Bowen Island Undercurrent September 29 2022

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Candidates tackle issues at open forum


It was the first major in-person gathering of candidates in this year ’ s Bowen municipal election on Tuesday night, as crowds trekked up the hill to Belterra Cohousing to hear from their potential new mayor and council.

Michelle Johnson moderated the event and asked ques tions a wide range of questions, along with taking questions fromtheaudience OnPage7you’llfindagatheringofquotes from the candidates closing statements, in the order they spoke at the forum More of the candidates answers from earlier in evening can be found on our website later on Thursday

There are plenty of other opportunities in the com ing days to get out and see the candidates, including Speed Dating at the Pub on Thursday night from 5 to 7 pm It’s the public’s chance for a one on one with those running, and to ask the questions that may not make it into an all candidates debate

And this Sunday, October 2 is the Undercurrent’s all candidates debate, for mayor, council and school board, at Bowen Island Community School Doors open at 3 pm, with the event starting shortly after at 3:30

Paul Lieske photo MARY
$1 inc GST REFLECTIONS ON TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION PAGE 4 SQUIRRELY SITUATION: A firsthand run-in with island wildlife PAGE 12 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 VOL. 48 NO. 36 BIUndercurrent BowUndercurrent .50 RING THE ALARM: The new Fire Hall on Miller Road is officially ready to serve, following the opening ceremonylastSaturday,September24 Duringtheevent,BowenIslandCommunityFoundationmadeasurprise announcement, which you can read more about on Page 9 And, you get to meet the firefighters this issue too! Head over to our Fire Department spread on Pages 10 11 to see all the volunteer members /
Macdonald Realty AWARD of EXCELLENCE 2021 & 2020 604 220 7085 buyonbowen com O H SAT  SUN • OCT 1 & 2 • 12 3pm 3 bedrooms • 3 bathrooms • 3562 sf • 0 30 acres C S P         C’ E R $,, South facing and filled with natural light this spacious family home is just steps to Sealeigh Beach exclusive to strata residents The 3rd floor loft like Primary Suite, designed by architect James Tuer, features vaulted ceilings and a wall of ocean view windows


National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Eachyear,September30markstheNationalDayforTruthand Reconciliation

Thedayhonoursthechildrenwhoneverreturnedhomeand Survivorsofresidentialschools,aswellastheirfamiliesand communities Publiccommemorationofthetragicandpainful historyandongoingimpactsofresidentialschoolsisavital componentofthereconciliationprocess.

BowenIslandMunicipalityisclosedonSeptember30,andwe encourageeveryonetowearorangetohonourthethousands ofSurvivorsofresidentialschools

September30thisalsoknownasOrangeShirtDay,intendedto raiseawarenessoftheindividual,familyandcommunityinter generationalimpactsofresidentialschools,andtopromotethe conceptof“EveryChildMatters” Theorangeshirtisasymbol ofthestrippingawayofculture,freedomandself esteem experiencedbyIndigenouschildrenovergenerations

A2 • Thursday, September 29, 2022 BowenIslandMunicipalHall 981ArtisanLane BowenIsland,BC V0N1G2 Hours:8:30am 4:30pm MondaytoFriday Closedstatutoryholidays Phone: 604-947-4255 Fax: 604-947-0193 Email: Website: BowenIsland Municipality Find us on Facebook bowenislandmunicipalityca/subscribe Subscribe to our mailing list September29,2022 Contact Bowen Island Municipality wwwbowenislandmunicipalityca
AllCouncilmeetingsareopen tothepublictoattendin personorelectronically, unlessnotedotherwise. October 11, 2022 6:15 pm RegularCouncilMeeting October 18, 2022 7:00 pm TransportationAdvisory CommitteeMeeting October 24, 2022 6:15 pm RegularCouncilMeeting PAID ADVERTISEMENT Seeking Public Comment on Development Variance Permits CouncilwillbeconsideringapplicationsforDevelopment VariancePermitsatitsmeetingonOctober11,2022 ApplicationDVP 2022 0065for1724BowenBayRd(shownon map)seekstovarythesetbacktotheseaandrearsetbackfor thedevelopmentofaprimarydwelling ApplicationDVP 2022 0189for1672WoodsRd(shownonmap) seekstoreducetheseasetbackforthedevelopmentofa primarydwellingandcarportaccessorybuilding. Fullapplicationdetailsmaybeviewedonourwebsiteat Yourcommentsarewelcome.Writtensubmissionsmaybe deliveredby4:00pmonOctober11toMunicipalHall(contact informationbelow)inperson,bymail,byfax,orbyemailto mayorandcouncil@bimbcca Submissionsmayalsobemadeto MayorandCouncilatthemeeting: 6:15PMonTuesday,October11,2022 inCouncilChambers,MunicipalHall Toensureafairprocess,submissionscannotbeaccepted oncethemeetinghasended Questions?PleasecontactNatashaCheong,IslandCommunity Plannerat604 947 4255orncheong@bimbcca
Applyatbowenislandmunicipalityca/jobs 2022 General Local Election October 2, 2022 3:30 pm 6:00 pm AllCandidatesForum hostedbytheUndercurrent @BICS October 5, 2022 8:00 am - 8:00 pm AdvanceVoting@Municipal Hall October 15, 2022 8:00 am - 8:00 pm GeneralVotingDay@BICS October 19, 2022 4:00 pm Declarationofofficialresults

TUP application heading to public info session

Deliberation on a proposed temporary use permit on Bowen’s south side has been delayed until more information can be gathered on the project

Bowen Island Properties (BIP), a local development company, applied for the temporary use permit (TUP) this summer for their property along Seymour Bay Drive

The stated purpose in the application was to “build a temporary facility to fabricate wooden housing compo nents and panels for a three year period ”

The shed like facility where the housing parts would be built would be classified as light manufacturing, which makes rezoning of the residential area necessary

Earlier this month BIP also applied for temporary worker accommodation on the site

Opposition to the applications began to mount at the Residents of South Bowen Community Association (RSBCA) annual general meeting Sept 10 Community members unanimously passed a resolution asking council to delay hearing the TUP application at Monday’s meeting, and last week brought an RSBCA delegation to a special council meeting to further voice their opposition to the project.

The delegation went further than their stated desire to delay proceedings, instead saying the association was against the project altogether. During Monday’s public comments section Wayne Seaman, once again representing the RSBCA, stated this remains the neigh bourhood organization’s position.

Five other people spoke against the TUP’s, while man ager of planning and development Daniel Martin noted that of the letters the municipality has received so far, 21 have been opposed compared to one in support

While RSBCA had the floor last week, this time around BIP developers were present to speak to their plan

“Obviously we got off on the wrong foot We fol lowed what the application suggested, but in hind sight I now very much realize that an issue like this should have had a public engagement component to it,” said BIP manager Darron Jennings, noting he sent an information letter to RSBCA who he credited with distributing to its members

“What we thought was a practical means forward to address some of these (housing) challenges, and a way to lessen the impact of construction on the neighbourhood, unfortunately has been perceived to be an unsuitable and dangerous detriment This was not the intent at all,” says Jennings, adding BIP is fully supportive of hosting a pub lic information session

Fellow BIP manager Wolfgang Duntz also spoke to council, focusing on what he says is a difficult reality for construction prospects on Bowen

“The people which we used to have, have left us And we cannot hire anybody new because there’s no housing So since we cannot even accommodate those we desper ately need to create housing, we have to look for different ways of doing construction,” said Duntz

“Not having labour on Bowen Island, not having the housing to accommodate labour, we might as well say if

we are not allowed to find alternatives, realize there will be no more construction on Bowen Island ”

“If that is council’s desire if there is no more housing, than just get used to rising prices, and more and more very unpleasant deteriorations in our community,” Duntz continued.

But councillors were also concerned they didn’t have enough details on the facility or the worker housing accommodations to move forward just yet

“I don’t have enough information the community doesn’t have enough information Clearly there are some misunderstandings but fair enough when there isn’t information,” said Coun David Hocking

He also stressed that since Bowen’s Official Community Plan says TUP’s should only be issued “provided the use will not create an unacceptable negative impact upon the character of the neighbourhood,” the current one sid edness of resident feedback received won’t lead to success

“The neighbourhood needs to be brought along Without that it wouldn’t work,” says Hocking

Coun Rob Wynen agreed, saying that “If we ’ re going to go ahead with something like that we need broad based community support, and we obviously don’t have that with the letters we ’ ve been getting I think there needs to be way better communication done, and I think the developer recognizes that as well ”

“If there is no community support and this is just thrown in there, we could just be creating a really big problem, and I think that would be a big mistake,” said Wynen

Coun Sue Ellen Fast suggested a site visit for council in addition to the public information session, which was agreed to Council voted 6 1, with Fast in opposition, to send the entire TUP application to their Oct 24 meeting for further discussion, which will allow BIP to perform the required community outreach

“I think it’s fair to give them another run at it One of the biggest objections was there was no public consulta tion with this, and I think it’d be fair to give them time to organize some public consultation and refine their appli cation,” said Mayor Gary Ander

(604) 947 6965 • A3Thursday, September 29, 2022


Records & Comment

To start, a tremendous thank you. Last week’s 32 page Undercurrent was our larg est ever, and it is absolutely only possible through the contributions of you the reader. Whether that’s writing submissions, spend ing time with me for an article, or just snap ping a photo, every piece of content makes the paper come together each week I never cease to be amazed at the way the commu nity rallies each week to support the paper, it has been incredibly heartwarming, and certainly a top highlight of my time on the job so far

We received lots of feedback on a house policy here at the Undercurrent regarding letters to the editor, specifically whose would be eligible for publication or not Typically, any and all letters (within reason) are good to go That said, election time is a different animal, and like during the 2018 municipal election we tweak our policy accordingly That includes not running letters from can didates running for a political position, or letters from anyone endorsing candidates or disparaging other candidates

As was pointed out this is not the case at every paper, but we believe that in a small town, and with a small staff, it’s the best way to keep things fair, to avoid coming off as favouring any candidate or set of can didates over another, or to fall victim to a coordinated letter writing campaign

On that note, I won’t be offering up my opinion on the candidates or who you should vote for either (not that I presume, being quite new here, to think that would influence anybody anyhow). But I’ve always found that a strange practice from newspapers, whose role in my opinion is to give people the infor mation to make an informed vote, not tell them how they should vote.

Next week’s island wide issue is also our candidate profile issue, where you’ll be able to read answers from everybody to some of the island’s more pressing questions We asked more questions than will likely fit on the page, so each candidate’s responses will go up as an online story on Oct 6 as well AND, we of course hope to see you at our all candidates forum on Sunday (see more info on Page 9) We’ve received some amazing questions from all of you, and I truly thank everyone who took the time to write and help strengthen our democratic process

The Road Leading Us Home

White eggs White

White bread

White man

Whiting out life Throughout the land Even the children

Even the children But not their souls

Their spirits live on To show us the road Leading us home

To the source

That is love At the core Of their bones

The above is submitted in remem brance of the children who died while attending Canada’s residential schools Let us see to it that they have not died in vain by heeding the message that every child brings to us that our ulti mate truth and reconciliation can only be found in our surrender to what truly matters in our lives. John

Truth and Reconciliation Day is this Friday, September 30.

Correction Corner: Last week’s letter, titled ‘Hopes for the next council’ , was submitted by Heather Hodson, not Heather Hudson We apologize to both Heather’s for the error As well, square footage numbers for the Community Centre listed in the Sept 15 article ‘Community Centre seeking final funding’ should be as follows: Municipal Offices 4,200 square feet; Community Spaces 12,690 square feet; Total Space 19,483 square feet (including 2,573 sqaure feet of storage and mechanical space which do not factor into either of the first two totals

THE WRITE STUFF The Undercurrent encourages reader participation in your community newspaper You must include your full name and a daytime phone number (for verification only). The editor reserves the right to edit for clarity, legality, brevity and taste Please limit to under 500 words HERE’S HOW: To submit a letter to the editor, fax 604-947-0148 or mail it to #102, 495 Government Rd., PO Box 130, Bowen Island, BC V0N 1G0 or email

All Advertising and news copy content are copyright of the Undercurrent Newspaper All editorial content submitted to the Undercurrent becomes the property of the publication The Undercurrent is not responsible for unsolicited manu scripts, art work and photographs

National NewsMedia Council

The Undercurrent is a member of the National NewsMedia Council of Canada, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour If you have concerns about editorial content please email editor@bowenislandundercurrent com or call 604 947 2442

If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit the website at mediacouncil ca or call toll free 1 844 877 1163 for additional information

A4 • Thursday, September 29, 2022
Ron Woodall ADVERTISING Tracey Wait ads@bowenisland EDITOR Alex Kurial editor@bowenisland undercurrent com #102 495 BowenTrunk Road, PO Box 130, Bowen Island BC,V0N 1G0 Phone: 604 947 2442 Fax: 604 947 0148 bowenislandundercurrent com DEADLINE for advertising Monday, 4 p m DEADLINE for editorial Tuesday 5 p m Bowen Island Undercurrent Subscription Rates: Mailed 1 year subscription on Bowen Island: $55, including GST Within Canada: $85 including GST Newsstand (Single Copy) $1 50 per copy, including GST ISSN 7819-5040


Good Day,

I’m not privy to any particular relationship details between the community associa tion and Bowen Island Properties, but do know Wolfgang Duntz and company over the years have sold a lot of homes to first time owners (who are now very well endowed) with minimal profit, not to mention the parks, Tir na nOg, Island Pacific School, Cates Hill Chapel, modern septic treatment system and irrigation with a golf course to Bowen among other public amenities Caring should be unquestioned

Like others, BIP has lamented rising construction costs and even barged in modules, without remedy

The issue is that when mainland transport, ferry charges and travel time are charged on every delivery AND worker it adds likely $100/sq ft and more

If residents want affordable housing here, it must be at least framed here with mostly local trades supplemented if required by import accommodation

This property is well away from current or near future residencies and noise and increased traffic would not be noticeable

Bowen needs this, please support it

Thank you,

Mr Mayor and Councillors,

Thank you once again for the oppor tunity to address this most con cerning issue... the threat to Bowen Island residential communities. As indicated in my previous presentation, it bares repeating publicly.

I speak on behalf of many a represen tation of the general sentiment of South Bowen Community residents the growing Petition of Opposition, and all those who have directly sent you letters of opposition

The message is clear our collective position remains firm, consistent, and united we adamantly oppose and reject any idea that light manufacturing be allowed in or effect our residential area or any others on the Island

In regards to the proposed transient workers camp we ask why was this information or complete details not included in the original permit request and done so in a more timely manner? Why was this information not better orga nized or forthcoming? We point out that Bowen Island residents have already

experienced problems with the tempo rary campers conducting work on the new water treatment facility. We also share with you that two similar transient worker camps were recently shut down in Gibsons for failing to comply with bylaws, rules, and regulations Such camps should not be allowed to negatively effect the lifestyle of a residential neighbourhood

So then, let us be perfectly clear No delays in proceedings, need for additional information, or revised proposals will alter our position

We implore that you do the proper thing this is a precedent setting decision Send the right message to the residents of Bowen Island Please DO NOT issue Temporary Use Permit #2022 0166 District Lot 2488

Thank for your attention, Wayne Seaman


the children who died at the hands of the residential school system as well as the Survivors, their families and communities.

colonialism, and specifically


Speaking on behalf of concerned Residents of South Bowen Mayor and Council of Bowen Island Municipality, Editor of the Undercurrent,
I don’t usually comment publicly on municipal matters, but this is important
Peter Winckler • A5Thursday, September 29, 2022
Opinions vary on Temporary Use Permits, worker accomodation, and the overall state of construction on Bowen A message from your local MLA S E P T E M B E R 3 0 T R U T H & R E CO N C I L I AT I O N DAY Every Child EMatters Reaffirming our commitment to meaningful reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples JORDAN STURDY MLA | WEST VANCOUVER SEA TO SKY 604 894 9403 Jordan Sturdy MLA@leg bc ca JordanWestVanSeatoSky @jordansturdy Jordan Sturdy NATIONAL DAY FOR TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION patrick 604 913 2660 PatrickWeiler MemberofParliament WestVancouver SunshineCoast SeatoSkyCountry September 30 marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
we honour
Acknowledging our history and the ongoing impacts of
is a key part of the reconciliation process I urge you to spend today learning, reading and listening to Survivors @patrickbweiler


Thanks to the outgoing cast

I suspect Rob Wynen’s recent September 15 Letter to the Editor, entitled, “Home for a rest” , sums up the thoughts and senti ments of all outgoing council members, either by choice or non election, quite nicely

Rob, thanks for saying it so well and thanks to you, Gary Ander, Michael Kaile and David Hocking for your years of dedi cated service While your collective efforts and decisions were not always appreciat ed, or considered right by everyone, we all know “ you can please some of the people

all the time, but not all of the people some of the time”

That said, all seven of our current coun cilors, and those who have gone before them, have done what 99 9986% of us +/ 5,000 residents ‘ on the rock’ have chosen not to do, allowing our names to stand for election to serve in public office so again, a sincere thanks to you all, you deserve retirement, at least from politics

Reader advises‘No’vote on opinion poll

Dear Editor,

All Bowen Islanders are being asked to vote YES or NO on the following question on the upcoming ballot: Do you support Bowen Island Municipality renegotiating with the Province and the Islands Trust, Bowen Island’s Annual Tax Requisition Formula within the Islands Trust Act?

Please vote NO This has nothing to do with my bias for the Islands Trust. The reason you should vote NO is that we cannot afford at this time to hire a negotiator (staff don’t have the time to

do this) and, even if we could, the cost of the negotiator will likely be more than any money that a negotiator might be able to knock off our annual tax requisition amount, which was $311,733 in 2021 (BIM Financial Statement, 2021)

The question on the ballot requires a loud and emphatic NO This is not about a review of the Islands Trust, which is taking place this is about wasting our tax dollars on a fruitless negotiation effort.

Yours truly, Nerys Poole

Bruce Russell
A6 • Thursday, September 29, 2022
FALL CLEAN-UP 2022 Decals will be available for sale at the Snug Cove General Store from October 3rd to October 12th ONLY. Drop off will be done by appointment ONLY Once you have picked up your decal, you can call Bowen Waste Solutions @ 604-947-2255 to book an appointment. The final day for booking appointments will be Friday, October 14th at 3:00 PM. A limited number of appointments will be made available. Drop off of materials will be inside the BIRD yard from Monday, October 17th to Saturday, October 22nd ONLY. Note: 1 decal per household only ABSOLUTELY NO Paint, Hazardous Waste or Drywall QUESTIONS? Check out Hazardous Waste and Paint Recycling October 22nd, 2022 • 10:00 am 3:00 pm @ Bowen Island Recycling Depot No fees to drop off hazardous waste or paint. Limit for all products is 10 containers per visit Paints and stains Hazardous Waste NOT Accepted: • Products that cannot be identified • Products that are leaking or improperly sealed • Empty containers • Commercial, industrial, or agricultural products • Cosmetics, health and beauty aids • Insect repellants, disinfectants, and pet products • Diesel, propane, and butane fuels • Caulking tubes • Fertilizer • Liquids only • Paint thinners, other solvents, camp fuels or liquid adhesives with the flammable symbol Max container size: Kerosene 9L Other liquids 10L • Consumer pesticides with the poisonous (skull & crossbones) symbol AND “Pest Control Product” registration number (REG #12345 PCP ACT) Max container size: 10L • In approved ULC containers only Max container size: 20L Gasoline Flammable Liquids Pesticides Waste Solutions Or container says Keep Away From Open Flame or Spark P.O Box202,BowenIsland,BCV0N1G0 604-947-2255 Used oil & automotive products Burnaby Ecco Center 4855 Still Creek Drive 604-294-7972 For items not found on this list, please call: BC Recycling Hotline 604-732-9253 Fall Clean-up Days Fees Approximately 5 garbage bags Approximately 10 garbage bags The contents of alevelpick up truck load Per mattress or appliance PLEASE NOTE: Non-complying loads are subject to refusal Small Load: 25.00 Medium Load: 50.00 Mattress or Appliance: 35.00 Large LEVEL Load: 100.00 visit to learn more about Sheelah Passionate advocate for public education in Bowen Island, Lions Bay and West Vancouver since 2014 RE-ELECT SHEELAH DONAHUE SCHOOL TRUSTEE Authorized by Sheelah Donahue, Financial Agent, 604-250-5383 VOTE SHEELAH DONAHUE ON OCTOBER 15

Candidate Closing Statements

Alex Jurgensen (Council): I real ly think that when we have diver sity on council and diversity can take many forms when you have diversity on council or any commit tee it really does lead to diversity of good ideas, that can be put togeth er to create something truly great I would encourage all of you to give that a thought when heading out to the polls to vote Let’s try to get that diversity on council where there’s a lot of wonderful, talented folks that can bring good ideas to build some thing great

Sue Ellen Fast (Council/Islands Trust): I’m here for nature and community I just adore living on Bowen, and I’ve had the pleasure of going to other islands as well I think we ’ re part of the federation of Islands through the Islands Trust, and I look forward to building more bridges between Bowen and the Islands Trust I think I’ve got a whole list of benefits the Islands Trust policy statement is one of the proj ects the Islands Trust is involved in now That’s a 20 year list of objec tives for the Islands Trust area, how things shall be done They’re envi ronmental mostly Those are under review right now, they’re updating them to include reconciliation and affordable housing, as well as climate action. That’s going to be an import ant thing, because that’s going to be like an umbrella over our Official Community Plan, which is sort of like our constitution. So there’s a bunch of places on there that I want to be able to work between Islands Trust and Bowen. And that’s why I’m look ing for your support.

Judi Gedye (Council/Islands Trust): I’m really enjoying the whole process of running for office I really do think that when we get together we can conjure up all sorts of good ideas My imagination is going in terms of BC Ferries having that cheaper run at 9:20 at night, how that filled up and took pressure off others How we can do a whole bunch of other things, it’s sparking all sorts of ideas I think that the more ways we have of interacting and communicating with each other,

and having ideas, whether it’s formal or informal, is going to be for our benefit With the Islands Trust, all the talk about the climate crisis and how do we find solutions, the Trust can be strengthened and it can get back to working properly by its mandate, that can work as being an engine for some of that work, and that can be a resource for us I think that this is a wonderful community, highly edu cated, everybody tries really hard, we trust each other, we ’ re willing to work through difficult problems, and this is a community that can do amazing things when we put our mind to it

Richard Wiefelspuett (Council):

I stand for protection, preservation and process I love the Islands Trust, the protection and safety layers are unique I think it supports a vision of this island federation that is real ly a treasure, not just for us but for the world I put Bowen right into that, and I think we can share that treasure with the world I think we need to do this in ways that are sus tainable, in ways that we are in con trol of and that we agree with, as the sovereign municipality that we are… Preserve and protect the beautiful nature, grow within our means, and really make sure that our island life style remains authentic… My team includes staff as well, and the peo ple on Bowen Island, because only if we all work together can we achieve that I’m looking forward to partici pating in creating that vision

Craig Macdonald (Council):

I think for any council to work it needs active involvement by people like you When I lived in Vancouver I lived in co op the community there was very strong and very active There is a lot of conversations, a lot of ideas were generated, the commu nity centres there were active areas of people coming in I’d like to see our new Community Centre, when it’s finished, become the same thing I’d like to see people come in and tell us what you want, how you want it done, and we’ll do our best to do that You’re vitally important to the equation here

John Saunders (Council): This has been a tremendous opportu

Belterra forum

nity to sit here and listen to some great questions and the answers that came back and forth from people that are ostensibly competing with each other But you didn’t hear any competition What we heard is agree ment that yeah that’s a big issue, and here’s how I might approach it Or oh I haven’t thought of that, let’s try that We all agree on what the problems and concerns and issues are The only thing facing us now is what are the priorities for those, and how are we going to address these That’s not going to get answered tonight, but I think the important thing is that we do We talk about vision a lot, we talk about goals, but what I heard is, we seem to have a lot of the same goals We do have commonality in that, and I think that’s going to be a huge bene fit moving forward for all of us.

Andrew Leonard (Mayor): The role of the mayor is to hold the per spectives of the council table. And I think you ’ ve heard tonight a lot of the complexity of those perspec tives. And a lot of those perspectives and those complexities do not have answers We’re going to be going into a council term where some of those answers have to be found, and then enacted in policy

Maureen Nicholson (Mayor/ Islands Trust): I’ve gone through about five different closing statements in my head and I can’t pick any one of them So what I’m going to say is thank you for being here Please vote wisely, this is a very important elec tion coming up Vote well, vote once

John Turner (Mayor): I just want to touch on the Islands Trust We have a sailboat and have been to a lot of the (Islands Trust) islands, I think they’re all highly unique, and we have a lot more in common with them than we do with West Vancouver The cost of it is an issue for a lot of people, but I see it like a monarchy When the Queen was alive I think it was a no brainer (that people liked it), but now with King Charles, I still have a soft spot We’ve got problems right now, but they’re not insurmountable With good communication we’ll get through it

Michelle Johnson (left, standing) moderated the all candidates forum at Belterra the evening of Sept 27. Candidates present were (L-R) Robin Burger, Alison Morse, Tim Wake, John Turner, Maureen Nicholson, Andrew Leonard, John Saunders, Craig Macdonald, Richard Wiefelspuett, Judi Gedye, Sue Ellen Fast, and Alex Jurgensen / Alex Kurial photo • A7Thursday, September 29, 2022
CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 Candidates offer their views at
Proudly Celebrating 44 Years of Trusted Transport for Bowen Island & Howe Sound Cellular: 604-250-2630 Telephone: 604-947-2243 • PRIVATE CHARTERS AVAILABLE ANYTIME • SERVICE TO MANY LOCATIONS IN HOWE SOUND 604-250-2630 Since 1978 Water Taxi Water Taxi Water Taxi email: web: NICOLE THOMAS ZYCZYNSKI FOR COUNCIL paid for and authorized by Nicole Thomas Zyczynski I am known for being: enthusiastic, energetic, vibrant, dynamic, authentic, persevering, supportive, flexible, inclusive, responsive, community oriented, patient, a good listener and level-headed. My agenda as a Councillor is not personal, but rather I see the role will need me to maintain an open ear I am someone who will listen carefully to the diversity of voices and always consider the dear citizens of Bowen Island. Morse, Alison X Re-elect Alison 4 Council Experience Counts For more information Authorized by Alison Morse as Financial Agent amm5@shaw ca

Felicia Zhu

Still Life in Motion: Rehome Meaningful Objects into a Live Art Event

The Hearth is about to host a quite unique Live Art and participatory event on Bowen Island, and it all relies on your participation! No pressure…

On October 1, twelve artists will work live for four hours, creating artworks around a still life installed in the center of the gallery You might think that artists interpreting a still life is quite a common subject in art history, but this one is a bit different

You, the visitors, will be the set design ers of this still life! Indeed, you are invited to bring meaningful, but not too precious, objects into the gallery on October 1 from 11 am to 8 pm Objects that keep your attention for their history, their textures, their colors, their shapes, etc It can be anything from a beautiful piece of drift wood you found last Summer, your favor ite plant, flowers, lamp, piece of fabric, pair of shoes, the family rocking chair, the typewriter you ’ ve had for so long, an old clock, a tambourine, a mirror, a rock, a book, a unique vase, you name it!

You can bring your objects to the gal lery for just an hour, for the whole day, or leave them for the whole two week exhibition, but don’t worry, you’ll get them back!

So, what if you stopped reading for a second to look around your house and ask yourself: Which meaningful object

from my home would I like to see in a painting? Why is it meaningful to me?

Imagine we were all moving into a new place together Like roommates, we would bring together objects and form a collective space made of different stories This is what the artists are going to work from, as well as from ephemeral scenes and spontaneous interactions that may occur on this day

While you will be able to drop off objects as soon as the gallery opens on October 1, the artists will start creating their artworks at 4 pm. During the Live Art event, you, again, will be able to inter act with these objects, rearrange them the way you like, sit with them, or, if you feel like it, you could step into the installation to tell the story of the object you brought, you could read a poem, sing a song, strike a pose, or simply be

At the end of this fun and promis ing evening, the artworks made on site will be showcased at the Hearth gallery around the remaining still life for a two week group exhibition

The Hearth is inviting all the Bowen community to take part in this collective and participatory art experience, and to encourage and watch the artists at work!

Still Life in Motion A Live Art Event will take place on Saturday October 1 from 4 pm to 8pm at the Hearth Bring a meaningful object into the gallery (Drop off starts at 11 am) It will be followed by a two week group exhibition from October 2 to 16

A8 • Thursday, September 29, 2022
Vote for a new voice as your West Vancouver School Trustee! Dedicated to improving Education in our community. 2021 Community Award Winner authorized by Felicia Zhu, financial agent.

Chair / Bowen Island Community Foundation

On Saturday, I had the immense pleasure of making a small presentation to our volunteer firefighters and their families at the opening of the new Fire Hall

Alongside the usual official remarks, from Fire Chief Aaron Hanen and Mayor Gary Ander, it might have seemed odd to have the Bowen Island Community Foundation on the speaker’s list

But really, it’s not that random, because commu nity foundations connect people and causes in order to benefit our community forever Specifically, we raise and grow endowment funds funds which are in place forever that perpetually generate income

that gets disbursed back into the community each and every year

So at the Fire Hall opening, I was happy to announce the establishment of an endowment fund to directly benefit our own volunteer firefighters and their imme diate families

It’s in the form of an annual award to support their pursuit of academic study or vocational training.

It is for both the high school student chil dren of our volunteers, and also for the adult vol unteer firefighters themselves to be able to pursue education and training opportunities mid career.

We have a generous donor who has contributed $100,000 to this fund so that it will generate $4,000 each and every year, in memory of local islander and former Fire Chief Brian Biddlecombe.

In addition to there being no age limit for applicants, what also makes this award unique is that the selection committee (which is to always include the current Fire Chief ) will consider all relevant aspects of an applicant’s life, contribution to the community, extra curricular activities, and unique experience when mak ing a selection.

Wherever possible, preference will be given to an applicant who is deserving of an opportunity in the eyes of the selection committee. This is not necessarily the most academically strong applicant.

The Biddlecombe Memorial Award is in recognition and gratitude to the commitment from our volunteer firefighters and their families. You all give so much to our community, and this is one way we can try and give back to you and say “Thank You ”

The new Bowen Fire Hall had its grand opening on September 24. / Paul Lieske photos • A9Thursday, September 29, 2022
Introducing the Brian Biddlecombe Memorial Award
Have a question for our municipal candidates? Please email Alex at Thank you! We're hosting a community all candidates meeting! SUNDAY OCTOBER 2 AT BICS GYM 3:30 - 6PM doors open at 3 pm This SUNDAY!
A10 • Thursday, September 29, 2022 • A11Thursday September 29, 2022

Close Encounters of the Furred Kind: A CautionaryTale


Those of you who know me well will vouch for the fact that I am not one to shy away from the wild er side of life Richard The Osprey lives on in local folklore Only last week I cast myself adrift from the safety of the Rock, and wobbled around for twenty minutes on a dodgy open kayak, without a paddle, in the unfulfilled hope of a close encounter with a humpback whale I even work with kids, I am that kind of a risk taker

Despite this reputation, I have to say that today was truly a walk on the wildside; in fact the wildside walked on me. Imagine the scene... The dappled, midday sun light filtering through the canopy of evergreen foliage. The small boy, in whose company I found myself, rush ing out of his house ahead of me; marvelling at how slowly old people, me, travel towards a trampoline when they have promised to bounce with him. When sud denly, it pounced! I mean it didn’t really pounce, but it could have. I mean it was close enough to pounce, if it had wanted to.

The boy passed it by with a quick glance and mut tered something as he sped toward the bouncing area. I was stopped in my tracks; surprised and, to no small degree, intimidated by the proximity of the beast. How close was it? I hear you ask. Well, at that moment the creature and I were both on an area of decking that was no wider than a sidewalk

I could see each of its whiskers, glistening in the late Summer sun I could count its claws and see the fine hairs on its back If it had Covid, there was a good chance I was getting it too It was that close!

As with previous life and death encounters, I searched my mind for useful information Ospreys, I understood, might be made docile by covering their heads with something Humpback whales have no ability to swallow a large object, like a per son Dogs like to sniff you, but you should check with their person first because the dog may sim ply want to bite you Cats, well who knows what cats are thinking right? Horses, keep your hand flat when you feed them or they’ll chew your fin gers off But what did I know about this usually shy animal? Not much

In my work with children, I have often been accused of giving misleading information to the youngsters in my care (Mostly the children make this accusation, but I always deny it!) There was the time when we passed a water tower that looked like a giant golf ball on top of a tee, and I convinced a bus full of kids that this was one of a chain of restaurants owned by a famous golfer It could have been true

And there was my theory about dinosaurs going extinct because they were very ticklish and Well anyway, I have said some things that may not have been totally based in fact Among my, occasionally mislead ing, statements was my daily warning to Kindergarteners heading out into the playground “Have fun, be nice and watch out for squirrels!” Kindergarteners are young, but they are certainly not stupid Within days of meeting me, most of them had learned to question almost everything I said

So when they heard my warnings about squir rels they responded appropriately; rolling their little eyes, shaking their little heads and saying things like, “Oh Stew!” Occasionally they would ask why they should be aware of squirrels, or they would assure me that squirrels were not dangerous Undeterred, I always reminded them that I am an adult and have seen a lot of things, and that they should heed my advice

Now, as this diminutive but clearly well built, wild thing stared me down, I suddenly came to regret my casual remarks about the dangers of proximity to squirrels “They could give you a nasty whack with their tail”, I would say “They can nibble their way right through a nut.” I would remind doubting five year olds. “Have you seen their shiny claws?” I would ask. But now it was me that was well within striking distance of this woodland terrorist. And, if I was not mistaken, it was getting closer.

Among the information that I could trawl up from my ageing memory banks, was the following. Squirrels are vegetarian, I was pretty sure. But I have met some vegetarians that I wouldn’t turn my back on, so I wasn’t taking any chances with this one. Maybe they could carry rabies? Bats are like flying squirrels, a bit, and bats can carry rabies. This was getting serious.

I looked around. Why was this usually timid rodent going toe to toe with me? Rabies? Maybe not Two small pumpkins sat nearby on the deck That was it I had inadvertently come between a squirrel and seasonal vegetables! It was like getting between a mama bear and its cubs; this was way past serious Discretion is the bet ter part of valour, my mother had once said This was not quoted in a squirrel related situation, but I still thought it might be valid

I maintained eye contact, tried to appear as big as pos sible and slowly stepped aside, giving the determined vermin an unobstructed pathway to lunch The squirrel wasn’t having any of it, and stepped sideways right along with me Rabies? The wee boy was totally uninterested in my dance with death He called to me about my promise to bounce, and paid no attention to my pleading voice as I asked him what he knew about this unlikely visitor to his home

As with my interaction with the aforementioned Richard The Osprey, my lifetime of work with children was to offer at least some modicum of hope Try to lower yourself to the child’s level Use a quiet calming tone of voice Don’t show any fear (Maybe that last one is more for bears and lions, but I use it with kids, just to err on the side of caution ) I don’t usually have kids sniff me, but I wasn’t sure how else to introduce myself to a squir rel, and I was starting to panic as the tiny visitor refused to be deterred or avoided

I bent down a little and spoke quietly to it I called it squirrel or little squirrel, I think On reflection, this may not have been totally the politically correct approach Imagine if someone, or a squirrel, came up to you and spoke to you and called you “human” or “ person ” But I didn’t know what else to say at that point (How the hell was I meant to know its name was Arthur?)

Anyway, it didn’t seem hung up on political cor rectness, it was way inside my personal space At the same time as I utilised my childcare and de escala tion skills, I slowly reached out a hand towards my nemesis Most of you won’t have been up close and personal with this type of wildlife, but I can tell you that they are a lot bigger than you expect, when you find yourself chatting with one, even this less than full grown looking specimen “Show no fear ” Can squirrels smell fear? Is that just dogs? Is that even possible? Focus Stew! Focus

Now, if you are a bit squeamish, or got nervous ear lier when I spoke about “pouncing” , you should proba bly stop here, make sure you are sitting down or have a friend nearby for support Sometimes on the radio or TV they will tell you there are phone numbers you can call if you are impacted by the content of a story I am not going to lie to you

There are no helplines for this kind of thing I have checked, believe you me Nothing! (Something to think about in this municipality as voting day


My hand was within a few inches of his or her lit tle teeth I could see them now, gleaming And that is when it happened It pounced! I mean really properly leapt on me No hesitation, no mercy, just nature’s cruel instincts, the squirrel relying on generations of ances tors and all they had learned And I was nothing but an unlucky victim of circumstance

One more statistic for experts to consider as they continue their struggle to end this sort of back country carnage I waited for the pain as its claws tore into my flesh, the touch of its teeth and the grip of its jaws on my throat ; stifling my screams, the trickle of my own warm blood as it flowed from the wounds, and the inevitable horrible sound of the poor child, so nearby, when he realised what was happening to the one person who stood between him and certain squirreling To my surprise, the wee thing just scurried up my arm and down my back No pain, no blood, not as much as a scratch There were stifled screams That was me, not the boy The boy did shout something about me coming to bounce soon, but I was still in shock

Was the squirrel just toying with me, was this just some sick cat and mouse game? It was in front of me again and this time It was looking at my leg As you can tell from this factual account, I am not a man to let emotional flights of fancy cloud my judgement, but right at that moment, I have to tell you, I was wishing I had not worn baggy legged shorts I was thinking of all the tight shorts, and even long pants, I had sitting at home Oh, why had I not just gone for a less revealing Autumn outfit?

I had seen how fast this thing was There seemed no way that I could grab both sides of my shorts and keep this nimble treetop explorer from going for the high ground If it thought there might be nuts up there I was pretty much defenceless, and we both knew it Sure enough, a split second later it dipped a shoulder, sent me the wrong way and shot up my left leg I’m pretty sure it only took a split second for that varment to go from ground to shin and on up to my shorts, but it was plenty of time for me to consider the many ways this scenario could play out

Time was limited, so my well trained mind only went through the worst possible outcomes That was one of the longest split seconds of my life And then it was over I felt his little claws head up my thigh and over the leg of my shorts and on up my shirt and onto my shoulder If you had asked me how I might feel having a wild squirrel run up and perch on my shoul der, (I could feel its breath on my neck), I would not have imagined that relief would have been the main emotion, but there it was

A few seconds later, as I called to the boy at the trampoline to come and see my new friend the squir rel, and the boy showed no interest at all, the squir rel scurried down my back and headed off round the side of the house, never to be seen again At least not today, by me.

P.S. On relaying this tale to the householder, and assuring her that I had kept my body between the squirrel and her son at all times, she calmly said, Oh, was that Arthur? She wasn’t asking me, of course. She was asking her son. He wasn’t sure, it might have been. Probably Arthur, although some of the neighbours call him Gus!

Some locals had fed the little guy or girl when it came around, so it was pretty friendly. She had to shoo him out of the house sometimes. Well that may be the locals’ cuddly, child friendly version of the story, but now we have all read the truth of what happened that day.

So remember: Have fun, be nice and watch out for squirrels!

A12 • bowenislandundercurrent com Thursday, September 29, 2022

Tired of the virtual vibe when it comes to getting your training miles in? Or perhaps you want to work off a bit of barbecue bulge (formerly Molson mus cle) that inadvertently got added on over the summer

The Bowen Runs Training Clinic is designed to get you off and running with the goal of getting in shape for a 10 km road race/fun run or building a base for something longer.

The goal of this 12 week clinic is to build your strength, fitness and running form gradually, consistently and in stag es while remaining injury free. The focus is on running times rather than distance and pace and several weeks involve active recovery and cross training

The clinic is geared towards run ners/walkers at three different levels (Introduction to the 10 km; 10 km run; and 10 km plus run) Each level will be led by experienced clinic leaders (your tireless Run Leadership Squad) each with many years of experience leading simi

lar run/walk clinics on Bowen Island for Bowen Islanders

Our program is based on successful programs that have been used in many other clinics worldwide We can almost guarantee, that if you stick with our pro gram and follow the guidance of the lead ers you will successfully complete the program and have a great time while doing it!

At the outset, registered Bowen Runs Training Clinicians will receive a training schedule geared to their level and each week (starting October 1) we will meet on Saturday at 8:30 am for our weekly group workout at BICS

Saturday sessions will include tips for warm ups and stretching as well as guid ance on running form and training The rest of the week you are on your own but you can always reach out for the support of your leaders at any time for additional guidance

Run clinic leaders include: Phil Osborne, Amanda Ockeloen, Stephen Edwards and Zarah Hofer

Sign up via the Bowen Island Recreation Site at https://www bowencommuni tyrecreation com/index html



Meadowbrook Corner Farm ~ 1125 Gafton Road

12 noon Cider House Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting 12 4 pm Cider Tasting Room & Picnic Area Open, Apple Information & Displays, Kids’Activities, 11 am Meadowbrook Market Open for Lunch

12:30 Apple Pressing Demonstration

1:00 pm Apple Pie Contest & Kids’ Contests (Kids largest maple leaf & largest apple)

2:00 pm Guided Orchard Tour

3:00 pm - Apple Pressing Demonstration


Meadowbrook Corner Farm ~ 1125 Gafton Road

10 am until sold out Danish Aebleskiver (Pancake) Breakfast 11:00 - 6pm Cider Tasting Room & Picnic Area Open, Apple Display 3:00 pm - Guided Orchard Tour

Riley’s Cidery ~ 620 Laura Road

12 pm Cider Tasting Room & Picnic Area Open, Introduction of their New Fall Cider 2:00 pm GUIDED ORCHARD TOUR

Bowen Cider

vet school in Budapest


working as a tech at Bowen vet



thrilled to now start working as a

under Dr. Midge’s mentorship,

continues the process of obtaining her


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Authorized by Judith Gedye, candidate • A13Thursday, September 29, 2022
Bowen Runs Training Clinic – Brought to you by Bowen Rec Center and your tireless Run Leadership Squad A bit of elevation, thanks to Hikers Trail, allowed for a nice view of downtown Vancouver, and Mount Baker, last Saturday / Alex Kurial photo THERESA After graduating
in 2020,
and has learned
She is
while she
Canadian license. She looks
to seeing the lovely pets of
and cannot
start this new chapter! Person oftheWeek REGULAR HOURS MondaytoThursday9 5 Friday9 1 ClosedSaturdayandSunday Toscheduleappointments,pleasecall 604.947.9247
for BIM council and Islands Trust, Cider Makers HARVEST DINNER SAT OCT 1st at


Tim Wake (Council/Islands Trust): We’ve heard a lot tonight about being green, protecting the envi ronment, having lower impact I think we ’ re probably doing a good job on that I think there’s a lot more we can do, I think the whole notion of us actually being a leader, people actually coming to Bowen to learn more about what they can be doing in their own communi ties, I think that’s really worth pursuing What I didn’t hear enough about is what we ’ re going to do to pro tect and preserve and ensure that we have a complete community In order to do that, we need to be able to house people more affordably, especially young people and young families And we need more people who are actually living and working on the island I get it, we don’t want too much growth, we don’t want too much development But we have to develop some solutions that are going to keep the balance of our

community healthy and happy here

Alison Morse (Council): I look at our role of gov ernment as stewardship and looking after the assets that we ’ ve got Bowen has three kinds of assets: built infrastructure, our natural capital, and the people Housing and having people living and working here on the island is very important And we have to do it all with fiscal responsibility in mind You have to plan, you can’t do everything all at once You need measured progress.

Robin Burger (Council): What I didn’t hear a lot about this evening is housing affordability, which is a big focus of why I’m running. For me and many com munities in the Lower Mainland that’s a big topic, if not number one on just about everybody running for municipal government’s main topic and concern Effective municipal decision making and community

In-person events ramp up with election just over two weeks away BUILDING EXCITEMENT AT CAPILANO UNIVERSITY

consultation processes are a key component to the next term of municipal office on Bowen Without compre hensive plans on community engagement and input, much of our future municipal leadership decisions are at risk In terms of municipal provision of hous ing, we need to be realistic on what would work based on community need, and community driven efforts Inadequate housing supply on Bowen is an indication of what else is not going well within our communi ty. Access to funding, construction costs, the current issues with the housing market in the broader com munity, creates big challenges for developing housing projects here. It’s a complex issue needing on Bowen efforts, and there’s no simple answers. I’d like every body to think of that when they’re voting

Note: Gale Lyttle and Nicole Thomas Zyczynski, both running for council, were unable to attend

Big things are happening at CapU! We’re looking ahead to future generations to co create a distinct university experience one that works for learners, employees and the communities we serve.

With several capital projects underway, the next few years will be transformative for CapU: a new Centre for Childhood Studies, on site student housing, critical renovation projects and our Campus Master Plan initiatives are all in the works.

Learn more about the CapU Campus Master Plan and capital projects at:


A14 • Thursday, September 29, 2022


Construction starts soon on Western Canada’s only degree granting, purpose designed integrated Centre for Childhood Studies, research and lab school education

“As a leader in early childhood education, CapU is pleased to introduce plans for the Centre for Childhood Studies The Centre will serve as an innovative teaching and learning space that reimagines how we prepare future educators to meet the needs of 21st century children.”


Inspired by nature and honouring the spirit of the surrounding forest and mountains, the CapU Campus Master Plan lays out a shared vision for the future of the main campus, which will provide life enhancing learning experiences in diverse and inclusive environments

“We’re excited about the next steps for our campus: being innovative in the use of our land, maximizing the use of our existing facilities, making better use of our outdoor spaces and integrating more with the North Shore community.”


Six stories, 362 beds, a dining hall, laundry facilities, study areas, lounge space, a kitchen on each floor and more. Construction starts in 2023

“Offering on campus student housing marks a major step forward for CapU. Creating this opportunity for learners to live where they study will bring a pivotal revitalization to our main campus, reduce housing barriers and enhance the experience for student residents.”


CapU serves the communities of Metro Vancouver, the Sunshine Coast and the Sea to Sky Corridor

CapU also offers courses in partnership with the Lílwat Nation at the Tszil Learning Centre in Mt Currie

Find out how you can be a part of the excitement, support student success and invest in the future of Capilano University.




PUBLICNOTICEisgiventotheelectorsofBowenIslandMunicipality thatanelectionbyvotingisnecessarytoelectaMayor(1),Councillors (6),andMunicipalTrustees(2)fortheIslandsTrustCouncil,andthat thepersonsnominatedascandidatesandforwhomvoteswillbe receivedare:


Surname Givenname Address

LEONARD Andrew 949SpyglassRoad,BowenIsland.

NICHOLSON Maureen 855TaylorRoad,BowenIsland.

TURNER John 160BannisterRoad,BowenIsland.

COUNCILLOR Six(6)tobeelected

Surname Givenname Address

BURGER Robin #3-983DaviesRoad,BowenIsland.

FAST SueEllen 504ReedRoad,BowenIsland.

GEDYE Judith BowenIsland(Residentialaddressremovedat requestofcandidate)

JURGENSEN Alex 1062MillerRoad,BowenIsland.

LYTTLE Gale 1508WilliamsRoad,BowenIsland.

MACDONALD Craig 1675WhiteSailsDrive,BowenIsland.

MORSE Alison 1235FairweatherRoad,BowenIsland.

SAUNDERS John 965CaptainCatesWalk,BowenIsland.

THOMAS-ZYCZYNSKI Nicole 663TaylorRoad,BowenIsland.

WAKE Tim 961SeaviewPlace,BowenIsland.

WIEFELSPUETT Richard #603-91ChapelStreet,Nanaimo


Surname Givenname Address

FAST SueEllen 504ReedRoad,BowenIsland.

GEDYE Judith BowenIsland(Residentialaddressremovedat requestofcandidate)

LYTTLE Gale 1508WilliamsRoad,BowenIsland. NICHOLSON Maureen 855TaylorRoad,BowenIsland.

WAKE Tim 961SeaviewPlace,BowenIsland.

Note:IslandsTrustMunicipalTrusteesareselectedbyhavingreceivedthe highestandsecondhighestnumberofvotesforIslandsTrustMunicipal TrusteeandwhoareelectedtoCouncil.

SCHOOLTRUSTEEELECTIONS,TheSchoolDistrict#45TrusteeElectionis administeredbytheDistrictofWestVancouver ForinformationonSchool TrusteeCandidates, general/candidate-profiles/school-board



GENERALVOTINGwillbeopentoqualifiedelectorsofBowenIsland Municipalityon:


betweenthehoursof8:00AMand8:00PM atBowenIslandCommunitySchool,1041Mt GardnerRoad,BowenIsland

ADVANCEDVOTINGwillbeopentoqualifiedelectorsofBowenIsland Municipalityon:


betweenthehoursof8:00AMand8:00PM atBowenIslandMunicipalHall,981ArtisanLane,BowenIsland

MAILBALLOTVOTINGwillbeavailabletoallqualifiedelectors.Mailballot packageswillbemadeavailableassoonaspracticalaftertheballotsare received(onoraboutSeptember26th).Tospeedupprocessingtimes, submitanApplicationtoVotebyMailBallotearly Applicationsareavailable ontheBIMwebsiteandatMunicipalHallduringregularbusinesshours.

MailballotpackageswillnotbemailedafterFriday,October7th.Electors mayrequestamailballotpackageforpick upatMunicipalHallupuntil Friday,October14that4:30PM.

Itisthesoleresponsibilityoftheelectortoreturnthecompletedmailballot packagetotheChiefElectionOfficerorElectionOfficialbeforethecloseof voting,Saturday,October15that8:00PM.


Ifyouarenotonthelistofelectors,youmayregisteratthetimeofvotingby completingtherequiredapplicationformavailableatthevotingplaceorin advanceofvotingatMunicipalHall Toregisteryoumustmeetthefollowing qualifications:

• 18yearsofageorolderongeneralvotingday

• Canadiancitizen

• residentofBCforatleast6monthsimmediatelyprecedingthedayof registration

• registeredownerofrealpropertywithinBowenIslandMunicipalityfor atleast30daysimmediatelyprecedingthedayofregistration(Non ResidentPropertyElectorsonly),and

• notdisqualifiedundertheLocalGovernmentActoranyotherenactment fromvotinginanelectionorotherwisedisqualifiedbylaw

Toregisterinadvance,residentandnon residentpropertyelectorsmust completetherequiredvoterregistrationform.FormsareavailableontheBIM websiteandatMunicipalHallduringregularbusinesshours

Toregisteratthevotingplace,residentelectorsmustproduce2pieces ofidentification(atleastonewithasignature).Pictureidentificationisnot necessary Theidentificationmustprovebothresidencyandidentity

Toregisteratthevotingplace,non residentpropertyelectorsmust produce2piecesofidentification(atleastonewithasignature)toprove identity,proofthattheyareentitledtoregisterinrelationtotheproperty, and,ifthereismorethanoneowneroftheproperty,writtenconsentfrom themajorityofotherpropertyowners

HopeDallas,ChiefElectionOfficer Phone:604 947 4255 Email:Election2022@bimbcca election

A16 • Thursday, September 29, 2022


Thursday, September 29

TAG (Thurs Art Group)

9:30 to 11:30 am, meets every Thursday at Collins Hall Find like minded Artists & Creatives We paint, draw & sketch in all mediums Plus, periodically have workshops On Sept 29th Grace Wong will be demonstrating Flow Paints. Then in October we are planning Live Model or a Collage Workshop.

Thursday, September 29

Film showing of Indian Horse at the Bowen Island Library

6:30 pm. An adaptation of Ojibway writer Richard Wagamese’s award-winning novel, this moving and import ant drama sheds light on the dark history of Canada’s Indigenous Residential Schools and the indomitable spirit of aboriginal people

Rated14A DropinandlearnthroughstorywithusthisNational Day for Truth & Reconciliation

Thursday, September 29

Candidate Speed Dating

Meet the candidates at the Bowen Island Pub for a casual night of discussion on the issues that matter most to Bowen Islanders

From 5 to 7 pm

Friday, September 30

Pat Buchanan 50th anniversary

We will be celebrating Pat’s 50th anniversary with the Building Centre We will be having eats from 11:30 am to 2 pm More infor mation in our story on Page 11

October 1 2

Apple Harvest Festival Weekend

Events at Bowen Cider House and Riley’s Cidery


Meadowbrook Corner Farm ~ 1125 Gafton Road

12 noon Bowen Cider House Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting by Uno Langmann & Mayor Gary Anders

12 4 pm Bowen Cider House Tasting Room & Picnic Area

Open, Apple Information & Displays, Childrens ’Activities (

Thanksgiving Maple Leaf Garland Making & Apple Hole Toss)

12:30 pm Apple Pressing Demonstration Bowen Islanders are welcome to bring their apples for the crush. Bowen Cider House will purchase apples and include them in their new community cider.

1:00 pm Apple Pie Contest, judged by Mayor Gary Anders, Dylan Ricci, Chef of Meadowbrook Citizen of the Year Basia

LieskeandSarahHaxbyfrom BowenIslandHeritagePreservation Association and the head of Bowens’ Davies Orchard Applefest Childrens’Contests LargestMapleLeaf&LargestApplegrown on Bowen Island

2:00 pm Guided Apple Orchard Tours

3:00 pm Apple Pressing Demonstration

6:00 pm Cider Makers Long Table Harvest Dinner. The menu was created by Jody Peck, and will be prepared by Bowen cooks Jody Peck, Erik Miller and Park Heffelfinger

Featuring: Charcoal roasted pig, braised Meadowbrook Farm lamb, local produce supplied by Home Farm Gardens & Meadowbrook Farm all paired with cider provided by Ali Johnstone from Bowen Cider House and Christine Hardie from Riley’s Cidery The barn will all be set up and decorated by Bowen Event Rentals Tickets $125 please email:boweneventrentals@ gmail com


Meadowbrook Corner Farm 1125 Gafton Road

10 am until sold out A Danish Aebleskiver (Pancake) Breakfast

11:00 6pm Bowen Cider House Tasting Room & Picnic Area Open and there will be Apple Information & Displays in the barn

3:00 pm Guided Apple Orchard Tour

RILEY’S CIDERY ~ 620 Laura Road

12 pm Riley’s Cidery Tasting Room & Picnic Area Open will be open and the cider will be Introducing a new fall cider

2:00 pm Guided Apple Orchard Tours of the Rileys’ Orchard Sunday, October 2

Undercurrent All Candidates Forum

At Bowen Island Community School Doors open at 3 pm, event begins at 3:30 pm Please see Page 9 for more info Wednesday, October 5

Advanced Voting Day for Municipal Election

Voting takes place from 8 am to 8 pm at Municipal Hall. Friday, October 7

Storytime at the Library Annex

A free drop in program of stories and songs for 2 4 year olds and their caregivers! Fridays at 10:30 am Bowen Library Annex until Dec 9 (no Storytimes on Sept 30 & Nov 11 statutory holi days) Find out about current COVID 19 Health Orders and how they apply to library programs

Saturday, October 8


Tunstall Bay Club Association Candidate Event

4:30 6 pm @ Tunstall Bay Clubhouse. An informal meet and greet with some of the candidates, for Tunstall Bay Club members and their guests

Saturday, October 15

Bowen Island Municipal Election

Voting takes place from 8 am to 8 pm at Bowen Island Community School

Sunday, October 16

Shari Ulrich’s ‘Trust Me’ Series

Canadian Folk Award winning musicians Pierre Schryer and Adam Dobres perform at Tir na nOg Show starts at 7:30 pm Tickets available at Phoenix Books and eventbrite ca

Thursday, October 27

Community Workshop

Community School Association will also be offering a special workshop for our community featuring Jesse Miller, from Mediated Realitywhowillpresentatalkaboutsocialmedialiteracyanddigital trends from 5:30 7:00 pm at BICS More details about registration (free event) and childcare will come later this week

Saturday, October 29

Monsoon Madness Mudder at Island Pacific School

Get muddy at the IPS annual fundraiser event

Weekend Update

Nectar Yoga on the Pier (beside the ferry)

10:15 am $15, pre register at nectaryoga ca

Drop-in space may be available.

Bowen Island Farmers Market

Bowen Island Community School 10 am to Noon every Saturday.


Yoga at Collins Hall

Tuesdays from 1 pm to 2 pm All levels of experience welcome Chair to Standing $15 drop in

Email jackie minns@gmail com or call 604 220 9092

Tuesday, October 4, 11, 18

Open Format Painting Class

9:30 to 11:30 Join Marie Neys (at the studio) and 5 other students Marie will help you develop paintings, skills, and more Register online at or contact Marie@ (only pay for the classes you can attend previous acrylic painting experience is appreciated).

Thursdays, October 6, 13

Paint a Bowen Sunset 9:30 to 11:30 Join Marie Neys for a Beginner Level Adult Class to discover the Joy of Painting Sunsets and how to paint back lit scenes effectively. Register online at or contact


5:20 am except Sundays 6:20 am 7:30 am 8:35 am 9:35 am 10:40 am 12:05 pm 1:15 pm 2:40 pm 4:00 pm except Wednesdays 5:10 pm 6:15 pm 7:20 pm - except Saturdays 8:50 pm 9:50 pm 10:50 pm


5:50 am 6:50 am 8:00 am 9:05 am except Wednesdays 10:10 am 11:15 am 12:40 pm 1:55 pm 3:30 pm except Oct 3 it's 3:20 4:40 pm 5:45 pm 6:50 pm 7:50 pm except Saturdays 9:20 pm 10:20 pm

Note: Schedules subject to change without notice

Please check BCFERRIES COM

Schedule changes on statutory holidays

Places of Worship WelcomeYou CATES HILL CHAPEL 604 947 4260 (661 Carter Rd ) ST. GERARD’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH BOWEN ISLAND UNITED CHURCH FOOD BANK DROP-OFF Sunday Mass at 9.30 Contact Angela Powell 604 947-2515 SHIRAT HAYAM (Song of the Sea) BOWEN’S JEWISH COMMUNITY Shabbat Gatherings ~ Holidays Contact Sunday Worship 10:30 am Rev Lorraine Ashdown | 1122 Miller Road Sunday Worship 10:00 Services offered in-person or online via Zoom. Link available on website. Rev Phil Adkins 778 688 2061
of Capilano Ferry Schedule September 6 - October 10 • A17Thursday, September 29, 2022
A18 • Thursday, September 29, 2022 HEALTH & WELLNESS To advertise here please call 604 947 2442 email BOWEN ISLAND WELLNESS CENTRE 604 947 9755 at the entrance to Artisan Square Suite 597 Book online at Birch Wellness BOWEN ISLAND SUDOKUBC WIDE CLASSIFIEDS follow us on @BowUndercurrent follow us on @BowUndercurrent ANSWERS PUZZLE TODAY'S growing network! oin e conversationat o n our growing network! Jointhe conversationat Wanted GOLD SILVER & PLATINUM BUYERS purchas ng a l gold & s ver bull on, jewelry, co ns, nuggets, dust, scrap, pre 1968 coins bu k s lver sterl ng +++ Numismat st pur chas ng ent re co n co lec t ons & accumu ations, Roya Canad an Mint co ns wor d co lections o d $$$ +++ 250 864 3521 MARKETPLACE Call or email to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-362-0586 • 604-653-7851 Your Community • A19Thursday, September 29, 2022 604 987 7663 BOWENISLAND ROOFING ROOFING&REPAIRS Trade ticket certified #00012 RO 96 BOWEN HOME SERVICES love the life you live All candidates meeting Oct 2nd 3:30 6pm Bowen Island School Gym see you there! BOWEN ISLAND SPECIALISTS! QUALITY SERVICE GUARANTEED! Keep Calm and Call Econo 604.980.3333 991 West First Street, North Vancouver, BC wwweconomovingandstorage com WWW WHITEHART CA ADDRESS 302-566 ARTISAN LANE BOWEN ISLAND BC PHONE 1 (778) 999-3434 BUILT GREEN BC BUILDER NEW CONSTRUCTION RENOVATIONS RESTORATION ADDITIONS SECONDARY STRUCTURES UNIQUE OUTDOOR SPACES SUB CONTRACT WORK CONTACT US FOR A FREE QUOTATION Window Blinds On Bowen 778-995-1902 Landscape Lighting Irrigation Seascape Bruce Culver Office: 604-947-9686 Cell: 604-329-3045 Tim Rhodes REALTOR® 604.341.9488 RHODES ON BOWEN REAL ESTATE MARKETING going that extra mile RoBII I&I TOWING HAULING LTD Vehicles • Construction Equipment Sea-Can Containers • Tiny Homes Bowen Island • Greater Vancouver Vancouver Island • Sunshine Coast Michael Bingham • 604 947 1717 THANK YOU FOR RECYCLING THIS NEWSPAPER.
A20 • bowenislandundercurrent com Thursday, September 29, 2022 STORE HOURS: MON-FRIDAY 9am-730pm* SAT&SUNDAY 9am-630pm* *may change for holidays KITCHENCAFÉ HOURS: MON-FRIDAY 8am to 3pm* Visit us at 511 Sunset *may change for holidays STORE CAFÉ HOURS: OPEN EVERYDAY! 9am-4pm* *may change for holidays SIGN UP HERE FOR RUDDY REWARDS! FOR EVERY DOLLAR YOU SPEND AT THE RUDDY EARN A RUDDY REWARD POINT!* Redeem 100 points to receive $2 off your grocery purchase! Enjoy membership savings and benefits all year! Drop off your completed form to start earning points today! Opt out anytime! *Not applicable to sale items. BE THE FIRST TO KNOW WHEN CHRISTMAS TREES & FRESH KRAUSE STRAWBERRIES ARRIVE AT THE RUDDY! YES! I'd like to receive information about weekly flyer specials, store updates and seasonal offerings I understand that I can withdraw consent at any time by contacting Personal info will remain confidential and will not be shared Your Information: FIRST NAME: LAST NAME: EMAIL ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: MAILIINGADDRESS: Please sign me up! A FULL-TIME PRODUCTION COOK AND A CAFE MANAGER ATTHE RUDDY KITCHEN *Staff Accommodation Available *Great Store Discounts *Healthcare Spending Account! Aswell as theopportunity to beapartofagrowing teamwith convenient week-dayhours! To apply please email: or pop by The Ruddy Kitchen forachat. O U R F A L L H O U R S THANKSGIVING IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER! RESERVE YOUR LOCAL TURKEY FROM JD FARMS TODAY SO YOU DON'T MISS OUT!!! SEE STORE FOR DETAILS. THE RUDDY KITCHEN IS GROWING! We are currently looking for:

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