$1 inc GST WRITE ON! Photos and message from WriteonBowen PAGE 10 WARM UP THOSEVOCAL CHORDS!: Choirs seeknew members PAGE 13 THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022 VOL.48NO. 30 BIUndercurrent BowUndercurrent www.bowenislandundercurrent.com .50 A FIREFIGHTER IS BORN: Therewas plenty of fun -and alittle learning too-atthe BowenFire Department’s ‘HotSummer Nights’earlier this month. Kids got to test outthe manytools which areused on the job,withthe firehosebeing by far the mostpopular attraction. Forthe photogalleryofBowen’s future first responders,including this captain in the making,turntoPages 6-7. /AlexKurialphoto Housingsurvey shows challenges forbusinesses and employees ALEX KURIAL Editor Arecentsurveyofthe worker housingsituation on Bowenpainted adifficult realityofthe search TheCommunityEconomic Development Committee (CEDC) canvassedbusiness ownersin June and July on severalstaffhousingrelatedques tions, includingwhetherboth their seasonal and year-round staff hadfound places to live, what kind of solutions theyenvisionedfor the issue,and what impacts the housingsituation washavingonthemselves and their employees. Theanswers were particularly alarmingfor seasonal workers.When the survey closed in earlyJuly, there were stillmorethan60stafflookingfor aplace to live. With responses from 56 of the island’s 605 licenced business owners, it’s likelythe actual number of workers looking for ahome is even higher. “I wassurprised that so many people didn’t have housinglinedupfor seasonal staff –that that was an issueinmid-summer,” saidCoun. SueEllen Fast duringa presentation of the results duringthe July 25 council meeting. Two-thirds of businesses hadtwo or more summer staff still lookingfor aplace CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 SEVERAL DOZEN SUMMER WORKERS STILL SEARCHING WELLINTO JULY 604.782.0609
A2 • bowenislandundercurrent.com Thursday, August 18, 2022 BowenIslandMunicipalHall 981ArtisanLane BowenIsland,BC V0N1G2 Hours:8:30am-4:30pm MondaytoFriday Closedstatutoryholidays Phone: 604-947-4255 Fax: 604-947-0193 Email: bim@bimbc.ca Website: BowenIsland Municipality Find usonFacebook bowenislandmunicipality.ca/subscribe Subscribeto our mailing list August18,2022 Contact Bowen Island Municipality www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca Events AllCouncilmeetingsareopen tothepublictoattendin personorelectronically, unlessnotedotherwise. September26, 2022 6:15 pm RegularCouncilMeeting PAID ADVERTISEMENT Notice ofCommunity Opinion Poll ACommunityOpinionPollisaninformalandnon-binding communicationopportunitythatassistsCounciltogauge communityinterestonaspecificmatter BowenIslandMunicipalCouncilhasresolvedtoundertake aCommunityOpinionPollintandemwiththeupcoming municipalelectiontobeheldonSaturday,October15th, regardingtheIslandsTrustTaxRequisition. Thequestionontheballotwillbe: “DoyousupportBowenIslandMunicipalityrenegotiatingwith theProvinceandtheIslandsTrust,BowenIsland’sannualTax RequisitionFormulawithintheIslandsTrustAct?” FormoreinformationontheCommunityOpinionPollonthe IslandsTrustTaxRequisition,visitourwebsite: www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca/community-opinion-poll Miller Road Culvert Rehabilitation Singlelanealternatingtraffic August15-26 MillerRoadatKillarneyCreek CrewswillbecompletingtherehabilitationworkontheKillarney CreekculvertonMillerRoad.Expectsinglelanealternatingtraffice Followthedirectionsofflaggers. www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca/alerts 2022 GeneralLocal Election Work Opportunity-The Count TheChiefElectionOfficerisseekinginterestedpersonsto workduringthecountforthe2022GeneralLocalElectionbeing heldonSaturday,October15,2022. When:Saturday,October15,20228:00pmtoapprox.11:00pm Where:BowenIslandCommunitySchoolGym, 1041Mt.GardnerRoad What:$30/hr4hr.max Ifyouareinterestedinthisworkopportunity,pleasecontact theChiefElectionOfficer HopeDallas,ChiefElectionOfficer 981ArtisanLane,BowenIsland,BC V0N1G2 Email:Election2022@bimbc.ca Phone:604-947-4255x229 Fax:604-947-0193 Drinkingwateradvisory for people with compromised immunesystems TheProvincialHealthOfficeradvisesallBritishColumbians withcompromisedimmunesystems(suchasHIV,organor bonetransplants,chemotherapyormedicationsthatsuppress theimmunesystem)toavoiddrinkingwaterfromanysurface waterorgroundwaterthatisundertheinfluenceofsurface water,unlessithasbeenboiled,filtered,distilledortreated withUV.BowenIslandandotherareasinBritishColumbiause surfacewatersources(lakes,rivers,streams). Thisisnotageneralboil-wateradvisoryforthegeneral public,butratherisdirectedonlyatpeoplewithcompromised immunesystems. Ifindoubtaboutyourimmunesystemstatus, pleasediscussthisfurtherwithyourphysician. www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca/drinking-water-advisory 2022 GeneralLocal Elections August 30, 2022 Nominationperiodbegins September9,2022 Nominationperiodends September16, 2022 Lastdaytowithdrawfrom beingacandidate September17, 2022 to October 15, 2022 Campaignperiod October 5, 2022 8:00 am - 8:00 pm AdvanceVoting@Municipal Hall October 15, 2022 8:00 am 8:00 pm GeneralVotingDay@BICS October 19, 2022 4:00 pm Declarationofofficialresults
Nicholsonacknowledged the limita tions of the survey,specifically that it only soughtanswers from business owners and not employees or the general public.Italsodoesn’t address the under lyingissue of housingaffordability. Butcouncil agreed the information obtained wasstill valuable,and for warded the survey results to the Housing AdvisoryCommitteefor further analysis
Almost half of responses said increased travel costs for employees who have to commute impacttheir business –this number was91per centfor responses in the contractingindustry.
Employee housing problem has madeoperating abusinesstougher since2007
Delays to the project originally scheduledtobecompletedthis year -due to lack of fundingmeantthe three-year leaseagreementsignedin2019 between BIRCHand the municipality (BIM) need ed to be renewed.BIM agreed,but with a tighter timeframe of one year. “Inthis current market theremay be otheropportunitiesthatpresentthemselves.Sowewanttomake sure that BIRCHand Lookoutunder standthatthereis areal desireby the municipality to putthat landto its bestpossibleuse,” said BIMchief administrativeofficer Liam Edwards of the Miller Road property. “It’snot adisincentiveatall.The cur rent agreementhas astatement in there aboutaneedtoshowand demonstrate positivemovement toward action.So this is really to trytoencouragethat and leavethe municipality to perhaps pursue alternatives if somethingis shiftingornot,” said Edwards. Theone-year leaserenewal will be finalized at the nextcouncil meeting on Sept.26.
Theworkerhousingissue is affecting all aspectsofbusinesses too, physically, emotionallyand financially. Two-thirds of owners sayit hurtstheir ability to both hireand retain staff,while morethanhalf of answers showed both owners and their staff areexperiencingburnoutasaresult.
Themunicipal business licenceoffice estimates thereare around 520 full-time employees on Bowen, not countingbusiness owners.Seasonal workers add about another 310 people to the island’s work force –and housingsearch
“Weeither provide it ourselves(seasonally) or limit ourhiringtothosewho already have housingonthe island. This makes it very difficult to grow the business andtoadd services that woulddraw morepeople duringthe slowerwinter months,” read one comment.
bowenislandundercurrent.com •A3Thursday, August 18, 2022 ISLAND NEWS
BIRCH finalizing lease renewal Gary’s Corner Your Mayoralnewsletter August16,2022-Hello,BowenIsland. OnAugust10,2022,MetroVancouverannounced aproposalforanewregionalparkonBowen Islandthatincludesdayuseandcamping.This proposalallowsforanopportunitytoprotect landsatCapeRogerCurtisforpublicusein perpetuity Whilethisproposalisanexcitingopportunity formany,werecognizethatitalsopresents challengesandimpactstotheresidentsofBowen –manydetailsneedtobeironedout,inparticular transportation. TheacquisitionofthelandisaprivatematterbetweenMetro VancouverRegionalDistrictandtheprivatedeveloperCapeonBowen; however,theMunicipalitywillbeactivelyengagedintheparkplanning process,includinglanduserezoningthatrequirespublicengagement. MetroVancouveriskeenlyawareofmanyofthepotentialimpactsonisland infrastructureandisdeeplycommittedtoatransparent,comprehensive planningandengagementprocesstoensuretheproposedparkservesthe BowenIslandcommunity,aswellasresidentsoftheregionwhowishtospend moretimeinnature.Accesstotheproposedparkwouldfocusonactive transportation—likecyclingandhiking—aswellaspublictransportation andshuttles,andprotectionofthisecologicallyimportantareawillbetop ofmindduringdevelopmentandoperation.CrippenRegionalParkisan exampleofMetroVancouver’sparkstewardship,andwithresponsiblepark management,problemslikeillegalcampingcouldbemitigated. Similarly,theMunicipalitycommitstokeepingeveryoneinformedasthis projectevolvesandsharingthedetailsoftheplanningprocessasthey emerge. Theplanning,approvalandimplementationforaregionalparktakesyears, andwewillworktoensureBowenIsland’sinterestsandyourconcernsare addressed. MayorGaryAnder Ifyouwouldliketoprovidefeedbackinthemeantime,pleaseemail BowenIslandParkPlanning@metrovancouver.org
Thelargest number of responses came from the commercial (retail, food and beverage) and contractingsectors. This providedsome varietyasfar as what typeofaccommodationswould be suit able.For example,contractor responses showedtheir employees were morecomfortable with atinyhome than workers in other sectors. “Our staff would need to stayintiny homes that theycan bringwith them and then departwithatthe endoftheir con tract,” read one writtenresponse. Over half of commercial and contract ingowners said temporary usepermits (TUP) for RVsortrailers would help their seasonal staffingneeds,and 70 per cent of all owners expressedinterestinthe TUP model.The municipality will be exploringwhether aTUP seasonal worker housingprojectisfeasible on Bowenin advance of the 2023 summer reason. Other popularsolutions includeda collaborativeeffortbetweenbusiness owners,“to addressstaff housingneeds through projects such as adormitory,tiny home site, or purpose-built staff hous ing,”oramatchmaking service “to connect homeowners with available accommodation and businessowners who need staff housing.”
Half of businessessay the problem has impacted theirhours,one-thirdsaiditmeans they’reopenlessdaysof theweek, and near ly half saythe lackofhousing options have impeded their business growth.
“Justreadingsome of thosecomments, it’s amazinghow much of it’s just word of mouth.And howbythe time hous ingbecomes available to somebody, it’s gone.Ithas to be donebeforethat,”said mayorGaryAnder Many responses alsoindicated the business haseither given up lookingfor workers,orwill only hirepeople already livingonBowen.
Oneresponsecommented on the “Owner and employeestress. Notknowingifyourvaluable employees canstay or will have to leavethe island.”Another notedthe “Changingferry schedule for shift work.Veryhardtomanagethe changes, delays,etc.Exhaustingover the summer for off-island staff.”
TheBowen Island Resilient CommunityHousingproject is on track to renewtheir leaseonLot 3, though with ashorter timeframe this go-around. BIRCHexecutive chair Robyn Fenton updatedcouncil at the end of July on the 27 unit project’s recent progress,which includes signinga Memorandum of Understandingwith the LookoutHousingand Health SocietyinJune. Lookout, who provide health, hous ingand supportservices acrossMetro Vancouver,Vancouver Island, and the Fraser Valley, will ownand operate the building upon completion, which is estimated to be aboutthree to four yearsaway. Lookoutwill also be takingthe leadonfuturefundingapplications toBCHousing’sCommunity Housing Fund. BIRCHwereunsuccessful in a2021 fundingapplication to the organization, wherejust 50 of 190 submissions were accepted
Lookoutsaysthey’rehopingthe next round of fundingopportunities will be open for applications in early 2023.
Theinformation gathered showedsev eral of theseissueshaveactually gotten worseovertime.A2007 Affordable Needs HousingAssessment showed 39 percent of businesses were havingtroublehiring, and 29 percentsaid lackofaffordable housingwas affectingtheir growth.Those numbers aresignificantly higher today, at 68 and 46 percentrespectively. “Ifyou look at the report from 2007 and you look at what people aresay ingnow,the ability to hireand retain staff appears much worsecurrently,” said Coun. MaureenNicholson. Acommon responsetohow owners were helpingstaff look forhousingwas word of mouth.Thismethodoften boils down to luckorexistingconnections though,and isn’t overly reliable as a housingsearch strategy.
THE WRITE STUFF TheUndercurrent encourages reader participation in your communitynewspaper.You must include your full name and adaytime phone number (for verification only). Theeditor reservesthe righttoedit forclarity, legality, brevityand taste. Please limit to under 500 words. HERE’S HOW:Tosubmit aletter to the editor,fax 604-947-0148 or mail it to #102, 495 GovernmentRd.,POBox 130, BowenIsland, BC V0N 1G0 or email editor@bowenislandundercurrent.com.
A4 • bowenislandundercurrent.com Thursday, August 18, 2022 AllAdvertising and newscopycontent arecopyright of the Undercurrent Newspaper. Alleditorial content submitted to the Undercurrent becomes the property of the publication. TheUndercurrent is not responsible forunsolicited manuscripts,art work andphotographs National NewsMedia Council TheUndercurrent is amember of the National NewsMedia Council of Canada, which is an independentorganization established to dealwith acceptable journalistic practices and ethicalbehaviour.Ifyou have concerns about editorial content, please email editor@bowenislandundercurrent comorcall 604-947-2442. If youare not satisfiedwith the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit the websiteatmediacouncil.ca or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 foradditional information. 2011 CCNA CANADI AN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER AWARD 2011 PUBLISHER Matt Blair publisher@bowenisland undercurrent.com CARTOONIST Ron Woodall ADVERTISING Tracey Wait ads@bowenisland undercurrent.com EDITOR Alex Kurial editor@bowenisland undercurrent.com #102–495 BowenTrunk Road, PO Box130, BowenIsland BC,V0N 1G0 Phone: 604.947.2442 Fax: 604.947.0148 bowenislandundercurrent.com DEADLINE foradvertising Monday, 4p.m.DEADLINE foreditorial Tuesday5p.m. BowenIslandUndercurrentSubscription Rates: Mailed 1year subscription on BowenIsland: $55,including GST. Within Canada: $85including GSTNewsstand(Single Copy)$1.50per copy,including GST ISSN 7819-5040 VIEWPOINTS Dear Editor, Iusually enjoythe variety of opinions expressed on the Undercurrent’s Viewpoints page butamdisappointed that you would publish Ron Woodall’sdiscriminator ycartoon, August 11, 2022. It insults all visitorstoBowen Island, wheretourismisand always hasbeen amajor industr yand job creator. In my experience, tourismbrings adiverseand enrichingmix of stimulatingand appreciative people to ourshops,restaurants,shops,beaches and social life Mr.Woodall is privileged to have a place in The Undercurrent that lets him expresshis often-humourousviews on life at Bowen. By demeaningone groupofpeople,heabusesthat priv ilege. -Ron Chalmers On Headlines Reader doesn’t feel the humour
Well readers, therewas certainly no shortage of news that developed lastweek. And no shortage of commentarytogoalong with it Asmentionedinthe newsletter Sunday, this is undoubtedly a good thing, as the sharing ofideas will lead to astrongerend result for all projects (the proposed park/campground inparticular). Wordsare afunnything, and sometimes can be read andabsorbedindifferentways. A few recentheadlines on thesetopics of inter est were broughttomyattention as perhaps needingclarity, so IthoughtI’d sharemy thoughtprocessincraftingthem. “New regional park for BowenIsland”: Onereader aptly pointedout theparkisn’t a done deal. While the online versionhad ‘proposes’ in the title,the paperversion didn’t. Upon reflection this was likely due to lackofspace and rushingtolayoutthe story which brokeonour production day. There was alsosomeswitchingoftenses during the story that mayhavecaused confusion. Sometimes Iview time rather abstractly and swapbetweentenses morefreely than rec ommended. While the storydoescontain references to the proposed natureofthis project,with amatter likethis wherethings can change quickly, it’s importanttobecrys tal clear throughout,and not leave anyroom for interpretation. Future articles will stress this is in the draft stage. There’salsothe letter on Page 5which takes issuewith “Bowenvoters to have their say on Islands Trustdeal”. To preface,I do hopethe letter writer means ‘misleading’ in the confusingsense, rather than anything intentional. If thereisevera pointofconfu sion, my owngrammatical issues aresurely atfault,rather than an attempt to stir thepot My logic therewas,Bowen voters arebeing asked to expresstheir approval or disapprov alwiththe tax requisiton formula Bowen has with IslandsTrust through theIslands Trust Act, as outlinedinmultiple agree ments (deals, contracts,pickyoursynonym), includingthe 1999 Letters Patentand 2014 Islands Trustand BowenIsland Municipality Protocol Agreement. With future negotia tions regardingthe Islands Trust Actpotentially influencedbythis vote in October,I felt it wasfair to saypeople will have asay (through the ballot box) on the deal we have withthe organization. Therewas no intent to imply we arevotingonleavingthe organiza tion, as the second sentence of the story and inner headline clearly state Ialsoencouragepeople to checkout theIslands Trust website to learn about the different“deals”Bowen Islandhas with the Islands Trust. So thereyou have it,alittle look inside my decision making process. Ihopeit made some sense, headline writingcan be a diffcult art, often with lots of info needingtobecompressed into afew words. Butwhether you find mine generally clear or confusing, Iappreciate all thefeedback, because it means you are readingand payingcloseattention!So thank youreaders,asalways. Iwill keep tryingmybest. -Alex Kurial,Editor
bowenislandundercurrent.com •A5Thursday, August 18, 2022 VIEWPOINTS
Cyclists deserve aspot on the road too
Thequestion is designed to controla certain outcome,a leadingquestion. Does anybody elsefeel manipulatedorperhapsexploitedtoserve ahidden agenda? What arethesenegotiations meanttoachieve? Obviously, areduction in Bowen’sannual financial contributions,but howmuch would be considereda success? Lookingatthe possible gains,the numbers arequite sobering.Let’s assume,wewill enduppay ingonly 50 percentofthe current contributions,i.e. savings of $160,000. That amounts to lessthanthe cur rently declared costoverruninthe Snug Cove Sewer patch-up project. In view of multi-million-dollar capital projects on the island –itappears frivolous to focus on negotiations over chickenfeed when millions canbelost through inefficiencies and lack of focusonour own affairs Since Staff and Council have recently adoptedthe view that opinion polls provide value,why not paste afew other pertinentquestions onto the ballots,e.g.: “DoYOU believethat the municipality is deliveringits service portfolio efficiently?” “Do YOUbelieve that themunicipalityisperhaps overstaffed?”
-RichardWiefelspuett AMatterofTrust MEGA YARD SALE MOVING OUT LOTS OF ITEMS! 10 -3pm1532 Tunstall Blvd. SATURDAY & SUNDAY AUG 20-21! This weekend! Register onlineat www.rotaryrunforrwanda.com FerryDock,BowenIsland Kids'1.5Krun/walk,startsat8:30am 10K run &5K runorwalk start at 9:00 am AgreatstarttoBowfest! A AggrreeaattssttaarrttttooBBoowwffees Agstt!! reatstarttoBowfest! Kids 10 years oldand younger, run from ferrydock throughthe park to Miller Road and back –areallyeasy 1.5K.Registration is $10 andmom or dad can run orwalk for free.Everyone gets amedaland there are prizes forthe topboy and girl! Familiescan register together for the 5k or 10k runfor $60.And dogs arewelcometo join in the funtoo! You alsoreceivea cool teeshirt when you donate$25 or moretoKomeraCanada. For lateregistrationon the day of therace arrive before 8:30 am And, arriveearlytoget yourrace bib! Come join us and help younggirlsin Rwandapay for their education.
Dear Editor, If thereeverwas aprize for the mostmisleading headline,this one could be the one to beat:“Bowen voters to have their sayonIslandsTrust deal” (UC11 August,2022). Thearticle introduces an opinion poll plannedinparallel with theupcomingmunicipal election as beingabout “Bowen’sfuturedealings with the Trust”. In fact,thereisnoIslands Trustdeal, therenever was, there never will be.The Islands Trust is hereto stay,and BowenIsland is apartofit. Butone must keep on readingtounderstand this and that the Trustrelatedquestion embedded in the 2022 municipal election ballots does not presentan opportunity to vote fororagainstthe IslandsTrust TrusteeKaile,who did not ask anybody’s opinion when he joinedasplinter groupin2021 to force athird-party audit on the Trustwants to be clear that the poll is strictly relatedtothe tax formula used to calculate ourannual contribution. Presumably, he wantstobe re-electedasaTrustee anditis understandable that he feels compelledtomakethis pointveryclear.Healso wantstobeclearthat he’s workinghardon“new direc tions”inthe Trust. Where does he want to go?And how does he know–without apoll -that BowenIslanders supportthese“new directions”? This Council haspaid little attention to the public ly expressed opinions of Bowen’sconstituents.The Ecclestone Beach dockdebacle,the Snug Cove Sewage TreatmentPlant and the recently amendeddetached secondarysuites bylaware buta few examples that have been met with strong opposition from the public Butthe public’s voices were dismissed.Council followed its ownopinions,with the alleged supportofthe elusivesilentmajority–unsubstantiated by anyfacts, no polls,nothing. All of asudden, it appears that ouropinions are importantand 5out of 7Councillors were convinced that it is necessarytoask Bowenvoters for their opinion on aTrust matter.You canfind the question on BIM’selection websiteand Councillor Hocking explains whysuch an obviousquestion is being asked:Our negotiators(who aretheyagain?) need “ammunition” for the plannednegotiations aboutthe IslandsTrust tax formula AndCAO Edwardsfurther alludes the Province wants to see strong supportfromthe people when BIMconfronts the Trust. Howdoesheknow? Whyisthereno transparencyon his dialogue with the Province?
Dear Editor, Iama regularcyclist commuter on Bowen. My ride takemeacrossthe island, then onto Marine Driveinto the city. Twice nowI have been verballyabusedbydrivers while ridingacrossthe island. Ihavebeen accused of “not pullingtothe side”when acar is behind me Thereisnopaved side and at placesitisverydangerous to go off the pavement. Iwas alsoyelledatto “get on the bikepath!” when goingdownthe hill into the Cove.That bikepathisfor cyclists goinguphill. To ride down it would be very dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists coming up Ironically, Iwas doingthe speed limit(30klm) when yelledat. Iwas alsonearly hit by acar asImerged from that bikelane onto the road goinguphill. Themerge is rightwherecarsstoptoturn to Artisan Square. A trucksped up to pass on theright, acar waitingto turn. This happens as Iwas mergingontothe road. On Marine DriveinWestVan, the traffic is well aware of cyclists on the road and Ihavehad no such incidents there. Thedrivers arerespectful, patient, and most importantly, safe.Only on BowendoI runintoroad rage andunsafe driving. It seems we have some drivers herewho don’t understand that cyclists here have little options buttostayonthe road to getacrossthe island. WhenI livedinOttawa, a32year oldwoman waskilled on abikebyacity bus. It wasa similar merge pointfroma bikepathtoaroad wherethe bushit her as she came out. Isupposeacyclist will have to die or have life alteringinjuries,before the municipality will make it apriority to fix the cycling infrastructurehere. Ifor one to not wish to the the sacrifice to the “autogods”sothat the mortals in charge understand the importance of safe cycling infrastructure. As for auto drivers,ifyou arefrustratedby being “sloweddown” by thepresence of acyclist, then startlobbyingthe municipalitytoprior itizecycling infrastructureacrossthe island! -Kim Selody
“DoYOU supportthe process of dissolvingthe municipality and become again just another island in the IslandsTrust?” Iguess we cancastour vote on October15toexpress ourviews on the aboveand other questions by electing candidates that appear to be more committedtothe promises made duringthe campaign. Which brings me to my final question: “DoYOU still believethe electedCouncil determines the futureofBowen Island– Yeah or Nay?”
A6 • bowenislandundercurrent.com Thursday, August 18, 2022 BowenFireDepartmentsizzles at HotSummer Nights Avery,LukeandBennettHatton-Corneymaywellbefuture membersofthedepartment. BowenIsland Fire Rescue hostedthe second of its ‘Hot Summer Nights’series August 4atBowen Island Community School. Kids gottomeetthe localfirefighters, takeatourofa firetruck and practice attachinga firehosetoa firehydrant. Of course, theyalsogot the opportunity to spray thefirehosethemselves,with some help from firefighter SteveEdwards. Visitors alsopickedupsome firesafety tips,alongwith afew gifts and treats for the road following their hard work. Alex Kurial photos Proudly Celebrating 44 Years of Trusted Transportfor Bowen Island &HoweSound Cellular: 604-250-2630 Telephone: 604-947-2243 •PRIVATE CHARTERS AVAILABLEANYTIME •SERVICE TO MANY LOCATIONS IN HOWE SOUND 604-250-2630 Since 1978 Water Taxi Water Taxi Water Taxi email: cormorantmarine@telus.net web: cormorantwatertaxi.com Pedal-assist and throttle Hydraulic disk brakes Front suspension BoweneBikes is here to repair and maintain your Envobikes. We have parts in stock, and experience maintaining these bikes. Total Weight –22.8 kg (50lbs) Max Power–500W Max Torque –60Nm Range –100 km Max Speed –32km/h
bowenislandundercurrent.com •A7Thursday, August 18, 2022 TheQuigley family -Tracey, Kris,Parker andCarson -familiarizethemselves with the fire department’sgearandequipment.Parker’sjacketmayneedaquickhembeforehetackles hisfirstrealblaze. Family Place is looking for acoordinator for Daddy and Me who will help support Dads in their parenting role and create awelcoming space for Dads and their children. *Starts in mid to late September *Orientation and training provided *Salary commensurate with experience and education IS HIRING! https://bowenchildrenscentre.ca/blog-news/ FOR MOREINFO After School Club Manager After School Club Coordinators Early Childhood Educators and Assistants Daddy &MeFamily Program Coordinator POSITIONS AVAILABLE Position Available Daddy and Me is a Family Place outreach program specifically designed for “Dads” (Dads, Stepdads, Grandfathers or any other caregiver/role model). Saturday mornings from 9-12, includes “Dad chat” and acreative atmospherefor Dads to engage with their children and each other Send aletter of interest and your resume to the executive director info@bowenchildrenscentre.ca by September1,2022 Looking for an inspiring, on-islandcareer opportunity? PARADE @1:15pm (themeisAnimalsofBowen –wild, pet and farm) BANDS The Irish Pipe Band Never Was StraightUpSeven Hills Black Molly GAMES Boat Building LEGO contest &zucchini contest Science WorldDemonstrations Arts and crafts &Field Games Famous slug races Adult tricycle races Volunteers stillneeded!Signuphere: https://slotted.co/bowfest2022/ Follow usonFacebook and visitour website www.bowfest.org SATURDAY,AUGUST27, 2022 2:00PM –8:00PM @Bowfest Field ADMISSION BY DONATION –CASH ONLY
A8 • bowenislandundercurrent.com Thursday, August 18, 2022 NoticeofNomination PUBLICNOTICEisherebygiventotheelectorsofBowenIslandMunicipalitythat nominationsfortheofficesof: MAYOR–one(1)tobeelected COUNCILLOR–six(6)tobeelected MUNICIPALTRUSTEEFORISLANDSTRUSTCOUNCIL–two(2)tobeelected willbereceivedbytheChiefElectionOfficeroradesignatedperson,asfollows: From9:00amTuesday,August30,2022 To4:00pmFriday,September9,2022 DuringregularbusinesshoursandexcludingStatutoryHolidaysand weekendsat: BowenIslandMunicipalHall 981ArtisanLane BowenIsland,BC V0N1G2 Phone:604-947-4255 Fax:604-947-0193 Email:Election2022@bimbc.ca Originalsoffaxedoremailednominationdocumentsmustbereceivedby theChiefElectionOfficerby4:00PMFriday,September16,2022. NominationformsareavailableatMunicipalHalluntilthecloseofthe nominationperiodat4:00PMonFriday,September9th. QUALIFICATIONSFOROFFICE Apersonisqualifiedtobenominated,elected,andtoholdofficeasa memberoflocalgovernmentiftheymeetthefollowingcriteria: •be18yearsofageorolderasofgeneralelectionday; •beaCanadiancitizen; •bearesidentofBritishColumbiaforatleast6monthsbeforethe nominationdate •notbedisqualifiedundertheLocalGovernmentActoranyother enactmentfrombeingnominatedfor,beingelectedtoorholdingthe office,orotherwisebedisqualifiedbylaw Forinformationoncampaignfinancingandthird-partyadvertisinglimits, pleasecontactElectionsBC: Toll-freephone:1-855-952-0280 Email:lecf@elections.bc.ca Website:www.elections.bc.ca/lecf Contact: HopeDallas,ChiefElectionOfficer Email:Election2022@bimbc.ca Phone:604-947-4255 Website:www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca/2022-election NoticeofListofRegisteredElectors PUBLICNOTICEisgiventotheelectorsofBowenIslandMunicipalitythat theListofRegisteredElectorsforthe2022GeneralLocalElectionisavailable forinspection. BeginningAugust30,2022untilthecloseofgeneralvotingfortheelection onSaturday,October15,2022,acopyofthelistofregisteredelectorswillbe availableforpublicinspection,atMunicipalHallofficesat981ArtisanLane, BowenIsland,duringregularofficehours,MondaytoFriday8:30AM–4:30 PM,excludingstatutoryholidays Beforeinspectingthelist,apersonmustsignastatementthattheywill notinspectthelist,makecopies,orusetheinformationincludedinthe listexceptforthepurposesofPart3–ElectorsandElectionsoftheLocal GovernmentAct.RequestscanbemadetotheChiefElectionOfficervia email,fax,orin-person. REQUESTTOOMITOROBSCURE Anelectormayrequestthattheiraddressorotherpersonalinformationbe omittedfromorobscuredonthelistofelectors.Theelectormustcontact theChiefElectionOfficerortheDeputyElectionOfficertomakethis request. OBJECTIONTOREGISTRATIONOFANELECTOR Anobjectiontotheregistrationofapersonwhosenameappearsonthe listofregisteredelectorsmaybemadeinaccordancewiththeLocal GovernmentActuntil4:00pmonFriday,September9,2022.Anobjection mustbeinwritingandanobjectionmayonlybemadebyapersonentitled toberegisteredasanelectorofBowenIslandMunicipalityandonlyonthe basisthatapersonwhosenameappearsonthelistofelectorshasdiedoris notqualifiedtoregisterasanelectorofBowenIsland. HopeDallas,ChiefElectionOfficer Email:Election2022@bimbc.ca Phone:604-947-4255 Fax:604-947-0193 Website:www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca/2022-election NoticeofCommunityOpinionPoll ACommunityOpinionPollisaninformalandnon-bindingcommunication opportunitythatassistsCounciltogaugecommunityinterestonaspecific matter BowenIslandMunicipalCouncilhasresolvedtoundertakeaCommunity OpinionPollintandemwiththeupcomingmunicipalelectiontobeheldon Saturday,October15th,regardingtheIslandsTrustTaxRequisition. Thequestionontheballotwillbe: “DoyousupportBowenIslandMunicipalityrenegotiatingwiththeProvince andtheIslandsTrust,BowenIsland’sannualTaxRequisitionFormulawithin theIslandsTrustAct?” FormoreinformationontheCommunityOpinionPollontheIslandsTrustTax Requisition,visitourwebsite: www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca/community-opinion-poll PA ID AD VERTISEMENT
Please seePage11for many more details on the event. Monday,September12 Tir-na-nogTheatreSchoolbegins2022/2023CourseSeason. Ages 6years to senior.For further information contact Tir-na-nogtheatre@shaw.ca WeekendUpdate Nectar Yoga on thePier (beside theferry) 10:15 am.$15, pre-register at nectaryoga.ca Drop-in space maybeavailable BowenIsland Farmers Market BowenIsland Community School 10 am to Noon every Saturday. Community Centre Update Construction update: we havewalls! OverthepastmonthattheCommunityCentre constructionsite,it’sbeenallaboutbuildingforms forthefoundationwallsandpouringconcrete We’restartingtoseethefootprintofthebuilding takingshape!Thisworkisanticipatedtocontinue throughoutthesummerandfall. Funfact:theconstructionoftheCommunity Centreisat12%! Whatwill you do at the Community Centre? WhilewewaitfortheCommunityCentretobe built,weareimaginingallthewayspeopleofall agesandabilitiescanbenefitfromthiscentralized publicbuilding,nestledintheheartofBowen IslandinSnugCove.It’sdesignedformaximum flexibilityinallofitsmulti-usespaces Hereareafewexamplesofwhatyoucandoatthe Centre: •AttendaJazzercizeclassatthefitnessstudio •Holdaconferencewithyournon-profit societyinoneofthemeetingspaces •Teachapotteryclassinthemulti-usespace •Meetupforabirdwatchingclassintheview courtyard •Seearockbandplayintheperformingarts auditorium •Hostacommunitypotluck •Picnicrainedout?Moveitintothecentre lounge •Applyforyourbusinesslicenceorbuilding permit Fundraising: we ’ re getting close, but westill need your support. Didyouknow?We’vealreadysecured85%ofthe funding,butwestillneedtoraise$3.5millionto meetthecapitalbudgetof$18.7million. TheCommunityCentre’sfundingstrategyis multi-faceted,with55%ofthecapitalcostsbeing fundedfromFederalandProvincialgrants,28% fromMunicipaldollars,andtheremaining17%from communitydonations Youcanhelpbymakingadonation!Scanthecode belowtogotoourwebsite. Sponsoraseat!TheCommunityCentrewillhave alargemulti-purposeroomwith180retractable seats.Theseseatswillhostourcommunityfor yearstocomeattheatricalperformances,allkinds ofconcerts,movies,culturalevents,conference lectures,graduations,townhalls,andthelistgoes on.Youcanwatchademovideooftheseatsasthey areretracted,transformingacomfortable,purpose builtperformanceauditoriumintoalargemulti-use spaceforothertypesofprogramming.
Saturday, August 27 Bowfest Summer celebration from 2pm to 8pm. Parade is at 1:15 pmthis year.Boatbuilding, Lego and Zucchini contests, Science World Demonstrations,Artsand crafts,the world famous Slug races,Adult tricycle races,and more! Bands include Irish PipeBand, NeverWas,StraightUpSeven Hills, and BlackMolly.
The21kmend of summer race begins at 9am. Regisration is open until September2.Nosame dayregistration.
Handloggers Half
August 15-19 BowenIslandGymnastics Summer Camp Jr Gymnastics Camps 10 am to Noon eachday Ages 5yrs -7yrs Costs:$25 perday or $100 for the week GymStarsand GymClub Gymnastics Camps Times:12:30 pm -3:30 pm eachday Ages 8yrs and up Costs:$35 perday or $150 for the week Email: bowengymnastics@gmail.com to register Wednesday, August 24, 31 SummertimeBabyJams -Bowen IslandLibrary Join us for afree, drop-in program of songs, books,and rhymes for babies 0-18 months and their caregivers! 10:30 am to 11 am Monday,August 22 Rotary SpeakerMargaretButler On Rwanda and Komeraat Artisan Eats,7:30 pm Monday,August22 Tir-na-nOgTheatre’s Annual SummerStage Intensive Begins with ‘The Tempest.’ Ages 14 years and up.For further information contact ~Tir-na-nogtheatre@shaw.ca Wednesday, August 24 WorkBC CareerAdvisor Available for drop-in sessions from 2to5 pm at the Bowen IslandLibrary. Come getone-on-one help with resumes,cover letters, interviewing, job searches,insights on the job market, career and education advice,and morefromaWorkBCCareer Advisor. This free drop-in service is in the LibraryFlex Room on the 4th Wednesdayofthe month: September28, October26, and November 23.
Thursday, August 25 Pico’sPuppet Palace at theBowenIslandLibrary 2pm. (Following the Summer ReadingClubMedal Celebration.) Through puppetry, livemusicand storytell ing,learnabout ecological and environmental issues,innovations and ideas! In this show, Pico will need help from new friends after crash landingonanisland! Free,for all ages of children and their caregivers Saturday, August27 Rotary Runfor Rwanda 10K run, 5K run/walk,1.5K kids run. Snacks,prizesand lots of fun. Register at rotaryrunforrwanda.com
August 30 to September9 Declarationperiodtorun for Municipal Office To request aNomination Package: Email the Chief Election Officer at Election2022@bimbc.ca(specify preferredformat of package,hardcopyorelectronic) Drop by Municipal Hall duringregular businesshours (M-F 8:30 AM -4:30 PM) to pickupa hard copy. packages areavailable until 4:00 pm Friday, September9th Saturday, September3 Marathon
Thursday, August 25 Summer Reading Club MedalCelebration -Bowen IslandLibrary Drop-in. All ages &caregivers.1:30 pm —Young readers canparticipate in theSummer ReadingClub Medal Ceremony&Celebration, wherewecelebratethem completingtheir 50-dayReadingChallenge.Come for medals, snacks,and agroup photo.Ifyou’renot able to collect yourmedal at theceremony, not to worry, just come to the Libraryfront desk and showusyourreadingtracker booklet tocollectyourmedal!
bowenislandundercurrent.com •A9Thursday, August 18, 2022 COMMUNITY CALENDAR
WriteonBowen aresounding success! Jacqueline Masseyphotos Deliveredtoyourmailbox! 604-947-2442 ads@bowenislandundercurrent.com Every week for $55 per year ($85 to off island addresses) Thank you for your support of local journalism now and always. If you are not sure if you have renewed,please call us to avoid disruption
Ahuge thankyou to ourworkshop facilitators and presenters: Susan Alexander,Bob Baker, Windy Dorresteyn, KenHegan, CC Humphreys, Pauline Le Bel, Elee Kraljii Gardiner, Kung Jaadee, Jude Neale,Lisa Shatzky, Brian Thomas-Peter,FionaTinwei Lam,Sam Wiebe, Lindsay Wong and MichaelSpindloe.
A10 • bowenislandundercurrent.com Thursday, August 18, 2022
Astanding ovation to ourpartners TheHearthand the BowenIsland Public Library--and oursponsor, TheCopper Spirit Distillery, as well as ourcommitteeincluding: Jami Scheffer, MathildeRohr, Jennifer Streckmann, Marysia McGilvray, Aubin vanBerckeland Allie Drake, and volunteers,Craig McDonald, Aryana Raine,AndyPowell-Williams and Gary Williams We also acknowledge and are appreciativeofsupport from the BC Arts Council and theBowen Island Municipality.
Warmly, -Carol Cram &JacquelineMassey
CAROLCRAM&JACQUELINE MASSEY Co-Directors /Write onBowen Many thanks areinorder as we wrap upthe very successful 2022 Write on Bowen Festival held earlier this month atthe Cove Commonsand the Copper Spirit Distillery. Writers of all genres and levels came from near and far to fill 160 workshop spots over the week end, learningfromand inspired by authors and writers who shared their knowledgeand craft of the written and spokenword. An engagingluncheon panel provoked thoughtand discussion about truth in writing. TheSaturdayeve ningGalapleased an enthusiastic audience as theyenjoyedthe diverse presentations of poetry, crime fic tion,scriptwriting, live music and muchmore.
bowenislandundercurrent.com •A11Thursday, August 18, 2022
PHIL OSBORNE Contributor We’reinthe tail-end of summer and that means one thing(other than backtoschool!) -Handloggers Half is coming up on Labour Day weekend (Saturday, September3 starting at 9amatthe ferrydock)!The now legendary21kmmountain trail adventureonBowen Islandisthe perfectway towrapupthe summer and enjoythe fun and camaraderie of ahomegrown trail event. This will be the 9th year for the event which attracts an international field of runners.Wehaveregistrations from acrossCanada, theUSand western Australia for this year’s event. Therace canbecompletedindividually or as arelay in ateam of three, withhandoffs at eachofthe aid sta tions.Therewillbedrinks,snacksand great prizesavailable at the finish line, as well as three aid stations on the course. Thecoursepassesthrough Crippen Park, and around KillarneyLake before the climbbegins up the Skid Trail to HandloggersTrail allthe way to LauraRoad to the mid-Island Trail. This year runners will experience the scenic and new Grafton Lake Trail beforereturning to the Cove via Crippen Park.The spectacular Finish is on the Causeway at the end of CardenaRoad. If you’realready registered -thank you from the Race organization and see you soon! OureventwillbeCUP FREE this year.So, if youare runninginthe race, pleaseremembertobring yourown re-useable cup for useataid stations and finish line If you haven’t signedupyet registration is open until September 2! Butbe quickasregistration is almost full and therewill be no dayofrace registration available. Full details areavailable on ourwebsite (handloggershalf.com), or email handloggershalf@gmail.com with anyquestions.Our
race is sanc tionedbyBCAthletics and we have a COVIDeventrisk managementplan in place to runasafe and happyrace foreveryone Proceedswill continue to supportBowen Island Trail Societyand other worthy causes benefittingthe BowenIsland community. We areverygrateful to have anumber of community sponsors and community-based volunteers supporting ourrace again this year Handloggers Half Marathon is almost here! 9THEDITION OF THE END OF SUMMER RACE IS JUST OVER TWOWEEKS AWAY BARNABYAND SAGE Meet Barnabyand Sage!Barnaby is overthe moon to have gained alittle sister! He is sharing allhis treats and toys,and couldn’tbe happier to show herall the ropes of beinga good dog. We recently saw Sage forher puppyvaccines and shewenthomewith acleanbillof health. We can’tw much shegrows bef appointmentinafew REGULARHOURS TuesdaytoFriday9-5 Saturday9-1 ClosedSundayandMonday Toscheduleappointments,pleasecall Get our FREE newsletter in your inbox! bowenislandundercurrent.com/account/mailinglist
Lego design contest: youcan design anythingyou want, just make sure you have awrite up lettingusknowabout your inspiration. If it is toobig,you canbring a photoin, and stories and photos of your favourite animal (farmorpet or wild). Theremay be some other fun things to be found at the CountryFairtent, so make sure you drop by.And thank you to everyone for helpingtokeepthe quirky local traditions aliveand well!
A12• bowenislandundercurrent.com Thursday, August 18, 2022
Zucchinis,Slugsand Lego,ohMy!
Bringawell-treated slug from your home garden in acontainer.You mayalso bringabribe to place at theend of the track. No water spray bottles and no snails allowed! TheBowfestslug races have beenanannual tradition that hasbeen ‹running› since the very firstBowfest, and is partofthe reason Bo the bananaslug is Bowfest’s mascot Slugjockeys arereminded that as well as namingand caring for yourslugs,you areresponsibletoreturnthem backto yourgarden.
Bringyourbiggestzucchinis to be weighedand admired,bring lego creations (orphotos) of youroriginal animal themedLego designs, andbring your own slugs to race down the raceway eightata time!
SARAH HAXBY Slug Race Official/ Bowfest What do the biggestzucchinis,racing slugsand legoanimal creations have in common? Youwill find them allatthe BowfestCountry Tent from 2pmto4:30 pm on Saturday, Aug27. TheCountry Fair Tent is oneofthe many traditions at the annual community festival. Some yearsthereare more contests,but throughout the years,these three contests have formed acoreoffun for all ages
(Left)ThewinnerofRaceOnein2014:aracingslugnamed `Banana` racedbySofiaZ., and her family,and Adult Fibre Arts winner Lois Belluk.(Top)
Lego Contest (create afarm or garden-inspired lego creation, explain howyou were inspiredtocreateit.)Youthwinner:KevinH.,withHonourable Mentions: JoshY.,and Sabrina and Duncan G. /Submitted (Above,right) Slug Race scenes from racespast /Bowen IslandMuseum&Archivesphotos DEPART HORSESHOE BAY 5:50am 6:50am 8:00am 9:05am-except Wednesdays 10:10 am 11:15 am 12:40 pm 1:55pm 3:20pm 4:40 pm 5:45 pm 6:50 pm 7:50 pm -except Saturdays 9:20 pm 10:20 pm DEPARTBOWEN ISLAND 5:20 am except Sundays 6:20 am 7:20 am 8:35 am 9:35am 10:40am 12:05pm 1:15pm 2:40pm 4:00 pm -exceptWednesdays 5:10 pm 6:15pm 7:20 pm -exceptSaturdays 8:50 pm 9:50pm 10:50 pm Queen of Capilano Ferry Schedule JUNE 23 -SEPTEMBER 5 Note: Schedules subject to changewithout notice Please check BCFERRIES.COM Schedulechangesonstatutoryholidays Places of Worship WelcomeYou CATES HILL CHAPEL www.cateshillchapel.com 604-947-4260 (661 CarterRd.) ST.GERARD’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH BOWEN ISLAND UNITED CHURCH FOOD BANK DROP-OFF Sunday Mass at 9.30 Contact Angela Powell 604-947-2515 SHIRATHAYAM (Song ofthe Sea) BOWEN’SJEWISH COMMUNITY Shabbat Gatherings ~Holidays Contact aryana.rayne@gmail.com SundayWorship 10:30 am Rev.Lorraine Ashdown www.biuc.ca |1122 MillerRoad Sunday Worship10:00 Services offeredin-personoronline viaZoom. Link availableonwebsite Rev. Phil Adkins 778-688-2061
ofIsland choirs Members of Carmina Bowena managed to stayingood spirits while rehearsing outdoors duringthecoldwintermonths./NicoleZyczynskiphoto Noticeofintentiontodisposeofavesselundersection36(a)of theWrecked,AbandonedorHazardousVesselsAct AHazardousVessel–BLUEMAX–anapproximately28ft.sailingvessel,thatwaslocatedat49°25’05.4”N 123°19’04.4”W,ColumbineBay,BowenIsland,BC,iscurrentlyconsideredtobehazardoustothemarine environment Thisnoticeisissuedinconformitywithsection39oftheWrecked,AbandonedorHazardousVesselsAct(WAHVA) andisofficialnoticeoftheMinisterofFisheries,OceansandtheCanadianCoastGuard’sintentiontodisposeof thisvesselafter30daysfromwhichthisnoticewasgiven. Anypersonwhohasliensorotherinterestinthisvessel,oranyquestions,shouldcontactthe CanadianCoastGuard’sVesselsofConcernProgramat:DFO.CCG.VOC.WEST-GCC.NP.Ouest.MPO@dfo-mpo.gc.ca orcalltheCCGRegionalOperationsCentreat1-800-889-8852nolaterthanAugust21,2022,
Bowensingers invited
To do that, they firstneed afew moresingers.Carmina Bowena needsthree morebass vocalists,astheycurrently only have one confirmed. Thechoir is also waitingtosee if they’ll have atenor spot that needsfilling.
CarminaBowenameets on Tuesdaynights, usually for around twohours.Rehearsals will likely startat6 or 7pm. Zyczynskidoesn’t want to stoptherethough. She’s alsohopingtoresurrect the aforementionedMen on the Rock, apopular island groupformedin2016 that, likemanygroups,was broughtto ahalt during the pandemic “I just keep hearingmoreand morehow people miss it.Manysay ‘ohI thoughtMen on the Rock washere, they’ve been around forever. In factitwas onlyreallyfive years, but I guess it feels like a real pillar somehow,” says Zyczynski. Thechoir –16men at its peak –playedmanyBowen events such as LightUpthe Cove,RotaryCluband United Church performances,and, sadly, apair of funerals for twooftheir members. Singingmoremodern pieces,includingTom Waits, the Beach Boys andBob Dylan,the choir even sold out performances on the mainland. During Covid lockdowns Menonthe Rock tried to keep things goingvirtually, butthe feelingwas lostwithscreen performances.Someparticipants have leftthe island sincethen and, much like CarminaBowena, the pandemic hasdeterredsomepeople from groupgatherings for the foreseeable future. “Itwillall depend on who is interestedtocome back. Maybethereisnew blood on Bowen,”saysZyczynski of anypotentialrevival. There’snoaudition for anymen wanting to join the group. Zyczynski says anyone wanting to joiniswelcome,and she will taketheir trainingfrom there. “Any guywho cansignbasically,iswhat thestipulation is.Itdoesn’t really matteriftheyreadmusicatthis point,” she says Anyone interestedinjoiningeither choir canget in touch with Zyczynski by email at ntzharmonium@mac com,orphone at 778-926-4286. to check pair referencenumber2022-0171. delaLoisurlesépavesetlesbâtimentsabandonnésoudangereux Unnaviredangereux-BLUEMAX-unvoilierd’environ28pieds,quiétaitsituéà49°25’05.4”N123°19’04.4”O, ColumbineBay,BowenIsland,C.-B.,estactuellementconsidérécommedangereuxpourlemilieumarin. Conformémentàl’article39delaLoisurlesépavesetlesbâtimentsabandonnésoudangereux(LEBAD), leprésentavissertd’avisofficieldel’intentiondelaministredesPêches,desOcéansetdelaGardecôtière canadiennedeprocéderàl’éliminationdunaviredansles30jourssuivantladateàlaquelleleprésent avisaétédonné. Toutepersonneayantunprivilègeouunautreintérêtdanscenavire,oudesquestions,doitcommuniqueravec lesservicessuivants:ProgrammedesnavirespréoccupantsdelaGardecôtièrecanadienneau DFOCCGVOCWESTGCCNPOuestMPO@dfo mpogccaouappelerleCentredesopérationsrégionales
Forthoseinterested, the choir’s current repertoire includes Renaissance songsfromthe 16th and 17th centuries,combinedwithmodern choral music from 1950 onwards “There’ssome similarity, musically speaking,” explains Zyczynski of themulti-centuryleapforward in time.“Howcomposerswrite nowadays,they’re often inspired by the same musicaltexture from the Renaissance in many ways.Sothat’s whyIchosethat… Alsoit’saway to highlight some of ourCanadian contemporary composers.”
bowenislandundercurrent.com •A13Thursday, August 18, 2022 ALEX KURIAL Editor Nicole Thomas Zyczynski is puttingthe word out: her pairofchoirsislookingfor Bowen’svocal talenttofill their ranks Zyczynski formed CarminaBowenalastyear,following years of involvementwiththe island’s choirscene.Most notably this includedstartingthe well known groupMen on the Rock. Menonthe Rock hasbeen on hiatus for awhile now (moreonthatlater), butinthe meantime anew group hasemerged. Zyczynski fostered the inspiration for the acappella (no help from musical instruments) lastsummer,and by fall the reception wasenough to turn it into a viable movement. “We’re eagertoget outand do somethingagain. Singing means alot to alot of people.I don’t think until you’ve done it you canreallyunderstand,”saysZyczynski of the group’sorigins.Following ayear-and-a-half of pandemic restrictions,people were longoverdue to gather together again. “It’sachemistry, it’s an adrenaline,there’sall kinds of positive things… Certainly people with an addiction to that –oratleast really enjoy that –theywerethe first ones to contact me in the middle of Covid,”explains Zyczynski.Her callout for 12 to 16 singers yielded more than 20. “I did audition this groupbecause Idid want people to know howtoread (music)and Ithoughtwecould learn things fasterand move on and do concerts moreoften,” says Zyczynski. “And that therewas aturnoverofmusic that wasgreater than averyamateur groupthat hastolearn things more by ear.Sothat wasthe intentofthat choir– just takingit up anotch.” Thename?Appropriately, it means ‘Songs of Bowen.’ Thegroup gathered steam through the fall, buta Covidresurgencelateinthe year caused many partic ipants to rethink their involvementinthe groupactiv ity. By the time winter hit,Carmina Bowena’s ranks hadthinned. “But the choir went on,” says Zyczynski. Theremainingmembers adjusted to restrictions,holdingoutdoor rehearsals on member’s porches,and even holdinga small Christmas meal and concertfor each other –despite the fact it wascold enough to seetheir breath Outdoor practices were therealitythrough June,when the choir felt comfortable enough to gather in Zyczynski’s house. Theperseverance haspaidoff:the groupsang at apairofperformances this summer includingthe Strawberry Tea, andare nowlooking to bolster their performingcapability thisfall, with perhapsevenawinter performance at Tir-na-nOg.
A14• bowenislandundercurrent.com Thursday, August 18, 2022 HEALTH& WELLNESS To advertise here please call 604-947-2442 email ads@bowenislandundercurrent.com BOWEN ISLAND WELLNESS CENTRE 604-947-9755 at the entrance to Artisan Square Suite 597 Bookonline at bowenislandwellnesscentre.ca Birch Wellness BOWEN ISLAND SUDOKUBC WIDE CLASSIFIEDS @bowenislandundercurrent.com ANSWERS PUZZLE TODAY'Sfollow us on @BowUndercurrent follow us on @BowUndercurrent GENERAL EMPLOYMENT ROCKY MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT is NOW HIRING: AG Equipment Techs, Heavy Equipment Techs -Journeyman &Apprentices,Parts Techs. View Open Roles & Apply: www.rockymtn.com/careers. Relocation and Signing Bonus Offered. WANTED NUMISMATIST PURCHASING COIN COLLECTIONS &ACCUMULATIONS! Royal Canadian Mint, Canada &World CollectionsWanted. Also buying 9999 bullion, old money,jewelry,nuggets, sterling, gold, silver,coins, bars, monster boxes +++ ESTATES WELCOMED! Todd 250 864 3521. MARKETPLACE Call or email to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-362-0586 •604-653-7851 classifieds@van.netbowenislandundercurrent.com Your Community
bowenislandundercurrent.com • A15Thursday, August 18, 2022 TimRhodes REALTOR® 604.341.9488 RHODES ON BOWEN REAL ESTATEMARKETING going that extramile rhodesonbowen.com tim@rhodesonbowen.com RoB 604-987-7663 BOWENISLAND ROOFING ROOFING&REPAIRS Trade ticketcertified #00012-RO-96 II I&I TOWING HAULING LTD Vehicles •Construction Equipment Sea-Can Containers •Tiny Homes Bowen Island •Greater Vancouver Vancouver Island •Sunshine Coast Michael Bingham •604 947 1717 ianditowhaul@gmail.com WindowBlinds On Bowen 778-995-1902 BOWEN ISLAND SPECIALISTS! QUALITYSERVICE GUARANTEED! Keep Calm andCallEcono 604.980.3333 991WestFirst Street,North Vancouver, BC www.economovingandstorage.com WWW WHITEHART CA ADDRESS 302-566 ARTISAN LANE BOWEN ISLAND,BC PHONE 1(778) 999-3434 BUILTGREEN BC BUILDER NEW CONSTRUCTION RENOVATIONS RESTORATION ADDITIONS SECONDARYSTRUCTURES UNIQUE OUTDOORSPACES SUB CONTRACT WORK CONTACTUSFOR AFREE QUOTATION Bowfest is back Saturday August 27th! andthe parade is back too! Watch for our Bowfest edition next week!
A16• bowenislandundercurrent.com Thursday, August 18, 2022 BRAIDED BRIOCHE ARTISAN BAKE SHOPPE $8.99 /each* CINNAMONBUNS AT THE RUDDYCAFÉ $4.29 /each* FREE RUNEGGS VITA EGGS SPECIAL! $6.99 /1doz.* RAISIN BREAD UPRISING BREADS SAVE 20%* Whole Wheat! COFFEE PARADISE MOUNTAIN $15.99* IntroPrice! VEGAN EGGS - JUSTEGG SAVE $2.00! $7.99 each* HAMSTEAKS COOK'S SAVE $1.00! $7.59 /454g* PEANUTBUTTER NEWWORLD $8.99-1KG(asstd)* �rom the Café: Solly's is back in store! Knish,Challah, atkes & emonBundt Cake available now! SUMMERBRUNCH BOCCONCINI TRE STELLE SAVE$2.00! $5.99 /200g* ASSTDJUICES BOLTHOUSE SAVE$2.00! $7.99each* 4POTATOHASHBROWNS DR.PRAEGER'S SAVE$2.50! $7.99 each* VEGAN BREAKFASTSAUSAGE HILLARY SAVE$1.60! $6.99 each* Spicy&Apple! PANCAKE &WAFFLE MIXES BOB'SREDMILL SAVE$1.00-$3.00! $6.99-$11.99 each* 4Varieties! Fuel up&make themost ofthese sunnysummerdays! FAMILY FAVES! NEW! PLANT BASED! & WAFFLE