stories about the animals. We are told, often secondhand, things like these: the owner died or has moved into an assisted-living facility and the relatives are not interested in taking the pet; the owners are downsizing into a condo which doesn’t permit animals; the owners have a new baby in the family and are concerned about negative interactions with the pet animal; or the owner is taking a new job which requires them to travel, so they feel it would be unfair on the animal to be left alone. There is often no way to verify these stories. But sometimes a little more information emerges to shed light on why the animal is being given up. What might be true is that the animal is getting older and has costly medical conditions that the household is unwilling or unable to pay for. What might be true is that the owner cannot meet the animal’s health needs, for example regular injections for diabetes or the regular grooming required to prevent matts and tangles. What might be true is that the empty-nesters want to travel and the pet is an inconvenient tie. What might be true is that the owners find the ani-
Rotary Club Social September 17 6:30pm See Piers at the Snug Café for location
10am Speaker — Dr. Alex (Dooley) Goumeniouk on rational and irrational pharmacotherapy in the elderly 11am Yoga with Diana Kaile
Wine is Bottled Poetry September 18 3 to 7pm Beer and Wine Cellar Afternoon of wine sampling with Sandra Oldfield of Tinhorn Creek paired with local wine-themed poetry. A fundraiser for the Bowen Island Arts Council.
Community Lunch September 22 11:30am to 1pm Legion $5: adult event
Legion Dinner September 18 Doors open 5pm; dinner at 6:30 BI Legion Sally Freeman is preparing Silver Palate beef stew, parsleyed potatoes, salad and prune plum cake for dessert.
After this elderly spaniel was found wandering near Crippen Park, every effort was made to find its owner, to no avail. He’s now been adopted by a Bowen resident. mal’s behaviour unacceptable, for example, urinating indoors or excessive barking or destructiveness when left alone. What might be true is that the people just got bored, crated the animal 24/7 and finally dumped it. What might be true is that the people cannot face dealing with the mortality of the pet animal. Many of these are not good reasons for giving up a pet animal who has been in a family for 10 or more years, giving unquestioning loyalty and love. There are charitable organizations who can help with vet bills. Behavioural issues can be dealt with by the right attention, for example, the frequent urge to urinate in older female dogs can be tackled with medication, while separation anxiety issues require help from a trainer or animal behaviour expert. It’s great that Joey’s story will have a happy ending, thanks to many generous community members, but there are many other animals who are abandoned late in life and who are euthanised in shelters alone and without a loving embrace to send them on their way. Maybe better education about animals’ needs will help. Understanding what companion animals require of us could prevent these issues arising in the first place. Let us all try to deal with companion animals responsibly and not take them on lightly. They are not toys but living creatures who are entirely dependent on us until their dying day.
Democracy in action on Bowen Island
It’s encouraging to see so many of my friends and neighbours going door to door to let Bowen Island know about our candidates for the upcoming election. Some dear friends of mine are canvassing for our Liberal candidate; I am part of a very enthusiastic group of Bowen Islanders who are canvassing for Ken Melamed, our Green candidate, and I’ve met a few who are keen to support NDP. (I’m sure there are a few who will vote for the Conservative incumbent although I haven’t met them yet.) What the great majority of us have in common is a deep desire to be involved in ensuring things change in Ottawa. What is heartening to me is that so many people are talking about the election, and talking about what is important to them and about which candidate they feel will best be able to bring change to our ailing democratic processes in Canada. ABC (Anybody But Conservative) is one motto. But underneath the anti-Harper sentiment is a real yearning to see our Canada restored as a leader in peace keeping, in progressive social policies, and environmental protection. A healthy economy and viable plans for reduc-
ing dependence on fossil fuels are also on people’s minds. I realize we are just one riding out of 338. But we can be part of the change that is going to be sweeping across Canada this election. Please talk to your friends, in this riding and everywhere. Encourage them to vote. Especially talk to young people. I can’t remember an election where real change was as imminently possible as it is this time. As long as all of us vote we can be confident in our ABC strategy, and some of us will actually get the candidate that we truly feel will best represent us in Ottawa Please vote. Ken Melamed will be visiting Bowen on Sunday, September 20. We’re encouraging people who are thinking about voting Green but feeling very anxious or conflicted about it to come meet him Sunday afternoon between 4 and 6. Please email me or Cynthia ( or you can call 778999-2308 if you’re interested. We’d love to have you join us. Kathryn Thomson
The Undercurrent would like to welcome Catherine Bayly of Bowen Island Historians as our new official Keeper of the Birthdays. She’s taking on this role following Lois Meyers-
Carter’s retirement. If you have an upcoming birthday that you’d like shared with the Undercurrent’s readers, please email her at least a week in advance at
Welcome to our new Keeper of the Birthdays
Gymnastics classes start September 18 BICS gym For recreational and competitive gymnasts. Details at Out of the Attic Sept. 18 to Oct. 12 Opening reception: Sept. 18 from 7 to 9:30pm Gallery @ Artisan Square Long-forgotten attic masterpieces by various artists uncovered. Eat! Drink! Write! September 19 7:30pm Gallery @ Artisan Square Two-hour evening workshop taught by April Bosshard Register at www. Bowen Island Writer’s Group September 19 Noon - 2 pm Collins Hall, Open writer’s forum, all levels, all writing projects welcome. Tailgate Sales September 19 10am to noon BICS parking lot Weed Warriors September 19 10am to 1pm Meet by the bridge at the mouth of Davies Creek. Everyone welcome. Tools and gloves provided. Dress for the weather and bring your water supply. Propagating Native Plants at Linnaea Nurseries September 21 1pm Gallery at Artisan Square Bowen Island Garden Club presents John Folkerts Terry Fox Run September 20 Collins Hall 11am registration; 11:30 start 4K & 8K: bicycles oksy but no wheelchairs or rollerblades. Dogs on leash welcome. No entry fee. Donations appreciated. SKY: Seniors Keeping Young September 21 Bowen Court 9am Exercises with Ali
Eating for a Healthy Community September 22 6:30 to 7:15pm BICS Natasha Vaz, a holistic nutritionist, healthy chef and foodie, will talk about health and nutrition with tips for busy parents, fussy eaters, seniors and people of all ages. Free Bowen Island International Wine Festival September 24 6:30 to 9:30pm Lodge at Old Dorm Tickets: $50 in advance at Phoenix or Beer and Wine Cellar. 100% of proceeds go to Bowen Children’s Centre. Rotary Club September 24 Collins Hall, 7:30pm Guest speaker: James Glave on climate reality and solutions No charge, all are welcome Alicia Hansen album launch September 24 Pyatt Hall, Vancouver 8pm Bowen Island-based singer launches her experimental album, Companion with Ben Brown $8 in advance from or $10 at the door Bowen Grows Community Feast & Variety Show September 25 5-9pm BICS Contribute Bowen-grown fruits, greens and vegetables at BCS kitchen Sept. 23 and 24 from 6-8pm and Sept. 25 9am to 1pm Passionately Speaking: Pecha Kucha on Bowen Island September 26 Gallery @ Artisan Square 7:30pm Each presenter has 6.66 minutes to present 20 images for 20 seconds In advance... Carli Travers October 4 10:30am at the Little Red Church 2 to 4pm at Tunstall Bay club house The founder of community for orphaned and vulnerable children in Uganda will talk about her new book, And Then She Was Free Healing With Grace Christie Grace ~ With A Little Help From My Friends November 8 3 - 6 pm TBCA Clubhouse Benefit with music and silent auction Tickets at Phoenix: $50 suggested donation or donate what you can Have a birthday coming up? Email
Golf course fundraiser tops expectations TERENCE MCKEOWN BI GOLF
On Saturday, September 12, the Bowen Island Golf Association held its annual fundraising tournament and dinner. More than 80 players and 100 diners enjoyed perfect weather, a great Cup Cutter meal, and the live and silent auctions. Living on an island with a small population, there are public amenities we just can’t afford. It was long believed that a golf course was one of them. But for almost 10 years our beautiful nine-hole gem has offered islanders a great golf experience, and attracted many new visitors. One of the things golfers appreciate about our course is that it’s relatively quiet. It’s not hard to get a tee time, and you often find your group is almost alone — no one ahead to slow you down, no one behind pushing you. It’s the ideal golf experience, and it’s very rare. But this great experience comes with a downside, because running a golf club is expensive. Annual budget shortfalls have always been the norm. The green fees — set at a reasonable level to encourage public
participation — are not adequate to cover the operating costs of a first-class golf facility. And necessary equipment costs, such as a new $30,000 aeration machine, can quickly create an even bigger budget hole. An amenity open to all, our public golf course was created by the sheer force of will of Bruce Russell and an incredibly hard-working team of volunteers. And the course still relies largely on volunteerism and the generosity of its members for its continued survival. Although the Pro Shop is professionally-managed, and the grounds are maintained by paid employees, all organizational work is done on a volunteer basis by the board, committees, members and friends of The Bowen Island Golf Association. This includes the administration and financial management of the course, and the planning of all tournaments and events, and the coordination of the Pro Shop and restaurant operations. The experience of golfing and dining at the Bowen Island Golf Club has never been better. The Pro Shop operations were taken over this year by the Monaghan Golf
Above: Golfers gathered for an al fresco dinner prepared by the Glenn Cormier’s team at the Cup Cutter. Patricia Adams photo management company, which runs similar operations in a number of other Lower Mainland courses. Glenn Cormier, of the Bowen Island Pub, is again running the very popular Cup Cutter restaurant, with manager Frank Patt and his team. And in spite of the drought, groundskeeper Frank Griffiths and his crew have kept the course in top shape. The club’s catchment reservoir, the only source of water, is living up to its design promise, and will make it through the summer. But… we always need to raise more money. Thanks to the tireless fundraising of Bruce Russell, and tournament organizer Heather Coulthart’s stellar management skills, this year’s fundraiser exceeded its target, raising an estimated $33,000. As usual, Bruce tapped into his vast network of personal and corporate friends and many Bowen
Islanders stepped up with $300 each for Joint Hole Sponsorships. Mulligans and scotch-tasting tickets were generously purchased on the day, as were opportunities to join the “shoot-out” after the tournament. Oh, and yes, there was a golf competition. The winning team, with a score of 4 under par, were Kathy and Peter Clark, David Bellringer, and Rob Purdy. BIGA thanks everyone who donated, or contributed items to the auctions, and special thanks to our ace auctioneer Dale Hewitt. And a very big thank you to James Presnail from Monaghan golf, and his Pro Shop team Sarah Graham and Terry Boss; and Glenn Cormier, Frank Patt and the Cup Cutter staff - Cheri Netzlaw, Suzy Casillio, Natasha Vaz, Patty Pasternak, and Bjorn Vik. A great time was had by all, and most importantly our fabulous public golf course will make ends meet for another year.
David Leishman and Bob McCaskill enjoy the tournament in style.
8(-9 &70( -.2( %(!(5 2/5 #)5.7$ "1.-,5($ -.3.$' .$ 5(2*'(( "7&9+ .$ 6(%7$/$4 West Vancouver’s Michel Ibrahim has a shipment of donated soccer equipment stuck in the Beirut airport. The equipment FY >kY@Bk> ]cR d^RF?B SIFV>RkB fIcYk ]?CFVFkY I?ik gk> DIk civil strife. WcQ S?B IkVT FB Dfc f?^Y` _k FY YkVVFB[ DIkYk YcSSkR cQAFDY ]cR EhO HZkRYk^ TVQY YIcRDYa ?VV YFPkYG` b?VV IFC ?D jOK\MeN\MeKK ]cR >kVFikR^ cR >RcT U^ IFY U?RUkR YIcT ?D NLKJ Marine Drive in West Vancouver. Team discount rates are available. WcQ S?B ?VYc C?Xk ? >cB?@cB cB IFY SRcf>]QB>FB[ S?CT?F[B ?D
Finland trip filled with many yahoo moments for gymnasts
NAPTEP encourages property owners to protect land from page 1 In an interview after the joint BIM and Islands Trust meeting on Tuesday, Mayor Murray Skeels said the impact on other Bowen Island property owners will be negligible. The tax dollars that the municipality loses will have little impact on everyone else’s property taxes. “It’s exciting to know that Bowen will be involved,” said Islands Trust trustee Tony Law, the chair of the Islands Trust Fund board, which manages the program. “There’s been some good uptake on other islands and it will benefit Bowen once people get involved and understand it.” For details go to
After a year of intense fundraising and training, 10 Bowen Island gymnasts finally got on a plane for Finland, with hoola hoops and cowboy hats, to join Team Canada at the 2015 World Gymnaestrada event in Helsinki, Finland. For our closeknit team, Helsinki was 10 exhilarating days of performing gymnastics. More than 20,000 athletes from 50 countries attended this amazing event. Congratulations to our team who performed at their absolute best while under the pressure of the world watching their showmanship everywhere they went. Thank you again to the generous support of the Bowen community, family and friends and especially the Bowen Island Firefighters and Rotary Club for their donations that made this opportunity possible Watch our routine at Worlds on youtube: Lm7Gva1icoQ Recreational and competitive gymnastics classes start Friday, September 18 at BICS gym. Please see our newly updated website,, for details on Fall classes and registration.
Cardena parking nixed
At Monday’s council meeting, it was agreed not to go ahead with the Cardena Drive parking proposal. Many public comments, including those from residents in the Cardena/Snug Point area, were against creating new spaces near the entrance of Crippen Park.
Gymnaestrada World Team: Maia Blomberg, Briar Blomberg, Callie Brougham, Katie Brougham, Ali Catchlove, Twyla Lotenberg, Ashley Murphy, Shelby Murphy, Megan Wall and Aria Willis. Coaches: Lisa Bullock and Cameron Stevenson. Not in photo: Chaperones Melina Blomberg, Siobahn Catchlove and Gail Lotenberg.
Heritage Commission
A motion to establish a Heritage Commission for Bowen Island was given first, second and third reading.
Cut middle-income taxes for Canadians who need it the most
Build a green economy, provide affordable housing and create jobs
Protect the environment by taking action on climate change and /)-*"/%$' !/"*).*%"$ "( #-& ,$+ ".),$-
Undefeated four times in local elections, including two terms as Mayor of West Vancouver
Provide open, honest and accountable government through Senate reform, electoral reform and respect for scientists
Received United Nations Global Green City Award for environmental leadership
MBA in Aboriginal Business and Leadership from Simon Fraser University
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How I Got Here: Ed Saunders
Life gives what it gives, so live it to the fullest MARTHA PERKINS EDITOR
Let it be said that Ed Saunders has had an extraordinary life. There’s a childhood that starts in a house with servants, middles with the emotional penury of convent life and ends at an orphanage where Noel Coward was a frequent table tennis opponent and Marlene Dietrich gave young Ed an egowithering stare. Early manhood was spent at sea, travelling to exotic places on a passenger ship where, on board, the women swooned at the sight of the crew dressed navy whites and, on land, women gathered at the port to welcome the arriving sailors with enthusiasm. When, at 24, that life was getting a bit stale, he landed in Toronto as an actor and then a producer and writer in CBC television’s heyday. With the show This Land, he essentially got to write his own ticket for a life of adventure, whether documenting a cargo ship as it made its rounds to Newfoundland outports, hot air ballooning in New Mexico or training in the Rockies with the first Canadian team to scale Mount Everest. There was a scene change when he moved to Vancouver to work on The Beachcombers, partying under the radar of the CBC execs who’d only occasionally fly in to see how things were going in Gibsons. And then the introduction to Bowen Island, a place which made him say, “This is it. This is where I want to be.” All of this is not immediately
obvious when you sit down for a visit at his Bowen Court apartment. The simplicity of his present-day life is deceptive. So, to start this How I Got Here it’s best to go back to his origin story: his birth in a tiny town called Strawberry Hill just outside of London, England in 1937. His father, who earned a substantial living managing a chain of grocery stores, was also a talented artist and playwright. When he fell in love with Ed’s mother, there was a hitch: his wife wouldn’t grant him a divorce. Ed, and his brother, were by legal definition bastards but the term didn’t bother Ed. “We lived quite sumptuously, with a chauffeur, nanny and gardener,” he says. If this was a movie, queue the music that portends an end to this idyllic life. When Ed was four, his father died of pneumonia, intestate, leaving Ed’s mother with few legal recourses to his wealth. The business went to his partners, the bank accounts went to his wife and the house and its onerous responsibilities were given to Ed’s mother. She not only had to sell everything, she also had to start earning a living. While she went off to become an actress, she put Ed and his younger brother in a convent. “Now that was traumatic,” Ed says. “They were euphemistically called the Sisters of Mercy but they were anything but merciful.” The long leather belt used for punishing children was frayed at the end from heavy use. True mercy arrived in the form of Noel Coward when Ed was 11. The British writer had got together with
One of Ed Saunders’ criteria for where to live is that it has a pub. On Bowen Island, he’s a regular at The Pub, where Jennifer Loree has a chair and a beer with his name on it. Martha Perkins photo
After Ed’s father died when Ed was four, Ed, left, and his brother were sent to a convent. It was horrible. The Silverlands orphanage, established by Noel Coward, on the other hand, was magical. This present day photo of the abandoned mansion is by some friends to buy an Edwardian mansion near Surrey and turn it into the Silverlands orphanage for actors’ children. “It was heaven,” Ed says. “All the rooms were magnificent, although we ruined half of them.” The property was somewhat self-sustaining and all of the chil-
BC Ferries REGULAR SCHEDULE REGULAR SCHEDULE March 14 to October 12, In Effect May 15 to October 13,2015 2014
Leave Snug Cove
6:00 am * 6:00 am 7:00 am* 7:00 am * 8:00 am 8:00 am 9:05 am††# 9:05 am# 10:05 am 10:05 am 11:05 am 11:05 am 12:10 pm 12:10 pm 2:35 pm 2:35 pm 3:45 pm 3:45 pm 4:45 pm 4:45 pm 5:50 pm 5:50 pm* 6:50 pm 7:50 pm 6:50 pm * 8:40 pm 7:50 pm^# 9:40 pm 8:40 pm# 9:40 pm
Distance: 3 NAUTICAL MILES Crossing Time: 20 MINUTES
Leave Horseshoe Bay
5:30 am** 5:30 am 6:30 am** 6:30 am 7:30 am** 7:30 am 8:35 am * 8:35 am 9:35 am## 9:35 am 10:35 am 10:35 am 11:40 am 11:40 am 12:45 pm 12:45 pm 3:10 pm pm 4:15 pm pm†† 5:15 pm pm 6:20 pm pm* 7:20 pm 7:20 pm^* 8:15 pm 8:15 pm## 9:10 pm 9:10 pm 10:05 pm 10:05 pm
VANCOUVER Horseshoe Bay
dren were given chores — bringing in coal, tilling the massive potato patch, taking care of the pigs. Ed was mucking out the pigsty when Coward dropped by during a tour of the property with Marlene Dietrich. On the plus side of memories, Dietrich was marvellously and impeccably dressed. On the
September 18 October 12, 2015 in
Opening Reception Friday,
down side, she took one look at Ed, turned away and made a disdainful comment to Coward about that ‘disgusting boy.’ “It was very hurtful,” Ed concedes, “but having been used to a few hard knocks I got over it, as they say, in a trice.” Coward, on the other hand, provided nothing but good memories. “He spoke in UNCOVERED a very clipped, English accent and he was fond of his words. He was outrageously gay but he never posed a hint of that to the kids… It was just after the war and he was very lavish. He smoked only a few puffs of each cigarette and threw it away. Us kids would pounce on what was left and go to our camp that we’d built and smoke.” To raise money for the orphanage, Coward and his friends would host Theatre Under the Stars or Circus Under the Stars and the children were invited to perform. Since one of their teachers was an Olympic gymnast whom the children adored, it was quite a production, complete with animals and freeform floor exercises. “It was thrilling.”
Cont’d page 9
At the CBC, he could write his own career script from page 8
filled by people from the tony Rosedale district who got a frisson of excitement from slumming it. He eventually joined the nascent CBC and progressed quite rapidly, becoming a producer and writer. “We’d write our own script, grab a crew, pick out a location, shoot the film and edit it. There was total freedom.” This is one of Ed’s A son was born favourite photos from his acting days. during this era of his life; that son is now a professor at U of T. Too much paperwork dulled his enthusiasm for running the film department so he quit and became the post-production producer for the Beachcombers. “It was fun; it was crazy. The CBC was the training ground for
Ed’s younger brother was “incredibly intelligent” so he was sent to a different school. The brother, now 77, got a job early on at a field studies centre in rural Wales and still lives in the stone cottage today. “He became a character Female passengers loved it when the in the village — he’d wear a cloak and temperature hit 70° and the sailors, including had a long beard.” Ed on left, wore their white uniforms. “All in all,” Ed says of his years at Silverlands, “it was a very good time the film industry in Vancouver and the but we had to work hard to keep it parties, of course, were unbelievable. When they did going. We all loved each other.” the actual shooting in Gibsons, we were separated In those years, young men in from the authorities in Vancouver.” No longer a Sailor with a capital S, Ed England had to spend 18 months with Ed was living with a story editor on the show in Saunders still took to the sea with friends in a the National Service, something that Vancouver when another story editor invited them sailboat. This is in Turkey in 1971. 17-year-old Ed didn’t relish, so he to Bowen Island. “As soon as I saw it, I thought ‘I’ve signed up with the Merchant Navy and just got to live here.’ Bowen fitted me like a glove. I experience to another. My heart leads all the time. I ended up liking it so much he stayed was so enthralled. I’d been to sea but never had the don’t listen to my head. That’s where I am where I am for eight years. “It was a wonderful chance to live with the sea at my doorstep — the — ‘Shut up, Ed.’” period in my life.” mountains, the seeming seclusion of island life. I said Moving to Bowen was a big change in gears, and He started as a seaman on cargo to my girlfriend, ‘We’ve got to buy some land.’ drop in income, with no regrets. “At the time I was ships but then signed up for passenger “She wasn’t enthusiastic at all.” earning quite a bit of money and now I live on a ships and was appointed as a quarterGirlfriend or not, Ed started building a house in government pension. But I’m happy because I find I master, tasked with steering the ship. Eaglecliff in 1989, the winter of the massive storm don’t need things.” After falling asleep at the wheel and that toppled 13 trees on his property and shutting Too often people can strive to “get there” in their sending the ship way off course, he down the power for three weeks. “If this was a warncareer, or life, only to find there’s no there there. As was quickly demoted. The captain told ing that I shouldn’t be here, I ignored it.” long as Bowen has a pub — and for Ed there’s a much him, “You’re such a clown you might Turning down the volume on what his rational self worn corner seat at The Pub — his needs are met. as well entertain the passengers.” says is a habit of his. “I just drifted along from one “I don’t need excitement; I’ve had my fill,” he says. It wasn’t only the passengers who found him entertaining, especially when the temperature turned 70° F and the crew changed into their handsome white uniforms. “Whenever these big ships came into port, there was a phalanx of girls waiting for us at the dock. The downside was their boyfriends were there, too… “In Australia, the ship came into Melbourne, where I had a girlfriend. As I looked over the railing, waving to her, right behind her was my girlfriend from Sydney. I went down and faced the music. “There are,” he says with a smile, “complications in deception.” At 24, he felt in a bit of a rut. For all its charms, was this a job to age into? A passenger talked BOWEN ISLAND UNITED CHURCH him into moving to JOIN US ON Rev. Shelagh MacKinnon FOOD Service and Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. BANK Toronto. “I’d been — Collins Hall Bookings: Helen Wallwork DROP-OFF truthfully — impressed Minister of Music: Lynn Williams with Canadian people,” Ed says. “They were the most gentle, polite peoBOWEN ISLAND COMMUNITY CHURCH ple and they had a genuPastor Clinton Neal ine openness and love.” 1070 Miller Road 604-947-0384 It was 1961 and, like Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. his mother, Ed decided to become an actor. He did a lot of amateur theatre, as well as ST. GERARD’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH with Toronto Workshop Please RSVP at Mass: 10:30 a.m. Priest: Father James Comey Productions. Designed 604-988-6304 or for more information contact to be theatre for the masses, it was housed in Jane Kellett at an old factory in a workCATES HILL CHAPEL 604-947-4260 ing-class neighbour(661 Carter Rd.) hood. The irony was that 10:00 a.m. Worship • Sunday School: Tots to Teens after work, most factory workers wanted to go Pastor: Dr. James B. Krohn Authorized by the ofCcial agent for Pam Goldsmith-Jones home so the seats were
There are more photos from Ed Saunders’ life on the online version of this story.
A special gathering with
Pam Goldsmith-Jones
your federal Liberal candidate
Sunday, September 27th 1:30pm to 3:30pm
Collins Hall - 1122 Miller Road Bowen Island
Places of Worship Welcome You
Islands Trustees ask BIM if incorporation is a good thing from page 1 In 2003, after property values “went through the roof ”, Skeels said some Bowen Islanders left for the less expensive islands. Of those who remain, “we have one group that thinks they’ve moved to the Gulf Islands and want to have a barn-raising to build a new municipal hall and another that are Country Club Republicans…. I don’t know how you move something forward on an island.” Councillor Sue Ellen Fast said that with incorporation came more local autonomy “because we don’t have people from other Gulf Islands or Metro Vancouver telling us what to do.” Success is hard to judge. The municipality has its own night-sky and no-idling bylaws, Fast said, but no money with which to enforce them. Bowen has an updated Official Community Plan but, she says, less contact with the preserve-and-protect mandate of IT. It has surplus lands but must pay for its roads. Councillor Maureen Nicholson said when she moved here she was baffled by the various jurisdictions that apply to Bowen Island. “My sense of the complexities has not changed; it’s confusing. Our village is surrounded by park and there are severe constraints in terms of what we can do in that area. The flip side is we have a village within a park.” Skeels said other islands considering incorporation would be wise to get some Crown land going in. Municipalities need assets and land is worth an incredible amount. “We want to build a community hall. What’s the land going to cost us? We want a new fire hall. What’s the land going to cost us? Our main road is built on rotten logs; we did 100 yards and said ‘Hold on, let’s just live with it [because of the cost.]”
When asked if there a definitive answer on how Bowen Island’s property taxes compare to rest of the Islands Trust islands, Skeels said, “As long as your land values are low, you’re ahead of the game.” Councillor Alison Morse said, “Once you’re incorporated, you choose what you spend the money on. Someone’s not making that choice for you.” To try to compare tax rates with other jurisdictions, “It’s a lot of apples and oranges.” “I would think municipality is more expensive,” said Councillor Gary Ander. “The trade off is the autonomy and it’s a nice balance.”
Option 1: Salmon
Option 2: Slugs
Being neighbourly
Even though Bowen Island is geographically very close to Gambier and Keats Islands, there is very little that binds them together, said one Islands Trust trustee who hoped there could be better communication and, when needed, co-operation. “It’s like we’re in different universes; there is no connectivity unless you have your own boat or water taxi,” said trustee Dan Rogers. “I think sometimes that, between us, we must have issues that are common but there’s actually very little connection. Do you even know the other islands are out there or is there a lot of consciousness about our islands and communication about issues we should be talking about together?” Mayor Skeels said, “You’re right. A lot of people go to Gambier frequently but we don’t. We’re an island, we’re insular. That’s the beauty and strength of Islands Trust — all of these insular islands coming together. We’d love to have interaction with you.” Morse noted that council will be discussing strategies on how to deal with derelict boats at its meeting at the end of the month.
Option 3: Trees
Vote for your favourite crosswalk The Bowen Island Municipality had 27 “wonderful submissions” to its Crosswalks, Bowen-Style competition. Based on criteria that included originality, simplicity and “Bowen-ness”, a committee of judges created a short-list of three designs. Go to
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creativecrosswalks to vote on the design you’d like gracing the island’s crosswalks. One vote only per person. Voting ends on Sunday, September 20 at 11pm. The winner will be announced on Monday, September 21 at noon.
Linnaea Nurseries shares insights into propagating native plants LINDA BARRATT BI GARDEN CLUB
On September 21, the Bowen Island Garden Club welcomes John Folkerts of Linnaea Nurseries, a 60-acre wholesale nursery that grows 700 different species of trees and shrubs. It specializes in the production of hardy nursery stock and plants native to the Pacific Northwest. John is a graduate in biological sciences with an emphasis on horticulture and has extensive experience in both retail and large wholesale plant and tree-growing operations. He will talk about the history and evolution of Linnaea and what is involved in propagating and growing 200-plus species of native plants at the nursery. He plans to bring plants to his presentation for demonstration purposes. Please join us at the Gallery at Artisan Square on September 21 at 1pm. Everyone is welcome.
Shout out and big Thank you to the Bowen Island volunteer Fire Department who attended my bbq this last monday. You guys are fast. 17 min. Thanks again. Peter Ryan, Ryan metalworks.
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Gallery @ Artisan Square Presents
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Out of the Attic
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Wine festival to feature 50 wines and fabulous food
On Thursday, September 24, from 6:30 – 9pm, the 2nd Annual Bowen Island International Wine Festival will be back in full swing. This event, which proved to be a sold-out success last year, is sure to raise the bar this year. This festival is not only an opportunity to engage with some of Vancouver and Bowen Island’s most knowledgeable wine experts, but also to raise funds for a worthy Island organization. Paul Rickett, manager of Bowen Beer and Wine Cellar, has invited 10 Vancouver-based agencies, all of whom import wines from all over the world. This year, guests will have the opportunity to taste more than 50 delicious wines from countries such as Italy, New Zealand, France and Argentina. There will also be wines from the Pacific Northwest including BC, Oregon and California. Certainly, a wine tasting wouldn’t be complete without delectable culinary offerings to go with it. Again this year, Bowen local and Bowen Children’s Centre alumni parent Park Heffelfinger will be there with a mouth-watering selection of food from his award-winning Memphis Blues BBQ House along with Julie Cree and Christophe Langlois from Artisan Eats who will please palates with an array of wine-friendly nibbles. All of this is in support of the Bowen Island Children’s Centre, a non-profit organization that has been a part of Bowen Island since 1970. BCC encompasses Bowen Island Preschool, Community Daycare, the After School Club and Family Place. With all of these indispensible programs, the Bowen Children’s Centre relies on the community for support. Last year the festival raised enough money to purchase supplies and equipment, do maintenance and upgrades to the playground, put
in a garden and composting program, and provide ongoing professional development for staff. The event got its start back in 2012, when Sujinder Juneja, a communications professional and wine expert, held an intimate wine tasting at Artisan Eats. The idea was to raise money for the centre and to fulfill the Juneja family’s volunteer hours. The next year saw Rickett join Juneja, adding additional wines to the table. Both events were a huge success, which led to an expanded and sought-after wine tasting event and fundraiser. Juneja describes this year’s festival as “an event for wine lovers and friends, where we can engage our community to support one of Bowen’s most important institutions.” The festival is now run by Juneja, Rickett and Heffelfinger, with critical support from Bowen Children’s Centre volunteers such as Dayna Purdy and Andrea Bastin. Many of the volunteers no longer have children in the centre but are so passionate about what BCC does that they continue to be part of fundraisers. The event wouldn’t be possible without people such as Dan Parkin and Julia McLaughlin who donate space at the charming Lodge at the Old Dorm and the indispensible Peter King who provides free bus transportation to and from the event. The Office @ Artisan Square sponsored the printing of posters and tickets. Last year the festival was sold-out and organizers expect nothing short of the same for this year. Tickets are only $50 per person with 100 per cent of the proceeds going to the Bowen Children’s Centre. Tickets can be purchased exclusively at Phoenix and at the Bowen Beer & Wine Cellar. With no parking available on the street in front of The Lodge, there will be return bus transportation from BICS parking lot to the venue. A safe ride home will also be provided for those who choose to fully enjoy their wine versus using the spittoon.
NOTICE OF WOOD POLE TEST AND TREAT To ensure public safety and electrical system reliability, BC Hydro contractors inspect wood power poles along distribution lines and carry out treatment if required. Poles that have been in service for at least 8 years (lodgepole pine), 14 years (spruce, fir) or 20 years (western red cedar) are inspected, tested for strength and treated near ground level with wood preservative to prevent and /or stop decay. Untreated poles typically have a service life of only 30 years, while treated poles can last up to 70 years, conserving demand on our forest resources. Between October 15 to October 30, 2015, wood poles will be inspected and treated along distribution lines on Bowen Island. Wood preservatives used are approved and registered for utility wood poles by Health Canada. Contractors are certified and licensed by the BC Ministry of Environment, and work is completed under the direction of BC Hydro in accordance with BC Hydro’s Pest Management Plan for Wood Structure Maintenance (105-0981-14/19). For more information, please contact Raymond Irving, Field Manager, at 250 755 4798 or 4717
The Bowen Island office of First Credit Union is pleased to welcome Sophie Taylor, Brian Moyer and Opal Eriksson, all Bowen Islanders, to its staff. Branch manager Kevin Manning says, “We are so fortunate to have this high caliber of individual working for us and are very excited to see what they can bring to our high level of service standards. The future for banking on Bowen looks very bright!”
Our Bowen Grows Community Feast on September 25 celebrates the community school tradition of hosting community events that bring us together and allow us to socialize and to have fun, as well as supporting locally grown food. Bowen Grows was created by the Community School Association (CSA) to create opportunities to learn how to grow food, build community and to promote and celebrate locally grown food. Its community feast and variety show in the BICS gym is an all-ages, family-friendly, free community-spiritbuilding celebration of local food that is made possible thanks to funding from the CSA and SmoothStones. Don’t forget to bring your appetite as well as your own plates and cutlery! Confirmed donations on the menu so far: • Potatoes from Primrose Farm • Apples and tomatoes from Bowen Farm • Zucchini from the Bowfest Country Fair youth entries
• Cucumbers, garlic, basil, tomatoes, tarragon and more from the Young Farmers of Bowen Program • Produce from Home Farm • Rosemary from the Farmers Market “Panda Girls” • A gigantic community-sized loaf of bread from Artisan Eats • Kale and herbs from the BICS student garden Interested in contributing a portion of your home garden harvest?! Every donation will contribute to the success and fun of this event. Donation drop off: BICS kitchen, 6-8pm, Sept. 23 and 24 and 9am-1pm on Sept 25. To volunteer in the kitchen please contact More volunteers are needed to help map out where the donated food was grown and to meet and greet at the door. Email: The Bowen Grows feast opens its doors at 5pm, food will be served 5:307:30, with a light local entertainment variety show happening during the evening. Coffee/Tea and desserts will be served until just after 8pm and then we’ll wrap up the evening by about 8:30pm, and clean-up, etc. by 9pm.
Propagating Native Plants at Linnaea Nurseries On September 21, 2015 the Bowen Island Garden Club welcomes John Folkerts of Linnaea Nurseries Ltd. a wholesale plant nursery located in the Fraser Valley. Linnaea is a 60 acre nursery that grows 700 different species of trees and shrubs specializing in the production of hardy nursery stock and plants native to the Pacific Northwest. John is a graduate in the Biological Sciences with an emphasis on horticulture and has extensive experience in both retail and large wholesale plant and tree growing operations. He will talk to us about the history and evolution of Linnaea and what is involved in propagating and growing 200 plus species of native plants at the nursery. John plans to bring plants to his presentation for demonstration purposes. Please join us at the Gallery at Artisan Square on September 21, 2015 at 1 PM. Everyone is welcome.
Check us out online at