January 3. 2025

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AllCouncilmeetingsareopen tothepublictoattendin personorelectronically,unless notedotherwise.

January 13, 2025

1:00 pm RegularCouncilMeeting

Outstanding bills

December31,2024wasthedeadlineforpayingoutstandingproperty taxandutilitybalances.OnJanuary1,2025,outstandingbalancesbegan accruingdailyinterest.Outstandingutilitybillsweretransferredto propertytaxes,andaccruedailyinterestasoutstandingtaxes


Don’thesitate.Findoutifyou’repaidup. Contactusbycalling604-947-4255extension8oremailing finance@bimbc.ca


Snug Cove Wharf

ChangeshavebeenmadetotransientmoorageratesatSnugCove Wharf

Dayvisitsupto4hours: Boats25feetandunder: $5.00

Boatsover25feet: $10.00



Development Cost Charges

DevelopmentCostCharges(DCCs)arefeesleviedonnew developmenttohelpfinancethecostofupgradingorproviding infrastructureservices,andthecostofacquiringparklandtosupport thenewdevelopment


1.RegionalTransportationDevelopmentonbehalfofTransLink 2.ParklandacquisitiononbehalfofMetroVancouver 3. BIMfortheacquisitionofMunicipalparklands.

TransLinkDCCsareincreasingandMetroVancouverisintroducinga newDCC,botheffective,January1,2025.


Disposing ofHolly

EnglishHollyberriesaretoxictohumansandpetssopleasetakecare ofhowyouhandleanddisposeoftheberries.Theberriesarefullof seedsthatrequirehighheattodestroythemsodon’tputtheminyour compost.Pleasethrowtheminthegarbage.Inaddition,EnglishHolly hasbecomeaseriousinvasivebecauseofitsadaptabilitytogrowin shadeorsun,andbecauseofhowquicklyitsseedsarespreadbybirds. Itcrowdsoutnativespeciesaswellasmonopolizesgroundwater


CLR-01-2024-479BowenIslandTrunkRd 1:00pmonMonday,January13,2025 RegularCouncilMeeting

PROJECTDESCRIPTION:BIMhasreceivedareferralfromtheLiquor andCannabisRegulationBranch(LCRB)aboutanapplicationfrom theBowenIslandPub,at479BowenIslandTrunkRoadforaNew OutdoorPatio.ThereferralseeksforBIMtoprovideacommentonthe application.

TheBowenIslandPubreceivedtemporaryapprovalunderCOVID-era regulationstoconstructanewpatioextensionadjacenttotheexisting patio.Thisapplicationwouldmakethepermissionpermanent.

Thepatioextensiondoesnotincreasetheoveralllicencecapacityof theBowenIslandPub.Whenthepatioisinusethepubisrequiredto lessentheirinsidecapacitybyanequivalentamount.

StaffarepreparingtopresentthisapplicationattheRegularCouncil MeetingheldonJanuary13,2025.Inordertoprovideinputonthe referral,Councilmustgatherinputfromthecommunity.Staffwill recommendthatCouncildirectstafftogathercommunityinputto presentattheRegularCouncilMeetingheldonFebruary24,2025. Councilwillthenconsidermakingarecommendation.


WrittensubmissionsmaybedeliveredtoMunicipalHallbefore11:00 amonMonday,January13,2025:

ByE-mailtomayyorandcouncil@@bimbc.ca,inperson,bymailto981 ArtisanLane,BowenIsland,BC,V0N1G2orbyfax604-947-0193

Toensureafairprocess,writtensubmissionscannotbeacceptedafter thedeadline


Questions?PleasecontactDanielMartin,ManagerofPlanningand Development,at604-947-4255ext230orbyemailat dmartin@@bimbc.ca


Did you missthe Cougar Q&A Session?

OnDecember19,2024,BowenIslandMunicipalityhostedWildSafeBCforanonlineQ&A sessionthatfocussedoncougarbehavioursandsafetyaroundcougars.Alinktothevideo canbefoundhere:https://bowenislandmunicipality.ca/living-with-wildlife-on-bowen/



BIRDisagainofferingChristmastreechipping.Dropoffyourcleantreeinthebinprovided from27December-11January.Absolutelynofaketrees,ornaments,windfall,wreaths, hollyorgardendebriscanbeaccepted.Thechippingisprovidedfreebylocalbusinesses donatingtheirtimeandequipment,withthefeetheywouldhavechargedbeingdonated toalocalcharitybyBowenWaste

2025Garbage CollectionSchedule

The2025GarbageCollectionScheduleishere!Regulargarbageispickedupeverytwo weeksonTuesdays,alternatingeachweekbetweentheeastandwestsidesoftheisland. OrganicrefuseispickedupeveryweekonWednesdays,island-wide

EachpropertycanputoutONEcanofregulargarbagepercollectionday.Anyadditional cansorbagsrequireapaiddecalwhichcanbepurchasedfromBowenWasteSolutions whocanbecontactedon604-947-2255oratinfo@bowenwastesolutions.com

Allgarbagecansorbagsmustbeaccessibletothegarbagecollectorby8:00amon collectionday.Bagsmustbesealedandintact.

Ifacollectiondayfallsonastatutoryholiday,pickupwilloccuronthefirstbusinessday afterthestatutoryholidayunlesspreviouslyarranged.

BowenWasteSolutionsworkreallyhardtocollectourgarbage,rain,hail,orshine!Thereare times,however,particularlyduringthewintermonthswhensnowandicebecomefactors, thatgarbagecollectionisnotpossibleduetosafetyconcerns.Whenthishappensplease bepatient!BowenWasteSolutionswillpickupyourgarbageassoonastheyarephysically andsafelyabletodoso.

The2025GarbageCollectionSchedulecanbefoundhere: https://bowenislandmunicipality.ca/garbage-collection-schedule/

Notice ofIntent to Direct Award




NoticeisherebygiventhatBowenIslandMunicipality(BIM)iscontemplatingmakinga directawardofafixedpricecontracttoUrbanSystems,tocompleteaWatershedand HydraulicCapacityAnalysisforBowenIslandCulverts


AllprojectactivitiesmustbecompletedwithintwoyearsandnolaterthanJuly23,2026; andwillnotexceed$111,200.00,excludingGST,intotalpotentialvalue


BowenIslandMunicipalityhaschosennottotenderthecontemplatedcontractforthe followingreasons:

1. Awatershedandhydrauliccapacityanalysisisneededtodetermineifthesepieces ofcriticalinfrastructurecanadequatlyaccommodatetheincreaseinfloodwaters anddebrisofincreasedstormeventsintoday’sclimate,andwithexpectedclimate changeeffectsonextremerainfallevents.

2. UrbanSystemsprovidedawatershedandhydrauliccapacityanalysisfor72culverts thatweredeemedahighpriorityinJune2023.Assessmentoftheremaining253 culvertscanproceedmostefficientlybyhiringUrbanSystems

3. Theprojectisfundedfromthe2024DisasterRiskReduction-ClimateAdaptation fundingstreamoftheCommunityEmergencyPreparednessFund


• AnyChallengeobjectingtotheNOIisrequiredtobeinEnglishandsenttotheOfficial ContactinwritingorsuchChallengewillnotbeconsidered

• ChallengestotheNOIshouldbereceivedbytheOfficialContactbeforetheClosing DateandTime

• BIMreservestherighttodisregardanyChallengetoanNOIreceivedaftertheClosing DateandTime.

• ChallengestotheNOIshouldprovidereasonsfortheChallenge.

• ASubmissionDeclarationFormmustaccompanyanyChallengessubmittedbyemail orhardcopy.


• IfBIMreceivesaChallengetotheNOIbeforetheClosingDateandTime,BIMmust assesswhetherthechallengeisjustified;andwhetheracompetitiveprocessshould beundertaken

• IfnoChallengestotheNOIarereceivedpriortotheClosingDateandTimeorno RespondentsubmitsaChallengethatisjustifiedbyBIM,BIMmaycommencecontract negotiationswiththeSupplierforthegoods,servicesand/orconstructiondescribed intheNOI


EnquiriesandanyresponsesprovidingnewinformationwillberecordedandpostedtoBC BidasAddendaorotherwisedistributedtoRespondents.Despitetheforegoing,BIMmay chooseinitssolediscretionnottorespond,respondinwholeorinpart,orreformulate enquiriesinwholeorinpart.BIMmayinitssolediscretionchoosewhethertopostany suchenquiriesandresponsestoBCBidorotherwisedistributetoRespondents

ChallengestothisNOIbecomethepropertyofBIMandwillbeheld,subjecttothe provisionsoftheFreedomofInformationandProtectionofPrivacyAct.


SophieIdsinga,CorporateOfficer 981ArtisanLane,BowenIsland,BCV0N1G2 bim@bimbc.ca Fax:604-947-0193

January -01

Bowenranginthe new year with 100 hearty soulsdiving intoBowen BayBeach for the annual PolarPlunge.Cold wasa theme duringthe month as afew snow blasts hit the island, butthankstohardworking members of snow clearing crews workingtoplowthe roads,travelaroundBowen eventuallybecame possible again.

On the political side,longstandingWestVancouver –Sea to SkyMLA Jordan Sturdy announcedearly he wouldnot be runningagain in the provincialelection laterinthe year Sturdy,amemberofthe BC Liberals andlater BC United after the party’srebrand, first wonthe seat in 2013and was victorious again in 2017 and 2020

“I still have my farm, and Iamnow at aplace whereI need to takeittothe nextlevel, andtofigureout howtotransition it into the nextgeneration. That requires allof my attention,” said Sturdy of his family’spopularNorth ArmFarmin Pemberton.


Theresults of the ChristmasBirdCount, whichhas runfor more than 124 yearsasa citizen science project,came in and Bowenbirdersfound nearly 3,400 birdsspanning 64 different species.The 47 volunteerswho participated walked over 80 combinedkmtotal.

Efforts to bringacompost facility to theisland stalledout Theproject hadbeenenvisionedfor over adecade, andhad received a$1million grantfromthe provinceand $100,000 from the KnickKnack Nook.The facilitywould have been built nexttothe RecyclingDepot and save tipping fees the municipalitypaystosend compost elsewhereasIslanders produce moreorganic wastethanexpected. Therewerealso plans to make moneybysellingthe soil produced. Butdespitethe financial support, enthusiasm forthe projectdimmed, particularly the$520,000 themunicipality would have to payofthe $1.64 million facility.“From my standpointthis feels likea projectthatismired in risk…ina capital worksprogram wherewealready have alot of risk,” said mayorAndrew Leonard. “Given thefinancial challengesthat we have in the municipality, giventhe risk of what is effectivelytakingoverour owngreen wasteoperation and adding acompost sale operationtoitaswellstrikes meas problematic,toput it charitably.”

BowenIsland gymnasts hadastrongshowing at apair of competitions.Clara PattersonofKitsilano High School placed 1stonBars, Beam,and AllAroundatthe Vancouver Zone High School GymnasticsChampionships,and at the High School SeatoSky Championships Sophia Toews fin-

Grafton Lakebecome an on-leashareafor dogs after the publicraisedconcerns abouttheir behaviour at the lake

TheEnvironment andClimateAction Committee and Parks, Trails and GreenwaysAdvisoryCommittee supported the suggestion whichwas approved by council. Thenew rules requiringdogsbeonleashes applies to alllaketrails and anywherewithin the greaterArt Rennison Nature Park. ThelakejoinedSnugCoveand most of CrippenParkasthe island’s on-leashareas fordogs.

ished 3rdonVault,MischaLaRoche of Island PacificSchool was 5th on Vault and Beam,and Juha Park alsoofIPS was 10th on Vault.

Bowenfilmmakers featured in thefirst ever Coast Mountain Film Festival, hostedbythe NorthShoreNews and held at the KayMeekArtsCentreinWestVancouver. Gina Lazarowichshowedher film Krow’s TRANSformation, while BobTurner showcased My Adventures with the Wild ofHome.

Bowengymnasts (L-R) JuhaPark, Sophia Toews& MischaLaRochehad impressiveshowingsatthe SeatoSkyHighSchoolGymnasticsChampionships. (Lisa Broughamphoto) Andwhileitmay not have beenpartofthe ChristmasBirdCount, Wilder Leonardwas very proud of hiscrafting of theSnow Chicken.(Rebecca Hurst photo)

PeterKaulfusshelped make sureanyone who venturedout coulddrive (andpark) along Bowen Island TrunkRoad in the Cove (AlexKurial photo), while the Charterfamily (L-R)Roatan, Tim, Lane, &Brandee behindthe camera,plustheir dog Copper too, made the most of the snowfallfun.

AllAdvertising and newscopycontent arecopyrightof the Undercurrent Newspaper. Alleditorial contentsubmittedtothe Undercurrent becomes the property of the publication. TheUndercurrent is not responsible forunsolicited manuscripts,art work and photographs.

National NewsMedia Council.

TheUndercurrent is amember of theNational NewsMedia Council of Canada, which is an independentorganization establishedtodeal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour.Ifyou have concerns about editorial content, please emaileditor@ bowenislandundercurrent.comorcall 604-947-2442. If youare not satisfied withthe responseand wishto file a formal complaint, visit the websiteatmediacouncil.ca or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 foradditional information.

March - 03

We met two of the new healthcare professionals who have come to work on Bowen Island, and even though the new Health Centre wasn’t officially open yet Dr Lindsay Downey and nurse practitioner Laura FitzGerald were already busy getting to know their new Island patients

Island Pacific School marked their 10th year of Sleep Outs to support the work of Covenant House, which offers shelter and assistance for youth experiencing homelessness.

“They wanted to work with kids that are their age, they wanted to give back to other youth, and I wanted them to have an organization that had the full picture of support when you’re dealing with homelessness,” says IPS assistant head of school Jennifer Henrichsen on the origins of the partnership

A wet and heavy snowfall early in the month wiped out power to almost all of Bowen for an extended period, the Sunday evening darkness not being restored until Tuesday or even Wednesday in some cases. Some roads were cut off by downed trees and wires, but as always efforts by roads crews and community members made sure everyone made it

through safe Housing projects received a boost in the form of $1.6 million from the federal Housing Accelerator Fund. West Vancouver – Sunshine CoastSea to Sky Country MP Patrick Weiler said it will “deliver significant lasting changes to the way that homes are built on-island, changes that will tear down the barriers and stumbling blocks that slows housing down” and will help local projects such as the BIRCH apartments About 114 new homes are expected over the next decade.

Snug Cove House, a planned residence for seniors, also received new life after a contractor approached the society with a new construction plan that was more financially viable The Miller Road facility plans to have about two-dozen units for seniors.

April - 04

The dream of a Health Centre on Bowen Island finally came true with an opening ceremony and celebration attended by BC health minister Adrian Dix “We’re doing something that I think is remarkable, something that’s going to attract health care professionals here, something that’s going to bring people more care and better care It is amazing and I am very proud of this community,” he said.

“Ten years ago the decision was made that a health centre was crucial to providing on-island access to health care services that most communities take for granted. There was no plan. There was no money. There was no land. Frankly you really had no idea what you were taking on,” said Health Centre Foundation president Tim Rhodes, who along with Colleen O’Neil – who headed a fundraising effort which raised $8.6 million – received special praise for making the vision possible The facility, focused on team-based care, is now a bustling and permanent fixture of the community.

Fans of breakfast were treated to good news with the opening of Tippy’s Cookhouse in the Cove. Brought to you by the successful couple behind the Pub, Glenn and Meredith Cormier, the new restaurant has a thorough breakfast and brunch menu and is open for sit-down or takeout dining. “The idea for Tippy’s came from what we saw as

3-4PM Saturday Jan. 4th |Collins Hall

Amonthlyopen house sponsoredbyJudi Gedye, BIM councillorand Islands Trustee.

a need to salvage one of Bowens oldest restaurant spaces,” says Glenn, adding the name ‘Tippy’ was inspired by his grandfather’s nickname.

Short-term rental rules received a shakeup as council decided to opt-in to provincial Bill 35. The principle residence rule means a person must live on their property if they wish to operate a short-term rental business such as an Airbnb, and is meant to encourage longer-term rentals at these properties. The move affects around 32 short-term rental spaces on Bowen.

Adrian Dix (white shirt) joined the Health Centre’s executive director Suzanne Saatchi (left), Tim Rhodes (blue jacket), & Community Support Worker Colleen O’Neil at the opening ceremony. Pam Matthews (left) & Paola Qualizza hosted a successful Fix-It Fair & Earth Day Celebration in a collaboration between Island Pacific School & Regenerative Bowen Island (Alex Kurial photos)

At the Bowen Island Community School Sciencepalooza, Amelia Curry, Greta Gloag, & Olivia Curry showed that it’s not just light bulbs that can power a lamp - potatoes can too. And Dr. Lindsay Downey (left) & Laura FitzGerald (right) talked about their new roles in Bowen healthcare. (Alex Kurial photos)


It wasaspecial month at BowenVeterinary Services as Dr.Midge Ritchie celebratedfive yearsofoperatingthe animal clinic.The celebration wasalsousedtodebut theLinus Fund, namedfor the beloveddog ownedby Bayley Faragher and Josh Skuce.The fund provides financial assistance if peopleneed help providingthe best care fortheirpets.

Homeownerssaw property taxesrise9.5 per centinfinal budget calculations.The rise wasattributedtoseveralsubstantialinfrastructurecosts includingrepairingthe Carter Road Bridge and HeadwatersParkBoardwalk, plusnew equipmentfor the Fire Department too. Themunicipality’sfive-yearbudgetforecastssimilar raises for the nexttwo yearsas well beforefallingtofourper centin2027.

TheBowen Arts Tour debutedin sweeping fashionwith aweekend eventshowcasing130 artists ranging21island locations. Organizers MarieNeys, Janet Esseiva, LizNankin, Julie Vik, Jean Bradbury,and ClaudiaSchaefer

broughtthe vision to life,whichincluded creative minds in therealms of painting, jewelry, music, poetry,and more.

Chief administrativeofficer Liam Edwardsannouncedhe’dbeleavingthe municipalitytotakethe equivalentrolein Sidney on Vancouver Island. “Itwasa difficult decision and wasn’t easy…But ultimatelyitwasthe best decisionformyself andmyfamily,” said Edwards, addingit willbehardtoleave Bowenand Municipal Hallbehind. “I do want to thank everybodyfor the great work and supportthat I’ve hadduringmytimehere.”

TheMay Queen (AvivaRabinowitz), GreenMan (CathyMiller), Town Crier (Archer Florendo), &Ice Queen(Claire Carchrae) broughtthe GreenMan Festival to lifeindramaticstyle.Dr. Midge Ritchie(centre)was joined by both two and four-legged members of the Vetto celebratefiveyears as head of theBowen animal clinic. (AlexKurial photos)


BOWEN ISLAND UNITED CHURCH Sunday Mass at 9.30 Contact AngelaPowell604-947-2515 SHIRAT HAYAM(Songofthe Sea)

June -06

Bowen’sfirst public Pride eventtook place with thePride Ride,Stride &Picnic Thevolunteer-run eventbeganwith activitytables at theFarmers Market followedbya colourful procession down to theBowfestFieldwherethe fun continuedwith games,music and food KimRidgewell,LeahGregg,Jen Harvey, Patricia MacAuley,Marysia McGilvray, Sophie Idsinga, Lisa Paley, SherylMcKercy &MargaretGrayorganized thecelebration and showofsupportfor Bowen’s 2SLGBTQ+ community.

TheAuthenticallyIndigenous Festival ranthroughout the month,a collaboration betweenthe Hearth –Artson Bowenand guest-curatorSimon Daniel James,alsoknown as Winadzi. Thefestivalincluded avarietyofexhibits,performances,and anIndigenous Feast. Simon said he’d be pleased “Ifpeople canunder-

Participants brought manygood vibes to thePride Ride,Stride &Picnic.(Alex Kurial photo)

Simon Daniel James curated the Authentically IndigenousFestival (Kathleen Ainscough photo)& theannual Strawberry Teahad Islanderssuch as Murray &AnnaMarie Athertondonningtheir Summer best. (AlexKurial photo)

stand through thisart show that these pieces have been createdbased upon the historyof ourpeople,the artofour people.”A silentauction at the feastraised funds for CarrierSekani Family Services.

Greenline Ferries presentedfurtherdetails on their plans to bringpassenger ferryservice from downtown Vancouver to BowenIsland and the Sunshine Coast. Thetripwill take around 45 minuteswithcapacityfor 150 passengers. Companyfounder Callum Campbell says he hopes to builda‘charge barge’ at SeymourBay Beachwherethe electric ferries will dock and powerup. Greenline is hoping to launchthe ferryservice in 2026.

Shabbat Gatherings ~Holidays Sunday Worship 10:30 am Rev.Lorraine Ashdown www.biuc.ca |1122 MillerRoad 778-688-2061 OFFICEHOURS WEDNESDAY 10-4ORBYAPPOINTMENT

(661Carter Rd.)

Sunday Worship10:00


Contact aryana.rayne@gmail.com •www.shirathayam.ca

DEPART BOWENISLAND 5:20 am -exceptSundays 6:20 am 7:30 am 8:35 am 9:40 am 10:50am 12:00pm 1:10 pm 2:55 pm 4:00 pm -exceptWednesdays 5:10 pm 6:15 pm 7:25 pm -exceptSaturdays 8:30 pm 9:30 pm 10:30pm DEPARTHORSESHOE BAY 5:50 am 6:50 am 8:00 am 9:05 am -exceptWednesdays. 10:15am 11:25am 12:35pm 2:20 pm 3:30 pm 4:35 pm 5:45 pm 6:50 pm 8:00 pm -exceptSaturdays 9:00 pm 10:00pm

July - 07

A significant change came to how Bowen manages its water systems as the traditional Local Advisory Committees were done away with Council had expressed their desire for more oversight of water systems operations especially with several large projects on the horizon. LAC meetings, which were grouped into seven neighbourhoods around the island, are replaced by Committee of the Whole and community meetings for public consultation The seven Local Service Areas themselves however, along with

August - 08

The story of the month, and perhaps year on Bowen, was the arrival of the Cougar on the island. What began with a flurry of eyewitness reports was confirmed when surveillance video at Cape Roger Curtis captured the feline going for a stroll. Sightings have continued throughout the year, but as of late December the cougar and Island residents have managed to live together without any serious incidents Ways to stay safe include hiking in groups on trails, talking to small kids and avoid having them play alone outside, and keep pets on leashes and under watch while outside

The Diggers returned to the top of the Bowen Fastpitch world with a Championship effort in the summer tournament. They beat the Shakers 11-7 in the title game, and have established a true baseball dynasty by capturing six of the past nine league titles.

The Old General Store, now the Bowen Island Public Library, celebrated its 100th Birthday with a community party. The building looked set for demolition in the late 70s, but thanks to the efforts of many dedicated Islanders it received a second chance at life and still stands today. The celebration was capped off with a new community photo.

Colleen O’Neil and Tim Rhodes were

their budgets and rates, will remain the same.

SwimBowen held its 7th Annual event in support of the local Cancer Care Fund. More than $60,000 was raised as swimmers dove into Tunstall Bay for either the 750 or 1,500 metre swims Overall the fundraiser, started by Mary Letson, has contributed more than $130,000 to Islanders battling cancer

The Bowen Children’s Centre began an exciting expansion of a

new Infant-Toddler Space The centre, one of two $10/day child care centres on the island along with Kinderhaus, will help about 18 new families obtain childcare, a service demand has skyrocketed for with so many young families on Bowen. “I think that it (Infant Toddler space) will make this happy place of belonging bigger and better, because we’ll be able to answer the needs of more families,” said BCC executive director Ann Silberman.

Hockey fun at Canada Day

Reimagined, the Bowen Island Lumberjack Show (Alex Kurial photos), & Community Spirit Award Winners (L-R) Jes Slater, Tara Forshaw, Angie Vyner, Jana Honing, Rebecca Ander, Victoria van Schouwen, Sarah Haxby, Helen Wallwork, & (not pictured) Basia Lieske highlighted July on Bowen.

Nobody is better than the Diggers come tourney time. (Valentyna Gabinyetova photo) The Bowfest theme of Underwater brought out all sorts of Buccaneers and also included Dog of the Year Pasquale with owner Darryl Deegan. (Alex Kurial photos) Of course, the iconic Slug Races were a main event. (Sarah Haxby photo)

recognized as Citizens of the Year for their years of work to make the Health Care Centre a reality. They took their places for the traditional convertible ride during the Bowfest

and operations.


Parade Kirn Dhillon was hired as the new chief administrative officer, arriving from Sechelt where he was director of engineering

September - 09

Seniors Keeping Young (SKY) celebrated 30 years of existence with a party at their new home in the Blue Cottage on Cardena Drive. “Our mission is the original mission – to improve the mental and physical well being of seniors,” says SKY president Lichen Tilley. “Because there are seniors who are isolated… there are lots of people who need social connection To make a complete community you need to have seniors involved.” SKY has ballooned in size over the years, now sporting around 140 members. The group offers a wide range of activities for anyone aged 55 and up

In the Slo-Pitch Tournament the Sluggers lived up to their name and slugged their way to the league championship. They defeated the Loggers 13-9 in the final and are building a mini dynasty of their own with two titles in the last three years. As Henry Campbell aptly put it: “What can you say about them that hasn’t already been said about Ozzy Osbourne? Indeed, everyone’s favourite senior players (average age 49.03, even including a 20-year-old) rode a crazy train through the playoffs to become Tournament Champions.”

Bowen Island Community School, and indeed the island as a whole, bid a melancholy farewell to Sarah Haxby as the Community School Coordinator after the West Vancouver School District discontinued the popular position. “Please keep the spirit of community and the BICS traditions alive, and if any of the students ask where I am, please apologize that I was not able to say goodbye in person I shall also miss them all, but every story of every book has a concluding chapter. Thankfully there are always more books and new chapters to explore, so keep your bookshelves full, and a few extra dreams in your back pocket,” wrote Sarah in her goodbye letter, ‘A Fond Farewell.’

October - 10

It was election month in BC, and Bowen – in tandem with the rest of the West Vancouver – Sea to Sky riding – sent plenty of shockwaves around the province by electing one of two Green Party MLAs to the legislature in Jeremy Valeriote. “I’m extremely grateful for the people that helped me get here and the voters of West Vancouver - Sea to Sky who saw a different way, and chose it,” said the new MLA on election night. “It just feels like the message that we need more Greens resonated here, and that’s really important People see we are a serious party, we recommend science and evidence, we’re professional and capable of influence at all levels of the B.C. Legislature and I think that allowed us to move forward,” added Valeriote.

Overall the NDP squeaked out a minority government win over the upstart BC Conservative Party with 47 total seats to 44, returning David Eby to his post as premier. The Green Party equalled their two seats from the 2020 election. The NDP and Green Party would eventually announce a co-operation agreement in December.

We met another new member of the Health Centre care team as Dr Katie Longworth arrived on the island. Longworth, who is excited to return to family medicine, joins what is quickly becoming a robust group of health care professionals making sure Islanders receive great care.

Bowen Recreation revealed Flag Football would be arriving next year following a generous donation of gear by Jim Mullin, who is stepping down as president of Football Canada “Introducing flag football to Bowen Island is a meaningful way to inspire our youth, promote physical activity, and foster a sense of teamwork and community

spirit. What’s especially exciting is that flag football is a sport where boys and girls can play together on equal footing,” said Mullin. There will be programs for youth and adults, including a pickup game this upcoming Super Bowl Sunday

The Sluggers won the Bowen Slo-Pitch Title, SKY turned 30 (John Hazell photo), Sarah Haxby begins her next chapter, and Robbie Hannah (middle) won the Men’s Race of the Handlogger’s Half Marathon in support of the Bowen Island Trail Society. (Abby Becker photo) Bowen also recognized the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation with an event at the Eagle Gathering Stage (Brenda Morrison photo)

Bowen goes big for Halloween at the biggest party on the island at the Loop. Dr. Katie Longworth is getting to know Islanders at the Health Centre (Alex Kurial photos) while Jeremy Valeriote watched the numbers roll in on election night at Howe Sound Brewing in Squamish. (David Buzzard photo, davidbuzzard.com) And Bowen Recreation asks the important question: Are you ready for some Football? (Dee Elliott photo)

November -11

Few topics generated as much discussion and debate over the past twoyears as Metro Vancouver’s purchase of 97 hectaresofCape RogerCurtis land and theirsubsequentplan todevelop the space into anew regional park All of it suddenlycame to an end whenthe BowenIsland Conservancyannounced they’d purchased16ofthese24Capelots(65 hectares) for $30.5 million, and the simultaneousstatementfromMetrosayingthey’dbeabandoning pursuit of the park.

“We’re not an organization whichis interested in fencingproperties off.Webelieve in publiceducation and signage, whichwehopewill discourage people from goingintoparticularly sensitiveareas.We’dliketohavepeopleuse the lands as theyhavethroughout the years,”said ConservancypresidentOwenPlowman

“This is not just forthe Conservancy,thisis an outcome that we hopewillbeofbenefit to the residents of the island and visitors tothe island… It’s worked outverywell andit’sa win for all parties…I think we will all be very pleased,” addsPlowman

As thepages onthe calendar continued to turn,itbecameclear theCommunity Centre wouldnot be available for occupancythis year.The municipalityisnow hoping for amove-in date early in 2025.

““Ithinkfrustrationisanapt descriptor of what some of us arefeeling here. But we’retryingtobeproactiveand work with thecontractor on solutions to see if we cansteer them in the rightdirection,” said CAOKirhDhillon of contractor SigniaConstruction.

TheSnug Cove Cenotaph sits covered in Poppies andWreaths following the RemembranceDay Ceremony.(Alex Kurial photo) November is also the beginning of CraftFair season, as Island vendors visit venues around town to help people preparefor the gifting season. (Heather Doherty photo)


One year Contract Position(maybe renewed upon review)–Approximately 48 hours per month

Weare seeking acreative andstrategic Marketing Specialist to join ourteamtohelp usamplify our reach and impact. This position reports to the ExecutiveDirectorofthe HearthArtsonBowen and isresponsible forthe deliveryofContractservices in support ofHearth marketing,communications and promotions ofHearth andpartner events

Please find moredetails on the Job Description and howto apply at thehearth.ca

Live Arts Coordinator

Five-month Contract Position–Approximately 10-12 hoursper week

We areseeking acreativeand strategic LiveArtsCoordinator to join ourteamtohelp usamplify our reach and impactfor the BowenIsland Community Centre BowenTheatre. This position reports to theHearth Arts on BowenExecutive Director andthe Performing Arts Committee(PAC).Thisroleis responsible forthe deliveryof Contract services insupportofperforming and live artprogramming.

Please find moredetails on the Job Description and howto apply at thehearth.ca

About us: the Hearth Arts on Bowenisavibrantlocal arts organization on BowenIsland,dedicated tofostering creativityand cultural enrichmentin our Bowencommunity. We host avarietyofevents, exhibitions,programsaimedatcelebratingthe arts in all its forms.


Christmasand theHolidaysare amagical timeonBowen, and each year thefestive tone for theseasonahead is setbythe LightUp BowenFestival. Thereweremanynew helpinghands forthe massiveproject thisyear includingMargaretGrayand ChelseaStrang, while Basia Lieske continuedtobring her guidancetothe celebration.Whenall wassaid and done,the Cove looked as beautiful as ever and SantaClaus rode into town in style. Kudos to everyone involved with making this extra specialcelebration cometolife.And to allthe seasonal events,including theFestivalofTrees and BICS ChristmasCraft Fair

Margaret and Chelsea have alsobeen instrumentalinsupportingaBowen institutionbyrunningoperations and fundraisersfor theFood Bank.Islandersand organizations stepped up to support, including the Bowen BuildingCentre, Gina &TonyLazarowich’s Grinchdisplay,and Martin Clarke’s reading of AChild’s ChristmasinWales, to name a few. All supportofthe Food Bank,beitgoods or funds,helps ensureall Islanders canenjoy Christmasand theHolidaysplusthe rest of the year too.

And thereyou have it,you’reall caught up! It wasafull2024, and awonderfulone on many fronts.What will 2025 bring? It’s all time for us to startwriting that chapterinour livesand in Bowenhistory.Excited to seewhat we come up with!


MeetNorman who loves to visit the Bowen Vetto keep his fur shining and his eyesbright. He is over fifteen years oldand happily receiving his monthly Solensia injections. These keep him in top form and help him withhis arthritis. Here yousee him reflecting on the year ahead withgreat anticipation.Along with Norman, everyone at Bowen Veterinary Serviceswishes the community of Bowen Island awonderful and healthy 2025!


December is aseason of festive fun here on
(AlexKurial photos)

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