DIGGER DYNASTY: TheDiggers baseball team areonceagain championsofthe BowenFastpitch League afterknocking Brewers in the tournamentfinal on Sunday. It’sthe team’s fifthtitle in the pastseven Gabinyetovaphoto island,bor
ALEX KURIAL Editor Therewill be an additional question on the municipal election ballot this October regarding Bowen’sfuturedealingswith the Islands Trust
Bowenvotersto have their sayon Islands Trust deal
seasons.For more photos,and alook at the Diggers journey, check out Pages 6-7./Valentyna
“Sothe requisition sections within the act really speak to the municipality still contributingtothe corefunctioningofthe administration of the Trustin the same waythat anyother island would. However, Ithink BIMdemonstrated ahigher degree of independenceand autonomy,”Edwards added. ON PAGE 3
$1 inc GST BOWEN CIDERY UP AND RUNNING Cider House success PAGE 13 RUNFOR RWANDA: Rotaryplanning end of month fundraiser PAGE 9 THURSDAY,AUGUST11, 2022 VOL. 48 NO.29 BIUndercurrent BowUndercurrent www.bowenislandundercurrent.com .50
Thequery–officiallybrandedasanopinion poll –isn’t aboutwhether BowenIsland should remain a memberofthe group. Rather,it’saskingwhetherthe municipality (BIM) should renegotiate the tax for mula which commits Bowentopaymentsnow topping$320,000 ayeartothe provincial organization.
off the
Newregional parkfor BowenIsland ALEX KURIAL Editor Cape Roger Curtis is set to be the site of amassivenew regionalparkonBowen Island, MetroVancouverannounced on Wednesdaymorning. The97hectarespace sits on the southwest corner of the
TheBowen Island municipal property tax levy is aunique funding source of Islands Trust that collects moneyfromBIM basedonthe assessed values of buildings and properties on the island.The Trust hiked Bowen’scontribution by four percentthis year,bringingthe municipality’s total 2022/23 bill to $323,769. Chief administrativeofficerLiam Edwardssaysthe formula which hasn’t been updated since 1999 is outdatedand unfair toward Bowen. “The requisition formula wasamended when BowenIsland became amunicipality to recognizeamunicipal government. At that timeIdon’t think it wascontemplated howmuchautonomy and independence an island municipality would have from theTrust itself.”
dering Crownland which includes the FairyFen Nature Reserveand Huszar Creek, and the new Wild Coast Nature Refuge.Itisalsolocat ed withinthe Howe Sound UNESCO BiosphereReserve CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 SWEEPING97HECTARE PARK AT CAPE ROGER CURTIS WOULD INCLUDE EXPANDED TRAILS,BEACH ACCESS,AND 100 OVERNIGHT CAMPSITES 604-987-7663 BOWENISLANDROOFING ROOFING&REPAIRS Tradeticket certified #00012-RO-96
A2 • bowenislandundercurrent.com Thursday, August 11, 2022 BowenIslandMunicipalHall 981ArtisanLane BowenIsland,BC V0N1G2 Hours:8:30am-4:30pm MondaytoFriday Closedstatutoryholidays Phone: 604-947-4255 Fax: 604-947-0193 Email: bim@bimbc.ca Website: BowenIsland Municipality Find usonFacebook bowenislandmunicipality.ca/subscribe Subscribeto our mailing list August11,2022 Contact Bowen Island Municipality www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca Events AllCouncilmeetingsareopen tothepublictoattendin personorelectronically, unlessnotedotherwise. September26, 2022 6:15 pm RegularCouncilMeeting PAID ADVERTISEMENT Candidate InformationSession Wednesday,August17,2022 5:00pm-7:00pm ThinkingofrunningforCouncilinthe2022localgovernmentelection? AcandidateinformationsessionwillbeheldatMunicipalHall andisopentoanyoneinterestedinrunningforofficeinthe2022 localgeneralelection.Thesessionwillincludeapresentation fromtheChiefElectionOfficeronnominationprocess,key datesanddeadlines,campaigningfinancing&campaignperiod, electionsignage,appointmentofofficialagent,financialagent,and scrutineers,electionoffences,post-electioneventsandtraining sessions,andareportfromtheChiefAdministrativeOfficer TorequestazoomlinktotheCandidateInformationSessionplease emailtheChiefElectionOfficeratElection2022@bimbc.ca www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca/election-candidates Notice ofCommunity Opinion Poll ACommunityOpinionPollisaninformalandnon-binding communicationopportunitythatassistsCounciltogauge communityinterestonaspecificmatter BowenIslandMunicipalCouncilhasresolvedtoundertake aCommunityOpinionPollintandemwiththeupcoming municipalelectiontobeheldonSaturday,October15th, regardingtheIslandsTrustTaxRequisition. Thequestionontheballotwillbe: “DoyousupportBowenIslandMunicipalityrenegotiatingwith theProvinceandtheIslandsTrust,BowenIsland’sannualTax RequisitionFormulawithintheIslandsTrustAct?” FormoreinformationontheCommunityOpinionPollonthe IslandsTrustTaxRequisition,visitourwebsite: www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca/community-opinion-poll Beach waterquality SixBowenIslandrecreationalbeachesaresampledthroughoutthe swimmingseason(mid-MaythroughearlySeptember)todetermine compliancewiththeCanadianRecreationalWaterGuidelines.Two samplesperbeachareaareanalysedbyVancouverCoastalHealth andgeometricmeansarecalculated. TheprovincialMedicalHealthOfficermayrequireBowenIsland Municipalitytopostawarningsignataparticularbeachindicating thatthewateriscontaminatedandisunsafeforswimming. Currently,SandyBeachandSnugCoveBeachareclosedfor swimmingduetohighleverlsofbacteria. FormoreinformationonBowenIslandbeachclosures: www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca/alerts InvasiveSpecies Action: Focus onClematis We’llbehighlightingadifferentinvasivespecieseverycoupleof monthstotackleonyourownproperty. Ifweworktogethertocontrolinvasivespecieswehaveamuch betterchanceofsuccess. Clematisvitalbaisaninvasivevinewithwhiteflowersandwoody stems.Itgrowsindensemats,chokingoutnativevegetationand weighingdowntreesuntiltheybreak. Clematisonyourproperty?Cutthestemsatgroundleveltokill climbingvinesandremoveallrootsandstemsfromthegroundto preventgrowth.https://fviss.ca/invasive-plant/wild-clematis Miller Road Culvert Rehabilitation Singlelanealternatingtraffic August15-26 MillerRoadatKillarneyCreek CrewswillbecompletingtherehabilitationworkontheKillarney CreekculvertonMillerRoad.Expectsinglelanealternatingtraffice. Followthedirectionsofflaggers www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca/alerts 2022 GeneralLocal Elections August 17,2022 5:00 -7:00 pm CandidateInformation Sessioninpersonandvia zoom August 30, 2022 Nominationperiodbegins September9,2022 Nominationperiodends September16, 2022 Lastdaytowithdrawfrom beingacandidate September17, 2022 to October 15, 2022 Campaignperiod October 5, 2022 8:00 am 8:00 pm AdvanceVoting@Municipal Hall October 15, 2022 8:00 am 8:00 pm GeneralVotingDay@BICS October 19, 2022 4:00 pm Declarationofofficialresults
We have positions available at Bowen Waste Solutions: Full time or part time Skills and Qualifications: •Swamper positions: No experiencenecessary great opportunity for someone starting out in the workforce, or studentsfor summertime employment •Shifts at the recycling
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Councilvoted 5-2toinclude the opinion poll on the October 15 ballot.CouncillorsFast and Nicholson were in opposition.
“Ifitistoget some political traction, Ithink it’s very importantthat the island (Bowen) indicates one way or another the strength of feelingonthis subject,” con cluded Kaile.“Ithink it’s importantthat the people tasked with (renegotiating) knowthe degree of support it’s goingtoget on theisland.”
Bowencommunitygrants awarded ALEX KURIAL Editor Five Bowenorganizations have received funding through the municipal Community Grants Organization.
Chief financial officer KristenWatsonannounced the fundingduringthe end-of-summer council meet inglastmonth.The largest recipientwas the Westside PlayscapeProject,which received $20,000 to complete construction of anew playground complex at the siteof the old Arbutus RidgePlayground. TheCaringCircle, which helps people find health and wellnessprograms,received $15,000; BowenChildren’s Centrereceived $10,400; the WriteonBowen Festival wasgiven $1,500; and Bowfest received $1,000. Theentiremunicipal grantbudget of $47,900 wasdis tributed.Thesefivegroups were the only ones to apply. depot to email: or call 604-947-2255
EdwardssaysBIM gets much better value perdollar from the MetroVancouver tax requisition –lessthan half of the Trustrequisition –particularlythrough the work of MetroParks.Mayor Gary Ander addedheeven felt BIM’stax contribution to Translink wasmoreuseful due to services islandersuse when on the mainland.
In fact,BIM hasindicated they plan to support Islands Trustinthe organization’supcomingpitchto the provincial governmentfor morefunding. Edwards says Trustfundinghas beenneglectedbyVictoria “The other elementthat is unfair…isthat the provincial contribution to the Islands Trustadministration hasnever been increasedsince its inception,” said Edwards. He addedthis is especially outofline because the Trustisaprovincial organization, making itsemployees provincial employees Coun.Sue Ellen Fast later submittednumbers showing not onlyhas theprovincial contribution not gone up,instead it’s beenreducedheavilysince the organization’screation. In 1994/95, Islands Trust received $469,000fromthe province.Today that number is $180,000. Councillors agreed areviewofBowen’stax formula wasnecessary.But many of them were concerned at the prospectoflinkingthe question with the municipal election. “I thinkthiswould be really polarizingaround election time,” said Fast.“At the time of the National Park question, Ithink that referendum wasdamagingtoour community because it polarizedpeople’s ideas about what washappeningonBowen Island.”
bowenislandundercurrent.com •A3Thursday, August 11, 2022 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
Coun.Michael Kaile,alsoanIslands Trust trust ee,introduced the motion at council’s lastmeeting. He said he wanted to be clearthe question focused specifically on the tax formula,and notturn into a debate aboutBowen’s continuedmembership in the group. IslandsTrust received significantnegative public feedback –both on Bowenand other member islands –duringrecentsurveys on their budget and policystatement. “Quite frankly thereweresome pretty unkind,bitter things said on the subject of IslandsTrust.We’re part of this federation; we work hard on alot of changes, work hard on some new directions,” said Kaile “Wehavetomakeitveryclear that no,we’re not goingtoleave this…and it’s (question) goingtobe absolutely targetedand directed.”
Bowenresidentsnarrowlyvotedagainstestablishing the BowenIslands National Park Reservein2011, with 55 percentofvoters opposedtothe project.Residents at thetimesaid theywereworried aboutferry gridlockand parkfees. ParksCanada abandonedthe idea following the referendum. “Therewas alot of discussionthat could have been helpful, and constructivediscussionsortofgot into a‘them and us’side of things,” recalledFast of the parkdebate. “I have the same concerns abouthavingthe ques tion at the same time as the election. Ithink that the threatofencouragingdivisivenessisveryrealwhen bringingupthe IslandsTrust and their relationship (with Bowen),”said Coun. MaureenNicholson. “I appreciate that we do need to have that conversation aboutthe annual tax requisition, Ijustdon’t supportthis resolution and this process. ” Coun. David Hockingaddedhis voice to the timing fears.“What people do with information isn’t always based on theinformation, it’s based on some trigger. And I’mveryworried aboutdoingitaspartofthe election as well,”hesaid “I agree, however, that we should be doingthis And Iagree that we need to give ournegotiators ammunition,”said Hocking.
may be available as well. Benefits: •Yes Send resume
No municipal desiretoleave IslandsTrust Aviable alternativeproved hard to come by though. Hiring outside consultants would takemoretime and costextra money, as well as requiregreater staff involvementinthe process. After discussionfailedto yieldanotherapproach, councillors circledbacktothe original election daysuggestion. “This is the mostefficientway to getanopinion poll on that question,”said Ander Edwardssays“Theopinion poll lends weight to the positionthat we would be arguingfor –ifit’sinfavour. And the province would prefer to have that.”
A4 • bowenislandundercurrent.com Thursday, August 11, 2022 AllAdvertising and newscopycontent arecopyright of the Undercurrent Newspaper.All editorial content submitted to the Undercurrent becomes the property of the publication. TheUndercurrent is not responsible forunsolicited manuscripts,art work andphotographs NationalNewsMediaCouncil TheUndercurrent is amemberofthe National NewsMedia Council of Canada, which is an independentorganization established to dealwith acceptable journalistic practices and ethicalbehaviour.Ifyou have concerns about editorial content, please email editor@bowenislandundercurrent comorcall 604-947-2442 If youare not satisfiedwith the response and wish to file a formal complaint,visit the websiteatmediacouncil.ca or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 foradditional information. 2011 CCNA CANADI AN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER AWARD 2011 PUBLISHER Matt Blair publisher@bowenisland undercurrent.com CARTOONIST Ron Woodall ADVERTISING Tracey Wait ads@bowenisland undercurrent.com EDITOR Alex Kurial editor@bowenisland undercurrent.com #102–495 BowenTrunk Road, PO Box130, BowenIsland BC,V0N 1G0 Phone: 604.947.2442 Fax: 604.947.0148 bowenislandundercurrent.com DEADLINE foradvertising Monday, 4p.m.DEADLINE foreditorial Tuesday5p.m. BowenIslandUndercurrentSubscription Rates: Mailed 1year subscriptiononBowen Island: $55,including GST. Within Canada: $85including GSTNewsstand(Single Copy)$1.50per copy,including GST ISSN 7819-5040 VIEWPOINTS THE WRITE STUFF TheUndercurrent encourages reader participation in your communitynewspaper.You must include your full name and adaytime phone number (for verification only). Theeditor reservesthe righttoedit forclarity, legality, brevityand taste. Please limit to under 500 words. HERE’S HOW: To submit aletter to the editor,fax 604-947-0148 or mail it to #102, 495 GovernmentRd.,PO Box130, BowenIsland,BCV0N 1G0 or email editor@bowenislandundercurrent.com.
LETTERS TOTHE EDITOR Dear Editor, Full disclosure, Iwrote aletter to council opposingthe bylawamendmenttoincrease “secondarysuites”, both the sizeand number. Ifindthe languageofthe bylawmisleadingand confusing(not good forenforcement or guidance), ashockinglackofevidence/ analysis of the impact of such achange, and the alleged reason for thechange(increased rental housing) unsupportedwithany regulation (unlikeeverythingelsethat’s been regulatedtothe hilt by this council) or anyother suggestion howthat wouldbe an assuredresult Ihavenot watchedthe councilmeetingon YouTubebut read in the Undercurrent that a resounding “lack of public support” was not considered important in the decision making. First,David Hockingisquotedassaying “Wehad alot of opposition to this,but really based on misunderstandings of what was goingon”.Well, explain it to me.I am willing and able to listenand would love to know why?Whereare the numbers re:units that will or won’t getbuilt? Whereare theimpact assessments for water, sewage, ferry, traffic, parking?When wasthe public hearing, publicity, even postings on Facebook? I’mtold this council relies on debateson BowenIsland EverythingElse(Facebook group)! Then all butone arelurkers,and none givehelpful explanations or much information. Facebookasasourceofopinion is absurd.Ihelped organizea contact listinDeepBay,and we foundlessthanhalf of theresidentsused Facebook, as few were willingtogiveout their email addresses, and morethanI hadimagined, come to Bowen to unplug and not payattention to anything other than sun and stars Thosewho do useitoften have debate quickly endedwhen afew comments get angryorsprawloff in tangents. Oneneeds huge amounts of patience andtolerance to debate on Facebookand lots cut outwhen the going gets rough,which is whyI believeitisa highly unreliable forum Alison Morseand MichaelKaile believe Re:New rules for detachedsuites that the “silentmajority” areinfavour: (Kaile)“I’mfar from convincedthat what we did hear wasentirely representativeofthe island as awhole…”; (Morse)“Yesthe comments we got were negative, butit’ssortofafact the people that areinsupportdon’t usuallycome out, they’reusually quiet”. That’s hogwash. Boweners aren’t quiet, and taking the time to write a letter and speakfor the whoppingfive minutes allowedatcouncil meetings, when thereare afew thousand other things anyone would rather do,isnot trivial. Instead, Iwould suggestthat the date (July 25),the outrageous lackof information sharing, the convoluted notice and the formulaic wordingof the proposal with no translation, and the rushingtoget it passed before the summer breakand the upcomingelection –instead of morepro cess for somethingthat potentially, as some,right or wrong, have suggested could double the number of residents(or tourists) –wereall unfair and unreasonable As for people beingwrong,Liam Edwards(CAO) is quoted as saying: “Itwould takedecades for it to come to full buildup,evenifiteverdoes–which Idoubt”. Is that supposed to be responsive or reassuring?Ifyou can’t predict the outcomewithevenaneducated guess, whypush it through? Amunicipal election will be held in twomonths (October 15) and Ivery much want to knowwho of this council areconsideringrunningagain.
In otherwords, without anyevidence the companyhas claimed for years that its LNGwould emit lessthancoal. Of course,when youburnjustthe end-products methane and coal, methane will emit less.That’s known. Butto willfully ignoreistoignorethe emissions from therestofthe life-cycles of the twofuels,those emittedatextraction, transportation, processing, re-processing, etc. And when you do look at those emissions,the picturefor BC LNG changesdramatically. Already in 2015, earth scientist David Hughes,who hasstudiedthe energy resources of Canada for four decades,including32years with theGeological Survey of Canada as ascientistand research manager, prepared and compared the life cycle analyses of BC LNGand coal when used in Asia Hughes found that BC LNGover its life-cycle, when used in LNG fired powerplants in Asia, against that of coal used in today’sstandard of 46% efficientultrasupercritical coal fired powerplants,BCLNG did not emit less.
First of all. Thewhole idea that low-emissions fossil fuels would be partofthe energy transition is apipe-dream of theoil and gas industry. It is aformofclimate changedenial.Itsuggests that we still have time to transition slowly,when infact we don’t have that luxuryatall. Thereality is that with accelerat ingclimatechange, we must rapidly transition to renewable energy to avertthe effects goingcatastrophic and becomingunbearable.Building morefossil fuel infrastructureisnot an option. That doesn’t meanthat Woodfibre LNG’sclaim isn’tinteresting, but only from thepointofview that it is unproven. At the May24, 2022 presentation beforeBowen IslandMayor and Council,company spokesperson Julia Diamond respondedto aques tion from Councillor David Hocking if the companyhad donelife-cycle emissions analyses of itsLNG againstthat of coal used in Asia: “Thank you very much forthat question. Ihavementionedthat we aredevelopingour net-zeropathway. And one of the firststages of the pathwayistohavea thirdparty firmvalidateour emissions,so scopetwo and three emissions.So [scope] one and twoare theemis sions that we control as afacility.” “Scopethree would include things upstream and downstream so we are doing that scenario analyses right nowinterms of the tonnageofcar bonemissions that arenot just producedbythe facility itself butall of the upstream production and down stream transport.Soweanticipate beingable to make that plan public, once we do the analysis.”
bowenislandundercurrent.com •A5Thursday, August 11, 2022 VIEWPOINTS
In fact,Hughes found the oppo-
Woodfibre LNG’s shaky climate claim site: Forthe first100 years,BCLNG over its life-cycle would emit 27 per centmoregreen housegassesthan coal over its.Hughes repeated the analysiswith updateddatain2020 andfound the number to be 18 per centhigher than coal. Butwhat aboutitbeing the world’s lowest emissionsLNG? This claim is of less significance than the company would likeitto be.Here’sthe gist. Insteadofusing methane to fuel the liquefaction of methane (socallednatural gas), WoodfibreLNG would useelectric ity: the so-calledE-drive. Butthat’s not the whole story. Theemissions from the coolingorprocessonly contributetoabout 4per centof the overall life cycle emissions of its LNG. So usingHughes’analyses, Woodfibre’sLNG would still emit an estimated 14 to 23 percentmore than coal over its life cycle Butofcourse, the company’sclaim isa distraction. Youmust’ve been livingunder arocknot to notice that we areexperiencingthe effects of 1.2 degree warming, world wide, and that is already bad. So we simply can’t let it become far worse. It’s our commitmenttolifetocut emissions drastically by 2030 Understandably,the comingyears will be highly critical. We must transition rapidly to renewable energy,phase outexistingcoal, oil and gasinfrastructure, and... STOP FOSSIL FUEL must retract all oil and gasproject because of force majeure, and that of course includes, WoodfibreLNG Thereisnoother choice -Anton vanWalraven,
Dear Editor, In last week’s Undercurrent, WoodfibreLNG’spresidentChristine Kennedy suggestedthat thecom panywould “...produce the lowest-emissions LNGinthe world.”
On behalf of ConcernedCitizens Bowen ENVO BIKES FOR SALE Pedal-assist and throttle Hydraulic disk brakes Front suspension BoweneBikes is here to repair and maintain your Envobikes. We have parts in stock, and experience maintaining these bikes. Total Weight –22.8 kg (50lbs) Max Power–500W Max Torque –60Nm Range –100 km Max Speed –32km/h MEGA YARD SALE MOVING OUT LOTS OF ITEMS! 10 -3pm1532 Tunstall Blvd. SATURDAY & SUNDAY AUG 20-21 ! CatesPharmacy is hiring fora permanent long-term PharmacyAssistant position! Hours 9:30-5:30 (no evenings, stat holidays,orSundays) Experiencenot required but would be a bonus (training provided) Competitive salaryand awonderful positive work environment Enquiriesorresumes should be sentto catesmedicinecentre@gmail.com LOST SKATEBOARD PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER.
“Weknew we could beat them, butwealsoknew how good they were, andthey’rethe defendingchamps,”said Woodward Finally, it wasthe Brewers in the final. SteveBaskerville wasonthe mound for the opposition, owner of the most wins,bestWHIP,mostinnings pitched, and 3rdbestERA duringthe regularreason. “Weknew they’dwanttobeatus, theyalwaysreally want to beat us.Weknew we were goingto be in for a tightcontest…But,webeatthemthree times in the regular season, so we knew that we could beat them,” said Woodward on the pre-final mood And in the end, the Diggersreturned to the topwith a wire-to-wire11-7 victoryoverthe Brewers.The champi onship is nowthe fifth in thepast seventournamentsfor the squad, firmly establishing them as one of the most dominantteamstoever step on theBowen field. Woodward combinedwithteammateDan Guillon on the mound to keep the Brewers bats in check for the final game, pitching the final three innings after Guillon took care of the firstfour. Paul Whitecotton pitchedinwitha massive catch in centrefield, an averageF8inthe scorebook, buta massivemomentumboosterenroute to the title Woodward alsocredits MichaelDawson’sability to reach base, TomWoodward’s defence,Guillon’spitching, and Aaron Johnstone’s home runs as further keys to the Diggers tournamentsuccess. As for the overall competition, Woodward says it’s one of the mostexcitinghe’severseen. “I thoughtitwas one of the best turnoutsintournamenthistory… Very rarely is everyteamstill aliveonSunday… GoinginIthink every team thoughttheyhad achancetowin.”This wasproven through upset wins such as theTwins over the Firemen and Shakers over Brewersduringthe groupstage Theatmosphere and excitementpresent all weekend alsoreinforcedthe love of baseball in the community. “It’sengrainedinthe cultureand the fabric of Bowen Island.Ithink oneofthe reasons is that the field is so unique,right in the middle of “downtownBowen”, if you will,”Woodward quips on its location. “Somanypeople look up to the league, it hassuch a folkloretoit. Kids play at ayoung agethinkingone day that they’ll be playing in the league.Iwas alittle kid look ingupand watchingthe league, and it’s come full circle now,”saysWoodward TheDiggers and Woodward will be looking to go full circle rightbacktothe trophypresentation and score yetanother backtobackrun when the 2023 season gets underwaynextspring. Five other teams will be firmly set on standingintheir way, and takingthe chance to write their ownBowen summer classic story titlein7 seasonsfor 6:50am 4:40
theDiggers Valentyna Gabinyetova photos DEPART HORSESHOE BAY 5:50am
pm 5:45 pm 6:50 pm 7:50 pm -exceptSaturdays 9:20 pm 10:20 pm DEPARTBOWEN ISLAND 5:20 amexcept Sundays 6:20 am 7:20 am 8:35 am 9:35 am 10:40 am 12:05 pm 1:15 pm 2:40pm 4:00 pm -exceptWednesdays 5:10pm 6:15pm 7:20 pm -exceptSaturdays 8:50pm 9:50pm 10:50 pm Queen of Capilano Ferry Schedule JUNE 23 -SEPTEMBER 5 Note: Schedules subject to change without notice Please check BCFERRIES.COM Schedulechangesonstatutoryholidays Places of Worship WelcomeYou CATES HILL CHAPEL www.cateshillchapel.com 604-947-4260 (661 CarterRd.) ST.GERARD’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH BOWEN ISLAND UNITED CHURCH FOOD BANK DROP-OFF Sunday Mass at 9.30 Contact Angela Powell 604-947-2515 SHIRATHAYAM(Songofthe Sea) BOWEN’S JEWISH COMMUNITY Shabbat Gatherings ~Holidays Contact aryana.rayne@gmail.com SundayWorship 10:30 am Rev.Lorraine Ashdown www.biuc.ca |1122 Miller Road Sunday Worship10:00 Services offeredin-personoronline viaZoom. Link availableonwebsite Rev. Phil Adkins 778-688-2061
TheDiggers arebackontop of theBowen baseballworld following acommandingregular season and tournamentrun. TheBowen FastpitchTournamenttookplace lastweekend with all six teams in the leaguecontendingfor the honour of island champions.Games tookplace Friday through championship Sunday, with alively crowdand elevated playa fixture of all three days Adam Woodward,memberofthe Diggersand league president, said hissquadwas encouraged after havingthe best regular season record.
A6 • bowenislandundercurrent.com Thursday, August 11, 2022
“Wethoughtitwentwell, because we wonthe league but we knew that we hadn’t played ourbest. And we knew we needed to turn it up another level for the tournament if we wanted to win… We knowwhat it takestowin,” said Woodward TheDiggers certainlydoknowwhat winninginvolves: They claimedbacktobacktitles in 2015/16 and 2018/19. After the pandemic cancelledthe 2020 tournament, they watched with the rest of the league as the Firemen hoisted the trophyin2021. TheDiggers began their climbbacktothe podium in the firstgame of the tournamentonFridaynight,forcing amercy call from the Shakers in an 11-1 win. Butthe next dayagainstthe Firemen, it wastheir rivals who hadthe better of the occasion by ascoreof10-8. It wascrunch time in the groupstage game to lock in atriptothe semifinals,and the Diggers delivered with a gritty 8-5 winoverthe Twins.“We were happywewere through,because we knew that anything could happen once you gettothe semis.And then ourbatsgot hot at the righttime,” saidWoodward on theteam clinching their spot Naturally, the Diggers would once again need to get past theFiremen to accomplish their goals.And theydid so in resoundingfashion, forcingtheir second mercy call of the tournamentwith a15-5 win, and finally castingoff the team which hadcausedthem so much trouble the pasttwo seasons
8:00am 9:05am-exceptWednesdays 10:10 am 11:15 am 12:40 pm 1:55pm 3:20pm
bowenislandundercurrent.com •A7Thursday, August 11, 2022 Valentyna Gabinyetova photos Scan the QR code to see morephotos join the fun! the After School Club IS HIRING! IS HIRING! Looking for an inspiring, on-island career opportunity? https://bowenchildrenscentre.ca/blog-news/ FOR MORE INFO After School Club Manager AfterSchool Club Coordinators Early Childhood Educators and Assistants Daddy &MeFamily Program Coordinator POSITIONS AVAILABLE Looking for on-island work? Love working with children &playing avital role in your community? Wearelookingforenergetic, creative&caringindividualstojoinourfabulous After School Club Team TheASCislocatedatBowenIslandCommunitySchooland providesout-of-schoolcare,activitiesandahealthysnack forchildren5-10yearsofage. • FULL TIME MANAGER (32HRS/WEEK) • PART TIMECOORDINATORS X2 (12-20HRS/WEEK) Pleasesendresume &coverletterto info@bowenchildrenscentre.ca Daddy and Me is aFamily Place outreach programspecifically designedfor “Dads” (Dads, Stepdads, Grandfathers or any other caregiver/role model). Saturday mornings from 9-12, includes “Dad chat” anda creative atmospherefor Dadsto engage with their children and each other Family Place is looking for acoordinator for Daddy and Me who will help support Dads in their parenting role and create awelcoming space for Dads and their children. *Starts in mid to late September *Orientation and training provided *Salary commensurate with experience and education
A8 • bowenislandundercurrent.com Thursday, August 11, 2022 NoticeofNomination PUBLICNOTICEisherebygiventotheelectorsofBowenIslandMunicipalitythat nominationsfortheofficesof: MAYOR–one(1)tobeelected COUNCILLOR–six(6)tobeelected MUNICIPALTRUSTEEFORISLANDSTRUSTCOUNCIL–two(2)tobeelected willbereceivedbytheChiefElectionOfficeroradesignatedperson,asfollows: From9:00amTuesday,August30,2022 To4:00pmFriday,September9,2022 DuringregularbusinesshoursandexcludingStatutoryHolidaysand weekendsat: BowenIslandMunicipalHall 981ArtisanLane BowenIsland,BC V0N1G2 Phone:604-947-4255 Fax:604-947-0193 Email:Election2022@bimbc.ca Originalsoffaxedoremailednominationdocumentsmustbereceivedby theChiefElectionOfficerby4:00PMFriday,September16,2022. NominationformsareavailableatMunicipalHalluntilthecloseofthe nominationperiodat4:00PMonFriday,September9th. QUALIFICATIONSFOROFFICE Apersonisqualifiedtobenominated,elected,andtoholdofficeasa memberoflocalgovernmentiftheymeetthefollowingcriteria: •be18yearsofageorolderasofgeneralelectionday; •beaCanadiancitizen; •bearesidentofBritishColumbiaforatleast6monthsbeforethe nominationdate •notbedisqualifiedundertheLocalGovernmentActoranyother enactmentfrombeingnominatedfor,beingelectedtoorholdingthe office,orotherwisebedisqualifiedbylaw Forinformationoncampaignfinancingandthird-partyadvertisinglimits, pleasecontactElectionsBC: Toll-freephone:1-855-952-0280 Email:lecf@elections.bc.ca Website:www.elections.bc.ca/lecf Contact: HopeDallas,ChiefElectionOfficer Email:Election2022@bimbc.ca Phone:604-947-4255 Website:www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca/2022-election NoticeofListofRegisteredElectors PUBLICNOTICEisgiventotheelectorsofBowenIslandMunicipalitythat theListofRegisteredElectorsforthe2022GeneralLocalElectionisavailable forinspection. BeginningAugust30,2022untilthecloseofgeneralvotingfortheelection onSaturday,October15,2022,acopyofthelistofregisteredelectorswillbe availableforpublicinspection,atMunicipalHallofficesat981ArtisanLane, BowenIsland,duringregularofficehours,MondaytoFriday8:30AM–4:30 PM,excludingstatutoryholidays Beforeinspectingthelist,apersonmustsignastatementthattheywill notinspectthelist,makecopies,orusetheinformationincludedinthe listexceptforthepurposesofPart3–ElectorsandElectionsoftheLocal GovernmentAct.RequestscanbemadetotheChiefElectionOfficervia email,fax,orin-person. REQUESTTOOMITOROBSCURE Anelectormayrequestthattheiraddressorotherpersonalinformationbe omittedfromorobscuredonthelistofelectors.Theelectormustcontact theChiefElectionOfficerortheDeputyElectionOfficertomakethis request. OBJECTIONTOREGISTRATIONOFANELECTOR Anobjectiontotheregistrationofapersonwhosenameappearsonthe listofregisteredelectorsmaybemadeinaccordancewiththeLocal GovernmentActuntil4:00pmonFriday,September9,2022.Anobjection mustbeinwritingandanobjectionmayonlybemadebyapersonentitled toberegisteredasanelectorofBowenIslandMunicipalityandonlyonthe basisthatapersonwhosenameappearsonthelistofelectorshasdiedoris notqualifiedtoregisterasanelectorofBowenIsland. HopeDallas,ChiefElectionOfficer Email:Election2022@bimbc.ca Phone:604-947-4255 Fax:604-947-0193 Website:www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca/2022-election NoticeofCommunityOpinionPoll ACommunityOpinionPollisaninformalandnon-bindingcommunication opportunitythatassistsCounciltogaugecommunityinterestonaspecific matter BowenIslandMunicipalCouncilhasresolvedtoundertakeaCommunity OpinionPollintandemwiththeupcomingmunicipalelectiontobeheldon Saturday,October15th,regardingtheIslandsTrustTaxRequisition. Thequestionontheballotwillbe: “DoyousupportBowenIslandMunicipalityrenegotiatingwiththeProvince andtheIslandsTrust,BowenIsland’sannualTaxRequisitionFormulawithin theIslandsTrustAct?” FormoreinformationontheCommunityOpinionPollontheIslandsTrustTax Requisition,visitourwebsite: www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca/community-opinion-poll PA ID AD VERTISEMENT
Rotaryphoto ARE Y OULOOKINGT ODOWNSIZEYOURC OLLECTION? CALLO REMAILU STODAYFORA COMPLIMENTARYVALUATION 7788374588/ w esterncanada@waddingtons.ca HAVEY OUE VERWONDEREDHOWMUCHY OURCOLLECTIONISW ORTH? WEA RES EEKINGCONSIGNMENTSFOR OURF ALLAUCTIONS EASON J UDASU LLULAQ(1937-1999) S hamanMuskoxTransformation,Realised$55.400 OLIVE Meet Olive! We sawthisbeautiful girl quite afew weeksinarow as shewas dealing with achronic earinfection. We treated with afew differentmedications and performedasedated earflushtotry to cleanthe infectionout.After afew weeksoftreatment, we finally cleared hertough infection! As much as we enjoyedseeingthiscutie weekly,we arehappy sheisstaying infectionfree! REGULARHOURS TuesdaytoFriday9-5 Saturday9-1 ClosedSundayandMonday Toscheduleappointments,pleasecall 604.947.9247 oremailreception@bowenvet.com
Bowengets readytoRun forRwanda TheKomeraCenterinRwanda.
bowenislandundercurrent.com •A9Thursday, August 11, 2022 BOWEN ISLAND ROTARY
Postersadvertisingthe RotaryRun for Rwanda are pastedupinvarious loca tions on Bowen, and many newcomers areasking: Why Rotary? Whya run? And whyRwanda? Thestory dates backtoAugust2007, almost exactly 15 years ago, when youngMargaret Butler who hadgrown up on Bowenarrived in atiny village in ruralRwanda to startworkatastate-of the-arthospital recently openedbyPaulFarmer,an amazingHarvard professor of medicine. Butler, aseasonedrunnerwho hadrepresent ed Canada severaltimes throughout hercareer, agraduate of the French Immersion program at Sentinel Secondaryin West Vancouver who had snapped up an athletics scholarshipattheUniversity of Washington in Seattle and after severalyears teaching at St.George’s in Vancouver,had gone on to Columbia University in NewYorktogain aMasters in International Education and Development, was rightly nervous at the prospectofthis African adventure. However, she soon discoveredthat rural Rwanda wasatinyparadise, populatedby friendly people who welcomedher with open arms and alovely place to enjoyher love of running. Shewas soon joinedby lots of young boys as she did her morningrun in the hills of Rwinkwavu, butnolit tle girls ever appeared.She learnedthat the girls were busy doingchoreslikefetchingwater,preparingmeals for the familyorgoing out to work in the fields.While their brothers were going on to secondaryschool, theserural girls were better employedathome,partic ularly as their families had no chance of payingschool fees,uniforms and other expenses relatedtoeducat ingtheir daughtersbeyond primaryschool. Encouraged by Paul Farmer and her friends at the local hospital, Margaret decidedtoorganize agirls’ runin the villageand raise funds to support10 girls at secondaryschool. Herpar ents,Robin and Hilary, who hadspentseveral weeks with her in Rwanda enjoyingthe localhospitality, back on Bowenwrote an article in the Undercurrent publicizingthe event. As aresult,generousBowen donors plus Margaret’s contacts around the world raised enough funds to supply T-shirts and water bottles for the participants and $5,000 for the scholarships for 10 young girls Thefirstrun wasa great success, attendedbyover 300 localgirls This wasthe startof yetanother adventure for Margaret. Back in the US after her 18 monthsin Rwanda, she realized that the young girls who had been pickedout by their peersand teachers as beingworthycandidates forscholarships,needed further help for continuing their education and what’s more, therewerehundreds of young girlswho were desperate forhelp Herfriends and family helped herset up Komera, anon-profit to benefit theseyoung women. Jump forward 15 years and find athriving organization runentirelybya teamof localwomen, that supports nearly 200 young women in high school and univer sityinRwanda, organizes aParents’ Cooperativethat provides opportunities to the families of thesegirls, runs aTeenMothers program,organizes sports for boys andgirls of the community, while providing leadership campsand vital health instruction seminars for young women.
Margaret, whohas recently relocatedtoBowen Island with her husband Jeband twodaughters,ispresent ly in Rwanda forthe openingofthe beautiful Komera Center,constructedwith local materials and built with local labour,which will be the hubofthe localcommunity. Shehas moved on from workingfor Komera (handingoverher job to Dativah Bideriand aRwandan team) and spearheadsAmplify Girls, an umbrella organization of 25 small entities in East Africa. Like many young professionals,she and her husband canrun their jobs in ourlocal paradise, thanks to modern communication networks So whyRotaryand whya run? In 2011, Piers Hayesand Bawn Campbell foundedthe RotaryClub of Bowen Island. At that moment in time, the very successful Runfor the Ferry team was looking for someone to carryon the tradition. TheButlers, charter members of the Rotaryclub,fired up with the idea of helpingtheir daughter with her efforts in Rwanda,acceptedtotake on the challenge,and the runbecame aBowen tradition and morphedinto acommunity run, with the kids’1.5 Krun beinga popular feature. Soon Komera Canada wasestablishedasa char ityand hasbeenableto sponsor many young women in their efforts to complete their education in Rwanda.Duringsev eral visits to Rwanda, the Butlers and their friends have beenabletovisit the girls at their schools,par ticipate in the localrun that still takes place annually in Rwinkwavu and help outatservice projects in the village. And of course, takeaside trip to visit the world-famous gorillas,stayatthe Akagera National Park,and enjoy the beautiful countryof aThousand Hills,now recovering from theinfamous genocide of 1994. So thereyou have it! The RotaryRun forRwanda takes place Saturday, August 27 this year.The Rotary encourages youtosignup for amorningofrunningor walking, lots of treats and prizes suppliedbylocal businessesand all for agreat cause! Check outthe post ers and register online at rotaryrunforrwanda.com /Bowen
Thesiteofthe proposed 97 hectareregional park/ campgroundatCapeRogerCurtis./MetroVancouvermap
DeputyChief Election Officer
Thecampsiteswillbebrokendownapproximately as:50walk-in/bike-in sites;35drive-in sites;and 10 tent cabins. Therewon’t be anyrecreational vehicle or trailer campingallowed. The24parcels of land were purchased by Metro Vancouver for around $40 million. “Regionalparks safeguardnatural areas that arehome to important ecosystems and contribute to the health and well-being of ourresidents by connectingthem with naturalspaces,” saidMetroVancouver’s boardofdirectors chairSav Dhaliwal in apress release. “This new regional parkinitiativeisincredible news, not just forBowen Island, butfor the entireregion,” says mayorGaryAnder “CapeRoger Curtis holds some of the mostunique ecological characteristicsinthe region— andthis parkenhances localefforts by the BowenIsland Conservancyand many islanders to protect the area.Itwill provide excellentrecreational and educational opportunities forislandand regionalresidents alikefor years to come.The municipality looks forward to workingwithMetroVancouver on this excitinginitiative,”said Ander. Importantly, the land also lies on Squamish Nation territory. “This regional parkwill make it easier for cur rent and future generations to enjoynatureand help to preserve the coastal ecosystem,which Squamish Nation hasstewarded since time immemorial,”said Squamish Nation councillor Sxwíxwtn in the pressrelease. “Welookforward to workinginpartnership with MetroVancouver and BowenIsland Municipality to see howwecan incorporateour languageand culturein the parkplanningprocess,”addedSxwíxwtn. MetroVancouver’sparkplan will nowcome to the municipality for rezoningrequests and amendments to the Official Community Plan.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Draft plans for what will be in the parkinclude pic nic areas,expandedtrails,and beach access. Thereis alsoa substantial campground componenttothe new space,with around 100 overnightcampsitesaspartof the proposal.
In accordancewith the LocalElections Campaign Financing Act,for the 2022 generallocal election, the following expense limitfor candidates applies during thecampaignperiod from September 17 to October 15, 2022: •Mayor:$34,196.77 •Councillor: $17,250.90 •School Trustee: $19,070.70
A10• bowenislandundercurrent.com Thursday, August 11, 2022
DEBORAH MERRIN President/CAWES Some of you mighthave noticedanobituaryinthe paperfor TimHarding last week. We,atCAWES, never actually met Timbut respondedtoa call to take his dog into care, as he had alreadyleft to go to the hospital. We aretold Tim wasa great, fun-lovingfellow, who lovedall animals Buthis dog,Luc washis very much-lovedcompanion and friend. CAWES executivedirector,Kim Sinclairarrived at the marina (astheylived on aboat) around 9:30 pm after aday in the bigcity. Kimwillalwaysjumpin with both feet to help any animal in need and was prepared to takeLuc,not knowing what breedhewas or much abouthim at all. This is whereour story takes akind of cosmic twist.Itturnedout that Lucwas Kim’sfavourite breed,alittle chihuahua 17-year-old Lucispar tially blind and mostly deaf,soheneeds alittle extracarefor his rather advancedage!CAWES/ Kimlookedafter little Lucfor 3.5 months,while alwayskeepingincontact with Timby sending photos and videos to let Tim knowhis belovedfriend waswell and loved. Sadly, Timpassed away July 12. So,the first question on everyone’s mindwas -what happenedtoLuc? Absolutely nothing. He will continue to stay with KIM and liveout his twilightyearssafe and spoilt little Luc in the care of CAWESat Kim’shome.Hehas anew “brother”and many wonderful CAWESvolunteers that lovehim andhelp Kimwithhis needswhen she is outofthe home This is awonderful “meanttobe” outcome and Timwas happy in the knowledgehis faithful companionof 17 years wassafeinthe arms of Kim/CAWES Themoral of ourstory? Simply,CAWES will always be therewhen you need help for yourfurry,fluffy, feathered,orscaly Visit Officer or at 604-925-7063. HOW: Nominationdocuments maybedelivered by hand,mail, or otherdelivery service,or by email, with originals to follow.Ifdeliveredbyemail, originalnomination documents must be received by 4 p.m.,Friday,September 16, 2022 Nomination documents areavailable at Municipal Hall duringregular office hours (8:30 a.m.to 4:30 p.m., MondaytoFriday, excludingstatutory holidays) throughout thenomination period (9 a.m. August 30 to 4 p.m. September 9, 2022) and arealso postedat election.westvancouver.ca
•Mayor andCouncillor: $1,709.84 •School Trustee: $953.54 Thecumulative advertisingexpense limit is $161,967.47. Mark Brown, Chief Election Officer
Newpark will welcomethousands of overnight campers
election.westvancouver.ca or contact the Chief Election
ELIGIBILITYFOR OFFICE Aperson is eligible to be nominated, elected, and to hold officeasamemberoflocal government if theymeet the following criteria: •a Canadian citizen; •18 yearsofage or older on October 15, 2022; •a resident of BC foratleast sixmonthsimmediately beforethe daynominationpapersare filed; and •not disqualified under the LocalGovernment Act or anyother enactment from being nominated for, being elected to or holding office, or be otherwise disqualified by law. CANDIDATEINFORMATION MEETING Acandidateinformation meeting will be held on August 31, 2022 at 6 p.m. forprospective candidates and anyinterested persons. Attendonline via Webex at election.westvancouver.ca or at the Municipal Hall Council Chamber, 75017th Street.
In accordancewith the LocalElections Campaign Financing Act,for the 2022 generallocal election, the following thirdparty advertising limits apply during the campaign period from September 17 to October 15, 2022:
THE CORPORATION OF THDISTRICT OF WES VANCOUVER20 22 EL EC TI ON THE CO RP ORA TION OF TH ED IS TRIC TO FW ES TV AN CO UV ER NOTICE OF NOMINATION PERIOD Public Noticeisgiven to the electorsofthe District of West Vancouver that an election will be held on Saturday, October 15, 2022.Nominations forthe officeof: •Mayor •Councillors (six to be elected) •School Trustees (fivetobeelected) foratermendingNovember, 2026 will be received by the ChiefElectionOfficer or DeputyChiefElection Officer as follows: WHEN: 9 a.m. August 30 to 4 p.m. September 9, 2022 (excluding statutory holidays and weekends) WHERE: LegislativeServices, Municipal Hall 75017th Street, West Vancouver BC V7V3T3
bowenislandundercurrent.com • A11Thursday, August 11, 2022 75%off vehiclesonselect inter-islandroutes. Save75%*onstandardvehiclefaresonselect lateeveningsailingsbetweenWestVancouver (HorseshoeBay)andBowenIsland(SnugCove). July6–Sept1 Non-bookable.Offeravailableforpurchaseatterminal. CannotbecombinedwithExperienceCardvehiclediscount. ExperienceCardratesapplyforallpassengerfares. bcferries.com *75%offvehiclespromotionisapplicabletostandardunder-heightandover-heightvehicles(notincludingdriverfare)upto20feetinlength.Standardvehiclesover20feetinlengthareeligibleforthepromotionalfareforthe first20feet.Extra-lengthratesapplyperadditionalfoot(over20feet).OfferisvalidforpurchaseatterminalonselectroutesandselectsailingsfromJuly6–September1,2022.Notapplicableforbuses,commercialvehiclesor vehiclesover5,500kg/gvw.Fuelrebatesorsurchargesarenotincluded.VehiclefarepromotionalratecannotbecombinedwithExperienceCarddiscount.ExperienceCarddiscountcanbeusedforpassengerfares.Limitedtime offer–otherconditionsmayapply.Pleasevisitbcferries.comforfulldetailsonapplicablesailings.BCReg.48839 775 Returnfrom$31.00 standard vehicle fare $
Thursday, August 11, 2022 COMMUNITY CALENDAR
A12• bowenislandundercurrent.com
All ages &caregivers.1:30 pm —Young readers canparticipateinthe Summer ReadingClub Medal Ceremony& Celebration, wherewecelebratethem completingtheir 50-day ReadingChallenge.Comefor medals, snacks,and agroup photo, thenstayfor Pico’s Puppet Palace at 2pm! If you’renot able to collect your medal at theceremony, not to worry, just cometothe Libraryfront desk and showusyourreadingtracker booklet to collect yourmedal! Saturday, August 27 RotaryRun for Rwanda 10K run, 5K run/walk,1.5K kidsrun. Snacks,prizes and lotsoffun. Register at rotaryrunforrwanda.com Saturday, August 27 Bowfest Summer celebration from 2pmto8pm. Parade is at 1:15 pm this year WeekendUpdate Nectar Yoga on thePier (beside theferry) 10:15 am.$15, pre-register at nectaryoga.ca Drop-in space maybeavailable BowenIslandFarmers Market BowenIslandCommunity School 10 am to Noon every Saturday. Casting call! CarminaBowena, Bowen’snew vocal consortisauditioningfor basses. We rehearse on Tuesdayevenings.If interestedpleasecall Nicole at 778-926-4286 or email to ntzharmonium@mac.com Nick Jennings’exhibition Mandalas,Docks &Boats,ison at theHearth until Monday, August 15 at 4pm! Don’t miss the artist’s mesmerizing mandalas and landscapes, and get the chancetowin one of his original paintings!
Thursday, August 11 Spy School -Summer Reading Club Ages 9-12. 4-5 pm.Drop-in. AttendanhourofSpy School. Learn howtotakefingerprints,solvemysteries, make aspy badge and discoverwhat it takes to be aspy Saturday, August 13 ColourCatastrophe -Summer Reading Club 2-3 pm.Registrationnecessary,pleasecall the library, 604947-9778. Ages 5-8 Come have acolourful daybymaking colourful slime,colouring, doinga scavengerhunt, and playing games. August 15-19 BowenIslandGymnasticsSummer Camp Jr Gymnastics Camps 10 am to Noon each day Ages 5yrs -7yrs Costs:$25 perday or $100 forthe week GymStarsand GymClub Gymnastics Camps Times:12:30pm-3:30 pm eachday Ages 8yrs and up Costs:$35 perday or $150 for the week Email: bowengymnastics@gmail.com to register Wednesday, August 17, 24, 31 SummertimeBaby Jams -BowenIslandLibrary Join us for afree, drop-in program of songs, books, and rhymes for babies 0-18 months and their caregivers! 10:30 am to 11 am Wednesday, August 17 Candidate Information Session -Municipal Election Municipal Hall, 5pm. Open to anyone interestedinrunningfor office in the 2022 local general election. Thesession will include apresentation from the Chief Election Officer on nomination process, keydates and deadlines,campaigningfinancing&campaignperiod, election signage, appointmentofofficial agent, financial agent, and scrutineers,election offences,post-election events and trainingsessions, andareportfromthe Chief AdministrativeOfficer Monday,August 22 Rotary SpeakerMargaret Butler On Rwanda and KomeraatArtisan Eats,7:30 pm Thursday, August 25 Pico’sPuppet Palace &SummerReading Club Medal -BowenIslandLibrary Drop-in.
BowenCiderHouse is locatedatthe Meadowbrook Farm on GraftonRoad./ Alex Kurial photo
“Wedecidedreallyearlyonthat we would only plantcider apples because there’salmostnocider apples available in B.C.,” says Johnstone.In2004 the firsttrees were planted, andsoon 90 applestrees boughtfromwellknown and respectedB.C.cider crafter DerekBissetwereinthe ground. Butcalamity struck off the bat. A freak snowstorm and cold snap that lastedthrough Marchwreaked havoc on the crop.When the spring thaw finallycame, just three of the 90 trees were leftalive “That wasabit of adisaster,but it taughtusalot of really quickles sons,” says Johnstone. “One is that we needed to learnhow to propagate trees, because therewasn’tenough cider fruit around. So Ibetterlearn to graph. And theother wasthat we needed to planta little bit moreheavilyand needed to think moreabout howwewereplanting.”
There’sa new stopfor cider lovers on Bowen, and it’s already proving popular with locals and tourists alike. TheBowen Cider Houseopened just twomonthsago,and is operat ed by cidermakerAlastair Johnstone and his sons Benjamin and Nicholas. Alongwithalarger cast of family and friends,the cideryperformsall its fermenting, blendingand bottling on-siteatthe Meadowbrook Farm off Grafton Road. Butwhile the venuejustbecame open to the public in June,the idea and vision for the BowenCider House hasbeenyearsinthe making.
Johnstone notes alot of customers arrive by bicycle,particularly tourists on e-bikes.The cideryhas an e-bike charging station, and alsodis counts at the market and upcomingdiscounts at thecideryfor customerswho arrive by this mode of transportation. As for operatingthe business with his family? “Asany family project it hasits challenges. Butit’sabsolutely themostsatisfyingthingI’veever done,” says Johnstone “I’vebeena builder for 30 years and Ireally liked that while Iwas doingit… Butthis is way, waybetter It’s really nice to be able to do this with my sons and their girlfriends and my sister and my in-laws. Everybody pitches in all thetime.”
Alastair Johnstone (left) with son Benjamin Johnstone and SarahHalldorson. GrannyCowan, Meadowbrook Medley,and Seymour BayScrumpyare on display. /
Johnstone says theCider House’s requestwas setaside for awhile,but finally revisitedlastfall. Thefinal batch of licencingwas approved this spring,and asoft launchweekend in June welcomedthe cideryontothe BowenIsland tasting scene Visitors to theciderycan currently sampleatrioofciders, including GrannyCowan, appropriately named for Johnstone’s great-grandmother Alastair is adescendentofGeorge Cowan–ofCowan Pointnotoriety–who came to the island in 1895. Addingtothe gallery’slengthy Bowenhistory is the artworkadorningthe walls.The pieces areall originals from the UnoLangmann gallery –Johnstone’s father-in law, the originalpurchaser of the farm. MeadowbrookMedleyand Seymour BayScrumpyround outthe cider varieties.Johnstone says he’s hopingtohavea berry-infused cider readylater this month.They’realso hopingtohavea picnic area fully licenced this month,sovisitors can enjoytheir cider outside “The receptionhas beenfantas tic,” says Johnstone of the firsttwo months of operation. “Islanders have been greattousand the tourists have beenreallyreceptivetoit. And we’restartingtoget alot of repeat customers from theisland which is reallynice.”
bowenislandundercurrent.com •A13Thursday, August 11, 2022
Theteam wasright backatitwith 100 treesinthe groundnextyear, maintainingthoselevels until reachingthe morethan700 treesplanted today. Part of the transition involved includingbush orchardtrees in the crop As opposed to standard trees, which canfit around 100-150 trees peracreand takeeight to 10 yearsto produce ayield, bush orchardtrees canfit 1,500 peracreand startpro ducingintwo to three years Standardtrees still have their advantages though, including a much longer lifespan, greater resistance to disease, and less mechanical upkeep such as irrigation. Johnstone says the ciderynow hasahealthymix of both options at its disposal. After sortingout their tree situation, it wastime to move on to the ciderproduction. Test blendsbegan around eightyearsago –anadventure for everybodyasJohnstone’s previous cider makingexperience waspurely kit-based. “When you’reactually doing it from the ground up it’s atotally different thing,”heaccurately points out. Thenextapproachwas an old-fashionedone –which wasquickly abandonedfor multiple reasons.“We did one pressingwith the antique grinder and realized we would never use it again, because it’s brutally hard work.Sowemadesome mediocre–at-best–cider.But itwas drinkable,” says Johnstone.
BowenCiderHouse open forbusiness
Johnstone’s in-laws purchased the property partiallybased on the recommendation of Alastair himself,who wasintrigued by the land’s opportunityfor both farmland and commercial pursuits
Alex Kurial photo Johnstone poses with the oldest surviving tree from apast snowstorm thatnearly wiped out the farm’s entireapple tree crop./AlexKurial photo
“Then the nextyear we did better and the nextyear we did better,and then we started experimentingwith blendinguntil twoyears agowecame up with what we knew we wanted as the styleand we felt comfortable that we were good enough that people would drink it.”
Thecrucial stepofconcoctinga refreshingbeveragewas complete. Therewas just one morehurdletogo beforeopening: the Liquor Control Board. And when COVID hit,the agency’sattention wasturnedelsewhereastheywerefloodedwith licencingrequests for outdoor dining–astepthousands of restaurants needed to taketostayaliveduring pandemic restrictions
Whether you arrive by hike, vehicle –ore-bike– the BowenCider House is nowopen Wednesdaythrough Sundayuntil 7pmeach day.
Deliveredtoyourmailbox! 604-947-2442 ads@bowenislandundercurrent.com Every week for $55 per year ($85 to off island addresses) Thank you for your support of local journalism now and always. If you are not sure if you have renewed,please call us to avoid disruption
A14• bowenislandundercurrent.com Thursday, August 11, 2022 HEALTH& WELLNESS To advertise here please call 604-947-2442 email ads@bowenislandundercurrent.com BOWEN ISLAND WELLNESS CENTRE 604-947-9755 at the entrance to Artisan Square Suite 597 Bookonline at bowenislandwellnesscentre.ca Birch Wellness BOWEN ISLAND SUDOKUBCWIDE CLASSIFIEDS nour owingJointhe conversationat www.facebook.com/BIUndercurrent ANSWERS @bowenislandundercurrent.com GENERAL EMPLOYMENT ROCKY MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT is NOW HIRING: AG Equipment Techs, Heavy Equipment Techs -Journeyman &Apprentices,Parts Techs. View Open Roles & Apply: www.rockymtn.com/careers. Relocation and Signing Bonus Offered. WANTED NUMISMATIST PURCHASING COIN COLLECTIONS &ACCUMULATIONS! Royal Canadian Mint, Canada &World CollectionsWanted. Also buying 9999 bullion, old money,jewelry,nuggets, sterling, gold, silver,coins, bars, monster boxes +++ ESTATES WELCOMED! Todd 250 864 3521. INDUSTRIAL/ COMMERCIAL INTEGRITY POST FRAME BUILDINGS since 2008. Built with concrete posts. Barns, shops, riding arenas, machine shedsand more. sales@integritybuilt.com. 1-866-974-7678. www.integritybuilt.com MOVING 2Guys With ATruck Moving &Storage 604-628-7136 MARKETPLACE Call or email to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-362-0586 •604-653-7851 classifieds@van.netbowenislandundercurrent.com Your Community
bowenislandundercurrent.com • A15Thursday, August 11, 2022 604-987-7663 BOWENISLAND ROOFING ROOFING&REPAIRS Trade ticket certified#00012-RO-96 WindowBlinds On Bowen 778-995-1902 BOWEN ISLAND SPECIALISTS! QUALITYSERVICE GUARANTEED! Keep Calm andCallEcono 604.980.3333 991 West FirstStreet, NorthVancouver,BC www.economovingandstorage.com Tim Rhodes REALTOR® 604.341.9488 RHODES ON BOWEN REALESTATEMARKETING going that extramile rhodesonbowen.com tim@rhodesonbowen.com RoB WWW WHITEHART CA ADDRESS 302-566 ARTISAN LANE BOWEN ISLAND,BC PHONE 1(778) 999-3434 BUILTGREEN BC BUILDER NEW CONSTRUCTION RENOVATIONS RESTORATION ADDITIONS SECONDARYSTRUCTURES UNIQUE OUTDOORSPACES SUB CONTRACT WORK CONTACTUSFOR AFREE QUOTATION I I&I TOWING HAULING LTD Vehicles •Construction Equipment Sea-Can Containers •Tiny Homes Bowen Island •Greater Vancouver Vancouver Island •Sunshine Coast Michael Bingham •604 947 1717 ianditowhaul@gmail.com Decks, roofs, sheds, and fences call Steve @ 604-947-0433 Bowfest is back Saturday August 27th! andthe parade is back too! Watch for our Bowfest edition
A16• bowenislandundercurrent.com Thursday, August 11, 2022 BLUEBERRIES $24.99 /5lbbox* CARROTS BUNCHED $1.99 /each* LETTUCE ROMAINE, GREEN &RED LEAF $1.99 /each* NUGGET POTATOES $0.99 /lb* ZUCCHINI $1.29 /lb* FETACHEESE HAPPYDAYS 10% OFF 190g* ISLAND BRIE LITTLEQUALICUM 10% OFF* BOERENKAAS (SMOKED& REGULAR) &COURTENEY CHEDDAR NATURAL PASTURES 15% OFF 170g* VEGAN CHOCOLATE CHUNK BITES &JUMBOGINGERSNAPS UPRISINGBREADS 20% OFF* VEGANCHOCOLATEBARS THELOVETREE $5.99 each-dark,milk&whitechocolate* Made by young Bowen Island Entrepreneurs! Perfect for grilling! Great for Summer Salads! Best of BC at The Ruddy! Produce Specials!