PICK OUT YOUR SUNDAY BEST: Grafton Garden Party details PAGE 6
inc. GST
VOL. 48 NO. 25
BowUndercurrent www.bowenislandundercurrent.com
CANADA DAY COOLDOWN: The Bowen Island Volunteer Fire Department helped kids - and some adults - beat the heat during a sweltering Canada Day afternoon last Friday. Bowen Recreation’s Canada Day Reimagined event drew hundreds of people throughout the day, with many tables, games and activities highlighting their three pillars of reconciliation, community, and celebration. Check out our photo gallery on Page 9, and look for our stories online for even more photos and information about the event. / Alex Kurial photo
Logging Show back on Bowen ALEX KURIAL Editor
Logger sports are returning to Bowen Island this Saturday with the 6th annual Logging Show at Veterans Park.
“We’re definitely all pretty excited to get back into it,” says Kelly Miller, one of the organizers of the event. “A lot of events have been cancelled, so it’s just exciting to get back and get everybody together again.” Logger sports have been no stranger
to the wave of live event cancellations taking place since the pandemic began. When the last Logging Show wrapped up in July 2019, there was no indication there wouldn’t be another one for three years.
The option to use secondary suites for short-term rentals has gotten a reprieve – for now. A bylaw amendment seeking to address several rules dealing with secondary suites, both attached and detached, recently went through consultation by committees and the public. Of the main changes – removing the minimum lot size necessary to build a detached secondary suite, increasing the maximum size of these suites, and banning their use for short-term rentals (also known as residential guest accommodation, RGA) – the latter point drew the greatest pushback. Attendees at both a virtual and in-person open house expressed strong opposition to banning RGA in secondary suites. The same sentiments were common in letters received by the municipality, and the Housing Advisory Committee was also against the suggestion. Following this feedback staff decided to scrap the proposed RGA ban, and instead focus on the more technical aspects of the bylaw for now. But manager of planning and development Daniel Martin says this won’t be the end of the discussion. CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
Open House
Saturd rday d July 9 • 12-3pm
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Rare opportunity to own this private sanctuary with large flat spaces, gardens, fruit trees & more. The layout of the large home is perfect for extended families, or 2 families who want to co-own and get into the Bowen market.
Macdonald Realty AWARD of EXCELLENCE 2021 & 2020
A2 • bowenislandundercurrent.com
Events All Council meetings are open to the public to attend in person or electronically, unless noted otherwise.
Roadwork & Detours
Notice of Public Hearing
Several roads will undergo construction in the upcoming week that may affect your commute. Please allow for extra time when travelling, watch out for signage and follow the direction of flaggers.
Monday, July 18, 2022 @ 4:00 pm In Person at Municipal Hall or Online via Zoom
Proposed regulation amendment for Detached Secondary Suites
July 11, 2022 6:15 pm Regular Council Meeting July 14, 2022 6:30 pm Hot Summer Nights presented by Bowen Island Fire Rescue @ BICS parking lot
Thursday, July 7, 2022
Trunk Road storm sewer repair July 11 - July 15 Expect temporary one way northbound traffic on Miller Road (except for large trucks and buses) and one way southbound traffic along Seniors Lane.
Proposed Land Use Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 581, 2022 would make a series of changes to the regulations for detached secondary suites on Bowen Island. The proposed bylaw would: • Increase the maximum floor area • Remove the minimum lot size • Consider siting in relation to impact on neighbours For more information and to review the proposed bylaw and background information visit: www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca/planning Ways you can have your say: Speak at the Public Hearing 1. Email the Corporporate Officer (hdallas@bimbc.ca) by 4:00 pm with the subject line: “Public Hearing - Verbal Submission” with your full name, address and phone number 2. Attend in person or join via Zoom and wait for your name to be called Write to the attention of Mayor and Council Email: mayorandcouncil@bimbc.ca Mail: 981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island BC V0N 1G2
Grafton Road culvert repair begins July 11 Just west of Artisan Lane, expect single lane alternating traffic.
To ensure a fair process, written submissions are accepted up until the end of the public hearing. Council cannot consider any submissions received after the Public Hearing has ended. If your written submission is received after the public hearing has ended your submission will be circulated to staff for information.
Westside Water Community Information Meetings BIM will be holding Community Information Meetings for each of the three west side water districts: • • •
Tuesday, July 12, 7:00 pm - Bluewater Park Wednesday, July 13, 7:00 pm - King Edward Bay Thursday, July 14, 7:00 pm - Bowen Bay
Questions? Please contact Public Works by email publicworks@bimbc.ca or call 604-947-4255 ext. 3
Questions? Please contact Annette Frischmann, Utilities Coordinator, by email afrischmann@bimbc.ca or call 604-947-4255 ext 232.
Sign up for Alertable to get Traffic Notices on your phone:
Contact Bowen Island Municipality PAID ADVERTISEMENT July 7, 2022
Phone: Fax: Email: Website:
604-947-4255 604-947-0193 bim@bimbc.ca
Bowen Island Municipal Hall 981 Artisan Lane Bowen Island, BC V0N 1G2
Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Monday to Friday Closed statutory holidays
Find us on Facebook Bowen Island Municipality
Subscribe to our mailing list bowenislandmunicipality.ca/subscribe
Thursday, July 7, 2022
bowenislandundercurrent.com • A3
Short-termrentaloverhaulcouldcomenextyear CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
“Staff remain concerned that current RGA permission is having, and will continue to have, a negative impact on housing availability on Bowen Island,” he said in his report to council June 27. Martin suggested a full review is due of Bowen’s short-term rental policies, similar to a project recently undertaken in Sechelt. He asked this review to be sent to council’s 2023 strategic planning session, which was later approved. Chief administrative officer Liam Edwards echoed Martin’s concerns over short-term rentals. “Talking with my colleagues in other communities, they absolutely feel the proliferation of short-term rentals has a negative impact on the longterm rental supply.” “If you have any experience with the rental market on Bowen, you will run up against short-term rentals. And you will come up against people that are willing to rent to you, but you have to get out, or you have to pay the rate they would get from short-term rentals. It’s very challenging, and it’s likely to get worse if the regulations allow for it,” says Edwards, who also endorsed a full review of Bowen’s practices. There’s currently 59 licenced or pending
short-term rentals active on Bowen, since the municipality legalized RGA use in 2020. Of the completed ones, 37 are in primary dwellings, 14 in attached secondary suites, and six in detached secondary suites. No existing short-term rentals would be affected by any future rule changes, they would only apply to new builds. Councillors also expressed worries over Bowen’s current RGA permissibility. “RGA use means there’s less rental for long-term residents,” said Coun. Sue Ellen Fast. “That’s great that people gave us their public input, but I suspect that those are homeowners. And I’m more concerned right now about the renters and the staff that we need on Bowen Island,” added Fast. Coun. David Hocking said he’s “Very worried about what Liam said (re: shortterm rentals), and staff feel that there is an impact and it does reduce rentals.” But Hocking agreed with the housing committee’s view that allowing short-term rentals will ultimately promote secondary suite construction. “This is something new that might happen and this allows that to – by the greater incentive for things to be built. I guess I’m supporting this, but I’m struggling with it.” Coun. Alison Morse agreed an RGA ban would dissuade new property owners. “By
Second Bowen beach closes swimming over E. coli ALEX KURIAL Editor Snug Cove Beach has become the second island beach closed to swimming in a week due to high E. coli levels. Sandy Beach swimming was closed off June 23, with Snug Cove Beach following on June 30. Signs are up at both beaches warning visitors of the water contamination. Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) carries out weekly testing at area beaches to measure water safety. If average E. coli levels over a five-week period exceed the
acceptable limit of 200 E. coli/100 mL limit, swimming is closed. Sandy Beach recorded 426 E. coli/100 mL, while Snug Cove registered 334 E. coli/100 mL. Swimming won’t resume at either beach until they bring their E. coli numbers down. The other four Bowen beaches monitored by VCH - Pebbly Beach, Mothers Beach, Bowen Bay, and Tunstall Bay - all tested safe and are open for swimming. VCH advises that ingesting E. coli can cause “gastrointestinal illnesses and skin/ eye infections.”
Signs warning visitors are up at Snug Cove Beach. / Alex Kurial photo having that restriction, you’re probably not going to see the accessory buildings built.” Between 2016-2021, 14 detached suites and 32 attached suites have been built on Bowen. Council voted 4-1, with Fast in opposition, to set aside the short-term rental ban for the time being. Councillors Rob Wynen and Michael Kaile were absent. The other bylaw amendments remained unchanged: getting rid of the minimum lot size for a detached secondary suite – previously 0.36 hectares – and increasing the
maximum floor area for a detached secondary suite to 140 square metres – previously 115 square metres. A line was also added to address where new detached secondary suites can be situated. “The siting of the detached secondary suite,” will join other factors such as stairs, windows and decks when applying for a development permit. Martin explains this means building a detached suite closer to your existing house than to a neighbour’s property, when possible.
Seeking Public Comment DVP-2021-0386 - 221 David Road
Seeking Public Comment DVP-2021-0308 - 404 Venture Road
Council Meeting 6:15 PM on Monday, July 11, 2022
Council Meeting 6:15 PM on Monday, July 11, 2022
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A Development Variance Permit application has been submitted for 221 David Road (shown on map) to reduce the setback from the sea for construction of an addition to the existing primary dwelling. Questions? Contact Natasha Cheong, Island Planner by email ncheong@bimbc.ca or by phone 604-947-4255 ext 247.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A Development Variance Permit application has been submitted for 404 Venture Road (shown on map) to reduce side and rear yard setbacks. The proposed variance would reduce the required rear yard setback of 7.5 m down to 1.05 m and would reduce the required side yard setback of 3 m down to 1.05 m as they apply to an existing accessory building.
YOUR COMMENTS ARE WELCOME: Written submissions may be delivered to Municipal Hall by 4:00 pm on July 11, 2022: • In person • By mail • By fax • By email to mayorandcouncil@bimbc.ca Submissions may also by made to Mayor and Council at the meeting on Monday, July 11, 2022 at 6:15 PM either in person in Council Chambers, Municipal Hall, or online via Zoom. See www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca/council-meetings for details. To ensure a fair process, submissions cannot be accepted after the meeting has begun. All comments received will form part of the public record and will be considered by Council in their deliberations.
Questions? Contact Drew Bakken, Planner 1, by email dbakken@bimbc.ca or by phone 604-947-4255 ext 230. MORE INFORMATION AT MUNICIPAL HALL: The application may be viewed at Municipal Hall between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday (excluding statutory holidays) or on the municipal website at www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca/planning
A4 • bowenislandundercurrent.com
Thursday, July 7, 2022
A meaningful Canada Day
I had a wonderful time attending the Canada Day Reimagined celebration last Friday, organized by Bowen Recreation. The many events and activities offered an enjoyable and reflective look at what we’ve achieved as a country and community, but also how much work still needs to be done, especially with regard to reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. One of the most important stops of the day was the Project Hummingbird station, where all 94 Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission were posted. After choosing one to commit to for the year ahead, people could make silkscreen prints with a copy of their choice. There were a wide range of selections, and we are hoping to showcase some of them during the year ahead. I chose #87 myself, telling stories of Indigenous athletes, and am excited to see what I’ll discover researching this topic. Bannock making, Inuit Games, Next 150 Challenges, and cultural walks were more ways both kids and adults could take part in the day’s reconciliation focus. Combined with the many other games and activities, it was a perfect mix of learning and fun. Was there an important takeaway you had, or something you’re working on for the year ahead? Feel free to let us know, we’d love to hear about it! - Alex Kurial, Editor
Time change at the Nook
Once again we are changing the hours at the Knick Knack Nook. COVID and holidays have reduced the number of volunteers available. We are open the following hours until everyone is healthy again: Thursday 11:00 - 6:00, Friday 112:20, Saturday 9:00 - 2:20, Monday 11:00 - 2:20. We thank everyone for their ongoing support. Did you know that in 2021, even though we had the store open fewer hours, on fewer days, we were still able to provide support for social and environmental projects on Bowen. We also continued to live out our commitment to students in environmental studies by handing out 13 scholarships. Knowing our tenuous situation, our customers were more than generous in what they paid and supported. Despite the Pandemic, we distributed $55,125 in 2021! And 2022 is looking even better. - Knick Knack Nook
Notice of Open Water Swim Event To the Bowen Island boating community: SwimBowen’s annual Cancer Care fundraising event will host 60 open-water swimmers along with a crew of water safety marshals in kayaks, paddleboards and zodiacs on Saturday, July 16 between 9 am and 11 am. To ensure everyone’s safety, we would be ever so grateful if boaters (and boat launchers) could avoid the south end of Tunstall Bay during this time. Additionally, if you have moor-
age in the area and it’s possible to relocate larger boats for that two hour window, we’d be doubly appreciative, as that will help us provide a clear line-ofsight between course-marker buoys for swimmers and safety marshals. If you have questions or concerns, please email us: swimbowensociety@gmail.com. With Oceans of Gratitude! - Mary Letson & the SwimBowen Team
THE WRITE STUFF. The Undercurrent encourages reader participation in your community newspaper. You must include your full name and a daytime phone number (for verification only). The editor reserves the right to edit for clarity, legality, brevity and taste. Please limit to under 500 words. HERE’S HOW: To submit a letter to the editor, fax 604-947-0148 or mail it to #102, 495 Government Rd., PO Box 130, Bowen Island, BC V0N 1G0 or email editor@bowenislandundercurrent.com. All Advertising and news copy content are copyright of the Undercurrent Newspaper. All editorial content submitted to the Undercurrent becomes the property of the publication. The Undercurrent is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, art work and photographs.
#102–495 Bowen Trunk Road, PO Box 130, Bowen Island BC, V0N 1G0 Phone: 604.947.2442 Fax: 604.947.0148 bowenislandundercurrent.com DEADLINE for advertising Monday, 4 p.m. DEADLINE for editorial Tuesday 5 p.m. Bowen Island Undercurrent Subscription Rates: Mailed 1 year subscription on Bowen Island: $55, including GST. Within Canada: $85 including GST Newsstand (Single Copy) $1.50 per copy, including GST
ISSN 7819-5040
National NewsMedia Council.
EDITOR Alex Kurial editor@bowenisland undercurrent.com
ADVERTISING Tracey Wait ads@bowenisland undercurrent.com
PUBLISHER Peter Kvarnstrom publisher@bowenisland undercurrent.com 2011 CCNA
The Undercurrent is a member of the National NewsMedia Council of Canada, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour. If you have concerns about editorial content, please email editor@bowenislandundercurrent. com or call 604-947-2442. If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit the website at mediacouncil.ca or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 for additional information.
Thursday, July 7, 2022
bowenislandundercurrent.com • A5
Bowen Island women swimmers under the brush of Pat Parsons
The Lakeside Players & Kingbaby Theatre Present
MATHILDE ROHR Cultural Connector / The Hearth Gallery Starting on July 6, the Hearth’s new exhibition, Swimmers, features the work of Pat Parsons: a series of women swimmers paintings and some abstract work. Local artist Pat Parsons has a unique passion: painting swimming suits! The bright colours and the patterns of the fabrics fascinate her. When she ran into a picture of Bowen swimmers, mostly women, who swam around the island for charity, she was in awe; she had found her inspiration for her next painting series. In honor of these intrepid swimmers, Parsons has created a fun and fresh interpretation of colorful swimsuits and its wearers. With a background in medical illustration and graphic arts, Parsons has spent many years working as a freelance designer before switching to abstract mixed media paintings. For her, mixed media has been collage and acrylic, a very labor intensive practice, as she describes it, and a more immediate one. Interested in “bypassing the mind”, like she says, she intuitively plays with textures, layers, collages, stencils, motifs, and geometric designs. She lets the overlapped layers of the paper and the paint surprise her and allows happenstance to reveal the subtlety of her artworks. Drawn to the richness of multi-themed artworks, Parsons mixes in this show her abstract
approach with figurative body silhouettes, making the collages and the figures collaborate. On large scale paintings, she depicts the joyful patterns of our summer beach clothes. CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
Failed merge wipes out merge sign
Competitors-eliminations start at 9:00 am
ALEX KURIAL Editor A merge sign along Bowen Island Trunk Road was out of commission over the weekend after a car ran over it. The incident took place Canada Day evening, when a driver in the ferry lineup lost control of their vehicle and left the merge lane. They mounted the hill and ran over the sign before clipping a rock barrier and coming to rest in the Village Square parking lot. RCMP confirmed there were no injuries. The car lost its bumper and missed the ferry they’d been waiting for, but the damaged vehicle managed to return to the lineup for the next sailing. The driver is not a Bowen resident. Work crews returned the sign to its proper upright position on Monday morning.
Bring your lawn chair!
The merge sign was run down Canada Day. / Alex Kurial photo
OPEN HOUSE - SAT & SUN JUL 9 & 10 – 11 AM - 2 PM
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A6 • bowenislandundercurrent.com
Thursday, July 7, 2022
Fine-ally! The Bowen Library says good-bye to late fees JENNIFER STRECKMANN Interim Library Director / Bowen Island Public Library The Bowen Library Board and staff are thrilled to announce the Bowen Library is now fine-free! In an effort to provide more equitable and accessible library service, patrons are no longer charged for returning items late, and staff will clear old overdue charges on patron accounts. The Bowen Library joins public libraries all across the country in going fine-free, and believes that everyone should have access to the same information, resources, and support that the Library has to offer, regardless of their financial situation. Overdue fines were originally implemented in libraries as a motivator to return materials on time, however studies have found that late fees have the consequence of disproportionally
impacting lower-income and marginalized populations as well as children and families. With e-alerts for materials coming due, and a steady increase in the borrowing of digital materials which are automatically returned, overdue fines are a decreasing and unstable revenue source for the Library. Libraries who have gone fine-free have seen an increase in patrons return to the library, with many coming back after not borrowing for years due to charges on their accounts. The Library would like to take this opportunity to invite everyone back, and to encourage people to talk to staff as we will always work with you to get you using the Library once again. You may be wondering if material will be returned at all now that we’ve gone fine-free, and the answer is yes! Libraries who have already implemented fine-free policies have seen no considerable change in the length of holds queues or borrowing periods. Lending periods at Bowen Library will stay the
same, with an item becoming overdue at three weeks if not renewed or returned. The Library will continue to send overdue notices by email, and after six weeks have passed the item will be marked lost and the patron will be responsible for the replacement cost of the item. Some fees will continue to be charged, such as when an item is damaged, lost, or an interlibrary loan is not picked up. The Library will also continue to charge for services such as room rentals and printing. This fine-free initiative is supported through one-time funding from the Province of B.C. A Covid-19 Relief and Recovery grant will be used to support the fine-free project for three years, at which time the project will be reassessed. The Library Board and staff are pleased to be able to remove late fees at a time of rising financial pressures for the Bowen community, and we hope to see you at the Library soon!
Grafton Commons is having a Garden Party! RABIA WILCOX & ELAINE CAMERON Bowen Island Food Resilience Society With summer here, gardens are growing furiously, and harvesting of delicious food has begun on Bowen. We at Grafton Commons (across from Grafton Lake) are happy to announce a Garden Party, Sunday, July 10 for the garden volunteers and the Bowen community at large. Come anytime between 10 am and 3 pm. Join us and experience the beautiful energy of the garden, learn about regenerative agriculture, enjoy a baked goodie and some organic apple juice, and meet your
neighbours! Learn the answer to the question, ‘How did you grow tomatoes without watering during the heat dome of 2021?’ Kids can hang out and plant a bean to take home. We will have canopies for rain and sun shielding. Many thanks to Neighbourhood Small Grants Bowen Island and the Bowen Island Community Foundation in Partnership with the Vancouver Foundation. Thanks also to volunteers for baked goods, the Ruddy Potato for organic apple juice, and Resilient Bowen Island and First Credit Union for the canopies. Grafton Commons is an initiative of Bowen Island Food Resilience Society. See you Sunday! We’ll be there, rain or shine.
‘Swimmers’runs until July 25 at the Hearth CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5
She goes further by extending their designs outside of the swimmers and by letting them
merge with the painting’s background. Thus, she intertwines a multitude of patterns coming from the floral motif of fabrics
Queen of Capilano Ferry Schedule JUNE 23 - SEPTEMBER 5
Jackie Bradley - standing beside a very tall cover crop of wheat! / BIFS photo and from magazine cut-outs with the shapes of individuals, until she reaches a satisfying balance of all three. Showcased right on time for SwimBowen, which will take place on July 16 at Tunstall Bay Beach, the Hearth Gallery invites you to
discover Pat Parsons’s large-scale explorations where swimmers’ bodies highlight colorful bathing suits. Swimmers is on at the Hearth from July 6 to July 25. The Artist pARTy is on July 9 from 6 to 8 pm with DJ Yeshe. Bathing suits encouraged!
Places of Worship Welcome You BOWEN ISLAND UNITED CHURCH
DEPART BOWEN ISLAND 5:20 am except Sundays 6:20 am 7:20 am 8:35 am 9:35 am 10:40 am 12:05 pm 1:15 pm 2:40 pm 4:00 pm - except Wednesdays 5:10 pm 6:15 pm 7:20 pm - except Saturdays 8:50 pm 9:50 pm 10:50 pm
DEPART HORSESHOE BAY 5:50 am 6:50 am 8:00 am 9:05 am - except Wednesdays 10:10 am 11:15 am 12:40 pm 1:55 pm 3:20 pm 4:40 pm 5:45 pm 6:50 pm 7:50 pm - except Saturdays 9:20 pm 10:20 pm
Note: Schedules subject to change without notice
Please check BCFERRIES.COM Schedule changes on statutory holidays
www.biuc.ca | 1122 Miller Road
Sunday Worship 10:30 am Rev. Lorraine Ashdown
Contact Angela Powell 604-947-2515
www.cateshillchapel.com 604-947-4260 (661 Carter Rd.)
Sunday Worship 10:00 Services offered in-person or online via Zoom. Link available on website. Rev. Phil Adkins
SHIRAT HAYAM (Song of the Sea) BOWEN’S JEWISH COMMUNITY Shabbat Gatherings ~ Holidays Contact aryana.rayne@gmail.com
Thursday, July 7, 2022
bowenislandundercurrent.com • A7
All competitors welcome at Saturday’s Logging Show CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
But now the event is back, and most importantly so are the competitors, fans and volunteers. “All the loggers around in different communities are excited to do lumberjack sports,” says Miller. “We’ve got people coming from Powell River and Vancouver Island and Squamish.” The Bowen Logging Show edition began in 2015 when Gary Anderson put together the inaugural event. “It was a one man show at that point, he made it all happen himself,” says Miller. That first year saw several competitors, including Miller and Anderson, and many more fans. In the years since, both numbers have contin-
ued to grow. “We’ve all just jumped on the train and have been helping over the years. It’s just been a lot of word of mouth and then going to other shows,” says Miller. “You make connections and then people hear about it… Each year we get more and more people involved.” The main events this year are set to be axe throwing and sawing events, especially the team competitions. Miller says the pole climb is also pretty popular. Anyone can enter, including the day of if they’re at the park by 8 am. Competitors and volunteers are treated to breakfast before elimination competitions start at 9.
Gary Anderson competes in the crosscut saw competition during the first Logging Show in 2015. / Martha Perkins photo At 11 am the action will pause for the opening ceremony, featuring a bagpipe performance, before competition resumes. Fans will have food and drink options available, including a beer and wine
tent with the proceeds going to Bowen Island Gymnastics. There’s also a kids area organized by Phoenix Books. Shuttle service is available between Veterans Park and the Cove between 10:30 am and 4:30 pm.
Bowen Equestrian selected for 2022 BC Summer Games MARIJEAN MAHER Triple M Farms Bowen Island resident, Lenya Dowler, 18 years-old, has been selected for the Zone 5 Equestrian Team for the BC Summer Games in Prince George, July 21 – 24. Lenya will compete in the sport of equestrian vaulting, which is gymnastics and dance on a moving horse. Vaulters compete first in a series of compulsory moves followed by a freestyle performance set to music. Lenya has been vaulting since she was 11 years of age and is part of the Triple M Vaulters in Langley, BC. Lenya trained for and declared for the 2020 BC Summer Games but once it was cancelled due to COVID 19, Lenya had to reassess and come up with a new training
plan for 2022. While there were no in-person competitions in 2020, Lenya competed in multiple video competitions. She returned to compete in person at the 2021 BC Provincial and National Vaulting Championships. “Lenya is a very dedicated and hard working vaulter,” says coach Marijean Maher. “She has trained very hard to reach the canter C level for the BC Summer Games.” Lenya is also known in her club as an athlete that shows incredible sportsmanship and team spirit, always encouraging and pushing her teammates to improve. Lenya says “Vaulting has boosted my confidence and work ethic and given me new challenges to work towards.” “Going to the games means I have reached a point in my vaulting where I can inspire the
younger vaulters at my club, like I was inspired by those before me,” says Dowler. Lenya will go to university in Alberta in the fall to pursue a career in veterinarian medicine.
Listings are always free in our weekly community calendar. Please email your listing to Alex by Tuesday 5 p.m. for that week's edition.
editor@bowenislandundercurrent.com Thank you!
Patient of the Week HAWK
Hawk is one of our well-loved older patients. He experiences some senior cognitive dysfunction and separation anxiety and recently his owner tried the “Calmer Canine Device” from Assisi Animal Health. It delivers targeted pulsed electromagnetic field (tPEMF) signals to the area of the brain responsible for causing the symptoms of anxiety. Two 15-minute treatments daily for 4-6 weeks have been shown to reduce anxiety, and Hawk has already shown improvement from this treatment after a couple of weeks!
Equestrian vaulter Lenya Dowler has enjoyed a successful partnership with riding teammate Zeus.The pair train atTriple M Farms in Langley. / Helen Shuttlewood photo
REGULAR HOURS Tuesday to Friday 9- 5 Saturday 9- 1 Closed Sunday and Monday
To schedule appointments, please call
or email reception@bowenvet.com
A8 • bowenislandundercurrent.com
Thursday, July 7, 2022
75% off vehicles on select inter-island routes.
Return from $31.00
standard vehicle fare
Save 75%* on standard vehicle fares on select late evening sailings between West Vancouver (Horseshoe Bay) and Bowen Island (Snug Cove).
July 6 – Sept 1 Non-bookable. Offer available for purchase at terminal. Cannot be combined with Experience Card vehicle discount. Experience Card rates apply for all passenger fares.
bcferries.com *75% off vehicles promotion is applicable to standard under-height and over-height vehicles (not including driver fare) up to 20 feet in length. Standard vehicles over 20 feet in length are eligible for the promotional fare for the first 20 feet. Extra-length rates apply per additional foot (over 20 feet). Offer is valid for purchase at terminal on select routes and select sailings from July 6 – September 1, 2022. Not applicable for buses, commercial vehicles or vehicles over 5,500 kg/gvw. Fuel rebates or surcharges are not included. Vehicle fare promotional rate cannot be combined with Experience Card discount. Experience Card discount can be used for passenger fares. Limited time offer – other conditions may apply. Please visit bcferries.com for full details on applicable sailings. BC Reg. 48839.
Thursday, July 7, 2022
bowenislandundercurrent.com • A9
Bowen celebrates Canada Day Reimagined Bowen Island celebrated Canada Day a little differently this year, focusing on reconciliation, community and celebration to form their lineup of events. The activities at Bowen Island Community School proved popular and drew large crowds throughout the day. You can read more about how Bowen Recreation put the event together, as well as learn about all the different stations including Project Hummingbird and the Next 150 Challenge, in our Canada Day story online or in last week’s issue. Also be sure to check out our gallery on the Undercurrent website for more photos from the day.
Kat Stephens, recreation programmer, minds the Community Connections tables, where people learned about how to become involved in the community.
The Community Art project drew plenty of kids interested in leaving their mark.
Submit your Application
Try not to laugh! Easier said than done, during this Inuit laughing game where the winner is whoever can keep a straight face while staring at their opponent. Gillian Hinton and Bowen Rec led kids through many Inuit Games during the day, including kneel jump, seal hop and high kicks.
Hearth Gallery on Bowen Island
Deadline: Wednesday Aug 3, 2022
MeribethDeen,BrendaMorrison,andKristaHennebury with some of the silkscreens made during the day. You can learn more about Project Hummingbird in last week’s Canada Day story, and online.
Find the application on our website www.thehearth.ca Call to Artists - 2023 season
Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land
Alex Kurial photo gallery
Take notice that Ryan Saunders from Bowen Island, B.C., has applied to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNROD), Surrey, for a Residential Private Moorage tenure situated on Provincial Crown Land fronting Lot 1, Block 1, District Lot 823, PID: 009-683-585. The Lands file number for this application is 2412484. Comments on this application may be submitted in two ways: 1) Online via the Applications and Reasons for Decision Database website at: https://comment.nrs.gov.bc.ca/ applications. 2) By mail to the Senior Land Officer at 200 – 10428 153rd Street, Surrey, BC V3R 1E1. Comments will be received by the Ministry of Forests Lands and Natural Resource Operations until July 31, 2022. Comments received after this date may not be considered. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact Information Access Operations at the Ministry of Technology, Innovation and Citizens’ Services in Victoria at: www.gov.bc.ca/ citz/iao/ N HOWE SOUND
Bannock making was a popular - and tasty - activity.
Jamie Cottrell (left) and Ivy Bernard show off their work at the Community Connections table. Kids decorated their stones with pictures or words about what Bowen means to them.
A10 • bowenislandundercurrent.com
Thursday, July 7, 2022
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Thursday, July 7, 2022
bowenislandundercurrent.com • A11
COMMUNITY CALENDAR Thursday, July 7 Crazy Comics at the Bowen Island Library. 4-5:30 pm | Drop-in | Ages 9-12 Join us for a fun night of reading, drawing, and writing comics/graphic novels! See your work be turned into a book afterwards. Saturday, July 9 Logging Show at Veterans Park (see Pages 1&7 for details) Nectar Yoga on the Pier (beside the ferry) Check Nectar website for times. $15 pre-register at nectaryoga.ca Bowen Island Farmers Market Bowen Island Community School 10 am to Noon every Saturday. Garden Party at the Bowen Island Library. 2-3 pm. Drop-in. Ages 5-8. Hang out with us in the new garden at the Library! Decorate the path with chalk, make a bird feeder, explore the garden with a scavenger hunt, or enjoy reading in the sun. Sunday, July 10 Garden Party at The Commons community garden (across from Grafton Lake). 10 am to 3 pm. Gardens tours and refreshments. Drop by with all your questions about regenerative gardening! bowenfoodresilience.ca
Nectar Yoga on the Pier (beside the ferry) Check Nectar website for times. $15 pre-register at nectaryoga.ca Tuesday, July 12 Robin Hood The Lakeside Players and Kingbaby Theatre present Robin Hood. Cates Hill Park (just below Tir-Na-Nog) July 12th 7 pm, July 13th 4 pm & 7pm, July 14th 4 pm, July 15th 4 pm & 7 pm, July 21st 7 pm. Bring your own seat! 7 -17 $10 18 & over $25. 6 & under free. Tickets at brownpapertickets.com/event/5496214 Thursday, July 14 Planes & Trains at the Bowen Island Library | 2-3 pm | Drop-in | Ages 5-8 Build your own car! Design and build any mode of transportation with oven bake clay or Lego. Movie Night at the Library. Registration required* | 5-7 pm | Register | Ages 9-12 Have a fun night watching The Golden Compass (2007) in the Library Annex. Enjoy popcorn and spending time with friends! *Register at the front desk, call 604-947-9788, or email src@bowenlibrary.ca. Shari Ulrichs ‘Trust Me Series’ presents The Big Little Lions Tir-na-nOg Theatre. Tickets at eventbrite.ca
Bronwyn Churcher, Nevada Banks, Andrew Cameron, Sean Jacklin, Brodie Nicholls in Robin Hood. Opens July 12 at Cates Park (see ad in paper for tix) / Lorraine Ashdown photo July 11-15 & Aug. 15-19 Jr. Gym Camp: 10 am to Noon. Ages5-7.$25/dayor$100/week. GymStars/GymClubCamps. 12:30 to 3:30 pm. Ages 8+. $35/day or $150/week. Email bowengymnastics@ gmail.com to register.
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A12 • bowenislandundercurrent.com
Thursday, July 7, 2022
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